A two-volume set in the contemporary full calf, imitating the editorial cloth binding. Vol. 1: SCÈNES | DE LA | VIE PRIVÉE ET PUBLIQUE | DES ANIMAUX | VIGNETTES | PAR GRANDVILLE. | — | ÉTUDES DE MŒURS CONTEMPORAINES | PUBLIÉES | SOUS LA DIRECTION DE M. P. – J. STAHL , | AVEC LA COLLABORATION | DE MESSIEURS | DE BALZAC. – L. BAUDE. – E. DE LA BEDOLLIERE. – P. BERNARD. – J. JANIN. | ED. LEMOINE. – CHARLES NODIER. – GEORGE SAND. | [VIGNETTE] | PARIS. | J. HETZEL ET PAULIN , ÉDITEURS , | RUE DE SEINE-SAINT-GERMAIN , 33. | 1842 Pagination: [2 blanks] [2 - ht. / imprim.] [2 - blank / frontis.] [2 - t.p. / blank] [4] [1] 2-386 [6 - table] [2 blanks], 96 whole-page wood-engravings after Grandville, vignettes within the text including head and tailpieces, together with a frontispiece. VOL. 2: SCÈNES | DE LA | VIE PRIVÉE ET PUBLIQUE | DES ANIMAUX | VIGNETTES | PAR GRANDVILLE. | — | ÉTUDES DE MŒURS CONTEMPORAINES | PUBLIÉES | SOUS LA DIRECTION DE M. P. – J. STAHL , | AVEC LA COLLABORATION | DE | MM. DE BALZAC, – L' HERITIER (DE L' AIN), – ALFRED DE MUSSET – PAUL DE MUSSET, | CHARLES NODIER, – MADAME M. MENESSIER NODIER, – LOUIS VIARDOT. | [VIGNETTE] | PARIS, | J. HETZEL , ÉDITEUR , | RUE DE SEINE-SAINT-GERMAIN , 33. | 1842 Pagination: [2 - ht. / imprim.] [2 - blank / frontis.] [2 - t.p. / blank] [1] 2-390 [6 - table], 105 whole-page wood-engravings after Grandville, vignettes within the text including head and tailpieces, together with a frontispiece. Size: Each volume 27 x 18 cm; In-4to (usually classified as 8vo, however, the numeric signatures provide for gathering in-quarto). Binding: Full burgundy calf, gilt embossed Grandville's characters to boards and spine, lettering to spine, white moire end-papers to vol. 1, and yellow end-papers to vol. 2, all margins gilt. Combination of the 1st and 2nd print-runs of the 1st edition. Ref.: L. Carteret, 1927: pp. 552-558. Wikipedia; Gallica; Hathi Trust. In: British Museum, MET, RISD Museum, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
4to volume, ‘cartonnage percaline romantique’, 27.5 x 19.5 cm, green cloth with gilt fillet border and fictional coat of arms to front, border and fleuron to back, gilt and embossed vignette to spine, yellow endpapers, all edges gilt, 32 plates, incl. frontispiece, with tissue guards, and numerous in-text woodcuts after J.-J. Grandville by various engravers, mostly by Best, Leloir, Hotelin et Régnier group. Page 102 is numbered correctly. Title-page: JÉROME | PATUROT | A LA RECHERCHE | D'UNE POSITION SOCIALE | PAR | LOUIS REYBAUD, | Auteur des Études sur les Reformateurs ou Socialistes modernes. | — | Édition illustrée par J.-J. Grandville. | {vignette} | PARIS, | J.-J. DUBOCHET, LE CHEVALIER ET Cie, ÉDITEURS, | RUE DE RICHELIEU, 60. | – | 1846 || Collation: π4 1-574 582; total 234 leaves plus 32 wood-engraved plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [8] [1] 2-460; total 468 pages, ils. Catalogue raisonné: L. Carteret 516; Ray 197 (pp. 277-8); Brivois: 350-1. Contributors: Louis Reybaud [Jérôme Paturot] (French, 1799 – 1879) – author. J.-J. Grandville [Isidore-Adolphe Gèrard] (French, 1803 – 1847) – artist. Schneider et Legrand (Paris) – printer. J.-J. Dubochet, Le Chevalier et Cie – publsiher. Engravers: Lucjan Stypulkowski (Polish, 1806 – 1849) Best, Leloir, Hotelin et Régnier Jean Baptiste Best (French, 1808 – 1879) or Adolphe Best (French, 1808 – 1860) Isidore Leloir (French, 1806 – 1851) Laurent Éloi Hotelin (French, 1821 – 1894) Eugène Laurent Isidore Régnier (?)
Title page: PARIS | À TABLE | PAR | EUGÈNE BRIFFAULT. | Illustré par Bertall. | {vignette} | PARIS | PUBLIÉ PAR J. HETZEL, | RUE DE RICHELIEU, 76 — RUE DE MÉNARS, 10 | 1846 || Pagination : ffl, [2] – h.t. / imprim., [2] – wood-engraved pictorial t.p. bt Bertall, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-iv, 2] – f.t. / imprim., [1] 2-184, ffl; in-text woodcuts by Betrall. Collation: π6 1-462; size 8vo. Binding: brown quarter morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt device in compartments and gilt lettering to spine. Matching marbled endpapers, previous owner’s bookplate to front pastedown. Bookplate: Motto: “LITTERÆ SCIENTIA & ARTES / AR (monogram), 7738 BELIURE TOFFIER – TOURS / L. D.” Contributors: Eugène Briffault (French, 1799 – 1854) – author of the text. Bertall [ Bertal; Charles Albert d'Arnoux (French, 1820 – 1882) – illustrator. Pierre-Jules Hetzel (French, 1814 – 1886) – publisher. Printer: Imprimerie Schneider et Langrand, rue d'Erfurth, 1 (Paris). Paper: La papeterie d’Essonne.