Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 400 x 270 mm; black ink stamp “5306” to reverse. Top centre: "FAMILLE IMPÉRIALE", right: "62."; below centre: "Fabrique d'Images de GANGEL et P. DIDION, à Metz."; right: "Déposé." Publisher/printer: Gangel et P. Didion (Metz); Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879). Characters: Napoleon III [Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873) Eugénie de Montijo [L'impératrice Eugénie] (Spanish-French, 1826 – 1920) Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte] (French, 1856 – 1879) Napoléon II [Napoléon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte] (French, 1811 – 1832) Napoléon Ier [Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1769 – 1821)
Watercolour on laid paper watermarked “HOLLAND”, 255 x 324 mm, number “10” ms pencil in the upper left corner, remnants of hinges to verso; unsigned. Attributed to Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
Title: LES BEAUX LIVRES | — | LE SOPHA | de | CRÉBILLON FILS |{vignette}| ILLUSTRATIONS DE CARLÈGLE | — | Éditions Mornay | au 8 de la rue de l’Arrivée, Paris | 1933 || Series: Les beaux livres Binding: Original pictorial wrappers, margins untrimmed, uncut; printed on BFK Rives paper (watermark); the number of copy blacked out. Justification of the print run on p. [329].Pagination: [1-8] 9-326 [327-331], ill., woodcuts in text. Size: 20.2 x 15.5 cm
Title page: ACROSS THE RIVER | AND | INTO THE TREES | BY | ERNEST HEMINGWAY | CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS | NEW YORK | 1950 || Pagination: [12] 1-308; total 160 leaves. Binding: black cloth, gilt Hemingway's fac-simile to front board, lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket designed by A. Ivancich; $3.00 price clipped from top of front flap. Bookplate of Feodor Rojankovsky to front pastedown. Size: 21.5 x 15 cm. Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing; DJ with yellow on spine (later copies have orange); letter “A” and the Scribner’s device to copyright page. Provenance: Rojankovsky, Feodor [Rojan; Рожанковский, Фёдор Степанович] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970) Contributors: Ernest Hemingway (American, 1899 – 1961) – author. Adriana Ivancich (Italian, 1930 – 1983) – artist of the dust jacket (Ivancich inspired the figure of Renata in the novel). Charles Scribner's Sons – publisher.
Title page (black lettering, gold elements of design): PIERRE ARETIN | LA PUTAIN | ERRANTE | DIALOGUE DE | MADELINE ET JULIE | {woodcut vignette} | PARIS — MCMXXX || Pagination: Red and gilt faux-marbled slipcase (19.5 x 15.5 cm), similar folder (18.7 x 15.1 cm), cream wove paper wrapper (18.5 x 14.7 cm) with gilt lettering “LA PUTAIN | ERRANTE”, with loosely inserted leaves printed on Japanese "mother-of-pearl" paper (japon nacré): [4] – blanks, [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, 1-62, [2] – colophon / blank [4 blanks], gilt woodcut to p. 1; 76 pages total, plus 12 hand-coloured etchings (17.2 x 14.7 cm) by André Collot, extraneous to collation. Collation: 4to; π4, 1-84 χ2, 38 leaves total. Edition: 1st edition, limited to 150 copies, this is copy № 000009 (stamped in black ink). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): № 2275, p. 333; Honesterotica. Contributors: Pietro Aretino (Italian, 1492 – 1556) – author (attributed). André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.
Title-page (in red and black): Keramic art of Japan, | BY | GEORGE A. AUDSLEY | AND | JAMES L. BOWES. | LONDON: HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., | 36 PICADILLY; 136, STRAND; 77 & 78, QUEEN STREET, CITY. | MANCHESTER: 49, CROSS STREET. | MDCCCLXXXI. || Description: 28.5 x 19.5 cm, publisher’s red cloth, bevelled boards, gilt lettering and tooling on front cover and spine, AEG, disbound. 304 p., 10 pl., 32 chromo-lithographed plates. This is the 2nd edition of the 1875 folio edition by the same publisher.. Contents: Introductory essay on Japanese art: p. 1-107; Keramic art of Japan: p. 108-260; Marks and monograms: p. 261-287, Index: p. 288-304. Contributors: George Ashdown Audsley (American, 1838 – 1925) – author. James Lord Bowes (British, 1834 – 1899) – author.
Description: one volume 28.5 x 23 cm in publisher’s French flapped wrappers, with lettering to front “Pierre Louÿs”, in glassine dust jacket, in tan cardboard double slipcase 29.7 x 24 cm with ticket “Haeusgen | 8 München 90 | Reinekestrasse 36”; 13 gatherings in-4to (52 leaves), unbound, with 20 drypoint illustrations by Louis Berthomme Saint-André, 15 of them full-page plates, with tissue guards, printed on wove paper watermarked “Lana 15‡90”, unpaginated. Title-page (black and purple): PIERRE LOUŸS | POÉSIES | ÉROTIQUES | ILLUSTRÉES DE VINGT POINTES | SÈCHES PAR ARTISTE | INCONNU | AUX DÉPENS D’UN AMATEUR | CHIHUAHUA ~ MEXIQUE | L’AN I DE LA IVe RÉPUBLIQUE || Limitation (colophon): total print run of 350 copies on Lana paper, of which 20 copies marked A-T with an original drawing, etc. enriched; 30 copies numbered I-XXX, and 300 numbered 1-300. This is copy № 295. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 2231, p. 324; Nordmann-Christie’s (2): № 322, p. 157. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977) – artist.
Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.7 cm, 50 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue # 18 of the sales exhibition on September 20-30, 2021 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-122 [2], ils., some folding. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard Ref.: p. 112-3; image in this collection: [SVJP-0350.2021] Utagawa Toyohiro. Young man arranging flowering iris, c. 1795.
Publisher's flapped portfolio 32.8 x 26.8 cm, gilt-ruled and gilt-lettered quarter faux-parchment waxed paper over brown paper boards with pasted illustration after von Bayros within gilt arabesque frame. Possibly published in Vienna by Heinrich Conrad in 1905 or 1908. The portfolio contains the title page with a vignette and 15 loose wove paper sheets 32 x 26.2 cm of collotype reproductions after drawings by Franz von Bayros. Cover gilt lettering: Choisÿ | le Conin | Erzählungen | am | Toiletten- | tische || Title-page: Erzählungen | am Toilettentische | von | CHOISY LE CONIN | {vignette} || Title-page verso: Inhalt: | 1. Die Tabaksdose | 2. Viola de Gamba | 3. Der Bote | 4. Nicht drängeln, Kinder! | 5. Die blaue Feder | 6. O what a pretty like-place! | 7. Die Sonnenuhr |8. Der Temel der der Cotÿs | 9. Der Fetischist | 10. Jupiter und Europa | 11. Die Witwe | 12. Paroxÿsme-erotique | 13. Der Rivale | 14. Die rote Lehrerin | 15. Tantalus | Nicht im Handel. || Catalogue raisonné: The amorous drawings of the Marquis von Bayros / Part I and II. — NY: Cythera Press, 1968; pp. 95-111 [LIB-2246.2019]
Title-page: CURIOSITÉS | DE L’HISTOIRE | DU VIEUX PARIS | PAR | P. L. JACOB | BIBLIOPHILE | { LES NOMS DES RUES | LES RUES DE CITÉ | LES RUES HONTEUSES AU MOYEN AGE. | PROMENADES DANS LE VIEUX PARIS EN 1834. | PHYSIOLOGIE DU PONT NEUF. | BICÊTRE } | PARIS | ADOLPHE DELAHAYS, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 4-6, RUE VOLTAIRE, 4-6 | – | 1858 || Description: Hardcover, in-16o, 17 x 11 cm, quarter brown morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands, gilt lettering, gilt fleurons, marbled endpapers, original wrappers with red and black lettering within red frame bound in, some pages uncut. Collation: 8vo; π2 14, 2-238 244, total 186 leaves between original wrappers. Pagination: [4] [1] 2-364 [4], total 372 pages. Catalogue raisonné: Vicar: I, 770. Contributors: Printer: Simon Raçon et Comp. (Paris). Author: Paul Lacroix [P. L. Jacob] (French, 1806 – 1884). Publisher: Adolphe Delahays (French, mid-19th century).
Hardcover, 20.7 x 13 cm, paper boards and spine, silver and gilt lettering, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-5] 6-321 [5] [10 advert.], in-text ill., total 336 pages plus 12 (8+4) leaves of plates. 944 entries (1921-1938), plus a list of new books published between 1991 and 2004. Title-page: В. В. Крылов | Е. В. Кичатова | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ACADEMIA» | ЛЮДИ И КНИГИ | 1921 ~ 1938 ~ 1991 | Под общей редакцией | В. А. Попова | ~ | {publisher’s device} | Москва | 2004 || Print run: 2,000 copeis. Contributors: Крылов, Вячеслав Викторович (Russian, 1940 – 2005) Кичатова, Екатерина Вячеславовна (Russian)
Hardcover volume, 20.7 x 13.2 cm, in glossy paper pictorial boards, blurb to back, lettering to spine, pp.: [1-4] 5-221 [3]. Title-page: {meander} {banner: crawn} | ИСТОРИЯ | В РОМАНАХ {meander} | Э. Сю | ТАЙНЫ НАРОДА | {device МИР КНИГИ} {device Литература} | {meander} || Faux-title: {meander} | ТАЙНЫ НАРОДА | История одного семейства | {meander} || Print run: 3,500 copies. Contributors: Eugène Sue [Эжен Сю] (French, 1804 – 1857) – author О. Иванова, О. Григорьева, Л. Белевич – translators. Original:Eugène Sue. Les mystères du peuple ou Histoire d’une famille de prolétaires à travers les âges. — Paris Administration de librairie, 1849-1857 (16 vol.), according to Worldcat 68 editions published between 1850 and 2003.
Paperback brochure, 17.5 x 12.8 cm, in publisher’s wrappers, blue and brown lettering in an architectural frame to front, publisher’s device and price in blue to back; errata slip laid in; pp.: [1-6] 7-76 [4]; collated 8vo: 1-58, total 40 leaves. Title-page (red and black): ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | “ACADEMIA” | КАТАЛОГ ИЗДАНИЙ | 1929—1933 | С ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕМ ПЛАНА | ИЗДАНИЙ НА ТРЕХЛЕТИЕ | 1933—1935 | МОСКВА—ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1932 || Print run: 10,000 copies.
Hardcover volume, 28.6 x 22.4 cm, tan cloth over brown cloth boards, black lettering to spine, blind-stamped lettering in frame to front, in a black pictorial dust jacket, price unclipped; pp.: [1-ix] x-xi [xii blank], [1-4] 5-36 [4], 64 pages with 109 b/w plates, 12 pages with chronology, bibliography, credits; total 128 pp. Title-page: EDWARD HOPPER (in frame)| THE COMPLETE PRINTS | GAIL LEVIN | W • W • NORTON & COMPANY • NEW YORK • LONDON | IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE | WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART || Contributors: Gail Levin (American, b. 1948) – author. Edward Hopper (American, 1882 – 1967) – artist. W. W. Norton & Company (f. 1923) – publisher. Whitney Museum of American Art (NY) – publisher.
Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 366 x 460 mm; black ink stamp “5057” to reverse. Caption cartoon in 2 tiers. Top: OUVERTURE DE 'EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE 1855. CORTÈGE IMPÉRIAL. Captions top to bottom: Garde de Paris. — Les Cent Gardes. — Cuirassier. — Grenadiers. Middle: Voiture de sa Majesté Napoléon III. | Bottom: Grenadier. — Musique des Guides. — Piqueur de l’Empereur. — Gral Anglais — Généraux — Colonel de Cuirassiers | de la Garde — Généraux. Below left: Imprimerie Lith. de Pellerin, à Épinal; right: Propriété de l’Éditeur. Déposé. Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – printer/publisher.
Softcover, 228 x 180 mm, tan French flapped wrappers with red lettering to front[1-4, owner’s glassine dustcover, top edge trimmed, printed on thick wove paper without a watermark; pp.: ffl [1-4 h.t., t.p.] 5-154 [2 blanks] colophon to back ffl recto, plus 12 plates with hand-coloured lithographs, extraneous to collation. Pencil and pigment drawing to h.t. signed “J. D’A” with gift manual inscription “A Monsieur et Madame Chalamel [sic] ce tardif mais sincère souvenir de sympathie”, signed “J et Y D’A.” Etching bookplate to front ffl recto: “EX LIBRIS PIERRE CHALLAMEL | JE FONCE DANS LE BROUILLARD”, signed “J A M” (Jean-Adrien Mercier). The signature J. D’A stands for Jean d’Angers, while Y D’A stands for Jean-Adrien’s wife Yvonne (1902—1999), nicknamed Zizi; they married in 1927. According to J.-P. Dutel, the stated illustrator of this edition, Jean d’Angers is indeed Jean-Adrien Mercier. The text belongs to Gustav Droz and, possibly, Auguste Poulet-Malassis. Limitation: the book was printed for subscribers in 30 copies on Japon Impériale paper (№№ 1-30) and 250 copies on vélin du Marais paper (№№ 31-280). This copy bears № 123 and was presented as a gift by the artist and his wife to Pierre Challamel. Title-page (red and black): POUR SERVIR | A L'HISTOIRE | DE NOS MŒURS | UN ÉTÉ | A LA CAMPAGNE | CORRESPONDANCE DE DEUX JEUNES PARISIENNES | RECUEILLIE PAR UN AUTEUR A LA MODE | MDCCCLXVIII || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2546; honesterotica. Provenance: Pierre Challamel (French, 20th century) Contributors: Gustave Droz (French, 1832 – 1895) – author (presumable). Auguste Poulet-Malassis (French, 1825 – 1878) – author (presumable). Jean-Adrien Mercier (French, 1899 – 1995) – artist. Micro photo of the lithography:
Description: white paper hardcover, lettered to front, 25.8 x 18 cm, in pictorial dust jacket; pagination: [i-vi] vii-xv [xvi] [2] 3-21 [3], errata slip bound in; one folding plate bound in after p.8. Title-page: ВОЙНА | МЫШЕЙ И ЛЯГУШЕК | (БАТРАХОМИОМАХИЯ) | Перевод с древнегреческого, | вводная статья | и комментарии | М. С. АЛЬТМАНА | ACADEMIA | 1936 || Opposite title: АНТИЧНАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | под общей редакцией | Д. А. ГОРБОВА И В. О. НИЛЕНДЕРА | БАТРАХОМИОМАХИЯ | ACADEMIA | Москва – Ленинград || Title verso: ΒΑΤΡΑΧΟΜΥΟΜΑΧΊΑ | Иллюстрация А. И. Порет | Переплет и суперобложка | по ее же рисункам || Print run: 10,300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова № 798, p. 274. Contributors: Альтман, Моисей Семёнович (Russian-Jewish, 1896—1986) – translator, author Порет, Алиса Ивановна (Russian, 1902 – 1984) – artist.
Pagination: [2] – letterpress title / blank, t.p. contents / to readers, [1] 2-368 [4 index], + 6 b/w (one folding) and 28 coloured plates (total 34). Collation: 4to; letterpress title, [A]1 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3B4 3C3. Binding: 25 x 16 cm; gilt-ruled half-calf over marbled boards, flat spine, gilt-ruled compartments, gilt lettering. 5 aquatints by Thomas Rowlandson (British, 1757 – 1827): Table D'Hote; Consulting the Prophet; The Prophet discovering himself and exposing the deception; The Arrival in Paris; Liberality to infirm beggars on leaving Yrvi. References: Martin Hardie (1906), p.310 [LIB-2623.2021]; R. V. Tooley (1935), p. 26 [LIB-2641.2021]; J. R. Abbey (1953), Cat. № 212, p. 167 [LIB-2622.2021].