• Description: one volume 25.5 x 22 cm, quarter calf with raised bands and gilt lettering over gilt-decorated boards, text within decorated borders printed on wove paper, with 8 mounted colour plates, 16 x 14 cm, photomechanical reproductions after Franz von Bayros, with lettered tissue guards, t.e.g. Title-page (in decorated border): INPANDEANVALE | PICTURED {} IN COLOUR | BY THE MAR {} QUIS F.BAYROS {vignette} | AMALTHEA PUBLISHING OFFICEZURICH || Pagination: [2 blank] [1-6] 7-156 [2 blank], total 80 leaves, incl. 8 colour plates with lettered tissue guards. Limitation: Copyright by Amalthea Publishing Office, Vienna. Printed by Adolf Holzhauzen in Vienna. Bound by Karl Scheibe, Vienna. Edition A: №№ I-V, full leather signed by von Bayros; Edition B: №№ 1-495 in half-leather. This copy is № 130, signed by the author. Contributors: Geoffrey Sephton – author, nothing is known. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Adolf Holzhausen the Younger (Austrian, 1868 – 1931) – printer. Karl Scheibe (Austrian) – bookbinder.
  • NEW
    Unbound, unpaginated volume in illustrated French flapped wrappers, 360 x 270 mm, printed on mother-of-pearl Japanese paper, collated 154 + 142, 60+28, 44 leaves in-folio, folded in half, profusely illustrated with original colour lithograph, in a grey cloth clamshell box (390 x 290 x 90 mm) with inside pocket for CD (lacking), embossed vignette to front; limited edition of 284 copies, signed copy № 59 of 50 copies printed on Japon Nacré paper numbered 30-80. Includes 13 double-page colour plates signed by the artist, enriched with an original watercolour drawing on the back of the title-page, with autograph dedication "A Monsieur et Madame Kuhn Amicalement A Bonnefoit". Title-page (black and sanguine): GEORGES BRASSENS | VÉNUS | CALLIPYGE | Préface de Pierre Louki | Lithographies originales de | Alain BONNEFOIT | ÉDITIONS LATOUR – MARTIGNY || Colophon : Achevé d'imprimer | le 8 novembre 1993 | sur les presses de Pierre Jean Mathan | Boulogne-sur-Seine. | Les lithographies ont été tirées | dans les ateliers de Jean-Claude Perrin | Arts-Litho à Paris. | L'emboitage est de Piero Dallai | à Forence. || Deluxe edition of a collection of 13 songs by Brassens, illustrated with more than thirty original lithographs by Alain Bonnefoit, Contributors: Alain Bonnefoit (French, b. 1937) – artist Georges Brassens (French, 1821 – 1981) – author poetry Louki, Pierre (French, 1920 – 2006) – author preface Éditions Latour (Martigny) – publisher Pierre Jean Mathan (Boulogne-sur-Seine) – printer Jean-Claude Perrin, Arts-Litho (Paris) – lithorgapher Piero Dallai (Forence) – slipcase
  • Softcover, 325 x 253 mm, publisher’s French flapped wrappers in glassine dust cover, 15 leaves folio folded in half, making 30 in-2o leaves 321 x 250 mm, with two leaves within the wrappers, [1] t.p., [2] Vertès’ blue ink inscription “À Alexaner Sternberg frère Nicolas qui est un garçon charmant et un bon artiste. Vertès.” and drawing, [3] frontispiece, [4-26] text with six full-page, one head- and one tailpiece in dry point technique, with guard tissues, [27] list of plates, [28] colophon, [29] blank; some page numbers manually scripted in pencil to the bottom right corners by a previous owner. Paper watermarked “BFK Rives”. Title-page (in orange and black): ÉLOGE | DE | MARCEL VERTÈS | PAR | GEORGES HUISMAN | ORNÉ | DE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | {publisher’s device} | MANUEL BRUKER ÉDITEUR || Colophon: CET OUVRAGE A ÉTÉ ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER SUR LES PRESSES DE L'IMPRIMERIE DARAGNÈS LE 30 OCTOBRE 1951 A 200 EXEMPLAIRES NUMÉROTÉS DONT 20 SUR VÉLIN 'ARCHES DE 1 A 20 AUXQUELS IL A ÉTÉ JOINT UNE SUITE DES GRAVURES SUR JAPON NACRÉ ET 180 SUR VÉLIN BLANC DE RIVES DE 21 A 200. ON A TIRÉ EN OUTRE 20 SUITES SUR MALACCA DES PLANCHES REFUSÉES. EXEMPLAIRE N° 93. Limitation: 200 copies printed on October 30, 1951, at Daragnès press: 20 (№№ 1-20) on Arches vellum paper with a suite of plates on Japon Nacré and 180 (№№ 21-200) Vélin Blanc by Rives. This is copy № 93. Tipped in: (1) photo of Vertès (and one more) in front of his murals, with the blue ballpoint pen inscription “À Alex Sternberg, frère de Nicola, excellent ami, excellent artiste et voyez, quel photographe!!! Vertès”; (2) postcard with a signed invitation to Vertès' exhibition by Librairie M.-P. Tremois: “Carte Postale | Paris, le 2 mars [19]28 | Monsieur, | Du 6 au 24 mars, | de 2 heures à 6h30, aura | lieu à la Librairie M.-P. Trémois | 43 avenue Rapp, 7e, une | exposition de dessins et | aquarelles de Vertès, ayant | servi à l’illustration de livres. | Nous espérons que vous | voudrez bien nous honorer | de votre visite. M.-P. Trémois.” The drypoint technique is confirmed by the presence of a white line in the middle of the black  printed line on the micro photo: Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer № 52. Contributors: Georges Huisman (French, 1889 – 1957) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – character/artist. Manuel Bruker (French, 1891 – 1979) – publisher. Jean-Gabriel Daragnès (French, 1886 – 1950) – printer. Nicolas Sternberg (Hungarian-French, 1902 –1960) Librairie M.-P. Trémois (1925 – 1953)
  • Title-page: Manuel de l'amateur | de livres du XIXe siècle, | 1801 - 1893 | Editions originales – Ouvrages et périodiques illustrés. | Romantiques – Réimpressions critiques de textes | anciens ou classiques. Bibliothèques et collections | diverses. Publications des sociétés de bibliophiles | de Paris et des départements. Curiosités bibliographiques, | etc., etc. Préface de Maurice Tourneux. | GEORGES VICAIRE | 1894-1920 | SOMERSET HOUSE | Teaneck 1973 || Photographically reduced reprint in one volume of the original edition by A. Rouquette (Paris) in 8 volumes, 9 pages to a page. Vol. 1: xix, 990; Vol. 2: 1098; Vol. 3: 1188; Vol. 4: 1362; Vol. 5: 1324; Vol. 6: 1240; Vol. 7: 1232; Vol. 8: Index of titles – 646; 4,559 original physical pages total (two numbers for one physical page). Binding: Green cloth, glit lettering to spine, 36 x 26 cm. Contributors: Georges Vicaire (French, 1853 – 1921) Maurice Tourneux (French, 1849 – 1917)
  • Front wrapper: LES MŒURS DU SIECLE - № 1 | Les | six étages | par | GERARD BAUER | illustré de vingt gravures à l’eau-forte | par VERTÈS | {publisher’s device, “PARIS | 17, avenue de Friedland”} | ÉDITIONS DE L’ÉTOILE || Title-page: essais pour servir a1 l’histoire contemporaine | de la galanterie et du plaisir | I | Les six étages | par | GERARD BAUER | illustré de vingt gravures à l’eau-forte | par VERTÈS | | {publisher’s device, “ÉDITIONS DE L’ÉTOILE | 17, avenue de Friedland”} | PARIS […] MCMXXV || Pagination: front wrapper with lettering, [1-8] incl. 1st bank leaf, h.t. / limitation, t.p. / blank, dedication to Abel Hermant / blank, 9-169 [170] [6] incl. table, colophon, and last blank leaf, 17 etchings by Vertès within pagination; advert. of the other books of the series to the back wrapper. Edition: 15 copies on Japon Impérial (№ 1-15), 35 on Hollande Van Gelder Zonen (№ 16-50), 400 on Vélin de Rives BFK (№ 51-450) and 3 on blue paper not for sale. This copy is № 369. Printed on November 10, 1925 by L. Petitbarat in Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône (text) and by Vernant in Paris (etchings). Edition directed by Roger Allard. Binding: 19 x 12.5 cm, French flapped pink wrappers, lettered to front, back, and spine. Contributors: Gérard Bauër (French, 1888 – 1967) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Abel Hermant (French, 1862 – 1950) – dedicatee. Roger Allard (French, 1885 – 1961) – editor. L. Petitbarat (Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône) – printer. Éditions de l’Étoile (Paris) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Title page: The Art of the | French Illustrated Book | 1700 to 1914 | VOLUME I (II) | Gordon N. Ray | The Pierpont Morgan Library | Cornell University Press || Pagination: vol.1: [8] ix-xxxii, [2] 3-245 [3], illustr.; vol.2: [8] 247-557 [5], illustr. Both volumes paginater through out. Binding: 30.5 x 23.5 cm, two volumes uniformly bound in red cloth, gilt vignette to front cover, gilt lettering to spine; bookplate to front pastedown, ex-lib (Sweet Briar College Library) Contributors: Ray, Gordon Norton (American, 1915 – 1986) – author. Lange, Thomas V. – formal bibliographical description. Passela, Charles V. – photography. The Pierpont Morgan Library – Copyright © 1982
  • Title page: Title page: MODERN | FILM | SCRIPTS | THE THIRD MAN | a film by | Graham Greene | and Carol Reed | Lorrimer, London. Pagination: [1-4] 5-134 [2] blank; pasted into the last page: The film The Third Man is owned and distributed by British | Lion Films Ltd. Binding: publisher’s pictorial wrappers with the film still and lettering in white to front, and in black to back, and spine. Size: 20.2 x 14 cm. The Third Man is a 1949 British film directed by Carol Reed, written by Graham Greene and starring Joseph CottenAlida ValliOrson Welles, and Trevor Howard. Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Carol Reed (British, 1906 – 1976) – film director. Lorrimer Publishing Limited (London) – publisher. Villiers Publications, Ltd. (London) – printer.
  • Title page: MODERN | FILM | SCRIPTS | THE THIRD MAN | a film by | Graham Greene | and Carol Reed | Simon and Schuster, New York. Pagination: [1-4] 5-134 [2] blank. Binding: publisher’s pictorial wrappers with the film still and lettering in blue and black to front, back, and spine. Size: 20.2 x 14 cm. The Third Man is a 1949 British film directed by Carol Reed, written by Graham Greene and starring Joseph CottenAlida ValliOrson Welles, and Trevor Howard. Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Carol Reed (British, 1906 – 1976) – film director. Simon & Schuster (NY) – publisher. Villiers Publications, Ltd. (London) – printer.
  • Title-page: GRAHAM GREENE | — | A Burnt Out Case | {publisher's device} | HEINEMANN | LONDON MELBURNE TORONTO || Black buckram with silver lettering to spine, green pictorial dust jacket, unclipped (16s | NET), [2] h.t. / books by GG, [2] t.p. / copyright, [2] quotations / blank, [2] dedication to Doctor Michel Lechat; [1, 2] d.t.p. Part I / blank, 3-256. Total 264 pages. Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd. Printer: Windmill Press Ltd., Kingswood, Surrey. Copyright: © Graham Greene 1960, 1961. Wrapper design: Lacey Everett. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) William Henry Heinemann (Jewish-British, 1863 – 1920) Michel Lechat (Belgian, 1927 – 2014)
  • Title-page: A SORT OF LIFE | — | Graham Greene | — | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with silver lettering to spine, aubergine dust jacket, lettered on front and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£1.80 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-215 [216] + 2 blank leaves. © Graham Greene 1971. Printed by: William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Title-page: GRAHAM GREENE | DOCTOR FISCHER | OF GENEVA | or | THE BOMB | PARTY | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cream dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, unclipped (£4.50 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-139 [140] + 2 blank leaves. Printed by Clowes Ltd. (Beccles). © Graham Greene 1980. Dust jacket design by Michael Harvey. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Title-page: Graham Greene | Monsignor Quixote | {citation from Shakespeare, 3 lines} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY || Green publisher’s cloth with silver lettering to spine, purple glossy dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£9.95 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-10] 11-220 [221 text /2 blank] + 1 blank leaf. © Graham Greene 1982. Printed by: William Clowes Ltd. (Beccles) Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Front cover: UNCORRECTED PROOF COPY | (NOT FOR SALE) | {rule} | OUR MAN IN HAVANA | Graham Greene | {rule} || Half-title: Our Man in Havana ||; stamp on top: LAURENCE POLLINGER LTD. | 18 MADDOX STREET, LONDON, W.1. Title page: {double rule} | Our Man in Havana | AN ENTERTAINMENT | GRAHAM GREENE | {Heinemann’s device} | HEINEMANN | LONDON MELBOURNE TORONTO || Title verso: William Heinemann Ltd | LONDON MELBOURNE TORONTO | CAPE TOWN AUCKLAND | THE HAGUE | First published 1958 | © by Graham Greene 1958 | All rights reserved | Printed in Great Britain | at The Windmill Press | Kingswood, Surrey || Pagination: [6] [1, 2] 3-273 [274]. Binding: 19.5 x 13 cm, cream wrappers with black lettering to front and spine; Cover is verso of the cover for Anne Piper’s Green for Love, a book published by  Fletcher & Son in 1954. Edition: Advance copy / Uncorrected proof. Contributors: Henry Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. William Henry Heinemann (British-Jewish, 1863 – 1920); William Heinemann Limited – publisher. Laurence Pollinger Ltd. (London) – literary agent.
  • Title page: GRAHAM GREENE | {double rule} | Our Man in Havana | AN ENTERTAINMENT | {publisher’s device: windmill among the hills, letters W and H} | HEINEMANN | LONDON MELBOURNE TORONTO || Title verso: William Heinemann Ltd | LONDON MELBOURNE TORONTO | CAPE TOWN AUCKLAND | THE HAGUE | First published 1958 | © by William Heinemann Limited 1958 | All rights reserved | Printed in Great Britain | at The Windmill Press | Kingswood, Surrey || Pagination: [6] [1, 2] 3-273 [274]. Binding: 20.2 x 13.5 cm, publisher’s blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine (top): OUR | MAN | IN | HAVANA | {double rule} | GRAHAM GREENE | (bottom): HEINEMANN ||; blind-stamped publisher’s device to back cover in the lower-right corner without lettering; pp. 1-122 and 253-274 darker, than the middle pages; original dust jacket designed by Donald Green, unclipped, 15s NET in the lower-right corner of the front flap, advertisement of The quiet American on the back. Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing. Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Donald Green (British, 1919 – 1983) – DJ artist. William Henry Heinemann (British-Jewish, 1863 – 1920); William Heinemann Limited – publisher. The Windmill Press (Kingswood, Surrey) – printer.
  • Title page: GRAHAM GREENE | {double rule} | Our Man | in Havana | AN ENTERTAINMENT | {citation: “And the sad man is cock of all his jests.” | — GEORGE HERBERT } | 1958 | THE VIKING PRESS • NEW YORK || Title verso: (top) COPYRIGHT © BY WILLIAM HEINEMANN LIMITED | PUBLISHED IN 1958 BY THE VIKING PRESS, INC. | 625 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK 22, N. Y. | (bottom) {publisher’s device} | LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGUE CARD NUMBER: 58.11735 | PRINTED IN THE U. S. A. BY | AMERICAN BOOK – STRATFORD PRESS || Pagination: [6] [1, 2] 3-273 [274]. Binding: 21 x 14 cm, publisher’s pink cloth, black lettering to spine: {double rule} | GRAHAM GREENE | Our | Man | in | Havana | VIKING | {double rule} ||; black vignette to front cover in the lower-right corner; original pictorial dust jacket designed by Bill English, unclipped, $3.50 in the upper-right corner of the front flap, advertisement “Also by Graham Greene” on the back flap. Edition: 1st American edition. Contributors: Henry Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Bill English (British, b. 1931) – artist. The Viking Press, NY (1925 – 1975) – publisher. American Book-Stratford Press, Inc. – printer.
  • DJ: Graham Greene | THE COMEDIANS || Title page: THE COMEDIANS | Graham Greene | {four lines citation from Thomas Hardy} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD| LONDON || Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing. Binding: bound in green cloth, 20.5 x 13.5 cm, with gilt lettering to spine, in green pictorial dust jacket with white lettering, price clipped; gift autograph to fep: “To. | Richard | From: gig | Xmas 1964.” (sic., the book was published in 1966!) Pagination: [1-4] 5-313 [314 blank] [6] blanks (total 320 pages). Collation: 16mo; [A]4 B-K16 L12 (total 160 leaves).
  • Hardcover volume, 19 x 13 cm, grey cloth with gilt lettering to spine, grey/cream dust jacket lettered throughout, price “10s 6d | NET” unclipped. Covers rubbed, dust jacket has a purple ink stain on the back bottom. Black ink inscription to recto ffl. Collation: a-o8 p10, total 122 leaves; pp.: [6] 1-237 [238]. 1st edition, 1st issue / Great Britain. Title-page: THE END OF THE | AFFAIR | by | GRAHAM GREENE | {publisher’s device} | — | WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD | MELBOURNE :: LONDON :: TORONTO || Imprint: FIRST PUBLISHED 1951 | PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN | AT THE WINDMILL PRESS | KINGSWOOD, SURREY || Dedication: To C. (Catherine Walston, nee Crompton, American, 1925 – 1978) Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) William Henry Heinemann (Jewish-British, 1863 – 1920)
  • Hardcover, 20.2 x 13.6 cm, green cloth, gilt lettering to spine, in unclipped dust jacket, pp.: [1-8] 9-334 [2]. Title-page: THE HONORARY CONSUL | GRAHAM GREENE | {4 line citation} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || © Graham Greene 1973. Printed by: William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).