  • Iron tsuba of round form with design of iris and snowflake in openwork (ko-sukashi or small cut-outs) outlined with brass wire. Three concentric rows of brass dots (ten-zōgan), with a brass circular line inside the innermost row of dots (missing on the back). Hitsu-ana is not outlined with brass wire, which let us suppose that it was cut out at a later date. Iron and brass. Ko-sukashi and ten-zōgan technique. Mid Muromachi period (1454-1513). Height: 74.0 mm, Width: 73.6 mm, Thickness: 3.0 mm.

    NBTHK certification of 1968: "Kicho". Condition is relatively poor: rust, missing inlay, scratches.

    While representation of the snowflake is rather standard, the meaning of the other cut-out design was initially less clear. Similar symbol was found at (1) "Kokusai Tosogu Kai, International Convention & Exhibition, September 24-25, 2005, The Frazier Historical Arms Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, USA"; on page 21 there is a photograph J-6 of a ko-tosho tsuba with "iris theme openwork"; (2) Japanese Swords and Tsuba from the Professor A. Z. Freeman and the Phyllis Sharpe Memorial collections. Sotheby's, London, Thursday 10 April 1997; page 11, lot 6 - a ko-katchushi tsuba of early Muromachi period fith "simple design of stylized iris". In both sources the symbol is explained as 'iris" (kakitsubata).

    Freeman and Sharpe collections. Sotheby's, 1997.

    Kokusai Tosogu Kai, September 24-25, 2005.

  • Iron tsuba of round form with design of two paper lanterns in openwork (small cut-outs, ko-sukashi ) outlined with brass wire. The plate is decorated with four concentric rows of brass dot inlay (ten-zōgan), with a brass circular wire inside the innermost row of dots (missing on the back). Hitsu-ana of rectangular form is not outlined with brass wire, which let us suppose that it was cut out at a later date. Copper sekigane. Mid Muromachi period (1454-1513). Diameter: 74.0 mm, thickness: 2.6 mm. Tsuba is illustrated at: 新版 日本刀講座 小道具鑑定編 本間 薫山 佐藤 寒山 : Shinhan Nihonto Koza, Volume VI, Kodogu Part 1. Under supervision of Honma Kunzan and Sato Kanzan. 鍔 無名 応仁 鉄地) 丸形 小透 槌目 真鍮据文 点象嵌 丸耳 : Tsuba with no signature, Ōnin style. Base metal iron (jigane), round shape, small perforations (ko-sukashi), hammering finish (tsuchime). Pre-cast brass inlay (shinchu suemon-zōgan); dot inlay (ten-zōgan); round edge (maru-mimi). English translation of the book indicated above Nihon Tō Kōza, Volume VI, Part 1 by Harry Afu Watson, AFU Research Enterprises, Inc., 1993. Tsuba in question illustrated on page 14 and described as follows: " Tsuba mumei Ōnin. Tetsu ji maru gata ko-sukashi tsuchime shitate shinchū suemon ten zogan maru mimi. Brass suemon". My question remains: why such a text is called 'translation' while it looks more like transliteration of romanization?
  • Iron tsuba of round form with design of rudder, paddle, and stars in small openwork (ko-sukshi) outlined with brass wire, and further decorated with inlay of five concentric rows of brass dots or nail heads (ten-zōgan) and circular brass wire inlaid inside the innermost row of dots. Two lower round openings may also serve as udenuki-ana. Copper sekigane. Unsigned. Late Muromachi or Momoyama period, 16th century. Diameter: 90.4 x 89.8 x 2.8 mm.
  • A circular iron tsuba with a design of three monkey toys (kukurizaru) in small openwork (ko-sukashi); the plate further decorated with four rows of brass dot inlay (ten-zogan). The center of the plate and the openings are outlined with brass wire. Copper sekigane. A few dots missing. Muromachi period. Dimensions: 89.0 x 88.2 x 2.9 mm. Kukurizaru was an often used motif on old tsuba. The symbol has two explanations: (1) "upright" monkey, a sort of roly-poly toy, alludes to 'never-ever give up' property of the samurai; (2) monkeys are represented with their hands and feet tied to their back to symbolize self-control. Other examples of the same design:

    The Henry D. Rosin Collection №9.

    Lundgren Collection №7.

  • Iron tsuba of slightly elongated round form decorated with three pairs of snowflake-form small perforations (ko-sukashi), each outlined with brass wire; five concentric circular rows of dots inlaid in brass or copper ten-zōgan (some dots are missing). Hitsu-ana of oval form. Ōnin school. Unsigned. Late Muromachi period. Dimensions: 75.6 mm x74.6 mm x 3.0 mm. Weight: 78.0 g. Old NBTHK certificate (green paper): Tokubetsu Kicho - "Extraordinary Work". Unlike most Ōnin ten-zōgan tsuba this one does not have circular brass wire inlay inside the dots area; neither it has brass trim around seppa-dai or hitsu-ana.  
  • Iron tsuba of round form with design of butterfly (left) and dragonfly (right) in openwork (sukashi), outlined with brass wire. Thin plate also decorated with five concentric circular rows of brass dots (nail heads) in ten-zōgan; brass wire outlines of the center of the plate. School: Ōnin ten-zogan. Late Muromachi period, 16th century. Diameter: 88 mm, thickness at seppa-dai: 3.1 mm. Another tsuba of similar design, Tōshō school, is illustrated in this collection; see TSU-0353.

    TSU-0353: Tōshō tsuba, Muromachi period.

    Reference to the design has been found at "Japanese Swords and Tsuba from the Professor A. Z. Freeman and the Phyllis Sharpe Memorial collections". Sotheby's, London, Thursday 10 April 1997; p. 18, item 37: "pierced with two large formalised butterflies...".

    A kamakura-bori tsuba. Momoyama period. Freeman & Sharpe Memorial Collections.

  • Iron tsuba of round form with brown patina decorated with the design of a Buddhist temple bell (tsurigane) in openwork (sukashi), with details outlined in brass wire (sen-zōgan), the outer ring  decorated with two rows of brass dots (ten-zōgan), and the bell details carved in sukidashi-bori as on kamakura-bori pieces.

    Ōnin school. Unsigned. Late Muromachi period, 16th century. Dimensions: 88.8 x 88.3 x 3.0 mm. As per Merrily Baird, two legends are usually associated with the image of tsurigane, a large, suspended Buddhist bell: one is that of Dojo Temple (Dojo-ji), and the other is of Benkei stealing the tsurigane of Miidera Temple. Interestingly, this type of bell (tsurigane) is not described as a family crest (mon), while suzu and hansho bells are.  
  • Iron tsuba of mokkō form decorated with inome (wild boar's eye) in openwork (sukashi) outlined with brass wire. The plate decorated with 3 concentric circular rows of brass dots in ten-zōgan. Center of the plate outlined with the inlaid circular brass wire (sen-zōgan). Some dots and the outline of inome on the face are missing.

    Ōnin school. Unsigned. Mid Muromachi period, middle of the 15th century. Dimensions: 72.1 x 71.3 x 2.3 mm.
  • Onin Tsuba with two overlapping lozenges, or interlocked diamond shapes. Iron and brass. Sukashi and ten-zogan technique. Muromachi period. Diameter: 81.0 mm; Thickness at seppa-dai: 3.2 mm The symbol of two overlapping lozenges (or, interlocked diamond shapes), presumably a family crest (kamon) may be deciphered as chigai kuginuki (nail extraction tool => 'conquered nine castles' ) or as chigai bishi (overlapping lozenges). Similar symbol can be found at Butterfield & Butterfield. IMPORTANT JAPANESE SWORDS, SWORD FITTINGS AND ARMOR. Auction Monday, November 19th, 1979. Sale # 3063], №94 with the following explanation: " This was the mon (crest) of the Yonekura family of Kaga Prov., at Kanazawa". An interesting insight is provided by Robert E. Haynes at Important Japanese kodogu, gaiso and works of art. San Francisco, April 9-11, 1982. Robert E. Haynes, Ltd., № 36 (see photo): "This would seem to be the Yonekura family mon. They were Seiwa-Genji Daimyō family made noble in 1696 and resided in Kanazawa in Kaga". Would it be possible that this is a late 17th century Ōnin tsuba?

    Robert E. Haynes Catalog of April 9-11, 1982, № 36.

  • Iron tsuba of round form decorated with inlay of four concentric rows of brass dots or nail heads (ten-zōgan) and a circular brass wire inlay inside the innermost row of dots. Copper sekigane. Muromachi period, 15th or 16th century. Unsigned. Ōnin school. Size: 87.9 x 87.8 x 2.2 mm. Ōnin school got its name from the Ōnin War (応仁の乱 - Ōnin no Ran) - a civil war that lasted 10 years (1467–1477) during the Muromachi period in Japan.
  • An iron tsuba of 12-lobed form with alternating four solid and four openwork areas, each with a central bar. Symbolism remains unclear, possibly - a gunbai, i.e. military leader's fan. The solid parts decorated with 5 to 6 rows of brass dots of nail heads inlaid in ten-zōgan. The center of the plate as well as the sukashi elements are outlined with brass wire. The kozuka-hitsu-ana seems original. Muromachi period. Dimensions: 77.9 x 77.5 x 3.2 mm.
  • Iron tsuba of round form adorned with the design of stars, wild geese, floating blossoms, leaves and tendrils realized in brass inlay. The inlay technique includes suemon-zōgan and ten-zōgan. Two smaller openings (hitsu-ana) surrounded by a scalloped brass border. The seppa-dai border inlay is missing, as well as a few other fragments of inlay on both sides. Sword cut at 12 o'clock on the reverse. A tsuba with a strong autumnal connotation, which once belonged to a great battle weapon. One of only three known jūyō Ōnin tsuba. Translation of the paper, issued by the Japanese sword fittings (tosogu) examination board: Designated as jūyō-tosogu at the 34th jūyō-shinsa held on April 14th 1988 Kaki-karimon zōgan-tsuba (花卉雁文象嵌鐔) — Tsuba with zōgan design of flowers and wild geese. Mumei: Onin (応仁) Tokyo. Nakasono Tokumi (中園とくみ) Measurements: height 9.5 cm, width 9.4 cm, thickness at rim 0.35 cm Interpretation: marugata, iron, brass zōgan, two hitsu-ana Time: end of Muromachi Explanation: Ōnin-tsuba are thin iron ita-tsuba which show a brass zōgan ornamentation. All of them are mumei and there is the theory that they were made in the Onin era (1467-1469) although today more and more the theory is accepted that they are in general late Muromachi period works. There are two kinds of brass zōgan interpretations: One depicts irregularly arranged tachibana branches, wild geese, chrysanthemums, flowers, or karakusa for example, and the other one shows punctual zōgan elements, which are referred to as hoshi-zōgan or ro-zōgan, and concentrical zōgan elements between the nakago-ana and the rim. The latter interpretations might also be accompanied by simple ko-sukashi in the form of butterflies, clouds, hats, or stylized mountains. This tsuba is a typical work from the former category. It is large and feels massive and the powerful and impressive zōgan and the excellent iron make it a highly tasteful piece. Back side: Issued to: Nakasono Tokumi Address: Tokyo-to, Suginami-ku, Kamitakaido 2-17-26 Date of issue: May 30th 1989
  • Iron tsuba of round form represents an eight-spoke Wheel-of-the-Law and in the same time (because of the inner shape of cut-outs) - a sixteen-petal imperial chrysanthemum in openwork (sukashi). Decorated on both sides with vines, leaves, and tendrils in suemon-zōgan and sen-zōgan. Spokes and hitsu-ana decorated with rope-like linear brass inlay (nawame-zōgan). A somewhat look-a-like tsuba is referenced in Gary D. Murtha's Japanese Sword Guards. Onin-Heianjo-Yoshiro book on page 61. Mr. Murtha attributes his piece to Heianjo school of Azuchi-Momoyama or early Edo period. However, tsuba in this collection looks older and bolder than the one in his book. It is larger (84 mm vs. his 66 mm), the spokes are longer, the inlay is of better quality, it is relatively thin, with deep black patina, and with the traces of lacquer (urushi). This may indicate that this tsuba belongs to Ōnin school and dates at least to late Muromachi period, ca. 1550, if not 1450 AD. Mid to late Muromachi period (ca. 1450-1550). Dimensions: 84.3 x 83.2 x 3.2 mm "In Japan, the Wheel-of-the-Law is an attribute of such deities as  Senju Kannon, the Thousand-Armed Kannon, and Dainichi Nyorai, the principal deity of Shingon Buddhism [Merrily Baird]. May be used as a family crest (mon).

    Gary D. Murtha's tsuba on page 61.

  • NEW
    Opal jasper snuff bottle carved in low relief with a beauty playing Guqin under a pine tree and another on the veranda with a folding fan; bamboo, pine, and plum (the three friends of winter); carnelian agate stopper and black collar. Mid-20th century Dimensions: H67 x W41 x D15 mm
  • Description: Hardcover oblong volume 16 x 23.3 cm with black pictorial paper boards lettered in red and white to front cover and spine, in an ochre slipcase sprinkled brown and lettered in black to front and spine; grey endpapers, pp. [2] 3-130 [2], with a bookshop ticket to back pastedown “ISSHINDō”. Illustrated descriptions of 100 Japanese sword handguards (tsuba) with brass inlay. Title-page: 楽しい真鍮象嵌つば | 100 鐔 | 大谷定夫著 [Tanoshii Shinchū-Zōgan Tsuba | Hyakutan | Ōya Sadao cho]  (Enjoying Brass Inlay Sword Guards | 100 Sword Guards | Author: Ōya Sadao) Colophon: Published December 15, 1999 Price: ¥3,800 (base price ¥3,619) Author: Ōya Sadao (大谷定夫) Producer: Ōtsuka Kōgeisha International Publisher: Ōtsuka Kōgeisha Co. Ltd. (大塚工藝社)Phone 103–0016 Tōkyō-to, Chūō-ku, Nihonbashi Koami-chō 1–5 Tel. 03–5642–3511 (Representative) Fax 03–5642–3618 Design: Takahashi Tōru (高橋享) Photography: Kitami Noboru (北見登) Kishioka Yasuhiro (岸岡保弘) ISBN4–900298–03–4 C0072 ¥3619E Subject: Ōnin tsuba; Heianjō tsuba; Suemon-zōgan; Ten-zōgan; Japanese sword handguards; Japanese sword fittings; Tosogu.
  • Description: Hardcover, in-folio, 32 x 23.5 cm, bound in dark blue morocco, boards and spine richly decorated in gilt, front cover gilt-lettered in Chinese [幽王寵褒姒], pictorial endpapers, laid paper with unicorn watermark, margins uncut, printing performed by Joh. Enschedé (Haarlem), pp. [10] 1-210 [6], total 226 pages, collated π5 1-532 χ2, first and last leaves blank, total 113 leaves plus 7 plates after Franz von Bayros, some signed; adorned with woodcut borders, frames, head- and tailpieces throughout. The binding work was done by Hübel und Denck (Leipzig) based on designs by Paul Renner. Title-page: DAS | SCHÖNE | MÄDCHEN | VON PAO | — | EIN CHINESISCHER | ROMAN VON | OTTO JULIUS BIERBAUM | — | PRACHTAUSGABE |  MIT BILDERN VON BAYROS | — | Bei Joh. Enschedé en Zonen in | Haarlem gedruckt für Georg | Müllers Verlag in München || Catalogue raisonné: The amorous drawings of the Marquis von Bayros. — New York: Cythera Press, 1968. The Beautiful Maiden of Pao, pp. 153-8. Contributors: Otto Julius Bierbaum (German, 1865 – 1910) – author. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Johannes Enschedé (Dutch, 1708 – 1780) – printer. Joh. Enschedé (Haarlem) – printer. Hübel und Denck (Leipzig) – bookbinder. Paul Friedrich August Renner (German, 1878 – 1956) – designer.
  • Hardcover, 28.5 x 21 cm, blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket with the glued white label “Winner of the Apollo Magazine | Book of the Year 2003 Award”; pp.: [1-9] 10-260, ils.; ISBN 9781872501543, 9781872501239, 1872501540, 1872501230. Title-page: OTTO PÄCHT | Venetian Painting | in the 15th Century | Jacopo, Gentile and Giovanni Bellini | and Andrea Mantegna | Edited by | Margareta Vyoral-Tschapka | and | Michael Pächt | {publisher’s device} | HARVEY MILLER PUBLISHERS || Contributors: Otto Pächt (Austrian, 1902 – 1988) Margareta Vyoral-Tschapka Michael Pächt (Austrian, b. 1942)
  • Graphite on wove paper, 217 x 284 mm, black ink stamp to verso: “Prof O. R. Schatz | Wien II, Gr. Mohreng 3b | Tel.: 55 82 566”. Unsigned, attributed to Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).