Title page (blue and black): RENE BOYLESVE | LA | LEÇON D'AMOUR | DANS UN PARC | ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS | DE | BRUNELLESCHI | PARIS | ÉDITIONS ALBIN MICHEL | 22, RUE HUYGHENS (14e) || Pagination: [6] 1-173 [174] [4], total 184 pages, ils. Collation: publisher’s pictorial wrappers with 2 blank leaves – front and back, π2 (h.t. / justification, t.p. / blank), 87 leaves of text, [1] colophon / blank, total 92 leaves plus 21 plates, incl. frontispiece. Binding: 33.5 x 26 cm; original flapped wrappers, blue fountain and lettering to front, lettering to spine, back blank, in a marbled buckram folder (33.5 x 27 cm) with lettered paper label to spine; printed on Arches wove paper, margins untrimmed. Illustrations: 42 vignettes, tail- and headpieces in color, frontispiece and 20 plates after watercolours and gouaches by Umberto Brunelleschi printed in black and stencil-coloured (au pochoir) on the 18th of November 1933 at R. Coulouma press (Argenteuil), Jacomet press and Padovani press. Contributors: René Boylesve [Tardiveau] (French, 1867 – 1926) – author. Umberto Brunelleschi (Italian, 1879 – 1949) – artist. Daniel Jacomet (French, b. 1894 – ?) – printer. Imprimerie Coulouma (Argenteuil), Robert Coulouma (French, 1887-1976) – printer. Éditions Albin Michel (Paris) ; Albin Michel (French, 1873 – 1943) – publisher. First edition of René Boylesve's novel La Leçon d’amour dans un parc was conducted in Paris by Éditions de la Revue Blanche, in 1902. Description of the stensil (au pochoir) technique.
Description: hardcover, 25.2 x 19.2 cm, 8vo, dark blue cloth, gilt lettering in a frame to cover and gilt lettering to spine; captured leather samples pasted to front and back pastedowns, grey endpapers, colour frontispiece, 10 colour plates, multiple in-text b/w illustrations. Collation: a1 blank, a2 h.t./imprint, colour frontis. pasted in, a3 t.p./blank, a4 committee/blank; b2, (no A), B-H8, I5 (10 leaves H1 – I2 with colour plates pasted in, I5 colophon/blank); pagination starts at B2: [1] 2-120 [2]; total a4 b2 B-H8 I5 =67 leaves, 11 colour plates, incl. frontispiece. Title-page: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE | ON | LEATHER FOR BOOKBINDING. | EDITED FOR | THE SOCIETY OF ARTS | AND | THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF LEATHERSELLERS | BY | THE RT. HON. VISCOUNT COBHAM | CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE | AND | SIR HENRY TRUEMAN WOOD, M.A. | SECRETARY OF THE SOCIETY | LONDON : | PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY OF ARTS | BY GEORGE BELL & SONS, | YORK HOUSE, PORTUGAL STREET, W.C. | — | 1905 || Contributors: Authors:
Society of Arts (Great Britain)
Charles George Lyttleton Cobham (British, 1842 – 1922)
Henry Trueman Wood (British, 1879 – 1917), Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts (1879–1917).
George Bell & Sons – publisher. William Clowes and Sons – printer. -
Description: One volume in grey-blue French flapped wrapper, 24 x 16.7 cm, collated 8vo, with black and red lettering to front cover, printed on watermarked thick wove paper Alfax Navarre, margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, illustrated with 12 aquatint plates signed Le Loup. Front wrapper and title (red and black): RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE | L'ANTI-JUSTINE | OU | LES DÉLICES DE L' AMOUR | Nouvelle édition entièrement revue et corrigée, | établie pour la première fois sur le texte original de 1798. | PRÉCÉDÉE D'UNE NOTICE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE | par HELPEY | bibliographe poitevin | {device} | ILE SAINT-LOUIS | DE L’IMPRIMERIE DE Monsieur Nicolas. Limitation: Printed 350 copies, numbered 1-350, on alfax paper; this copy is № 256. Collation: 1-158 166, incl. the 1st and last leaves within the wrappers, total 126 leaves plus 12 plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [4 blank] [1-4] 5-243 [244 blank] [4 blank], total 252 pages, ils. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1025, p. 45. Ref.: Danson Erotica Collection at Trinity College, Oxford – KK.6.33. Contributors: Nicolas Edmé Restif de la Bretonne (French, 1734 – 1806) – author. Louis Perceau [Helpey] (French, 1883 – 1942) – author. Maurice Henri Hector Duflou (French, 1885 – 1951) – publisher. The artist – Le Loup – unidentified.
Four-volume edition with 6+4+5+5 = 20 plates. Vol. 1 : Title page, in double-border, within rules; accents as per original, with tall «s»: Les | Parisiennes, | ou | XL caractères generaux | Pris dans les Mœurs actuelles, | Propres à servir à l'instruction | des personnes-du-sexe : | Tirés des memoires du nouveau Lycée-des-mœurs. | I Volume : Les jeunes-filles, | & les filles-à-marier. | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | Chéz Guillot, libraire de Monsieur, rue | S.-Jacques, vis-à-vis celle des Mathurins. | 1787. Pagination : [1-5] 6-300, plus 6 etched/engraved plates w/guard tissue after Louis Binet (French, 1744 – about 1800). Collation: 12mo; A14 B-M12 N4; first 6 leaves in gatherings B to M signed, with exceptions: A1,2 unsigned, A3-8 signed, A9-14, D5, N3,4 unsigned. Vol. 2: Title page: Text above the first rule similar; below: II Volume : Les N.lles–mariées : | Les Mariées depuis 3 ans. | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | 1787. Pagination : [1-3] 4-388, plus 4 plates. Collation: 12mo; A8 B-Q12 R6; A1,5-8, R4-6 unsigned. Vol. 3: Title page: Text above the first rule similar; below: III Volume : Les epouses | à imiter : à— suir | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | 1787. Pagination: [1-3] 4-392, plus 5 plates. Collation: 12mo, A4 B-R12; A1,3,4, G4, N4,6, O5 unsigned. Vol 4: Title page: Text above the first rule similar; below: IV Volume : Les J.nes-Mères, | &—de grands-enfans. | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | 1787. Pagination: [1-3] 4-380 [4], plus 5 plates. Collation: A-Q12; A1 unsigned. Binding: later (c. 1875 – 1885) uniform binding of all four volumes in motley 'percaline anglaise' (buckram) with black gilt-lettered labels to spine, marbled endpapers; printed on laid paper; armorial bookplate of Masséna engraved by Stern to front pastedown. Provenance: Library of Masséna; Victor Masséna, duc de Rivoli, prince d'Essling (French, 1836 – 1910) [photo]. Catalogue Raisonné: P.-L. Jacob, 1875: № XXXII, pp. 247-250. P. L. Jacob. Bibliographie et iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Restif de la Bretonne. — Paris: A. Fontaine, 1875. [LIB-2634.2021]. Contributors: Nicolas Edmé Restif de la Bretonne (French, 1734 – 1806) – text. Louis Binet (French, 1744 – c. 1800) – illustrations. Sources: MFA: ACCESSION NUMBER 37.1667a-b lacking one plate in vol. 4. Collation: 12mo, 4 vols. in 2; [v. 1] 150 leaves, plus 6 plates; [v. 2] 194 ll., plus 4 pls.; [v. 3] 196 ll., plus 5 pls.; [v. 4] 192 ll., plus 4 [of 5] pls. BNF Identifier ark:/12148/bpt6k1050366b. Collation: 4 vol. (300; 388; 392; 380 p., XX f. de pl.) : ill. ; in-12
Hardcover volume, 311 x 235 mm, bound in blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine, olive endpapers, pictorial dust jacket with text to flaps, pp.: [i-xi] xii-xvi, [1] 2-245 [246 blank], plus 19 leaves of plates and 4 leaves of captions, extraneous to collation (169 leaves total). Title-page: MARBLED | PAPER | ITS HISTORY, TECHNIQUES, | AND PATTERNS | With Special Reference to the Relationship of | Marbling to Bookbinding in Europe and | the Western World | RICHARD J. WOLFE {publisher’s device} | UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS | Philadelphia || Imprint: Copyright © 1990 by the University of Pennsylvania Press | All rights reserved | Printed in Japan | Second printing 1991 || Frontispiece: A Publication of the | A. S. W. ROSENBACH FELLOWSHIP | IN BIBLIOGRAPHY || Wolfe, Richard J. (American, 1928 – 2017)
Richard Parkes Bonington (1802–1828 ). British/French. Evreux: Tour du Gros Horloge (Evreux: Large Clock Tower). Inscription: The tower was built in 1417 when the area was ruled by England. Lithograph. From the Taylor and Nodier set "Normandie", Vol. II, pl. 226. 1824. MET# 22.87.2. Catalogue Raisonné: Curtis 1939, no. 19. MET description: "This view in the French town of Evreux focuses on the clock tower, with vendors and customers in the street below. Bonington produced the print for the multi-volume series directed by Baron Isidore Taylor, Charles Nodier and Alphonse de Cailleux titled "Voyages Pittoresques et Romantiques dans l'Ancienne France" (Picturesque and Romantic Travels through Historic France). This image appears in volume 2, devoted to Normandy."
Title-page: ROBERT GANZO | DU DANCING | OU | LE DANSEUR SENTIMENTAL | avec un Frontispice et un Bandeau originaux | de | MARCEL VERTES | {publisher’s device} | Editions LEMARGET | 43, rue Madame, PARIS (VIe) | 1930.|| Description: 20.7 x 14.9 cm, French flapped cream wrappers with black and green lettering similar to title, lettering to spine “DU DANCING”; [1-13] incl. leaf in wrapper, 1st blank leaf, h.t. / limitation, frontispiece, t.p. / copyright, dedication to Gaston Guillot / blank, 14-106 [4] colophon / blank, and one leaf in wrapper; frontispiece and first chapter headpiece lithography by Vertès, plus inset of the same. Collation: 4to; [1,2]4 3-134 143; total 55 leaves. Printing: June 10, 1930, by Presses Modernes in Reims. Edition: 15 copies on Japon Impérial numbered I-XV, 20 colies on Hollande Van Gelder numbered XVI-XXXV, 250 copies on Vélin de Rives numbered 1-250, 20 of which reserved for the bookstore of H. Champion, and 25 presentation copies numbered A-Z. This copy is № XVI. Contributors: Robert Ganzo (French, 1898 – 1995) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Gaston Guillot (French, 1889 – 1960) – dedicatee. Editions Lemarget (Paris) – publisher. Presses Modernes (Reims) – printer. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
Title-page: Heroes & Ghosts | Japanese prints | by | Kuniyoshi | 1797-1861 | [space] | Robert Schaap | introduction by | Amy Reigle Newland | essays by | Timothy T. Clark | Matthi Forrer | Inagaki Shin'ichi | {publisher’s device} | Hotei Publishing, Leiden | Society for Japanese Arts || Description: Square hardcover volume, 29.3 x 29 cm, bound in black cloth with blind vignette to front cover and blind lettering to spine, black pictorial endpapers, pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-4] 5-280, incl. 279 plates and 31 figures in the text; based on exhibit in Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam) 30 Jan – 5 Apr 1998 and Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia) 24 Apr – 29 Jun 1998.
Softcover, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, 29.7 x 24.6 cm, pp.: [1-3] 4-174 [2 blank], ils.; total 88 leaves. Title-page: Kunisada | imaging | drama and beauty | Robert Schaap | with an introduction by Sebastian Izzard | and contributions by Paul Griffith and Henk. J. Herwig | {publisher’s device} Hotei Publishing || Contents: Preface / Robert Schaap & Chris Uhlenbeck; Lenders to the exhibition & catalogue: notes to readers; Utagawa Kunisada, the artist and his times / Sebastian Izzard; Catalogue / Robert Schaap with Paul Griffith, Henk J. Herwig & Sebastian Izzard. Subjects: Utagawa, Kunisada, — 1786-1864 — Catalogs; Color prints, Japanese — Edo period, 1600-1868 — Catalogs; Ukiyo-e — Catalogs. Contributors: Sebastian Izzard Paul Griffith Henk. J. Herwig Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865) Select illustrations (references in this collection):
Snuff bottle made of rock crystal with brown skin carved with a sage and a deer under the peach tree on one side and a cuckoo on a plum tree on the other, with a chrysotile stopper and tin collar. Late 19th century. Dimensions: H68 x W40 x D21 mm.
Binding: 25. 3 x 19.5 cm, light blue cloth, black labels with gilt lettering to cover and spine. Title: Dictionary of | Victorian | Wood Engravers | {fleuron} | Rodney K Engen | Chadwyck-Healey || Pagination: frontispiece; [i-iv] v-xxi [2] 3-297 [298]. Author’s signature dated 1987 to recto frontis.
Lavishly illustrated manuscript bound in brown cloth with a red cloth border, 12.3 x 7.5 x 1.6 cm, green marbled endpapers with the inscription “Mein | Kampf” to free leaf, front pastedown with a pocket; written with blue ink and drawn with colour crayons on checkered notepaper with rounded corners, unpaginated, 104 leaves total. Frontispiece: ☆ | AMOUR | {two cupids and a heart pierced with an arrow, sunbeams} | VOLUPTE | IVRESSE || Title-page: FOLIES | D'AMOUR | PAR | • Roger Cotteret • | {raising sun and sunbeams} | row of dots || A copy of the whole manuscript is presented here.
NEWHardcover convolute 186 x 120 mm of two volumes of the French periodical La Revue hebdomadaire, bound in quarter red faux-chagrin over marbled boards, vol. 11, pp. [3-5] 6-506 [2], vol. 12 pp. [3-5] 6-634, plus Le supplément illustré №№ 45-53, 3 leaves of b/w photo reproductions each. Ref.: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34350607j Author: Lambelin, Roger (French, 1857 – 1929)
NEWHardcover, 306 x 283 mm, pictorial cardboard, white lettering to front and spine, pictorial dust jacket, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-14] 15-224, illustrated in colour throughout. The 1st edition in 2000, published by The Pepin Press in Amsterdam. Title-page (white on black): Erotic Art of the Early Nineteenth Century | Romantique | {publisher’s device} | Bearsville, New York || ISBN 1-59020-000-4. Contents: Daydreams of the Juste Milieu: On the Historico-cultural Milieu of Erotic Lithographs The New Order of Love: Charles Fourier, the Unwavering Dreamer of Liberated Passions Achille Devéria and His School The Trader and the Policeman: Catalogues of Nineteenth Century Erotic Art The Blue Sofa On the Beginning and End of our Sexuality Soloists Duets Trios Quartets The Noble Orgy
Two hardcover volumes 22.7 x 18.5 x 4.5 cm, uniformly bound in contemporary vellum with a blind border along the edges, handwritten title to spine, printed on laid paper with watermarks to ffls: “Leonard”, “ISRB”, and the arms of Amsterdam. Vol. 1: SPIEGEL van STAAT | des | VEREENIGDE | NEDERLANDS. | Waar in | De Macht en 't Vry Bestier, | Van yder der Zeven Verbonde PROVINCIEN en haar | byzondere Steeden, | Zo in Rechten als Regeeringen werd ontvouwd. | Aanwyzende | Aan, de In, en Uytheemschen, alle de Hooge en Lage Recht- | banken, Collegien en Ampten, dewelke in de zelve, tot | dienst van den Staat, en het Recht, zyn ingesteld. | Hoe, wanneer en waar, voor de zelve yets te verrichten is. | DOOR | Mr: ROMYN de HOOGHE. | EERSTE DEEL: | {fleuron} | t’ AMSTERDAM, | — | By JAN TEN HOORN, Boekverkooper 1706. Collation: 2ffl, *-**4, A-Z4 2A-Z4 3A-O4 4A-G4 5A-S4 6A-F4, 2ffl, (4G2 marked 3G2), total 372 leaves, plus 8 folded leaves of plates, t.p., and half-page vignette dedication by Romeyn de Hooghe. Pagination: [16], 1-267, 268-270 (marked 468-470) 271-480, [2] 3-55 [56], [2] 3-143 [144], [2] 3-44 [4], total 744 pages, ils. Vol. 2: SPIEGEL van STAAT. | VERVATTENDE | DE MACHT DER | GENERALITEYT. | De Edele Mogende Collegiën, | Hooge Rechtbaken, Steden, Schansen | en Onderhoorigheeden, | Welke van Hoog Mogende af angen. | DOOR | Mr: ROMYN de HOOGHE. | TWEEDE DEEL. | Met Figuuren. | {fleuron} | Te AMSTERDAM, | — | By JAN TEN HOORN, | Boekverkooper, 1707. Collation: 2ffl, *-**4, ***2, A-Z4 2A-T4, (A-Z)4, (2A-V)4 X2, 2ffl, total 352 leaves plus 9 folded leaves of plates, t.p., and half-page vignette dedication by Romeyn de Hooghe. Pagination: [20], 1-335 [336], 1-339 [340] [8], total 704 pages, ils. Contributors: Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) Jan ten Hoorn (Dutch, fl. 1671 – 1715)
Title: AN INTRODUCTION TO | BIBLIOGRAPHY | FOR LITERARY STUDENTS | BY | RONALD B. McKERROW | OXFORD | AT THE CLARENDON PRESS | 1927 Pagination: [i-iv] v-xv [xvi blank], 1-358 [2]. Collation: [a]4 b4 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4. Exterior: 23 x 15 cm, publisher’s black cloth, gilt lettering and publisher’s device to spine. Bookseller's sticker to ffl: CHAS. E. LAURIAT CO., | IMPORTERS & BOOKSELLERS | 385 Wash’n St. Boston || – this is of Lauriat, Charles Emelius Jr. (American, 1874 – 1937).
Rose quartz snuff bottle of rounded rectangular form on raised foot with round neck, carved in relief with a double dragon in a cartouche; round turquoise stopper with silver collar.
The Eastern dragon is not the gruesome monster of medieval imagination, but the genius of strength and goodness. He is the spirit of change, therefore of life itself. Hidden in the caverns of inaccessible mountains, or coiled in the unfathomed depth of the sea, he awaits the time when he slowly rouses himself into activity. He unfolds himself in the storm clouds; he washes his mane in the blackness of the seething whirlpools. His claws are in the fork of the lightning, his scales begin to glisten in the bark of rain-swept pine trees. His voice is heard in the hurricane, which, scattering the withered leaves of the forest, a dragon quickens a new spring [C. A. S. Williams. Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs / 3rd Revised Edition. — Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1993].
The Qing dynasty (1644–1911). Mid-19th century. Dimensions: H90 x W52 x D30 mm -
A hardcover pictorial album, 25 x 25.5 cm, bound in black buckram with silver lettering to spine, in pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-6] 7-175 [176 blank], total 88 leaves, illustrated in colour throughout. Title-page: Shunga | EROTIC ART | IN JAPAN | ROSINA BUCKLAND | THE BRITISH MUSEUM PRESS || Subject: Art, Japanese – Edo period, 1600-1868; Erotic art – Japan; Prints, Japanese – History. Contributor: Rosina Buckland (British, b. 1974)