• Title page: DIALOGUE AUX ENFERS | ENTRE | MACHIAVEL | ET MONTESQUIEU | OU LA POLITIQUE DE MACHIAVEL | AU XIXe SIÈCLE, | PAR UN CONTEMPORAIN. | {6 lines of citations} | ~ | BRUXELLES, | IMPRIMERIE DE A. MERTENS ET FILS, | RUE DE L’ESCALIER, 22. | – | 1864 || Description: 19 x 12.7 cm, quarter green morocco over blue marbled boards, spine with raised bands ruled in gilt, gilt fleurons in compartments, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers; three paper clippings laid in. Collation: 12mo; π5 1-2712 292; total 175 leaves. Pagination: [2] blank,  [2] h.t, [2] t.p. [i] ii-iii [iv] [1] 2-337 [338] blank [2] errata]; total 350 pages. Contributors: Maurice Joly (French, 1829 – 1878) – author. Characters: Niccolò Machiavelli (Italian, 1469 – 1527) Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (French, 1689 – 1755) The publication was funded by the author and smuggled into France. See other copies: LIB-2913.2021, LIB-1034.2016 and LIB-0460.2015. Other related objects: SVVP-0062.2021. Seller's description: [JOLY (Maurice)]: Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu. Bruxelles, Mertens et fils, 1864 ; un volume in 12, demi-chagrin vert orné de l'époque. C'est dans ce livre que Joly écrit, au prétexte d'une discussion philosophique et politique, comment Napoléon III, selon lui, a manipulé les milieux économiques, la presse, l'opinion publique, les syndicats, les milieux ouvriers, le peuple, etc., pour établir un pouvoir politique fort, ce qui lui valut un séjour de 15 mois à la prison Sainte-Pélagie à Paris.
  • Hardcover volume, 28.7 x 24.7 cm, pictorial paper boards, pictorial endpapers, pp. :[1-6] 7-224, 207 colour ils. Published on the occasion of an exhibition at the Morgan Library & Museum, 10 March to 4 June 2023. Title-page: SUBLIME IDEAS | — | DRAWINGS BY | GIOVANNI BATTISTA | PIRANESI | John Marciari | THE MORGAN LIBRARY & MUSEUM, NEW YORK | in association with | PAUL HOLBERTON PUBLISHING || Contributors: John Marciari (American, b. 1971) – author. Giovanni Battista [Giambattista] Piranesi (Italian, 1720 – 1778) – artist.
  • Hardcover volume, 20.2 x 14.5 cm, aubergine cloth, gilt lettering and publisher’s device to spine, aubergine top edge, aubergine dust jacket with gilt lettering and black fleuron to front, gilt lettering and black fleuron and publisher’s device to spine, and a captioned photographic portrait to back, blurb text to flaps, price ”35s net | in U.K. only” unclipped; pictorial endpapers. Pp.: [1-8] 9-445 [446] [2], collation: A-O16, total 224 leaves. Title-page (in oval frame): JOHN FOWLES | THE | FRENCH | LIEUTENANT'S | WOMAN | — | Every emancipation is a restoration of the human | world and of human relationships to man himself. | MARX, Zur Judenfrage (1844) | JONATHAN CAPE | THIRTY BEDFORD SQUARE | LONDON || Contributors: John Fowles (British, 1926 – 2005) – author. Herbert Jonathan Cape (British, 1879 – 1960) – publisher. Ebenezer Baylis & Son, Ltd. (f. 1858) – printer. The Trinity Press – printer.
  • Binding: Grey double-slipcase 34 x 16.5 cm, pictorial folder, French flapped pictorial wrappers, both folder and wrapper with green ms lettering and vignette in sanguine, green ms lettering to spine. Collation: folio in-4to, two leaves in wrappers at the front and back, π8, 104 [11]2, total 50 leaves, incl. plates. Pagination: [4], [2] h.t. / limitation, [2] blank, [1-3] blank, [4-6] frontis., t.p., blank. 7-86 [2] [4] colophon, 100 pages total. Title-page (sanguine and black): COMPLEXES | 40 | DESSINS DE | Vertès | PREFACE DE | PIERRE MAC ORLAN | ANDRÉ SAURET | ÉDITIONS DU LIVRE ★ MONTE-CARLO || Illustrations: One on the front covers, one on the back one headpiece vignette, 37 plates, incl. frontispiece in colour and three on a double-page (full leaf), and one original pencil drawing. Limitation: 890 copies of which 40 (№ 1-40) signed by the artist and contain one original drawing; this copy is № 27. Edition: published by André Sauret, lithographs after Vertès drawings by Georges Duval, printed by Fernand Mourlot; text printed at “La Ruche” under the direction of A. and P. Jarach. Print run completed on November 9, 1948. Contributors: Pierre Mac-Orlan (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. André Sauret (Monaco, fl. 1952 – 1976) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Christie's Auction Catalog; Sale WALTER-15785; New York, September 26-27, 2017; Publisher's pictorial wrappers, front cover: THE COLLECTION OF | PAUL F. WALTER | NEW YORK 26–27 SEPTEMBER 2917 | {profile chest portrait of Paul F. Walter} | CHRISTIE'S || 26.8 x 21.2 x 3 cm; 662 lots, illustrations in colour and b/w, pictorial dust jacket; pp: [2] 3-462.

    Paul F. Walter (American, 1935 – 2017) – "Collector. Following studies in history and history of art Oberlin College, Ohio, and Columbia University, he began to collect in the1960s, starting with prints by Whistler and moving on to the Aesthetic Movement and the Arts & Crafts in Britain, as well as the arts of the Indian subcontinent and modern American painting. He was Trustee of the Museum of Modern Art from 1992-2006, and a benefactor to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum, the Morgan Library and Museum, the Brooklyn Museum, the Allen Memorial Art Museum at Oberlin College, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art."

  • Комедии итальянского возрождения. Пер. с итал. - М.: Искусство, 1965. Составление и вступительная статья Г. Бояджиева. Редакция переводов и примечания Н. Томашевского. Серия: "Библиотека драматурга".

    Лодовико Ариосто: Комедия о сундуке. Подмененные. Перевод Н. Георгиевской. 

    Бернардо Довици: Коландрия. Перевод А. Габричевского.

    Никколо Макиавелли: Мандрагора. Перевод Н. Ракинта.

    Пьетро Аретино: Комедия о придворных нравах. Философ. Перевод А. Габричевского.

    Джордано Бруно: Неаполитанская улица. Перевод Я. Емельянова.

  • La Préfecture de Police, par un vieux petit employé - Procès de La Lanterne avec tous ses incidents. Administration du journal La Lanterne, Paris, 1879.

    Quatrième édition.

    Anonymous publication. Authorship attributed to: Yves Guyot, Francisque Sarcey. Source: Harvard College Library, Soc. 3375.6, 14-OCT-1914, Wolcott Fund.

  • Herni Cohen. Guide de l'amateur de livres à gravures du XVIIIe siècle (6e édition) / Revue, corrigée et considérablement augmentée par Seymour de Ricci, préface par R. Portalis; 2 Volumes. – Paris: Librairie A. Rouquette, 1912. – Achevé d'Imprimer à Melun par Émile Legrand le 25 juin MDCCCCXII [1912]. Vol. 1, Première partie – ABAA-LUY: ffl [4 blanks] [2 - orig. grey front wrapper w/title, verso blank] [2 blanks] [2 - ht, tirage] [2 - blank, frontis. w/protect. sheet] [2 - blank, frontis. w/protect. sheet] (double frontis. - correct), [2 - t.p., blank] [i - avant-propos w/vignette] ii-vi, [vii - préface w/vignette] viii-xxvi; [1-2 - Tome 1, I] 2-668 (two numbers per page), [2 - fin, blank] [2 blanks] [2 - orig. grey back wrapper, recto blank] [orig. spine strip] [4 blanks] bfl. Vol. 2, Seconde partie – MAB-ZUR : ffl [4 blanks] [2 - orig. grey front wrapper w/title, verso blank] [2 blanks] [2 - ht, blank] [2 - t.p., blank] [2 - blank, frontis. w/protect. sheet] [2 - blank, frontis. w/protect. sheet] (double frontis. - correct), [1-2 - Tome II, 22] 671-1248 (two numbers per page), [2 - printer, blank] [2 blanks] [2 - orig. grey back wrapper, recto imprim.] [orig. spine strip] [4 blanks] bfl. Size: Super Royal 8vo, 26.2 x 17.2 x 5.1 cm. Binding: Contemporary blue half morocco over marbled boards, marbled end-papers, top margin gilt, gilt lettering to spine (title, owner: P. R.).; bookplate pasted to verso of the first blank leaf: " Ex Libris R. Decamps Scrive." – for bibliophile René Descamps-Scrive (French, 1853 –1924). Original wrappers preserved. Printed on Hollande paper, copy № 2 of the first 50; total print-run 1050 copies. Catalogue raisonné of French illustrated books of the 18th century.
  • 20 x 14.5 cm, owner’s burgundy buckram, upper original pictorial wrapper preserved, in black and yellow. Title: ДЖОЗЕФ КОНРАД | ТАЙНЫЙ АГЕНТ | (The secret agent) | Перевод с английского | М. МАТВЕЕВОЙ | под редакцией | В. А. АЗОВА | {device} | Издательство “ПЕТРОГРАД” | ЛЕНИНГРАД — МОСКВА | 1925. Pagination: ffl, [2] orig. wrapper/blank, [1, 2] t.p./imprint, 3-245 [3 advert.] Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-158 164. Print run: 5.000 copies. Редактор перевода: В. А. Азов Contributors: Joseph Conrad (Polish-British, 1857 – 1924) – author. Владимир Александрович Ашкинази [Азов] (Russian-French, 1873 – 1941) – translator/editor. Марианна Николаевна Матвеева (Russian, 20th century) – translator. Original title: [LIB-2762.2021] Joseph Conrad. The secret agent: a simple tale. — London: Methuen & Co., [1907]; [LIB-3213.2023] Joseph Conrad. The secret agent: A drama in three acts. — London, T. Werner Laurie., 1923.  
  • УКАЗАТЕЛЬ | ИМЕНЪ И ПРЕДМЕТОВЪ | УПОМЯНУТЫХЪ ВЪ | ПОДРОБНОМЪ СЛОВАРЕѢ РУССКИХЪ ГРАВЕРОВЪ  Д. А. РОВИНСКАГО. | СОСТАВИЛЪ | ЕВГ. НИК. ТЕВЯШОВЪ. | (Доложено въ заседанiи Историко-филологическаго отделенiя 13 января 1899 г.) |  САНКТЪ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ, 1899. | ПРОДАЕТСЯ У КОМИССIОНЕРОВЪ ИМПЕРАТОРСКОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУКЪ: | И. И. Глазунова, М. Эггерса и Комп., К. Л. Риккера въ Санктъ-Петербургѣ‎; Н. П. Карбасникова въ Санктъ-Пе- | тербургѣ‎, Москвѣ и Варшавѣ; | М. В. Клюкина въ Москве; Н. Киммеля въ Ригѣ; Н. Я. Оглоблина въ Санктъ- | Петербургѣ и Кiевѣ; у Фоссъ (Г. Гэссель) въ Лейпцигѣ, а также въ Книжномъ складѣ Императорской | академiи наукъ. | Цена: 1 р. 20 к. = 3 Mark. Pagination: original wrapper bound in, [2] t.p. / colophon, [1, 2] 3-208 (numbered half-pages, 52 leaves). Collation: 4to; 1-134. Binding: Owner's later 3/4 grey cloth over buckram boards. original front wrapper preserved, upper-right corner cut out.
  • Title: HISTORY | OF | SECRET SOCIETIES, | AND OF THE | REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FRANCE | From 1830 to 1848; | CONTAINING SKETCHES OF | LOUIS-PHILLIPE AND THE REVOLUTION OF FEBRUARY; | TOGETHER WITH | PORTRAITS, CONSPIRACIES, AND UNPUBLISHED FACTS. | BY | LUCIEN DE LA HODDE. | Translated from the Paris Edition of 1850. | BY AN AMERICAN. | PHILADELPHIA: | J. B. LIPPINCOTT AND CO. | 1856. || Pagination: blank leaf, [i, ii] – ht / blind, [iii, iv] – t.p. / imprim., [v-vi] – preface / blind, [vii] viii-xv [xvi] [17] 18-479 [480], blank leaf. Collation: 8vo; [1]-308. Binding: 22.8 x 15 cm, publisher's purple blind-spamped cloth to boards, gilt lettering to spine. Lucien de la Hodde (French, 1808 – 1865). Original title: Histoire des sociétés secrètes et du parti républicain de 1830 à 1848 : Louis-Phillippe et le Révolution de février, portraits, scènes de conspirations, faits inconnus. — Paris: Julien, Lanier, 1850. Translated by John Wolcott Phelps (American, 1813 – 1885).  
  • Title vol. 1: XIX CENTURY FICTION | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD | BASED ON HIS OWN COLLECTION | BY | MICHAEL SADLEIR | IN TWO VOLUMES | VOLUME I | PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE | AND PUBLISHED | in Great Britain by | / CONSTABLE & CO LTD | 10–12 ORANGE STREET | LONDON W.C.2 / in the U.S.A. by the | CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY | PRESS | LOS ANGELES, CAL.|| DJ vol. 1: XIX CENTURY FICTION | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD | BASED ON HIS OWN COLLECTION | BY | MICHAEL SADLEIR | IN TWO VOLUMES | VOLUME ONE | Passages from the Autobiography of a Bibliomaniac | Explanatory Guide – Acknowledgements | FIRST EDITIONS IN AN AUTHOR-ALPHABET | COMPARATIVE SCARCITIES || Pagination: [4 blanks] ix-xxxiii, [2] 3-398 [399] [2 blanks] Collation: 4to; π2 [a]-d4 [1]-504. Title vol. 2: XIX CENTURY FICTION | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD | BASED ON HIS OWN COLLECTION | BY | MICHAEL SADLEIR | IN TWO VOLUMES | VOLUME II | PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE | AND PUBLISHED | in Great Britain by | / CONSTABLE & CO LTD | 10–12 ORANGE STREET | LONDON W.C.2 / in the U.S.A. by the | CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY | PRESS | LOS ANGELES, CAL.|| DJ vol. 2: XIX CENTURY FICTION | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD | BASED ON HIS OWN COLLECTION | BY | MICHAEL SADLEIR | IN TWO VOLUMES | VOLUME TWO | “YELLOW-BACK” COLLECTION | FICTION SERIES || Pagination: [2 blanks] [8] [2] 3-195 [196 blank] [2 blanks]. Collation: 4to; π4 1-234 246. Binding: burgundy cloth, gilt vertical lettering to spine, Verity Hewitt (Canberra, AU) bookshop sticker to front pastedown; laid paper; cream DJ with lettering to front and spine. Edition: First limited edition of 1025 of which 1000 for sale. Unnumbered.
  • Hardcover, green publisher's paper boards, gilt lettering in the figural frame, black label with gilt lettering and gilt in compartments to spine. 21 x 13.5 cm, print run 2,500. pp.: [4] 5-714 [715/6] [4]. Title: ТОРКВАТО ТАССО | Освобожденный | Иерусалим | Перевод с итальянского | В. С. ЛИХАЧЕВА | Подготовка текста, предисловие, комментарии | А. О. ДЁМИНА | {publisher's device} | Санкт-Петербург | «НАУКА» | 2007 || ISBN 978-5-02-026954-5 Original: Torquato Tasso. La Gierusalemme Liberata.
  • Front pictorial wrapper: ЛЕВ ТИХОМИРОВ | ЗАГОВОРЩИКИ | И | ПОЛИЦИЯ | С ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕМ В. И. НЕВСКОГО | МОЛОДАЯ ГВАРДИЯ || Title page: РЕВОЛЮЦИОННОЕ ДВИЖЕНИЕ В РОССИИ В МЕМУАРАХ | СОВРЕМЕННИКОВ | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ В. НЕВСКОГО И П. АНАТОЛЬЕВА | ЛЕВ ТИХОМИРОВ | ЗАГОВОРЩИКИ | И | ПОЛИЦИЯ | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ В. НЕВСКОГО | МОЛОДАЯ ГВАРДИЯ | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso: Обложка – гравюра на дереве | работы Н. П. Дмитровского | {printer’s device} | Издат. № 2633 | Ленинградский Областлит № 8371 | Тираж 5.000 экз. | 1928 г. Back wrapper: Заказы направлять: | [….] | {publisher’s device} | 1 р. 25 коп. | Р || Pagination: [1-3] 4-229 [3]; pp. 205-226 – notes, 227-229 – index. Collation: [1]8 2-148 154. Binding: publisher’s pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine and back cover. Print run 5,000 copies. Provenance: П. Ю. Перкон (to front cover nut-ink inscription: «П. Перкон», blue ink stamp to cover and t.p.: «БИБЛИОТЕКА | П. Ю. ПЕРКОНЪ | №» Personae: Перкон, Петр Юрьевич [Густавович] (Latvian, 1885 – 1938) — member of the communist party (Bolsheviks) since 05.1905; arrested: 05.02.1938, shot: 22.04.1938. — Previous owner. Невский, Владимир Иванович [Кривобоков or Кривобок, Феодосий Иванович] (Russian, 1876 – 1937) — arrested: 20.02.1935, shot: 26.05.1937. — Editor of the series and author of the foreword. Анатольев, П. И. [Фаресов, Анатолий Иванович; Faresov, Anatoly (Russian, 1852 – 1928). — Editor of the series. Тихомиров, Лев Александрович (Russian, 1852 – 1923). — Author of the text. Дмитревский [Дмитриевский; Дмитровский], Николай Павлович (Russian, 1890 — 1938) — arrested 15.12.1937 , shot: 02.01.1938. — Artist/engraver of the woodcut on the cover.
  • Title: OLD DUTCH | POTTERY AND TILES | BY ELISABETH | NEURDENBURG | LITT. D., READER IN THE HISTORY OF ART AT | THE UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN. TRANSLATED | WITH ANNOTATIONS BY | Bernard Rackham | DEPUTY KEEPER, DEPARTMENT | OF CERAMICS, VICTORIA AND | ALBERT MUSEUM | […] | WITH ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE | ILLUSTRATIONS OF WHICH NINE | ARE IN COLOUR | LONDON: BENN BROTHERS, LIMITED | 8 BOUVERIE STREET, E.C. 4 | 1923 || Verso to half-title: Of this book 100 copies only for sale have been printed on English | hand-made paper, bound in pigskin and signed by the Authoress | and Translator. These copies also contain an extra colour plate. | This in Number “7” (in manuscript) | Two signatures (ink, manuscript) || Pagination: [i, ii] – h.t. / tirage, [iii, iv] – t.p. / imprint, [v, vi] – dedication to Dr. A. Pit / blank, vii-xv [xvi blank] [1, 2] 3-155 [156 blank], frontispiece (colour) and 59 leaves of plates (9 colour) with 112 figures, with lettered protective sheets. Collation: 4to in 8th; [A]8 [B]8 C-K8 L6; frontis., +59 leaves of plates. Binding: 30 x 24 cm, Full dark brown pigskin with gilt ornament to front board and gilt lettering to spine; printed on thick wove paper, top edge gilt, others untrimmed. Contributors: Neurdenburg, Elisabeth (Dutch, 1882 – 1957) – author [autograph]. Rackham, Bernard (British, 1876 – 1964) – translator [autograph]. Brendon, William (British, 1845 – 1928) – printer. Mayflower Press (Plymouth), William Brendon & Son, Ltd. – printer Benn Brothers Ltd. (British company, 1880 – 1987) Benn, Sir John, 1st Baronet (British, 1850 – 1922)
  • Title page: Juries and the | Transformation of | Criminal Justice | in France | in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries | James M. Donovan | The University of North Carolina Press   Chapel Hill || Frontispiece: STUDIES IN LEGAL HISTORY | Published by the University of North Carolina Press | in association with the American Society for Legal History | Daniel Ernst & Thomas A. Green, editors || Pagination: [i-viii] ix [x] 1-262. Binding: black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
  • Title (historiated border, three-compartment): CAMEO CLASSICS | {rule} | CANDIDE | BY | Voltaire | WITH ILLUSTRATIONS | BY | Mahlon Blaine | {rule} | GROSSET AND DUNLAP | NEW YORK || Pagination: [1-6] 7-144, total 144 pages; frontispiece plus 4 plates within collation, head- and tailpieces – reproductions of Mahlon Blaine’s pen drawings. Binding: 21 x 14 cm, cream cloth with the cameo of Johann Gutenberg to front cover, gilt lettering to front cover and spine, in acetate dust jacket, in a pictorial slipcase. Arouet, François-Marie [Voltaire] (French, 1694 – 1778)– author. Woolf, Herman Irwell [Chambers, Dorset] (British, 1890 – 1958) – translator. Blaine, Mahlon [Hudson, G. Christopher] (American, 1894 – 1969) – illustrator. Grosset and Dunlap (NY) – publisher. J. J. Little & Ives Company (NY) – printer. Cameo Classics series was published by Grosset & Dunlap (New York) in 1935 – 1948 as a cheap reprint of illustrated classic editions, in this case – of Williams, Belasco and Meyers publication of Candide in 1930 (see LIB-2792.2021). The Cameo Classics books had a clear, acetate dust jacket and were boxed in a buckram alligator skin patterned slipcase with an illustrated cover. The price per volume started at 69 cents and was gradually lowered to 59 and 50 cents per volume by the late 1930s. Candide was translated into English quite a few times, starting from Tobias George Smollett (British-Scottish, 1721 – 1771) and up to today's translators. For some reason, the translator's name is almost never indicated. This translation, published by Williams, Belasco and Meyers in 1930 and reprinted by Grosset and Dunlap in c. 1935, was performed by Herman Irwell Woolf under the pseudonym of Dorset Chambers and first published in London by F.B. Neumayer in 1919. This edition was mentioned in the letter from Joseph Conrad to his son Borys in 1922, May 10.
  • Serial title: THE | LIBRARY OF ROMANCE. | EDITED | BY LEITCH RITCHIE. | VOL. II. | — | SCHINDERHANNES, | THE ROBBER OF THE RHINE. | BY THE EDITOR. | — | LONDON: | SMITH, ELDER, AND CO., 65, CORNHILL. | — | 1833. || Title page: SCHINDERHANNES, | THE ROBBER OF THE RHINE. | BY | LEITCH RITCHIE, | AUTHOR OF “HEATH’S PICTURESQUE ANNUAL,” “ROMANCE OF FRENCH | HISTORY,” “TURNER’S ANNUAL TOUR,” &c. | — | LONDON: | SMITH, ELDER, AND CO., 65, CORNHILL. | — | 1833. || Pagination: [1] 2 – prospectus, [i, ii] – serial title / imprint, [iii-iv] – t.p. / blank, [v] vi (mispaged iv) – advert. [vii] viii – contents, [2] f.t. / blank; [1] 2-314 – text, [2] – advert. vol. I and III; total number of pages 12+314+2=328 Collation: 8vo; π6 B-U8 X4 Y2, total number of leaves 164. Binding: 18 x 11.5 cm, dark green buckram (faux morocco), gilt lettering and design elements to spine, printer’s imprint to π4: Bradbury and Evans, moiré endpapers. Cat. raisonné: Sadleir (v.2) 3760a, p. 171. Contributors: Leitch Ritchie (British-Scottish, 1800 – 1865) – author. Schinderhannes [Johannes Bückler] (German, c.1778 – 1803) – character. Bradbury & Evans (est.1830) – printer. Smith, Elder, and Company (1816 - 1917) – publisher. George Smith (British-Scottish, 1789 – 1846) – publisher. George Murray Smith (British, 1824 – 1901) – publisher. Alexander Elder (British, 1790 – 1876) – publisher.