12 hand-coloured soft-ground etchings by André Collot, unbound, in a paper folder with pink lettering and vignette engraved on wood, with a title-page in black: JEUNESSE | 12 VERNIS MOUS COLORIÉS | tires à exemplaires | réservés aux Amis de l’Artiste | 1933 ||, in a frame. Edition: 1st edition, limited to 60 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 1920-70: 1786. There is another copy of the same with the cardboard folder SVE-0528.2023.
Cardboard folder with title label to front, 23.5 x 26.3 cm, containing 12 hand-coloured soft-ground etchings by André Collot, unbound, in a paper folder with pink lettering and vignette engraved on wood, with a title-page in black: JEUNESSE | 12 VERNIS MOUS COLORIÉS | tires à exemplaires | réservés aux Amis de l’Artiste | 1933 || in a frame. First edition, limited to 60 copies. Dutel 1920-70: 1786. There is another copy of the same without the cardboard folder SVE-0469.2021.
Description: Original tan French flapped wrappers with black lettering to front, 22.7 x 14.5 cm, unbound, printed in b/w on thick wove unmarked paper with no plate mark (lithography?), collated in-4to, 1-94 102, total 38 leaves (2 leaves under front wrapper, 1 blank/limit., 1 h.t./blank, 1 t.p./blank, 31 leaves of illustrations printed on one side, 1 last blank, 1 under back wrapper); in a green marbled cardboard folder with lettered paper label to spine. Limitation: Edition limited to 200 copies on vélin de Rives, copies №№ 1-30 enriched with one original drawing, another 15 copies marked H. C. and numbered I-XV. This copy lacks the number, marked (handwritten) d’artiste A. C. (or H. C.) Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 2512, p. 388. Contributor: André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.
Publisher's flapped folder of black velvet paper with dark green embossed vignette, 494 x 325 mm, with a pink limitation label inside the front cover and a printed spade with 'FIN" inside the back cover; a set of 13 lithographs signed Santippa, 936; 480 x 310 mm each, twelve in black and one (title) coloured with sanguine. Limited edition of 250 copies, 1-100 printed on Hollande and 150 on Japon; this is copy № 127.
Titles: Rêverie, Gaspillage, Exagération, Simplicité, Gourmandise, Abondance, Violence, Fantaisie, Faiblesse, Curiosité, Obligeance, Surprise.
Contributors:Gaston Hoffmann [Santippa] (French, 1883 – 1977)