Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi (歌川国芳) (1797–1861) Signed: Ichiyūsai Kuniyoshi ga [一勇斎 國芳画] in red cartouche Date: VI/1842 – V ic/1846, single nanushi censor seal Murata (村) for censor Murata Sahei [村田佐兵衛]. Publisher: Unknown, Izuzen (Bei, 米); Marks 06-028 | U103a Media: Rigid fan print (Aiban Yoko-e Uchiwa-e, 合判横絵 団扇絵), 224 x 290 mm

    Half-length portrait of a woman facing slightly to the right. She wears a patterned kimono with multiple floral and seasonal motifs, including uchiwa (round fans), plum blossoms, maple leaves, chrysanthemums, snow-covered bamboo, pine branches, and peonies. Her obi is tied in front, and a red collar is visible beneath the layers. Her hair is arranged in an elaborate updo and is adorned with a hairpin featuring a rabbit and a crescent moon, referencing lunar symbolism. She dedicates a hand towel at a washing trough (手水舎, temizuya) in a shrine.

    In the background, several towels are hanging, featuring various mon (family crests), symbols, and inscriptions:

    • Three oak leaves – Shinto priesthood kamon
    • Crossed or intersecting hawk feathers – family crest of Asano Naganori (浅野 長矩, 1667 – 1701)
    • Kiri-mon (Paulownia crest, associated with Kuniyoshi)
    • Toshidama (seal of the Utagawa school)
    • Masu (枡, measuring box) motif – a square with diagonal lines
    • Kanōya Fukuna (叶屋 福那) – probably a restaurant.
    1. Kuniyoshi Project
    2. [LIB-3428.2025] Christie’s, New York: Japanese Prints, Paintings, and Screens, Monday, 24 November 1997 / Sales Catalogue, № 130, p. 63.
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    Artist: Utagawa Kunisada (歌川国貞) / Toyokuni III (三代豊国) (1786–1865)

    Signed: 七十九歳豊国画 (Nanajūkyū-sai Toyokuni ga) – "Drawn by Toyokuni at the age of 79"

    Publisher: Unknown: 和泉屋 (Izumiya), active 1845–1870, Marks 02-053 | U101a

    Block Carver: Matsushima Daijirō (松嶋大次郎), active 1861–1865; seal: 松嶋彫大 (Matsushima hori-Dai)

    Censor/Date Seal: 丑極 – Year of the Ox (1865, Keiō 1), with 極 (Kiwame) approval seal

    Media: Aiban yoko-e uchiwa-e (団扇絵), color woodblock print, 218 × 270 mm

    Series: Mitate Sangokushi [見立三國志]

    Actor: Ichimura Kakitsu IV [市村家橘] (Japanese, 1844 – 1903); other names: Onoe Kikugorō V [五代目尾上菊五郎], Onoe Baikō V, Ichimura Uzaemon XIII, Ichimura Kurōemon.

    A half-length portrait, three-quarter view of the actor Ichimura Kakitsu IV in a female role. The character wears a richly decorated purple kimono adorned with mandarin orange flowers, maple, ginkgo, and oak leaves and holds a sake cup in her right hand. Under her left arm, we see a roll of hygienic paper (onkotogami, 御髪紙)—a detail that, combined with her hair decoration, suggests a geisha profession. The background features a gradient transitioning from red to green, with cherry blossoms framing the upper portion of the composition. Dishes with food are visible on the left.

    The cartouches indicate that this print belongs to the Mitate Sangokushi (見立三國志, Parody of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms) series, suggesting a kabuki-related or literary allusion. The three lines of inscription in the white cartouche remain unread.

    This print was produced posthumously. Kunisada passed away on January 12, 1865, according to the Western calendar. In the Japanese calendar, this corresponds to the 15th day of the 12th month in the year Genji 1. This date still falls within the Year of the Rat, which, according to the Western calendar, lasted until January 26, 1865. The Year of the Ox and the first year of the Keiō era (Keiō 1) began on January 27, 1865.

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    Artist: [画工] (Gakō): Murai Seima [村井 静馬], address: Honjo-Sotodechō, 18 [本所外手丁十八番地], a.k.a. Utagawa Fusatane [歌川房種] (Japanese, fl. 1854 – 1889) Signed: Ōsai Fusatane Hitsu [桜斎房種筆] in a cartouche with a red round stamp Block carver: Wada Yūjirō (和田勇次郎), seal: 彫勇 (Hori Yū), Friese 2009, № 225 Publisher: Kawaraski Sotokichi [河原崎外吉]

    Round Nengō Seal: Year of the Ox, Meiji 15 (1882)

    Media: Uchiwa-e (団扇絵), color woodblock print, 253 x 260 mm

    Actors and Roles:

    Series: A collection of imagined kyōgen (Mitate kyōgen tsukushi, 見立狂言盡)

    Nakamura Shikan IV, as Ōtaku Tarō, wears a richly decorated kimono with floral patterns and grips a sword. Suketakaya Takasuke, as Princess Takiyasha, appears in a layered kimono with cloud motifs, her hair adorned with multiple ornaments. The actors are depicted in imagined roles.

    Iwai Hanshirō VIII as Princess Tsuruhime, Onoe Kikugorō V as Ushiwakamaru

    Onoe Kikugorō V as Princess Wakana, Ichikawa Sadanji I as Toriyama Shusaku

    Iwai Hanshirō VIII as Tamagohime, Ichikawa Danjurō IX as Jiraiya

    Here is Kunisada's print from 08/1856, featuring the same characters: The Syllable Ma(ま)as in Masakado (まさかど): Iwai Kumesaburō III (岩井粂三郎) as Takiyasha-hime (瀧夜叉姫) and Nakamura Fukusuke I (初代中村福助ヵ) as Ōtaku Tarō (大屋太郎) from the series Seven Calligraphic Models for Each Character in the Kana Syllabary (Seisho nanatsu iroha - 清書七伊呂波) – from Lyon Collection.

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    This uchiwa-e print (230 × 323 mm) presents a bust-length portrait in a three-quarter view, facing left, depicting a fashionable married woman, as indicated by her blackened teeth (ohaguro, 鉄漿)—a practice reserved for married women and courtesans in Edo-period Japan. She is engaged in personal grooming, possibly cleaning her teeth with a toothpick or applying red lipstick (beni, 紅). She wears a blue kimono with circular motifs featuring a stylized eye-like pattern (janome-gasa, 蛇の目傘) layered over a red tie-dyed undergarment (shibori, 絞り). A small hand towel (tenugui, 手拭い), decorated with blue flowers and butterflies, rests over her left shoulder. Her Shimada-style coiffure is elaborately adorned with kanzashi (簪, hair ornaments), including a blue ribbon, a floral-patterned comb, and a gilt hairpin. In her right hand, she holds a red lacquer cup. The soft brown background is decorated with floral roundels, which appear as negative space, meaning the background was printed while the roundels were left uninked.

    The print lacks an artist's signature or publisher's seal. Still, it bears a censor’s approval seal (kiwame, 極) and a partially visible date seal, likely 申 (Saru, Year of the Monkey), corresponding to Bunsei 7 (1824).

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    Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞], a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代 歌川 豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Kōchōrō Kunisada ga [香朝楼國貞画] in a red double-gourd cartouche. Date: No censor/date seal. Publisher: No seal. Media: Aiban yoko-e uchiwa-e (団扇絵), color woodblock print, 217 x 283 mm. Series: The taste of the new type of woman (Shingata bijin konomi) [新形美人好].

    A half-length portrait of a young woman in three-quarter view, turned slightly to the right. She is elegantly dressed in a blue kimono adorned with floral motifs, worn over a red under-kimono with a blue collar featuring a lattice pattern. Her elaborately styled hair is adorned with kanzashi hairpins and a comb, indicative of her status, possibly as a courtesan or geisha. The background is filled with intricate textile patterns, including a central pink scroll embellished with golden embroidery of waves and plovers. She holds a rolled scroll featuring a snowflake-like pattern, possibly a stencil used for dyeing fabrics. The blue cartouche on the right reads: 新形美人好 (Shingata bijin konomi) – the series title.

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    Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞], a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代 歌川 豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Gototei Kunisada ga (五渡亭國貞画) Date seal: Year of the Boar (亥), Bunsei 10, 1827. Censor seal: kiwame (極) Publisher: Unknown; seal ト本 (to, hon); not in Marks. Media: Aiban yoko-e uchiwa-e (団扇絵), color woodblock print, 225 x 292 mm.

    Kabuki Actor: Segawa Rokō (瀬川路考), a.k.a. Segawa Kikunojō V [瀬川菊之丞] (Japanese, 1802 – 1832); other names: Segawa Tamon I.

    A half-length portrait of the actor Segawa Rokō (瀬川路考) in a three-quarter view, turned slightly to the left. He is depicted in a female role (onnagata), dressed in a vibrant green kimono with a subtle wave-like pattern and scattered floral motifs. The red under-kimono features a white design of waves and a waterwheel (suisha, 水車). A blue towel draped over his shoulder is adorned with white chrysanthemums and pine needles, possibly alluding to The Seven Grasses of Winter (Fuyugusa Nana-kusa, 冬草七草). His hair is styled with a decorative ribbon and a gilt kanzashi hairpin.

    The background consists of bold diagonal stripes in alternating shades of black, blue, and lavender, strikingly contrasting the figure. A red and gold toshidama cartouche in the upper right contains the actor’s name, 瀬川路考.

    [Thanks to Horst Graebner of Kunisada Project]

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    Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858) Signed: Hiroshige ga (廣重画), with seal Ichiryūsai (一立齋) Publisher: Anonymous/Unknown Date: Circa 1844–1845 Media: Color woodblock print, fan print (chuban uchiwa-e), 190 × 243 mm Title: View of Lake Kawaguchi in Kai Province (甲斐川口湖水之図, Kai Kawaguchi Kosui no Zu) Series: Untitled series of views of Mount Fuji Provenance: Nelkin Collection The print depicts an expansive view of Lake Kawaguchi (河口湖), one of the Five Lakes of Mount Fuji, located in Kai Province (modern-day Yamanashi Prefecture). Dominating the composition is the majestic silhouette of Mount Fuji, rendered in delicate gradation from grey to white, with snow at the summit. The lower portion of the mountain is softly enveloped in mist, heightening its monumental presence.

    In the foreground, a steep bank supports two pine trees (松), while the middle ground shows a peaceful lakeside with scattered villages and trees. The upper section of the print fades into a gradient sky of pale green and blue, reinforcing a tranquil atmosphere.

    Executed with Hiroshige’s characteristic economy of line and subtle use of colour, the composition makes striking use of negative space and vertical layering. As noted by Faulkner, this design belongs to a rare group of fan prints by Hiroshige that are small in size, square in format, and lack the typical cut-away lower section found in most uchiwa-e. No other prints from this series are known beyond the two recorded examples.


    [LIB-3429.2025] Christie’s, New York: Japanese Art, Thursday 24 April 1997 / Sales Catalogue; p. 144, lot 288.

    [LIB-1344.2017] Rupert Faulkner. Hiroshige Fan Prints: Victoria and Albert Museum Far Eastern Series. — London: V&A Publications / New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 2001; p. 92, Plate 64.

    The second print from the series at Rupert Faulkner — Plate 65, View of the Sea at Kisarazu in Kazusa Province (Kazusa Kisarazu Kaijō no Zu)

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    Artist: After Utagawa Kuniteru II [歌川国輝] (Japanese, 1830 – 1876), possibly by Gyokuei [玉英]

    Publisher: No seal

    Date: No date; the original Kuniteru's print dated Meiji 2 (1869)

    Media: Woodblock colour print, chūban uchiwa-e (fan print), 230 x 245 mm

    This fan print reproduces, in miniature, Kuniteru’s 1869 triptych commemorating a sumo fundraising event at Sensō-ji Temple (浅草寺, Sensō-ji, also known as 金龍山, Kinryūzan) in Asakusa (浅草, Asakusa). The scene is framed as a hanging votive painting (ema, 絵馬) bordered in red and gold. Centred is the yokozuna Jinmaku Kyūgorō (陣幕久五郎, Jinmaku Kyūgorō) performing the shiko (四股) leg-stomping pose, flanked by two other wrestlers.

    Seated at left is gyoji (行司) Kimura Shōnosuke (木村庄之助, Kimura Shōnosuke) with his war fan, and at right are Shachi-no-umi Umekichi (鯱ノ海梅吉, Shachi-no-umi Umekichi) holding a sword, and stablemasters Aioi Matsugorō (相生松五郎, Aioi Matsugorō) and Tamagaki (玉垣, Tamagaki). Also present is the gunbai-holding referee, Shikimori Inosuke (式守伊之助, Shikimori Inosuke).

    The background represents a stylized sumo danpatsu-shiki (断髪式) setting. This uchiwa-e version may have been distributed as a commemorative gift to donors who supported the temple.

    金龍山浅草寺奉額縮図 (Kinryūzan Sensōji Hōgaku Shukuzu)