  • Iron tsuba of round form profusely decorated with brass inlay of plants, birds, well, and family crests (mon) in suemon-zōgan technique and occasional brass dots (nail-heads) or ten-zōgan. Seppa-dai and kozuka-hitsu-ana outlined with brass inaly, possibly repaired: rope-shaped wire here and there replaced with flat wire. The plate is very thin, with remnants of lacquer. Ōnin school. Size: 75.8 x 75.2 x 2.3 mm. Weight: 77.5 g. On the front side (omote) motif includes the following elements (from 12 o'clock, clockwise):
    1. Water plantain (a.k.a. arrowhead, or omodaka): "a perpetual plant of the water plantain family, was also called shōgunsō (victorious army grass). Because of this martial connotation, it was a design favored for the crests of samurai families" [see: Family Crests of Japan. // Stone Bridge Press, Berkeley, CA, 2007; p. 63].
    2. Heron (sagi): "...considered an emblem of longevity, and from China comes the practice of regarding the bird as a mount of the gods and the Taoist sennin. [...] heron also reflects an inauspicious connotation, for the word sagi is homophone for 'fraud' and 'false pretenses'." [see: Merrily Baird. Symbols of Japan. Thematic motifs in art and design. // Rizzoli international publications, Inc., 2001; p. 112]. Some may say, that this is not a heron but a crane (tsuru). It's very possible, and in this case the negative connotation is lost, but the reference to longevity and allusion to sennin remain.
    3. Pampas grass (susuki, or obana): as per Merrily Baird, p. 95 and John W. Dower, p. 66, pampas grass is one of the Seven Grasses of Autumn. When combined with flying wild gees, conveys strong autumnal mood.
    4. Plum blossom (ume): according to Merrily Baird, the flower has a vast variety of symbolic meanings, including longevity, and a reference to the Chinese Taoists. It is used in 80 family crests [see: Japanese Design Motifs: 4,260 Illustrations of Japanese Crests; Compiled by the Matsuya Piece-Goods Store; Translated by Fumie Adachi. // Dover Publications, Inc., 1972.] Plum is "celebrated for its sweet perfume, delicate blossoms, and habit of blooming at the end of winter".
    5. Tree flying wild geese (kari): "Wild geese arrive in large flocks in southern regions during the autumn months, and following their migratory instincts, head back north in spring" [Family Crests of Japan, pp. 85-86]. "The importance of geese in Japanese art was further secured by stories of several military heroes who had achieved victory in battle when a sudden breaking of ranks by flying geese signaled an ambush. The protective role of the birds led to their frequent use in decorating sword furnishings and possibly also their adoption as a family crest motif.Finally, the goose in Asia plays a role in religious traditions" [Merrily Baird, pp.111-112].
    6. Hikiryō (line, or bar, or stripe) - a symbol which consists of one, two, or three horizontal or vertical stripes in a circle. "In wartime, Japanese generals [...] surrounded their encampments with huge cloth curtains. Usually these were made of cloth sewn together horizontally and varying in color [...] to distinguish the individual general and his followers. The stripe thus assumed strong martial connotations, and became a mark of identification on personal military gear as well. In the early fourteenth century  the heads of the Ashikaga and Nitta, then the two most powerful clans in Japan, both adopted stripe patterns as a family crest". [See: Family Crests of Japan, p. 111 and John W. Dower. The elements of Japanese design - A handbook of family crests, heraldry & symbolism. // Weatherhill, New York, Tokyo, 1985, p. 144].
    On the reverse (ura) motif includes the following elements (from 12 o'clock, clockwise):
    1. Hikiryō, see above.
    2. Pampas grass (susuki, or obana), see above.
    3. Bellflower (kikyo): One of the Seven Grasses of Autumn. "As a crest, it have been adopted among the warriors around the thirteenth century, primarily because of it's beauty" [John W. Dower, p. 48].
    4. Four flying wild geese (kari), see above.
    5. Weeping willow (yanagi): "It is commonly represented with water, snow, swallows, or herons.  A branch of willow (yoshi) is one of the attributes of the Buddhist deity Senju Kannon (Thousand-Armed Kannon), who is said to use the branch to sprinkle the nectar of life contained in a vase. [Merrily Baird, pp. 66-67].
    6. Lone plum blossom in a well frame/crib (igeta, izitsu): "Well crib was one of the most popular motifs in Japanese heraldry".  As a crest it may stay simply for the first character (i) of the family name, however, with a flower inside the well frame, and together with the other symbols present, it may aggravate the sense of autumn-ness. The ten-zōgan dots in this particular case may represent the snowflakes or autumn stars.
    The beholder may imagine a high-ranking samurai resting near a river or lake after the battle. Surrounded by clusters of pampas grass, he's watching a flock of geese flying in the skies; it is late in the autumn, and the occasional snowflakes hover around; heron is walking amidst the arrowheads, hunting for food. The last lonely plum blossom floating in a well... According to Gary D. Murtha, this type of tsuba "could be considered as Onin or as early Heianjo work. The brass trim around kozuka hitsu-ana and the seppa-dai are characteristics of Onin work [see: Japanese sword guards. Onin - Heianjo - Yoshiro. Gary D. Murtha. GDM Publications, 2016; p. 27].  
  • Attributed to Suzuki Harunobu (Japanese: 鈴木 春信; c. 1725 – 7 July 1770). Sunga. Woman dreaming of making love. British museum attributes to Ippitsusai Buncho (一筆斉文調).
  • Utagawa Toyokuni I. Women Weaving and Boy Playing with Puppies. c. 1790's. Publisher Wakasaya Yoichi (Jakurindô). Vertical aiban; 32.2 x 21.5 cm (12 11/16 x 8 7/16 in.). MFA ACCESSION NUMBER 06.671. Signed Toyokuni ga 豊国画. Censor's seal: kiwame 改印:極 SOLD
  • The right sheet of (optional) triptych: Geisha (Geiko) and kabuki actor Iwai Hanshirō V as Katanaya Hanshichi from Three pleasures of present-day Osaka (Tōsei Naniwa no sankō)「当世浪花の三興 芸子」 「刀屋半七」五代目岩井半四郎. Publisher: Iseya Rihei [伊勢屋利兵衛] (Japanese, fl. 1790s – c. 1879) Year: 1821 (Bunsei 4). Size: Vertical ōban; 36.5 x 25.2 cm. Signed: 於浮瀬亭国貞画 – Drawn by Kunisada in Ukabuse (Ukabuse ni oite Kunisada ga). Ukabuse is the name of a famous restaurant in Osaka, this signature can be found only on a three print bijin series [Kunisada Project]. Censor's seal: kiwame 改印:極 Actor Iwai Hanshirō V [岩井半四郎] (Japanese, 1776 – 1847); other names: Iwai Tojaku, Iwai Kumesaburō I. Character: Katanaya Hanshichi  [刀屋半七] Ref: MFA ACCESSION NUMBER 11.21938LIB-2967.2022 Izzard. Full series (triptych) Three Pleasures of Present-day Osaka (Tōsei Naniwa no sankō):
  • Thin iron tsuba of round form with design of family crests (mon) and arabesque (karakusa) in brass or copper inlay (suemon-zōgan) and occasional scattered brass dots or nail heads in ten-zōgan. Seppa-dai outlined with brass wire in the shape of a rope; kozuka-hitsu-ana outlined with scalloped brass wire. Rounded rim with iron bones (tekkotsu). The surface covered with lacquer (urushi). Ōnin school. Late Muromachi period, 16th century. Family crests on the face: 1:30: Two lines (double stripe) encircled (maruni futatsu biki). 4:30: Stylized clove (choji). 7:30: Divided rhombus, or four lozenges incorporated in one (wari-bishi); it is also called Takeda-bishi, the family crest of warrior Takeda Shingen (among the others). 10:00: Stylized Genji-mon (Genji kō-zu) or incense symbol. On the reverse: 2:00 - "Chinese cloud" not a crest. 5:00: Bit (Kutsuwa) 7:30: Number four in a fan (ōgi-san) 10:30: Two dots in a well frame (igeta).