Hardcover volume, 20.7 x 13.5 cm, modern half morocco over marbled boards, gilt lettering and ornament to spine, pp.: [i-vii] viii-xvi [17] 18-255 [256], collated 8vo: 1-168, 128 leaves. Title-page: HIÉROLOGIES | OU | DISCOURS | HISTORIQUES ET DOGMATIQUES | Sur les Superfétations | APPORTÉES A LA RÉVÉLATION DU CHRIST, | PRONONCÉS AU TEMPLE DES CHRÉTIENS PRIMITIFS, | DEPUIS LE 15 AOUT JUSQU’AU 1er DÉCEMBRE 1833, ET DEPUIS LE 2 FÉVRIER | JUSQU’AU 25 MAI 1834, | SUIVIS DU DISCOURS | SUR LES TROIS VERSIONS DE LA BIBLE, | PRONONCÉ LE 20 JUILLET 1834 ; | Par M. le C. Marie de Venise, | VICAIRE PRIMATIAL DE L’EGLISE DE France. | {1 line citation} | — | Paris. | AU BUREAU CENTRAL D’IMPRIMERIE ET DE LIBRAIRE, | Rue Saint-Marc, No 21; | ET AU TEMPLE DES CHRÉTIENS PRIMITIFS, | RUE ET COUR DAMIETTE, PRÈS LA PLACE DU KAIRE. | — | 1834 || Contributors : Félix Ragon (French, 1795 – 1872) – author. Seller's description: [RAGON (Félix) : Hiérologies ou Discours historiques et dogmatiques sur les Superfétations apportées à la révélation du Christ suivis du Discours sur les trois versions de la Bible. Paris, au Bureau central et au Temple des Chrétiens Primitifs, 1834 ; in 8°, demi-basane brune à coins. Reliure pastiche moderne. Edition originale extrêmement rare, dont le tirage est estimé à 50 ex.
Title page (with tall “s”): THE | ACCOMPLISHMENT | OF THE | PROPHECIES, | OR THE | Approaching Deliverance of | the CHURCH. | A work, wherein it is proved, that the Papism | is the Antichristian Empire; that that Empire is not far | from its ruin ; that the present persecution may end in | three years and a half. After which, the destruction | of Antichrist shall begin, which shall be finished in the | beginning of the next Age ; and lastly, the Kingdom | of Jesus Christ shall come on the Earth. | — | The second Edition Corrected and Enlarged by almost | a third part, and the explication of all the Visions of the Re- | velation, and of many Chapters concerning mystical Theology. | — | 2 vols. In 1, | — | Written in French by Mr. PETER JURIEU , the present | Minister of the French Church at Rotterdam. And from | this second Edition faithfully Englished. | — | LONDON , Printed in the Year 1687. || Pagination: ffl, [48] 1-271 [272 blank] + 3-99, 200-396, bfl. Note: part 2 starts with page 3, page 99 recto is paginated 200 on verso, instead of 100; total number of pages in part 2, thus, is 294. Collation is uninterrupted. Collation: *-**8 A-S8 + Aa7 Bb-Ss8 Tt4. Note: no leaf Aa1, leaf Tt4 unsigned; 307 leaves total. Binding: Full brown calf, boards ruled blind with double-fillet, flat spine stamped blind with a diaper, double-fillet ruled compartments, black label with gilt lettering. Printed on laid paper, with marginal notes. Yellow sticker to front pastedown G. Batenham, Bookseller, Northgate, Chester. Author: Pierre Jurieu (French, 1637 – 1713). Translator unknown. Publisher unknown.
English translation of the book:Pierre Jurieu. L'accomplissement des Propheties ou la delivrance prochaine de l'Eglise. —Rotterdam: Acher, 1686.
Title: THE | GRAND CONSPIRACY | OF THE | Members again∫t the Minde, | OF | Jewes again∫t their King. | As it hath beene delivered in the | foure following Sermons, | BY | John Allington, [A ∫eque∫tered Divine.] | — | {ornament} | — | LONDON, | Printed by J.G. for R. Royston, | at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1654.|| Contents: Grand conspiracy of Jewes against their King. A sermon preached in August 1647; Grand conspiracy of Jewes against their King. A sermon preached in January 1649; Grand conspiracy of Jewes against their King. A demonstration of the highest insolencies proceed from men of the lowest and most base extractions Pagination: [2] – t.p. / blank; 1-214. Collation: 12mo; A-I12. Binding: Hardcover; 15 x 9.5 cm, later blind-stamped morocco, raised bands, gilt lettering in compartments. Inscription: Ink by hand by John Bartham, January 30, 1665, to t.p. verso; Pencil by hand to front pastedown: Wing A 1209A.
Hardcover volume, 22.5 x 15 cm, bound in red cloth with gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [i-v] vi-xiv, [1-5] 6-251 [252], total 268 pages. Title-page: Alleged sex and threatened violence | Doctor Russel, Bishop Vladimir, and the Russians in | San Francisco, 1887-1892 | TERENCE EMMONS | — | Stanford University Press | Stanford, California | 1977 || ISBN: 9780804727679, 9780804727686, 0804727678, 0804727686. OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: 35159156. Doctor Nikolai Sudzilovsky [Nicholas Russel] (Belarusian, 1850 – 1930). Bishop Vladimir (Sokolovsky-Avtonomov, Vasily Grigorievich) Архиепископ Владимир (Соколовский-Автономов, Василий Григорьевич) (Russian, 1852 – 1931) – Archbishop of the Aleutians and Alaska.
Paperback, 21.2 x 13.6 cm, dark blue pictorial covers with white lettering, pp.: [2] 3-316 [4]. Title-page: Рав. Й.-Д. Соловейчик | И СТАНЕТЕ ИСКАТЬ | ОТТУДА… | Перевод Мириам Китросской | Памяти | Миши Шнейдера и Лены Гальпериной | {publisher’s device} | Иерусалим 5782 (2022) || Contributors: Иосеф Дов-Бер ха-Леви Соловейчик [יוסף דב הלוי סולובייצ'יק, Joseph Dov-Ber Soloveitchik) (Jewish-American, 1903 – 1993) Мириам Китросская [Miriam Kitrossky] (Israeli, b. 1957)