• Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi [歌川 國芳] (Japanese, 1798 – 1861) Publisher: British Museum provides for the title as Enkyoku-zoroi [艶曲揃] (Set of Voluptuous Melodies) and the publisher as Sanpei. Indeed, 三平 (Sanpei) was a wholesale fan shop at the end of the Edo period. However, Andreas Marks identifies the publisher’s seal as 三平 Mihei = Mikawaya Heiroku (1848-56), a member of the Fan Producing Guild (AM 11-016|325a). Block carver: Hori Take [彫竹]

    Signed: Ichiyosai Kuniyoshi ga in a red cartouche and sealed with paulownia (kiri mon).

    Date seal and double nanushi censor seals: Fuku & Muramatsu, 1853 (Kaei 6, 2nd month).

    Size: Uchiwa-e (untrimmed fan print) 229 x 294 mm.

    Provenance: The Collection of Paul F. Walter, Christie's, New York, 2017, lot 338; sold together with 10 other fan prints for $27,500. Before: Christie's, New York, 1994, lot 145 ($4,830). Ref: [LIB-1693.2018] The Collection of Paul Walter. — NY: Christie's, 2017, p. 361. Ref: Israel Goldman, Catalogue 2018, № 41: "Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861) A Woman on a Terrace Dancing with a Fan. From the series Enkyoku zoroi (Collection of Charming Music). 1853. Fan print. 22.9 x 29.4 cm. Provenance: Japanese Prints, Paintings and Screens, Christie's, New York, 1994, lot 145 ($4,830); The Collection of Paul F. Walter, Christie's, New York, 2017, lot 338. Fine impress." Known prints in this series:


  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, fl. C. 1845 – 1847). Date seal: [子五] Kaei 5, 5th month (5/1852). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画] in a red toshidama cartouche. Title: Actor Bandō Takesaburō I as clerk Seijūrō [手代清十郎] (left) and Actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Kenkaya Gorōkichi [喧嘩屋五郎吉] (right) in the play Musume ōgi tsui no tatehiki [娘扇一対侠贔屓 (むすめおうぎついのたてひき)] performed at the Nakamura theatre [中村座], in Edo (Tokyo). The playbill for this performance can be found at MFA (Boston) # 11.28042, 11.28285, 11.28286: Actors: Bandō Takesaburō I (初代坂東竹三郎) (Japanese, 1832 – 1877); other names: Shinshi, Shinsui V, Bandō Hikosaburō V [五代目坂東彦三郎], Bandō Tsurunosuke I. Ichikawa Kodanji IV [市川小團次] (Japanese, 1812 – 1866); other names: Ichikawa Yonejūrō I, Ichikawa Yonezō III, Ichikawa Eizō.

    Similar images were then used for the series Seven flourishing plants on lanterns for summer evenings [涼調珍盛の七草] (Suzumi chōchin sakari no nanakusa) published by Ibaya Senzaburō in 1852 (Kaei 5), 6th month.

    Bandō Takesaburō I (carved by Yokokawa Takejirō): https://collections.mfa.org/objects/219360

    Actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV (carved by Nakamura Tōkichi): https://collections.mfa.org/objects/477146.

  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Kochoro Kuisada ga [香蝶楼国貞画] in a red double-gourd cartouche Publisher: Enshūya Matabei [遠州屋又兵衛] (Japanese, fl. c. 1768 – 1881). Series: Fashionable Youths [流行若手揃] (Ryuko Wakate Zoroi). Actor: Bandō Minosuke II [坂東蓑助] (Japanese, 1802 – 1863); other names: Morita Kan'ya XI, Bandô Mitsugorō IV. Date-kiwame seals: Bunsei 13 / Tenpō 1 (1830). One more print from the same series (See Waseda 201-2125); not in this collection: Segawa Kikunojō V [瀬川菊之丞] (Japanese, 1802 – 1832); other names: Segawa Tamon I.
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Kōchō(rō) Kunisada ga (香蝶国貞画) in a red double-gourd cartouche. Publisher: Surugaya Sakujirō [駿河屋作次郎] (Japanese, fl. c. 1844 – 1865); Marks 06-005 | 501a. Single nanushi censor seal: Muramatsu (1843-6). The date is attributed to c. 1844. Title: Narihira [なり平]. Ariwara no Narihira [在原 業平] (Japanese, 825 – 880) – one of the Six Immortal Poets – The Rokkasen [六歌仙]. Series: A parody of six immortal poets  [見立六花撰] (Mitate Rokkasen). Media: Untrimmed fan print (uchiwa-e), 227 x 293 mm,  depicting a beautiful woman with a bow and arrows in her left hand. Series: Mitate Rokkasen [見立六花撰] – is sometimes interpreted as "A parody of six immortal poets" or "A comparison of six select flowers". [LIB-1212.2017] Robert Schaap. Kunisada: Imaging, drama and beauty. — Leiden: Hotei Publishing, 2016; pl. 28, p. 58. This is another fan print with another immortal poet, Bun'ya no Yasuhide [文屋 康秀] (Japanese, -d. 885?), from the same series, provided in the book:

    Robert Schaap, 2016.

    With special thanks to Horst Graebner for help with the description and date attribution: "The print can be dated to 1844: censor seal is Muramatsu (Muramatsu Genroku); he acted in 7/1844 and 4/1845 (and also later) as censor but Kunisada changed his name to Kunisada early in 1844."  
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Ōju Toyokuni ga [応需豊国画] in a toshidama cartouche. Double nanushi censor seals Mera & Murata (1846-50). Publisher: Kojimaya Jūbei [小嶋屋重兵衛] (Japanese, fl. c. 1797 – 1869). A gentleman, probably a kabuki actor Nakamura Utaemon IV [中村歌右衛門] (Nakamura Shikan II, Nakamura Tsurusuke I, Nakamura Tōtarō, Japanese, 1796 – 1852) drinking tea on a veranda under the shining moon. Series Moon, Sun, Stars [月日星] (tsuki-hi-hoshi/boshi), the three sources of light (sankō) [三光]:
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Ōju Toyokuni ga [応需豊国画], in a toshidama cartouche. Double nanushi censor seals Mera & Murata (1846-50). Publisher: Kojimaya Jūbei [小嶋屋重兵衛] (Japanese, fl. c. 1797 – 1869). Kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII [市川団十郎] (Ichikawa Ebizō VI, Ichikawa Shinnosuke II, Japanese, 1823 – 1854) watches the sunrise over Mount Fuji. The complete set of series Moon, Sun, Stars [月日星] (tsuki-hi-hoshi/boshi),  three sources of light (sankō) [三光]:
  • Pictorial album 31 x 22.8 cm, bound in quarter red calf over marbled boards with gilt lettering “SCÈNES | DE | LA VIE | PRIVÉE” and gilt ornament to spine; marbled endpapers, flyleaf, blue original wrapper (title-page) lettered SCÈNES | DE LA VIE PRIVÉE. | {vignette} | SIX DESSINS || «Six dessins» struck out, ms inscription beneath “Douze”. Twelve hand-coloured lithographs, some inscribed with letters and/or numbers in reverse, each in a double-rule frame 22 x 16.5 cm, images 18 x 14.5 cm (approx.); series title “Scènes de la vie intime” printed above the frame, image title printed in the lower compartment; ms numbers above the upper-right corner of the frame (state before sequential numbers, ms numbers do not correspond with artist numbering). Flyleaf at the end. Two bookplates to front pastedown: “EX-LIBRIS PAUL GAVAULT” and armorial “IN ROBORE ROBUR | Ex Libris Bourlon de Rouvre”. Content (Roman numerals in parenthesis are publisher's numbers; numerals in italic are Armelhault-Bocher reference numbers):
    1. Titre de la couverture (Title-page) – 2001
    2. (III) Un nid dans les blés (A nest in the wheat) – 2004
    3. (II) Amitié de pension (Friendship in the pension) – 2003
    4. (XI) Bras dessus, bras dessous (Arm up, arm down) – 2012
    5. (I) Causerie (Chat) – 2002
    6. (VI) Prélude (Prelude) – 2007
    7. (IX) Le guet-apens (Ambush) – 2010
    8. (V) Le cabinet noir (The dark chamber) – 2006
    9. (IV) Distraction (Entertainment) – 2005
    10. (X) Leçon de paysage (Landscape lesson) – 2011
    11. (VII) Avant le péché (Before sin) – 2008
    12. (VIII) Après le péché (After sin) – 2009
    13. (XII) La femme du peintre (The painter's wife) – 2013
    Catalogue raisonné: Armelhault-Bocher (2004) p. 478-80, №№ 2001-2013, all marked ‘RRR’ – extremely rare. Ref.: J. Armelhault & E. Bocher. Gavarni: Catalogue raisonné of the graphic work / A revision of the 1873 edition, with essays by Gordon N. Ray and Robert J. Wickenden, and 61 new plates. — San Francisco: Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, 2004 [LIB-1581.2018]. Artist: Paul Gavarni [Sulpice Guillaume Chevalier] (French, 1804 – 1866) Provenance: Charles Bourlon de Rouvre (French, 1850 – 1924) and Paul Armand Marcel Gavault (French, 1866 – 1951).    
  • Description: Pictorial album 29.7 x 24 cm, bound in ¾ red morocco over marbled boards with gilt lettering “LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES ROMANS” and raised bands to spine; marbled endpapers, two flyleaves, tan original wrapper lettered “La Bibliothèque des Romans. (gothic, arch) | {colour vignette} | UNE VEILLÉE DE JEUNE FILLE. | 1840. || Six hand-coloured lithographs, each in a double-rule border with the series title above it and image title below. Sequential numbers are hand-inscribed within the border in the upper-right corner. Frame 23.5 x 18.3 cm, image 21.5 x 16.5 cm. Three flyleaves at the end. A bookplate to front pastedown: “GERARD NORDMANN EX-LIBRIS”. Content:
    1. Front wrapper (title-page)
    2. SŒUR ANNE (Sister Anne)
    3. LA GRISETTE (The grisette)
    4. LÉONIDE OU LA VIEILLE DE SURÊNE (Léonide or the old lady of Surêne)
    5. LA PUCELLE DE BELLEVILLE (The maid of Belleville)
    6. MON VOISIN RAYMOND (My neighbor Raymond)
    7. LE COCU (The cuckold)
    Catalogue raisonné: Nordmann/Christie’s (I) № 127, p. 86 (Lithographic title and 6 erotic plates, in the Romantic style of Achille Devéria. Original pictorial front wrapper preserved) Provenance: Gérard Nordmann (French, 1930 – 1992). Achille Jacques-Jean-Marie Devéria (French, 1800 – 1857).
  • Description: One volume 22.8 x 25.4 cm, in contemporary gilt-ruled brown half morocco over green buckram boards, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, all edges marbled, printed in sanguine; pp. [6] [1-3] 4-234 [4], 36 blank leaves ruled red, 12 blank leaves; total 170 leaves; 35 mounted marbled paper samples on 10 sheets. Title-page: THE PROGRESS | OF THE MARBLING ART | FROM | TECHNICAL SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES | BY JOSEF HALFER | WITH A SUPPLEMENT ON THE | DECORATION OF BOOK EDGES | Translated by Herman Dieck, Philadelphia {gothic} | BUFFALO, N. Y. | LOUIS H. KINDER | 1893 || Edition: 1st American edition (and first edition in English) after two editions in Budapest (Austro-Hungary) in 1884 and 1890. Contributors: Josef Halfer (Austrian, 1846 – 1916) – author. Herman Dieck (American, fl. 1883 – 1896) – translator. Louis H. Kinder (American, 1867 – 1938) – publisher.  
  • Description: 12mo, 17 x 11 cm, quarter brown morocco over marbled boards, marbled end-papers, raised bands and gilt lettering to spine, embossed stamp to t.p. “COLPORTAGE CHEMIN DE FER”. Title-page: AFFAIRE | PIERRE BONAPARTE | OU | LE MEURTRE D'AUTEUIL | AVEC PORTRAITS | DU PRINCE PIERRE BONAPARTE & DE VICTOR NOIR | Et nombreuses Gravures, telles que : | SCÈNE DU MEURTRE DANS LE SALON D'AUTEUIL. | LA CHAMBRE DE VICTOR NOIR, | VICTOR NOIR SUR SON LIT DE MORT, | LE PRINCE PIERRE A LA CONCIERGERIE, ETC. | — | Prix : 1 fr. 10 c., franco. | — | PARIS | A. CHEVALIER, EDITEUR | 61, RUE DE RENNES, 61 | 1870. Collation: 18mo; odd [1]-918; 5 x 18 = 90 leaves total. Pagination: [2] [3] 4-177 [178]; total 180 pages. Contributors: Armand Le Chevalier (French, 1802 – 1873) – publisher. Prince Pierre-Napoléon Bonaparte (French, 1815 – 1881) – character. Victor Noir [b. Yvan Salmon] (French-Jewish, 1848 – 1870) – character.  
  • Description: Two parts in one volume, collated 4to, 26.3 x 18 cm, bound in quarter green pebbled morocco over green percaline panelled boards, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, lettered in gilt, signed in the bottom “L. Curmer”; marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. Part 1 is illustrated with a hand-coloured wood-engraved title-page by Porret and Blanadet and 28 hand-coloured steel engravings by Charles Geoffroy after J.-J. Grandville; part 2 is illustrated with a hand-coloured wood-engraved title-page by Quichon and 22 steel engravings by Charles Geoffroy after J.-J. Grandville, and two uncoloured botanical plates, unsigned. Title-page: LES | FLEURS ANIMÉES | PAR | J.-J. GRANDVILLE | INTRODUCTIONS | Par ALPH. KARR | TEXTE | Par TAXILE DELORD | — | PREMIÈRE (DEUXIÈME) PARTIE | — | PARIS | GABRIEL DE GONET, ÉDITEUR | 6, RUE DES BEAUX-ARTS, 6 || Collation: part 1: blank, [1] h.t./imprint (PARIS WALDER), hand-coloured engraved t.p., [1] t.p./blank, 1-324, [1] contents/blank, 28 hand-coloured plates; part 2: [1] h.t./imprint (PARIS WALDER), hand-coloured engraved t.p., [1] t.p./blank, [2] intro., [1]-294, 302, blank, 22 hand-coloured plates and 2 uncoloured plates. Pagination: part 1: [1-5] 6-260 [2] (total 262 pages), ils; part 2: [4] [i] ii-iv [1] 2-102, [2] [i] ii-iv, [105] 106-234 [2] (total 248 pages), ils. Coloured steel-engraved plates: Part 1: Bleuet et Coquelicot. Lis. Pensée. Tabac. Tulipe. Rose. Narcisse. Violette. Nenuphar. Laurier. Myrte. Marguerite. Camelia. Immortelle. Chèvre-feuille. Belle-de-nuit. Oeillet. Ciguë. Soleil. Fleur de grenadier. Lin. Eglantine. Pavot. Chardon. Fleur d'oranger. Capucine. Guimauve. Primevère – Perce-neige. Part 2: Pois de senteur. Cactus. Dahlia. Sensitive. Fleur de pêcher. Aubépine. Vigne. Myosotis. Jasmin. Scabieuse & Souci. Traite des fleurs. Flèche-d'eau. Hortensia, couronne impériale. Verveine. Giroflée. Thé et Café. Lilas. Tubéreuse Jonquille. Bal. Retour des fleurs. Erratum. Pervenche desséchée. Plates signed "Grandville del. – Ch. Geoffroy sc. – G. de Gonet, editeur" but some signed "Imp. Delamain et Sarazin rue Git le Cœur 8 Paris." Plates accompanied by tissue guards. Gordon N. Ray: "Most of the plates show an elegant lady in a garden, her dress covered with an extraordinary pattern of flowers. She is sometimes accompanied by respectful creatures, animals and insects, even fish and reptiles". Edition: 2nd edition of 1847, each part has separate pagination; imprint: "Paris. — Typographie Walder, rue Bonaparte, 44". Second "tirage", the volumes being paged separately; the first "tirage", issued also in 1847, is paged continuously. Point of issue: Table des Matières has "Imprimerte Walder." Originally appeared in 83 separate parts in pictorial yellow wrappers. Contributors: J.-J. Grandville [Gèrard, Isidore-Adolphe] (French, 1803 – 1847) – artist. Taxile Delord (French, 1815 – 1877) – author. Comte Foelix [Louis-François Raban] (French, 1795 – 1870) – author. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr (French, 1808 – 1890) – author. Charles Michel Geoffroy (French, 1819 – 1882) – engraver (on steel). Gabriel de Gonet (French, fl. 1847 – 1862) – publisher. Typographie Walder (Paris) – printer. Plon Freres (Paris) – printer. Delamain et Sarrazin (Paris) – printer. Henri Désiré Porret (French, 1800 – 1867) – engraver (on wood). Jules Blanadet (French, 1824 – ?) – engraver (on wood). Quichon (French, fl. c. 1850s) – engraver (on wood). Catalogue raisonné: L. Carteret (Le trésor): p. 286; Ray (French): 198, pp. 278-9; Vicaire (Manuel): D III, p. 133-4; Brivois (Guide): pp. 147-150. In collections: MET 1970.565.423.1–.2Vanderbilt University; V&A L.755-1943. Provenance: Léon Curmer (French, ).
  • Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画] in a yellow toshidama cartouche. Publisher: Unknown, seal [久] Kyū (Japanese, fl. c. 1851 – 1861); (Marks 07-023 | U176a, possibly Sagamia Kyūzō). Block carver: Koizumi Minokichi [小泉巳の吉] (Japanese, 1833 – 1906); seal: Hori Mino [彫已] (Gordon Friese № 38). Date seal and double nanushi censor seals: Fuku & Muramatsu, Kaei 6, 2nd month (2/1853). Inscription in a red cartouche: (Purple of Edo // Purple of the Bay Capital) [江都むらさき] (Edo Murasaki), alluding to Murasaki Shikibu [紫 式部] (Japanese, c. 973/8 – c. 1014/31), the author of Genji Monogatari [源氏物語] (The Tale of Genji), a Heian period novel which was the source of a parody Nise Murasaki Inaka Genji [偐紫田舎源氏] (Fake Murasaki’s Rustic Genji) by Ryutei Tanehiko [柳亭種彦] (Japanese, 1783 – 1842). According to Horst Graebner: The actor is most probably Segawa Kikunojō V. Segawa Kikunojō V [瀬川菊之丞] (Japanese, 1802 – 1832); other names: Segawa Tamon I. One of the series of Kunisada's fan prints in this collection:
  • Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞]; a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画] in a yellow toshidama cartouche. Publisher: Unknown, seal [久] Kyū (Japanese, fl. c. 1851 – 1861); (Marks 07-023 | U176a, possibly Sagamia Kyūzō). Date seal and double nanushi censor seals: Fuku & Muramatsu, Kaei 6, 2nd month (2/1853). Inscription in a red cartouche: (Purple of Edo // Purple of the Bay Capital) [江都むらさき] (Edo Murasaki), alluding to Murasaki Shikibu [紫 式部] (Japanese, c. 973/8 – c. 1014/31), the author of Genji Monogatari [源氏物語] (The Tale of Genji), a Heian period novel which was the source of a parody Nise Murasaki Inaka Genji [偐紫田舎源氏] (Fake Murasaki’s Rustic Genji) by Ryutei Tanehiko [柳亭種彦] (Japanese, 1783 – 1842). According to Horst Graebner: The actor is Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII. Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII [市川団十郎] (Japanese, 1823 – 1854); other names: Ichikawa Ebizō VI, Ichikawa Shinnosuke II. One of the series of Kunisada’s fan prints in this collection:
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画] in a red toshidama cartouche. Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869). Block carver: Yokokawa Takejirō [横川竹二郎] (Japanese, fl. 1845 – 1863); seal Hori Take [彫竹]. Double nanushi censor seals: Mera & Murata (1847-50). Title: Cool Breeze on Tenpōzan Hill in Naniwa [浪花天保山の涼] (Naniwa Tenpōzan no ryō). An uncut fan print (uchiwa-e), depicting a gentleman (most probably kabuki actor Nakamura Utaemon IV) holding a pipe with the view of Tenpōzan Hill [天保山] in Naniwa (Osaka) in the background. A distinctive structure on the left is the Sumiyoshi Lantern [住吉高灯篭] (Sumiyoshi takadōrō), which was destroyed by a typhoon in 1950. The character 翫 – moteasobu – on the gentleman’s robe means "take pleasure, play an instrument". Nakamura Utaemon IV [中村歌右衛門] (Japanese, 1796 – 1852); other names: Nakamura Shikan II, Nakamura Tsurusuke I, Nakamura Tōtarō. The character is visually similar to a gentleman drinking tea on a veranda under the shining moon from the series ‘Moon, Sun, Stars’ [月日星] (Getsu hi hoshi), see SVJP-0211-1.2016: The Moon. Utagawa Kunisada. Fan print triptych. Jitsu getsu sei no uchi. Moon. Circa 1850. As noted by Horst Graebner, the gentleman also resembles the character on another Kunisada's actor print, published in 1852 (Waseda University Cultural Resources Database № 114-0232):    
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Ichiyōsai Toyokuni hitsu [一陽斎豊国筆]. Inscriptions:  [松竹梅] Shochikubai = pine (matsu, ), bamboo (take, ), and plum (ume, ) – an auspicious grouping known as The Three Friends of Winter; [三福追] (Sanpuku tsui) – the three delights, or pleasures. Date seal and aratame censor seal: Ansei 2, 1st month (1855). Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869). Block carver: Yokokawa Takejirō [横川竹二郎] (Japanese, fl. 1845 – 1863); seal: Hori Take [彫竹]. Kabuki actor Onoe Kikugorō V [五代目尾上菊五郎] (Onoe Baikō V, Ichimura Kakitsu IV, Ichimura Uzaemon XIII, Ichimura Kurōemon, Japanese, 1844 – 1903) giving candies to the memorial portrait of his predecessor, Ichimura Takenojō V [市村竹之丞] (Ichimura Uzaemon XII, Ichimura Kamenosuke, Ichimura Toyomatsu, Japanese, 1812 – 1851); the latter is dressed in a green robe adorned with a crest (mon) of a kōrin-style crane in a tortoiseshell (octagon), the hanging scroll border decorated with bamboo under snow; the collar of Onoe's kimono decorated with plum blossoms, another plum blossom arrangement decorates the screen behind him. Actors identified by Horst Graebner. Two fan prints from this series in Varshavsky Collection:


  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Ichiyōsai Toyokuni hitsu [一陽斎豊国筆]. Inscriptions:  [松竹梅] Shochikubai = pine (matsu, ), bamboo (take, ), and plum (ume, ) – an auspicious grouping known as "The Three Friends of Winter"; [三福追] (Sanpuku tsui) – the three delights, or pleasures. Date seal and aratame censor seal: Ansei 2, 1st month (1855). Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869). Block carver: Yokokawa Takejirō [横川竹二郎] (Japanese, fl. 1845 – 1863); seal: Hori Take [彫竹]. Kabuki actor Nakamura Shikan IV [中村芝翫] (Nakamura Fukusuke I [中村福助], Nakamura Masanosuke I, Nakamura Komasaburō, Nakamura Tamatarō I, Japanese, 1831 –  1899) arranging a branch of blossoming plum to the memorial portrait of his predecessor  Nakamura Utaemon IV [中村歌右衛門] (Nakamura Shikan II, Nakamura Tsurusuke I, Nakamura Tōtarō, Japanese, 1796 – 1852); the latter is dressed in a black robe adorned with a mokkō-crest (mon) of white plum blossom, the hanging scroll border decorated with arabesque and plum blossoms. Actors identified by Horst Graebner. Two fan prints from this series in Varshavsky Collection:


  • Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi [歌川 國芳] (Japanese, 1798 – 1861). Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869). Date-aratame seal: 1827 (Bunsei 10). Inscription: Ohan [おはん], Chōemon [長右衛門] | Dainingyō [大人形] | Yoshida Senshi [吉田千四)] | unclear (work in progress). Sam. L. Leiter describes the play in his Kabuki Encyclopedia (1979) p. 183, and Japanese traditional theatre (2014), p. 252 as "Love Suicide of Ohan and Choemon at the Katsura River" (Katsuragawa Renri no Shigarami) [桂川連理柵], a two-act play by Suga Sensuke [菅専助] (ca. 1728 – 1791) written in 1776 for the puppet theatre jūruri and adopted for Osaka kabuki in 1777. Yoshida Senshi, a.k.a. Yoshida Bunzaburo III was a Japanese puppeteer of a Yoshida lineage. The line was established by Yoshida Bunzaburō I [吉田文三郎] (Japanese, fl. 1717 – 1760), who was one of the greatest in the history of Bunraku [人形浄瑠璃] (ningyō jōruri) and who around 1734 introduced the three-man puppet manipulation system. A portrait of Yoshida Senshi, who died in 1829, can be found in the Kunisada's triptych at Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, ID Number 2016:37.2.). The design on our fan print looks very much like the one of Toyokuni I at MFA (Houston): OBJECT NUMBER 2006.378. "Seki Sanjuro as Obiya Choemon and Ichikawa Denzo as Ohan of the Shinonoya from the Kabuki Drama Katsuragawa renri no shigarami (Love Suicide of Ohan and Choemon at the Katsura River)", according to MFA-H published by someone Tsuruya in c. 1810 (though the publisher's seal is Suzuki Ihei [鈴木伊兵衛] (seal name Suzui [鈴伊]), Marks 01-028 | 502; the censor's seal is gyōji, date 1811-14).  Interestingly enough, the description provided by Kuniyoshi Project is this "Actors: Onoe Kikugorô III as Shinanoya Ohan (おはん, female) and Ichikawa Ebizô V as Obiya Choemon (長右衛門, male). Play: Go chumon shusu no Obiya (御注文繻子帯屋). Date: 3rd month of 1840. Theater: Kawarasaki. Publisher: Iba-ya Sensaburô". The play Go chumon shusu no Obiya was indeed staged at Kawarazaki theatre in 1840 (Tenpō 11), 3rd month; Ichikawa Ebizō V was indeed playing Obiya Choemon but Onoe Kikugorō III had the role of  Kataoka Kōzaemon, not of Ohan, as can be seen on Kunisada's diptych at MFA (Boston): ACCESSION NUMBER 11.40671a-b

    Actors Ichikawa Ebizô V as Obiya Chôemon (R) and Onoe Kikugorô III as Kataoka Kôzaemon (L)

  • Artist: Utagawa Yoshitsuya [歌川 芳艶] (Japanese, 1822 – 1866). Publisher: Kojimaya Jūbei [小島屋重兵衛] (Japanese, c. 1797 – 1869). Date seal and double nanushi censor seals: Kunigasa & Yoshimura, Kōka 5 (1849). Signed: Ichieisai Yoshitsuya ga [英斎芳艶画] in a red double gourd cartouche. Two men are fishing with a net off the coast of Shinagawa, in the Edo Bay.