NEWPaperback volume with quarter red cloth backing 257 x 185 mm, black lettering in English and Japanese to front, red seals fac-simile to front and back; pp. [6] 1-6, 2-6 plates verso only, 7-26 [4] 1-66 [2] 7-88 plates verso only [2], some plates in colour with captioned tissue guards, incl. frontispiece memorial portrait of Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858). Limited edition of 275 copies, this is copy № 254. Title-page: CATALOGUE | OF | THE MEMORIAL EXHIBITION | OF | HIROSHIGE'S WORKS | on the 60th Anniversary of His Death. | {red diamond} | Compiled and Published | BY | S. WATANABE. | (Ukiyoye Association) | TOKYO. | 1918. || Author: Shōzaburō Watanabe [渡辺 庄三郎] (Japanese, 1885 – 1962) Five fan prints: № 173. REFLECTED MOON ON THE SUMIDA. № 174. TOTO SHINAGAWA NO KEI. Shinagawa Beach, Yedo. № 179. ZUSÕ HAKONEYAMA YAKO NO ZU. Night Ascent of Hakone Pass. Published by Dansendo. № 180. TSUKI NO SANKEI. Beauties in a boat enjoying evening cool at Ryōgoku, from Three Moonlight Scenes. Published by Dansendo. № 182. SUMIDAGAWA HASHIBA WATASHI VUKI NO KEI. A Ferry Boat at a Sumida River Landing in Snow.
NEWHardcover volume 257 x 180 mm housed in marbled slipcase 265 x 180 mm with opening outlined in brown morocco, binding by René Kieffer in brown morocco, mosaic vignette in gilt and colours stamped to front and gilt vignette to rear board, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, gilt corners and fillets, gilt bookbinder signature inside, bookbinder’s ticket to flyleaf verso, marbled endpapers, top edge gilt; printed on thick wove paper produced by Perrigot-Masure; nine coloured etchings and 45 woodcuts after C. Picart le Doux; original woodcut pictorial wrappers preserved, [1-6] 7-67 [4] plus nine plates; enriched with a suite of uncoloured etchings in two states and a suite of woodcuts in ochre. Limitation: The edition is limited to 100 copies, printed on October 20, 1909, at Imprimerie de l'Art Décoratif. This copy was printed for Mademoiselle E. Kieffer. Title-page (brown and black): ALBERT SAMAIN | HYALIS | Le petit Faune aux yeux bleus | eaux fortes et bois gravés originaux | de C•PICART•LE•DOUX | {woodcut vignette} | COLLECTION•ECLECTIQUE | A•BLAIZOT | EDITEUR | 26•Rue le Peletier / RENÉ KIEFFER | RELIEUR D’ART | 47•R.St André des Arts / PARIS • 1909 || Imprint: TIRAGE UNIQUE | de cette édition de grand luxe | à 100 Exemplaires | contenant : | Trois états des eaux-fortes, dont l'eau-forte pure | et un tirage à part des bois | Exemplaire imprimé spécialement pour : | Mademoiselle E. KIEFFER | {woodcut vignette} || COLLABORATEURS | C. PICART LE Doux, Peintre-Graveur | ~ | E. DURAND, Directeur de l'Imprimerie Typographique | MAGORIEC, Compositeur | AYRAULT, Pressier | ~ | Eaux-fortes tirées par A. ROUTY | ~ | CARACTÈRES DE GIRALDON | fondus par la maison DEBERNY | ~ | Papiers à la forme de PERRIGOT-MASURE | ~ || Colophon: {woodcut vignette} | ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | le 20 Octobre 1909 | par l'Imprimerie de l'Art Décoratif || Contributors: Albert Samain (French, 1858 – 1900) – author. Charles Alexandre Picart Le Doux (French, 1881 – 1959) – artist. René Kieffer (French, 1876 – 1963) – bookbinder. Auguste Blaizot (French, 1908 – 1941) – publisher.
NEWHardcover volume 175 x 131 mm bound in red half-morocco over marbled boards, spine with faux raised bands with gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, 3 laid paper fly leaves in the front and 3 in the rear, publisher’s original wrappers preserved, pp.: [6] 1-302 [2], collated 18mo: π3 1-1518 178, i.e. 155 leaves incl. front and back wrappers and 10 photogravures after Martin Van Maële (pp. 21, 55, 81, 97, 133, 153, 197,226, 259 et 295), within collation; front wrapper with van Maële's vignette, signed. Title-page (red and black): AIMÉ VAN ROD | Nos Belles | Flagellantes | Orné de 10 Dessins | hors texte de Martin VAN MAËLE | PARIS | ÉDITION PARISIENNE | (sticker) 9, Rue du Faubourg-Montmartre, 9 | 1907 || Colophon: SAINT-AMAND (CHER). — IMPRIMERIE BUSSIÈRE. Catalogue raisonné: S. A. Perry (2015) № 44, p. 43; Luc Binet № 61, pp. 212-218; ibid. № 132, p. 850. Contributors: Van Rod, Aimé (fr. rod-lover) – anonymous writers collective on whipping. Maurice François Alfred Martin van Maële [Martin van Maële] (French, 1863 – 1926) – artist. Dardaillon, Jules (French, 1859-19..) and Mme Roberts – publishers. Carrington, Charles (British, 1867 – 1921) – publisher.
NEWHardcover volume 188 x 125 mm, quarter grey shagreen over marbled boards with gilt lettering to spine ruled in double gilt fillet, marbled endpapers, publisher’s wrappers preserved; collated 2 ffl, front wrapper, π4 (blank1, ht/advert.2, blank/frontis., t.p./blank3, dedication/blank4), text 376 χ1, rear wrapper, 2ffl; pp.: [8] [1] 2-446, plus portrait frontispiece. Title-page: GUSTAVE GEFFROY | — | L'ENFERMÉ | AVEC LE MASQUE DE BLANQUI | Eau-forte de Bracquemond | (in rules) CINQUIÈME MILLE | PARIS | BIBLIOTHÈQUE CHARPENTIER | EUGENE FASJUELLE, ÉDITEUR | 11, RUE DE GRENELLE, 11 | 1919 || For another copy published in 1897, see LIB-2583.2020.
NEWTwo hardcover volumes, 205 x 160 mm each, uniformly bound in red quarter-shagreen over marbled boards, raised bands and gilt lettering to spine, original wrappers preserved, marbled endpapers, previous owner’s bookplate to front pastedown “Ex libris de Alfred de Maghellen 02”, and his initials to spine. Text printed on wove paper, red initials, top margin speckled, other trimmed roughly. La Rive Droite: [1-11] 12-278 [12], pagination includes wrappers; collated 8vo: ffl, front wrapper, π3 [1]-178 184, rear wrapper, ffl; plates within collation, i.e. 145 leaves total, excl. ffls. La Rive Gauche: [1-11] 12-290 [12], pagination includes wrappers; collated 8vo: ffl, front wrapper, π3 1-188 192, rear wrapper, ffl; plates within collation, i.e. 151 leaves total, excl. ffls. Title-page (red and black): PARIS VIEUX & NEUF | DESSINS DE CHARLES HUARD | TEXTE PAR ANDRÉ BILLY | LA RIVE GAUCHE (LA RIVE DROITE) | ❦ | ÉDITÉ PAR EUGÈNE REY, LIBRAIRE | 8, BOULEVARD DES ITALIENS, PARIS | 1909 || Colophon: IMPRIME | SUR LES PRESSES | DE " LA SEMEUSE " | POUR | EUGÈNE REY | LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PARIS || Contributors: André Billy (French, 1882 – 1971) – author. Charles Huard (French, 1874 – 1965) – artist. Eugène Rey (French, 1868 – 1949) – publisher Alfred de Maghellen (French, 1871 – 1959) – provenance (bookplate)
Flapped portfolio 330 x 245 mm, blue cloth spine over crimson paper boards, contains six loose etched plates printed on laid paper, each in a passepartout 320 x 235 mm, incl. title sheet 175 x 210 mm with plate mark 120 x 165 mm, and five other sheets of various sizes (220-250 x 163-215 mm). Contributors: Schoff, Otto (German, 1888 – 1938) Gurlitt, Fritz (Austrian-German, 1854 – 1893) According to many sources, there should be six etchings besides the title-page. Another set that belonged to Hans-Jürgen Döpp and was sold in Berlin on May 10, 2024, has an additional image:
And another '7th plate' can be found at honesterotica.com:
However, I believe the six etchings mentioned at t.p. are all in the portfolio, including t.p. The two images above are probably parts of other sets.
Hardcover convolute 186 x 120 mm of two volumes of the French periodical La Revue hebdomadaire, bound in quarter red faux-chagrin over marbled boards, vol. 11, pp. [3-5] 6-506 [2], vol. 12 pp. [3-5] 6-634, plus Le supplément illustré №№ 45-53, 3 leaves of b/w photo reproductions each. Ref.: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34350607j Author: Lambelin, Roger (French, 1857 – 1929)
Gilt-bordered half-parchment over vinier-imitating flapped folder with ties, 365 x 310 mm, lettered label to front (in frame): FRANZ VON BAYROS | DIE | BONBONIÈRE | Galante und Erotische Phantasien | = | WIEN 1907 ||, contains two sets of plates, by initial design accompanied with text and poetry by Franz Biel under the nom de plume of Amadée de la Houlette; printed in Vienna by G. Röttig & Sohn. 1) Bayros: Title page on pink laid paper with lettering similar to the label and 13 aquatints (12+1), some hand-coloured, printed on thin wove paper without a watermark, 340 x 290 mm, platemark 225 x 215 mm, some signed Bayros or F. Bayros on the image, pencil inscriptions and fuchsia ink stamp “ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp” to verso. Title (not stated): 1. Introduction; 2. Kinder; 3. Ringwerfen; 4. Der Dienst; 5. Rissa; 6. Judith; 7. Die Klavierlehrerin; 8. Der Besuch; 9. Die Fliege; 10. Die Nashornjägerin; 11. Schlangenzauber; 12. Nun sprich! + 13. Flagellation scene – not listed in reference books, unsigned, untitled. Fuchsia ink stamp “ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp” to verso of all plates. 2) Sartori: 18 aquatints, ten printed on thin wove paper sheets 340 x 290 mm without a watermark, one of them with a ‘remarque’ image on the margin, platemark 230 x 210 mm, and eight on thicker wove paper sheets 340 x 295 mm, platemark 240 x 220 mm, some in sepia, no title-page, no text, no name. According to Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica et Curiosa, the set attributed to Emil Sartori (i.e. Ranzenhofer) under the title Der Hirschpark: Galante und artige Sammlung duftiger Phantasien. Description by the seller: "Bayros, Franz von et Emil Sartori. La bonbonnière. Fantaisies galantes et érotiques. 12 gravures originales à l'aquatinte de Franz von Bayros et 18 gravures originales à l'aquatinte d'Emil Sartori. Vienne, Stern-Rosner, 1907. 1 bl. titre (sur 2). 36,5 x 31 cm. En vrac dans un dossier récent à volets en demi-parchemin avec étiquette montée sur le couvercle (minimes frottements). Brettschneider 33 - Hayn-Gotendorf IX, 43 - Paru en 500 (GA 530) exemplaires numérotés. - L'ouvrage a été publié en 5 livraisons, dont la livraison 1-2 avec 6 planches de Bayros et la livraison 3-5 avec 6 planches de Sartori, celle-ci avec le titre : "Der Hirschpark. Galante et artige collection de fantaisies parfumées". - Sans titre principal, sans mention d'impression et sans le texte de Franz Blei. - Les gravures à l'aquatinte de Bayros en partie signées dans la planche, quelques feuilles légèrement colorées. - 8 planches de Sartori sur vergé plus fort, les autres sur vélin plus fin. - En annexe : une planche supplémentaire de Bayros d'une autre œuvre. - En partie faiblement bruni et minimalement taché, petit tampon rouge de collectionneur sur la page de titre et au verso de toutes les planches. - Provenance : de la collection de Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Francfort." Catalogue raisonné: The amorous drawings of the Marquis von Bayros / Part I and II. — NY: Cythera Press, 1968; pp. 95-111 [LIB-2246.2019]; honesterotica.com/satori; honesterotica.com/Bayros. Contributors: Bayros, Franz von (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) Ranzenhofer, Emil [Sartori, Emil] (Austrian-Jewish, 1864 – 1930) Biel, Franz [Amadée de la Houlette] (Austrian, 1871 – 1942)
Twelve etchings printed in black on laid paper, uncoloured, sheet 236 x 140 mm, platemark 155 x 100 mm, red ink stamp “ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp” to verso; image title in pencil to recto of some sheets. Pale ‘remarque’ on the lower margin of plate 2 ‘L’Eden’. Traces of original binding along the right edge. No folder. Catalogue raisonné: Luc Binet 2017: 100-B, pp. 639-51 ; S. A. Perry 2015: 80, p. 70-1.
List of images:
- Le Coït des Atomes
- L’Éden
- La Flûte
- Portes d’enfer
- Danaë
- L’obsession
- Europe
- Le crâne
- Mélancolie blennorhagique [sic]
- Parisienne
- La chanson du vieux moine
- Reine du monde
Pencil and watercolour on paper 230 x 197 mm, pencil ms inscription in the bottom-left “Schule der Aspasia” 1 (2, 3), monogrammed “P” in the bottom-right, and “Erika Plehn” to verso. Apparently, illustrations for ‘Die Weisheiten der Aspasia’ also known as ‘Die Dirnenschule der Aspasia’ (Aspasia's prostitute school), an erotic novel by Fritz Thurn (Foregger), privately published in Vienna in 1923. Artist: Erika Plehn [née Erika Pinkus] (German, 1904 – 1988) Author: Fritz Thurn [Foregger zum Greiffenthurn] (Austrian, 1877 – 1938). Aspasia of Miletus (Greek, c. 464 BCE – c. 420 BCE)
Anonymous manuscript half bound in green sheepskin, gilt lettering to spine, 382 x 325 x 65 mm, 424 pp. with pp. 368-400 blank, thick graph paper, tissue samples pasted throughout. According to the seller: “Important treatise on weaving decorated with numerous drawings, sketches, diagrams and samples of laminated fabrics (satin, silk, damask, velvet, etc.). Elegant work, beautiful writing in italics, all pages in a framing net. It contains chapters on the history of silk, the silkworm (hatching, transformation, etc.), silk spinning, dyeing, warping, folding, heddles, different types of mesh, satin, satin drifts, damask for dresses, royal damask for furnishings, velvet, etc. etc.”
Cinnabar lacquer snuff bottle carved in low relief with a scholar under a pine tree and another under a maple, with lapis lazuli stopper and black collar. Early 20th century Dimansions: H77 x W36 x D19 mm.
Softcover volume, 19.5 x 14.3 cm, olive French flapped wrappers, glassine dust cover, printed on laid paper (Hollande), outer and bottom margins untrimmed, some pages uncut; pagination: [2] blank, [i-iv] h.t./limit., t.p./blank, v-viii, 1-196 [197] [5], total 212 pages plus frontispiece; head- and tailpieces and in-text stencil-coloured etchings after Chéripoulos. Title-page (olive and black): LE ROMAN | DE | VIOLETTE | {vignette} | A LA ROYNE DE CYTHÈRE | SODOME | 1920 || Limitation: Cet ouvrage, achevé d'imprimer le cinq Janvier Mil Neuf Cent Vingt à trois cents exemplaires dont vingt-cinq exemplaires sur Japon Impérial contenant chacun un dessin original de Chéripoulos, numérotés de un à vingt-cinq; deux cent soixante-quinze exemplaires sur papier de Hollande, numérotés de vingt-six à trois cents; en plus cinq exemplaires de collaborateurs marqués de A à E. Le présent exemplaire porte le numéro 72. Edition: Printed on the 5th of January 1920 in 305 copies (№№ 1-25 on Japon Impérial, №№ 26-300 on Hollande, A–E for collaborators). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2339, p. 350. Contributors: Henriette de Mannoury d'Ectot [Henriette Nicolas Le Blanc] (French 1815 – 1899) Charles Auguste Edelmann [Chéripoulos] (French, 1879 – 1950).
Ten postcards 90 x 140 mm, text in yellow "ВСЕМIРНЫЙ ПОЧТОВЫЙ СОЮЗЪ. РОССIЯ. | UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE RUSSIE. | ОТКРЫТОЕ ПИСЬМО. — CARTE POSTALE. || On the reverse, a blue ink woodcut image is printed in the upper left corner, and a blue ink numbered image title is in the bottom centre. Holding the postcard against the backlight reveals a hidden image of an indecent nature (erotic). The use of Latin characters "R" and "N" instead of Russian "Р" and "Н" suggests that the cards were produced in Europe, probably in France. Inscriptions: 1. ПЕRВЫЕ ДNИ; 2. ПОRА ЛЮБВИ; 3. ВЪ ЛЮДИ; 4. КЪ "СВОБОДNОМУ ИСКУССТВУ"; 5. "СВОБОДNЫЙ ТRУДЪ; 6. БЕЗЪ ГОRЯ И ПЕЧАЛИ; 7. NАЗАДЪ КЪ "СВОБОДNОЙ ЛЮБВИ"; 8. ВСЕ ЧТО ОСТАЛОСЬ!; 9. БЕЗЪ КRОВА И ПRИСТАNИЩА; 10. ИЗЪ ЗА ХЛѢБА.
A set of 49 prints, heliogravures and etchings, tipped-in on 285 x 257 mm grey cards, in a green marbled folder with a gilt-lettered black label to the front. No publisher, no place, no year (s.l., s.n., s.d.), printed in circa 1910.
- Vlastimil Blažek (Czech, 1878 – 1950): heliogravure, sheet 180 x 137 mm, plate 152 x 114 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
- Ex libris Gerhard Wunderlich (architect in Dresden): heliogravure, sheet 205 x 150 mm, plate 158 x 115 mm; wove paper, brown sepia ink; inscription: heliogravure, sheet 180 x 137 mm, plate 152 x 114 mm; laid paper, sepia ink; inscription to top “Es ist alles so eng”; signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
- Ex libris William Lipka: heliogravure, sheet 140 x 125 mm, plate 112 x 98 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signature hardly legible.
- Nikolaus Schindler (amateur photographer in Vienna): heliogravure, sheet 142 x 150 mm, plate 110 x 117 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
- Sussy de Coiquard: heliogravure, sheet 160 x 140 mm, plate 128 x 110 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
- Illegible, looks like “Vielluer Febréy”: heliogravure, sheet 120 x 109 mm, plate 93 x 85 mm; laid paper, black, sepia ink; signed “F (backwards). Bayros:”.
- Ex libris Erich Liebermann-Rosswiese (Greman-Jewish, 1886 – 1942): heliogravure, sheet 180 x 139 mm, plate 118 x 88 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
- Ex libris Dr. phil. Rudolf Ludwig: before letters, heliogravure, sheet 150 x 132 mm, plate 120 x 110 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned. See [LIB-3258.2023] John Cleland. Die Memoiren der Fanny Hill. — Paphos [i.e. Vienna]: C. W. Stern, 1906.
- Unidentified: before letters, heliogravure, sheet 150 x 115 mm, plate 113 x 88 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript. Circumstantial evidence tells that this bookplate belongs to someone A.W.(Artur Wolf). See №22.
- Lulu. Monachia. Gest. v. Ritter Dialekt und Junker Erich: heliogravure, sheet 204 x 152 mm, plate 160 x 118 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; unsigned. See №20.
- Kellner Jstván: (István): heliogravure, sheet 118 x 100 mm, plate 85 x 70 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signed “Franz Bayros” in the script (hardly legible).
- Adyton: heliogravure, sheet 170 x 130 mm, plate 113 x 85 mm; wove paper, black, sepia ink; signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
- 13.Ex libris George Arthur Buhl (American, 1883 – 1959): heliogravure, sheet 166 x 140 mm, plate 120 x 92 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; inscription “!I will! | !And I can!”; bust inscribed “T. Carlyle”; signed “F (backwards). Bayros” (hardly legible).
- Ex-Libris Heinrich und Lise Fuhrmann: heliogravure, sheet 165 x 149 mm, plate 120 x 103 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; signed “F (backward). Bayros”; inscription “So schaff ich am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit und wirke der Gottheit lebendiges Kleid” (from ‘Faust’ by Goethe).
- Ex libris Gerhard Wunderlich (architect in Dresden): heliogravure, sheet 165 x 137 mm, plate 135 x 105 mm; laid paper, black, sepia ink; signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
- Ex Libris Walther u. Amelia Fahrenhorst; Walter Fahrenhorst (German, 1871 – 1938): heliogravure, sheet 165 x 140 mm, plate 128 x 95 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript. The inscription behind the strings: NITOR (lat. beauty, glamour).
- Ex Libris Margot Lewknecht; heliogravure, sheet 145 x 140 mm, plate 128 x 118 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros”.
- Ex Libris Walther Heinisch (publisher in Carlsbad); heliogravure, sheet 185 x 145 mm, plate 140 x 110 mm; wove paper, sanguine; male bust with an inscription to the base: “Arnold Boeklin” / Arnold Böcklin (Swiss, 1827 – 1901); inscription: “mit gêru scal man geba infâhan” – a line from Hildebrandslied, the earliest poetic text in German. Unsigned.
- Bookplate with music score GGDBGC; heliogravure, sheet 125 x 135 mm, plate 100 x 110 mm, with monogram «HCJ»; laid paper, brown sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros”.
- Bookplate with inscription: Lulu aus Praga | Gest v. Ritter Dialekt / Monachia / Monachia / und Junker Erich; heliogravure, sheet 182 x 147 mm, plate 160 x 120 mm, image 122 x 105 mm; wove paper, bluish-black sepia ink; unsigned. See №10.
- Bookplate, no inscription; heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 148 x 127 mm, image 84 x 79 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript beneath the image.
- Ex libris Artur Wolf: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 170 x 150 mm, image 120 x 105 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript to the frame of the image. See №9.
- Ex Libris E. K. Weigl: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 139 x 121 mm, plate 112 x 97 mm; unsigned; inscription above male portrait: “LEONARDO”.
- Ex libris Dr. A. Bergmann: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 180 x 140 mm, plate 130 x 105 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript.
- Grete Cäcilie (monogram “PS”): heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 161 x 130 mm, plate 128 x 103 mm, signature illegible.
- Emma Steigleder: heliogravure, laid paper, black ink, sheet 181 x 141 mm, plate 158 x 117 mm, signed F. Bayros in the manuscript. Inscription “Si vis amari, ama! Seneca” [If you want to be loved, love] to the attic of the arch.
- Bruno Fischer: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 186 x 145 mm, plate 155 x 116 mm, signed “F (backward). Bayros”. Inscription to bottom “Gehl Weck’ ihn nicht auf seien wir froh dass er einmal schläft!”
- Harnasch: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; unsigned; sheet 140 x 132 mm, plate 100 x 85 mm; unsigned.
- Eduard Klampfl: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 165 x 145 mm, plate 135 x 110 mm, signed “F (backwards). Bayros”; portrait bust of the composer Richard Wagner (German, 1813 –1883).
- Jorge Monsalvatje: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 189 x 160 mm, plate 150 x 115 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript.
- E. K. W.: wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 150 x 120 mm; signed “Bayros”.
- Unidentified bookplate: wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 150 x 120 mm; signed “F. Bayros 09” in the manuscript.
- Ex-Libris Helene and Emil Lemberger: heliogravure (or soft ground etching), laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 180 x 163 mm, plate 150 x 130 mm, signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
- M. Z.: wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 130 x 170 mm, plate 90 x 120 mm; signed “F (backwards) Bayros”.
- Ex libris Frankl Frigyes Vilmos: heliogravure (or soft ground etching), laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 140 x 148 mm, unsigned. Frigyes Frankl, born in Tejfalu, Szlovákia, died in 1943.
- Ex libris Anton Bürck: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 170 x 137 mm, plate 123 x 104 mm; unsigned. Anton Burck (German,1881 – 1951) of Palatinate, Bavaria.
- Aus den büchern A. W.: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 152 x 136 mm, plate 120 x 105 mm, signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
- Ex libris Hans Hickl: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 150 x 125 mm, plate 115 x 95 mm, signed “Ω”.
- Ex libris Karl Wehle: soft ground etching, laid paper, brown sepia ink, sheet 107 x 90 mm, plate 80 x 65 mm, inscription “Gut!” in the centre; unsigned. Karl Wehle (Austrian, 1901 – 1933)
- Ex libris Dr. Paul Berger: etching, laid paper, black ink, sheet 140 x 115 mm, plate 115 x 85 mm, signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
- Unidentified bookplate: etching, laid paper, black ink, sheet 145 x 115 mm, plate 85 x 70 mm, unsigned.
- Ex Bibliotheca Erotica Carl Georg von Maassen: soft ground etching, india paper, black ink, sheet 76 x 78 mm, signed “FB”.
- Ex Bibliotheca Erotica Carl Georg von Maassen: soft ground etching, india paper, black ink, sheet 79 x 79 mm, signed “F. von Bayros”.
- Paul Mixa: soft ground etching, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 122 x 111 mm, plate 90 x 85 mm, inscription: “Gerne hör’ich wenn du singest und ich horche wenn du schweigest” [I like to hear when you sing and I listen when you are silent].
- Ex libris Drs Q. M. Vyskocil.: etching, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 141 x 115 mm, plate 115 x 75 mm, inscription: “MIT REINEN HAENDEN” [with pure hands], signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
- Ex libris Andrée Bearn de Riquer: soft ground etching, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 136 x 88 mm, plate 100 x 62 mm, signed “F (backwards). Bayros”. Andrée Béarn [Marguerite Laborde] (French, 1880 – 1973), spouse of Alexandre de Riquer (Catalan, 1856 – 1920).
- Ex musicis Drs Blažek VL: etching, wove paper, sanguine ink, sheet 141 x 116 mm, plate 115 x 90 mm, inscription: “MIT REINEN HAENDEN” [with pure hands], signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript. See Vlastimil Blažek (Czech, 1878 – 1950) № 1 in this series.
- Ex libris Paul Lindenberg: etching, wove paper, sanguine ink, sheet 130 x 114 mm, plate 95 x 90 mm, image 80 x 72 mm, inscription: “ad pios usus” (for pious uses); signed with monogram “F (backwards). B”.
- Unidentified bookplate: heliogravure, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 150 x 131 mm, plate 120 x 100 mm, signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
Set of 21 etchings by Martin van Maele for the English edition of ‘Thais’ by Anatole France published in London by Charles Carrington in 1901. Printed on vowe paper without a watermark in two colours with the black image and sepia historiated border. All etchings are inscribed with the artist's monogram; one of the etchings bears inscriptions ORGUEIL, LUXURE, DOUTE (mirror image). Dimensions: sheet: 317 x 250 mm; plate: 170 x 115 mm; image: 155 x 100 mm. Catalogue raisonné: S. A. Perry: № 64. Per Perry, the edition was printed in 500 copies on 'handmade paper watermarked 'Van Gelder'. Contributor: Martin van Maële [Martin, Maurice François Alfred] (French, 1863 – 1926)
Softcover, 258 x 166 mm, publisher’s olive French flapped wrappers in owner’s glassine dustcover, edges untrimmed, some pages uncut, printed on thick wove paper with watermark “Hollande van Gelder Zonen”, in a slipcase. Pp.: [1-10] 11-129 [5], pages in wrappers included in the count, total 67 leaves; two-tone woodcuts by Jean-Gabriel Daragnès within the pagination. Title-page (red and black, in a double-fillet frame): PAUL VERLAINE | femmes | ÉDITION ORNÉE | DE TRENTE ET UNE | GRAVURES S/ BOIS | {vignette} | (under the bottom frame) PARIS | 1917 | {red triangle} || Limitation: Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage : 11 15 Exemplaires sur vieux papier de Japon numérotés de I à XV; 15 20 Exemplaires sur papier de Chine numérotés de XVI à XXXV; auxquels on a joint une suite des fumés sur même papier. 250 Exemplaires sur papier vélin de Hollande Van Gelder Zonen numérotés de 1 à 250. Après le tirage les bois ont été détruits. № 1. Numbers “15” and “20” corrected manually by Daragnès (per Dutel). This is copy № 1 of vélin de Hollande print run. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel II: № 295; Nordmann II № 544. Seller’s description: Un volume broché in-8° sous couverture illustrée et rempliée. Etui cartonné. Illustré de 31 gravures sur bois en camaïeu, attribuées à DARAGNES, la plupart très libres, dont 18 à pleine page. Tiré à [226 ou 285] ex. numérotés. 1 des [200 ou 250] sur Hollande Van Gelder Zonen. Le nôtre porte le n°1. (Dutel : 295. Pia : 501. Carteret : IV, 392 : Belle édition rare, très estimée ». Monod : 11086). Dorgelès commenta ainsi ces illustrations : « Dans ces nus voluptueux et tragiques, qui semblent à la fois s’aimer et se haïr, on retrouve la même frénésie amère qui tourmente les poèmes interdits de Verlaine » (in Catalogue de livres... Daragnès, Drouot 1924, n°55). Très rares rousseurs. TRES BON EXEMPLAIRE, toujours recherché. Contributors: Paul Verlaine (French, 1844 – 1896) – author. Jean-Gabriel Daragnès (French, 1886 – 1950) – artist/publisher.
Iron pliers painted black and outlined in gilt lacquer, with wooden handle and bronze seals, "Ex Libris Comte Tony de Vibraye", L17.1 x W6.9 x H7.5 cm. Provenance: Antoine Henri Gaston Hurault de Vibraye [Comte Tony de Vibraye] (French, 1893 – 1951). The book with such a stamp in this library: [LIB-3243.2023] Crébillon fils. La Nuit et le moment ou Les Matinées de Cythère / Illustrations de Sylvain Sauvage. — Paris: Au dépens d’un amateur, 1924.