Title: HISTORY | OF | SECRET SOCIETIES, | AND OF THE | REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FRANCE | From 1830 to 1848; | CONTAINING SKETCHES OF | LOUIS-PHILLIPE AND THE REVOLUTION OF FEBRUARY; | TOGETHER WITH | PORTRAITS, CONSPIRACIES, AND UNPUBLISHED FACTS. | BY | LUCIEN DE LA HODDE. | Translated from the Paris Edition of 1850. | BY AN AMERICAN. | PHILADELPHIA: | J. B. LIPPINCOTT AND CO. | 1856. || Pagination: blank leaf, [i, ii] – ht / blind, [iii, iv] – t.p. / imprim., [v-vi] – preface / blind, [vii] viii-xv [xvi] [17] 18-479 [480], blank leaf. Collation: 8vo; [1]-308. Binding: 22.8 x 15 cm, publisher's purple blind-spamped cloth to boards, gilt lettering to spine. Lucien de la Hodde (French, 1808 – 1865). Original title: Histoire des sociétés secrètes et du parti républicain de 1830 à 1848 : Louis-Phillippe et le Révolution de février, portraits, scènes de conspirations, faits inconnus. — Paris: Julien, Lanier, 1850. Translated by John Wolcott Phelps (American, 1813 – 1885).
Cover: LES | RÉUNIONS PUBLIQUES | A PARIS | 1868 — 1869 | PAR | AUGUSTE VITU | TROISIÈME ÉDITION | Augmentée d’un Appendice contenant les Jugements et Arrêts | rendus à Paris en matière de réunions publiques | PARIS | E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PALAIS-ROYAL, 17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | MAI 1869 || ; t.p. similar with no dash between 17 and 19 in the bottom. Pagination: [1-5] 6-151 [1]; collation: 8vo, [1]8 2-98 103; 23 x 14 cm, publisher’s lettered blue paper wrappers. Printer: Dubuisson et Cie (Paris). Vitu, Auguste-Charles-Joseph (French, 1823 – 1891)
Title page (in Gothic script): Peter Schlemihl's | wundersame Geschichte | mitgetheilt | von | Adelbert von Chamisso. | {vignette} | Nach des Dichters Tode neu herausgegeben | von Julius Eduard Hitzig. | Stereotypausgabe mit Holzschnitten. | Nürnberg, | Johann Leonhard Schrag. || Pagination: [i-iii] iv-xvi, [1] 2-82 [2], 15 woodcut vignettes by Unzelmann after Menzel. Collation: 8vo; π8 1-58 62. Binding: 21.5 x 13.5 cm, blind olive wrappers. Year of publication inferred from the foreword. This is the first posthumous edition of Chamisso's novel. Personae: Chamisso, Adelbert von (German, 1781 – 1838). — Author of the text. Hitzig, Julius Eduard [Itzig, Isaac Elias] (German-Jewish, 1780 – 1849). — Author of the foreword. Menzel, Adolph Friedrich Erdmann von (German, 1815 – 1905). — Artist of the vignettes. Unzelmann, Friedrich Ludwig (German, 1797 – 1854). — Engraver of the woodcuts. Schrag, Johann Leonhard (Germany, 1783 – 1858). — Publisher.
Front wrapper: Comité politique plébiscitaire | 17, rue de Surène, PARIS, VIIIe | {Napoleon III portrait} | NAPOLÉON III, EMPEREUR | LES BIENFAITS DE L'EMPIRE || Title page: in a double-fillet frame with years in corners: 1848, 1851, 1852, 1870 || LES | BIENFAITS DE L'EMPIRE | PAR | ALEXANDRE BRADIER | {quotation from Napoléon Ier} | {quotation from Napoléon III} | {quotation from Prince Napoléon} | HUITIÈME EDITION | IMPRIMERIES BELLEVILLE | 29 — Rue du Moulin-Vert — 29 | PARIS (XIVe) | Tous Droits réservés || Pagination: [1-3] 4-62 [2 table] 15.5 x 12 cm brochure in publisher’s original lavender wrappers, front cover discoloured to grey, with publisher’s advert to back wrapper. Printed by Imprimeries Bellville. Published by Comité politique plébiscitaire.
Front publisher’s yellow wrapper, in a double frame: SEMPRONIUS | HISTOIRE | DE LA | COMMUNE DE PARIS | EN 1871 | La période impériale. – La Révolution du 4 Septembre. – Le | gouvernement de la Défense nationale. – Le Parti républicain | et le Parti socialiste. – L'Association internationale des | travailleurs. – Menées du parti socialiste. – La Commune en 1793. – Le 31 octobre et le 22 janvier. – La Capitulation de | Paris. – Le 18 mars. – L'Assassinat des généraux Clément | Thomas et Lecomte. – Le Comité central de la Garde nationale. | – La Commune ; – Ses Agissement. – Son Budget. – La | Terreur. – Insolence des Fédérés. – Les journaux. – Les Otages. | – Les Opérations militaires. – Les Fusillades. – Les Vols. – Les | Barricades. – Les Incendies. – Documents officiels de la Commune. | TROISIÈME ÉDITION | PARIS, DECEMBRE - ALONNIER, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 20 RUE SEGUR, 20 | PRÉS DE LA PLACE SAINT-ANDR -DES-ARTS || Title page: similar to the cover with no frame. Pagination: front wrapper, [2] – h.t. / imprint., [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] – table de matières, vi (i.e. ii), vii (i.e. iii), iii (i.e. iv), [1] 2-267 [268 blank], [1] 2-12 – publisher's advert., back wrapper. Collation : 18mo ; π4, 1-1518, ß6. Binding: 18.5 x 12 cm; softcover; original yellow wrappers, black lettering to covers and spine; almost disbound. Réferences: Le Quillec (1997): 2324; University of Sussex > Paris Commune Collection. Author of the book: "SEMPRONIUS" was in reality two men: Moget, Charles Octave [Féré, Octave] (French, 1815 – 1875) and Décembre, Joseph [Décembre-Allonier] (French, 1836 – 1906).
Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞], a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代 歌川 豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). An untrimmed fan print titled Fuji Tsukuba aiaigasa, shows the actors Nakamura Shikan II [二代目中村芝翫] and the onnagata actor Iwai Kumesaburō II [岩井粂三郎] sharing an umbrella against the snow. Tsukuba, about 50 kilometres from Edo, was an area where both Fuji and Mount Tsukuba could be viewed together. Mount Fuji being the female and Mount Tsukuba the male. An aizuri-e background (common to all the designs in this set). A play on images and words. Actors: Nakamura Utaemon IV [中村歌右衛門] (Japanese, 1796 – 1852); other names: Nakamura Shikan II [二代目中村芝翫], Nakamura Tsurusuke I, Nakamura Tōtarō. Iwai Hanshirō VI [[岩井半四郎] (Japanese, 1799 – 1836); other names: Iwai Hanshirō VI, Iwai Kumesaburō II [岩井粂三郎], Iwai Hisajirō I, Baiga (poetry name), Shūka (poetry name). Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburo [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, fl. c. 1845 – 1847). Date: circa 1832. Signed: Kōchōrō Kunisada ga in a red double-gourd cartouche. From the series of fan prints:
Kabuki actors Onoe Kikugorō III and Iwai Kumesaburo II. Year: c. 1832; Publisher: No seal; Signed: Kōchōrō Kunisada ga From Kunisada Project. Kabuki actors Bandō Minosuke II and Iwai Shijaku I. Year: c. 1832; Publisher: No seal; Signed: Kōchōrō Kunisada ga From Kunisada Project. -
Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代 歌川 豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). An untrimmed fan print titled Fuji Tsukuba aiaigasa, shows the actors Ichikawa Ebizo V [市川海老蔵] and the onnagata actor Iwai Shijaku I [岩井紫若] sharing an umbrella against the wind. Tsukuba, about 50 kilometres from Edo, was an area where both Fuji and Mount Tsukuba could be viewed together. Mount Fuji being the female and Mount Tsukuba the male. An aizuri-e background (common to all the designs in this set). A play on images and words. Actors: Ichikawa Danjūrō VII [市川団十郎] (Japanese, 1791 – 1859); other names: Ichikawa Ebizō V [市川海老蔵], Ichikawa Hakuen II, Ichikawa Shinnosuke I. Iwai Matsunosuke I [岩井松之助] (Japanese, 1804 – 1845); other names: Iwai Hanshirō VII, Iwai Shijaku I [岩井紫若], Iwai Komurasaki I. Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburo [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, fl. c. 1845 – 1847). The publisher’s seal is on the umbrella. Date: circa 1832. Signed: Kōchōrō Kunisada ga in a red double-gourd cartouche. From the series of fan prints:
Kabuki actors Onoe Kikugorō III and Iwai Kumesaburo II. Year: c. 1832; Publisher: No seal; Signed: Kōchōrō Kunisada ga From Kunisada Project. Kabuki actors Bandō Minosuke II and Iwai Shijaku I. Year: c. 1832; Publisher: No seal; Signed: Kōchōrō Kunisada ga From Kunisada Project. -
A suite of 12 etchings 160 x 118 mm each, in the first state, pasted on paper, 2 per sheet, with a cover (250 x 210 mm).0. Cover. Les femmes de Paris pendant le siège./R.Martial/1871.1. Lorsqu'à l'approche de l'ennemi on demandait l'éloignement des bouches inutiles [...] 2. L'Ennemi ! 3. No inscription 4. Quête pour les veuves. 5. Concert et quête pour les enfants blessés, malades, infirmes. 6. Au bastion/Et celles non moins précieuses qui dirigeaient ces ventes [...] 7. Vente pour les orphelins de la guerre. 8. No inscription 9. Une ration, bouillie romaine et Vin/Cantine municipale[...] 10. No inscription 11. No inscription 12. Les effets de cette union patriotique des femmes sont connus.[...]
Vol. 1: A | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL | Antiquarian and Picturesque | TOUR | IN THE | NORTHERN COUNTIES OF ENGLAND | AND IN | SCOTLAND. | BY THE REVEREND | THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN, D.D. | CHAPLAIN IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. | VOL. I. |{device} motto: DEI OMNIA PLENA | LONDON: | PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY C. RICHARDS, ST. MARTIN’S LANE : | AND SOLD BY JAMES BOHN, 12 KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND, LONDON : | LAING AND FORBES, EDINBURGH : JOHN SMITH AND SON, | GLASGOW : AND E. CHARNLEY, NEWCASTLE. | MDCCCXXXVIII.|| Pagination: ffl, frontispiece by W. Douglas after T. M. Richardson, [i-ii] t.p. / blank; [iii-iv] - dedication to Frances Mary Richardson Currer (British, 1785 – 1861) / blank, [v] vi-xv – preface, [i] ii-xxx – supplement & index, [2] – corrections / colophon, [2] list of plates, [2] – contents, [1] 2-436, bfl; 11 plates extraneous to collation (incl. frontis.), lacking one plate (facing p. 213. “Thos. Bridges…”), in-text woodcut vignettes, head- and tailpieces. Collation: 8vo; π8 a-b8 [c2] B-Z8 2A-2E8 2F2. Vol. 2: Similar title but "VOL. II." Pagination: ffl, frontispiece portrait of Hugh Stewart, Aged 84 by Robert Bell after Alison (nothing known); [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] – contents / cont., [437-8] f.t. / blank [439] 440-1090, bfl; 453/4 misprinted 449/50; lacking list of subscribers. Collation: 8vo; π2 [2F3-2F6] 2G-2Z8 3A-3Z8. Binding: By J. Leighton, Brewer Street. Later half dark brown morocco over marbled boards, raised bands with gilt fillets, gilt titling and fillets in compartments, all edges gilt, marbled endpapers. Edition: 1st edition of Dibdin’s last major work and the only edition of this title. Size: 24.5 x 15.5 cm Provenance: Lord Ronald Gower (British, 1845 – 1916); Frank Hird (British, 1873 – 1937). Catalogue raisonné: Jackson 89; Windle & Pippin A65, pp. 179–188 [LIB-2669.2021]. Artists: Abraham, [I.] Frederic Henry (British, 1790 – 1845) Carmichael, James John Wilson (British, 1800 – 1868) Geikie, Walter (British, 1795 – 1837) Harraden, Richard Bankes (British, 1778 – 1862) Hill, David Octavius (British, 1802 –1870) McLea, John Watson (British, fl.1832-1861) Nixon, James Henry (British, b. c. 1808) Reynolds, Sir Joshua (British, 1723 – 1792) Richardson, Thomas Miles (British, 1784 – 1848) Scott, J. (British, fl. 19th c.) Wilkinson, T. M. (British, fl. 19th c.) Engravers: Aikman, Alison [spouse of George Aikman?] (British, 1788 – 1865) Bell, Robert Charles (British, 1806 – 1872) Byfield, Mary (British, 1794/5 – 1871) Douglas, William (British, 1780 – 1832) Harraden, F. (British, fl. 1838) Horsburgh, John (British, 1791 –1869) Johnstone, John (British, fl. 1835 – ) Leith & Smith, Lithogrs (Edinburgh) Lizars, William Home (British, 1788 – 1859) Miller, William (British, 1796 – 1882) Penny, William (British, fl. 19th c.) Prior, Thomas Abiel (British, 1809 – 1886) Robinson, H. (British, fl. 19th c.) Smith, Charles John (British, 1803 – 1838) Thomson, James (British, 1788 – 1850)
Title: РУССКIЕ ГРАВЕРЫ | И | ИХЪ ПРОИЗВЕДЕНIЯ | СЪ 1564 ГОДА | ДО ОСНОВАНIЯ АКАДЕМIИ ХУДОЖЕСТВЪ. | Изследованiе Д. Ровинскаго. | Изданiе графа Уварова. | МОСКВА. | Въ Сѵнодальной типографiи, на Никольской улицѣ. | 1870. || Pagination: [2] orig. wrapper / advert., [2] t.p. / imp.[i] ii-x, [1] 2-403 [404], [2] orig. wrapper / advert. Collation: 8vo; π6 (incl. t.p.), 1-258 χ2 Binding: Owner’s ½ black morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt-ruled, florets and lettering in compartments, blue endpapers, uncut, untrimmed, original wrappers preserved. Size: 29.5 x 19 cm
Title: TYPOGRAPHIA : | A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE | ORIGIN, RISE, AND PROGRESS | OF THE | TYPOGRAPHIC ART; | WITH | PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS FOR CONDUCTING | EVERY DEPARTMENT IN AN OFFICE. | BY THOMAS F. ADAMS, TYPOGRAPHER. | {vignette} | PHILADELPHIA: | PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE COMPILER, | N. W. CORNER OF THIRD AND CHESNUT STS. | 1837. || Pagination: Engraved frontispiece w/guard, t.p. / blank, [1-3] 4-372 [8], incl. Index and Directions to binder. Collation: 12mo; 1-31(6). Binding: contemporary full brown speckled calf, flat spine bands with gilt double-fillets, dark brown lettering label. Note: Plagiarism of John Johnson's (British, 1777 – 1848) book Typographia, or, The printers' instructor published in London by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green in 1824. .
Title: SONGS, | NAVAL AND NATIONAL, | OF THE LATE | CHARLES DIBDIN; | WITH A MEMOIR | AND | ADDENDA. | COLLECTED AND ARRANGED BY | THOMAS DIBDIN, | AUTHOR OF “THE ENGLISH FLEET,” CABINET,” &c. &c. | WITH CHARACTERISTIC SKETCHES BY | GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. | LONDON: | JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. | (PUBLISHED TO THE ADMIRALTY) | 1841.|| Pagination: [4 binder's blanks] [i-vi] vii-xv [xvi advert.], [1] 2-336 [4 binder's blanks], engraved frontispiece and 11 plates by George Cruikshank. Collation: 8vo; [A] – Y8. Binding: brown ¾ morocco, ruled in gilt over marbled boards, marbled endpapers, raised bands, gilt in compartments, top margin gilt, title lettering and year to spine, by V. Krafft. Bookplate to front pastedown “Ex Libris Robert Hoe”. Provenance: HOE, Robert III (American, 1839-1909) – American businessman and producer of printing press equipment. Catalogue raisonné: Albert M. Cohn (1924): № 231, p. 75. Makers: Charles Dibdin the younger (British, 1768—1833) – author. Thomas John Dibdin (British, 1771—1841) – author. William Clowes (British, 1779—1847), printer. John Murray III (British, 1808—1892), publisher. George Cruikshank (British, 1792—1878), artist, emgraver.
Title: MEMOIRS | OF | VIDOCQ. |THE | Principal Agent of the French Police. | WRITTEN BY HIMSELF, | AND TRANSLATED FROM THE | ORIGINAL FRENCH, EXPRESSLY FOR THIS EDITION. | WITH ILLUSTRATIVE ENGRAVINGS, | FROM | ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY CRUIKSHANK. | PHILADELPHIA: | T. B. PETERSON AND BROTHERS, | 306 CHESTNUT STREET. || Pagination: ffl, engraved frontispiece w/guard, engraved t.p., [2] t.p. / copyright, 19-580, [12], [2] 3-17 [18-30], bfl + 4 plates. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-358 362 + 22 leaves of advert., + frontis., t.p., 4 plates. Correct collation despite pagination starts at p. 19. Binding: Publisher's brown pebbled cloth, front stamped in blind, gilt spine lettering, yellow endpapers. Owner's ink inscription to ffl, dated 1936. Ref.: HathiTrust and OCLC identify the plates as 'by George Cruikshank' though none is signed. Authorship of Eugène-François Vidocq (French, 1775 – 1857) is doubtful too. The translator is not stated.
Title: CONTES FANTASTIQUES | DE | HOFFMANN | TRADUCTION NOUVELLE ; PRÉCÉDÉS | DE SOUVENIRS INTIMES SUR LA VIE DE L’AUTEUR | PAR P. CHRISTIAN. | ILLUSTRÉS PAR GAVARNI. | {Publisher’s device} | — PARIS, | LAVIGNE, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR, | 1 RUE DU PAON SAINT-ANDRÉ. | MDCCCXLIII. || Pagination: ffl, [i-vi] –h.t. / colopon, t.p. /blank, dedication /blank, [vii] viii-xix [xx][1,-3] 4-522, bfl, + woodcut illustrations by Brévière et Novionafter Gavarni: 10 full page plates, initials, tail pieces, and in text. Collation: [a]-b4 c2, 1-654 661. Binding: Quarter brown morocco over marbled boards, raised bands with gilt double fillets, gilt arabesque in compartments, title lettering. Catalogue raisonné: L. Carteret (1927), p. 295.
Half-title: BARON MUNCHAUSEN Title: THE TRAVELS | AND | SURPRISING ADVENTURES | OF | BARON MUNCHAUSEN. | ILLUSTRATED WITH | THIRTY-SEVEN CURIOUS ENGRAVINGS, | FROM | THE BARON'S OWN DESIGNS, | AND FIVE WOODCUTS, | BY G. CRUIKSHANK. | [device] | LONDON : WILLIAM TEGG. | 1869.|| [RASPE, Rudolf Erich]. The Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen. / Illustrated with 37 curious engravings, from the Baron's own designs, and five woodcuts, by G. Cruikshank. — London: William Tegg, 1869. Pagination: xii + [10] + 268 pp, 23 plates: hand-coloured engraved frontispiece, 5 woodcuts by Cruikshank, other b/w etchings, two folding plates. Binding: 19 x 13 cm; hardbound, 8vo, early 20th century 3/4 dark plum morocco gilt-ruled, raised bands, title label, gilt lettering, gilt in compartments, top edge gilt. Catalogue raisonné: A. Cohn: #584, p. 172. This edition is an identical re-issue of the 1867 edition.
Title: TALES | OF | Humour, Gallantry, & Romance, | SELECTED AND TRANSLATED | FROM THE ITALIAN. | Vignette "The Elopement, p. 183" | With sixteen illustrative Drawings by George Cruikshank. | — | LONDON : | PRINTED FOR CHARLES BALDWYN, | NEWGATE STREET. | MDCCCXXVII. Pagination: [2], [v]-vi [2] – Contents (Cohn's collation calls for this at the end) 3-253, [1]; title-page a cancel with vignette 'The Elopment', sixteen other plates by Cruikshank; as per HathiTrust: vi, 253, [3] p. (last p. blank), [16] leaves of plates: ill. Binding: 8vo, 20 x 13 cm, later polished calf, gilt, t.e.g. others untrimmed, by Rivière for H. Sotheran. Note: 1st edition, very rare 3rd issue, with a cancel title-page replacing that of 1824 issue when there were two issues and the work was entitled Italian Tales. Cohn notes the rarity of the 1827 edition, which restores one of the plates 'The Dead Rider', suppressed in the second issue, and also includes the plate done to replace it. "The rarest edition of this work is that published in 1827 in green paper boards [...]. This issue has no edition stated on the title. It has seventeen woodcuts, inclusive of the "Elopement" vignette upon the title. The suppressed plate "The Dear Rider" is restored, and the plate done to replace it is also included. The woodcut in other editions upon the title page is "The Pomegranate Seed". Probably compiled and translated by Thomas Roscoe (cf. National union catalog) from a variety of authors 'out of materials not generally accessible', but also ascribed to J. Y. Akerman and to one "Southern". Two or three tales that furnished plots for Shakespeare. Catalogue Raisonné: Cohn 444; this issue not found in OCLC or COPAC.
Title: GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S | OMNIBUS. | ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL | AND WOOD. | "De omnibus rebus et quibusdam aliis." | EDITED BY LAMAN BLANCHARD, ESQ. | LONDON : | TILT AND BOGUE, FLEET STREET. | MDCCCXLII. Pagination: ffl, [2] – blanks [i, ii] – blank / engraved t.p. w/guard, [iii, iv] – t.p., colophon] [v], vi – contents, [vii, viii] – h.t. / blank, [ix] – list of etchings on steel, [x] – list of wood-cuts, [2] – blank, frontis. engraves portrait of G. Cruikshank; [1] 2-300 [2] – blanks, bfl; 22 full-page steel engravings (three not by Cruikshank) and 78 woodcuts. As per A. M. Cohn: i-ii+i-viii+1-2+1-300. Binding: 24 x 14 cm, later full red morocco by Kelly and Sons with gilt and embossed designs to covers, designs, title and year lettering to spine, facsimile in gilt of Cruikshank's signature to front cover, gilt line to inner edges, top edge gilt, marbled endpapers. Armorial bookplate of Harold A. Wernher of Luton Hoo to front pastedown. Major-General Sir Harold Augustus Wernher (1893 – 1973) – British military officer. Originally bound in green, then red cloth, this binding by Kelly and Sons (Packer, Maurice. Bookbinders of Victorian London. London: British Library, 1991 page 84). A. M. Cohn № 190, p. 65-66. Motto translation: (About all things and something more besides).
Title: GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S | TABLE-BOOK. | EDITED BY | GILBERT ABBOTT À BECKETT. | ILLUSTRATED BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. | LONDON : | PUBLISHED AT THE PUNCH OFFICE, 92, FLEET STREET ; | AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. | MDCCCXLV.|| Pagination: ffl [2 blanks] [i, ii - engaved t.p. w/guard, verso blank] [iii], iv - letterpress t.p., colophon] [v], vi - list of engravings on still and on wood, [vii] viii - contents [2 - blank, engraved frontispiece] [1] 2-284 [2 blanks] bfl; 12 full-page steel etchings and 116 woodcuts and glyphographs by G. Cruikshank. Binding: Hardcover, 4to, 24.4 x 17 cm, later full red morocco by Kelly and Sons with gilt and embossed designs to covers, designs, title and year lettering to spine, facsimile in gilt of Cruikshank's signature to front cover, gilt line to inner edges, top edge gilt, marbled endpapers. Armorial bookplate of Harold A. Wernher of Luton Hoo to front pastedown. Major-General Sir Harold Augustus Wernher (1893 – 1973) – British military officer. Originally bound in red cloth, this binding by Kelly and Sons (Packer, Maurice. Bookbinders of Victorian London. — London: British Library, 1991 page 84). Title without the bottom section with lettering, on top lacking the 'Price one shilling', № 1, Vol. 1. inscriptions. Catalogue raisonné: A. M. Cohn № 191, p. 66-67.