Title (Gothic typeset): Peter Schlemihls | wundersame Geschichte | Mitgeteilt | von | Adelbert von Chamisso | {publisher’s device} | — | Im Insel-Verlag zu Leipzig || Series: Insel-Bücherei, Nr. 194. Pagination: 8vo; [1, 2] 3-79 [80]; 4 photomechanical reproductions of woodcuts by Adolf Schrödter [1838] within collation. Binding: 18.5 x 12.5 cm, hardcover, original patterned paper over cardboard, title label in yellow and black pasted to cover, label to spine. According to Herbert Kästner Die Insel-Bücherei: Bibliographie, 1912 - 1999: 4 illustrations by Adolf Schrödter, produced for 1838 edition as wood engravings here reproduced by photogravure. There were four print runs of this edition: 1916: 1.-10. Tsd; 1923: 35. Tsd; 1940: 55. Tsd. There is currently no way to tell which one is this. Contributors: Chamisso, Adelbert von (German, 1781–1838) – author. Schrödter, Adolf (German, 1805 – 1875) – artist.
Half-title: ÜBERREICHT VON | GILHOFER UND RANSCHBURG | SORTIMENT–, BÜCHER– UND KUNST– | ANTIQUARIAT | WIEN 1, BOGNERGASSE 2 || Title: Red letterpress lettering in black ornamental frame: Insel- | Almanach | auf das Jahr | 1907 || Pagination: [6] – h.t., frontis., title; [1-16] 17-150 [2], + 2 folding plates (op. p. 30 and 32), and 2 plates op. p. 50 (Franz von Bayros "Francine" for Die Bohème by Henri Murger) and 112 (colour). Binding: 17.3 x 9.9 cm; original olive paper wrappers with gilt lettering and elements to cover, lettering to spine. Catalogue raisonné: Heinz Sarkowski (1999): № 1986, pp. 329-30, with contents. Contributors: Gilhofer und Ranschburg – antiquarian bookstore in Vienna. Schröder, Rudolf Alexander (German, 1878 – 1962) – title and cover. Wieynk, Heinrich (German, 1874 – 1931) – typeset. Kippenberg, Anton Hermann Friedrich (German, 1874 – 1950) – editor. Brandstetter, Oscar (German, 1844 – ?) – printer.
Title: DER INSEL VERLAG | EINE BIBLIOGRAPHIE | 1899-1969 | […] Bearbeitet und herausgegeben | von Heinz Sarkowski | INSEL VERLAG || Pagination: [i-vi] vii-xiii [xiv] [2] 1-452. Binding: Blue cloth, black label with gilt lettering to spine, lettered and blind-stamped DJ.
Pictorial title by von Bayros: Die | Bohème. | Scenen aus dem Pariser | Künstlerleben | von | Henri Murger | Leipzig im | InselVerlag | 1906. | F. Bayros || Pagination: [2] – pictorial frontispiece, [2] – pictorial t.p., 1-280 [2] – inhalt, [2] – colophon, [2] – blank, + 4 plates drawn by Franz von Bayros and reproduced as photogravure, with guards. Binding: 23.5 x 15.5 cm, cream parchment, raised bands, gilt-lettered orange morocco label to spine; text printed on laid paper (Linden Paper watermark), untrimmed, illustrations on wove paper as photogravure. Bookplate: “Ex libris Walter Schniewind” engraved by C. L. Becker. Original title: Henry Murger. Scenes De La Vie De Boheme. — Paris: Michel Lévy frères, 1851. Tirage: 50 copies on laid paper, of which this is № 14 (per Sarkowski: 50 numerierte Ex. auf Bütten. Pergament mit Goldschnitt). Author: Murger, Henri [Murger, Louis-Henri, Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861). Translator: Grove, Frederick Philip [Greve, Felix Paul] (German-Canadian, 1879 – 1948). Illustrator: Bayros, Franz von (Austrian, 1866 – 1924). Printer: Drugulin, Wilhelm Eduard (German, 1822 – 1879); Offizin W. Drugulin (Leipzig). Provenance: Schniewind, Walter (German, 1870 – 1927). Catalogue raisonné: Heinz Sarkowski (1999): № 1175 VA, p. 195; Bayros Zeichnungen, pp. 43-46.