Lithography and etching on wove paper432 x 362 mm, black ink stamp “5022” to reverse, horizontal and vertical centrefolds. Depicts Diogenes (Ancient Greek, 412/404 – 323 BC) beside his barrel and extinguishing his torch when approached by Napoléon III ahorseback. Top: "1857 | HONNEUR ET PATRIE"; lettering on ribbons (top-down): SCIENCES, TRAVAIL, COMMERCE, ARTS, CHARPENTIERS, IMPRIMEURS, "MECHANICIENS, AGRICULTEURS, MAÇONS, FONDEURS, TERRASIERS, CIZELEURS, CARRIERS, ORFEVRES, BIJOUTIERS, CHAPELIERS, MENUISIERS, VERRIERS, SERRURIERS, TAILLEURS, SELLIERS, POTIERS, PORCELAINIERS, CORDONNIERS, TISSERANDS, INDUSTRIE, COMMERCE | CALENDRIER DE L'ABEILLE | EMPIRE, FRANÇAIS. Below left: "lith. Barousse Cour du Comm. 11 et 12. Paris"; right: "Dépôt rue des Cannettes, 20. Paris"; bottom: "Et, pour trouver un homme, il quitte son tonneau, | Voyant Napoléon, – il éteint son flambeau!" [And, to find a man, he leaves his barrel, | Seeing Napoleon, – he extinguishes his torch!]. Six months on the left and six months on the right-hand side of the calendar, surrounding the image.
Title: LES | CURIOSITÉS DE PARIS | PAR | CH. VIRMAITRE | PRÉFACE DE M. XAVIER EYMA | PARIS | P. LEBIGRE-DUQUESNE, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE, 16 | 1868 || Collation: 18mo, π6; 1-1918. Pagination: [2] – pictorial title by A. Gill, engr. Marchandeau / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] dedication to Émile de Girardin / blank, [vii] viii-xii – préface; [1] 2-360, bfl. Note: pp. 223/224 and XIX chapter’s f.t. unpaginated and loose, but collation is not interrupted. Other chapters f.t. paginated. Binding: hardcover, quarter brown buckram over marbled boards, flat spine, gilt fillets, gilt lettering over the black label. Contributors: Charles Virmaître (1835 – 1903) – text. Xavier Eyma (1816 – 1876) – text / preface. André Gill (French, 1840 – 1885) – artist / pictorial title. Marchandeau (French, fl. c. 1867) – engraver / pictorial title.
Cover: Ch. Virmaitre | LES | VIRTUOSES | DU | TROTTOIR | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | P. LEBIGRE-DUQUESNE, ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE, 16 | 1868 || Title: Similar. Imprint: De Rouge Frères, Dunon et Fresné (Paris). Pagination: [1-7] 8-161 [162], [2] – table, [2] – advert., [14]; 90 leaves total; publisher’s cream wrappers with red lettering in double frame. Collation: 12mo in 6th; [1]-136, 1412. Charles Virmaître (French, 1835 – 1903).
NEWHardcover, 206 x 138 mm, quarter blue buckram over marbled paper boards, red and green calf labels with gilt lettering to spine; pp.:[2] [1-5] 6-34 (53, i.e. 35), [36], [2]; collated [1]6, 24, 34, 46 i.e. 20 leaves plus 13 leaves of plates. Bookseller ticket to front pastedown A. Aubry libraire, 18 rue Séguier, Paris. Title-page: NOTICE | DE | QUELQUES COPIES TROMPEUSES | D'ESTAMPES ANCIENNES | Extraite et traduite de l'Ouvrage intituled : | ANLEITUNG ZUR KUPFERSTICHKUNDE, PAR BARTSCH | AVEC DES ADDITIONS | PAR M. CH. LE BLANC | DE LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE DE PARIS. | — | ( Tiré à deux cents exemplaires. ) | PARIS | Chez l'AUTEUR, rue du Bac, 89; | Chez DEFLORENNE Neveu, quai de l'École, 16. | 1849. || Author: Charles Le Blanc (French, 1817 – 1865)
Title : CHARLES VIRMAITRE | LA COMMUNE | A PARIS | 1871 | {cit. 5 lines Emile de Girardin} | PARIS | LIBRAIRIE INTERNATIONALE | A. LACROIX, VERBOECKHOVEN ET Ce, ÉDITEURS | 15 boulevart Montmartre et faubourg Montmartre, 13 | MÉME MAISON A BRUXELLES, A LEIPZIG ET A LIVOURNE | 1871 | DROITS DE TRADUCTION ET DE REPRODUCTION RÉSERVÉS || Pagination : [2] – h.t. / imprint., [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] – dedicatation to Thiers / blank, [2] – table / blank, [1], 2-280; [total 288 pages]. Collation: 18mo; π4 1-1318 1514. Binding: red quarter morocco over red buckram boards, raised bands, gilt lettering, gilt flower lozenges in compartments, marbled endpapers.
Description by British Museum (1865,1111.2128): "Two designs, side by side. [1] A dandy (probably a portrait), florid, whiskered, and bearded, steps jauntily from the pavement, hand extended, saying: Ah! my dear fellow — How are you? Devilish glad to see ye!— He holds a closed umbrella, ferrule erect, and wears a long tight-waisted coat to the heels, unbuttoned, tight pantaloons and spurred boots. In the middle distance, another dandy grasps the hand of a friend on horseback. Behind are houses with shop-fronts. A man raises his hat to a lady who curtseys. [2] The same dandy steps from the roadway onto the pavement, his handkerchief to his nose; he stoops, trying to conceal himself from a dandy cantering past in a cloud of dust, his eye-glass to his eye. He is without gloves, extraordinary for a dandy, and his trousers are strapped over pumps; he says: Con-found it! — Didn't expect to meet Him!! The street is otherwise empty; against the (large) houses are scaffolding and a tall ladder." Lettered with title, text within image including production details: 'Ego. delt / Etched by G. Ck / Pubd by J Fairburn Broadway Ludgate Hill August 18 1826'. Dimensions: Sheet: 25.5 x 36 cm, Image: 21.7 x 33.8 cm. Catalogue raisonné: A. M. Cohn (1924): № 1001, p. 262.: "A wretched plate. Difficult to believe G. C. had anything to do with it." — Bruton. Value.— £1.
Coin purse, or porte-monnaie, made of patinated copper alloy, full-grain brown leather outside and purple inside, with a clutch and a hinge, and an oval miniature bust portrait on each side, painted in colour with gold and silver, by an anonymous artist after Franz Xaver Winterhalter, inscribed NAPOLÉON III and L'IMPCE DES FRANÇAIS, respectively, under glass. Dimensions: 97 x 67 x 18 mm. Contributors: Napoleon III [Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873) – character/sitter. Eugénie de Montijo [María Eugenia Ignacia Agustina de Palafox y Kirkpatrick] (Spanish-French, 1826 – 1920) – character/sitter. Franz Xaver Winterhalter (German, 1805 – 1873) – artist.
Title: CONTES FANTASTIQUES | DE | HOFFMANN | TRADUCTION NOUVELLE ; PRÉCÉDÉS | DE SOUVENIRS INTIMES SUR LA VIE DE L’AUTEUR | PAR P. CHRISTIAN. | ILLUSTRÉS PAR GAVARNI. | {Publisher’s device} | — PARIS, | LAVIGNE, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR, | 1 RUE DU PAON SAINT-ANDRÉ. | MDCCCXLIII. || Pagination: ffl, [i-vi] –h.t. / colopon, t.p. /blank, dedication /blank, [vii] viii-xix [xx][1,-3] 4-522, bfl, + woodcut illustrations by Brévière et Novionafter Gavarni: 10 full page plates, initials, tail pieces, and in text. Collation: [a]-b4 c2, 1-654 661. Binding: Quarter brown morocco over marbled boards, raised bands with gilt double fillets, gilt arabesque in compartments, title lettering. Catalogue raisonné: L. Carteret (1927), p. 295.
NEWConvolute: Pélagie la sainte. Quarter red buckram over marbled papers with brown gilt-lettered calf label to spine, 399 x 290 mm. Consists of: One blank leaf
- Gérard de Nerval. Mémoires d'un parisien: Sainte-Pélagie, en. 1832. Published in L'Artiste : journal de la littérature et des beaux-arts 1841 (SER2,T7). L'ARTISTE, | JOURNAL DE LA LITTÉRATURE ET DES BEAUX-ARTS. | 2° Série. – Tome 6 (ms pencil 7 et 8) | {vignette signed M. ALOPHE} | PARIS. | AUX BUREAUX DE L'ARTISTE, RUE DE SEINE-SAINT-GERMAIN, 39 | 1840. (crossed out, ms pencil 1841) || Engraved title, h.t./imprint, t.p., pp. 251-256 (six leaves); p. 252-5:
- Talon / Maison de Sainte-Pélagie November 18, 1822 (One leaf)
- Maxime du Camp. Les prisons de Paris. Published in: Revue de deux mondes, 83, № 3 (1eroctobre 1869), pp. [598]-634 (17 leaves).
- Philibert Audebrand. La Gazette de Sainte-Pélagie. Published in: L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux, № 518, 10 Dec 1889, p. 711. (Newspaper clip).
- Pélagie la Sainte 1889. Numero unique. Edité par les soins du Journal « la France » | SOUS LA DIRECTION DE M. PILLARD D'ARKAÏ || Title engraved on wood and hand-painted. Texts by Paul Adam, Paul Bonnetain, Simon Boubée, Léon Cladel, Camille Dreyfus, Ch. Gilbert-Martin, Victor Hugo, Camille Lemonnier, Maurice Mac-Nab, Louise Michel, Félix Pyat, Rachilde, Xavier Raspail, Jean Richepin, Henri Rochefort, Laurent Tailhade, Émile Zola, etc. Illustrations by Ch. Clérice, Ch. Gilbert-Martin, Alfred Le Petit, Eugène Rapp. Pp. 1-24 (12 leaves). Gallica: Pélagie la sainte, 1889 / [signé Pillard d'Arkaï]
Title page: AVENTURES | DE | ROBINSON CRUSOE | PAR | DANIEL DEFOE | TRADUCTION NOUVELLE | ☙ |EDITION ILLUSTREE PAR GRANDVILLE | ❧ |PARIS | H. FOURNIER AINÉ, ÉDITEUR | 16 RUE DE SEINE | — | M DCCC XL || {sic: no accents in EDITION ILLUSTREE) Pagination: [4] [1]-610, [2] [1]-4., 620 pp. total plus 82 leaves of plates, unpaginated. Collation: 2 binder’s blank leaves, front publisher’s wrapper, h.t / imprint, 2 copies of engraved frontispiece on china paper, t.p. / blank, etc., … text..., back wrapper and spine bound in; 4to: π2 [1]-774 (310 leaves total) plus 40 x 2 plates extraneous to collation. Illustrations: 2 head- and 2 tailpieces, 2 initials, 159 vignettes, and 40 lettered plates each in two variants: one printed on a regular page, and one printed on India paper and pasted to a page. Page size: 24 x 15 cm. Frontispiece: Cut on wood by Louis-Henri Brevière after J. J. Grandville and Français. “Robinson sits on a throne-like chair framed by exotic palm trees. The sculptural and quasi-royal representation of Robinson is flanked by his faithful dog and parrot. The hero’s tools (the gun and the axe) are prominently displayed. He looks to the horizon away to the left, rather than to the tiny ship that can be seen on the horizon. His overcoming of life’s difficult events is at the core of the representation. The massive plinth reinforces the aura of the hero, as do the tiny people admiring the sculpture and learning about the heroic figure. Friday is discreetly represented in a medallion on the plinth along with other decorations including goats and a «savage»". [Sitzia, E. (2020). Lost in Intersemiotic Translation? J.J. Grandville’s Illustration of Robinson Crusoe. Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings, 5(2). https://clic.research.vub.be/sites/default/files/atoms/files/SITZIA_FIN.pdf] The monument has an inscription: “ FERNAND | SUEZ” which we deciphered as either a tribute to Juan Fernández (Spanish, c. 1536 – c. 1604) or as a mention of the place where Crusoe’s adventures took place: Archipiélago Juan Fernández to which Isla Róbinson Crusoe belongs. Binding: 24.8 x 16.4 cm, by Emile Mercier, half green crushed morocco over marbled boards, gilt-ruled, spine ornately gilt, sunned to orange tone, marbled endpapers, publisher's pale yellow wrappers bound in; only the top edge trimmed. Contributors: Daniel Defoe (British, 1660 – 1731) – author. J. J. Grandville [Gèrard, Isidore-Adolphe] (French, 1803 – 1847) – artist. François-Louis Français (French, 1814 – 1897) – artist (frontispiece, landscapes). Engravers: John Quartley (British, fl. 1835 – 1867) Matthew Urlwin Sears (British, 1799 – 1870) Adolphe Best (French, 1808 – 1860) One of the Guillaumots: Eugène Guillaumot (French, Paris 1813–1869), or Auguste Etienne Guillaumot (French,1844 – 1890), or his father Auguste-Alexandre Guillaumot (French, 1815 – 1892) Laisné [Alfred, Adèle, and Aglaé] (French, active 1835–1868) Antoine-Alphée Piaud (French, 1813 – 1867) Louis Dujardin (French, 1808 – 1859) A. Hans (nothing is known) Jean Louis Joseph Camille Lacoste (French, 1809 – 1866) Louis-Henri Brevière (French, 1797 – 1869) – vignettes. Provenance: Bishop, Cortlandt Field (American, 1870 – 1935) – bookplate; Mary S. Collins – bookplate by J. H. Fincken Robin F. Satinsky (American, 1919 – 2008) – Robin Collection bookplate. Catalogue raisonné: Brivois (1883) p. 155; Ray (French): № 193, p. 272; Carteret (1927): p. 241. All indicated in-8vo, which doesn't correspond to our in-4to copy.
Title-page: DELLE | NOVELLE ITALIANE | IN PROSA | BIBLIOGRAFIA | DI | BARTOLOMMEO GAMBA | BASSANESE | EDIZIONE SECONDA | CON CORREZIONI ED AGGIUNTE | {publisher’s device} | FIRENZE | TIPOGRAFIA ALL’INSEGNA DI Dante | M.DCCC.XXXV. || Collation: 8vo; π8 1-198; an extra leaf between 18 and 19 (189, pp. 289-10, errata), leaf 11 unsigned, leaf 12 signed 11. Total 161 leaves plus 6 leaves of plates extraneous to collation; Plates (copperplate engravings): (1) Giovanni Boccaccio, (2) Angelo Firezuola (i.e. Agnolo Firenzuola), (3) Lorenzo Magalotti, (4) Gasparo Gozzi, and (5) Michele Colombo by Marco Comirato, and (6) Franco Sacchetti by Francesco Bosa. Pagination: [i-iii] iv-xv [xvi] [1-3] 4-290, index [16], total 322 pages plus 6 plates, unpaginated. Binding: 22.4 x 15 cm, modern brown half-morocco over green sprinkled boards, red label with gilt lettering, publisher’s yellow wrappers preserved. Edition: 2nd; the 1st edition was published in 1833. Contributors: Bartolommeo Gamba (Italian, 1766 – 1841) – author, complier. Marco Comirato (Italian, c. 1800 – 1869) – engraver. Francesco Bosa (Italian, ? – ?) – engraver. Sitters: Giovanni Boccaccio (Italian, 1313 –1375) Franco Sacchetti (Italian, c. 1335 – c. 1400) Agnolo Firenzuola] (Italian, 1493 – 1543) Lorenzo Magalotti (Italian, 1637 – 1712) Gasparo Gozzi (Italian, 1713 – 1786) Michele Colombo (Italian, 1747 – 1838)
A woodcut illustration after drawing by Leo von Elliot, published at Illustrirte Zeitung, 17 January 1863. English translation: Student bar "The Hole" in Brussels.
The official name of this bar, located at Rue des Sols in Bussels, was "À la vue de l'Université" (In sight of the University). This was the place where the students of the Université libre de Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels), and especially the members of Société, ou Cercle, des Crocodiles (The Crocodile Society, or Circle), gathered in the 1860s. -
Publisher’s blue wrapper: DÜRERS | KUPFERSTICHE UND HOLZSCHNITTE. | EIN KRITISCHES VERZEICHNIS | VON | R. v. RETBERG. | MÜNCHEN. | THEODOR ACKERMANN. | 1871. || Title page: similar to front wrapper, 2.5 cm cut at the bottom, text not affected. Pagination: front wrapper with lettering in a frame, flyleaf, [4] 1-169 [170 blank] [2], flyleaf, back wrapper with imprint plus 2 plates (frontis., Il. entry №129, and op. p., il. entry 100 № 260, printed on laid paper without watermark). Collation: π2 1-88 9-134 142, plus 2 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece. Binding: 26.4 x 17.5 cm, quarter green morocco over marbled boards, black compartment fillets and lettering to spine, publisher’s wrappers preserved. Marks: bookplate 6 x 9 cm to front pastedown: “БИБЛИОТЕКА | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО | ЭРМИТАЖА ИЗ СОБРАНИЯ | СТЕПАНА ПЕТРОВИЧА | ЯРЕМИЧА | (1869 – 1939)”, purple ink stamp “В ПРОДАЖУ”. To front wrapper: Ink manuscript on top “Dr. Lichtenstein”… etc., black ink seal of rampant lion and pencil number “949” in the middle; pencil marks to p. 162.
Contents: Inhalt - Berichtigungen - Vorwort und Einleitendes - Dürers Lebenskizze - [Text] - Nachtrag zu Dürers "Lebenskizze". A critical directory of Albrecht Dürer (German, 1471 – 1528) copperplate engravings and woodcuts by Ralf von Retberg (German, 1812 – 1885): the description of 167 woodcuts and 103 copperplate engravings.
Provenance: From the collection of a Russian artist Stepan Petrovich Yaremich, sold by Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Ref: Royal Academy. -
Top right: EASTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {5 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Bottom left: WESTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {4 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Under the frame: Drawn by W. B. Clarke, Archt. […] Published by Baldwin & Cradock, 47 Paternoster Row, A April 1st, 1834. [...] Engraved by J. Shury || Dimensions: Sheet: 40.8 x 57 cm; Image: 38.7 x 52.5 cm. Contributors: William Barnard Clarke (British, 1806 – 1865) – artist. John Shury (fl. c. 1814-1844) – engraver. Baldwin & Cradock (London) – publisher. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846).
Top right: EASTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {5 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Bottom left: WESTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {4 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || The map is framed, but there is no lettering beneath the frame to identify the cartographer, engraver, and publisher. However, we can attribute it to William Barnard Clarke (British, 1806 – 1865) and John Shury (fl. c. 1814-1844). The publisher is either Baldwin & Cradock or Chapman and Hall. Dimensions: Sheet: 40 x 60.8 cm; Image: 40 x 53.5 cm.
Top right: EASTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {5 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Bottom left: WESTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {4 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Under the frame: Drawn by W. B. Clarke, Archt. […] London: Published by Chapman and Hall, 186, Strand. April 1st, 1834. [...] Engraved by J. Shury || Dimensions: Sheet: 40.8 x 57 cm; Image: 38.7 x 52.5 cm. Contributors: William Barnard Clarke (British, 1806 – 1865) – artist. John Shury (fl. c. 1814-1844) – engraver. Chapman and Hall (London) – publisher. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846).
EASTERN DIVISION | OF | PARIS. | The Arrondissements are defined by colour | and numbered. || London, Edward Stanford 6 Charing Cross. | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. || Dimensions: Sheet: 43.5 x 35.5 cm; Image: 39.5 x 30 cm. Contributors: Edward Stanford (British, 1827 – 1904) – cartographer, engraver, publisher. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846).
Four maps 34 x 47.5 cm each. Include insets of Versailles, Fontainebleau, Saint Cloud and St. Germain en Laye. Lithograph by Edward Weller after a map drawn and engraved by John Dower. "These maps originally appeared in the Weekly Dispatch newspaper from 1856 to 1862. They were reissued between 1863 and 1867 by Cassell, Petter and Galpin and then published collectively as Cassell's Atlas. The plates were acquired by G.W. Bacon & Co., and reissued in 1876 under the title Bacon's New Quarto Atlas ... of the Counties of England, and many times since under various titles." [WorldCat]
Dimensions: 34 x 47.5 cm each.
Contributors: Weller, Edward (British, 1819 – 1884) – lithographer. Dower, John Crane (British, 1791 – 1847) – artist, engraver. Dower, John James (British, 1825 – 1901) – artist, engraver (son of John Crane Dower).