"Разговоры Макиавелли и Монтескье в царстве мертвых” (Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu) – это политический памфлет, направленный против Наполена III. В 25 диалогах представитель эпохи Просвещения благородный барон де Монтескье отстаивает позиции умеренного правления и соблюдения прав личности, а флорентийский политик Средневековья злокозненный Макиавелли берется доказать своему собеседнику, что управлять людьми можно только силой и хитростью, и что деспотия — это потребность современного общества. Собеседники заключают пари. Макиавелли шаг за шагом описывает те действия, которые предпринял Наполеон III для установления деспотии во Франции, и выигрывает пари.

    В начале XX века «Разговоры» Жоли были использованы в царской России для изготовления антисемитской фальшивки — печально знаменитых «Протоколов сионских мудрецов», книги, переведенной на все языки мира и своими тиражами уступающей только Библии. Плагиат был разоблачен корреспондентом газеты «Таймс» Филипом Грейвсом в 1921 г. Сравнением текстов “Разговоров” и “Протоколов”, равно как и поиском автора плагиата, занималось не одно поколение исследователей.
    В наше время о “Разговорах” знают в основном благодаря “Протоколам”, но книга Жоли представляет интерес отнюдь не только в связи с означенными “Протоколами”. Единственный до сих пор перевод “Разговоров” на русский язык был выпущен в 2004 году издательством “МК-Трейд” под названием “Диалог в аду между Макиавелли и Монтескье”. Это был перевод с немецкого перевода с французского языка. Предлагаемое читателю новое издание книги Жоли является переводом с французского оригинала, хотя и достаточно вольным, что отражено в заголовке: Разговоры Макиавелли и Монтескье в царстве мертвых, записанные злосчастным французом Морисом Жоли в правление императора Людовика-Наполеона и пересказанные полтора века спустя для русского читателя нашим современником. Морис Жоли писал о “политике макиавеллизма в XIX веке”. Однако теперь очевидно, что и в XXI веке политика макиавеллизма не претерпела существенных изменений. Старинный рецепт установления деспотии “в одной, отдельно взятой стране” хорош и по сей день.

    Published in San Francisco, California.

    Paperback, size: 110 x 148 x 10 mm


  • Two volumes, 32 x 24 cm each, uniformly bound in grey cloth with crimson morocco labels with gilt lettering to spine “Н. Обольяниновъ | КАТАЛОГЪ | иллюстриров. изданiй | 1725-1860 гг. | I (II)”, original wrappers preserved. To t.p. verso ink stamps “Latvijas PSR Zinātn̦u akadēmija Fundamentālā bibliotēka”, “1964”, “KATALOGS”, and “Z.A.B. Inv. № 80274”. Printed on laid paper, pagination throughout. 3,038 items with bibliographical descriptions. Title-page: КАТАЛОГЪ | РУССКИХЪ ИЛЛЮСТРИРОВАННЫХЪ | ИЗДАНIЙ | 1725—1860 гг. | — | СОСТАВИЛЪ | Н. Обольяниновъ. | Въ двухъ томахъ | Т. I (II). | ~ | МОСКВА – 1914 (1915). | Товарищество ТИПОГРАФIИ А. И. МАМОНТОВА, | Арбатская пл., Филипповский пер., д. № 11. || Vol. I: Collation: π6 1-424, total 174 leaves; pp.: [i-v] vi-xii, [1] 2-335 [336 errata] (total 348 pages); within green publisher’s wrappers. Vol. II: π2 1-444, total 178 leaves; pp.: [4] [337] 338-686 [687 errata], [688 blank] (total 356 pages); within green publisher’s wrappers. Provenance: Fundamental library of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Contributors: Николай Александрович Обольянинов (Russian, 1868 – 1916) – author. Анатолий Иванович Ма́монтов (Russian, 1839 – 1905) – publisher.
  • Hardcover, green cloth stamped with title to front cover and spine, pictorial DJ, pp.: [10] 1-206.

    Introduction / Andreas Marks -- An artistic collaboration: travelling the Tōkaidō with Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, and Kunisada / Laura W. Allen Folklore and legend in the fifty-three pairings along the Tōkaidō / Ann Wehmeyer The plates. Tōkaidō gojūsan tsui / transcription and translation by Ann Wehmeyer ; notes by Ann Wehmeyer and Andreas Marks.

    ISBN: 9780813060217

  • Hardcover volume, 8vo, 24.3 x 16.5 cm, bound in contemporary full marbled calf, spine with raised bands, gilt floral tools in compartments, gilt title lettering, marbled end-papers and all edges, printed on laid paper 23.9 x 5.5 cm with a watermark, entirely engraved (frontispiece, title, nine plates, and text), gatherings not indicated. Title-page (engraved, vignette, tall 's') LE | TEMPLE | DE | GNIDE | Nouvelle Edition, | Avec Figures | Gravées par N. LE MIRE, | des Acad. De Vienne en Autriche et de Rouen, | D’apres les Dessins de Ch. Eisen. | Le Texte Gravé par Droüet. | — | {3 lines quotation from Gallien} | A PARIS | Chez le Mire Graveur | Rue St. Etienne des Gres. | AVEC PRIVELEGE DU ROI. | 1772. || Frontispiece (engraved, vignette): Portrait medallion inscribed "CHARLES SECONDAT DE MONTESQUIEU — N. Le Mire del et sc", signed beneath "N. le Mire sculp 1771"; under the plate: "Dessiné par Ch. Eisen, et Gravé par N. le Mire." Pagination: frontispiece, t.p. / explication, dedication, [i] ii-vii [viii blank] 1-104 [105-6 blanks]; engraved throughout, plus 9 plates by Le Mire after Eisen.
    Catalogue Raisonné: Cohen-de Ricci 726-27; Ray, French Illustrated Book, №32/p. 61-2.
    Ref.: MFA (Boston): Accession Number 37.1726.
    Charles Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778) – artist. Noël Le Mire (French, 1724 – 1801) – engraver, publisher. Droüet (French, 18th century) – text engraver. Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (French, 1689 – 1755) – author.
  • Title: This Solemn | Mockery | THE ART OF LITERARY FORGERY | John Whitehead, A.L.A. | Arlington Books {device} London Pagination: [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / imprint, [2] –contents / acknowledgement, 1-177 [178 blank]; 4 leaves of plates (total 96 leaves). Binding: 22.2 x 14.2 cm; hardcover, aubergine cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket. ISBN-10: 0851402127
  • GEORGE CRUIKSHANK | A CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ | OF THE WORK EXECUTED | DURING THE YEARS 1806-1877 | WITH COLLATIONS, NOTES, APPROXIMATE VALUES, | FACSIMILES, AND ILLUSTRATIONS | BY | ALBERT M. COHN | Author of A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Printed | Works Illustrated By George Cruikshank, etc. | LONDON |FROM THE OFFICE OF "THE BOOKMAN'S JOURNAL" | 7 HENRIETTA STREET, STRAND, W.C.2 | 1924. Pagination: ffl, [i, ii] – h.t. / Limited edition (122 of 500), [2] – blank / frontis. lith. portrait of G. Cruikshank w/guard, [iii, iv] – t.p. / printed in G.B., [v, vi] – dedicat. / blank, vii-xvi; [1, 2] – f.t. / blank, 3-375, [376] – Imprint., bfl; 31 leaves of plates, some mounted. Binding: size 30 x 24 x 5.5 cm, hardcover, bevelled boards, original brown cloth with gilded lettering to spine. Top edge gilt, other untrimmed; printed on laid paper. To front pastedown: "Ex libris – Fred Robison Heryer" (round, 55 mm, resembles a coin, printed on heavy gold-coloured foil with embossed lettering and an image of a seated man lettered ALEXANDROY in Greek. To back pastedown: Seller's sticker "From the book of J.W.Robinson Co., Seventh & Grand, Los Angeles." J. W. Robinson Co. – a chain of department stores, established by Joseph Winchester Robinson (American, 1846 – 1891). Some Fred Robison Heryer (American, 1907 – 1992) died in Kansas.
  • A contemporary reprint in publisher's wrappers, 22.8 x 14.4 cm, untrimmed, stapled, with title on the outer cover and similar to t.p.: The Truth About | "The  Protocols" | A LITERARY FORGERY | From The Times of | August 16, 17, and 18, 1921 | LONDON: | PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE, E.C.4. | ONE SHILLING NET. || Pagination: [2] – t.p. / colophon,  3-24. Collation: [A]2 B10.
  • Title: A Bibliography of Bookbinding | by | SARAH T. PRIDEAUX | […] | London: | JAMES BAIN, 1 Haymarket. | 1892 || Pagination: ffl, [2] – front orig. wrapper, [2] t.p. / blank, [1] 2-23 [24] [2] back orig. wrapper. Binding: User’s quarter buckram and cardboard binding with gilt 686.P.6 number to front cover, 686 P to front wrapper, ink inscription T. Garnett (possibly Garnett & Co, Printers of Manchester Guardian) to t.p., blue ink stamp of Manchester P. F. libraries, pencilled 686 P6 to t.p. verso. To front pastedown an armorial bookplate of the Manchester public free libraries. and pasted Class No. R686 P6. Blueish original wrappers preserved.
  • Title: GESCHICHTEN | AUS | ARETINO | MIT FÜNFZEHN BILDERN | VON | CHOISI-NÉRAC | NICHT IM HANDEL | GEDRUCKT FÜR HEINRICH CONRAD | UND SEINE FREUNDE | SIENA 1907 || Collation: 8vo; 1-128 137; frontispiece, t.p. and 14 plates, extraneous to collation. Pagination: [2] f.t. / blank, 3-203 [2], il. Binding: Full cream vellum, ruled with gilt double-fillet, grey label with gilt lettering to spine. Bookplate by von Bayros Par Avi Cigno to front pastedown. Note: Private edition of Aretino's Ragionamenti in German as Geschichten aus Aretino by translater and publisher Heinrich Conrad (German, 1866 – 1918), whose real name was Hugo Storm, this copy №394, illustrated by Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 –  of Choisi-Nérac.  
  • Cover: Publisher's wrappers, to front cover with black and red lettering: DEUXIÈME ÉDITION |—| AUGUSTE LEPAGE | Les Diners | ARTISTIQUES ET LITTÉRAIRES | de Paris | {publisher's device} | PARIS | BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES DEAUX MONDES| FRINZINE, KLEIN et Cie, ÉDIREURS | 1, RUE BONAPARTE, 1 | 1884 | Tous droits réservés || Title page: Similar lettering t.p. in black only, with "DEUXIÈME ÉDITION" below "de Paris". Pagination: front wrapper with a pasted leaf, [iii-vii] viii-xi [xii] [1-3] 4-360, back wrapper with a pasted 3/4 leaf, black lattering to spine. Collation: 18mo; π5, 1-1918-206.
  • Title: LA | BELLE ASSEMBLÉE | OR, | BELL'S | COURT AND FASHIONABLE | MAGAZINE, | ADDRESSED PARTICULARLY TO | THE LADIES. | VOL. XI.—NEW SERIES. | FROM JANUARY 1, TO JUNE 30, 1815. | LONDON: | Printed for J. BELL, GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, | Clare-Court, Drury-Lane. | 1815. || Pagination: [2] – 11th volume wood-engraved pictorial title page, [1, 2] – January faux-title and table of content, [3] 4-284 [2] – index to 11th vol. Notes: February f.t. not paginated, but within the collation; the last page of the index at the very end paginated [iii]/iv, so pages i/ii missing (the gathering Nn lacking one sheet) Collation: 4to; π1 A-Mm4 Nn3, 28 plates extraneous to collation (lacking 2 plates). Binding: Half brown morocco over marbled boards, flat spine, compartments gilt-ruled with double-fillet and gilt-lettered. Contents: Jan: pp. 1-48, 5 plates. Feb: pp. 51-96, 5 plates. Mar: pp. 97-144, 5 plates. Apr: pp. 145-192, 5 plates. May: pp. 193-240, 5 plates. Jun: pp. 241-284, 3 plates (lacking 2 colour prints). Fashion plates, two per issue, are hand-coloured copperplate engravings, unsigned. Stipple engraved portraits, one per issue as frontispiece: (1) Actress Catherine Stephens, Countess of Essex (British, 1794 – 1882) by James Hopwood the Elder [James Hopwood Senior] (British, c. 1740s/50s – 1819) after Sir George Hayter (British, 1792 – 1871); (2) Madame de Talleyrand, Princesse De Bénévent (Danish-French, 1761– 1834), unsigned, but can be attributed to François Gérard (French, 1770 – 1837); (3) Actress Miss Sarah Booth (1793 – 30 December 1867), unsigned; (4) Group portrait of the French Royal family (Louis XVI, Louis XVII, Marie Antoinette, Madam Elizabeth, Louis Antoine de Bourbon, Duke d'Enghien, and Marie Thérèse Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe), unsigned, (5) Actress, Miss Sarah Blanche Matthews (b.1794) by Thomas Burke (Irish, 1749 – 1815) after George Hayter. The sixth print, in the March issue, is a lithographic portrait of Napoléon Bonaparte (French, 1769 – 1821), unsigned.  
  • Vol. 1. Title : VOYAGES | ET MÉMOIRES | DE | MAURICE-AUGUSTE, | COMTE DE BENYOWSKY, | Magnat des Royaumes d’Hongrie et de | Pologne, etc. etc. | Contenant ses Opérations militaires en | Pologne, son exil au Kamtchatka, son Evasion | et son Voyage à travers l’Océan pacifique, au | Japon, à Formose, à Canton en Chine, et | les détails de l’Etablissement qu’il fut chargé | par le Ministère François de former à Mada- | gascar. | TOME PREMIER. | A PARIS, Chez F. Buisson, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue | Hautefeuille, no 20. | (1791.) Pagination : [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-viii, [1] 2-466. Collation: 8vo; [π]2 a4, A-Ff8 Gg1. Vol. 2. Title: Similar, but TOME SECOND. Pagination: [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [1] 2-486. Collation: 8vo; [π]2 A-Gg8 Hh3, Hh3 unsigned. Binding: both volumes uniformly bound in half brown calf over speckled beige boards, crimson label with gilt lettering to flat spine, volume number in garland, florets in compartments. Bookplate to front pastedown: "C. De Oetting." Ink stamp to t.p.: "Oettingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek". Provenance:  Oettingen-Wallerstein library (Oettingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek) is the former library of the princes of Oettingen-Wallerstein, now part of the collection of Augsburg University library.
  • Description: single volume 24.5 x 19 cm, collated 4to, bound by a previous owner in quarter red morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, with gilt lettering in compartments: "SPADDY | DÉVERGONDAGES", red marbled endpapers. Printed on wove paper with watermark “RIVES”. Title-page: SPADDY | DÉVERGONDAGES | BRUXELLES | Aux Dépens d'un Amateur | 1948 || Pagination: [4] – blank, [1, 2] – h.t. / limitation, [3, 4] – t.p. / blank, 5-151 [152] – blank, [4] – blank; uncut, illustrated with 16 hand-coloured lithographs extraneous to collation after watercolours by Féodor Rojankowski [Rojan]. Table of contents on p. 151. Limitation: 250 copies of which №№ I – XVI with original watercolour and b/w suite of plates and №№ 17-250 on Rives paper with coloured lithography; this copy is № 100 of 234 Rives paper copies. Catalogue Raisonné: J.-P. Dutel (1920–1970) № 1389 / p. 128.
  • Title page (frame, three compartments: LAURENCE STERNE |—| A | SENTIMENTAL | JOURNEY | THROUGH | FRANCE AND ITALY | ILLUSTRATED BY | MAHLON BLAINE |—| THREE SIRENS PRESS | NEW YORK || Title verso: (top) COPYRIGHT, 1930, BY WILLIAMS, BELASCO & MEYERS | PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | (bottom) BY J. J. LITTLE & IVES COMPANY, NEW YORK || Pagination: [1-6] 7-192, frontispiece, headpiece, and 4 plates within collation (pp. 45, 85, 141, and 185) after Blaine’s pen drawings in the woodcut manner. Binding: quarter lilac morocco with stamped brown lettering over blue cloth, design elements and lettering to spine, top edge gilt, fore-edge untrimmed. Size: 24.5 x 16 cm Edition: presumably 1st edition with plates after Blaine. Contributors: Sterne, Laurence (British-Irish, 1713 – 1768) – author of the text. Blaine, Mahlon (American, 1894 – 1969) – illustrator (pseudonym: G. Christopher Hudson). Three Sirens Press (NY); Williams, Belasco, and Meyers (NY) – publishers. J. J. Little & Ives Company (NY) – printer. Compare to the re-printed edition by Halcyon House, [c. 1950] in the collection [LIB-2783.2021]. As stated, the copyright is held by Williams, Belasco, and Meyers, who are: Joseph Meyers (c. 1898 – 1957), his sister Edna Williams, and David Belasco (1853 – 1931). "Joseph Meyers was described by Bennet Cerf (Modern Library, Random House) as a “notorious pirate” in Gertzman’s book Bookleggers and Smuthounds, and the trio of presses allegedly indulged in reprinting numerous books without holding the copyright to those titles. By not paying copyright fees, Meyers and Williams were able to print and sell good quality illustrated books at prices that were below typical smaller, unillustrated reprint series of the 1930s." [cit.]  
  • Title: Masterpieces | of French Faience | SELECTIONS FROM THE | SIDNEY R. KNAFEL COLLECTION | Charlotte Vignon | with Sidney R. Knafel | The Frick Collection, New York | in association with D Giles Limited, London | {device} || Pagination: [1-6] 7-72. Contributors: Charlotte Vignon (American, b. c. 1975) – Curator of Decorative Arts at The Frick Collection. Sidney R. Knafel (American, b. c. 1950) – Collector.
  • Exhibition held December 4, 2007, to March 2, 2008, at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Title: L'enfer de la Bibliothèque | ÉROS AU SECRET | Sous la direction | de Marie-Françoise Quignard | et Raymond-Josué Seckel | [spase] | {BnF | Bibliothèque nationale de France || Description: 23 x 16 cm, publisher’s lettered wrappers and pictorial dust jacket, [1-17] 18-460 [4], ils.; 257 entries, 8 pp. bibliography, 10 pp. index.
  • Description: 17.4 x 11 cm, blue publisher’s cloth, blind device to front board, gilt lettering to spine, no DJ, pink abstract diaper endpapers, owner’s ink inscription to ffep, dated June 28, 1945. Serial t.p.: Everyman, I will go with thee, and be thy guide, | In thy most need to go by the side. | — | EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY | EDITED BY ERNEST RHYS | No. 8 | FOR YOUNG PEOPLE | TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE | BY CHARLES AND MARY LAMB | ILLUSTRATIONS BY ARTHUR | RACKHAM || Title-page: TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE | {device} | CHARLES AND MARY LAMB | LONDON: J. M. DENT & SONS LTD. | NEW YORK: E. P. DUTTON & CO. INC. || T.p verso: All rights reserved | Made in Great Britain | at The Temple Press Letchworth | for | J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. | Aldine House Bedford St. London | First published 1807 | First published in this edition 1906 | Last reprint (reset) 1944 | [blank] | THIS BOOK IS PRODUCED IN COM- | PLETE CONFORMITY WITH THE | AUTHORIZED ECONOMY STANDARDS || Collation: 16mo; [A]-K16; total 160 leaves, 9 full-page illustrations after Arthur Rackham, within collation (text on the other side). Pagination: [i-iv] v-viii, 1-312, total 320 pages, ils. Contributors: William Shakespeare (English, 1564 – 1616) Mary Ann Lamb (British, 1764 – 1847) – author. Charles Lamb (British, 1775 – 1834) – author. Ernest Percival Rhys (British, 1859 – 1946) – editor. Arthur Rackham (British, 1867 – 1939) – artist.

    Temple Press, Letchworth, England – printer.

    Joseph Malaby Dent (British, 1849 – 1926) – publisher. Note: “On the writing desk were two books – identical copies of Lamb’s Tales From Shakespeare. […] — Why did you choose Lamb? — It was the only book I could find in duplicate except Uncle Tom’s Cabin…” Graham Greene. Our Man in Havana.
  • Description: one volume in French flapped wrappers 25.3 x 19 cm, lettered “MUSSET” to front, 5 gatherings of 4 and one of 6 leaves, 26 leaves total, pp.: [4] [2] 3-43 [44] [4], total 52 pages, incl. those in wrappers, unbound; plus coloured and uncoloured suites of 12 lithographs, in a paper folder; in a cardboard tan slipcase 2.8 x 19.3 cm. Artist unknown, publisher unknown, published at the end of 1940s (per J.-P. Dutel). Illustrations are a loose interpretation of original lithographs by Devéria and Henri Grévedon or Octave Tassaert for the 1833 edition ((1926 re-print LIB-3135.2023). Limitation: Edition limited to 250 copies printed on Vélin Chiffon numbered 1 -250 and 24 copies marked by letters A to Z. This is copy № 246, with two suites of plates, one coloured and one b/w. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1657, p. 189. Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author.