• Title page: ЖОРЖ-ЖАК ДАНТОН | ИЗБРАННЫЕ РЕЧИ | РЕДАКЦИЯ, ВВЕДЕНИЕ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Проф. Н. С. ГОЛЬДИНА | {publisher’s device} | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО УКРАИНЫ | 1924 Lacking wrappers, [2] – blank / frontispiece portrait of Danton, [2] t.p., / imprint, v-xviii, [2] –f.t / blank, 1-111 [112], collation: π2 *8 1-78. Danton, Georges Jacques [Дантон, Жорж Жак] (French, 1759 – 1794). Гольдин, Николай Сергеевич (Ukrainian-Jewish, 1877 – after 1924). Translator unknown.
  • Cover: LES | RÉUNIONS PUBLIQUES | A PARIS | 1868 — 1869 | PAR | AUGUSTE VITU | TROISIÈME ÉDITION | Augmentée d’un Appendice contenant les Jugements et Arrêts | rendus à Paris en matière de réunions publiques | PARIS | E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PALAIS-ROYAL, 17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | MAI 1869 || ; t.p. similar with no dash between 17 and 19 in the bottom. Pagination: [1-5] 6-151 [1]; collation: 8vo, [1]8 2-98 103; 23 x 14 cm, publisher’s lettered blue paper wrappers. Printer: Dubuisson et Cie (Paris). Vitu, Auguste-Charles-Joseph (French, 1823 – 1891)
  • Title page: PHROSINE | ET | MELIDORE, | POËME | EN QUATRE CHANTS. | A MESSINE, | Et se trouve A Paris, | Chez Le Jay, Libraire, au Grand Corneille, | rue S. Jacques. | M. DCC. LXXII. || Pagination : ffl, [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] t.p. / blank, [1] 2-55 [56 blank], bfl ; 4 copperplate engravings by Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) after Charles Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778), one before each chant. Collation: 8vo; π2 (h.t., t.p. ) A-C8 D4. Binding: 20.5 x 14 cm, full mottled calf, gilt-ruled with triple fillet, flat spine, gilt in compartments, black label with gilt lettering, printed on laid paper, all edges red. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen de Ricci p. 132; J. Lewine: p. 53. Contributors: Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721–1777) Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778) Pierre-Joseph Bernard [Gentil-Bernard] (French, 1708 – 1775).
  • Title: MEMOIRS AND TRAVELS | OF | MAURITIUS AUGUSTUS COUNT DE | BENYOWSKY | MAGNATE OF THE KINGDOMS OF HUNGARY AND POLAND, ONE OF | THE CHIEFS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF POLAND | ETC., ETC. | Consisting of his Military Operations in Poland, his Exile into Kamchatka, | his Escape and Voyage from that Peninsula through the Northern | Pacific Ocean, touching at Japan and Formosa, to Canton | in China, with an Account of the French Settle- | ment he was appointed to form upon the | Island of Madagascar | WITH AN INTRODUCTION, NOTES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY | BY | CAPTAIN S. PASFIELD OLIVER || Half-title (ornamental, in black and red): MEMOIRS & | TRAVELS of | MAURITIUS | AUGUSTUS | COUNT | DE | BENYOWSKY | LONDON•KEGAN• | PAUL•TRENCH• | TRÜBNER•&•Co 1904 || Pagination: [i, ii] – owner pasted wood engraving “A woman of Kamchatka” / Dryden House advert., [iii, iv] – serial title / MAB (years), frontis. Portrait of MAB by Walter L. Colls w/guard, [v, vi] – ornamental h.t / copyright, [vii, viii] – t.p. / list of ill., ix-xxxvi, 1-635 [636]. Collation: 2 blank leaves (binding), [a]-b8 c2 1-398 406, 2 plates, 2 blank leaves (binding). Binding: Modern ¾ morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt fleur-de-lis-cross in compartments, burgundy label with gilt lettering, by Atkinson Book Binders, Salisbury (sticker to back pastedown). Contributors: Printed by Neill and Co., Edinburgh. Published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.; Kegan Paul, Charles (British, 1828 – 1902). Author: Maurice Auguste comte de Benyowsky [Мориц Август Бенёвский] (Polish-Slovak-Hungarian, 1746 –1786). Editor: Samuel Pasfield Oliver (British, 1838 – 1907). Translator: William Nicholson (British, 1753 – 1815). Originally published in 1790, in London (I have not seen it anywhere) and in Dublin by P. Wogan [etc.], and in 1791 in French, in Paris by Buisson.
  • Title (in black and red): АНРИ РОШФОР | ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ПЕРЕВОД, ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ | СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Е. СМИРНОВА | ACADEMIA | 1933 || Opposite title: ИНОСТРАННЫЕ МЕМУАРЫ, ДНЕВНИКИ, | ПИСЬМА И МАТЕРИАЛЫ | Под редакцией И. Т. Смилги ( whited-out) | АНРИ РОШФОР | 1831—1913 | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso: Henri Rochefort | Les Aventures de ma vie. | Переплет и суперобложка | по рисункам М. В. Ушакова-Поскочина. Pagination: [1, 2] – publisher’s device / blank, [3, 4] – opposite title, [5, 6] – t.p. / orig. title, 7-452 [453-460], ill. Collation: [1]-288 296 + 15 plates extraneous to collation. Binding: burgundy cloth ruled blind and stamped in gilt with a lantern to cover and lettering to spine, pictorial DJ; top margin red. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов, Е. В. Кичатова. "Academia" (2004): p. 237-8. Ушаков [Ушаков-Поскочин], Максим Владимирович (Russian, 1893 – 1943) – died in NKVD labor camp. Смилга, Ивар Тенисович (Latvian-Russian, 1892 – 1937) — shot dead by NKVD firing squad.  
  • Title: L'ART | D'AIMER, | ET | POÉSIES DIVERSES | DE M. BERNARD. Pagination: [2] – t.p. / stanza by Voltaire; engraved t. p., frontispiece, [1] 2-170; pp. 1-61 – L'art d'aimer; pp. 62-111 – Phrosine et Mélidore; pp. 112-170 – Poésies diverses; illustrations. Collation: 8vo; π1 (letterpress t.p.), A-K8 L5; + 8 plates: (1)* engraved title page facing the stanza by Ch. Baquoy; (2) plate as a frontispiece by Ponce after Ch. Eisen, inscribed Chant I above the image, dated 1772, facing p. [1], chant 1er of l’art; (3)* Ch. Baquoy after P. Martini, inscribed Chant II below the image, facing p. 22, chant 2nd of l’art; (4) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant III above the image, facing p. 44, chant 3rd of l’art; (5)* Patas after P. Martini, inscribed Chant Ier below the image, dated 1775, facing p. 62, chant 1er of Phrosine; (6) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant II above the image, facing p. 74, chant 2nd of Phrosine; (7)* C. Gaucher after P. Martini, facing p. 84, chant 3rd of Phrosine; (8) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant IV above the image, facing p. 97, chant 4th of Phrosine; * – images additional to 1772 edition by Le Jay [LIB-2706.2021] (i.e. plates 1, 3, 5, and 7 are new). A counterfeit edition by an anonymous publisher. Binding: brown pebbled morocco, triple fillet gilt-ruled boards, raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt label lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, AMG; printed on laid paper, with tall 's'. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, De Richi (1912): p. 132: describes a counterfeit edition with 170 pages and 3 additional plates plus an engraved title. This seems to be a combination of Lejan [sic] Paris 1775 edition, which normally has 134 pages, 8vo, title engraved by Baquoy and three plates after Martini by Patas, Baquoy and Gaucher. Contributors: Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) – engraver. Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721 – 1777) – engraver. Jean-Baptiste Patas (French, 1748 – 1817) – engraver. Charles-Étienne Gaucher (French, 1740 – 1804) – engraver. Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778) – artist. Pietro Antonio Martini (Italian, 1738 – 1797) – artist. Pierre-Joseph Bernard [Gentil-Bernard] (French, 1708 – 1775) – author of the text.
  • Dust jacket (black lettering, sanguine vignettes over light blue) : {vignette} | P. M. HANDOVER | PRINTING | IN LONDON | from Caxton to | Modern Times | {vignette} || Title page: PRINTING IN LONDON | FROM 1476 TO MODERN TIMES | COMPETITIVE PRACTICE AND | TECHNICAL INVENTION | IN THE TRADE OF | BOOK AND BIBLE PRINTING | PERIODICAL PRODUCTION | JOBBING &C |—| P. M. HANDOVER | M.A. F.R.HIST.S. | HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS | CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS | 1960 || Pagination: [1, 2] – h.t. / blank ; frontispiece; [3, 4] – t.p. / imprint; [5, 6] – dedication / blank; [7] 8-224, inset: 7 sheets of plates between pp. 112-113 extraneous to collation, other illustrations in text; insert: invitation card "Publication date JUL 11 1960 Handover". Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-O8. Binding: publisher’s blue cloth, red label to spine, silver lettering, DJ.
  • A two-volume edition. 1st vol. Title (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | В ТРЕХ КНИГАХ | КНИГИ | ПЕРВАЯ И ВТОРАЯ | Издание подготовили | А. С. БОБОВИЧ | Ф. А. КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | Н. Я. РЫКОВА, А. А. СМИРНОВ | Второе издание | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО "НАУКА | МОСКВА | 1979 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS || Pagination: [1-5] 6-703 [1], errata slip. Collation: 16mo, [1]-2216, + frontispiece portrait and 2 plates extraneous to collation. 2nd vol. Title (2) (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | В ТРЕХ КНИГАХ | КНИГА ТРЕТЬЯ | Издание подготовили | А. С. БОБОВИЧ | Ф. А. КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | Н. Я. РЫКОВА, А. А. СМИРНОВ | Второе издание | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО "НАУКА | МОСКВА | 1979 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS || Pagination: [1-5] 6-534 [2]. Collation: 8vo, [1]-348, + frontispiece portrait. Binding: Uniformly bound in serial design green cloth with gilt lettering on an embossed scroll to front cover, gilt lettering to spine, 22 x 18 cm. Print run: 200,000 copies each volume. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (French, 1533 – 1592) Ананий [Анатолий] Самуилович Бобович (Russian-Jewish, 1904 – 1988) Надежда Януарьевна Рыкова (Russian, 1901 – 1996) Александр Александрович Смирнов (Russian, 1883– 1962) Фаина Абрамовна Коган-Бернштейн [b. Аронгауз] (Russian-Jewish, 1899 – 1976)
  • Жан де Лабрюйер | ХАРАКТЕРЫ, | ИЛИ | НРАВЫ | НЫНЕШНЕГО | ВЕКА | Перевод с французского | Э. ЛИНЕЦКОЙ И Ю. КОРНЕЕВА | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА» | МОСКВА  • ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1964 || Pagination: frontis., [2] 3-413 [414-416]; print run 50,000 copies. Collation : 8vo, [1]-268. Binding: 21 x 13.5 cm, olive buckram, lettering to cover and spine. Jean de La Bruyère (French, 1645 – 1696). Юрий Борисович Корнеев (Russian, 1921—1995). Эльга Львовна (Лейбовна) Линецкая [b. Фельдман] (Russian-Jewish, 1909 — 1997)
  • Title: THE BOHEMIANS | OF | THE LATIN QUARTER. | (SCÈNES DE LA VIE DE BOHÊME.) | By HENRI MURGER. | ILLUSTRATED WITH 10 ETCHINGS FROM DESIGNS BY MONTADER. |{publisher’s device}| LONDON: | VIZETELLY & CO., 16, HENRIETTA STREET, | COVENT GARDEN. | 1888. || Pagination: [i-v] vi-xxxiv, [1] 2-317 [318 blank]; collation: 8vo, π1 (h.t.), [a]-b8, B-U8 X7 + 10 etchings by Charles Courtry after Alfred Montader (incl. frontispiece and portrait of Henri Murger). Binding: 23 x 14.5 cm, olive cloth, black lettering to cover and gilt lettering to spine. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – original text (French). Montader, Pierre Marie Alfred (French, fl. c. 1881 – 1925) – artist. Courtry, Charles Jean Louis (French, 1846 – 1897) – engraver. Vizetelly, Henry Richard (British, 1820 – 1894) – publisher.
  • Title: S. ROSCOE | THOMAS BEWICK | A BIBLIOGRAPHY RAISONNÉ | OF EDITIONS OF THE | GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS | THE HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS | AND THE | FABLES OF AESOP | ISSUED IN HIS LIFETIME | GEOFFREY CUMBERLEGE | OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS | LONDON  NEW YORK  TORONTO | 1953 || Pagination: [2], [i-iv] v-xxx, 1-198 [2]; collation: 8vo, [a]-b8, B-N8, O4, all plates within collation. Binding: 25.5 x 16.5 cm, tan cloth, black babel with gilt lettering, letterpress dust jacket. Contributors: Roscoe, Sydney – author. Cumberlege, Geoffrey Fenwick Jocelyn (British, 1891 – 1979) – publisher. Batey, Charles – printer
  • Cover: La Conspiration Juive contre les Peuples | « Protocols » | Procès-verbaux de réunions secrètes | des | SAGES D'ISRAËL | ÉDITION DE | “La Vieille-France” | 1920 | 5Rue du Pré-aux-Clercs, 5 | PARIS (7e) || Title: « Protocols » | Procès-verbaux de réunions secrètes | des | SAGES D'ISRAËL | ÉDITION DE | “La Vieille-France” | 1920 | 5Rue du Pré-aux-Clercs, 5 | PARIS (7e) || Pagination: [1, 2] – t.p. / blank, 3-141 [142 blank] [2] – table / blank. Pp.: 1-11 – Introduction; 13-82 – Protocols; 97-141 – Le Bolchevisme, c’est les Juifs. Collation : 8vo; [1]8 2-98. Binding: Publisher’s blue black-lettered wrappers, lettered spine. Printer: Imprimerie Chantenay (Paris). The French translation of "Протоколы синоских мудрецов" written in Russian by Сергей Нилус (Sergei Nilus, 1862 – 1929) was published in “La Vieille-France” by Urbain Gohier (1862 – 1951). Inside front wrapper: "Brave French! Please note that the format of this book allows you to hide it in your pockets. Your Jewish masters strictly forbid you to read it. Its existence is hidden in every possible way by the Jewish-controlled press. But fear not! While carefully hiding it, read carefully about what your Jewish masters forbid the newspapers to tell you. And you will understand – who and how will take your homeland away from you."
  • Vol. 1. Title : VOYAGES | ET MÉMOIRES | DE | MAURICE-AUGUSTE, | COMTE DE BENYOWSKY, | Magnat des Royaumes d’Hongrie et de | Pologne, etc. etc. | Contenant ses Opérations militaires en | Pologne, son exil au Kamtchatka, son Evasion | et son Voyage à travers l’Océan pacifique, au | Japon, à Formose, à Canton en Chine, et | les détails de l’Etablissement qu’il fut chargé | par le Ministère François de former à Mada- | gascar. | TOME PREMIER. | A PARIS, Chez F. Buisson, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue | Hautefeuille, no 20. | (1791.) Pagination : [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-viii, [1] 2-466. Collation: 8vo; [π]2 a4, A-Ff8 Gg1. Vol. 2. Title: Similar, but TOME SECOND. Pagination: [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [1] 2-486. Collation: 8vo; [π]2 A-Gg8 Hh3, Hh3 unsigned. Binding: both volumes uniformly bound in half brown calf over speckled beige boards, crimson label with gilt lettering to flat spine, volume number in garland, florets in compartments. Bookplate to front pastedown: "C. De Oetting." Ink stamp to t.p.: "Oettingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek". Provenance:  Oettingen-Wallerstein library (Oettingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek) is the former library of the princes of Oettingen-Wallerstein, now part of the collection of Augsburg University library.
  • Title page (with tall “s”): THE | ACCOMPLISHMENT | OF THE | PROPHECIES, | OR THE | Approaching Deliverance of | the CHURCH. | A work, wherein it is proved, that the Papism | is the Antichristian Empire; that that Empire is not far | from its ruin ; that the present persecution may end in | three years and a half. After which, the destruction | of Antichrist shall begin, which shall be finished in the | beginning of the next Age ; and lastly, the Kingdom | of Jesus Christ shall come on the Earth. | — | The second Edition Corrected and Enlarged by almost | a third part, and the explication of all the Visions of the Re- | velation, and of many Chapters concerning mystical Theology. | — | 2 vols. In 1, | — | Written in French by Mr. PETER JURIEU , the present | Minister of the French Church at Rotterdam. And from | this second Edition faithfully Englished. | — | LONDON , Printed in the Year 1687. || Pagination: ffl, [48] 1-271 [272 blank] + 3-99, 200-396, bfl. Note: part 2 starts with page 3, page 99 recto is paginated 200 on verso, instead of 100; total number of pages in part 2, thus, is 294. Collation is uninterrupted. Collation: *-**8 A-S8 + Aa7 Bb-Ss8 Tt4. Note: no leaf Aa1, leaf Tt4 unsigned; 307 leaves total. Binding: Full brown calf, boards ruled blind with double-fillet, flat spine stamped blind with a diaper, double-fillet ruled compartments, black label with gilt lettering. Printed on laid paper, with marginal notes. Yellow sticker to front pastedown G. Batenham, Bookseller, Northgate, Chester. Author: Pierre Jurieu (French, 1637 – 1713). Translator unknown. Publisher unknown.

    English translation of the book:Pierre Jurieu. L'accomplissement des Propheties ou la delivrance prochaine de l'Eglise. —Rotterdam: Acher, 1686.

  • Cover: МОРИС ДОМАНЖЕ | БЛАНКИ | РАБОЧЕЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО “ПРИБОЙ” | ЛЕНИНГРАД 1925 || Title page: МОРИС ДОМАНЖЕ | БЛАНКИ | Пер. с французского | Рабочее Издательство “ПРИБОЙ” | Ленинград 1925 || Pagination: [2] 3-97 [3]. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-68 [7]2, total 50 leaves. Binding: Publisher’s wrappers, lettering to covers and spine, uncut. Contributor: Maurice Dommanget (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Translation of: Blanqui par Maurice Dommanget. — Paris: Librairie de l'Humanité, 1924.
  • Front wrapper: In the three-compartment orange frame: 1st compartment: HISTOIRE DES DOCTRINES SOCIALISTES | *** (LES IDÉES ET LES FAITS) *** | 2nd compartment: BLANQUI | PAR | Maurice DOMMANGET | {circular device} | 3rd compartment: *** 1924 *** | LIBRAIRIE DE L'HUMANITÉ | 120 • RUE LAFAYETTE • 120 PARIS | Under the frame : Prix : 2 fr. 50 || Title page: HISTOIRE DES DOCTRINES SOCIALISTES | *** (LES IDÉES ET LES FAITS) *** | BLANQUI | PAR Maurice DOMMANGET | {device in a circle} | *** 1924 *** | LIBRAIRIE DE L'HUMANITÉ | 120 • RUE LAFAYETTE • 120 PARIS || Back wrapper: Advert. in an orange frame. Pagination: wrappers included in pagination ; [1-5] 6-95 [96-98] (total 49 leaves incl. wrappers). Collation: wrappers not included in collation: [1]-68. Binding: 18.5 x 12 cm; publisher’s blue wrappers with an orange frame, black lettering to covers and spine; uncut. Russian translation: LIB-2747.2021
  • Title page: АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК СССР | В. П. ВОЛГИН. | ФРАНЦУЗСКИЙ | УТОПИЧЕСКИЙ | КОММУНИЗМ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР | МОСКВА 1960 || Pagination: [1-5] 6-375 [376], errata slip. Collation: 8vo; [1]-228, 234, 248 (total 188 leaves) + errata slip; 171 unsigned. Print run: 4200 copies. Binding: Burgundy buckram, lettering in blind-stamped frame: В. П. Волгин. Французский утопический коммунизм. Contributor: Волгин, Вячеслав Петрович (Russian, 1879 – 1962) – author.
  • Half-title: АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК СССР | Литературные памятники | {serial device} || Title page: ФЕОФРАСТ | ХАРАКТЕРЫ | ПЕРЕВОД, СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Г. А. CТРАТАНОВСКОГО | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | Ленинградское отделение | Ленинград | 1974 || Frontispiece: ΘΕΟΦΡΑΣΤΟΥ | ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΕΣ Pagination: [1-5] 6- 123 [124]. Collation: 8vo; [1]-68, 76, 88 (total 62 leaves); signed ¼7, ½7. Binding: publisher’s serial green wrappers, lettering on a scroll. Contributors: Theophrastus [Θεόφραστος, Theόphrastos, Теофраст, Феофраст] (Greek, c. 371 – c. 287 BC) – author. Стратановский, Георгий Андреевич (Russian, 1901 – 1986) – translator.