- Je n’aime pas à voir deux sœurs l’une sur l’autre, L’une étendue, ouvrant ses deux cuisses en l’air, Et l’autre qui s’y plonge et s’y frotte et s’y vautre, Corps à corps, ventre à ventre et leurs cons chair à chair.
- Je n’aime pas à voir la douce concubine Qu’on encule toujours et qui, d’un doigt lascif Se branle le bouton, se tire la barbiche, Pour soulager son cul douloureux et passif
- Je n’aime pas à voir cette Sappho mascule Qui, dans sa chambre, habille une fille en garçon, Lui baisse la culotte et froidement l’encule Avec un godmiché plus gros qu’un saucisson.
- Je n’aime pas à voir la vierge au doigt lubrique Qui, les deux pieds en l’air, masturbe sur le lit Son pucelage en rut, gonflé, couleur de brique, Et décharge en baisant le roman qu’elle lit.
- Je n’aime pas à voir le garçon sur la fille Donner des coups au cul et danser le galop Aux applaudissements de toute la famille Qui dit : « Ça vient, putain ! Fais-la jouir, salop ! »
- Je n’aime pas à voir la princesse de Grèce, Qui, menée au bordel par sa fille d’honneur, Frotte sa bouche obscène au cul de la négresse Et crie en déchargeant : « C’est là qu’est le bonheur ! »
- Je n’aime pas à voir dans un bal de familles Que l’hôtesse dispose une chambre d’ami Et des lits de repos, au gré des jeunes filles, Pour sucer leurs danseurs ou se faire mimi.
NEWFramed pencil and watercolour drawings with 4-line manuscript pen and ink French text under the frame on paper 255 x 175 mm mounted on card stock sheets 290 x 210 mm. Illustrations correspond to the 1st edition of Pierre Louÿs’ « Pybrac / Poésies » published by Cythère Au coq hardi in 1927 [LIB-3061.2022], pp. 25, 37, 64, 69, 85, 86, and 94. Illustrations here are placed in the order they would have appeared in the book.
NEWHardcover, 240 x 192 mm, glossy pictorial boards, lettering to front and spine, pp.: [1-5] 6-171 [172], with 308 plates in colour and b/w. Catalogue of the exhibition held on March 26 – June 1, 1980, at Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg. Title-page: DOKUMENTE DER PHOTOGRAPHIE 1 | FRITZ KEMPE | NICOLA PERSCHEID | ARTHUR BENDA | MADAME D'ORA | Katalog bearbeitet | von Odette M. Appel-Heyne | MUSEUM FUR KUNST UND GEWERBE HAMBURG 1980 || Contributors: Kempe, Fritz (German, 1909 –1988) – author Appel-Heyne, Odette M. – editor Kallmus, Dora [Madame d’Ora] (Austrian-Jewish, 1881 – 1963) – photographer Perscheid, Nicola (German, 1864 – 1930) – photographer Benda, Arthur (German, 1885 – 1969) – photographer
NEWHardcover, 290 x 240 mm, blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, grey endpapers, in a black and white pictorial dust jacket with white lettering, pp.: [1-5] 6-231 [232], with 114 plates. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Neue Galerie, NY, February 20—June 8, 2020. Title-page (white on black): MADAME D'ORA | Edited by Monika Faber | With preface by Ronald S. Lauder, foreword by Renée Price, | and contributions by Katrin Bomhoff Christian Brandstätter, Jean-Marc Dreyfus, | Monica Faber, Esther Ruelfs, Lisa Silverman, and Magdalena Vuković | PRESTEL | MUNICH • LONDON • NEW YORK | photoinstitut | BONARTES / MK&G / MUSEUM FÜR | KUNST UND GEWERBE | HAMBURG || Contributors: Kallmus, Dora [Madame d'Ora] (Austrian-Jewish, 1881 – 1963) – photographer Neue Galerie New York – museum of early twentieth-century German and Austrian art and design. Lauder, Ronald Steven (American-Jewish, b. 1944) – the owner of Neue Galerie.
NEWWatercolour on paper, 205 x 292 mm; fuchsia ink stamp "ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp" to verso, remains of hinges. Untitled. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWWatercolour on paper, 299 x 205 mm, monogrammed "ORSx" under the image; to verso: blue ink Hungarian export mark "KIVITELRE ENGEDELYEZVE O. Sz. M." and fuchsia ink stamp ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp. Untitled. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWWatercolour, pen and ink on paper, 195 x 282 mm; to verso: black ink stamp “Nachlaß O R SCHATZ" and fuchsia ink stamp ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp; traces of mounting and repair. Untitled. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWWatercolour, India ink, pen and ink on card stock, 165 x 174 mm; to verso: black ink stamp “Nachlaß O R SCHATZ" and fuchsia ink stamp ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp; traces of mounting. Untitled. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWWatercolour, pen and black ink on card stock, 179 x 247 mm; pencil inscription to verso "Otto Rudolf Schatz 3233-03", traces of mounting. Untitled. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWWatercolour, pen and ink wash on thick wove paper, 295 x 298 mm, monogrammed in the bottom right corner "ORSx"; pencil inscription to verso "Um 1950 Otto Rudolf Schatz 3233-03"; two margins cut, traces of mounting on top margin. Untitled. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWWatercolour, pen and ink on thick wove paper, 177 x 235 mm; to verso: blue ink stamp “Nachlaß O R SCHATZ" and fuchsia ink stamp ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp; traces of framing along all the margins; traces of framing along the margins; remains of hinges. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWWatercolour, pen and ink on thick wove paper, 180 x 220 mm; to verso: blue ink stamp “PROF O. R. SCHATZ | Wien II, Gr. Mohreng 3b | Tel.: 55 82 566”; fuchsia ink stamp "ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp"; traces of framing along the margins. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWJapanese-style bound oblong horizontal album of 20 colour drawings (watercolour and pencil on paper), 187 x 269 mm, monogrammed on the first page ORS, signed and dated on the last page O. R. SCHATZ | 1954 | x || Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWSoftcover, 328 x 250 mm, green French flapped wrappers, lettered; 22 leaves plus 2 in wrappers, unpaginated, incl. frontispiece (etching), headpiece (lithography), 4 in-text illustrations (1 lithography + 3 etchings), and 5 plates (3 dry points + 1 etching = 1 lithography) by Albert Marquet. Limited edition of 200 copies on Arches Vellum, watermarked, of which this is copy № 144; published by Manuel Bruker on May 16, 1948; lithographs printed by André Clot. Title-page (olive and black): ÉLOGE | DE | ALBERT MARQUET | PAR | LÉON WERTH | ORNÉ | DE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | {publisher’s device} | MANUEL BRUKER ÉDITEUR || Colophon: J'AI ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | CET OUVRAGE LE JOUR DE | LA PENTECOTE 1948 A 200 | EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN | D'ARCHES A LA FORME NU | MÉROTES DE 1 A 200. ON | A JOINT AUX 20 PREMIERS | EXEMPLAIRES UNE SUITE | SUR PAPIER JAPON ANCIEN | ET UNE SUITE DES PLAN | CHES NON UTILISEES. LES | LITHOGRAPHIES ONT ÉTÉ | TIRÉES PAR ANDRÉ CLOT. The day of Pentecost in 1948 was Sunday, May 16. Contributors: Werth, Léon (French, 1878 – 1955) – author Marquet, Albert (French, 1875 – 1947) – artist Bruker, Manuel [Mendel] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1891 – 1979) – publisher Clot, André (French, 1909 – 2002) – printer
NEWHardcover, 208 x 135 mm, quarter blue cloth over pictorial cardboard, gilt elements and lettering to spine, collated 8vo: 1-218 χ2, i.e. 170 leaves, pp.: [1-4] 5-336 [4]. Title-page (blue and black): В. Гауф | {vignette} | Сказки | {vignette} | ИВАНОВСКОЕ КНИЖНОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО – 1959 || Contents: КАРАВАН. Перевод Н. Г. Касаткиной Рассказ о калифе аисте Рассказ о корабле приведений Рассказ об отрубленной руке Спасение Фатимы Рассказ о Маленьком Муке Сказка о мнимом принце АЛЕКСАНДРИЙСКИЙ ШЕЙХ И ЕГО НЕВОЛЬНИКИ. Перевод И. С. Татариновой Карлик Нос Обезьяна в роли человека История Альмансора ХАРЧЕВНЯ В ШПЕССАРТЕ. Перевод М. А. Полиевктовой Рассказ о гульдене с изображением оленя Холодное сердце. Часть первая. Приключения Саида Стинфольская пещера. Шотландское предание Холодное сердце. Часть вторая. Contributors: Wilhelm Hauff [Вильгельм Гауф] (German, 1802 – 1827) – author. Касаткина, Наталья Григорьевна (Russian, 1902 – 1985) – translator Татаринова, Ирина Сергеевна (Russian, 1895 – 1978) – translator Полиевктова, Мария Александровна (Russian, 1892 – 1982) – translator
NEWHardcover, 330 x 255 mm, marble paper, two labels of black calf with gilt lettering to spine, 2 blank leaves at front and 2 at back (laid paper), two leaves of lithographic vignettes (t.p. and limitation), plus 20 lithographic plates signed “am”, unpaginated. Limited edition of 25 copies on Japon Impérial paper №№ 1-25, 300 copies on Vélin d’Arches №№ 26-325, of which this is copy № 206. Stones sanded. A poem by Verlaine at p. 2 recto. Title-page: L'Académie | DES | Dames | VINGT ATTITUDES PAR | ALBERT MARQUET | {vignette} | NEW YORK | SIXTY-NINTH AVENUE || Imprint: ÉDITION PRIVÉE | EXEMPLAIRE NUMERO 206 Limitation: JUSTIFICATION DU TIRAGE | IL A ÉTÉ TIRÉ DE CET OUVRAGE | VINGT-CINQ EXEMPLAIRES SUR JAPON IMPÉRIAL | NUMÉROTÉS DE 1 à 25 | ET TROIS CENTS EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN D'ARCHES | NUMÉROTÉS DE 26 à 325 | PIERRES BIFFÉES || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 949; Nordmann I № 255. Provenance: From the collection of Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Frankfurt. Contributors: Albert Marquet (French, 1875 – 1947) Verlaine, Paul (French, 1844 – 1896) One additional lithographic plate by Marquet from a different source but on a similar subject is laid in.
NEWHardcover, 175 x 125 mm, red cloth, blind/gilt floral design to front, same and gilt lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers, collated 8vo: 1-228 232, i.e. 178 leaves, pp.: [1-6] 7-354 [2], plus 12 b/w photomechanical plates, extraneous to collations; faux-title, initials, tail-pieces, and dust jacket engraved after Sarra Shor. Missing dust jacket. Title-page (red and black): ПОДЖО | БРАЧЧОЛИНИ | ФАЦЕТИИ | {fleuron} | ПЕРЕВОД С ЛАТИНСКОГО, | КОММЕНТАРИЙ | И | ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНЫЯ СТАТЬЯ | А. К. ДЖИВЕЛЕГОВА | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ | А. В. ЛУНАЧАРСКОГО (post-mortem frame) | ACADEMIA | MCMXXXIV || Opposite t.p. (red and black): ИТАЛЬЯНСКАЯ | ЛИТЕРАТУРА | ПОД ОБЩЕЙ РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | А. К. ДЖИВЕЛЕГОВА | {vignette} | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА-ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso (imprint) : Poggius Florentinus | Facctiarum liber | Инициалы, рисунки, титул, форзац, | переплет и супер-обложка | Сарры Шор || Printer: Красный пролетарий (М). Print run: 5,300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 614, p. 244. Contributors: Браччолини, Поджо – Bracciolini, Poggio (Italian, 1380 – 1459) – author Дживелегов, Алексей Карпович (Russian-Armenian, 1875 – 1952) – translator/editor Луначарский, Анатолий Васильевич (Russian, 1875 – 1933) – foreword Шор, Сарра Марковна (Soviet-Jewish, 1897 – 1981) – artist
NEWHardcover, 253 x 190 mm, pink cloth, gilt monogram inside gilt-ruled borders, fleurons in corners, pictorial endpapers, collated 8vo: 1-118, i.e. 88 leaves, pp.: [1-7] 8-171 [5], plus 20 lithographic plates by Vladimir Konashevich, incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collations; pictorial dust jacket. Engraved title in red and black: Аббат | Прево | — | Манон | Леско | — | С РИСУНКАМИ | Вл. Конашевича | ПЕРЕВОД | М. А. Петровского | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ | А. К. Виноградова | Academia | Москва-Ленинград | 1932 || Engraved half-title in red and black: СОКРОВИЩА | МИРОВОЙ | ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | Аббат | Прево | — | Манон | Леско | ▤ | Academia | Москва-Ленинград | 1932 || Title verso (imprint, red and black) : Antoine François | Prévost d'Exiles | MANON | LESCAUT | Lithographies | de V. Konachevitch || Printer : Типография им. Ивана Федорова (Л). Print run: 5,250 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 505, p. 226. Contributors: Прево, Антуан Франсуа [Аббат Прево] Antoine François Prévost [l’abbé Prévost] (French, 1697 – 1763) Петровский, Михаил Александрович (Russian, 1887 – 1937) – translator Виноградов, Анатолий Корнелиевич (Russian, 1888 – 1946) – preface Конашевич, Владимир Михайлович [Konashevich, Vladimir] (Russian, 1888 – 1963) – artist Рерберг, Иван Фёдорович (Russian, 1892 – 1957) – artist/binding
NEWHardcover, 245 x 180 mm, olive cloth with an embossed vignette in centre and fleurons in corners to front, lettering to spine, cream dust jacket with lettering and vignettes; collated 8vo: 1-268 +1 278 χ3, i.e. 220 leaves, pp.: [1-6] 7-434 [6] plus frontispiece portrait and five engravings (all collotype reproductions) extraneous to collation, all in the second section «Безумный день, или женитьба Фигаро». Five original illustrations after Jacques Philippe Joseph de Saint-Quentin were executed by Louis Michel Halbou, Jean-Baptiste Liénard, and Charles-Louis Lingée, printed by Société littéraire typographique de Kehl, and published by Nicolas Ruault in 1785 (Cohen 125). The frontispiece portrait of Beaumarchais is a collotype reproduction from an etching by Augustin de Saint-Aubin after Charles-Nicolas Cochin, executed in 1773; it was not included in the Kehl edition but taken from Mémoires de M. Caron de Beaumarchais published in 1774. Title-page (red and black): БОМАРШЕ | ТРИЛОГИЯ | ПЕРЕВОД В. Д. МОРИЦА | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ А. ДЖИВЕЛЕГОВА | ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ Д. Е. МИХАЛЬЧИ | И Л. М. ГАЛИЦКОГО | ACADEMIA | 1934 || Opposite t.p. (red and black): ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | Под общей редакцией | А. М. Эфроса | БОМАРШЕ | (1732 – 1799) | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД || T.p. verso (imprint): BEAUMARCHAIS | I. LE BARBIER DE SEVILLE, II. LE MARIAGE DE FIGARO, | III. LA MERE COUPABLE | Суперобложка и переплет по рисункам | Д. И. Митрохина || Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 612, p. 243. Original titles: Le Barbier de Séville, ou la Précaution inutile; La Folle journée, ou le Mariage de Figaro; L'Autre Tartuffe, ou la Mère coupable. Print run: 5,300 copies. Contents: Севильский цирюльник, или тщетная предосторожность Безумный день, или женитьба Фигаро Преступная мать, или новый Тартюф Contributors: [Бомарше, Пьер] Beaumarchais, Pierre (French, 1732 – 1799) – author (Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais) Мориц, Владимир Эмильевич (Russian, 1890 – 1972) (In this publication, he named В. Д. Мориц by mistake; the correct spelling is В. Э. Мориц) – translator Дживелегов, Алексей Карпович (Russian-Armenian, 1875 – 1952) – preface Михальчи, Дмитрий Евгеньевич (Russian,1900 – 1973) – commentary Галицкий, Лев Николаевич (In this publication, he named Л. М. Галицкий by mistake; the correct spelling is Л. Н. Галицкий; dates unknown) – commentary Эфрос, Абрам Маркович (Russian-Jewish, 1888 – 1954) – editor/series Митрохин, Дмитрий Исидорович (Russian, 1883 – 1973) – artist