• Paperback, 2nd edition, 290 x 205 mm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers with large flaps, white lettering, pp.: [1-6] 7-208, 198 illustrations, with glossary and 2½ pp. index. 1st edition published in 2020. Title-page: Japanese | Dress in Detail | Josephine Rout | with Anna Jackson | {Thames |&Hudson / V&A} || Contents: Introduction
    1. Necklines and Shoulders
    2. Headwear
    3. Sleeves
    4. Waists
    5. Waist Accessories
    6. Hems
    7. Linings and Undergarments
    8. Footwear
    Further Reading Glossary Acknowledgements Index
  • Hardcover, 305 x 258 mm, black cloth with gilt lettering to spine, black pictorial dust jacket with white lettering to front and spine, olive endpapers; pp. [1-5] 6-144, 150 colour illustrations. ISBN 185177 316. Title-page: JAPANESE TEXTILES | IN THE VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM | Anna Jackson | Photographs by Ian Thomas | V&A PUBLICATIONS || Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Map Japanese textiles List of plates The plates Bibliography
  • Softcover, 290 x 205 mm, publisher’s flapped pictorial wrappers, pp.: [1-7] 8-205 [3], text in English, French, and German, profusely illustrated. First edition published in 2011. Title-page: Edited by Dian Hanson | LA | PETITE | MORT | § | PHOTOGRAPHS BY SANTILLO | TASCHEN || Hanson, Dian (American, b. 1951) – editor/text Santillo, William (American) – photographer
  • The good old days of naughty postcards: Softcover, 160 x 160 mm, blue flapped wrappers, front with a keyhole openwork showing the vignette in colour on the flap; pp. [1-9] 10-272 [4], colour illustrations throughout, topics from A to Z, historical erotic postcards from the author's collection. Title-page: LA BELLE ÉPOQUE | DES CARTES COQUINES | Christian DEFLANDRE | HORAY || Annotation (back wrapper): De A comme Adam, à Z comme Zizi, de lestes galanteries aux vertes gauloiseries témoignent de 'esprit facétieux de la vie amoureuse à la Belle Époque. Qualifies de « grivoises » par les amateurs de nudités, « licencieuses » par les moralistes, ces cartes au charme désuet dévoilent la sensualité et 'érotisme de nos arrière-grands-parents. ISBN 978-2-7058-0466-4
  • Hardcover, 226 x 226 mm, pictorial cardboard, pp.: [1-7] 8-205 [3], illustrated in colour throughout. Title-page (crimson and black): PRÉFACE | MARIE-HÉLÈNE LAFON | DIRECTION | MARIE-PAULE CAIRE-JABINET | De la séduction… | CARTES POSTALES | DE LA BELLE ÉPOOUE | ET DES ANNÉES FOLLES | TEXTES DE | CORINNE LEGOY | LAIN QUELLA-VILLÉGER | JULIETTE RENNES | MARIANNE RÖTIG | ATCHA SALMON | CHRISTELLE TARAUD | SYLVAIN VENAYRE | Bleu autour || ISBN: 9782358480727
  • Hardcover, 306 x 283 mm, pictorial cardboard, white lettering to front and spine, pictorial dust jacket, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-14] 15-224, illustrated in colour throughout. The 1st edition in 2000, published by The Pepin Press in Amsterdam. Title-page (white on black): Erotic Art of the Early Nineteenth Century | Romantique | {publisher’s device} | Bearsville, New York || ISBN 1-59020-000-4. Contents: Daydreams of the Juste Milieu: On the Historico-cultural Milieu of Erotic Lithographs The New Order of Love: Charles Fourier, the Unwavering Dreamer of Liberated Passions Achille Devéria and His School The Trader and the Policeman: Catalogues of Nineteenth Century Erotic Art The Blue Sofa On the Beginning and End of our Sexuality Soloists Duets Trios Quartets The Noble Orgy
  • Hardcover, 250 x 310 mm, black cloth, gilt lettering to spine, grey end papers, pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-8] 9-237 [3], illustrated in colour throughout. ISBN 0.8457.3150-5 Title-page (pictorial): The Beinecke Library OF YALE UNIVERSITY | Edited by Stephen Parks Architectural photography by Richard Cheek | Dedication photography by Ezra Stoller Collection photography by Stan Godlewski | With contributions by | Robert G. Babcock  Vincent Giroud  George A. Miles  Stephen Parks  Patrick L. Pinnell  Christa Sammons  Barbara A. Shailor  Patricia C. Willis  Marjorie G. Wynne  Timothy G. Young | Published by | The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library | Yale University | Distributed by | University Press of New England || Contents: Introduction The Building Ezra Stoller Dedication Portfolio Crossing Wall Early Manuscripts and Books Modern Books and Manuscripts The Collection of American Literature The Osborn Collection: English Manuscripts German Literature Collection Western Americana Collection Music in the Beinecke
  • Hardcover, 287 x 227 mm, pictorial boards with white lettering on blue background, red endpapers, glossy dust jacket of similar design, pp.: ffl, [1-6] 7-462 [2], addenda sheet laid in, ffl; illustrated throughout in b/w and colour. Title-page: BERNARD SAUGIER | SYLVAIN SAUVAGE | 1888 – 1948 | VOYAGE AU PAYS LITTÉRAIRE | D'UN ILLUSTRATEUR | {vignette} | Chez l'auteur | rule in red || Colophon: ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | SUR LES PRESSES | DE CHAZELLE IMPRIMEURS | ZONE PORTUAIRE | 39100 DOLE | JUIN 2014 | Bertrand CHAZELLE, | Ancien élève de l'École Estienne, étant directeur. | Dépôt légal N°447 || Contributors: Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) Saugier, Bernard (French) Chazelle, Bertrand (French)
  • Paperback exhibition/sales catalogue, 270 x 210 mm, publisher’s flapped wrappers, pictorial on pink background, pp.: [1-6] 7-110 [2], pages 7 to 100 are plates – photomechanical reproductions from original photographs. Limited edition of 1000 copies, 1-980 numbered, of which this is № 532. Title-page: Rudolf Lehnert | (1878 - 1948) | Ernst Landrock | (1878 - 1966) | Tunis intime | Portraits et nus 1904 – 1910 | Préface d'Hervé Le Goff | Toutes les photographies sont d'époque (Vintages) | Elles font l'objet d'une exposition du 19 septembre au 1er décembre 2007 | et seront en venteà la galerie du mardi au samedi de 14h30 à 19h30 | All pictures are vintages and are for sale at the gallery open thuesday till saturday 2,30 pm - 7,30 pm | Nicole Canet | Galerie Au Bonheur du Jour | 11, rue Chabanais - 75002 Paris - Tél. +33 (0)1 42 96 58 64 | www.aubonheurdujour.net - aubonheurdujour@curiositel.com | Métro Bourse, Palais-Royal, Pyramides || Limitation: L'édition originale de cet ouvrage est limitée à 1000 exemplaires | numérotés de 1 à 980 dont 20 exemplaires hors commerce | numérotés de H.C. I à H.C. XX | (ms) 532 || Contributors: Le Goff, Hervé (French, b. 1947) Lehnert, Rudolf Franz (Austrian, 1878 – 1948) Landrock, Ernst Heinrich (German, 1878 – 1966) Canet, Nicole (French, b. 1945)
  • NEW
    Softcover volume 240 x 192 x 40 mm in publisher’s glossy wrappers with flaps, pp. [1-6] 7-576, profusely illustrated in b/w and colour, three language publications: French (7-393), English (395-469), Russian (470-551). 2nd edition; the 1st edition © Denoël, Paris, 2000 sous le titre « Peintres juifs à Paris, École de Paris, 1905-1939 ». ISBN 978-2-7572-0701-7. Title-page: NIESZAWER & PRINC | ARTISTES JUIFS | DE L'ÉCOLE DE PARIS | 1905-1939 | JEWISH ARTISTS | OF THE SCHOOL OF PARIS | ЕВРЕЙСКИЕ ХУДОЖНИКИ | ПАРИЖСКОЙ ШКОЛЫ | Sous la direction de | Nadine Nieszawer | Expert de l'École de Paris 1905-1939 | Deborah Princ – Arthur Princ – Boris Princ | Marie Boyé Taillan – Paul Fogel | Traduction du français vers l'anglais | Deborah Princ | Traduction du français vers le russe | Oleg Semenov | PRÉFACE | PREFACE | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ | Claude Lanzmann | SOMOGY | ÉDITIONS | D'ART ||
  • NEW
    Hardcover volume 245 x 355 mm blue pictorial cardboard with lettering to spine and front board, in pictorial dust jacket, housed in 360 x 255 mm blue cloth over cardboard slipcase with gilt lettering to spines and boards, pp. [1-7] 8-285 [286]; catalogue of the exhibit of the Georges Leskowicz collection of Andō Hiroshige fan prints, held at Museé Guimet in Paris from February 15, 2023 to May 29, 2023, with 119 item entries with descriptions and bibliography. Title-page (blue and black): CHRISTOPHE MARQUET | avec la collaboration de Toshiko Kawakane | HIROSHIGE | Les éventails d'Edo | ESTAMPES DE LA COLLECTION | GEORGES LESKOWICZ | in fine {publisher’s device} || Contributors: Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858) – artist. Leskowicz, Georges [Jerzy Tadeusz] (Polish-French, b. 1946) – collector. Musée national des Arts asiatiques - Guimet – exhibitor. Marquet, Christophe (French, b. 1965) – author.
  • NEW
    Hardcover volume 295 x 240 mm, blue cloth spine over paper boards; front pictorial with lettering, back blue with white lettering, red lettering to spine; pp. [1–6] 7–527 [528]; catalogue of the Alan Medaugh collection of Utagawa Hiroshige prints, featuring an annotated catalogue of 500 works, divided into nine thematic sections, with essays by leading scholars.



    • Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797–1858) – artist.
    • Medaugh, Alan (American, 1963 – 2024) – collector.
    • Dwinger, Jim – catalogue compiler.
    • Carpenter, John T. – essayist.
    • Marks, Andreas – essayist.
    • Paget, Rhiannon – essayist.
    • Sasaki, Shiho – essayist.
    • Matsuba, Ryoko – collection photographer.
    • Ludion – publisher.

    ISBN: 978-9493039988.

    For more information, you can refer to the publisher's page: accartbooks.com