NEWHardcover, 252 x 190 mm, green cloth with gilt vignettes to front and back, and gilt lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers, collated 8vo: 1-108 114, i.e. 84 leaves, pp.: [1-7] 8-166 [2], incl. two engraved faux-titles. Title-page (green and black): ВЕРГИЛИЙ | СЕЛЬСКИЕ | ПОЭМЫ | БУКОЛИКИ | ГЕОРГИКИ | ❧ | ПЕРЕВОД | ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАТЬЯ | И КОММЕНТАРИИ | С. ШЕРВИНСКОГО | {VIGNETTE} | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА ~ ЛЕНИНГРАД | MCMXXXIII || Contra-title (green and black): Сокровища мировой литературы | ВЕРГИЛИЙ | БУКОЛИКИ | и | ГЕОРГИКИ | {VIGNETTE} | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА ~ ЛЕНИНГРАД | MCMXXXIII || T.p. verso: PUBLII VERGILI MARONIS | BUCOLICA ET GEORGICA | Титульные листы, супер-обложка, переплет | и форзац по рисункам П. А. Шиллинговского || Print run: 5,300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 528, p. 230. Contributors: Virgil [Publius Vergilius Maro; Вергилий] (Roman, 70 BC – 19 BC) Шервинский, Сергей Васильевич (Russian, 1892 – 1991) Шиллинговский, Павел Александрович (Russian, 1881 – 1942)
NEWHardcover, 254 x 190 mm, brown cloth with black and gilt vignette to front, gilt lettering to front and spine, pictorial endpapers, yellow pictorial dust jacket, collated 8vo: 1-248, i.e. 192 leaves, pp.: [1-7] 8-379 [5]; woodcut h.-t., t.p., faux-title, 12 book titles, initials, tail-pieces, and dust jacket. Woodcut title-page: ВЕРГИЛИЙ | ЭНЕИДА | (white on black) ПЕРЕВОД | ВАЛЕРИЯ БРЮСОВА | И | СЕРГЕЯ СОЛОВЬЕВА | РЕДАКЦИЯ, | ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАТЬЯ | И КОММЕНТАРИИ | Н. Ф. ДЕРАТАНИ || Woodcut half-title: ПАМЯТНИКИ МИРОВОЙ | ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | ВЕРГИЛИЙ | ЭНЕИДА | Academia | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1933 || Imprint (t.p. verso): P. VERGILII MARONIS | ÆNEIS | Супер-обложка и орнаментация книги (гравюры на дереве), | переплет и форзац работы Л. С. Хижинского || Print run: 5300 copies Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 529, p. 230. Contributors: Virgil [Publius Vergilius Maro; Вергилий] (Roman, 70 BC – 19 BC) Брюсов, Валерий Яковлевич [Bryusov, Valery] (Russian, 1873 – 1924) Соловьёв, Сергей Михайлович (Russian, 1885 – 1942) Дератани, Николай Фёдорович (Russian, 1884 – 1958) Хижинский, Леонид Семёнович [Khizhinsky, Leonid] (Soviet, 1896 – 1972)
NEWThree volumes, hardcover in-folio, 495 x 350 mm, 1st edition, uniformly bound in red faux-chagrin with gilt coat of arms of the city of Paris in the centre of gild-decorated panel, gilt decorated spine with lettering, marbled endpapers, 3 vol. (122 p.-[46] pl., 76-44-24-22-36-26...); vol. 1 – 340 pp, vol. 2 – 296 pp, vol. 3 – 268 pp ; total 100 leaves of plates. Title-page (red and black): PARIS | DANS SA SPLENDEUR | MONUMENTS, VUES, SCÉNES HISTORIQUES, DESCRIPTIONS ET HISTOIRE | DESSINS ET LITHOGRAPHIES | […] | VIGNETTES DE FÉLIX BENOIST ET CATENACCI, EXÉCUTÉES SUR BOIS PAR LES PREMIERS GRAVURS | TEXTE | […] | Premier Volume (Deuxième Volume, Troisième Volume) | PREMIERE PARTIE. — DESCRIPTION DE PARIS | {vignette} | Publié par | HENRI CHARPENTIER, IMPRIMEUR-ÉDITEUR | PARIS, QUAI DES GRANDS-AUGUSTINS, 55. — ÉTABLESSEMENT A NANTES, RUE DE LA FOSSE. | M. DCCC. LXI. || Contributors: Mérimée, Prosper (French, 1803 – 1870) – text Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène (French, 1814 – 1879) – text Audiganne, Armand (French, 1814 – 1875) – text Philippe Benoist (French, 1813 – 1896) – lithography Benoist, Félix (French, 1818 – 1896) – woodcuts Catenacci, Hercule Louis (French, 1816 – 1884) – woodcuts Charpentier, Henri-Désiré (French, 1806 – 1882) Henri Charpentier imprimeur (Nantes) – printer Henri Charpentier éditeur (Paris) –publisher
NEWPaperback, 168 x 126 mm, publisher’s woodcut wrappers, stapled brochure, pp.: [2] 3-14 [2], oval blue ink stamp «Ленинградское Общество Кустарей и Ремесленников – Библиотека». Title-page: ДЕШЕВАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА ЖУРНАЛА “КАТОРГА И ССЫЛКА”. (rule) | В. Д. ВИЛЕНСКИЙ-СИБИРЯКОВ | КРОВАВОЕ | ВОСКРЕСЕНЬЕ | 9-Е ЯНВАРЯ 1905 ГОДА | МОСКВА | 1925. || Print run: 20,000 copies. Виленский-Сибиряков, Владимир Дмитриевич (Russian, 1888 – 1942), author, died in GULAG.
NEWOwner’s half-cloth over marbled boards, 150 x 117 mm, convolute of two clandestine publications, approx. 1890, original light blue wrappers preserved; title pages in frame with meander corners: (1) Les travaux forcés et la déportation | politique en Russie. | КАТОРГА И ССЫЛКА | ~ | ЖЕНЕВА | Вольная русская типографiя || pp.: 1-67 [68 blank], black ink stamp — М. Цебрикова to p. 67. (2) Lettre à l'Empereur Alexandre III. | ПИСЬМО | ИМПЕРАТОРУ АЛЕКСАНДРУ III | ~ | ЖЕНЕВА | Вольная русская типографiя || pp.: 1-40, black ink stamp М. Цебрикова to p. 40. Цебрикова, Мария Константиновна (Russian, 1835 – 1917)
NEWHardcover, 188 x 118 mm, brown half-morocco over burgundy faux-chagrin, spine with raised bands and burgundy label with gilt lettering, gilt fleurons in compartments, floral diaper endpapers, collated 8vo:ffl, π2 1-138, ffl, pp. [4] 1-207 [208], plus frontispiece portrait and 8 unnumbered leaves of plates, etchings, one of them hand-coloured; limitation to half-title verso: "Tirage a 300 exemplaires". The title page is loose. Each gathering has 4 'tall' pages (1, 2, 7, 8 - 181 mm) and 4 'short' (3, 4, 5, 6 - 165 mm). Two parts are in one vol., signed and paged continuously; the second part has its own half-title and title pages. "Fin de première partie" at p. 107 (76), part 2 h.t. at 77, part 2 t.p. similar to the main t.p. but in black only at 78. The portrait of Étienne de Jouy was possibly engraved by Charles Monselet (French, 1825 – 1888) after Julien-Léopold Boilly (French, 1796 – 1874). Title-page (red and black): LA GALERIE | DES | FEMMES | COLLECTION INCOMPLÈTE DE HUIT TABLEAUX | RECUEILLIS PAR UN AMATEUR | L'amour est le roman du cœur | Et le plaisir en est l'histoire. | BEAUMARCHAIS. Folle journ. | — | A HAMBOURG | – | 1799 Compare to Dutel: 8 plates instead of 9; no two-page text “Nous espérions joinder à ce livre une notice…” before Deux mots de préface, the word FIN on p. 207 instead of 203, no table of contents at the end; no imprint Bruxelles. — Imp. de J. H. Briard, rue des Minimes, 51, on the same page as Table, signed 15. Dutel: № A-456, p.148:
- In-8 (18,4 x 11) de (2 ff.), II, 203 pp., 1 ff. de table, couv. jaune imp. en rouge.
- Édition publiée à Bruxelles en 1869 par J.-P. Blanche. Elle est ornée de 9 gravures et d'un facsimilé de l'écriture de Monselet, qui n'est pour rien dans ce volume.
- Tirage : 300 exemplaires.
NEWHardcover, 220 x 175 mm, cloth spine over blue floral paper boards, pp.: [1-6] 7-69 [3], 21 leaves of plates. Title-page: Михаил | ГЕРМАН | В. ДВОРАКОВСКИЙ | «ХУДОЖНИК РСФСР» | Ленинград | 1970 || Print run: 3,000 copies. Герман, Михаил Юрьевич (Russian, 1933 – 2018) Двораковский, Валериан Дмитриевич (Russian, 1904 – 1979)
NEWTwo hardcover volumes, 222 x 148 mm, uniformly bound in grey cloth with red and black lettering to front board and spine. 1: В. С. НЕЧАЕВА | Журнал | М. М. и Ф. М. Достоевских | «ВРЕМЯ» | 1861–1863 | {publisher’s device} | — | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | МОСКВА | 1972 ||; pp. [1-4] 5-316 [4], errata slip tipped in. Print run 4,900 copies. 2: В. С. НЕЧАЕВА | Журнал | М. М. и Ф. М. Достоевских | «ЭПОХА» | 1864–1865 | {publisher’s device} | — | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | МОСКВА | 1975 ||; pp. [1-4] 5-301 [3], errata slip tipped in. Print run 8,000 copies. Blue ink stamp "Из книг А. Б. Муратова" to ffl. Достоевский, Михаил Михайлович [Dostoevsky, Mikhail] (Russian, 1820 – 1864) Достоевский, Фёдор Михайлович [Dostoevsky, Fyodor] (Russian, 1821 – 1881) Нечаева, Вера Степановна (Russian, 1895 – 1979) Муратов Аскольд Борисович (Russian, 1937 – 2005)
NEWRed cloth portfolio 313 x 250 mm, with gilt lettering in frame to front, contains an in-folio brochure (4 sheets folded in-half), unbound, pp. [2] 3-15 [1], plus 24 leaves of loose plates 300 x 239 mm; title page, full-length photo portrait of Pilotell by Charles Reutlinger (German-French, 1816 – 1881), autograph of the former, and a copy of his birth certificate. Printed by l'Imprimerie Union in Paris in 1970 (2nd edition). Portfolio title: AVANT | PENDANT ET APRÈS | LA | COMMUNE || Title-page: PILOTELL | Dessinateur et Communard | PAR | CHARLES FELD | LIVRE-CLUB DIDEROT – PARIS || Contributors: Pilotell [Pilotelle, Georges Raoul Eugène] (French, 1845 – 1918) Feld, Charles Léon Salomon (Jewish-French, 1919 – 1995) Imprimerie Union (Paris, 1910 – 1995)
NEWA jigsaw pocket map of Paris, 763 x 1086 mm, coloured, 36 segments on a canvas base; folded size: 190 x 125 mm. A high-quality image at WikipédiA. Reference: "An extremely large 1878 pocket of Paris by A. Logerot. It covers the walled centre of Paris and its immediate vicinity, including the Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes. All streets and many important buildings are noted throughout. Colour-coded by arrondissement. All text is in French. This map was first issued by Logerot in 1859 and updated annually through the 1880s. This is the 1878 edition drawn by Ch. Smith". [Geographicus Rare Antique Maps] Label: ATELIER DE COLLAGE | de Cartes | Géographiques Tableaux etc. | PLAN | de | PARIS | AUGUSTE • LOGEROT | Quai des Augustins, 55. | (Près le Pont neuf) || Top : NOUVEAU PLAN DE PARIS DIVISE EN 20 ARRONDISSEMENTS. | Dans un rayon de 10 kilomètres. | PUBLIÉ PAR AUG. LOGEROT, ÉDITEUR. [—] PARIS, QUAI DES AUGUSTINS, 55. Bottom centre :1878, Right : IMP. MONROCQ, PARIS. Description: Entoilage beige de l’époque, 36 segments. Arrondissements, forts et fortifications en couleurs. Contributors: Logerot, Auguste (French, fl. c.1839 – c.1880) Monrocq, Jean Noël (French, 1819 – 1913) Imprimerie Monrocq (Paris)
NEWA folding pocket map of Paris, 620 x 890 mm, hand-coloured, folded size: 168 x 102 mm. A high-quality image at Wikimedia Commons. Description by seller: "Contours des arrondissements et mur des fortifications aquarellés. Les arrondissements nouvellement annexés ne sont pas reproduits à l'échelle. Avec indication en bleu des percements haussmaniens en cours. Deux panoramas gravés en marge". Label: NOUVEAU PLAN | DE PARIS, | ou Guide des Étrangers. | {Panthéon} | A Paris chez LALLEMAND Rue de Poitevins No. 6. Title: NOUVEAU PARIS [—] FORTIFIÉ 1860. || PLAN GARANTI~COMPLET | OU | LE GUIDE DAN PARIS | DRESSÉ | PAR LALLEMAND, GÉOGRPHE. GRAV. AU DÉPOT DE LA GUERRE | 1860 | A Paris Rue de Poitevins No. 6. Engraver: Dépôt de la guerre Publisher/Cartographer: Lallemand, Armand Joseph (French, c.1810 – 1871)
NEWFlapped portfolio 330 x 245 mm, blue cloth spine over crimson paper boards, contains six loose etched plates printed on laid paper, each in a passepartout 320 x 235 mm, incl. title sheet 175 x 210 mm with plate mark 120 x 165 mm, and five other sheets of various sizes (220-250 x 163-215 mm). Contributors: Schoff, Otto (German, 1888 – 1938) Gurlitt, Fritz (Austrian-German, 1854 – 1893) According to many sources, there should be six etchings besides the title-page. Another set that belonged to Hans-Jürgen Döpp and was sold in Berlin on May 10, 2024, has an additional image: And another '7th plate' can be found at honesterotica.com: However, I believe the six etchings mentioned at t.p. are all in the portfolio, including t.p. The two images above are probably parts of other sets.
NEWGreen paper cardboard flapped portfolio 325 x 235 mm with the pasted label "• ENTRÉE • | INTERDITE | AU | PUBLIC", contains a folded by half in-folio sheet with the title "INTERDITE | AU | PUBLIC", limitation statement "TIRÉ A 250 EXEMPLAIRES TOUS SUR JAPON IMPÉRIAL | N° 22", and a notice by Pierre Mac-Orlan; and 20 loose leaves of plates—heliogravures, printed in black, bistre, red or green on Japon Impérial laid paper ~ 275 x 210 mm, each in a passepartout 314 x 226 mm, plate marks from 63x92 to 220x277 mm. According to J.-P. Dutel № 1487, pp. 150/1, five of these prints have not been published before, while fifteen are copies of two original works by Vertés:
- Six from Le Pays A Mon Gout: 12 etchings. — Paris: [n.p.], 1921; Limited to 550 copies.
- Nine from L'Heure exquise: 20 pointes sèches originales. — Paris [Vienne], 1920 ; Limited to 200 copies.
NEWCardboard clamshell box of red buckram over marbled paper 360 x 260 mm, contains 13 drawings (watercolour and pen on paper), wove paper sheets approx. 220 x 190 mm, title page mounted on a blank sheet and monogrammed 'ORS", others in passe-partout 350 x 250 mm, unsigned. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWWatercolour, pen and ink on laid paper 313 x 265 mm; each monogrammed "ORS” in manuscript; seven ex-album holes along the left margin. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWZeugnis (Grade book) – a set of fifteen plates, incl. the title page and the colophon, that tells the story of a schoolgirl whose parents spanked her for not being a good student. Watercolour and ink on 244 x 344 mm cream laid paper with Hahnemühle's watermark (rooster with a shield), signed and dated in manuscript on the last page (colophon) "O. R. SCHATZ | 1954 | X", unbound (disbound), with four binding holes in the left margin of each sheet; no boards. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
NEWHardcover 470 x 305 mm, bound in 20th century by a previous owner in quarter vellum over marbled boards, 2 blank fly leaves as endpapers, in-folio, 15 laid paper leaves 450 x 290 mm, i-iv t.p., preface, 8 unpag. leaves incl. f.t. “Première partie / la myologie”, incl. 7 plates, and 5 leaves under f.t. “Deuxieme partie / l’osteologie”, incl 3 plates. A ms signed letter from a previous seller laid in: Librars & Antiquaria s.r.l., Roma, dated 17/7/83; their ticket at rear pastedown. Title-page: ABRÉGÉ | D'ANATOMIE, | ACCOMMODÉ AUX ARTS | DE PEINTURE | ET | DE SCULPTURE, | Par FRANÇOIS TORTEBAT, Peintre de l'Académie de Peinture & de Sculpture, | Et mis dans un ordre nouveau, dont la méthode est très-facile & débarrassée de toutes les | difficultés & choses inutiles, qui ont toujours eté un grand obstacle aux Peintres pour | arriver à la perfection de leur Art. | PAR DE PILES. | OUVRAGE très-utile & très-nécessaire à tous ceux | qui font profession du Dessin. | — | A PARIS, | Du Fonds de CHARLES-ANTOINE JOMBERT, | Chez {BARRIOS, l’aîné, Libraire, rue de Savoie, № 23; | MAGIMEL, Libraire, quai das Augustins, près le Pont-neuf. | — | 8. || Faux-title (1): ABRÉGÉ | D'ANATOMIE, | ACCOMMODE AUX ARTS | DE PEINTURE | ET | DE SCULPTURE | LA PREMIÈRE PARTIE (in double-rules) | CONTENANT | LA MYOLOGIE | OU DESCRIPTION DES MUSCLES, | ET LA CONNOISSANCE DE LEURS PRINCIPALS FONCTIONS. || Faux-title (2): […] DEUXIEME PARTIE (in double-rules) | CONTENANT | L'OSTÉOLOGIE | OU | LA CONNOISSANCE DES OS. || Contributors: François Tortebat (French, 1616 – 1690) – artist/engraver Roger de Piles (French, 1635 – 1709) – author Charles-Antoine Jombert (French, 1712 – 1784) – publisher
NEWHardcover, 165 x 105 mm, full tree sheepskin, flat spine with gilt bands, black calf label with gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, all margins marbled; collation: 2ffl, a4 ([i] engraved t.p., [ii] letterpress t.p., iii-vi frontis.), A-F8 a8 (i.e. G8), i.e. 60 leaves, pp.: [8] 1-79/90-106, 1-16, plus one plate (p. 106); iron gall ink ms to first rear ffl. Two parts in one volume, 1st illustrated edition, engraved t.p. and five plates, only one extraneous to collation with blank verso. Engraved title (tall ‘s’): LES | QVATRAINS | DV SIEUR | PIBRAC. Enrichis de figures. | Dedie a Monseigneur | le DAVPHIN. | A PARIS, |Chez ANTOINE ROBINOT, | en la place Dauphine au | Soleil d’Or. | 1640. || Title-page (tall ‘s’): LES | QVATRAINS | DES SIEVRS | PYBPRAC, FAVRE, | ET MATHIEV : Ensemble les Plaisirs de la Vie Rustique. | Enrichis de Figures en Taille-douce. | Dediez | A MONSEIGNEVR LE DAVPHIN | {fleuron} | A PARIS, | Chez ANTOINE ROBINOT, en l'Isle du | Palais, au Soleil d'Or, & en la Boutique | sur le Pont-neuf. | — | M. DC. XL | AVEC PRIVILEGE DV ROY. || Contributors: Guy du Faur de Pibrac (French, 1529 – 1584) – author Pierre Matthieu (French, 1563 – 1621) – author Antoine Favre (French, 1557 – 1624) – author Pierre Brébiette (French, 1598? – 1642) – engraver