Title: РУССКIЕ ГРАВЕРЫ | И | ИХЪ ПРОИЗВЕДЕНIЯ | СЪ 1564 ГОДА | ДО ОСНОВАНIЯ АКАДЕМIИ ХУДОЖЕСТВЪ. | Изследованiе Д. Ровинскаго. | Изданiе графа Уварова. | МОСКВА. | Въ Сѵнодальной типографiи, на Никольской улицѣ. | 1870. || Pagination: [2] orig. wrapper / advert., [2] t.p. / imp.[i] ii-x, [1] 2-403 [404], [2] orig. wrapper / advert. Collation: 8vo; π6 (incl. t.p.), 1-258 χ2 Binding: Owner’s ½ black morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt-ruled, florets and lettering in compartments, blue endpapers, uncut, untrimmed, original wrappers preserved. Size: 29.5 x 19 cm
Pictorial album 55.5 x 41.0 cm, publisher’s quarter sheepskin over cloth, upper cover and flat spine lettered in gilt. Title: MONUMENTS et RUES de PARIS | Dessinés et lithographiés par William Wyld, | et publiés par Rittner & Goupil, 15 Boulevard Montmartre, | et Susse Frères, Place de la Bourse. | 1839. Collation: Title plate + 20 plates numbered from 1 to 20, printed by Godefroy Engelmann (French, 1788 – 1839) in tone lithography after drawings by William Wyld (British, 1806 – 1889). Published in Paris by Rittner & Goupil and Susse Frères in 1839. Plates: 54.8 x 39.8 cm. Contents:
Title page: Tombeau d'Heloïse et d'Abélard
- Le Pont Neuf
- L'église de la Madeleine
- La Porte St. Martin
- Palais des Tuileries
- Pont des Saints-Pères
- Hôtel de Ville
- Marché des Innocents
- Palais Royal
- Boulevard des Italiens
- Rue de la Paix
- Bourse et Tribunal de Commerce
- Porte St. Denis
- Pont Royal
- Place de la Concorde
- Paris from Père Lachaise
- Notre-Dame
- Jardin des Tuileries with Arc de Triomphe in the Distance
- Panthéon
- Chambre des députés
- Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile
WESTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {4 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Under the frame: Drawn by W. B. Clarke, Archt. […] Published by Baldwin & Cradock, 47 Paternoster Row, April 1st. 1834. Dimensions: Sheet: 40.5 x 34.5 cm; Image: 39 x 28.8 cm. Contributors: William Barnard Clarke (British, 1806 – 1865) – artist. John Shury (fl. c. 1814-1844) – engraver. Baldwin & Cradock (London) – publisher. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846).
Hardcover, 19 x 13.8 cm, crimson buckram with tan paper label with lettering to spine; printed on laid paper; pp.: ffl [i-vi] vii-x] 11-184, collation 8vo, 1-118 124, total 92 leaves. Title-page: AMERICAN ENGRAVERS | AND | THEIR WORKS | BY | W. S. BAKER | Collige et inscribe | PHILADELPHIA | GEBBIE & BARRIE PUBLISHERS | 1875 || Motto: Collige et inscribe [Collect and record, lat.] Contributors: William Spohn Baker (American, 1824 – 1897) – author. George Gebbie (American, 1832 – 1892) – publisher. George Barrie (American, 1843 – 1918) – publisher. George R. Bonfield (British-American, 1802 – 1898) – dedicatee.
Owner's convolute binding of the period in quarter tan cloth, yellow marbled boards, no title page, no pagination. Contents: (1) Venetian Album –12 lithographs by Émile-Aubert Lessore (French, 1805 – 1876) after William Wyld (British, 1806 – 1889). — Venice: Charles Hopfner, [1834]. Printed at Premiata Litografia Veneta under the direction of Ferdinand Wolfgang Flachenecker (German, 1782 – 1847). Inscription: Premiata Litografia Veneta, dirigée par C. Flachenecker.
- L'Église de St. Marc
- La place St. Marc
- Le palais Ducal
- Le Môle
- L'Arsenal
- La Riva dei Schiavoni
- Le Grand Canal, (1re vue)
- Le Grand Canal (2me vue)
- Le Grand Canal (3me vue)
- Le Grand Canal (4me vue)
- Le Grand Canal (5me vue)
- Le Grand Canal (6me vue)
- Title: Spiegazione / delli quattro prospetti dei bassi rilievi in marmo che circondano le mura della S. Casa di Loreto / qui annessi in puntata, oltre l'altro prospetto del palazzo pontificio / facciata del tempio, campanile, e cuppola etc.
- Prospetto della Basilica, e Piazza Lauretana, ed annesso Palazzo Apostolico / V. Jaffei incise.
- Settentrione. Prospetto laterale de Bassirilievi in Marmo, che circondano le Mura di S. Casa di Loreto. Jaffei incise Loreto.
- Oriente. Prospetto de Bassirilievi in Marmo, che circ=ondano le Mura di S. Casa. Jaffei incise Loreto l'Anno 1828.
- Mezzo Giorno. Prospetto laterale de Bassirilievi in Marmo, che circondano le Mura di S. Casa di Loreto. Jaffei dis. ed inc. in Loreto.
- Occidente. Prospetto de Bassirilievi in Marmo, che circ=ondano le Mura di S. Casa. Jaffei dis. ed inc. in Loreto l'Anno 1828.
Artist: Utagawa Yoshitsuya [歌川 芳艶] (Japanese, 1822 – 1866). Publisher: Kojimaya Jūbei [小島屋重兵衛] (Japanese, c. 1797 – 1869). Date seal and double nanushi censor seals: Kunigasa & Yoshimura, Kōka 5 (1849). Signed: Ichieisai Yoshitsuya ga [英斎芳艶画] in a red double gourd cartouche. Two men are fishing with a net off the coast of Shinagawa, in the Edo Bay.
Artist: Utagawa Yoshikazu [歌川芳員] (Japanese, fl. c. 1850 – 1870). Publisher: Wakasaya Yoichi [若狭屋与市] (Japanese, fl. 1794 – 1897). Combined date seal and kiwame censor seal: 1861 (Man'en 2 / Bunkyū 1, from 19/02).
NEWArtist: Utagawa Toyokuni II [歌川豊国二代] a.k.a. Toyoshige [豊重] (Japanese, (1777 – 1835) Signed: Toyokuni ga (豊國画) Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, fl. c.1815–1869); seal: san (三) in circle. Additional publisher red stamp in the form of a double gourd. Date and Censor Seal: 1830 / Aratame seal (改) plus (tora, 寅) = Year of the Tiger, Bunsei 13 (文政十三年) Media: Uchiwa-e (fan print), color woodblock print, 227 x 267 mm Actor: Iwai Kumesaburō II [岩井粂三郎] (Japanese, 1799 – 1836); other names: Iwai Hanshirō VI, Iwai Hisajirō I, Baiga (poetry name), Shūka (poetry name). Role: Osono (おその), wife of Amakawaya Gihei (天川屋義平) Play: Kanadehon Chūshingura, performed at Ichimura-za in the 4th lunar month of 1830
This uchiwa-e (団扇絵) depicts Iwai Kumesaburō II (岩井粂三郎) as Nyōbō Osono (女房おその), the wife of Amakawaya Gihei (天川屋義平), in Act 10 of Kanadehon Chūshingura (仮名手本忠臣蔵). Osono is shown in a half-length portrait, three-quarter view, turned to her left. Behind her, an arrow (矢, ya) has pierced a target (的, mato) in the bullseye. In her hand, she holds a severed lock of her own hair. She wears a green-spotted kimono patterned with white plum blossoms (梅, ume), with a red under-kimono featuring a blue lattice-decorated collar (襟, eri). Her hair is adorned with a gilt comb (櫛, kushi) and hairpins (簪, kanzashi).
In Act 10, Gihei (義平), recognizing that the rōnin’s attack on Moronao is imminent, sends Osono (おその) back to her parents, an act equivalent to divorcing her. Since a divorced woman would typically be remarried by her family, Ōboshi Yuranosuke (大星由良之助) orders Ōwashi Bungo (大鷲文吾) to cut her hair, ensuring that this does not happen, leaving her unmarriageable and still tied to her husband during their separation. "Once we finish our business of killing the enemy, you can celebrate your reunion," said Ōboshi Yuranosuke.
A red slip of paper (短冊, tanzaku) with the actor’s name and role is placed near the upper right.
Artist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川 貞秀], a.k.a. Gountei Sadahide [五雲亭 貞秀] (1807 – c. 1878/9). Signed: Gountei Sadahide ga [五雲亭貞秀画] Pubisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, 1815 – 1869) Date-aratame seal: Bunsei 13 / Tenpō 1 (1830). Ref: Ritsumeikan University # Z0172-587. Title: Yukari no Edo-zakura [ゆかりの江戸桜], often translated into English as 'The Flower of Edo', is a one-act kabuki play Sukeroku, written by Tsuuchi Han'emon (fl. 1701 – 1743) under the supervision of Tsuuchi Jihei II (1673 – 1760 ) at the beginning of the 18th century. From the beginning of the 19th century, the play was performed in the style of katōbushi. 助六所縁江戸桜(すけろくゆかりのえどざくら。「助六」– one of the main melodies in katōbushi (河東節) type of jōruri [浄瑠璃]. For a detailed explanation in Japanese, see also HERE). Plot: In search of the stolen Minamoto clan's precious sword called Tomokirimaru, Soga Gorō (historical Soga Tokimune [曾我時致], 1174 – 1193) came to a Yoshiwara brothel under the disguise of a debaucher named Hanagawado Sukeroku. His elder brother, Soga Jūrō (historical Soga Sukenari [曾我祐成], 1172 – 1193) ), has assumed the guise of a wine vendor Shinbei. The character who had the Tomokirimaru sword was Ikyū (historical Iga no Heinaizaemon, a Tiara clan's ally), see SVJP-0164.2014. A series of three prints is dedicated to a katōbushi performance of the Soga-themed plays.
Yukari no Edo-zakura The tatami night robe of Iwao Tangled Hair and the Evening Braided Hat -
Artist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川貞秀] (Japanese, 1807 – 1879). Publisher: Kojimaya Jūbei [小島屋重兵衛] (Japanese, c. 1797 – 1869); seal: Marks #264, p. 210) Signed: Gyokuransai Sadahide ga [玉蘭斎貞秀 画]. Date seal: 1830 (Bunsei 13 / Tenpō 1). Size: Uncut fan print (uchiwa-e); 229 x 292 mm
An uncut aizuri fan print showing travellers arriving at Inba Lake [印旛沼] (Inba-numa) on Shimosa Plateau [下総台地] (Shimōsa-daichi). Artist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川貞秀] (Japanese, 1807 – 1879) Publisher: Unknown. Published: c. 1849. Signed: Gountei Sadahide ga [五雲亭 貞秀画] (Picture by Gountei Sadahide). Inscription in cartouche: Shimosa Plateau, Inbanuma (Inba Lake) [下總國印幡沼]. No date seal, no censor seal (privately printed?) Media: Fan print [団扇絵] (uchiwa-e), 235 x 300 mm.
An uncut aizuri fan print showing two travellers admiring the view of the Tama River [多摩川] (Tamagawa) and Mount Kōya [高野山] (Kōyasan) in Kii Province [紀伊国] (Kii no Kuni). Artist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川貞秀] (Japanese, 1807 – 1879). Signed: Gountei Sadahide ga [五雲亭貞秀画] (Picture by Gountei Sadahide). Publisher: Unknown. Published: c. 1849. No date seal, no censor seal (privately printed?) Media: Fan print [団扇絵] (uchiwa-e), 235 x 300 mm.
NEWArtist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川貞秀] (Japanese, 1807 – 1879). Signed: Gountei Sadahide ga [五雲亭貞秀画] (Picture by Gountei Sadahide). Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869); seal 三 in a circle Published: 1830s – no date seal, no censor seal (privately printed?) Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e, 団扇絵), 235 x 298 mm Inscriptions in kanji with furigana readings: Top right: "The Handy Type" (手があり相, te ga ari sō) – A composed woman adjusting her clothing. Bottom right: "Images of Manners" (風ぞくが, fūzokuga) – Possibly referring to depictions of etiquette or courtesan behaviour. The additional phrase 宵闇 (yoyami) 相 (sō) suggests a connection to nighttime activities. Centre: "The Proper Type" (きまり相, kimari sō) – A well-dressed woman seated elegantly, signifying a composed demeanour. Top left: Unclear reading (ほう☆し そう or ☆ほし そう) – Possibly related to 奉仕 (hōshi, "service" or "devotion"), implying attentiveness or subservience. Bottom left: "The Popular Type" (はやり相, hayari sō) – A fashionable woman wearing a partially veiled head covering, reflecting contemporary trends. Thanks to Horst Graebner.
Artist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川 貞秀], a.k.a. Gountei Sadahide [五雲亭 貞秀] (1807 – c. 1878/9). Signed: Gountei Sadahide ga [五雲亭貞秀画] Pubisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, 1815 – 1869) Date-aratame seal: Bunsei 13 / Tenpō 1 (1830). Ref: Ritsumeikan University # Z0172-587. Title: The tatami night robe of Iwao [巌の畳夜着] (Kyusue Iwao no tatami yogi); 灸すゑ巌の畳夜着(きゅうすえいわおのたたみよぎ。「灸すえ」– one of the main melodies in katōbushi (河東節) type of jōruri [浄瑠璃]. For a detailed explanation in Japanese, see also HERE). The night robe of Iwao is decorated with characters resembling Arabic numerals, and Latin and Cyrillic letters. A similar kimono can be seen on Kunisada's print Hotoke Gozen, Mirror of Virtuous and Wise Women (Kenjo Kagami) at RISD museum accession number 13.1383, portraying Hotoke Gozen (佛御前), a character of The Tale of the Heike [平家物語] (Heike Monogatari); published by Yamamotoya Heikichi (山本屋平吉) (Japanese, fl. c. 1812 – 1886) in the 1830s (see below).A series of three prints is dedicated to a katōbushi performance of the Soga-themed plays.
RISDM 13-1383
Yukari no Edo-zakura The tatami night robe of Iwao Tangled Hair and the Evening Braided Hat -
Artist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川 貞秀] (Japanese, 1807 – c. 1878-9). Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869). Date-kiwame seal: 1831 (Tenpō 2). Size: Uchiwa-e, 298 x 232 mm. Signed: 五雲亭 貞秀 (Gountei Sadahide) A pair of uncut fan prints with the god of wind and the god of thunder meant to be pasted on two sides of a uchiwa fan. This is an allusion to the famous painting Wind God & Thunder God [Fujin Raijin, 風神雷神図] by Ogata Korin [尾形光琳] (1658 - 1716).
And the earlier versions of the same by Tawaraya Sotatsu [俵屋宗達] (1570-1643).
Artist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川 貞秀], a.k.a. Gountei Sadahide [五雲亭 貞秀] (1807 – c. 1878/9). Signed: Gountei Sadahide ga [五雲亭貞秀画] Pubisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, 1815 – 1869) Date-aratame seal: Bunsei 13 / Tenpō 1 (1830). Ref: Ritsumeikan University # Z0172-587. Title: Tangled Hair and the Evening Braided Hat [乱髪夜編笠] (Midaregami Yoru no Amigasa). The open book starts with the chapter title that reads Amigasa. This play was performed together with Kisohajime Hatsugai Soga [着衣始]初買曽我]. See the playbill for the performance at Moritaza at MFA (Boston) № 11.27208. 乱髪夜編笠(みだれがみよるのあみがさ。「夜の編笠」「白さぎ」
とも)– one of the main melodies in katōbushi (河東節) type of jōruri [浄瑠璃]. For a detailed explanation in Japanese, see also HERE). A series of three prints is dedicated to a katōbushi performance of the Soga-themed plays. Yukari no Edo-zakura The tatami night robe of Iwao Tangled Hair and the Evening Braided Hat -
An uncut fan print showing Otsu-e [大津絵] (Otsu pictures). Artist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川貞秀] (Japanese, 1807 – 1879). Signed: Gountei Sadahide ga [五雲亭貞秀画] (Picture by Gountei Sadahide); characters on the Otsu-e. Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869). Published: c. 1849. Inscription in a paper-weight shaped cartouche: [大津追 分絵の図] Ōtsu-oi wake-e no zu (Following Otsu – image of separate pictures) No date seal, no censor seal (privately printed?) Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e, 団扇絵), 235 x 298 mm.
Artist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川貞秀] (Japanese, 1807 – 1879) Publisher: Kojimaya Jūbei [小島屋重兵衛] (Japanese, c. 1797 – 1869) No date seal, no censor seal (privately printed?) Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e, 団扇絵), 235 x 297 mm. Kalimeris incisa, or Japanese Aster, is a daisy-like flower that belongs to the family of Asteraceae; it blossoms all summer and attracts butterflies. Peony [牡丹] (botan) – per Merrily Baird it is "the king of flowers", associated with erotic love, and especially with the sexual activities of women.