Title page: PHROSINE | ET | MELIDORE, | POËME | EN QUATRE CHANTS. | A MESSINE, | Et se trouve A Paris, | Chez Le Jay, Libraire, au Grand Corneille, | rue S. Jacques. | M. DCC. LXXII. || Pagination : ffl, [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] t.p. / blank, [1] 2-55 [56 blank], bfl ; 4 copperplate engravings by Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) after Charles Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778), one before each chant. Collation: 8vo; π2 (h.t., t.p. ) A-C8 D4. Binding: 20.5 x 14 cm, full mottled calf, gilt-ruled with triple fillet, flat spine, gilt in compartments, black label with gilt lettering, printed on laid paper, all edges red. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen de Ricci p. 132; J. Lewine: p. 53. Contributors: Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721–1777) Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778) Pierre-Joseph Bernard [Gentil-Bernard] (French, 1708 – 1775).
Title: THE LIFE OF LOUIS ADOLPHE THIERS | BY | FRANCOIS Le GOFF | DOCTEUR-ÈS-LETTRES | TRANSLATED FROM THE UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT | BY | THEODORE STANTON, A. M. | {motto: Patriam dilexit, veritatem coluit.} | NEW YORK | G. P Putnam's Sons, 1879 | 182 FIFTH AVENUE | 1879 || Pagination: 2 blank leaves, frontis.: portrait of A. Thiers engraved on wood by J.I. Pease w/ tissue guard, [2] fac-simile of Thiers’s handwriting / blank, [2] - t.p. / copyright, [2] – dedication / blank, [2] – translators note / blank, [2] contents / blank, [vii] viii-xi [xii], [1] 2-353 [354 blank], [4] advert., 2 blank leaves; ill.: frontis., 1 woodcut plate, 1 folding manuscript fac-simile. Binding: dark-green cloth with bevelled margins, a gilt fac-simile of Thiers’s handwriting to front board, gilt lettering to spine. Note: The motto on the title page (Patriam dilexit, veritatem coluit) is taken from A. Thiers tomb on Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris: "He cherished his homeland and worshipped the truth".
Cover and title page: Освободительная библiотека. | П. А. КРОПОТКИНЪ. | Парижская коммуна | В. СИМКОВИЧЪ | Послѣдние годы борьбы Россiи | съ самодержавiемъ | {publisher’s device} | ИЗДАНIЕ В. Д. КАРЧАГИНА. | Москва—1906. || Publisher’s lettered wrappers, pagination: [1-5] 6-83 [84], collation: 8vo, [1]8 2-58 62; size: 10.5 x 14 cm. Contents: П. А. Кропоткин. Парижская коммуна / Пер. Т. Брона — pp. 3-31; В. Симкович. Последнии годы борьбы России с самодержавием / Пер. Л. П. Данилова — pp. 33- 83. Kropotkin, Pyotr Alexeyevich [Кропоткин, Пётр Алексеевич] (Russian, 1842 – 1921) — author of the text. Simkhovitch, Vladimir Gregorievitch [Симкович, В.] (Russian-American, 1874 – 1959) — author of the text. Кушнерёв, Иван Николаевич (Russian, 1827 – 1896) — printer.