//Edo Period (1603 – 1868)
  • Iron tsuba of round form with slanting rays of light (shakoh) Christian motif (Jesuit's IHS symbol) in openwork (sukashi). Traditional description of this kind of design is called "tokei", or "clock gear". Edo period.

    Size: 77.7 x 76.1 x 6.7 mm.

    For information regarding shakoh tsuba see article 'Kirishitan Ikenie Tsuba" by Fred Geyer at Kokusai Tosogu Kai; The 2nd International Convention & Exhibition, October 18-23, 2006, pp. 84-91.  
  •   The print lacks signature. It is attributed by some to Suzuki Harunobu and by the others to Isoda Koryūsai.

    Attributed to Koryūsai: Pins #517/p.209, c. 1775 [AIC II: Clarence Buckingham Collection, 1925.2772], Ukiyo-e Taisei IV; Vignier & Inada, 1911; Ritsumeikan University Z0165-239.

    Attributed to Harunobu: Pins #239/p.132.; BM 1906,1220,0.85;

  • Artist (attributed, no signature): Suzuki Harunobu [鈴木 春信] (Japanese, c. 1725 – 1770). The title is taken from [LIB-1478.2013] Gian Carlo Calza, Stefania Piotti. Poem of the pillow and other stories. — Phaidon Press, 2010; pp. 148-9. Alternative title: Man sucking woman's breast and a cat sitting under a bonsai tree. The open book beside the couple reads 子春 (Koharu). Woodblock print from the series Mirror Picture of Japan (Wakoku kagami);  Size: Horizontal chuban; 21 x 26 cm.  
  • A shunga (erotic) print by Suzuki Harunobu  [鈴木 春信] (Japanese, c. 1725 – 1770) depicting a woman making love with a man in the palanquin (のりもの/乗り物) while the other woman "ties a sash about her hips below her obi."  The sheet is not signed; however, it is attributed to Harunobu. A reference image can be found in the Metropolitan Museum (NY) collection, Accession Number JP1635:


    According to the MET "the palanquin ... has carried these courtesans to the shore for a spring outing". Some time ago, a similar print was sold by Richard Kruml (description: A chuban shunga print showing the occupant of a kago in flagrante with one of the porters, having seized the opportunity of a stop on the journey. Published late 1760s. Rare). Another copy was sold at Sotheby's in Paris for €3,360 on November 27, 2002 (Lot 24), with a reproduction of the print's detail and description on p. 39: Suzuki Harunobu (1725 – 1770) | Shunga: couple dans un palanquin, vers 1768-1770, non-signe, cachet non identifé, cachets Charles Mitchell, Huguette Berès, Format chuban, 20.1 x 28.6 cm | 3000 – 4000 € | Il s’agit probablement de trois voyageurs, l’un d’entre eux debout près du palanquin faisant mine d’ignorer la scène. Bibliographie: Delay p. 87. Reference: [LIB-3121.2022] Sotheby's: Collection Huguette Berès – Estampes, dessins et livres illustrés japonais / 2 volumes; vol. 1. — Paris: Sotheby's, 2002.
  • Unsigned print, attributed to Suzuki Harunobu. Erotic scene on open veranda with a winter landscape on background.
  • Suzuki Harunobu (鈴木 春信c. 1725 – 15 July 1770).

    The Ide Jewel River, a Famous Place in Yamashiro Province (Ide no Tamagawa, Yamashiro no meisho), from the series The Six Jewel Rivers in Popular Customs (Fûzoku Mu Tamagawa).

    Signed: Harunobu ga

    Inscription - Poem: Koma tomete/ nao mizu kawan/ yamabuki no/ hana no tsuyu sou/ Ide no Tamagawa


    MFA # 21.4540.

    Waterhouse cat. #562; Pins, The Japanese Pillar Print (1982), #139; Ukiyo-e shûka 4 (1979), list #795.4, and supp. 2 (1982), pl. 565; Gentles, AIC cat. II (1965), p. 125, #201.

  • Small iron tsuba (tantō size) of aoi form with the design of paulownia leaves and blossoms in copper and brass flat inlay (hira-zōgan). Brass sekigane. Open kozuka hitsu-ana.

    Early Edo period, 17th century.

    Size: 53.4 x 40.7 x 4.4 mm; weight: 47.4 g

  • Small iron tsuba (tantō size) of oval form carved with imitation of six overlapping plates, decorated with paulownia blossoms, leaves, and tendrils in brass and copper hira-zōgan. Copper sekigane. Open kozuka hitsu-ana.

    Early Edo period, 17th century.

    Size: 50.5 x 34.0 x 4.9 mm.

  • Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815) Color woodblock print: hashira-e, 68.9 x 12.1 cm. DATE: 1783. Signed: Kiyonaga ga Publisher: Eijudō (Nishimuraya Yohachi) "Young musician dreams of being abducted by a ruffian. Long hours on duty have exhausted this young musician who sits sleeping with her shamisen and book placed on the ground in front of her. In her dream, she is being abducted by a ruffian who has stripped her of her clothing" [LIB-1474.2018: Important Japanese prints from the collection of Henry Steiner. Catalogue № 14. — NY: Sebastian Izzard LLC, 2018.]

    The Japanese Pillar Print. Hashira-e. Jacob Pins. Foreword by Roger Keyes. Robert G. Sawers Publishing, London, 1982 [LIB-1543.2018 in this collection] -> page 262 №703: A young woman dreaming of rape and robbery. 1783. Hirano.

    MFA: ACCESSION NUMBER 21.5546: Young Woman Music Teacher Dreaming of a Robbery [追剥の夢を見る三味線師匠]. Edo period, about 1783 (Tenmei 3). Artist Torii Kiyonaga (1752–1815), Publisher Nishimuraya Yohachi (Eijudô). Harvard Museums Object Number 1916.586: Female Musician Dreaming of Robbery. Edo period, circa 1783. Torii Kiyonaga, Japanese (1752 - 1815) . Published by Nishimuraya Yohachi.  
  • Artist: Torii Kiyonaga [鳥居 清長] (Japanese, 1752 – 1815) Color woodblock print: makimono-e (11.4 x 65.4 cm). Year: c. 1785. Three sheets of the series of twelve, № 6, № 9, and № 11, "from Kiyonaga's most idiosyncratic and celebrated series of pornography. It was designed as part of a miniature handscroll (makimono) to place in one's sleeve, where it was carried both for its stimulatory and for its talismanic properties." [LIB-1474.2018Important Japanese prints from the collection of Henry Steiner by Sebastian Izzard.]  

    Picture № 6. (31d in LIB-2971.2022)

    № 6: "The woman's blackened teeth indicate that she is a wife. This middle-aged couple is relaxing and drowsing after lovemaking. The scene is peaceful now., but the pillow cast aside hints at their earlier, passionate lovemaking".

    Picture № 9.

    № 9: "This looks to be the first sexual experience of a young woman of a well-to-do family, who covers her mouth shyly. The more experienced man moistens his fingers with saliva, eager to explore the young woman's body".

    Picture № 11. (31g in LIB-2971.2022)

    № 11: "The woman wears a so-called Iwata sash signalling that she is pregnant. The man approaches from behind so as not to put pressure on her stomach. He shows care and gentle consideration toward his pregnant wife, who appears relaxed". Picture descriptions from Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese art. Edited by Timothy Clark, C. Andrew Gerstle, Aki Ishigami, Akiki Yano. Hotei Publishing, 2013. Ref.: [LIB-2971.2022] Chris Uhlenbeck, Margarita Winkel. Japanese erotic fantasies sexual imagery of the Edo period. — Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, ©2005; p. 118-9 (№ 31).
  • Torii Kiyonaga (鳥居 清長; 1752 – June 28, 1815) Signed: Kiyonaga ga (清長画)

    References: No references whatsoever, not in Pins.

  • Iron tsuba of round form with a dense combination of symbols: slanting rays of light (shakoh) Christian motif (Jesuit's IHS symbol), also often described as "tokei" or "clock gear", wild goose in flight, bracken, and lozenges in openwork (sukashi). Copper sekigane. Edo period.

    Size: 76.0 x 72.6 x 6.2 mm


    For information regarding shakoh tsuba see article 'Kirishitan Ikenie Tsuba by Fred Geyer at Kokusai Tosogu Kai; The 2nd International Convention & Exhibition, October 18-23, 2006, pp. 84-91.

  • Iron tsuba of round form with slanting rays of light (shakoh) Christian motif (Jesuit's IHS symbol) in openwork (sukashi). Traditional description of this kind of design is called "tokei", or "clock gear". Edo period.

    Size: 83.4 x 83.1 x 4.4 mm

    Signed Bushū-jū Ujishige saku (武州住氏重作) [Markus Sesko]. Ujishige (died 1677), 3rd generation of the Katsuki-Gondayu line; 1st gen. Ujiie came from Kyoto to Kaga to work for the Maeda family. There was another Ujishige, 4th generation Kaneko (?), who died in 1867 [M. Sesko, Genealogies...], but this tsuba looks a bit earlier than that. This particular Ujishige states in his signature that he is from Bushū, or Musashi Province, modern Tokyo Metropolis. He might have moved from Bushū to Kaga, of course. There is no artist with the name Ujishige in Bushū-Ito School anyway.

    For information regarding shakoh tsuba see article 'Kirishitan Ikenie Tsuba by Fred Geyer at Kokusai Tosogu Kai; The 2nd International Convention & Exhibition, October 18-23, 2006, pp. 84-91.  
  • Artist: Tsukioka Tanka [旦霞] (Japanese, fl. c. 1830s – 1840s). Publisher: Enshūya Matabei [遠州屋又兵衛] (Japanese, fl. c. 1768 – 1881); seal: Enmata. Title: Picture of Fuji, Tsukuba and Sumida River [富士筑波隅田川の圖] (フジ ツクバ スミダガワ ノ ズ | Fuji Tsukuba Sumidagawa no zu). Date seal 巳 + kiwame: Tenpō 4 (1833). Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e, 団扇絵), 235 x 302 mm, aizuri-e. Only four prints are known from this artist, all fans: (1) National Diet Library 2542868:
    (2) Ritsumeikan University mai30_07: (3) RISD Museum 34.334:
  • Mori Sosen (1747-1821). Two Monkeys Hanging From Branches. Hanging Scroll Painting. Ink and colour on silk. Signed: Sosen. Sealed: Sosen.
  • Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige II (二代目 歌川広重] (Japanese, 1826 – 1869). Signed: Hiroshige ga. Publisher: Enshūya Matabei [遠州屋又兵衛] (Japanese, fl. c. 1768 – 1881); (Enmata [遠又]), seal 22-009 (Marks). Block carver: Matsushima Masakichi (Japanese, fl. c. 1847-65); seal: [松嶋彫政] – Hori Masa (Frieze, 2009: 142). Combined date seal and kiwame censor seal: Bunkyū 2 (1862). Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e, 団扇絵), 230 x 298 mm Series: Three Famous Views in Ise [伊勢名所三景] (Ise meisho sankei).
  • Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige II (二代目 歌川広重] (Japanese, 1826 – 1869). Signed: Hiroshige ga. Publisher: Iseya Sōemon [伊勢屋惣右衛門] (Japanese, c. 1776 – 1862); seal: Hanmoto, Ue [板元 上] (Marks 19-047 | 156d). Combined date seal and kiwame censor seal: Bunkyū 2 (1862) Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e, 団扇絵), 230 x 296 mm.
  • Kominato in Awa province [Awa Kominato] – one of five fan prints in the series Famous places in the Bōsō peninsula [Bōsō meisho], devoted to the trip undertaken by Hiroshige in 1852 to Bōsō peninsula (present-day Chiba prefecture). “Two fashionably dressed women beside the veranda of a wayside inn gaze out over Uchiura Bay toward the Tanjō Temple on the far shore, as a boat sets out to the sea from the fishing hamlet of Kominato. …Hiroshige’s viewpoint is from the lower slopes of Mount Kiyosumi”. Ref: Sebastian Izzard. Important Japanese Prints 1830–1860 March 14–20, 2020 exhibition [LIB-2398.2020], №. 52. Not in Faulkner's Hiroshige Fan Prints. Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858). Publisher: Tsujiya Yasubei [辻屋安兵衛] Kinkaido [錦魁堂] (Japanese, c. 1842 – 1863) Date seal and double nanushi censor seal: Mera & Watanabe; Kaei 5, 11th month (1852). Signed: Hiroshige ga [広重 画] in a red cartouche. Size: Fan print (Aiban yoko-e uchiwa-e); 225 x 292 mm.