  • Upper right: Galignani's | PLAN OF PARIS | 1827 || in oval frame: Sauve sculpt. Bottom, under the frame: le Plan écrit par Lallemand. […] Gravé par E. Collin. Rue de la Harpe 45. Dimensions: 36.5 x 46.5 cm. Armand Joseph Lallemand (French, c. 1810 - 1871) – cartographer. Charles-Étienne Collin (French, 1770 – 1840) – engraver. Étienne Collin II (French,1790 – 1852) – engraver. John Anthony Galignani (Italian, 1796 – 1873) – publisher. William Galignani (Italian, 1798 – 1882) – publisher.
  • Oval cartouche in the upper-left corner, with tall “s”: Plan | OF | PARIS | and | SUBURBS | With all the Cross Streets | Before | THE REVOLUTION. || No indication of the makers. Dimensions: Sheet: 32.5 x 44.3 cm; Image: 28.5 x 41.3 cm.
  • London: Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge; Charles Knight & Co., no. 22 Ludgate Street. Dimensions: Sheet: 34 x 41.8 cm: Image: 28.7 x 38.3 cm. J. & C. Walker, Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge Charles Knight & Co.; Charles Knight (British, 1791 – 1873) – publisher. J & C Walker (British firm, fl. 1820 – 1895) Walker, John (British, 1787 – 1873) Walker, Alexander (British, 1797? – 1870) Walker, Charles (British, 1799? – 1872) Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846)
  • Offset lithography in back ink on paper, 448 x 448 mm, description by OMCA COLLECTIONS (Oakland Museum of California): The top edge of the poster has a stylized drawing of an eagle. Below, the poster has a drawing with eight male police officers and two female figures: one with the crown and torch of the Statue of Liberty, the other holding scales and wearing a blindfold in the style of personifications of justice. In the foreground of the drawing, one of the police officers is holding the liberty figure on the ground and raping her while a second officer holds one of her legs. In the background, the justice figure is being held up and raped by two officers. The rest of the police officers look at this scene and laugh or pat one another on the back. The bottom of the drawing is bordered by a semicircle of text that reads: "...WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL." [...] This provocative poster was described at a 1968 House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) hearing as "one of the most vile, obscene pieces of literature that I have seen disseminated in San Francisco" by San Francisco Examiner reporter Edward S. Montgomery. Contributors: Frank Cieciorka (American, 1939 – 2008) – artist.
  • Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper 423 x 332 mm; On reverse: black ink stamp “4956”, ms “A”, ms pencil “428” and “Ernest”. Under the image, centre: "NAPOLEON III | Kaiser der Franzosen." Velow: | NAPOLEON III | Czaar of the French — NAPOLEON III | Czaar van Frankrijk — NAPOLÉON III | Empereur des Francais. — NAPOLEONE III | El emperador delos Franceses; bottom left: "Verlag u. Eigenthum | von. Fried. G. Schulz in Stuttgart.", right: "No 146." The artist's and printer's names in stone are not legible. Published in Stuttgart by Friederich Gustav Schulz (German, 1786 – 1859) during the time of the Second French Empire (1852-1870).