  • Seated portrait of Russian diplomat Count Semyon Romanovich Vorontsov (Семён Романович Воронцо́в; 26 June 1744 – 9 July 1832). Engraved by August Weger (Born: 1823 in Nürnberg; died: 1892 in Leipzig) from the portrait painted by Richard Evans (1784–1871). Circa 1825-50.  Semyon Romanovich Vorontsov, the son of Count Roman Illarionovich and Marfa Ivanovna Surmina, was born on June 15, 1744; Active Privy Councillor; Ambassador to Venice and London from 1784, for over 20 years. Died in London on June 26, 1832.

    Inscription: Графъ Семенъ Романовичь Воронцовъ. Родился въ Москвѣ Iюня 15-го/26 1744, Скончался въ Лондонѣ Iюня 9-го/21 1822. | Le Comte Simon Woronzow. né à Moscou le 26 Juin 1744, Mort à Londres le 21 Juin 1832.  | Richd. Evans, Peintre. - Gravé par A. Weger, Leipzig. Vorontsov family coat of arms in the middle.

    Dimensions: 23 x 15 cm. Ref.: Подробный словарь русских гравированных портретов Д. А. Ровинского, том. 1, 534-540.
  • Mori Sosen (1747-1821). Seated Monkey. Hanging scroll painting. Ink and colour on silk. Signed: Sosen. Sealed: Sosen. 28.8 x 33.3 cm.
  • Hand-coloured etching from the series Historische Denkwürdigkeiten für gemütliche Leser by an anonymous German artist, printed c. 1815.
  • Saikotei Shibakuni (active 1821-1826). Osaka school. Play: Kinoshitakage Hazuma Gassen. Theatre: Nakamura-za /Naka-za (Osaka). Date: 7/1826. Horizontal oban diptych. SV: Nakamura Matsue III (Nakamura Tomijuro II) as female, Nakamura Utaemon III (Nakamura Shikan I) as a male. Publisher: Honya Seishichi [Marks 25-527 | 123f], Honsei, 1817-1838.
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 327 x 280 mm; black ink stamp “5265” to reverse, attached to the sheet 470 x 325 mm. Top centre: "S. A. LE PRINCE IMPÉRIAL.", right: "63." Image: equestiral portrait of Prince Impérial. Under the image, centre: "Fabrique d'Images de GANGEL et P. DIDION, à Metz." — "Déposé." Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte] (French, 1856 – 1879). Gangel et P. Didion (Metz); Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879) – publisher/printer.
  • Portfolio 265 x 225 mm, black half-buckram over diapered cardboard with flaps, black with gilt lettering in frame to front “R. KELLER | MÄRCHEN”, t.p. printed on wave paper, the folder and engravings printed on laid paper, 10 loose plates, 240 x 210 mm sheet, 135 x 110-115 mm plate; re-issue of ten plates of the first edition of 16 plates published in Austria in c. 1910s. Title-page: EROTISCHE | MÄRCHEN | 10 RADIERUNGEN | VON | RUDOLF KELLER | PRIVATDRUCK 1919 || Die Mappe enthält folgende originalradierungen: 1. Aschenbrödel; 2. Dornröschen; 3. Zwerg Nase; 4. Froschkönig; 5. Der gestiefelte Kater; 6. Hänsel und Gretel; 7. Der fliegende Koffer; 8. Schneewittchen mit den 7 Zwergen; 9. Die kleine Seejungfer; 10. Der kleine Daumling Dieses Werk wurde in einer einmaligen Auflage von 250 numerierten Exemplaren hergestellt und darf nur an Gelehrte und Sammler abgegeben werden. Die Platten wurden vernichtet. Nr. 1—50 sind vom Künstler signierte Vorzugsdrucke. Dieses Exemplar erhielt Nr. 0153. Translation: The folder contains the following original etchings: 1. Cinderella; 2. Sleeping Beauty; 3. Dwarf nose; 4. The Frog Prince; 5. Puss in Boots; 6. Hansel and Gretel; 7. The Flying Trunk; 8. Snow White with the Seven Dwarfs; 9. The Little Mermaid; 10. Little Thumbling. This work was produced in a one-time edition of 250 numbered copies and may only be sold to scholars and collectors. The copperplates were destroyed. Nos. 1-50 are special prints signed by the artist. This copy was given number 0153. Seller's description: Erotische Märchen. S.l., Privatdruck, 1919. In-8, en feuilles, sous chemise demi-chagrin vert recouverte de papier japonais. Recueil de 10 eaux-fortes originales de Rudolf Keller. Ces eaux-fortes érotiques dans les teintes brunes s'inspirent des contes de fées traditionnels comme Cendrillon, La Belle au bois dormant, Hansel et Gretel, Blanche-Neige, Le Petit Poucet etc. Tirage à 250 exemplaires. Chemise défraîchie. Jacob Grimm (German; 1785 – 1863) Wilhelm Grimm (German, 1786 – 1859) Charles Perrault (French, 1628 – 1703) Hans Christian Andersen (Danish, 1805 – 1875)
  • Richard Parkes Bonington (1802–1828 ). British/French. Evreux: Tour du Gros Horloge (Evreux: Large Clock Tower). Inscription: The tower was built in 1417 when the area was ruled by England. Lithograph. From the Taylor and Nodier set "Normandie", Vol. II, pl. 226. 1824. MET# 22.87.2. Catalogue Raisonné: Curtis 1939, no. 19. MET description: "This view in the French town of Evreux focuses on the clock tower, with vendors and customers in the street below. Bonington produced the print for the multi-volume series directed by Baron Isidore Taylor, Charles Nodier and Alphonse de Cailleux titled "Voyages Pittoresques et Romantiques dans l'Ancienne France" (Picturesque and Romantic Travels through Historic France). This image appears in volume 2, devoted to Normandy."
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 268 x 381 mm, vertical centerfold. On reverse: black ink stamp “5324”. Top centre: "PRISE DE SAARBRUCK"; left: "PELLERIN & Cie, imp. -édit."; right: "IMAGERIE D'EPINAL, № 134." Under the frame text starts with « La cri de guerre a retenti. La France a été forcée de tirer l’épée pour arrêter… ».[...] Prise de Saarbruck. | Depuis quelques jours, l’armée française occupait la frontière française en face de la Prusse.... Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – publisher/printer. The Battle of Saarbrücken (2 August 1870).
  • Three-quarter half-length seated portrait of American filmmaker and actor Woody Allen in a scene from the drama film The Front (1976), shot by Columbia Pictures in 1976, autographed on a light area of the image. Dimensions: 245 x 192 mm; image 217 x 192 mm.
  • Photographic portrait of writer Vladimir Bukovsky with head tilted, closed eyes, and smoking a cigarette. Pencil-signed on the mat: 3/45 • Mikhail Lemkhin; on the back of the print: ink stamp ©MIKHAIL LEMKHIN, ink inscription ©mikhail Lemkhin; ink stamp: PHOTO BY: | MIKHAIL LEMKHIN | 2327 – 38th AVENUE | SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116 | (415) 664-7677, pencil inscription 3/45 Mikhail Lemkhin; pencil inscription on the back of the mat: (top) ВЛАДИМИР БУКОВСКИЙ | VLADIMIR BUKOVSKY, (bottom) VI. Size: mat: 43.2 x 35.7 cm; window: 21.5 x 18.5 cm; print: 25.3 x 20.3 cm. Limited edition of 45, of which this is № 3, signed and stamped by the artist. Sitter: Vladimir Bukovsky [Владимир Константинович Буковский] (Russian, 1942 – 2019). Popularity: Bukovsky left the Soviet Union, where he was kept in prison for his political views, in exchange for Luis Alberto Corvalán, a Chilean communist. The event was commemorated in the following folk verse:
    Обменяли хулигана На Луиса Корвалана. Где б найти такую блядь, Чтоб на Брежнева сменять!
    This can be translated as a Haiku:
    A troublemaker was exchanged for Luis Corvalán... Where to find a whore to exchange for Brezhnev?
  • Photographic portrait of writer Andrei Sinyavsky, head and shoulder, turned to the left, wearing glasses. Pencil-signed on the mat: 4/45 • ©Mikhail Lemkhin; on the back of the print: Copyright statement stamp; ink stamp ©MIKHAIL LEMKHIN; ink stamp: PHOTO BY MIKHAIL LEMKHIN | 1811 38TH AVENUE | SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122 | (415) 664-7677; pencil inscription on the back of the mat: (top) АНДРЕЙ СИНЯВСКИЙ | ANDREI SINYAVSKY, (bottom) XXIX. Size: mat: 43.2 x 35.5 cm; window: 23.5 x 18.5 cm; print: 25.2 x 20.2 cm. Limited edition of 45, of which this is № 4, signed and stamped by the artist. Sitter: Sergei Dovlatov [Сергей Донатович Довлатов] (Russian, 1941 – 1990)
  • Photographic half-length portrait of academician Juri Lotman, with his head turned to the left, giving a lecture in front of a blackboard. Pencil-signed on the mat: 5/45 • ©Mikhail Lemkhin; on the back of the print: ink stamp ©MIKHAIL LEMKHIN, pencil inscription Mikhail Lemkhin 5/45; ink stamp: PHOTO BY MIKHAIL LEMKHIN | 1811–38th AVENUE | SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122 | (415) 664-7677; Copyright statement ink stamp; on the back of the mat: pencil inscription (top) ЛОТМАН, ЮРИЙ | YURI LOTMAN, (bottom) VI. Size: mat: 35.6 x 43.1 cm; window: 15.5 x 24 cm; print: 20.2 x 25.3 cm. Limited edition of 45, of which this is № 5, signed and stamped by the artist. Sitter: Juri Lotman [Юрий Михайлович Лотман] (Estonian-Jewish, 1922 – 1993).
  • Photographic portrait of poet Joseph Brodsky, head, hand, and shoulder, three-quarters to the left, wearing glasses and with a cigarette. Pencil-signed on the mat: 5/45 • Mikhail Lemkhin; same inscription on the back of the print, and ink stamp ©Mikhail Lemkhin. Sitter: Joseph Brodsky [Иосиф Александрович Бродский ] (Russian-American-Jewish, 1940 – 1996). Size: mat: 41 x 51 cm; window: 27 x 30 cm; print: 27.7 x 35.4 cm.
  • Photographic portrait of poet Joseph Brodsky, head and shoulders, three-quarters to the right, wearing glasses. Pencil-signed on the mat: 1/45 • Mikhail Lemkhin; same inscription on the back of the print, and ink stamp ©Mikhail Lemkhin. Sitter: Joseph Brodsky [Иосиф Александрович Бродский ] (Russian-American-Jewish, 1940 – 1996). Size: mat: 40.5 x 51 cm; window: 24.5 x 35 cm; print: 27.7 x 35.4 cm.
  • Photographic portrait of poet Joseph Brodsky, head, hand, and shoulder, three-quarters to the right, wearing glasses and with a cigarette. Pencil-signed on the mat: 4/45 • Mikhail Lemkhin; same inscription on the back of the print, and ink stamp ©Mikhail Lemkhin. Sitter: Joseph Brodsky [Иосиф Александрович Бродский ] (Russian-American-Jewish, 1940 – 1996). Size: mat: 40.5 x 51 cm; window: 26.5 x 30 cm; print: 28 x 35.4 cm.
  • Photographic portrait of poet Joseph Brodsky, head and shoulder, turned slightly right, looking to the right. Pencil-signed on the mat: 1/45 • Mikhail Lemkhin; same inscription on the back of the print, and ink stamp ©Mikhail Lemkhin. Sitter: Joseph Brodsky [Иосиф Александрович Бродский ] (Russian-American-Jewish, 1940 – 1996). Size: mat: 51 x 40.5 cm; window: 34.5 x 27 cm; print: 35 x 28 cm.
  • Photographic portrait of poet Joseph Brodsky, head and shoulders, turned slightly right, looking slightly to the right. Pencil-signed on the mat: 5/45 • Mikhail Lemkhin; same inscription on the back of the print, and ink stamp ©Mikhail Lemkhin. Sitter: Joseph Brodsky [Иосиф Александрович Бродский ] (Russian-American-Jewish, 1940 – 1996). Size: mat: 35.7 x 43.3 cm; window: 19.5 x 23 cm; print: 20.3 x 25.3 cm.
  • Photographic portrait of poet Joseph Brodsky, short half-length, turned to the left, with arms crossed on his breast. Pencil-signed on the mat: 7/45 • Mikhail Lemkhin; same inscription on the back of the print, and ink stamp ©Mikhail Lemkhin. Sitter: Joseph Brodsky [Иосиф Александрович Бродский ] (Russian-American-Jewish, 1940 – 1996). Size: mat: 35.7 x 43.3 cm; window: 19.5 x 23 cm; print: 20.3 x 25.3 cm.