• Two volumes, 168 x 106 mm each, uniformly bound in faux mottled calf ruled in gilt, marbled endpapers. Vol. 1: 3 blank leaves of wove paper, 3 blank leaves of laid paper, half-title/blank, blank/frontispiece, ‘engraved’ t.p./blank, both printed on laid paper watermarked “ARCHES A LA | MAIN”; ‘letterpress’ t.p.,/blank, pp.: [1] 2-115 [116 blank], 3 blank leaves of laid paper, 3 blank leaves of wove paper; collated 12mo: π2 A-I6 K4; total 60 leaves plus 16 ‘engraved’ plates, incl. t.p. and frontis. Vol. 2: 3 blank leaves of wove paper, 3 blank leaves of laid paper, half-title/blank, blank/frontispiece, ‘engraved’ t.p./blank, no watermark, ‘letterpress’ t.p.,/blank, pp.: 1-77 [78 blank], 2 blank leaves of laid paper, 3 blank leaves of wove paper; collated 12mo: π2 A-F6 G3; total 41 leaves plus 24 ‘engraved’ plates, incl. t.p. and frontis. Dutel (I): A-1089, p. 325: in-8 (probably by size only, no formula suggested), pagination 115 and 77 as here, 2 frontispieces, 2 engraved titles dated 1873, “et 36 belles gravures de Binet”. Cohen-DeRicci: p. 734 bottom: in-12, no pagination, no formula. "Thérèse" was offered by a French seller user-75d14f4 on the online auction platform CATAWIKI in December 2021. The seller's description of this two-volume set was: "Re-edition, the date of which I was unable to determine. (London, no name, 1782) 2 duodecimo volumes of 115 and 77 pp., very lovely marbled sheepskin pastiche bindings, gilded triple fillets, adorned spines, black title labels. This classic of 18th-century clandestine erotica was written in 1748 by an author who has remained anonymous, attributed at the time to Montigny, which led to his internment in the Bastille. It is now attributed to the Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens. Edition illustrated with 37 very unrestrained figures, engraved in intaglio after Borel, unsigned." I should have paid more attention to the first phase, about the re-edition, but I didn't. After a few bidding rounds, I won the book when the hammer price was 2,200 Euros. On the 28th of December, 2021, I paid for this little beauty $2,760. The book arrived a few days later.  The paper's quality and texture, the watermark, the absence of the platemark, and the lack of embossing on the back (text and plates) made me suspect it was a fake. The pages were absolutely flat to the touch!  I established clear evidence of a high-resolution 'xerox' copy using Celestron Micro Capture Pro micro-photography.  I wrote to the seller and the auction platform, explaining my doubts regarding its authenticity. To prove my point, I include a few micro photos of the "Thérèse" and some books printed at the end of the 18th century. I explained why I considered it a fake and requested a return/refund. After two months of email exchanges, the seller and the platform refused to pay me back. Today is the 2nd anniversary of the purchase. I still have the book. To celebrate my carelessness, I included it in my library to warn fellow book collectors about buying from an unknown dealer via certain online auction platforms. Ref.: Bamber Gascoigne. How to Identify Prints: A Complete Guide to Manual and Mechanical Processes from Woodcut to Ink. — Thames and Hudson, 1995.

    Thérèse philosophe, 1783.

    Late 18th century books

    Books used for comparison: [LIB-2743.2021] Restif de la Bretonne. Les parisiennes, ou XL caractères généraux pris dans les mœurs actuelles, propres à servir à l’instruction des personnes-du-sexe / 4 vol. — Neufchâtel, et Paris: Guillot, 1787. [LIB-3027.2022] [Héliodore d’Emèse]. Amours de Théagènes et Chariclée: Histoire Éthiopique / 2 vol. — Londres [i.e. Paris]: [s.n.], 1743. [LIB-3252.2023] [Nicolas Chorier.] Le Meursius françois, ou entretiens galans d’Aloysia, orné de figures. — Cythere [i.e. Paris: Cazin], 1782. Below is a Xerox copy for comparison.    

    "Разговоры Макиавелли и Монтескье в царстве мертвых” (Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu) – это политический памфлет, направленный против Наполена III. В 25 диалогах представитель эпохи Просвещения благородный барон де Монтескье отстаивает позиции умеренного правления и соблюдения прав личности, а флорентийский политик Средневековья злокозненный Макиавелли берется доказать своему собеседнику, что управлять людьми можно только силой и хитростью, и что деспотия — это потребность современного общества. Собеседники заключают пари. Макиавелли шаг за шагом описывает те действия, которые предпринял Наполеон III для установления деспотии во Франции, и выигрывает пари.

    В начале XX века «Разговоры» Жоли были использованы в царской России для изготовления антисемитской фальшивки — печально знаменитых «Протоколов сионских мудрецов», книги, переведенной на все языки мира и своими тиражами уступающей только Библии. Плагиат был разоблачен корреспондентом газеты «Таймс» Филипом Грейвсом в 1921 г. Сравнением текстов “Разговоров” и “Протоколов”, равно как и поиском автора плагиата, занималось не одно поколение исследователей.
    В наше время о “Разговорах” знают в основном благодаря “Протоколам”, но книга Жоли представляет интерес отнюдь не только в связи с означенными “Протоколами”. Единственный до сих пор перевод “Разговоров” на русский язык был выпущен в 2004 году издательством “МК-Трейд” под названием “Диалог в аду между Макиавелли и Монтескье”. Это был перевод с немецкого перевода с французского языка. Предлагаемое читателю новое издание книги Жоли является переводом с французского оригинала, хотя и достаточно вольным, что отражено в заголовке: Разговоры Макиавелли и Монтескье в царстве мертвых, записанные злосчастным французом Морисом Жоли в правление императора Людовика-Наполеона и пересказанные полтора века спустя для русского читателя нашим современником. Морис Жоли писал о “политике макиавеллизма в XIX веке”. Однако теперь очевидно, что и в XXI веке политика макиавеллизма не претерпела существенных изменений. Старинный рецепт установления деспотии “в одной, отдельно взятой стране” хорош и по сей день.

    Published in San Francisco, California.

    Paperback, size: 110 x 148 x 10 mm


  • Pictorial title (coloured): Collection Artistique Guillaume et Cie |—| ALPHONSE DAUDET  | Trente ans | de Paris | PARIS | C. MARPON ET E. FLAMMARION | 26, RUE RACINE, 26 | 1888 || Title page: Collection Artistique Guillaume et Cie |—| ALPHONSE DAUDET | Trente ans de Paris | À TRAVERS MA VIE ET MES LIVRES | Illustré | PAR BIELER, MONTÉGUT, MYRBACH, PICARD ET ROSSI | Gravure de Guillaume Frères et Cie | PARIS | C. MARPON ET E. FLAMMARION | 26, RUE RACINE, 26 | 1888 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination: [12] [1] 2-344 [6], total 362 pp., in-text illustration, head- and tailpieces, photomechanical reproductions. Collation: 12mo; π6, 1-2812 +1; total 181 leaves. Binding: 19 x 12.5 cm; red cloth, gilt lettering to spine, gilt lettering and vignette to front board and gilt device to back board; bookplate to front pastedown: Ex Libris Dr. Vodoz = Egg; Gift inscription to flyleaf in German, dated 30/12/87. Contributors: Alphonse Daudet (French, 1840 – 1897) – author. Ernest Biéler (Swiss, 1863 – 1948) – artist. Louis Montégut (French, 1855 – 1906) – artist. Felician Myrbach (Austrian, 1853 – 1940) – artist. Georges Picard (French, 1857 – 1943) – artist. Luigi Rossi (Swiss, 1853 – 1923) – artist. Ernest Flammarion (French, 1846 – 1936) – publisher. Charles Marpon (French, 1838 – 1890) – publisher. Alexis Lahure (French, 1849 – 1928) – printer. Guillaume Frères et Cie – engravers.
  • Vol. 1: Title page: LES AVENTURES | DE | TÉLÉMAQUE, | PAR FÉNELON. — | TOME PREMIER. | {publisher’s arms by Beugnet after Choffard} | DE L'IMPRIMERIE DE MONSIEUR. | M. DCC. LXXXV. || Title-frontispiece (engraved by Montulay): lettering within garland: Les Aventures de Télémaque,  FILS D’ULYSSE. GRAVÉES | D’APRÈS LES DESSEINS | DE | CHARLES MONNET | PEINTRE DU ROY | PAR | JEAN BAPTISTE | TILLIARD. ||; Lettering on ribbon beneath the garland: A PARIS | Chez L’AUTEUR Quay des Grands Augustins | Maison de Mr. Debure Fils Aîné Libraire. M. DCC. LXXIII. | AVEC PRIVILEGE DU ROY. ||; Signed under the frame: Montulay Sculpsit. || Pagination: [2] – h.t. / imprint, [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] Advert., [2] d.t.p. / sommaire, [1] 2-309 [3 blanks], total 320 pages on thick wove paper plus engraved title-frontis. by Montulay, 12 engraved text leaves (one for each book), unsigned, and 36 plates (all in ornamental frame of laurel ribbon) by Tilliard after Monnet, all engravings on laid paper. Collation: 4to; vergé flyleaves at front and back, π4 A-2P4 plus 4 additional divisional titles in choirs C, F, I, and M for books 2-5, total 160 leaves, plus 49 plates. Vol. 2: Title page: Same but “TOME SECOND”. Pagination: [2] – h.t. / imprint, [2] – t.p. / blank, [1-3] 4-297 [298 blank] [2] – approb., total 304 pages plus 12 engraved text leaves (one for each book), and 36 plates, last 6 plates in a simple frame without the laurel ribbon and before signatures. Collation: 4to; π2 A-2O4 2P1 χ1, total 152 leaves, plus 48 plates. Binding: Two volumes uniformly bound in green paper boards with two red labels lettered in gilt, untrimmed. Size: overall 36.5 x 28 cm, platemark 32 x 25 cm, with white vergé flyleaves to front and back, similar pastedowns. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, de Ricci (1912): 384-386; Ray (French): № 37, p. 74; Lewine (1898): p. 181. Contributors: François Fénelon [François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon]  (French, 1651 – 1715) – author. Choffard, Pierre Philippe (French, 1730 – 1809) – artist. Monnet, Charles (French, 1732 – after 1808) – artist. Montulay (French, fl. c. 1773)  – engraver. Tilliard, Jean Baptiste (French, 1740 – 1813) – engraver. Beugnet, Jean (French, c. 1803) – engraver. Didot, Pierre-François (French, 1731 – 1795) – printer. Barrois, Louis-François (French, 1748 – 1835?); Barrois, Pierre-Théophile (French, 1752 – 1836); Onfroy, Eugène (French, before 1765 – 1809) ; Delalain, Louis-Alexandre (French, 1749? – 1798) – booksellers.  
  • Description: French flapped wrappers, 27 x 20.5 cm, 134 gatherings, plus two leaves (blank, h.t. / limitation) at the beginning (54 leaves total), the first and the last two leaves blank, two pages in each of 12 gatherings (24 total) are hand-painted photogravures after etchings by an anonymous artist, attributed to Santippa, pseudonym of Georges or Gaston Hoffmann, or, possibly, of André Collot; the gatherings are unbound, pp. [1-10] 11-99 [100] [8] (108 pages total). Title-page: ÉPICES | REFLEXIONS | sur quelques à-côtés de l'amour | destinées à des personnes | expérimentées | ILLUSTREES | DE | VINGT-QUATRE PLANCHES | HORS-TEXTE | COLORIÉES A LA MAIN | {vignette} | ÉDITÉ | POUR UN GROUPE DE BIBLIOPHILES || Edition: limited to 500 copies numbered from 1 to 480 + 20 hand-numbered with Roman numbers. This is copy № 273. Enrichment: one original sketch (for Coucou… ou l’erreur de porte), one etching before letters and the same after letters and coloured (Le petit coin tranquille.. 19/20), and a full suite of 24 original etchings in sepia on cream paper, 20 of them on Arches and 4 on BFK Rives) printed for the first 17 copies of the 1950 edition (55 copies were printed then). In addition: one graphite pencil sketch which is not part of the suite. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 1920 – 1970: № 1490 (for 1950), № 1491 (for 1955).  
  • Description: Owner’s quarter calf over marbled boards, 14.5 x 10.5 x 4.5 cm, spine with raised bands, gilt-lettered brown label “H. ROCHEFORT | LA LANTERNE | 1868 | LÉON NOËL”, marbled endpapers; first 11 issues of Henri Rochefort’s journal bound together with original front and back red pictorial wrappers. Front wrapper (first two issues white of red, subsequent issues black on orange background, the text is similar): La | Lanterne | par | {vignette of the lantern} Henri Rochefort | Prix: 40 centes | Bureaux : | 3 rue Rossini & rue Coq Héron, 5 | PARIS || Back wrapper (first two issues white of red, subsequent issues black on orange background, the text is similar): La Lanterne | PARTAIT TOUS LES SAMEDIS | (52 fois par an). | — | Prix d’Abonnement | Un An 20 fr | Six Mois 10 fr | Trois Mois 5 fr | — | Les Mandats doivent être adresses | A Mr. Dumont ADMINISTRATEUR | ❦ | Imprimerie Central des Chemins de Fer A. Chaix & Cie | 20, rue Bergère, à Paris_4608 _ 8 || Collation/pagination: 3 blanks, № 1: fw [1] 2-56 [8] bw; № 2: fw, [57] 58-115 [116] [2] bw; № 3: fw [117] 178 bw; № 4: fw [179] 180-238 [4] bw; № 5: fw [239] 240-298 [4] bw; № 6:  fw [299] 300-361 [362] bw; № 7: fw [363] 364-423 [424] [2] bw; № 8: fw [425] 426-483 [484] [4] bw; № 9: fw [1] 2-58 [6] bw; № 10: fw [1] 2-58 [6] bw; № 11: fw [1] 2-59 [60] [4] bw; 3blanks. Contributors: Victor Henri Rochefort, Marquis de Rochefort-Luçay (French, 1831 – 1913) – editor. Alban Chaix (French, 1860 – 1930); Napoléon Chaix (French, 1807 – 1865) – publishers. Dubuisson et Cie (Paris) – printer.
  • One volume 24.2 x 16.2 x 5.2 cm, in black cloth lettered in gilt to front cover and spine, pp.: i-vii] viii-xxxix [xl blank] [2] 3-572 [2], total 307 leaves, with b/w illustrations. Title-page: KABUKI | ENCYCLOPEDIA | An English-Language | Adaptation of | KABUKI JITEN | SAMUEL L. LEITER | {publisher’s device “GP”} | GREENWOOD PRESS | WESTPORT, CONNECTICUT • LONDON, ENGLAND || Author: Samuel L. Leiter (American, b. 1940)
  • Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 46 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 88 entries, with price list laid in. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:

    SVJP-0349.2021: Utagawa Kunisada. Kabuki actor Nakamura Shikan II as Gotobei / Fan print, 1830.

  • Book title: Kabuki fan-prints from Edo: Genroku to Enkyō periods (1688-1748) [江戸歌舞伎団扇絵]  (Edo kabuki uchiwa-e: Genroku - Enkyō hen). Author: Shigeo Miyao [宮尾しげを] (Japanese, 1902 – 1982). Comments by: Sutezō Kimura [木村仙集] (Japanese, 20th century). Publisher: Inoue Shobō [井上書房] (Tokyo). Oblong volume bound in black washi paper with silver kabuki face design to front and silver lettering to spine and silver publisher’s name to back; three-colour title, folding frontispiece, second frontispiece, pp.: [6] foreword, contents, [2] f.t.p./blank, 3-134 [2], 43 full-page black & white illustrations, colophon slip pasted, bookstore label to back pastedown, in a pink slipcase with black lettering. Primitive fan prints from the Kaga collection, from 1691 to 1747. Edition: 1st edition, limited to 500 copies.
  • Two volumes in-16o, 16.3 x 10.3 cm, uniformly bound in marbled calf with gilt triple-fillet border, flat spine with gilt lozenges in compartments, two crimson labels with gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, with engraved title, 2 title vignettes, 11 copper plate engravings, incl. title/frontispiece in vol. 1, and 10 headpieces (two of them similar), printed on laid paper. Vol. 1: Livres 1 – 5. Engraved title-page: Cartouche with the title "Les | Amours de | THEAGENES | & | CHARICLÉE", with a Cupid holding a torch on top and a defeated winged dragon at the bottom; Cupid's quivers with bows and arrows beside. Collation: 8vo; a5 (t.p., preface), A-N8 O4 (O4 blank), total 113 leaves plus 6 unsigned engraved plates, incl. engraved title as frontispiece, unsigned; 5 different headpieces, unsigned. Pagination: [i, ii] iii-x, [1] 2-213 [3] (blank), total 226 pages, ils. Vol. 2: Livres 6 – 10. Collation: 8vo; π1 (t.p.), A-M8, total 97 leaves plus 6 unsigned plates, incl. the Conclusion, no frontispiece; 5 headpieces, the headpiece for Livre 7 similar to Livre 4. Pagination: [2] [1] 2-190 [2] (blank), total 194 pages, ils. Letterpress title-page (red and black) in each volume: AMOURS | DE | THEAGÉNES | ET | CHARICLÉE• | HISTOIRE ETHIOPIQUE. | PREMIERE (SECONDE) PARTIE. | {vignette} | A LONDRES, | — | M. DCC. XLIII. || According to Cohen-DeRicci, this is the first anonymous edition with 9 different headpieces; the second edition in the same 1743 was published by Antoine Urban Coustelier (French, 1714 – 1763) in Paris with less provocative headpiece vignettes. The original text belongs to Héliodore d'Emèse, i.e. Heliodorus [Ἡλιόδωρος] (Greek, 3rd – 4th century AD). The earliest translation into French was performed by Jacques Amyot (French, 1513 – 1593) and published by J. Longis in Paris in 1547. The new translation is credited by Lewine to Jean de Montlyard (French/Swiss, 17th century), first published in Paris in 1620. However, most scholars attribute it to Louis François de Fontenu (French, 1667 – 1759), Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle (French, 1657 – 1757) or Germain François Poullain de Saint-Foix (French, 1698 – 1776), first published in 1727 by Herman Uytwerf (Dutch, 1698 – 1754) in Amsterdam. Catalogue raisonné : J. Lewine, 236; Cohen-DeRicci, 478. Information about the story can be found here: Aethiopica.  
  • Hardcover volume, 28.5 x 25.5 cm, green lettered boards, pictorial dust jacket, pp.: [1-13] 14-143 [144], ils., inset: double-sheet 29.7 x 21 cm, “Exposition du 4 novembre 2006 au 4 février 2007”. Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Gabriel Laurin d'Aix (1901-1973)" held at the Musée Ziem, Martigues, Nov. 3, 2006 — Feb. 4, 2007. Title-page: GABRIEL LAURIN | un monde en couleurs | 1901-1973 | Sous la direction de Gérard Fabre | Texte de Jeanine Warnod | {publishers devices} || Contributors: Gabriel Laurin (French, 1901 – 1973) Jeanine Warnod (French, b. 1921) Gérard Fabre (French, b. 1963)
  • Single volume, 16.8 x 11.3 cm, bound in full dark olive crushed morocco by Brany (signed), gilt triple-fillet border to boards, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt-lettered label, gilt dentelle inside, marbled endpapers, all margins gilt, gilt double fillet to boards margin; text printed on laid paper. Bookplate of Maurice Lebarbier de Tinan to fep 45 x 35 mm representing standing satyr with erected penis holding monogram ‘MT’ in his hands with a motto below on a ribbon ‘FAIRE SANS DIRE’. Maurice Lebarbier de Tinan book collection was dispersed via l’hôtel Drouot (Paris) on a sale from March 9 to 12, 1885; a catalogue was published: Catalogue d’un joli choix de livres anciens et modernes, en très belle condition de reliure, composant la bibliothèque de M. L. de T*** [Lebarbier de Tinan] (Paris, Ch. Porquet, 1885, in-8, VIII-140 p., 481 lots).  Collation: π2 (h.t., t.p.) a6 b2 1-1112, total 82 leaves plus 18 engraved plates on wove paper; illustrations include engraved frontispiece and six etchings printed in two versions each, black and red, and one etching (at p. 103) in two states, two colour versions for each state, frontispiece and 3 or 4 plates after Félicien Rops, the others after original lithographs by Devéria and Henri Grévedon or Octave Tassaert for the 1833 edition (re-print of 1926 LIB-3135.2023). Pagination: [4] [i] ii-xvi, [3] 4-141 [3], total 164 pages, ils. Title-page (red and black): GAMIANI | OU | DEUX NUITS D’EXCES | PAR | A D M | AVEC UN EPISODE DE LA VIE DE L’AUTEUR | Extrait des mémoires de la | COMTESSE DE C******** | – | « Hippolyte, cher cœur, que dis-tu ces choses ? » | Femmes damnées, Fleurs du Mal. | — | LESBOS | INSTITUTION MERY — PAVILLON BAUDELAIRE. || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-464; Bory: 596-605; Pia: 516/7. According to Pia, the print run is limited to 150 copies on laid paper. Ref.: BNF Enfer 419. Fekete (Christie's): 135. Provenance: Maurice Lebarbier de Tinan (French, 1842 – 1918). Contributors: Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist. Auguste Poulet-Malassis (French, 1825 – 1878) – publisher. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 5. [Alfred de MUSSET] A D M. Gamiani ou Deux nuits d’excès, avec un épisode de la vie de l’auteur, extrait des mémoires de la comtesse de C********. Lesbos, Institution Méry, Pavillon Baudelaire [A. Poulet-Malassis, 1864]. Illustré de 8 gravures, dont l’une en frontispice, en double état (et quatre états pour la gravure « au singe » de la page 103) de Félicien Rops. Là où Baudelaire soutient Poulet-Malassis quand l’éditeur soutient l’attribution à Musset. Perfectionniste ? Trop cher ? Trop sollicité ? Pas toujours inspiré ? Rops réalisera rarement des suites complètes, ne répondant le plus souvent à la demande de ses commanditaires que par la conception de frontispices. Au verso du faux-titre, Launay voit une justification de 150 exemplaires sur papier vergé, paraphés et numérotés, qui ne figure pas ici. Très bel exemplaire relié par Brany. Provenance : Bibliothèque de Lebarbier de Tinan de Lebarbier de Tinan dont la collection fut dispersée en 1885, justifié par son ex-libris représentant un satyre en érection, portant la devise “Faire sans dire”. Bibliographie : Pia 558, Per 16-8, PC 1299, Lau 285, Enfer 419, Dutel A-464." [LIB-3118.2022]
  • Paperback brochure, 22.6 x 16 cm, brown wrappers, lettered in red and black: И. С. ТУРГЕНЕВЪ. | КАЗНЬ | ТРОПМАНА | ИЗЪ ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫХЪ | И ЖИТЕЙСКИХЪ ВОСПОМИНАНIЙ. | РИСУНКИ | Марселя Слодкаго | {fleuron} | КНИГОИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ГЕЛИКОНЪ» | МОСКВА - БЕРЛИНЪ | MCMXXII ||; 8 full-page, incl. frontispiece, and 5 smaller vignettes after Marcel Slodki, within pagination. Title-page: И. С. ТУРГЕНЕВЪ. | КАЗНЬ | ТРОПМАНА | ИЗЪ ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫХЪ | И ЖИТЕЙСКИХЪ ВОСПОМИНАНIЙ | Рисунки | МАРСЕЛЯ СЛОДКАГО. | Книгоиздательство | “ГЕЛИКОНЪ” | МОСКВА - БЕРЛИНЪ | MCMXXII || Imprint: Эта книга отпечатана въ типографiи Sinaburg & Co., G.m.b.H. | Berlin для книгоиздательства “Геликонъ” в декабрѣ | 1921 г. Клише работы Römmler & Jonas, Dresden. || Pagination: [4] blanks, [2] publisher’s device / imprint, [2] blank / frontis. (Turgenev’s portrait), [2] t.p. / blank, [2] f.t. / blank, 11-57 [58] text,  [4] blanks. Contributors: Иван Сергеевич Тургенев [Ivan Turgenev] (Russian, 1818 – 1883) – author. Марсель Слодкий [Marcel Slodki] (Jewish-Ukrainian, 1892 – 1944) – artist Jean-Baptiste Troppmann (French, 1849 – 1870) – character.
  • Hardcover, 20.7 x 14.7 cm, pictorial glossy paper over cardboard, vignettes and lettering to front and back covers, pp. [1-2] 3-140 [4]; collated 8vo: 1-98, total 72 leaves. Five full-page plates and numerous tailpieces after woodcuts by Myron Levytsky. This is a translation from the French version of Pierre-Jules Hetzel into Ukrainian, published in Toronto and New York in 1971: Марко Вовчок. Маруся. Повiсть. З французского видання П.-Ж. Сталя. — Торонто, Нью-Йорк: Бiблiотека молодi, 1971. Vignettes to the covers and other design elements are by Л. Гринiв. Title-page: МАРКО ВОВЧОК | МАРУСЯ | ПОВIСТЬ | Львів | “Поклик сумління” | 1993 || Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Іван Овксентійович Денисюк (Ukrainin, 1924 – 2009) – author/foreword. Мирон Миколайович Левицький [Myron Levytsky] (Ukrainin-Canadian, 1913 – 1993) – artist. Pierre-Jules Hetzel [P.-J. Stahl] (French, 1814 – 1886) – author. The French version of the Ukrainian name Маруся —> MAROUSSIA. The French version of the book: LIB-2674.2021; other copies of the Ukrainian edition (1943): LIB-3136.2023LIB-3137.2023 (1959) and LIB-3170.2023 – all translated from the Russian by Vasyl Domanytskyi [Василь Миколайович ДоманицькийВасилий Николаевич Доманицкий] (Ukrainian, 1877 – 1910). Other variants of the name Марко Вовчок: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok.  
  • Small volume, 17.2 x 13.2 cm, brown buckram with vignette and lettering to front and spine, pp.: [1-4] 5-315 [5], illustrations: portrait, frontispiece, and two vignettes by I. Gavriliuk; text on Ukrainian and Russian. A reprint of the 1874 edition. Contents: Дев’ять братiв i десята сестриця Галя, Невiльничка, Ведмiдь, Кармелюк, Совершенная курица, Королевна Я, Затейник, Похождения домашнего учителя, Воришка, Чортова пригода. Title-page: Марко Вовчок | Сказки и быль | {vignette} | КИЕВ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | «ДНIПРО» | 1988 || Print run: 250,000 copies. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Other variants: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok. Іван Михайлович Гаврилюк (Иван Михайлович Гаврилюк) (Ukrainian, 1939 – 2008) – artist.  
  • Thirteen unnumbered loose leaves 323 x 249 mm, watermarked BFK Rives, with manuscript text and vignettes produced by etching or, more likely, drypoint (see microphoto), incl. title-page, one full-page illustration and two leaves of text only; versos blank. Some leaves have registration marks. The set is housed in a cream French flapped folder (chemise) without lettering; the seller’s description is pasted to the front cover verso, glassine dust cover. Seller’s description: Cette édition in-folio du recueil de poèmes de Louis de Gonzague Frick, inconnue de Jean-Pierre Dutel, qui « a été tirée à 50 exemplaires (...) est certainement la plus rare (et a été) publiée après 1940 sur vélin (BFK) Rives » (cf. Ader, 3 mars 2020, n°155). Exemplaire «  de passe », sans justificatif, complet des 13 planches avec 11 eaux-fortes, dont une à pleine page, d'Auguste Brouet. Ref.: According to honesterotica, the first edition was published in 1938 in 65 copies: "The pink Ingres paper and the loose-leaf format tied with a red ribbon". Another source states: "Le tirage a été effectué avec marges, sur papier vélin BFK Rives au format in-4 (32,5 × 25), les planches mesurant 26,5 × 22 cm. Certains exemplaires sont sur papier blanc - Je remercie le libraire qui a pris la peine de me communiquer ces dernières informations. Pour moi, c'est bien l'édition à 65 qui est l'originale, les deux autres étant des retirages légèrement postérieurs, mais dans le détail desquels le principe de l’œuvre - un manuscrit destiné à quelques amis de l'auteur - a été quelque peu trahi." Contributors: Louis de Gonzague Frick (French, 1883 – 1958) Auguste Brouet (French, 1872 – 1941)
  • Description: Softcover, French flapped wrappers, lettered front, back (advert.) and spine, collated in-4to, 24.3 x 20.2 cm, printed on thick wove paper Vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre, print run limited to 335 copies from which this is copy № 219; outer margin untrimmed, some leaves uncut, glassine DJ. Limitation: 1 copy (A) on Japon Impérial + double suite of plates + suite of original drawings, 4 copies (B-E) on Japon Impérial + double suite of plates, 15 copies on on Japon Impérial + suite of plates on Vieux Japon teinté (F-T), 315 copies on Vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre, of which 15 (I-XV) not for sale. Copyright: Libraire Gallimard, 1924. Printed: March 10, 1924 – text by Coulouma (Argenteuil) under direction of H. Barthélemy, lithographs printed by Marchizet (Paris). Front wrapper (in letterpress two-colour border): Tableaux Contemporains – no 4 | . TABLEAU | de | L'AMOUR | VÉNAL | par | FRANCIS CARCO | Illustré | de douze lithographies en noir | par Luc-Albert Moreau | PARIS | ÉDITIONS DE LA NOUVELLE REVUE FRANÇAISE | 3, rue de Grenelle || Title-page: Same, without a frame, in black, L'AMOUR | VÉNAL in brown. Collation: 4to; 14 a4 2-164, total 68 leaves with wrappers included in collation plus 12 plates, incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collation. Pagination: [2 wrapper] [6] [i] ii-vii [viii blank] [9] 10-122 [2 colophon] [2 blank] [2 wrapper]; total 136 pages incl. wrappers, plus ils. Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Luc-Albert Moreau (French, 1882 – 1948) – artist. La Nouvelle Revue Française (nrf) (Paris)– publisher. Gaston Gallimard (French, 1881 – 1975) – publisher.
  • Title page (in red and black): FRENCH ROCOCO | BOOK ILLUSTRATION | OWEN E. HOLLOWAY | {vignette} | LONDON/ALEC TIRANTI/1969 || Series: Pagination: [2 blanks], [i-iv] v-vi, 1-115 [116 blank], plus 65 leaves of plates (283 illustrations). Binding: 25.5 x 19 cm; publisher's navy buckram, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, unclipped.