  • УКАЗАТЕЛЬ | ИМЕНЪ И ПРЕДМЕТОВЪ | УПОМЯНУТЫХЪ ВЪ | ПОДРОБНОМЪ СЛОВАРЕѢ РУССКИХЪ ГРАВЕРОВЪ  Д. А. РОВИНСКАГО. | СОСТАВИЛЪ | ЕВГ. НИК. ТЕВЯШОВЪ. | (Доложено въ заседанiи Историко-филологическаго отделенiя 13 января 1899 г.) |  САНКТЪ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ, 1899. | ПРОДАЕТСЯ У КОМИССIОНЕРОВЪ ИМПЕРАТОРСКОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУКЪ: | И. И. Глазунова, М. Эггерса и Комп., К. Л. Риккера въ Санктъ-Петербургѣ‎; Н. П. Карбасникова въ Санктъ-Пе- | тербургѣ‎, Москвѣ и Варшавѣ; | М. В. Клюкина въ Москве; Н. Киммеля въ Ригѣ; Н. Я. Оглоблина въ Санктъ- | Петербургѣ и Кiевѣ; у Фоссъ (Г. Гэссель) въ Лейпцигѣ, а также въ Книжномъ складѣ Императорской | академiи наукъ. | Цена: 1 р. 20 к. = 3 Mark. Pagination: original wrapper bound in, [2] t.p. / colophon, [1, 2] 3-208 (numbered half-pages, 52 leaves). Collation: 4to; 1-134. Binding: Owner's later 3/4 grey cloth over buckram boards. original front wrapper preserved, upper-right corner cut out.
  • Title: О. Б. ЛЕПЕШИНСКАЯ, | действительный член Академии медицинских наук, | лауреат Сталинской премии. | Происхождение клеток | из живого вещества | [blank] | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ЦК ВЛКСМ | "МОЛОДАЯ ГВАРДИЯ" | 1951 || Pagination: original pictorial wrappers with portrait in frame, [1-2] – t.p. / imprint., 3-37 [38] [2] – blank / colophon.
  • Title: ДЖОЗЕФ КОНРАД |{device} | ТАЙНЫЙ АГЕНТ | • | НА ВЗГЛЯД ЗАПАДА | • |  Издание подготовил | В.М. ТОЛМАЧЕВ | Научно-издательский центр | «Ладомир» | «Наука» | Москва || Frontispiece: JOSEPH CONRAD |{device} | THE SECRET AGENT | • | UNDER WESTERN EYES || Pagination: [1-9] 10-595 [3] [2 advert.]. Binding: serial green cloth blind-stamped with a scroll adorned with gold lettering to board and spine, 22.5 x 17 cm. Original titles: [LIB-2762.2021] Joseph Conrad. The secret agent: a simple tale. — London: Methuen & Co., [1907]; [LIB-3213.2023] Joseph Conrad. The secret agent: A drama in three acts. — London, T. Werner Laurie, 1923.  
  • Pagination: [2] – letterpress title / blank, [2] – t.p. contents / to readers, [1] 2-368 [4 index], + 9 b/w and 27 coloured plates. Collation: 4to; letterpress title, [A]1 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3B4 3C3. Binding: 25 x 16 cm; gilt-ruled half-calf over marbled boards, flat spine, gilt-ruled compartments, gilt lettering; front board almost detached. References: Martin Hardie (1906), p.310 [LIB-2623.2021]; R. V. Tooley (1935), p. 26 [LIB-2641.2021]; J. R. Abbey (1953), Cat. № 212, p. 166 [LIB-2622.2021].
  • Title: ACADEMIE | DES | SCIENCES | ET DES | ARTS, | Contenant les Vies & les Eloges Historiques des | Hommes Illustres, | Qui ont excellé en ces Professions depuis environ quatre Siécles | parmy diverses Nations de l’Europe : |Avec leurs Pourtraits tirez sur des Originaux au Naturel, & plusieurs Inscriptions | funebres, exactement recueïlies de leurs Tombeaux | Par Isaac Bullart , Chevalier de l’Ordre de Saint Michel. | TOME PREMIER | {allegorical vignette, signed Abr. A Diepenbeke delineavit – Pet. Clouwet sculp.} | Imprimé par les soins de l’Autheur. | A AMSTERDAM, | Se vendent chez les Heritiers de Daniel Elzevier, 1682. || Vol. 1: Pagination: 2 blank end-leaves, [2] – Two-volumes h.t. / blank ; [2] – 1st vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette engraved by Pieter Clouwet (Flemish, 1629–1670) after Abraham van Diepenbeeck (Dutch, 1596 - 1675), book-label 'I. A. Aubert' pasted / blank; [7] – dedication to Jacques Theodore de Brias {Jacques-Théodore de Bryas (Dutch, 1630 – 1694)}, [9] – preface, [2] – table demonstrative / stanza by Guilielmus Riverius, [2] – vignette “Tardius sed grandius” with an elephant in ornamental frame / text; [2] – Advis au lecteur; [1, 2] – noms politiques / blank (A1), 3(A2)-416, 2 blank end-leaves; laking 8 last pages 417-424 if compared to Paris 2 in 1 vol. edition LIB-2676.2021, and lacking 4 last pages if compared with another Amsterdam edition LIB-2239.2019. These last 4 pages contain portraits and eulogies of François Primatici and Jacques Barozzi de Vignole. Collation: 4to; [*]6, **8, A6 B-Fff4, lacking Ggg4, 118 plates (instead of 120) within a collation. Vol. 2: Pagination: 2 blank end-leaves, [2] – tome second h.t. / blank ; [2] – 2nd vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette similar to vol. 1, with book-label 'I. A. Aubert' / blank; [4] – advertissement; [2] – f.t. Theologiens / blank; [2] – noms theologiens / blank 1-501 [3] – table eloges, 1 blank end-leaf. Collation: 4to; [*]4, **2, A-Sss4, 159 plates within a collation. Binding: both volumes uniformly bound in full contemporary cream vellum with blind double fillet over boards, raised bands, compartments tooled in black, brown calf labels with gilt lettering to spine. Printed on laid paper, with tall "s", all margins sprinkled red; the size of each vol.: 32.2 x 20.5 x 4.7 cm. A full description of plates, as well as their images, presented in LIB-2676.2021.
  • Audrey Hepburn [Audrey Kathleen Ruston] (British, 1929 – 1993) black and white head-shot in profile to right, pre-production photo testing hairstyle. "War and Peace", a 1956 epic historical drama film based on Leo Tolstoy's 1869 novel of the same name. Stamp on verso: Blue ink, in oval, "AUDREY | HEPBURN | The Personal Collection Part III | May 2018 | CHRISTIE'S || Size: 12.0 x 17.5 cm sheet; 12.0 x 16.7 cm image. Condition: small abrasion to cheek and rough lower edge. Certificate of authenticity from John Reznikoff, University Archives.
  • Iron tsuba of round form decorated with a ladle, pestle, mortar, and rice sickle in positive silhouette openwork (nikubori-ji-sukashi). Slightly rounded rim with iron bones (tekkotsu). Seppa-dai plugged with copper fittings (sekigane). Silver patina. The design resembles mochi-making utensils; mochi (rice cake) symbolizes longevity. Kanayama school, c. 1590 (Momoyama period). Note: unusually large size for a Kanayama tsuba: diameter 79.5 mm, thickness at seppa-dai: 5.5 mm, at rim: 6.0 mm. Concerning the design: While the ladle and pestle are clear, the mortar (under the seppa-dai), and the sickle (to the left) require certain imagination.
  • Round portrait of a little girl (22-month-old) with bright black eyes and red hair, draped in a semi-transparent shirt which leaves her chest and stomach bare, keeping a red apple in her right hand and two others lying in the fold of her clothes, standing against a dark natural background: bushes, leaves, an apple tree, blue skies, clouds, etc. Oil on metal; in an ormolu frame, in a wooden frame. Diameter without frames 8 cm, with frames – 12.6 cm. Sitter: Courtois, Fortunée-Florentine Elisabeth (French, August 23, 1800 г. – after 1878). Inscription (handwriting, nut ink): Fortunée, Florentine Elisabeth | Courtois a 22 mois. | née 5e fructidor an 8 || Attributed to Lié Louis Périn-Salbreux (French, 1753 – 1817). Fortunée-Florentine Elisabeth Courtois is a mother of Maurice Joly (French, 1829 – 1878). See also in this collection: blogLIB-0460, blogLIB-1038.2016, and Une Épave de l’Ancien Bateau by Tout-Paris. A Lost Article by Proust? The portrait was sold at Drouot (Paris) in 2020 with the following description: "École FRANÇAISE de la fin du XVIIIe siècle Fortunée Florentine Courtois enfant en chemise, en pied dans la nature, tenant trois pommes. Miniature sur ivoire, identifiée au revers : « Florentine Fortunée Elisabeth / Courtois à 22 mois / le 5e ( ?) Fructidor an VIII » [août 1800]; Diam. à vue : 7 cm; Cadre rond en bois tourné et noirci. Florentine Courtois, fille d’André et d’Elisabeth Corbara, épousa vers 1818 Lambert Philippe Joly, conseiller général du Jura, avocat ; leur fils Maurice Joly, avocat, fut ministre de la Justice du gouvernement provisoire en 1870 et grand maître du Grand Orient de France".  Maurice Joly was a lawyer, but nothing else in his description given by Drouot is true. From this inscription, we learned that Fortunée-Florentine Elisabeth Courtois was born on August 23, 1800. We were unable to verify this from any other source. From Morice Joly autobiography (Maurice Joly, son passé, son programme par lui-même. — Paris, Lacroix, Verbœckoven et Ce, 1870) we know that she was born in Bastia and that her father, Laurent Courtois (in some sources André François Désiré Courtois, born c. 1771), was a treasurer of Corsican troops under Napoleon Bonapart. Her mother was Elisabeth Marie-Grâcieuse Corbara (born c. 1750).
  • Title: A CONRAD | MEMORIAL LIBRARY | THE COLLECTION OF | GEORGE T. KEATING | {Conrad's portrait in a circle} | 1929 | Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. | Garden City, New York || Pagination: [2] – blanks, [i-vi] vii-xvi, [1-2] 3-448 [449-450], [2] – blanks, [2] – justification (501 copies printed, 425 for sale, this is № 365), verso blank, plus frontispiece – a colour portrait of sitting Mr Conrad from the painting by Walter Tittle with lettered tissue guard; the total number of pages 472; 304 items recordered and described. Binding: 27 x 19.5 cm, bevelled boards, blue cloth, white embossed head portrait of Conrad pasted to front board, spine sunned to green-yellowish, paper label with lettering to spine, top edge gilt, other untrimmed, printed on laid paper; in a black buckram slipcase with a green label to spine. Contributors: Joseph Conrad [Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski] (British-Polish, 1857 – 1924) George Thomas Keating (American, 1892 – 1976) – author Printer: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Richard Robert Donnelley (American, 1838 – 1899) Publisher: Doubleday, Doran & Co. Frank Nelson Doubleday (American, 1862 – 1934) George Henry Doran (American, 1869 – 1956) Tittle, Walter (American, 1883 – 1966) – artist (portrait)
  • Title page: {vignette} | The | MANIAC | ILLUSTRATED BY G. CHRISTOPHER HUDSON | NEW YORK   BOOKS FOR THE FEW   MCMXLI || Pagination: [1-6] 7-245 [246], full-page plates and in-text vignettes after Mahlon Blaine drawings. Edition: Limited edition of 1050 copies, this one unnumbered. Text – a reprint of the 1909 edition by Rebman (London); 1st edition, thus. Binding: 24 x 16 cm, black moire cloth, green label with black lettering “THE | MANIAC” to spine. Ink stamp “Charles M. Collins, Jr” to front pastedown. Contributors: E. Thelmar (British, fl. c. 1909) – author; a British journalist, who had been committed to an asylum in 1905; nothing else is known. G. Christopher Hudson [Mahlon Blaine] (American, 1894 – 1969) – artist. Books for the Few (NY) – publisher. Ref: TAYLOR, NICK. “Mahlon Blaine, John Steinbeck, and ‘The Maniac’ (1941).” The Steinbeck Review 9, no. 1 (2012): 73–84. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41582924.
  • 12 hand-coloured soft-ground etchings by André Collot, unbound, in a paper folder with pink lettering and vignette engraved on wood, with a title-page in black: JEUNESSE | 12 VERNIS MOUS COLORIÉS | tires à exemplaires | réservés aux Amis de l’Artiste | 1933 ||, in a frame. Edition: 1st edition, limited to 60 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 1920-70: 1786. There is another copy of the same with the cardboard folder SVE-0528.2023.
  • Title-page: APOLOGIA | DEL S. TORQVATO | TASSO. | IN DIFESA DELLA SVA | GIERVSALEMME | LIBERATA. | Con alcune Opere, partien in accusa, | partein difesa dell Orlando Furioso | dell’Ariosto. | Della Gierusalem- | me istessa , e dell’Amadigi | del Tasso Padre. | I titoli tutti si leggono nella feguente | facciata. | con privilegi. | {publisher’s device} | In Mantoua, Per Francesco Osana. | M D LXXXV. || 1st blank π1, [a]-a8; (9 leaves, 18 pp., unpaginated) Divisional t.p. (1): DE GLI | ACCADEMICI | DELLA CRVSCA | DIFESA DELL’ ORLANDO | FVRIOSO DELL’ ARIOSTO | Contra’l Dialogo dell’Epica | poesia di Camillo | Pellegrino. | Stacciata prima. | {woodcut} ||; A-E12 [2]A1 (61 leaves, 122 pp., unpaginated). Divisional t.p. (2): APOLOGIA | DEL S. TORQVATO | TASSO. | IN DIFESA DELLA SVA | GIERVSALEMME | LIBERATA. | {publisher’s device} | IN MANTOVA, |—| Per Francesco Osanna. | MDLXXXV. || [2]A11 2B-[2]I12 [2]K4, pp. [2] 3-219 [3] (111 leaves, 222 pages). Divisional t.p. (3): DELL’ | INFARINATO | ACADEMICO | DELLA CRVSCA … etc. | MDLXXXV. | Con licenza de’ Superiori. || [3]A-[3]G12, pp. [2] 3-164, 163 (i.e. 165) [3] (84 leaves, 168 pages). Divisional t.p. (4): RIPOSTA | DEL S. TORQVATO | TASSO, | ALLA LETTERA | DI BASTIAN ROSSI, …etc. | MDLXXXV. | Con licenza de’ Superiori. || [4]A-[4]E12 F8, ([4]B3 i.e. [4]A3), pp. [2] 3-135 [1] (68 leaves, 136 pages). Divisional t.p. (5): DISCORSO | IN TORNO | A’CONTRASTI, | CHE SI FANNO | SOPRA… ect. | M D LXXXVI. || [5]A-[5]D12 E4, pp. [2]3-67, 66 (i.e. 68), 92 (69), 70-73 (70-73), 94 (74), 95 (75), 76, 77, 98-115 (78-95), 112 (96), 97-100, [4] (52 leaves, 104 pages). Divisional t.p. (6): PARERE | DEL SIGNOR | TORQVATO | TASSO. | SOPRA IL DISCORSO | del Signor Horatio Lom- | bardello intorno a’ | contrasti,&c. … etc. | M D LXXXVI. || [6]A12 [6]B6 (incl. last blank), pp. [1-5] 6-33 [3] (18 leaves, 36 pages). Collation: 12mo; π1, a8, A-E12, [2]A-[2]I12 [2]K4, [3]A-[3]G12, [4]A-[4]E12 F8, [5]A-[5]D12 E4, [6]A12 [6]B6 (incl. last blank), total 403 leaves, 806 pages, in-text woodcut head- and tailpieces, and initials. Binding: 14.4 x 9 cm, 19th-century quarter calf over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt-bordered compartments, gilt lettering, three flyleaves at the front and back, "The Robin Collection" bookplate to front pastedown. Provenance: The Robin Collection. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Orazio Ariosto (Italian, 1555 – 1593) – author. Ludovico Ariosto (Italian, 1474 – 1533) – author. Camillo Pellegrino (Italian, 1527-1603) – author. Francesco Osanna [Osana] (Italian, fl. 1549 – 1608) – printer, publisher.
  • Title-page: COLETTE | L'INGÉNUE | LIBERTINE | EAUX-FORTES DE DIGNIMONT | PARIS | A LA CITÉ DES LIVRES | — | MDCCCCXXVIII || Cover (front wrapper): Similar to t.p. but in red and black: COLETTE | L'INGÉNUE | LIBERTINE | EAUX-FORTES DE DIGNIMONT | PARIS | A LA CITÉ DES LIVRES | — | MDCCCCXXVIII || Description: French flapped wrapper in a red marbled double slipcase with lettered paper label to spine, 29.5 x 23 x 5.5 cm, in-4to, leaves 28 x 22.5 cm. Collation: π41 in wrapper, π2 blank, π3 h.t. / limitation, π4 t.p. / blank, 1-304, χ21 blank, χ2 in wrapper), plus 15 plates extraneous to collation, with tissue-guards, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [8] [1] 2-237 [238] [6], ils. Plates: 15 etchings in sepia by André Dignimont. Enrichment: Additional full suite of 15 plates in sanguine. Limitation: Edition is limited to 215 copies, 150 of them printed on thick wove paper (Vélin de Hollande), numbered 41 – 190, with one additional suite of plates. This copy is № 168. Printed on October 14, 1928. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) André Dignimont (French, 1891 – 1965) – artist. La cité des livres – publishers. R. Coulouma (Argenteuil, director H. Barthélemy) – printer, typography. Atelier de la Roseraie – printer, etchings.
  • Hand-coloured etching from the series Historische Denkwürdigkeiten für gemütliche Leser by an anonymous German artist, printed c. 1815.
  • Printed on-demand, pictorial softcover, 22.9 x 15.2 cm, front: MARTIN | VAN MAELE |{fac-simile il.}| AN ILLUSTRATED | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CHECKLIST | S. A. PERRY ||, blurb to back, lettering to spine, pp.: [12] [1] 2-207 [3] (total 222 pages), 107 reproductions of van Maele illustrations, 94 items bibliographical description. Title-page: S. A. PERRY. | Martin Van Maele | An Illustrated Bibliographical Checklist | 2015 || in a double-fillet frame. Colophon: Made in the USA | Las Vegas, NV | 26 December 2021. Maurice François Alfred Martin van Maële [Martin van Maële] (French, 1863 – 1926).
  • [Choderlos de Laclos.] Les Liaisons dangereuses, lettres recueillies dans une société, et publiées pour l’instruction de quelques autres; par M. C*** de L*** / Ornées de 6 gravures d'après Devéria. — Londres: s.n., 1820. Description: two volumes, collated 12mo, 17.1 x 10.6 cm each, modern binding – recently bound in quarter brown calf with gilt lettering, fillets and black fleurons to spine over green marbled boards; bookplate to front pastedown in each volume: “Ex-Libris | F.-M. Caye”. Printed on laid paper, each volume is illustrated with a frontispiece and two plates engraved by various engravers after Achille Devéria under the direction of Ambroise Tardieu. Title-page: LES LIAISONS | DANGEREUSES, | LETTRES RECUEILLIES | DANS UNE SOCIÉTÉ, | ET PUBLIÉES POUR L’INSTRUCTION DE QUELQUES AUTRES. | PAR M. C*** DE L***. | {3 lines of citation from J.-J. Rousseau} | TOME PREMIER (TOME SECOND) | — | A LONDRES. | ~ | M.D.CCC.XX. || Collation: Vol. 1: π8 1-1412 156, total 182 leaves plus 3 engraved plates: frontispiece and opposite to pp. 37 and 338. Pagination: [1-5] 6-16, [1] 2-348, total 364 pages. Vol. 2: π2 16 2-1512 162, total 178 leaves plus 3 engraved plates: frontispiece and opposite to pp. 25 and 316. Pagination: [4] [1] 2-352, total 356 pages. Provenance: Caye, F.-M. Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de Laclos (French, 1741 – 1803) – author. Achille Jacques-Jean-Marie Devéria (French, 1800 – 1857) – artist. Engravers: Ambroise Tardieu (French, 1788 – 1841) Jean Baptiste Touzé (French, fl. 1810 – 1830) Jean Jacques Frilley (French, 1797 – after 1850) Achille Lefèvre (French, 1798 – 1864) Jean Louis Toussaint Caron (French, 1790 – 1832)
  • In an owner’s quarter buckram cardboard folder with a vegetation diaper design, ms blue ink lettering to front: “Songes galantes | 12 dessins par | Margit Gaal” at the centre, “Arpad Rob Laszlo | à Paris | 1938” in the lower right corner. Loose sheets with the 1st leaf t.p. / table de planches, and then 12 leaves of lithograph plates. Title-page: SONGES GALANTES | 12 DESSINS PAR | MARGIT GAAL | ÉDITION PRIVÉE | PARIS 1920 ||, ms inscription in blue ink in the middle : “Collection par | Árpad Rob Laśzló | techn. d’avion | Paris 1937”. Limitation: Edition limited to 500 copies of which № 1-100 signed by the author. This is copy № 407. References: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1413 (published in 1921); Honesterotica (indicated the year of death as 1965, however, there is no proof). Contributors: Gaál, Margit (Hungarian, 1898 – 1920) – artist.  
  • Thin booklet in glossy pictorial wrappers, 29.8 x 24.7 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-48, 24 leaves total, illustrated. Errata tipped in after the front wrapper. Title-page: Mirror | of the stage | The actor prints of | Kunisada | Ellis Tinios | The University Gallery Leeds || Colophon: Published in March 1996 for the exhibition Mirror of the Stage held at the University Gallery Leeds 24 April-30 May 1996. Introduction: "This book [exhibition catalogue] has been written as an introduction to nineteenth-century Japanese colour woodblock actor prints and to the achievements of the artist Kunisada in that field [as well as to accompany the exhibition of the same name]. It is divided into three sections. In the first, I examine four topics: the social and cultural milieu that gave rise to the production of prints as items of mass consumption; the aesthetic of the actor print; the economics of print production (including consideration of the numbers issued, the prices at which they were sold and their rates of survival); and the process by which prints were produced. The second section consists of sixteen colour plates with commentaries. In the final section, I survey Kunisada's career." Subject: Utagawa, Kunisada, — 1786-1864 — Exhibitions; Ukiyo-e — Exhibitions; Colour prints, Japanese — Edo period, 1600-1868 — Exhibitions. Contributors: Ellis Tinios Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Select illustrations (references in this collection):

    SVJP-0226.2016: Superb Edo pictures illustrating dances, 1858.