NEWHardcover, 250 x 310 mm, black cloth, gilt lettering to spine, grey end papers, pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-8] 9-237 [3], illustrated in colour throughout. ISBN 0.8457.3150-5 Title-page (pictorial): The Beinecke Library OF YALE UNIVERSITY | Edited by Stephen Parks Architectural photography by Richard Cheek | Dedication photography by Ezra Stoller Collection photography by Stan Godlewski | With contributions by | Robert G. Babcock Vincent Giroud George A. Miles Stephen Parks Patrick L. Pinnell Christa Sammons Barbara A. Shailor Patricia C. Willis Marjorie G. Wynne Timothy G. Young | Published by | The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library | Yale University | Distributed by | University Press of New England || Contents: Introduction The Building Ezra Stoller Dedication Portfolio Crossing Wall Early Manuscripts and Books Modern Books and Manuscripts The Collection of American Literature The Osborn Collection: English Manuscripts German Literature Collection Western Americana Collection Music in the Beinecke
NEWHardcover, 306 x 283 mm, pictorial cardboard, white lettering to front and spine, pictorial dust jacket, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-14] 15-224, illustrated in colour throughout. The 1st edition in 2000, published by The Pepin Press in Amsterdam. Title-page (white on black): Erotic Art of the Early Nineteenth Century | Romantique | {publisher’s device} | Bearsville, New York || ISBN 1-59020-000-4. Contents: Daydreams of the Juste Milieu: On the Historico-cultural Milieu of Erotic Lithographs The New Order of Love: Charles Fourier, the Unwavering Dreamer of Liberated Passions Achille Devéria and His School The Trader and the Policeman: Catalogues of Nineteenth Century Erotic Art The Blue Sofa On the Beginning and End of our Sexuality Soloists Duets Trios Quartets The Noble Orgy
NEWHardcover, 226 x 226 mm, pictorial cardboard, pp.: [1-7] 8-205 [3], illustrated in colour throughout. Title-page (crimson and black): PRÉFACE | MARIE-HÉLÈNE LAFON | DIRECTION | MARIE-PAULE CAIRE-JABINET | De la séduction… | CARTES POSTALES | DE LA BELLE ÉPOOUE | ET DES ANNÉES FOLLES | TEXTES DE | CORINNE LEGOY | LAIN QUELLA-VILLÉGER | JULIETTE RENNES | MARIANNE RÖTIG | ATCHA SALMON | CHRISTELLE TARAUD | SYLVAIN VENAYRE | Bleu autour || ISBN: 9782358480727
NEWThe good old days of naughty postcards: Softcover, 160 x 160 mm, blue flapped wrappers, front with a keyhole openwork showing the vignette in colour on the flap; pp. [1-9] 10-272 [4], colour illustrations throughout, topics from A to Z, historical erotic postcards from the author's collection. Title-page: LA BELLE ÉPOQUE | DES CARTES COQUINES | Christian DEFLANDRE | HORAY || Annotation (back wrapper): De A comme Adam, à Z comme Zizi, de lestes galanteries aux vertes gauloiseries témoignent de 'esprit facétieux de la vie amoureuse à la Belle Époque. Qualifies de « grivoises » par les amateurs de nudités, « licencieuses » par les moralistes, ces cartes au charme désuet dévoilent la sensualité et 'érotisme de nos arrière-grands-parents. ISBN 978-2-7058-0466-4
NEWSoftcover, 290 x 205 mm, publisher’s flapped pictorial wrappers, pp.: [1-7] 8-205 [3], text in English, French, and German, profusely illustrated. First edition published in 2011. Title-page: Edited by Dian Hanson | LA | PETITE | MORT | § | PHOTOGRAPHS BY SANTILLO | TASCHEN || Hanson, Dian (American, b. 1951) – editor/text Santillo, William (American) – photographer
NEWHardcover, 305 x 258 mm, black cloth with gilt lettering to spine, black pictorial dust jacket with white lettering to front and spine, olive endpapers; pp. [1-5] 6-144, 150 colour illustrations. ISBN 185177 316. Title-page: JAPANESE TEXTILES | IN THE VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM | Anna Jackson | Photographs by Ian Thomas | V&A PUBLICATIONS || Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Map Japanese textiles List of plates The plates Bibliography
NEWPaperback, 2nd edition, 290 x 205 mm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers with large flaps, white lettering, pp.: [1-6] 7-208, 198 illustrations, with glossary and 2½ pp. index. 1st edition published in 2020. Title-page: Japanese | Dress in Detail | Josephine Rout | with Anna Jackson | {Thames |&Hudson / V&A} || Contents: Introduction
- Necklines and Shoulders
- Headwear
- Sleeves
- Waists
- Waist Accessories
- Hems
- Linings and Undergarments
- Footwear
NEWHardcover, 290 x 240 mm, blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, grey endpapers, in a black and white pictorial dust jacket with white lettering, pp.: [1-5] 6-231 [232], with 114 plates. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Neue Galerie, NY, February 20—June 8, 2020. Title-page (white on black): MADAME D'ORA | Edited by Monika Faber | With preface by Ronald S. Lauder, foreword by Renée Price, | and contributions by Katrin Bomhoff Christian Brandstätter, Jean-Marc Dreyfus, | Monica Faber, Esther Ruelfs, Lisa Silverman, and Magdalena Vuković | PRESTEL | MUNICH • LONDON • NEW YORK | photoinstitut | BONARTES / MK&G / MUSEUM FÜR | KUNST UND GEWERBE | HAMBURG || Contributors: Kallmus, Dora [Madame d'Ora] (Austrian-Jewish, 1881 – 1963) – photographer Neue Galerie New York – museum of early twentieth-century German and Austrian art and design. Lauder, Ronald Steven (American-Jewish, b. 1944) – the owner of Neue Galerie.
NEWSoftcover, 278 x 243 mm, French flapped pictorial wrappers with blue lettering and oval vignette in the middle to front, blue lettering to flaps; pp. [1-4] 5-113 [3], ISBN 88-8082-523-2. Title-page: Laclos en images | Editions illustrées de Liaisons dangereuses | réunies et présentées | par Michel Delon et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | Mario Adda Editore | PRESSES DE L'UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SORBONNE || Imprint: (convex) le cabinet des curiosités | collection dirigée par Michel Delon | et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | (bottom left) ISBN 88-8082-523-2 | © Copyright 2003 | Mario Adda Editore - Via Tanzi. 59 – Bari | Tel e Fax 080/5539502 | Web: www.addaeditore.it | E-mail: addaeditore @addaeditore.it | Fotocomposizione: La Matrice – Bari | Stampa: Edizioni Pugliesi srI.- Martina Franca (Ta) || Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author
NEWSoftcover, 240 x 170 mm, creme dust jacket with red and black lettering and circular opening in the middle to front, red lettering to spine, over pictorial wrappers, pp. [1-8] 9-143 [1], ISBN 978-88-95598-25-3. 1st edition. Title-page (red and black): LACLOS | ILLUSTRE | « SCÈNES DES « LIAISONS DANGEREUSES» | Editions réunies et présentées | par Michel Delon et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | lineadacqua || Colophon: Imprimé à Venise, Italie | En février 2014 | Par Grafiche Veneziane || Publisher: Lineadacqua Edizioni; San Marco 3717/d, 30124 Venezia; www.lineadacqua.com Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author Contents: ILLUSTRATION ET INTERPRÉTATION – Michel Delon METTRE LES LETTRES ENSCÈNES – Michèle Sajous D'Oria LES LETTRES L'ÉCRITURE LE SECRET LA TRAHISON LE REFUS LA MARQUISE DE MERTEUIL LA PETITE MAISON LE CHEVALIER DE PRÉVAN LE RIVAL LE PIÈGE LE VICOMTE, DE VALMONT SÉDUCTIONS CÉCILE DE VOLANGES LA SURPRISE DES SENS LE VIOL LAPRÉSIDENTE DE TOURVEL L'AMOUR LA MORT FINALE Bibliographie des éditions illustrées Notices sur les illustrateurs
NEWSoftcover, 210 x 149 mm, white wrappers with red and black lettering and a vignette to front, red and black lettering to spine and black lettering to back; pp. [1-8] 9-143 [1]. ISBN 978-88-95598-98-7. Title-page (red and black): CASANOVA | IN | VENICE | Illustrated editions of The story of my life | collected and presented | by Michel Delon and Michèl Sajous D’Oria | lineadacqua || Colophon: Printed in Venice, Italy | In may 2019 | By Grafiche Veneziane, Venice || Back wrapper: 100 illustrations enrich | Casanova's own telling | of his adventures in Venice || First edition in French: April 2013 First edition in English: March 2019 Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author Lucian Comoy – translator Contents: A WORLD OFIMAGES – Michel Delon OF PLACES AND BOOKS – Michèle Sajous D'Oria PORTRAITS AND ALLEGORIES NANETTE AND MARTON VEDUTE C.C. A LETTER M.M. RENDEZ-VOUS AND AMBUSH THE CASINO AT THE OPERA AND THE RIDOTTO A MASKED BALL AT THE CONVENT THE QUADRILLE COMPARISON MELANCHOLY TONINE AND BARBERINE MASKS ARREST THE PIOMBI ADIEU VENICE Bibliography of the illustrated editions Notes concerning the illustrators
NEWHardcover, 280 x 121 mm, glossy white pictorial cover with mahogany lettering, pp. [1] 2-210 [2]. Lettering on the cover: ITŌ MITSURU | NOBUIE-TSUBA | {vignette} | TRANSLATED BY MARKUS SESKO || Title-page: Nobuie Tsuba | 信家鐔 | Itō Mitsuru (伊藤満) | translated by Markus Sesko | © 2016 Itō Mitsuru | Copyright translation: Markus Sesko | Print and Publishing: Lulu Press, Inc. ||
NEWHardcover, 217 x 142 mm, pictorial boards and spine, lettering; pictorial endpapers, collated 16mo: 1-1816, i.e. 288 leaves; pp.: [1-4] 5-573 [3], pictorial title, section titles, and frontispieces within collation. Print run 3000 copies. Title-page: ВЕНЕДИКТ ЕРОФЕЕВ | МОСКВА – | ЭДУАРД ВЛАСОВ | Бессмертная поэма | Венедикта Ерофеева | «МОСКВА – ПЕТУШКИ» | МОСКВА ВАГРИУС 2002 || Contents: Венедикт Ерофеев. Москва – Петушки. Поэма. (pp. 13-119); Эдуард Власов. Бессмертная поэма Венедикта Ерофеева «Москва – Петушки»: Спутник писателя (121-574). Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Власов, Эдуард Ю. – author/commentary Попов, Евгений Анатольевич (Russian, b. 1946) – preface Муравьёв, Владимир Сергеевич (Russian, 1939 – 2001) – editor Гусейнов, Вадим Владимирович (Russian, b. 1962) – artist
NEWSoftcover, light brown wrappers with French flaps, 163 x 110 mm, pp. [1-6] 7-357 [3]. Title-page: Venedikts Jerofejevs | MASKAVA | – | GAILĪŠI | No krievu valodas tulkojis | Uldis Tīrons | {Publisher’s device} | LIEPNIEKS & RITUPS || Translated from Russian by Uldis Tīrons Original title: Венедикт Ерофеев. Москва — Петушки Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Uldis Tīrons (Latvian, b. 1956) – translator
Hardcover volume 295 x 240 mm, pictorial front cover and purple spine with gilt embossed lettering, back cover with orange lettering, craft endpapers, pp.: [1-6] 7-255 [1], profusely illustrated. Exhibition catalogue with 123 reproductions of Japanese woodblock prints. Title-page: The Riddles of | UKIYO-E | Women and Men in Japanese Prints 1765–1865 | Chris Uhlenbeck / Jim Dwinger / Josephine Smit | {publisher’s device LUDION} || Table of contents: Preface; Introduction; Beauties; Shunga; Legends; Kabuki; INDEX; LIST OF WORKS; BIBLIOGRAPHY; AUTHORS.
Hardcover volume, 297 x 256 x 40 mm, glossy pictorial boards, pp. [1-8] 9-428 [4], profusely illustrated, text in French. F.I.N.A.L.E. stands for Foundation Internationale d’Arts et Litératures Érotiques (Foundation of Erotic Arts and Literatures, established on December 12, 1996 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Title-page: éros, | indéfiniment | Collections F.I.N.A.L.E. | { HumuS, publisher’s device} ||
Hardcover volume, 290 x 225 mm, bound in scarlet velveteen with gilt lettering to front and spine, gilt vignette and lettering to back; pp.: [1-8] 9-204 [4], profusely illustrated; text in French and English. ISBN : 2-940127-37-9. Title-page (yellow on red paper): EROS SECRET | OBJETS EROTIQUES A TRANSFORMATION | EROTIC TRANSFORMATION OBJECTS | Photographies et chorégraphie : Véronique Willemin | Photographer and choreography || “The ensemble of 150 objects presented belongs to one single collector. The manner in which the author met him at the airport of Larnaca, then on a yacht in the Mediterranean sea, resembles more a novel by Gérard de Villiers than the preface of a curator but has its own touch of spice” [Art of the day Weekly].
Bound in full-colour pictorial wrappers with French flaps, 250 x 190 x 35 mm, 1,311 g by weight, profusely illustrated volume, pp. [1-4] 5-427 [5], 216 leaves total. Title-page: {vignette} | EROS BACCHUS | L'amour et le vin | {publisher's device} || Exhibition at Château Musée du vin et de la vigne, à Aigle, du 24 mai 2014 au 28 février 2015. Text by Michel Froidevaux. Original description : Depuis l'apparition du vignoble, l'amour et le vin sont inséparables. Tantôt boisson des dieux, tantôt breuvage des poètes, le vin a la vertu de rapprocher les êtres. De la riche mythologie antique - Dionysos et Bacchus - aux fêtes des confréries contemporaines, le vin enflamme l'imaginaire et génère de la convivialité. L'idée est de proposer un parcours ludique et culturel, badin et savant pour aller par siècles et contrées à la découverte des plaisirs du boire et des méandres du désir. Livre richement illustré d'un millier d'images (dessins, objets, cartes postales,...) avec la participation d'une quarantaine d'artistes contemporains qui ont créé spécialement une œuvre. Machine translation: Love and wine have been inseparable since the dawn of the vineyard. Sometimes the drink of the gods, sometimes the beverage of poets, wine has the virtue of bringing people together. From the rich mythology of antiquity - Dionysus and Bacchus - to contemporary brotherhood celebrations, wine fires the imagination and generates conviviality. The idea is to offer a playful and cultural journey, both playful and learned, through centuries and lands, to discover the pleasures of drinking and the twists and turns of desire. The book is richly illustrated with some 1,000 images (drawings, objects, postcards, etc.), featuring works by some 40 contemporary artists.
Hardcover volume, 292 x 185 x 65 mm, pictorial cream paper over cardboard, black and burgundy lettering to spine and covers; pagination: [4] h.t./imprint, t.p./photo, caption; i-vi, 7-921 [3] colophon; limitation/blank, total 464 leaves. A heavy volume of over 3 kg. Front cover: Martin Van Maele | ou le diable se cache dans détails | Catalogue raisonné | établi par | LUC BINET | Preface de Jacques Duprilot | {vignette} | HumuS || Title-page (red and black): MARTIN VAN MAELE | (1863-1926) | ou le diable se cache dans détails | Catalogue raisonné | établi et commenté par | LUC BINET | Introduction de Jacques Duprilot | {publisher’s device} | ÉDITIONS HUMUS || Edition limited to 333 copies. Maele, Martin van [Martin, Maurice François Alfred] (French, 1863 – 1926)
Five issues in publisher's pictorial wrappers, 205 x 155 mm, profusely illustrated French erotic magazines. Published by Éditions Astarté : 58, rue Amelot, 75011 Paris. Rédacteur en chef : Gilles Berquet ; Comité de rédaction : Mïrka Lugosi, Jocelyne and Alexandre Dupouy. Maniac: revue d’amour critique, № 5, octobre 1996, 48p. — Paris: Astarté, 1996 ; ISSN 1261-484X. Maniac: revue d’amour critique, № 6, juin 1997, 48p. — Paris: Astarté, 1996 ; ISSN 1261-484X. Maniac: revue d’amour critique, № 7, octobre 1998, 48p. — Paris: Astarté, 1996 ; ISSN 1261-484X. Maniac: revue d’amour critique, № 8, décembre 2000, 70p (unpag.). — Paris: Astarté, 1996 ; ISSN 1261-484X. Maniac: revue d’amour critique, № 9, janvier 2004, 48p. — Paris: Astarté, 1996 ; ISSN 1261-484X.
Softcover, 270 x 210 mm, publisher’s flapped pictorial wrappers, in identical dust jacket, pp. [1-4] 5-189 [3], illustrated throughout with 192 collection items. ISBN 978-2-85923-092-0 Title-page (sanguine): — | SAMOURAÏS | GUERRIERS ET ESTHÈTES | — | CATALOGUE DE L'EXPOSITION | ORGANISÉE A LA BIBLIOTHÉQUE | NATIONALE ET UNIVERSITAIRE | STRASBOURG | 11 MARS – 13 JUILLET 2022 | SOUS LA DIRECTION | DE PATRICK LIEBERMANN, | EMMANUEL MARINE | ET DELPHINE MULARD | ASSISTÉS PAR AGATHE JACQUEMIN | bnu | STRASBOURG || Publisher: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire (Strasbourg) In this collection: TSU-0437.2024
Contributors Collective: Emmanuel Marine Delphine Mulard Patrick Liebermann Agathe Jacquemin
Catalogue raisonné of Pascin's erotic drawings. Softcover, 21 x 15 cm, burgundy gloss pictorial paperback with lettering and vignettes, pp.: [1-3] 4-102 [2], illustrated throughout. Limited edition of 1,000 copies. Title-page: Pascin érotique | {round vignette} | éditions Astarté - Paris || Contributors: Alexandre Dupouy (French) Pascin, Jules [Pincas, Julius Mordecai] (French-Jewish, 1885 – 1930)
Hardcover, 242 x 168 mm, quarter burgundy cloth over blue paper boards, outer edge untrimmed; pp.: [6] [1-4] 5-516 [2 colophon/blank] [6 blanks]. First published in France in 2000 as “Haussmann” by Librairie Arthème Fayard. Title-page: HAUSSMANN | ~ | His Life and Times, | and the Making of Modern Paris | MICHEL CARMONA | TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY PATRICK CAMILER | {publisher’s device} | Ivan • R • Dee | Chicago 2002 || Michel Carmona (French, b. 1940) Georges-Eugène Haussmann [Baron Haussmann] (French, 1809 – 1891)
Hardcover volume, 38.3 x 26 x 3.8 cm, pictorial boards, lettering to front cover and spine, pp.: [1-6] 7-421 [3], ils. Title-page: Cesare Leonardi Franca Stagi | THE ARCHITECTURE | OF TREES | Introduction to the new edition | ANDREA CAVANI, GIULIO ORSINI | Translated from the Italian by | NATALIE DANFORD | Princeton Architectural Press | New York || Cesare Leonardi (Italian, 1935 – 2021) Franca Stagi (Italian, 1937 – 2008) Natalie Danford (American, b. 1968)
Hardcover, 31 x 24 cm, blue cloth over cardboard, orange lettering to spine, pictorial front cover, embossed back cover, pp.: [1-6] 7-271 [1], approx. 700 colour illustrations. Monograph and catalogue raisonné. ISBN: 978-3-85415-570-6. Title-page (orange): CORNELIA CABUK | {O. R. Schatz as vignette} | MONOGRAFIE | und | WERK= | VERZEICHNIS | mit Textbeiträgen von | STELLA ROLLIG | DIETER KRAFT | CORNELIA CABUK | Belvedere Werkverzeichnisse, Band 7 | Stella Rollig, Christian Huemer (Hg.) || Contributors: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere Cornelia Cabuk Dieter Kraft Stella Rollig Ritter Verlag (Vienna)
Hardcover volume, 35 x 26 cm, bound in pictorial paper boards with a lettered label to front cover, black lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-5] 6-787 [788], 1028 colour ils., trilingual edition (English, German, French). Title-page (red and black): LUIGI FICACCI | ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER LA GRAFICA, ROME | Giovanni Battista | PIRANESI | Catalogue of the Complete Etchings | Gesamtkatalog der Radierungen | Catalogue raisonné des eaux-fortes | TASCHEN || Contributors: Luigi Ficacci (Italian, b. 1954) – author. Giovanni Battista [Giambattista] Piranesi (Italian, 1720 – 1778) – artist.
Hardcover volume, 28.7 x 24.7 cm, pictorial paper boards, pictorial endpapers, pp. :[1-6] 7-224, 207 colour ils. Published on the occasion of an exhibition at the Morgan Library & Museum, 10 March to 4 June 2023. Title-page: SUBLIME IDEAS | — | DRAWINGS BY | GIOVANNI BATTISTA | PIRANESI | John Marciari | THE MORGAN LIBRARY & MUSEUM, NEW YORK | in association with | PAUL HOLBERTON PUBLISHING || Contributors: John Marciari (American, b. 1971) – author. Giovanni Battista [Giambattista] Piranesi (Italian, 1720 – 1778) – artist.
Hardcover volume, 23 x 15 cm, bound in full pictorial olive cloth, lettering to spine, in a green slipcase 23.5 x 15.9 cm; pp.: [1-4] 5- 267 [268] [4 blanks], b/w tailpieces, frontispiece and 8 colour photomechanical plates after John Holder. Title-page: GRAHAM GREENE | TRAVELS WITH MY AUNT | A Novel | Introduced by John Mortimer | Illustrated by John Holder | FOLIO SOCIETY | LONDON MMIV || Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. John Mortimer (British, 1923 – 2009) – author/introduction. John Holder (British, b. 1941) – artist. St. Edmundsbury Press (UK) – printer. Hunter & Fouls (Haddington) – binder. Folio Society (UK) – publisher. For the 1st edition, see [LIB-2758.2021] Graham Greene. Travels with my aunt: a novel. — London: Bodley Head, 1969.
Paperback, 16.5 x 10.8 cm, pictorial wrappers, lettering to front and spine; pp.: [1-4] 5-187 [188] [4]. Title-page: Венедикт | ЕРОФЕЕВ | Москва – | Петушки | ПОЭМА | ВАГРИУС • МОСКВА • 2003 || Print-run: 11,000. Contributors: Венедикт Васильевич Ерофеев [Venedikt Yerofeyev] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author. Вагриус – publisher.
Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.7 cm, 70 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 17-24, 2023 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-142 [2], ils. Invitation card laid in. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.7 cm, 43 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on September 16-23, 2022 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-97 [98] [2 blank], ils. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
Hardcover volume, 24.2 x 17.2 cm, bound in black buckram with blind barbed wire design and silver lettering to front cover and spine, pp.: [2] 3-892 [4]. Одеський мартиролог: Данi про репресованих Одеси i Одеськоï областi за роки радянськоï влады (Серiя «Реабiлiтованi iсторiэю») (Том 3) / Уклад.: Л. В. Ковальчук, Г. О. Разумов— Одеса : ОКФА, 2005. Title-page: Научно-документальная серия книг | «РЕАБИЛИТИРОВАННЫЕ ИСТОРИЕЙ» | ОДЕССКИЙ | МАРТИРОЛОГ | ТОМ 3 | Одесса | ОКФА | 2005 || ISBN: 966-571-124-5 Print run: 1,000 copies. Ковальчук, Лидия Всеволодовна Разумов, Георгий Александрович
Hardcover volume, 24.3 x 17.3 cm, bound in black buckram with blind barbed wire design and silver lettering to front cover and spine, pp.: [2] 3-959 [960]. Одеський мартиролог: Данi про репресованих Одеси i Одеськоï областi за роки радянськоï влады (Серiя «Реабiлiтованi iсторiэю») (Том 4) / Уклад.: Л. В. Ковальчук, Г. О. Разумов— Одеса: СМИЛ, 2006. Title-page: Научно-документальная серия книг | «РЕАБИЛИТИРОВАННЫЕ ИСТОРИЕЙ» | ОДЕССКИЙ | МАРТИРОЛОГ | ТОМ 4 | Одесса | СМИЛ | 2006 || ISBN: 966-8127-63-3 Print run: 1,000 copies. Ковальчук, Лидия Всеволодовна Разумов, Георгий Александрович
Hardcover volume, 20.7 x 13.2 cm, in glossy paper pictorial boards, blurb to back, lettering to spine, pp.: [1-4] 5-221 [3]. Title-page: {meander} {banner: crawn} | ИСТОРИЯ | В РОМАНАХ {meander} | Э. Сю | ТАЙНЫ НАРОДА | {device МИР КНИГИ} {device Литература} | {meander} || Faux-title: {meander} | ТАЙНЫ НАРОДА | История одного семейства | {meander} || Print run: 3,500 copies. Contributors: Eugène Sue [Эжен Сю] (French, 1804 – 1857) – author О. Иванова, О. Григорьева, Л. Белевич – translators. Original:Eugène Sue. Les mystères du peuple ou Histoire d’une famille de prolétaires à travers les âges. — Paris Administration de librairie, 1849-1857 (16 vol.), according to Worldcat 68 editions published between 1850 and 2003.
Hardcover volume, 22 x 15.5 cm, pictorial paper boards with black and white lettering to front and spine, a blurb in black on orange to back, pp.: [2] 3-437 [3], 3 ils. Title-page: ПОСЛЕДНИЙ | ПРИЮТ | МАРКО | ВОВЧОК | device {ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | М. И В. КОТЛЯРОВЫХ} | Нальчик 2021 || Print run: 400 copies. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Марія Олександрівна Вілінська, Marko Vovtchok] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907). Лобач-Жученко, Борис Борисович (Russian, 1899 – 1995). Collective: Мария и Виктор Котляровы, Александр Шепелев, Оксана Иваненко, Евгения Тютюнина, Наталья Смирнова, С. Л. Ращенко, Марина Лобач-Жученко.
Two paperback volumes, 29.6 x 22.8 cm, pictorial softcover in full dust jacket with letering (see below); One the back DJ of both volumes lettered: “Sotheby’s | EST. 1744 (vertical) | GALERIE CHARPENTIER 76 RUE DE FAUBOURG SAINT-HONORÉ 75008 PARIS WWW. SOTHEBYS.COM”. Vol. 1: DJ lettered in olive green: Sotheby’s | EST. 1744 (vertical) | COLLECTION HUGUETTE BERES | ESTAMPES, DESSINS ET LIVRES ILLUSTRES JAPONAIS | {HB monogram in red} | PARIS MERCREDI 27 NOVEMBRE 2002 ||. Pagination: 2 ffl, [1-5] (h.t., t.p., Sommaire), 6-340, 2 ffl; 229 lots with ils.; sale PF2021 Vol. 2: DJ lettered in olive green: “Sotheby’s | EST. 1744 (vertical) | COLLECTION HUGUETTE BERES | ESTAMPES, DESSINS ET LIVRES ILLUSTRES JAPONAIS (SECONDE VENTE) | {HB monogram in red} | PARIS MARDI 25 novembre 2003 ||. Pagination: 2 ffl, [1-7] (h.t., t.p., Sommaire, f.t.) 8-287 [288 blank], 2 ffl; 252 lots with ils.; sale PF3018. Contributors: Huguette Berès (French, 1913 – 1999)
Illustrated sales catalogue of 23-25 September 2022, paperback, 21 x 15 cm, pictorial wrappers, white lettering on a black background to the front, back, and spine, 24 leaves, unpaginated, 109 items listed, print run of 50 copies, this copy signed by hand to Monsieur Serge Varshavsky on the last page. Title-page: POULET-MALASSIS | & ses amis | Une sélection d’ouvrages entre 1860 et 1880, | la plupart clandestins et quelques manuscrits | À monsieur Bernard Peyrat, bibliophile |{vignette} | LES LARMES D'ÉROS | 58, rue Amelot 75011 Paris | sur rendez-vous | les-larmes-d-eros@wanadoo.fr | 06 09 81 65 57 - 01 43 38 33 43 ||
Paperback, 21.2 x 13.6 cm, dark blue pictorial covers with white lettering, pp.: [2] 3-316 [4]. Title-page: Рав. Й.-Д. Соловейчик | И СТАНЕТЕ ИСКАТЬ | ОТТУДА… | Перевод Мириам Китросской | Памяти | Миши Шнейдера и Лены Гальпериной | {publisher’s device} | Иерусалим 5782 (2022) || Contributors: Иосеф Дов-Бер ха-Леви Соловейчик [יוסף דב הלוי סולובייצ'יק, Joseph Dov-Ber Soloveitchik) (Jewish-American, 1903 – 1993) Мириам Китросская [Miriam Kitrossky] (Israeli, b. 1957)
Hardcover, 28.5 x 21 cm, blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket with the glued white label “Winner of the Apollo Magazine | Book of the Year 2003 Award”; pp.: [1-9] 10-260, ils.; ISBN 9781872501543, 9781872501239, 1872501540, 1872501230. Title-page: OTTO PÄCHT | Venetian Painting | in the 15th Century | Jacopo, Gentile and Giovanni Bellini | and Andrea Mantegna | Edited by | Margareta Vyoral-Tschapka | and | Michael Pächt | {publisher’s device} | HARVEY MILLER PUBLISHERS || Contributors: Otto Pächt (Austrian, 1902 – 1988) Margareta Vyoral-Tschapka Michael Pächt (Austrian, b. 1942)
Pictorial paper hardcover, 29 x 22.5 cm, pp. [i-vi] vii-xiv, [2] 3-319 [3], total 336 pp. ISBN: 1442263393. ISBN/EAN: 9781442263390. Title-page: The Dictionary of the Book | A Glossary for Book Collectors, Booksellers, | Librarians, and Others | Sidney E. Berger | […] | Rowman & Littlefield | Lanham • Boulder • New York • London ||
Hardcover, 20.7 x 13 cm, paper boards and spine, silver and gilt lettering, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-5] 6-321 [5] [10 advert.], in-text ill., total 336 pages plus 12 (8+4) leaves of plates. 944 entries (1921-1938), plus a list of new books published between 1991 and 2004. Title-page: В. В. Крылов | Е. В. Кичатова | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ACADEMIA» | ЛЮДИ И КНИГИ | 1921 ~ 1938 ~ 1991 | Под общей редакцией | В. А. Попова | ~ | {publisher’s device} | Москва | 2004 || Print run: 2,000 copeis. Contributors: Крылов, Вячеслав Викторович (Russian, 1940 – 2005) Кичатова, Екатерина Вячеславовна (Russian)
Paperback reprint on demand, 28 x 22 cm, in green malachite wrappers with yellow lettering to both covers; pp. [i-ii] iii-v[vi] 1-122 [4]. Title-page: Okhrana | The Paris Operations of | the Russian Imperial Police | Ben B. Fischer | History Staff | Center for the Study | of Intelligence | Central Intelligence Agency | 1997 || ISBN-10: 1907521992 Benjamin B. Fischer Contents. Foreword. Preface. Okhrana: The Paris Operations of the Russian Imperial Police. From Paris to Palo Alto. CIA Interest in the Okhrana Files. Origins of the Okhrana and Its Paris Office. Foreign Operations. Change and Continuity Dramatis Personae Conclusions Rita T. Kronenbitter Paris Okhrana 1885-1905. The Illustrious Career of Arkadiy Harting. The Sherlock Holmes of the Revolution. Okhrana Agent Dolin. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part I: Russian Women. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part II: Indigenous Recruits. Review of Edward Ellis Smith, The Young Stalin, by Harry Gelman. Commentary by Rita T. Kronenbitter.
Paperback, 32 x 29 cm, with signed manuscript gift autograph to t.p., pp.: [1-9] 10-159 [5]. The photographic pictorial album, published on the occasion of the exhibition at Madrid, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Sala Antonio Palacios, from December 12th, 2006 to January 7th, 2007. Valery Katsuba (Belarusian, b. 1965) – artist.
Hardcover volume, 28.5 x 25.5 cm, green lettered boards, pictorial dust jacket, pp.: [1-13] 14-143 [144], ils., inset: double-sheet 29.7 x 21 cm, “Exposition du 4 novembre 2006 au 4 février 2007”. Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Gabriel Laurin d'Aix (1901-1973)" held at the Musée Ziem, Martigues, Nov. 3, 2006 — Feb. 4, 2007. Title-page: GABRIEL LAURIN | un monde en couleurs | 1901-1973 | Sous la direction de Gérard Fabre | Texte de Jeanine Warnod | {publishers devices} || Contributors: Gabriel Laurin (French, 1901 – 1973) Jeanine Warnod (French, b. 1921) Gérard Fabre (French, b. 1963)
Paperback, pictorial wrappers, 20.5 x 14 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-271 [272 colophon]. Title-page: Я. С. Лурье | ИЗБРАННЫЕ СТАТЬИ | И ПИСЬМА | Санкт-Петербург 2011 || Contributors: Яков Соломонович Лурье (Russian-Jewish, 1921 — 1996) Варвара Гелиевна Вовина-Лебедева (Russian, b. 1961) Михаил Маркович Кром (Russian, b. 1966)
Paperback, 23 x 15.5 cm, pictorial wrappers, pp. [i-xxi] [3] [1] 2-311 [312 blank], total 336 pages. Title-page: Japan | and the | Culture | of the | Four Seasons | Nature, Literature, and the Arts | HARUO SHIRANE | Columbia University Press New York ||
Hardcover volume, 24.5 x 17.5 cm, pictorial boards and endpapers, pp. [2] 3-167 [168]; 2 t.p., 129 pp. of plates, 33 pp. of text, 4 pp. of thumbnails, 1 colophon. Front cover (grey vignette, blue lettering): Das Leningrader Album | We are on | our way to school | singing songs | hip and cool | Вместе в школу | мы идём | песни модные | поём. | von | Evgenij | Kozlov | konkursbuch Verlag | Claudia Gehrke || ISBN: 3-88769-315-9. Evgenij Kozlov (Russian-German, b. 1955) – artist.
Paperback, 25.3 x 17.3 cm, burgundy flapped wrappers, pp.: [i-vii] viii-x, [2] [1] 2-356. Front wrapper: Picasso's | {vignette} | Brothel | Les Demoiselles d'Avignon | Wayne Andersen || Title-page: PICASSO'S BROTHEL | LES DEMOISELLES D'AVIGNON | — | WAYNE ANDERSEN | {publisher’s device} | Other Press | New York || Wayne Andersen (American, 1928 – 2014) Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881 – 1973) Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
Square softcover, 28.5 x 28.7 cm, pictorial wrappers, pp.: [1-5] 6-208, ils. Title-page: Chikanobu | Modernity and Nostalgia in Japanese Prints | by Bruce A. Coats | with essays by | Allen Hockley, Kyoko Kurita and Joshua S. Mostow | Scripps College, Claremont, CA, USA | in association with | Hotei Publishing | Leiden, The Netherlands | {publisher’s device} || Contributors: Toyohara Chikanobu [豊原周延] (Japanese, 1838 – 1912) Bruce Arthur Coats (American, modern)
Hardcover, 31 x 24 cm, red paper with black and white lettering to front cover and spine, pictorial endpapers, pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-8] 9-336, profusely illustrated in colour. Title-page (black and red): Japanese | woodblock prints | ARTISTS, PUBLISHERS AND MASTERWORKS | 1680 – 1900 | Andreas Marks {|} Foreword by Stephen Addiss | TUTTLE PUBLISHING | Tokyo • Rutland, Vermont • Singapore ||
Description: One volume, 20.6 x 13.7 cm, pictorial glossy paper boards; pp.: [1-6] 7-480 [481] [7 advert.]; total 488 pages, ils. ISBN: 978-5-4448-0627-2. Contributor: Вера Аркадьевна Мильчина [Vera Miltchina] (Russian, b. 1953)
Description: Publisher’s wrappers 24 x 17 cm, pp. [1-6] 7-125 [3], total 64 leaves, edition limited to 150 copies. Includes “Errata & Addenda”, published in 2022. Cover and title-page: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | – | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1650 ET 1970 (SUPPLÉMENT) | {publisher’s device} | J-P DUTEL, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMXXI ||
Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 46 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 88 entries, with price list laid in. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:
SVJP-0349.2021: Utagawa Kunisada. Kabuki actor Nakamura Shikan II as Gotobei / Fan print, 1830.
Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 46 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 89 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:
SVJP-0327.2020: Kunisada. Ichikawa Ebizo V (Danjuro VII) in a Shibaraku role / Ōban, 1822; # 50 in the Catalogue.