  • Hand-coloured etching by an anonymous British artist, printed on May 26, 1829, in London. Description by British Museum (1868,0808.8988): "O'Connell, in wig and gown, walks to the left from the massive door of a small stone building, stooping, and holding his handkerchief to his right eye. He wails: 'O, my poor Seat! my poor Seat! my poor Seat! I'd have given any thing for a seat.' In the doorway (right) stands Peel, saying with wary blandness: 'What good can weeping do you Dan.—I'm sure I did as much as I could!!' Above the large knocker on the plank door is 'Knock & Ring'. There is a projecting bell, above a placard: 'NB. Jews or Proselytes desirous of Obtaining Seats in the House may Knock and Ring at this Door.' One corner of "the House", a small stone shed, is depicted. O'Connell is walking towards a strip of water, across which is a mountain, with a board pointing 'To — Clare'. Comment by BM: "Catholic Emancipation raised high hopes among Jews; the first Bill, after a petition from Jews in Liverpool, was introduced 15 Apr. 1830, but Jewish Emancipation did not become law till 1858." Inscription under the frame with title, "A. Sharpshooter fec", text within image and publication line: "Pub. by G. Humphrey, 24 St. James's Street May 26 1829". Size: 37.5 x 26 cm.
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 400 x 280 mm; black ink stamp “5321” to reverse. Top: "LES LOISIRS DU PRINCE IMPERIAL AU PALAIS DE SAINT- CLOUD" — "65". Below: nine cartoons with captions.
    1. Les essais d'un magnifique canon modèle par le Prince et ses amis.
    2. Promenade dans le parc.
    3. Partie de ballon sur la pelouse.
    4. Simulacre de combat. — Le Prince commande ses jeunes amis.
    5. le Prince impérial reçoit la visite de l'Empereur de Russie.
    6. Chasse à courre dans le parc.
    7. Quelques heures à la faisanderie.
    8. Visite de LL. MM. au jeune Prince.
    9. La revue des Pupilles de la Garde.
    Bottom: Fabrique d'images de Gangel et P. Didion, à Metz. Château de Saint-Cloud Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879) – printer/publisher.
  • Pictorial album of 20 hand-coloured wood engravings by Firmin Gillot after Alfred Grévin; numbered 1 to 20, bound with tissue guards in half-brown cloth over marbled boards, publisher's gilt-lettered blue wrappers preserved, purple-blueish endpapers. Front wrapper (gilt on blue): LES FILLES D'EVE | ALBUM | DE TRAVESTISSEMENTS | PLUS OU MOINS | HISTORIQUES | Par A. GRÉVIN | — | PARIS | AUX BUREAUX : DU JOURNAL AMUSANT, DES MODES PARISIENNES | DE LA TOILETTE DE PARIS ET DU PETIT JOURNAL POUR RIRE | 20. Rue Bergère. || ; Henri Plon's imprint to back wrapper. Contributors: Grevin, Alfred (French, 1827 – 1892) Gillot, Firmin (French, 1820 – 1872) Plon, Henri (French, 1806 – 1872) Ref.: Metropoliten Museum.
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 472 x 365 mm; black ink stamp “5275” to reverse. Top centre: "LE PRINCE IMPÉRIAL"; right: "№143." Image in the middle: Prince Impérial, with his father, conducts a review of the children's army "REVUE DES PUPILLES DE LA GARDE". Besides – five tiers of captioned cartoons. Bottom left: "Imp. lith. de Pellerin à Épinal"; right: Propriété de l’Éditeur. Déposé." Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – printer/publisher.  
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 409 x 280 mm; black ink stamp “5323” to reverse; attached to the sheet 487 x 320 mm. Top centre: "LE CAMP DE CHALONS."; left: "Nouvelle Imagerre d'Epinal"; right: № 452. Bottom left: "Imp lith. Pinot & Sagaire, libraires edit. à Épinal"; right: "Déposé". Image: 6-tier cartoon with captions about Napoleon III and his son Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte; 16 March 1856 – 1 June 1879). Le camp de Chalons Pinot & Sagaire (Épinal, 1861 – 1888) – enterprise, publisher/printer. Charles-François Pinot (French, 1817 – 1879) – publisher/printer.
  • Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper, 395 x 280 mm; black ink stamp “5309” to reverse. On image: artist's initials "L. H."; on stone: "Lith. de Fr. Wentzel a Wissembourg. — Déposé — DÉPÔT, Fr. Wentzel Editeur rue St. Jacques 65, PARIS"; below centre: "239"; bottom : La famille Impériale. Die Kaizerliche Familie. Napoleon III [Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873) Eugénie de Montijo [L'impératrice Eugénie] (Spanish-French, 1826 – 1920) Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte] (French, 1856 – 1879) Jean Frédéric Wentzel (French, 1807 – 1869) – publisher/printer.
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 390 x 260 mm; black ink stamp “5308” to reverse; horizontal centerfold. Centre top: "NOUVELLE IMAGERIE D'ÉPINAL BREVETÉE PAR S.M.L’EMPEREUR" with imperial eagle and coat of arms at right and left. Below: "№ 1." — "LA FAMILLE IMPÉRIALE"; image in frame; under the image, left: "Imp lith. Pinot & Sagaire, édit. libr. à Épinal, fournisseurs brevetés de l’Empereur"; right: "Déposé". Bottom: "NAPOLÉON I. (CHARLES-LOUIS,) Empereur des Français, né le 20 Avril, 1808. | EUGÉNIE ( Marie) DE GUSMAN COMTESSE DE TEBA Impératrice des Français, née le 5 Mai 1826. | S.A I. NAPOLÉON. (Eugène-Louis-Jean-Joseph) Prince Impérial, ne le 16 Mars. 1856." Napoleon III [Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873) Eugénie de Montijo [L'impératrice Eugénie] (Spanish-French, 1826 – 1920) Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte] (French, 1856 – 1879) Pinot & Sagaire (Épinal, 1861 – 1888) – enterprise, publisher/printer. Charles-François Pinot (French, 1817 – 1879) – publisher/printer.
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on laid paper, 422 x 294 mm; black ink stamp “5307” to reverse, centrefold. Top center: "LA FAMILLE IMPERIALE"; Bottom right: "(Tire sur le bois original de maison Pellerin)". Image: Napoléon III, Empress Eugenie, and Prince Imperial Louis-Napoléon as a child surrounded with four lettered medallions: “PRINCE GÉROME”, “PRINCESSE MATHILDE”, “PRINCESSE CLOTILDE”, and “PRINCE NAPOLÉON”; ribbons lettered: “MAGENTA”, SOLFERINO”, “ALMA”, and “INKERMANN” around heraldic spears; coat of arms with imperial monogram between Princesse Clotilde and Prince Napoléon. Publisher/printer: Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836). Battle of Magenta : 4 June 1859, against the Austrians. Battle of Solferino : 24 June 1859, against the Austrians. Battle of the Alma : 20 September 1854 (Crimean War) Battle of Inkerman : 5 November 1854 (Crimean War) Characters: Napoleon III [Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873) Eugénie de Montijo [L'impératrice Eugénie] (Spanish-French, 1826 – 1920) Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte] (French, 1856 – 1879) Napoléon-Jérôme Bonaparte [Prince Jérôme] (French, 1822 – 1891) Mathilde Bonaparte [Princess Mathilde] (French, 1820 – 1904) Marie-Clotilde de Savoie [Princesse Clotilde] (French, 1843 – 1911)  
  • Coloured etching by E. Charreyre (French, fl. 1880 – ?) after a watercolour by Juan Antonio González, (Spanish, 1842 – 1914). A book illustration for 'Son Altesse La Femme' by Octave Uzanne (1851 – 1931), chapter: 'La Caillette' (Le lever d’une petite-maitresse au XVIIIe siècle). Published by Albert Quantin (French, 1850 – 1930) in 1885.

    Size: print 17.5 x 12 cm, pasted to leaf 27.7 x 19.5 cm.

  • 129 issues of L'Éclipse, French weekly political magazine; published in Paris, 49 x 34 cm, bound in rebacked green quarter morocco over marbled boards, with gilt fillets and lettering to spine, peacock marbled endpapers, illustrated by André Gill (French, 1840 – 1885). Founder and editor-in-chief François Polo (French, 1838 – 1874). 1874: 271-322 (52 issues) 1875: 323-374 (52 issues) 1876: 375-399 (25 issues)
  • Woman Looking out a Round Window at a Woman with a Komusō Hat.

    Artist Koikawa Harumasa (a.k.a. Banki): fl. 1801–18. Wikipedia: Koikawa Harumasa (恋川 春政; active 1800–1820), later called Banki Harumasa (晩器 春政). Associated with Katsukawa school.

    Signed: Banki ga (on the bamboo flower container in the background). Censor's seal: kiwame. Mark of unidentified publisher, Genshoku #1017; Marks U084 Ibiko, p. 387.


    Jacob Pins #828.

    MFA, Boston #54.364.

  • Artist: Kitagawa Utamaro [喜多川 歌麿] (Japanese, c. 1753 – 1806) "This uncommon half-size horizontal ōban ... is most likely one design from a set of twelve prints issued late in Utamaro's life" [Japanese Erotic Fantasies, Hotei Publishing, 2005, p. 143, pl. 47].  Half-size horizontal ōban must be 12.7 x 38 cm. Richard Waldman and Chris Uhlenbeck say it's tanzaku size (13 x 43 cm). In reality, the prints of this series measure 17 x 38 cm, which corresponds exactly to horizontal o-hosoban paper size. I managed to assemble 11 of allegedly 12 designs. 7 of them have genitals colored by hand. It's hard to tell whether it was done by the publisher on demand of a peculiar buyer, or by the owner of the prints who considered the black and white privy parts unnatural. My sequencing of the prints is arbitrary. Transcription of the text may help find the correct order. As Japanese Erotic Fantasies put it: "a couple engaged in love-making, their stare fixed outside the picture plane". This is the only image of series that has a reference in available western literature, and the only one found in museum collections: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam (RP-P-1999-2001-16); reference: Fukuda (ed.) (1990), pls. 11-2. The scene of this print looks quite similar to that of the Kiyonaga's Sode no maki:  The woman is "a young lady-in-waiting of Shogun's Court or Daimyō's Mansion, enjoying a rare outing from her tedious chores" [Richard Lane]. She is fully dressed in her outer cloak (shikake), white paper hat (agebōshi or tsunokakushi), and toed socks (tabi).  A book or maybe, onkotogami (roll of tissues known as 'paper for honourable act' ) is still in the folds of her kimono. She is holding an open fan, either to cover her and her lover's faces from an unsolicited witness or to bring some fresh air to their joined lips. The pair just started their sexual intercourse. A scene from medieval times. A courtier in eboshi cap having sex with an aristocratic young woman with a long straight hairstyle (suihatsu). Completely naked couple in the moment of ejaculation. Lavish garments with paulownia leaves on a yellow background counterbalance the white bodies on red bedding. The form of a woman's cheeks is telling, but I don't know about what. Maybe her advanced age? The pose of the couple and the overall composition are similar to that of the previous sheet. Though the lovers are dressed, and the woman's hairdo is well kept. The male looks older and the woman - younger.   A man takes a young maid from behind. She clenches the sleeve of her kimono in her teeth; it's either the moment of penetration (beginning of intercourse) or of her orgasm (the end of it).   This seems to be a forced intercourse between a lackey with extensive bodily hair and a young maid from the same household. This design is very much like the other one presented below, which is described at Japanese Erotic Fantasies on page 136 (pl. 43b) as follows: "The viewer peers through a mosquito net to see a child fast asleep, while his mother or wet-nurse moves towards her partner. On our print there is no child; instead of a sleeping baby, there is a roll of onkotogami. Fewer objects make the overall image concise, almost laconic in comparison with the Ehon hana fubuki (1802) design: A young couple in a moment of true love. He is listening to the beating of her heart. This is a moment of true love between an old monk and a young samurai. The latter even did not take of his socks (tabi). From Japanese Erotic Fantasies: "Boats played a crucial role in the workings of Yoshiwara, as they were the primary means of transport to the district. During the hot summer months, trips on pleasure boats were also a favourite pastime. Sex aboard a boat is a recurrent theme in shunga". The last print that I am currently lacking and hunting for: I know where it is, but I cannot reach it... yet.
  • Kitagawa Utamaro. Illustration from the book Ehon koi no Onamaki. Cited at Hayashi Yoshikazu's 20-volume set Edo makura-e shi shusei: Kitagawa Utamaro. Size: Chuban (25.5 x 18.5 cm), two book pages glued together.  
  • Kitagawa Utamaro. Illustration from book Ehon koi no Onamaki, published in 1799. Reference found by Chris Uhlenbeck: he found one of the designs in Hayashi Yoshikazu's 20-volume set Edo makura-e shi shusei: Kitagawa Utamaro. Size: Chuban (25.5 x 18.5 cm), two book pages glued together.  
  • Kitagawa Utamaro. According to Chris Uhlenberg this is an illustration from the book Ehon koi no Onamaki, 3 vols, published in Kansei 11 (1799). Illustrated in b/w in: Hayashi Yoshikazu: Kitagawa Utamaro, in the series: Edo makura-e shi shusei, published in 1990, reissued 1994. Size: Chuban (25.5 x 18.5 cm), two book pages glued together.  
  • Kitagawa Utamaro (喜多川 歌麿; c. 1753 – 31 October 1806). Act III (Sandanme), from the series The Storehouse of Loyal Retainers (Chûshingura). Publisher Nishimuraya Yohachi (Eijudô). About 1801–02 (Kyôwa 1–2) Vertical ôban; 39.3 x 26 cm (15 1/2 x 10 1/4 in.). Reference: MFA ACCESSION NUMBER 11.14441 Ukiyo-e shûka 3 (1978), list #368.3; Shibui, Ukiyo-e zuten Utamaro (1964), 165.1.3; the series: Asano and Clark 1995, #s 383-5.
  • Kitagawa Tsukimaro (Kikumaro): 喜多川 月麿, fl. c. 1794–1836.

    Mother is playing with her child: they left playing with shadow lantern for freeing a turtle (Hojo-e, or "Rite for the Release of Living Beings").

    Signed: Tsukimaro hitsu (月麿筆); Publisher's mark; censor's seal: Kiwame + Yamaguchiya Tôbei gyōji seal (1811-14).

  • Katsukawa Shun'ei. The Sumo Bout between Yotsuguruma (right) and Yamaoroshi (left). Date: 1800 or 1805/06. Similar sheet can be found at Edo Tokyo Museum. Size: Vertical Ōban. Sumo wrestler Yotsuguruma Daihachi (1772 - 1809) first appeared in the records of national tournaments in winter of 1794. Then he lost 3 matches and won zero. He first won in the spring tournament of 1797 in a match against maegashira (the fifth-highest rank of sumo wrestlers) named Kougamine. Yamaoroshi Gengo (born 1762) came in at the winter tournament of 1799 . He was much more successful in his career than Yotsuguruma, but he had never won a tournament. It was the time of great Raiden, who won most of them. In the spring tournament of 1800 Yotsuguruma and Yamaoroshi fought against each other for the first time. Yotsuguruma lost. The next time they met on the ring was at the winter tournament of 1805, and again in 1806. Both matches were won by Yamaoroshi. Yamaoroshi retired in 1809; Yotsuguruma died in 1809.  
  • Katsukawa Shun'ei. Signed: Shun'ei ga (春英画). Vertical Ōban. No reference whatsoever. Unidentified play, actors, roles, year, theatre. SOLD  
  • Sheet № 20 from the series of 42 сhromolithography prints 'Skizzen und Bilder aus ROM und der Umgegend' (Sketches and pictures from Rome and surroundings).


    Top left: LINDEMANN-FROMMEL’S Top right: Skizzen und Bilder aus ROM und der Umgegend. Centre below: No 20 | IL CASTEL E IL PONTE SANT ANGELO, | E SAN PIETRO. Bottom left: Imp. de JACOMME et Cie. R. de Lancry, 16 Paris. Bottom centre: Stuttgart, bei FRANZ KÖHLER. Bottom right: Paris, Goupil et Cie. Editeurs.


    Plate: 372 x 473 mm Sheet: 372 x 473 mm


    Lindemann-Frommel, Karl (French-German, 1819 – 1891) – artist. Jacomme, Claude (French, fl. 1838 – 1857) – printer/lithographer. Goupil et Cie (Paris); Goupil, Adophe (French, 1806 – 1893) – publisher Franz Köhler (Stuttgart); Köhler, Franz (German, 1805 – 1872) – publisher.

  • This print was sold to me with the following description:  "Ikkansai EISHO (Fl. early 19th c.). A portrait of the wrestler Kuroyanagi Matsujiro, ring name Kumagatake Inosuke. Eisho was a pupil of Eishi. Published c. 1820s by Uoya Eikichi. Signed Shunsai Eisho ga." As a result of our joint effort with my beloved sister, we have so far found the following: The artis is mentioned in The Hotei Encyclopedia of Japanese Woodblock Prints, 2005, Vol 2; p. 438 under the name of Harukawa Eichō. From this source we learned that the artist was active from about 1818 till 1844, and was a print designer in Kyoto. He was a student first of Harukawa Goshichi and later studied in Edo (Tokyo) with Keisai Eisen, when he assumed the art name 'Eichō'. Other names: Shunsai. The Japanese web page dedicated to Harukawa Eichō provides more details: The artist lived from the 4th year of Tenmei ( 1784 ) to the first year of Kaei ( 1848 ). He was a student of Harukawa Goshichi, Kikukawa Eizan as well as of Keisai Eisen. His popular name was Kamenosuke. He was from Kyoto. He took "gagō" (artistic names) of Eishō when he was a student of Harukawa Goshichi; later, when he became a student of Kikukawa Eizan and Keisai Eisen he took the name of Kikukawa Eichō. The artist was mostly known for his bijinga (beautiful women) prints as well as kanazōshi illustrations. Nothing is said anywhere about his sumo prints, though the reference to another Kyushu sumo wrestler portrait has been found. The sumo wrestler Kuroyanagi Matsujiro is also a somewhat obscure figure: information about his life and career is quite inconsistent. It may so happened that two different persons were combined together. Wikipedia page about Aoi Aso Jinja, a Shinto shrine in Hitoyoshi in Kumamoto prefecture, tells us the following:
    Kuroki Matsujiro (黒木松次郎) was born in the village of Itsuki in Kuma district, Kumamoto prefecture, island of Kyushu in Bunka era, 4th year (1807). Since from his childhood he was blessed by great physique and tough strength. He had affection for sumo. At the age of 18 he became a sumo student of Kumamoto Shimakawa Ikuhei and took the name of Toyama Hidekichi (遠山日出吉). At the age of 23 (1830), he entered sumo stables in Kyoto, mastered the art of taming of young horses, and his talents improved. At the age of 31 he went to Edo, and became a disciple of the ōzeki Oitekaze Kitaro of Hirado domain in Hizen province, also from Kyushu island. After that, he changed his name and became Kuroyanagi Matsujiro (黒柳松次郎 – as on the print). In 1847 (Bunka era, 4th year) he distinguished himself by advancing to the first grade, and at the age of 32 he was promoted to ozeki level, becoming sekitori. After changing his name to Kuma-ga-take Inosuke (熊ヶ嶽猪之介 / くまがたけいのすけ) he displayed further efforts, and became one of the strongmen that fermented sumo wrestling in Edo.  In 1853 (Kaei era, 6th year) he retired and returned to his village, becoming an employee as a strongman of Sagara domain (相良藩), and worked hard as instructor of the sumo training hall to train successors until 1855 (Ansei era, 2nd year) when he passed away at the age of 48. Even today Kuma-ga-take's home exists in Itsukimura (his native village). Also, on those grounds a descendant of Kuma-ga-take runs minshuku (guest house) that bears the name of "The Kuroki Pension (lodging) "and tourists come to visit from various parts of Japan. In 2015, tenth month, within the borders of Aoi Aso Shrine there was built a gravestone publicly honoring Kuma-ga-take Inosuke, sumo wrestler from Edo / of Edo period.
    This information has some inconsistencies already. If our hero was born in 1807 and promoted to ōzeki at the age of 32, it should have been the year 1839, not 1847. I found Kumagatake Isuke at "Sumo Reference" website:
    Highest Rank Maegashira 4
    Real Name Kuroki
    Birth Date 1815
    Shusshin Kumamoto-ken, Kuma-gun
    Death Date March 6, 1855 (40 years)
    Heya Oitekaze
    Shikona Kuroyanagi Matsujiro - Kumagatake Isuke
    Hatsu Dohyo 1836.02 (Sandanme)
    Intai 1853.02
    The real name is the same, the ring name Kuroyanagi Matsujiro is the same, however, the date of birth here is 1815.  He fought from 1836 till 1853 - which is quite similar to "At the age of 31 he went to Edo, and became a disciple of the ōzeki Oitekaze Kitaro". Though, in 1836 he might be 29 years old. His bouts are listed from spring 1841 to spring 1848 under the name of Kuroyanagi and from winter 1848 till spring 1853 he listed under the name of Kumagatake Isuke [Inosuke].

    On another important sumo history website, I found that Kuroyanagi first appeared at ring in the spring of 1823 (he might have been 16 years old then, which does not seem right). Then, in the winter tournament of 1848 Kuroyanagi took the name Kumagatake. At the spring tournament of 1853 Kumagatake (Kuroyanagi) retired. This is quite consistent so far.

    Then, I found Oitekaze Kitaro, allegedly the teacher of Kuroyanagi.
    Highest Rank Ozeki
    Real Name SATO Matsujiro (Matsutaro#)
    Birth Date 1799
    Shusshin Kanagawa-ken, Tsukui-gun
    Death Date May 4, 1865 (66 years)
    Heya Oitekaze
    Shikona Kuroyanagi Matsujiro - Kuroyanagi Sumiemon - Oitekaze Kitaro
    Hatsu Dohyo 1817.10 (Jonokuchi)
    Intai 1839.03
    Everything look good with an exception of ring names (shikona): Kuroyanagi Matsujiro (1823-1828) - Kuroyanagi Sumiemon (1829-30) - Oitekaze Kitaro (1831-1839). May it be that Sato Matsutaro fought under the name of Kuroyanagi Matsujiro until Kuroki Matsujiro took this name from his master? I don't have another explanation of the enigma. What we know is that we have a portrait of a sumo wrestler called Kuroyanagi Matsujiro from Kyushu, but we don't know whether this was the one from Kumamoto (Kumagatake Inosuke, 1807/1815-1855) or the other from Kanagawa (Oitekaze Kitaro, 1799-1865). Subsequently, we may declare that the artist is Shunsai Eishō, a.k.a.Harukawa Eichō from Eishi school (The Hotei Encyclodepdia, p. 524), we can date the print from 1818 to 1844, and only tell that the wrestler is Kuroyanagi Matsujiro from Kyushu (either Kumagatake Inosuke or Oitekaze Kitaro). The publisher of the print is Moriya Jihei (Marks №353, p. 243-5). That's it.
  • Chromolithography on thick wove paper, 473 x 315 mm sheet, 372 x 260 mm image, black ink stamp “5050” to reverse. Signed on stone "Jules Gaildrau"; below centre: "GÉNERAL DE DIVISION, GRANDE TENUE DE SERVICE"; Bottom left: "Paris, J. Gaildrau, rue de Seine, 16"; right: "Imp. Lemercier, Paris." Joseph Lemercier (French, 1803 – 1887) – printer. Jules Gaildrau (French, 1816 – 1898) – artist.
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 430 x 285 mm; black ink stamp “5051” to reverse. Top right: "GÉNÉRAL | de division." — "359." Bottom: "Imagerie de DIDION, à Metz. Déposé." Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879) – publisher/printer.
  • Upper right: Galignani's | PLAN OF PARIS | 1827 || in oval frame: Sauve sculpt. Bottom, under the frame: le Plan écrit par Lallemand. […] Gravé par E. Collin. Rue de la Harpe 45. Dimensions: 36.5 x 46.5 cm. Armand Joseph Lallemand (French, c. 1810 - 1871) – cartographer. Charles-Étienne Collin (French, 1770 – 1840) – engraver. Étienne Collin II (French,1790 – 1852) – engraver. John Anthony Galignani (Italian, 1796 – 1873) – publisher. William Galignani (Italian, 1798 – 1882) – publisher.
  • Le Petit Chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood), three wood engravings by Gustave Doré, 1864:  "En passant dans un bois elle rencontra compère le Loup"; "Le Chaperon rouge fut bien étonné de voir comment sa grand'mère était faite en son déshabillé"; "Cela n'empêche pas qu'avec ses gran dents il avait mangé une bonne grand'mère". Engraved by Adolphe Pannemaker. Le Petit Poucet (Little Thumb), one wood engraving by Gustave Doré, 1864: "Une bonne femme vint leur ouvrir". Engraved by Héliodore-Joseph Pisan. La Belle au bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty), one wood engraving by Gustave Doré, 1864: "Il marcha vers le château qu'il voyait au bout d'une grande avenue où il entra". Engraved by Héliodore-Joseph Pisan. Medium: Paper; Wood engraving. Illustrations for P.-J. Hetzel's edition of Perrault's Fairy Tales (Les Contes de Perrault) by Gustave Doré published in 1864. Size: frame: 428 x 302 mm; sheet: 280 x 231 mm; image: 194 x 244 mm.
  • Etching on laid paper, depicting a kneeling groom with his head between the spread legs of a bare-breasted woman in a veiled hat. Inscribed on plate: Un groom a tout faire. Owner's stamp LVM on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 24.4 x 15.8 cm; Image: 12 x 7.5 cm

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 662.

  • Etching and drypoint on wove paper, depicting Athena with an awl on her helmet and holding a shield with Medusa head. Owner's stamp 'LvM' on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 38.7 x 26.5 cm; Plate: 31 x 18 cm; Image: 24.5 x 14.5 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 317; Graphics irreverent and erotic (1968): 41.

  • Two images printed on one sheet of van Gelder wove paper.  Owner's stamp 'LvM' on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 46.7 x 31 cm; top Mon bourgmestre: 11 x 9 cm plate, 9 x 7.5 cm image; Bottom Le modèle: 13.5 x 8.5 cm plate, 10 x 7 cm image.

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 341 & 342; Rouir 425:4 & 517:7.

  • Sanguine print on toned China paper pasted on cream wove paper sheet, depicting a dressed-up man trying to copulate with a hanged sow. Inscription on top of the plate: "Ne faites pas aux truies ce que vous ne voudriez pas qu'on vous fit", and below: "Visection" (sic.). Owner's stamp 'LvM' on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 26.8 x 20.6 cm; India paper: 21.5 x 16.2 cm; Image: 19.3 x 14.2 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 661; Graphics irreverent and erotic (1968): 42.

  • Soft-ground etching on laid paper. Inscribed on plate: "Le dessous de cartes d'une partie de whist" [The underside of a game of whist]. Owner's stamp 'LvM' on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 26 x 20 cm; Image: 24 x 17.7 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 43; Graphics irreverent and erotic (1968): 273.

  • Etching on wove paper, depicting an old woman trying to thread a needle. Signed in plate: "Felicien Rops, 76 Septembre". Owner's stamp LvM on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 51.9 x 35 cm; Plate: 27.5 x 21 cm; Image: 23.5 x 16 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 358; Graphics irreverent and erotic (1968): 54.

  • Drypoint on wove paper, depicting a woman in a hat with a ribbon lettered "ACADEMIE", carrying in her hand a male head in spectacles on a plate. Monogrammed "FR 83", inscribed: LA MODERNITÉ. — Imp. Eudes.; in pencil on verso."L'ARTISTE" – OCT. 1886 | (PRUD'HOMME ONTHOOFD) E 332-V". Owner's stamp 'LvM' on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 27.2 x 17.8 cm; Plate: 19.7 x 14 cm; Image: 18.5 x 13 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Rouir 767:5; Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 405; Graphics irreverent and erotic (1968): 72.

  • Etching on laid paper, monogrammed in the plate and inscribed "Au Lac Siljan, Août 1874". Owner's stamp LVM on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 47 x 34 cm; Plate: 24 x 19 cm; Image: 21 x 14 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Rouir 858:5; Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 320.

  • "In the olive grove", etching on laid paper. Signed on the plate and inscribed "L'olivierade Monaco, 76" (sic.). Owner's stamp LvM on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 44 x 30.5 cm; Plate: 40 x 27 cm; Image: 35 x 24.5 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 323; Graphics irreverent and erotic (1968): 323.

  • Photogravure after a pastel drawing by F. Rops. Monogrammed in the plate 'FR'. Owner's stamp 'LvM' on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 26 x 20 cm; Plate: 25 x 18 cm; Image: 21 x 14.5 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 543; Graphics irreverent and erotic (1968): 156.

  • Two prints on laid paper, one in an earlier state, published under the name Niederkorn. Owner's stamp 'LvM' on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper (1): 31 x 22.3 cm; Paper (2): 46 x 33.8 cm; Plate: 31 x 22 cm; Image: 25.5 x 17.5 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 318; Rouir 954:3 and 954:5?.