Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 268 x 381 mm, vertical centerfold. On reverse: black ink stamp “5324”. Top centre: "PRISE DE SAARBRUCK"; left: "PELLERIN & Cie, imp. -édit."; right: "IMAGERIE D'EPINAL, № 134." Under the frame text starts with « La cri de guerre a retenti. La France a été forcée de tirer l’épée pour arrêter… ».[...] Prise de Saarbruck. | Depuis quelques jours, l’armée française occupait la frontière française en face de la Prusse.... Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – publisher/printer. The Battle of Saarbrücken (2 August 1870).
Hardcover volume, collated in-8o, 21.9 c 14.6 cm, bound in half red morocco over red buckram by Palmer, Hove & Co. (Manchester), ruled in gilt, marbled end-papers, top edge gilt, spine with raised bands, ruled in gilt, gilt lettering; bookplate "Ex libris William John Robertson" with black ink ms dated 1922 to front pastedown. Insert paper clipping “In Memoriam” marked “D.W. 25.1.61.” Graphite ms to t.p.: “[assisted by Karl Marx]”. Pp.: [i-v] vi-xv [xvi blank], [1] 2-500; collation: ffl blank first and last, π8 A-2H8 2I2. Title-page: HISTORY | OF | THE COMMUNE OF 1871. | Translated from the French of | LISSAGARAY, | BY | ELEANOR MARX AVELING. | LONDON: | REEVES AND TURNER, 196 STRAND. | 1886.|| Contributors: Hippolyte Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray (French, 1838 – 1901) – author. Eleanor Marx [Aveling] (British, 1855 – 1898) – translator. William John Robertson (Canadian, 1846 – 1894) – provenance. The Russian translation of the same title: [LIB-1158.2016] Э. Лиссагарэ. История Парижской Коммуны в 1871 г. (Дешевая библиотека, № 274) / Пер. под ред. В. Базарова. — С.-Петербург: Знание, 1906.
26 issues of American political humourous magazine published by Joseph Keppler (Austrian-American, 1838 – 1894) and Adolph Schwarzmann (German-American, 1838 – 1904) with caricatures by Frederick Burr Opper (American, 1857 – 1937); 35 x 27 cm, bound in faux shagreen with half green buckram backing, gilt vignette and lettering to front board: ‘What fools these Mortals be!” | MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM | PUCK ||
Richard Parkes Bonington (1802–1828 ). British/French. Evreux: Tour du Gros Horloge (Evreux: Large Clock Tower). Inscription: The tower was built in 1417 when the area was ruled by England. Lithograph. From the Taylor and Nodier set "Normandie", Vol. II, pl. 226. 1824. MET# 22.87.2. Catalogue Raisonné: Curtis 1939, no. 19. MET description: "This view in the French town of Evreux focuses on the clock tower, with vendors and customers in the street below. Bonington produced the print for the multi-volume series directed by Baron Isidore Taylor, Charles Nodier and Alphonse de Cailleux titled "Voyages Pittoresques et Romantiques dans l'Ancienne France" (Picturesque and Romantic Travels through Historic France). This image appears in volume 2, devoted to Normandy."
Rose quartz snuff bottle of rounded rectangular form on raised foot with round neck, carved in relief with a double dragon in a cartouche; round turquoise stopper with silver collar.
The Eastern dragon is not the gruesome monster of medieval imagination, but the genius of strength and goodness. He is the spirit of change, therefore of life itself. Hidden in the caverns of inaccessible mountains, or coiled in the unfathomed depth of the sea, he awaits the time when he slowly rouses himself into activity. He unfolds himself in the storm clouds; he washes his mane in the blackness of the seething whirlpools. His claws are in the fork of the lightning, his scales begin to glisten in the bark of rain-swept pine trees. His voice is heard in the hurricane, which, scattering the withered leaves of the forest, a dragon quickens a new spring [C. A. S. Williams. Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs / 3rd Revised Edition. — Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1993].
The Qing dynasty (1644–1911). Mid-19th century. Dimensions: H90 x W52 x D30 mm -
Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 327 x 280 mm; black ink stamp “5265” to reverse, attached to the sheet 470 x 325 mm. Top centre: "S. A. LE PRINCE IMPÉRIAL.", right: "63." Image: equestiral portrait of Prince Impérial. Under the image, centre: "Fabrique d'Images de GANGEL et P. DIDION, à Metz." — "Déposé." Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte] (French, 1856 – 1879). Gangel et P. Didion (Metz); Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879) – publisher/printer.
Saikotei Shibakuni (active 1821-1826). Osaka school. Play: Kinoshitakage Hazuma Gassen. Theatre: Nakamura-za /Naka-za (Osaka). Date: 7/1826. Horizontal oban diptych. SV: Nakamura Matsue III (Nakamura Tomijuro II) as female, Nakamura Utaemon III (Nakamura Shikan I) as a male. Publisher: Honya Seishichi [Marks 25-527 | 123f], Honsei, 1817-1838.
A two-volume set in the contemporary full calf, imitating the editorial cloth binding. Vol. 1: SCÈNES | DE LA | VIE PRIVÉE ET PUBLIQUE | DES ANIMAUX | VIGNETTES | PAR GRANDVILLE. | — | ÉTUDES DE MŒURS CONTEMPORAINES | PUBLIÉES | SOUS LA DIRECTION DE M. P. – J. STAHL , | AVEC LA COLLABORATION | DE MESSIEURS | DE BALZAC. – L. BAUDE. – E. DE LA BEDOLLIERE. – P. BERNARD. – J. JANIN. | ED. LEMOINE. – CHARLES NODIER. – GEORGE SAND. | [VIGNETTE] | PARIS. | J. HETZEL ET PAULIN , ÉDITEURS , | RUE DE SEINE-SAINT-GERMAIN , 33. | 1842 Pagination: [2 blanks] [2 - ht. / imprim.] [2 - blank / frontis.] [2 - t.p. / blank] [4] [1] 2-386 [6 - table] [2 blanks], 96 whole-page wood-engravings after Grandville, vignettes within the text including head and tailpieces, together with a frontispiece. VOL. 2: SCÈNES | DE LA | VIE PRIVÉE ET PUBLIQUE | DES ANIMAUX | VIGNETTES | PAR GRANDVILLE. | — | ÉTUDES DE MŒURS CONTEMPORAINES | PUBLIÉES | SOUS LA DIRECTION DE M. P. – J. STAHL , | AVEC LA COLLABORATION | DE | MM. DE BALZAC, – L' HERITIER (DE L' AIN), – ALFRED DE MUSSET – PAUL DE MUSSET, | CHARLES NODIER, – MADAME M. MENESSIER NODIER, – LOUIS VIARDOT. | [VIGNETTE] | PARIS, | J. HETZEL , ÉDITEUR , | RUE DE SEINE-SAINT-GERMAIN , 33. | 1842 Pagination: [2 - ht. / imprim.] [2 - blank / frontis.] [2 - t.p. / blank] [1] 2-390 [6 - table], 105 whole-page wood-engravings after Grandville, vignettes within the text including head and tailpieces, together with a frontispiece. Size: Each volume 27 x 18 cm; In-4to (usually classified as 8vo, however, the numeric signatures provide for gathering in-quarto). Binding: Full burgundy calf, gilt embossed Grandville's characters to boards and spine, lettering to spine, white moire end-papers to vol. 1, and yellow end-papers to vol. 2, all margins gilt. Combination of the 1st and 2nd print-runs of the 1st edition. Ref.: L. Carteret, 1927: pp. 552-558. Wikipedia; Gallica; Hathi Trust. In: British Museum, MET, RISD Museum, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
Seated portrait of Russian diplomat Count Semyon Romanovich Vorontsov (Семён Романович Воронцо́в; 26 June 1744 – 9 July 1832). Engraved by August Weger (Born: 1823 in Nürnberg; died: 1892 in Leipzig) from the portrait painted by Richard Evans (1784–1871). Circa 1825-50. Semyon Romanovich Vorontsov, the son of Count Roman Illarionovich and Marfa Ivanovna Surmina, was born on June 15, 1744; Active Privy Councillor; Ambassador to Venice and London from 1784, for over 20 years. Died in London on June 26, 1832.
Inscription: Графъ Семенъ Романовичь Воронцовъ. Родился въ Москвѣ Iюня 15-го/26 1744, Скончался въ Лондонѣ Iюня 9-го/21 1822. | Le Comte Simon Woronzow. né à Moscou le 26 Juin 1744, Mort à Londres le 21 Juin 1832. | Richd. Evans, Peintre. - Gravé par A. Weger, Leipzig. Vorontsov family coat of arms in the middle.
Dimensions: 23 x 15 cm. Ref.: Подробный словарь русских гравированных портретов Д. А. Ровинского, том. 1, 534-540. -
Shakudō tsuba of the slightly vertically elongated round form (nagamaru-gata) decorated by gold in flat inlay (hira-zōgan) with three insects (cricket, locust, and praying mantis), grass and dewdrops motif. Kogai hitsu-ana is plugged with gilded soft metal. Height: 70.2 mm; width: 66.4 mm x Thickness at seppa-dai: 4.5 mm. Edo period (from ca. 1700 to ca. 1850) Unsigned. Attributed to Kaga School or Murakami School. Almost identical tsuba (no dewdrops, though) is illustrated and described at page 60 of Kokusai Tosogu Kai. 7th International Convention & Exhibition, November 1st, 2011 at Tokyo National Museum, page 60. It is attributed to the Kaga School, Mid Edo period (Late 17th - early 18th century). Dimensions: 70.5 x 66 x 4.5 mm. "The rich black shakudo plate has been slightly lowered (dished out) and then polished. Gold insects crawl amongst grasses, depicted by Kaga style hirazogan (flat inlay). One tendril of the mantis overlaps onto seppa-dai. The mantis boldly looks out from the tsuba in a curious way. This style of Kaga tsuba was popular during the Genroku era (1688-1703)."Another source is Japanese Sword Fittings. A descriptive catalogue of the Collection of G.H. Naunton, Esq., completed and illustrated by Henri L. Joly, - 1912:
7-U17. Ron Hartmann Collection.
Kanazawa in Kaga was a centre of fine metal work during the whole of the Tokugawa period. At first the inlayers of Fushimi following the Daimyo Maeda went to Kanazawa, then some of the Gotō masters proceeded from Kyoto for short periods to work for the Daimyo, so that their influence was strongly impressed upon Kaga work..." A somewhat look-a-like tsuba is illustrated at plate XXVIII, Kaga Inlay, №653 with the following description at page 52: "Shakudō, inlaid with five insects in gold: crickets, praying mantis, grasshopper, in the style of Takagawara Ujitsugu.
According to M. Sesko, Ujitsugu was a master from Katsuki and Kaneko School in Kaga, son of Ujihira. Ujihira's father Ujiyoshi died in 1802. This brings us to the mid-19th century, instead of mid-18th or earlier. On the other hand, a very much look alike specimen at MFA collection (ACCESSION NUMBER 17.1061) has the with the following description: Edo period. Late 18th–early 19th century. Murakami School. Main material: shakudo; other metals: gold; decorative technique: iroe hirazogan.A detailed account of Murakami school can be found at The Japanese toso-kinko Schools.// Lulu Inc., 2012 by Markus Sesko, on pages 235-239. All-in-all, it's either Kaga School or Murakami School, either ca. 1700 or ca. 1850. Quite a range! SOLDMFA # 17.1061
Late 19th-century (1850-1870) Japanese export fan. This fan has a double leaf painted with a different design on either side. Ivory encrusted with gemstones and other materials. Subject matter such as women wearing kimono is also more typical of export than domestic products (V&A). Autumn theme on the reverse.
Late 19th-century (1850-1870) Japanese export fan. This fan has a double leaf painted with a different design on either side. Ivory encrusted with gemstones and other materials. Subject matter such as women wearing kimono is also more typical of export than domestic products (V&A). Summer (birds and flowers) theme on the reverse.
Late 19th-century (1850-1870) Japanese export fan. This fan has a double leaf painted with a different design on either side. Ivory encrusted with gemstones (birds and shippomon motif). Painting by ukiyo-e artist and printmaker Katsushika Isai (1821–1880) represents a riverside landscape with figures; birds and flowers on the reverse. Signed: Isai ga (為斎画) - "Painted by Isai".
Shibuichi Kozuka carved in low relief (takabori, usuniku-bori) and inlaid in gold and silver with design of Shoko, reading by moonlight, thatch, pine rosettes, and fool moon. According to Henri L. Joly [LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART. London, 1908; LIB-1416 in this collection] Shoko was a Chinese student of Taoism who was so poor that he had no money to buy illuminating materials and read by moonlight. Shoko mentioned in the article about another Chinese character - Shaen, who was reading by the light emitted by glow-worms (see page 310). Signed on the back: Haruchika (春親) + kaō. Size: 97.3 mm (H) x 14.8 mm (W). Edo period, mid 19th century. NBTHK Certificate № 449542. Hamano Haruchika from Edo was a student of Haruyuki in 1848-54; Hamano School, Etchū Toyama Branch, according to M. Sesko's "Genealogy", page. 34. Most probably it is his work. Following the MFA data, it is also possible that "our" Haruchika is indeed Nara Haruchika or Tsuchiya Haruchika from Nara School; though I did not hind such artist in Markus Sesko books. However, in his "Toso-Kinko" on page 177 there is certain Shingorō who carried out his business under the name of Yanagawa Haruchika (1791-1857?)
Bandō Mitsugorō III as Daihanji Kiyozumi and Arashi Koroku IV as Koganosuke in kabuki play Imoseyama, an example of womanly virtue (Imoseyama onna teikin). 大判事清澄 坂東三津五郎」(三代)・「久我之助 嵐小六」(四代) Artist: Shunkōsai Hokushū [春好斎北洲] (Japanese, fl. 1802 – 1832) Year: 1821 (3rd month). MFA description: “The Kabuki play Mount Imo and Mount Se: An Exemplary Tale of Womanly Virtue (Imoseyama onna teikin), originally based on a puppet play, is set in ancient Japan when the Soga clan served as regents to the emperor. Two children, Hinadori and Koganosuke, of rival court families, are held hostage under orders from the tyrant Soga no Iruka to ensure their families do not revolt. The children fall in love, but rather than create conflicts for their families they each vow to die by suicide. When the parents learn of their plans, they resolve to cooperate to overthrow Iruka. Here Koganosuke and his father Kiyozumi are shown; a companion sheet on the left would have shown Hinadori and her mother Sadaka.” The play Imoseyama, an example of womanly virtue (Imoseyama onna teikin), was staged at Osaka's Kado Shibai (Kadoza, Kado Gekijô, Kado no Shibai) from 3/1821. According to Herwig, it is the right sheet of a diptych (see below). MFA Accession number: 2011.128 Kabuki actors: Bandō Mitsugorō III [三代目 坂東 三津五郎] (Japanese, 1775 – 1831); other names: Bandō Minosuke I, Morita Kanjirô II, Bandō Mitahachi I, Bandō Minosuke I, Bandō Mitahachi I. Arashi Koroku IV [四代目嵐小六] (Japanese, 1783 – 1826)
Ref.: [LIB-1197.2016] Arendie and Henk Herwig. Heroes of the kabuki stage: an introduction to kabuki with retellings of famous plays, illustrated by woodblock prints. — Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, 2004; p. 72:
Ref: [LIB-2973.2022] Ukiyo-e: A journey through the Floating World / Exhibition catalogue (Japan, Jan-Jul 2014). — The Yomiuri Shimbun, 2014; № 358, p. 226. "Bandō Mitsugorō III as Grand arbiter Kiyosumi and Arashi Koroku IV as Koganosuke": -
Bando Mitsugorō III as Lady Iwafuji and Nakamura Matsue III as Lady Onoe, 1821.「局岩ふじ 坂東三津五郎」(三代)、「中老尾上 中村松江」(三代) in kabuki play Kagamiyama Kokyô no Nishikie [鏡山旧錦繪] (Mirror mountain: A women’s treasury of loyalty); author: Yô Yôdai. Artist: Shunkōsai Hokushū (春好斎 北洲), who is also known as Shunkō IV, active from about 1802 to 1832. Actors: Bandō Mitsugorō III [三代目 坂東 三津五郎] (Japanese, 1775 – 1831); other names: Bandō Minosuke I, Morita Kanjirô II, Bandō Mitahachi I, Bandō Minosuke I, Bandō Mitahachi I. Nakamura Matsue III [三代目中村松江] (Japanese, 1786-1855); other names: Nakamura Sankō I, Nakamura Tomijūrō II, Ichikawa Kumatarō. Year: 1821 (Bunsei 4), 1st month. Publisher: Wataya Kihei (Wataki) (Japanese, fl. c. 1809 – 1885) Signed Shunkôsai Hokushû ga 春好斎北洲画. MFA Accession № 11.35375. MFA description: "Play: Keisei Kagamiyama (Mirror Mountain, a Courtesan Play). Theatre: Kado けいせい双鏡山(けいせいかがみやま)角. Ref.: [LIB-1193.2013] Leiter. Kabuki Encyclopedia, p. 156; [LIB-0879-2.2015] Kabuki plays on stage (vol. 2): 1773-1799, pp. 172-212.
Silver Kozuka carved in kebori ("hair carving") with a ukiyo-e style half-length figure of a beautiful woman (possibly a courtesan) dressed in a splendid kimono and hair ornament (kanzashi). Signed on the back: Koreyasu/Zetai + kaō (是休「花押」) - transcribed by Markus Sesko. Size: 96.8 mm (H) x 14.9 mm (W). Edo period, early 19th century. I managed so far to find the only mention of Koreyasu at Japanese sword-mounts. A descriptive catalogue of the collection of J. C. Hawkshaw, Esq., M.A., of Hollycombe, Liphook. Complied and illustrated by Henri L. Joly. London, 1910 [LIB-1439 in this collection], page 204: 2623. — F./v., nigurome, chased in relief and inlaid with Omori Hikoshichi (large faces). Signed : Koreyasu of Yedo. xix. 2624. — F.K., nigurome, chased and inlaid in relief with Omori Hikoshichi and the witch. Signed : Shinriusha Koreyasu. No pictures of items or signature provided.
Title: AN ESSAY | ON THE | PRINCIPLE OF POPULATION; | OR, | A VIEW OF ITS PAST AND PRESENT EFFECTS | ON | HUMAN HAPPINESS; | WITH | AN INQUIRY INTO OUR PROSPECTS RESPECTING THE FUTURE | REMOVAL OR MITIGATION OF THE EVILS WHICH | IT OCCASIONS | BY T. R. MALTHUS, A. M. | Late Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, and Professor of History and Political Economy in the East-India College, Hertfordshire. | IN THREE VOLUMES. | VOL. I. [or II. or III.] | THE FIFTH EDITION, | WITH IMPORTANT ADDITIONS. | LONDON: | JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE-STREET. | 1817. || Pagination and collation: Vol. 1: ffl, [i, ii] – t. p. / imprint., [iii] iv-xvi, [1] 2-496, bfl; A-Z8 2A-2I8. Vol. 2: ffl, [i, ii] – t. p. / imprint., [iii]-iv – contents, [1]-2-507 [508], bfl; [A]2 B-Z8 2A-2I8 2K6. Vol. 3: ffl, [i, ii] – t. p. / imprint., [iii]-iv – contents, [1]-2-500, bfl; [A]2 B-Z8 2A-2I8 2K2. Binding: Three volumes printed on wove paper, uniformly bound in quarter brown polished calf, blind-ruled, black label, ruled and lettered in gilt to spine, green buckram boards; 22.2 x 13.5 cm. Edition: 5th edition, corrected with a new preface, an updated appendix of Malthus’ responses to his critics, and addition of several chapters to the whole: on France, England, and on the poor laws. Lifetime edition. Ref.: Einaudi 3670; Goldsmiths’ 21761; Kress B.6974; Mattioli 2210. Printed by W. Clowes: William Clowes Ltd. (London). Clowes, William (British, 1779 – 1847). Malthus, Thomas Robert (British, 1766 – 1834). Murray, John (British, 1737 – 1793) Murray, John II (British, 1778 – 1843) John Murray (publishing house)