Title page: ГИЛЬГАМЕШЪ | ВАВИЛОНСКIЙ ЭПОСЪ | ПЕРЕВОДЪ | Н. ГУМИЛЕВА | ВВЕДЕНИЕ В. ШИЛЕЙКО | Изданiе З. И. Гржебина | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ — 1919. Pagination: [1-4] 5-78 [2]; head and tail pieces (William Hayes Ward, The seal cylinders of Western Asia, Washington, 1910). Binding: Publisher’s wrappers, lettering, vignette. Contributors: Гумилёв, Николай Степанович (Russian, 1886 – 1921) – translator from the French. Шилейко, Владимир Казимирович (Russian, 1891 – 1930) – editor.
Half-title: АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК СССР | Литературные памятники | {serial device} || Title page: ФЕОФРАСТ | ХАРАКТЕРЫ | ПЕРЕВОД, СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Г. А. CТРАТАНОВСКОГО | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | Ленинградское отделение | Ленинград | 1974 || Frontispiece: ΘΕΟΦΡΑΣΤΟΥ | ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΕΣ Pagination: [1-5] 6- 123 [124]. Collation: 8vo; [1]-68, 76, 88 (total 62 leaves); signed ¼7, ½7. Binding: publisher’s serial green wrappers, lettering on a scroll. Contributors: Theophrastus [Θεόφραστος, Theόphrastos, Теофраст, Феофраст] (Greek, c. 371 – c. 287 BC) – author. Стратановский, Георгий Андреевич (Russian, 1901 – 1986) – translator.
Title page: АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК СССР | В. П. ВОЛГИН. | ФРАНЦУЗСКИЙ | УТОПИЧЕСКИЙ | КОММУНИЗМ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР | МОСКВА 1960 || Pagination: [1-5] 6-375 [376], errata slip. Collation: 8vo; [1]-228, 234, 248 (total 188 leaves) + errata slip; 171 unsigned. Print run: 4200 copies. Binding: Burgundy buckram, lettering in blind-stamped frame: В. П. Волгин. Французский утопический коммунизм. Contributor: Волгин, Вячеслав Петрович (Russian, 1879 – 1962) – author.
DJ: Graham Greene | Travels with my aunt || Title page: TRAVELS | WITH MY AUNT | A NOVEL | Graham Greene |{publisher’s device}| THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing. Binding: 20.5 x 13.5 cm; publisher's green cloth, gilt lettering on spine, pictorial dust-jacket. Pagination: [1-8] 9 – 319 [320]. Collation: 16mo; [1]16, 2-1016 (total 160 leaves). Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Stephen Russ (British, 1919 – 1983) – DJ artist. The Bodley Head – publisher. William Clowes & Sons, Ltd. (Beccles) – printer.
Title page: Juries and the | Transformation of | Criminal Justice | in France | in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries | James M. Donovan | The University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill || Frontispiece: STUDIES IN LEGAL HISTORY | Published by the University of North Carolina Press | in association with the American Society for Legal History | Daniel Ernst & Thomas A. Green, editors || Pagination: [i-viii] ix [x] 1-262. Binding: black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
DJ: Н. И. ГРЕЧ | ЗАПИСКИ | О МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ACADEMIA || Duplicate title: ПАМЯТНИКИ | ЛИТЕРАТУРНОГО | БЫТА | ЗАПИСКИ О МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | Н. И. ГРЕЧА | «ACADEMIA» | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД | MCMXXX || Title page: Н. И. ГРЕЧ | ЗАПИСКИ | О МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ТЕКСТ ПО РУКОПИСИ | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | И С КОММЕНТАРИЯМИ | ИВАНОВА-РАЗУМНИКА | И Д. М. ПИНЕСА | «ACADEMIA» | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД | MCMXXX || Title verso: ПЕРЕПЛЕТ | И СУПЕР-ОБЛОЖКА ПО РИСУНКАМ | ХУД. А. А. УШИНА | {imprint} || Pagination: [1-5] 6-896; illustrations within pagination + photomechanical frontispiece w/guard. Collation: 8vo; 1-568 (total 448 leaves + 1 plate). Binding: 18.5 x 13 cm; stamped green cloth, border to boards, elements and lettering to spine; letterpress dust jacket. Print run: 5070 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): №402, p. 210. Contributors: Греч, Николай Иванович (Russian, 1787 – 1867) – author. Иванов-Разумник, Разумник Васильевич [Ivanov-Razoumnik] (Russian, 1878 – 1946) – editor, commentator. Пинес Дмитрий Михайлович (Russian, 1891-1937) – editor, commentator, shot by a firing squad. Ушин, Алексей Алексеевич (Russian, 1904 – 1942) – artist, died in the besieged Leningrad.
Erasmus. The praise of folly / Translated by White Kennett. — London: Stephen Austen, 1726. Title page in black and red: MORIÆ ENCOMIUM: | OR, THE | PRAISE | OF | FOLLY. |—| Written in Latin by | ERASMUS. |—| Translated into English by | WHITE KENNETT, | Lord Bishop of Peterborough; | With a PREFACE by his Lordship. |—| Adorn’d with | A great Number of COPPER PLATES | neatly engraven: To which is added, the Effigies of | ERASMUS, and Sir THOMAS MORE, from | theDesigns of the celebrated HANS HOLBEINE. |—| (in gothic letters) The Fourth Edition. |—| LONDON: | Printed for Stephen Austen, at the Angel in | St. Pauls’ Church-yard. 1726. || Pagination: modern endpapers and flyleaves, [2] – blank / frontis. (engraved portrait of Erasmus, [2] – t.p. in black and red with George Cruikshank’s signature in the bottom, dated 1876 / blank, [14] – to the reader, i-xiv – commendatory verses, [2] – John Wilford advert., folding portrait of Thomas More, i-v, [vi] - epistle, 1-168 – panegyrick, [4] – index.; 46 copper-engraved illustrations after Hans Holbein the Younger; pp. 17-20 detached. Collation: 12mo; π2 A6, a-b6, B-P6 Q2 (B3 unsigned), 13 in-text engravings + 26 plates + 7 folding plates; total 106 leaves and 33 plates, extraneous to collation. Edition: 4th, thus. Binding: 16.5 x 10.5 cm; rebacked with a modern spine, modern endpapers and flyleaves, contemporary boards sprinkled and tooled in a style of Cambridge panel. Provenance: Cruikshank, George (British, 1792 – 1878) [1876]; Stephen Whitehead (Oakland, CA) [2021]. Catalogue raisonné: J. Lewine (1898) p. 171 — 1st edition thus of 1709, in-8vo, with portrait and 46 plates after Holbein. Contributors: Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (Dutch, c. 1469 – 1536) – author of the original text in Latin.
White Kennett (British, 1660 – 1728) – translator from Latin into English.
Hans Holbein the Younger (German, 1497/8 – 1543) – artist.
Stephen Austen (fl. c. 1727 – 1746) – publisher. Linked items: Engraved portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam in an octagonal frame, 1757 by Flipart after Holbein.Эразм Роттердамский. Похвальное слово глупости. — М.-Л.: Academia, 1932.
Front wrapper: In the three-compartment orange frame: 1st compartment: HISTOIRE DES DOCTRINES SOCIALISTES | *** (LES IDÉES ET LES FAITS) *** | 2nd compartment: BLANQUI | PAR | Maurice DOMMANGET | {circular device} | 3rd compartment: *** 1924 *** | LIBRAIRIE DE L'HUMANITÉ | 120 • RUE LAFAYETTE • 120 PARIS | Under the frame : Prix : 2 fr. 50 || Title page: HISTOIRE DES DOCTRINES SOCIALISTES | *** (LES IDÉES ET LES FAITS) *** | BLANQUI | PAR Maurice DOMMANGET | {device in a circle} | *** 1924 *** | LIBRAIRIE DE L'HUMANITÉ | 120 • RUE LAFAYETTE • 120 PARIS || Back wrapper: Advert. in an orange frame. Pagination: wrappers included in pagination ; [1-5] 6-95 [96-98] (total 49 leaves incl. wrappers). Collation: wrappers not included in collation: [1]-68. Binding: 18.5 x 12 cm; publisher’s blue wrappers with an orange frame, black lettering to covers and spine; uncut. Russian translation: LIB-2747.2021
Title page: PARIS | À TABLE | PAR | EUGÈNE BRIFFAULT. | Illustré par Bertall. | {vignette} | PARIS | PUBLIÉ PAR J. HETZEL, | RUE DE RICHELIEU, 76 — RUE DE MÉNARS, 10 | 1846 || Pagination : ffl, [2] – h.t. / imprim., [2] – wood-engraved pictorial t.p. bt Bertall, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-iv, 2] – f.t. / imprim., [1] 2-184, ffl; in-text woodcuts by Betrall. Collation: π6 1-462; size 8vo. Binding: brown quarter morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt device in compartments and gilt lettering to spine. Matching marbled endpapers, previous owner’s bookplate to front pastedown. Bookplate: Motto: “LITTERÆ SCIENTIA & ARTES / AR (monogram), 7738 BELIURE TOFFIER – TOURS / L. D.” Contributors: Eugène Briffault (French, 1799 – 1854) – author of the text. Bertall [ Bertal; Charles Albert d'Arnoux (French, 1820 – 1882) – illustrator. Pierre-Jules Hetzel (French, 1814 – 1886) – publisher. Printer: Imprimerie Schneider et Langrand, rue d'Erfurth, 1 (Paris). Paper: La papeterie d’Essonne.
Title page: ФРАНСУА ДЕ ЛАРОШФУКО | МАКСИМЫ | • | БЛЕЗ ПАСКАЛЬ | МЫСЛИ | • | ЖАН ДЕ ЛАБРЮЙЕР | ХАРАКТЕРЫ | ПЕРЕВОД С ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО | {publisher’s device “ИХЛ”} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА» | МОСКВА • 1974 || Content: В. Бахмутский. / Французские моралисты. / Франсуа де Ларошфуко. Максимы. Пер. Э. Линецкой. / Блез Паскаль. Мысли. Пер. Э. Линецкой. / Жан де Лабрюйер. Характеры. Пер. Ю. Корнеева и Э. Линецкой. Примечания В. Бахмутского, И. Малевич, М. Разумовской, Т. Хатисовой. Pagination: [1-5] 5-541 [3], 13 illustrations (unpag.) Collation: [1]16 2-1716 + 13 photomechanical plates extraneous to collation. Binding: serial design red cloth, gilt-stamped cover with a serial device, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket. Contributors: Blaise Pascal (French, 1623 – 1662) – author. François La Rochefoucauld (French, 1613 – 1680) – author. Jean de La Bruyère (French, 1645 – 1696) – author. Эльга Львовна [Лейбовна] Линецкая [Фельдман] (Russian-Jewish, 1909 – 1997) – translator. Юрий Борисович Корнеев (Russian, 1921 – 1995) – translator. Владимир Яковлевич Бахмутский (Russian, 1919 – 2004) – author/foreword.
Title page: MYSTERIES OF THE | FRENCH SECRET POLICE | by | JEAN GALTIER-BOISSIÈRE | FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF ‘CRAPOUILLOT’ | Translated by | RONALD LESLIE-MELVILLE | AUTHOR OF | ‘THE LIFE AND WORK OF SIR JOHN FIELDING’, ETC. | WITH 22 ILLUSTRATIONS | London | STANLEY PAUL & CO. LTD. || Pagination: [1-8] 9-292 [16 advert], frontis., 14 pp of ill. Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-R8 S10 + 8 leaves of advertisement + frontispiece and 7 leaves of b/w photomechanical illustrations. Binding: Burgundy cloth, gilt lettering to spine, brown endpapers. Contributors: Galtier-Boissière, Jean (French, 1891 – 1966) – author. Leslie-Melville, Ronald (British, 1905 – 1942) – translator. Stanley Paul (London) – publisher. Mayflower Press (Plymouth), William Brendon & Son (Plymouth) – printers.
Cover: Изданiе "БРОКГАУЗЪ-ЕФРОНЪ" | ИСТОРIЯ ЕВРОПЫ | ПО ЭПОХАМЪ | И СТРАНАМЪ | Н. И. Карѣевъ | ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ИСТОРIЯ | ФРАНЦIИ | ВЪ XIX ВѢКѢ || Title page: Исторiя Европы по эпохамъ и странамъ в среднiе вѣка и новое время. | Изд. под. ред. Н. И. Карѣева и И. В. Лучицкаго. | Н. И. КАРѢЕВЪ | ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ | ИСТОРIЯ ФРАНЦIИ | ВЪ XIX ВѢКѢ. | (Правительственныя формы и внутренняя политика, политическiя партiи | и общественные классы). | Изданiе Акц. Общ. "Брокгаузъ-Ефронъ". | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ. | Типографiя Акц. Общ. Брокгаузъ-Ефронъ. Прачешный пер. № 6. | 1902. || Pagination: [2] – title / blank, [i-iii] iv-v [vi], [1] 2-300 +1 colour plate (maps). Collation: 8vo; [π]4 1-188 196 + 1 leaf (maps). Binding: Publisher’s green cloth with black lettering to spine and cover, design elements to cover. Contributors: Кареев, Николай Иванович (Russian, 1850 – 1931) – author.
Cover: МОРИС ДОМАНЖЕ | БЛАНКИ | РАБОЧЕЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО “ПРИБОЙ” | ЛЕНИНГРАД 1925 || Title page: МОРИС ДОМАНЖЕ | БЛАНКИ | Пер. с французского | Рабочее Издательство “ПРИБОЙ” | Ленинград 1925 || Pagination: [2] 3-97 [3]. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-68 [7]2, total 50 leaves. Binding: Publisher’s wrappers, lettering to covers and spine, uncut. Contributor: Maurice Dommanget (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Translation of: Blanqui par Maurice Dommanget. — Paris: Librairie de l'Humanité, 1924.
Title: BLANQUI | by | NEIL STEWART | [blank] | LONDON | VICTOR GOLLANCZ LTD | 1939 || Pagination: [1-7] 8-352. Binding: 20 x 13.5 cm; Red cardstock boards with black lettering, the front board: BLANQUI | by | NEIL STEWART | {BCL device} | LEFT BOOK CLUB EDITION | NOT FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC ||; Spine with black lettering in the frame, sunned.
Норман Кон. Благословение на геноцид: Миф о всемирном заговоре евреев и "Протоколах сионских мудрецов" / пер. с англ. С. С. Бычкова, общ. ред. и послесл. Т. А. Карасовой и Д. А. Черняховского. — М.: Прогресс, 1990. Title page: НОРМАН КОН | БЛАГОСЛОВЕНИЕ | НА ГЕНОЦИД | Миф | о всемирном | заговоре евреев | и "Протоколах | сионских мудрецов" | Перевод с английского Бычкова С. С. | Общая редакция и послесловие | Карасовой Т. А. и Черняховского Д. А. | Москва | Прогресс | 1990 || Frontispiece: N. COHN. | Warrant | for Genocide | THE MYTH | OF THE JEWISH | WORLD-CONSPIRACY | AND THE PROTOCOLS | OF THE ELDERS OF ZION | Scholars Press 1981 || Pagination: [1-4] 5-245 [3]. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-168. Binding: Softcover, publisher’s wrappers, lettering to spine and covers. Print-run: 25,000 copies. Contributors: Norman Cohn (British, 1915 – 2007) – author. Татьяна Анисимовна Карасова (Russian, late 20th, early 21st century) – editor, afterword. Давид Абрамович Черняховский (Russian-Jewish, 1939 – 2000) – editor, afterword. Сергей Сергеевич Бычков (Russian, b. 1946) – translator. Original edition: Norman Cohn. Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. [LIB-1194.2014]
Hardcover volume, 24 x 18 cm, pictorial paper over cardboard boards, pictorial endpapers, and pictorial DJ; pp.: [2] – pictorial t.p. / copyrignt+imprint + [26] unpaginated pages (13 leaves); in-text photomechanical b/w and coloured illustrations after Feodor Rojankovsky. DJ and front cover (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIES | RUDYARD KIPLING | THE | ELEPHANT'S | CHILD | PICTURED BY F. ROJANKOVSKY || Title-page (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIES | THE | ELEPHANT'S | CHILD | RUDYARD KIPLING | ILLUSTRATED BY | F. ROJANKOVSKY | GARDEN CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., GARDEN CITY, N. Y. || Contributors: Rudyard Kipling (British, 1865 – 1936) Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan; Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970)
Front cover: И. ТРОЦКИЙ | ЖИЗНЬ | ШЕРВУДА | ВЕРНОГО | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | ПОЛИТКАТОРЖАН | 19 • МОСКВА • 31 || Title page: И. М. ТРОЦКИЙ | ЖИЗНЬ | ШЕРВУДА – ВЕРНОГО | (ОЧЕРКИ И МАТЕРИАЛЫ) | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ВСЕСОЮЗНОГО ОБЩЕСТВА ПОЛИТКАТОРЖАН И ССЫЛЬНО-ПОСЕЛЕНЦЕВ |1 9 МОСКВА 3 1 || Pagination: [1-4] 5-277 [3]. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-178, 184. Binding: Quarter burgundy cloth, paper over cardboard. Library ‘pocket’ to front pastedown. Inscriptions and marks: Inscription to t.p. in purple ink: «323.2/П76»; stamp in purple ink “193” and “3” handwritten; black in stamp “1935”; purple ink oval stamp: «БИБЛИОТЕКА * МОСК. ХУДОЖ. ТЕАТРА *», inside handwritten: 3703; same stamp at p. 278. Print run: 5,000 copies. Contributor: Исаак Моисеевич Троцкий (Russian-Jewish, 1903 – 1937) – author of the text.
Title page (with tall “s”): THE | ACCOMPLISHMENT | OF THE | PROPHECIES, | OR THE | Approaching Deliverance of | the CHURCH. | A work, wherein it is proved, that the Papism | is the Antichristian Empire; that that Empire is not far | from its ruin ; that the present persecution may end in | three years and a half. After which, the destruction | of Antichrist shall begin, which shall be finished in the | beginning of the next Age ; and lastly, the Kingdom | of Jesus Christ shall come on the Earth. | — | The second Edition Corrected and Enlarged by almost | a third part, and the explication of all the Visions of the Re- | velation, and of many Chapters concerning mystical Theology. | — | 2 vols. In 1, | — | Written in French by Mr. PETER JURIEU , the present | Minister of the French Church at Rotterdam. And from | this second Edition faithfully Englished. | — | LONDON , Printed in the Year 1687. || Pagination: ffl, [48] 1-271 [272 blank] + 3-99, 200-396, bfl. Note: part 2 starts with page 3, page 99 recto is paginated 200 on verso, instead of 100; total number of pages in part 2, thus, is 294. Collation is uninterrupted. Collation: *-**8 A-S8 + Aa7 Bb-Ss8 Tt4. Note: no leaf Aa1, leaf Tt4 unsigned; 307 leaves total. Binding: Full brown calf, boards ruled blind with double-fillet, flat spine stamped blind with a diaper, double-fillet ruled compartments, black label with gilt lettering. Printed on laid paper, with marginal notes. Yellow sticker to front pastedown G. Batenham, Bookseller, Northgate, Chester. Author: Pierre Jurieu (French, 1637 – 1713). Translator unknown. Publisher unknown.
English translation of the book:Pierre Jurieu. L'accomplissement des Propheties ou la delivrance prochaine de l'Eglise. —Rotterdam: Acher, 1686.