• Single volume, 20 x 13 cm, quarter brown morocco over marbled boards tooled in gilt, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, and gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, printed on wove paper on recto with verso blank, collated 1-48; total 32 leaves, 11 torn off, 47,8 blanks, ; uneven pagination [1] 2-41 [4 blanks], plus engraved title-page and 12 engraved half-page plates with text, uncoloured, by Louis Jaugey (unsigned), one for each month. Title-page (engraved): vignette with lettering "1775. ANNÉE | GALANTE | OU | ETRENNE | A L'AMOUR | CONTES! | Enrichis de Figures | et d'Ariettes. ||" Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-82. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 68. [Auteur inconnu]. Année galante ou Etrenne à l’amour. Contes, enrichis de Figures et d’Ariees. [Vital Puissant, Bruxelles, 1876 ?] 1775. In-8, 3 .n.ch., 29 . imprimés au recto, chirés de 2 à 41, demi-chagrin brun, dos à nerfs orné, let doré sur les mors, tête et tranches jaspées (reliure ancienne). Illustrée de 13 planches dont l’une en frontispice par Louis Jaugey. Les figures sont à mi-page, une pour chaque mois. Contributors: Louis Jaugey (French, fl. 1871 – 1876) – artist. Vital Puissant (Belgian, 1835 – 1878) – publisher.
  • 1st French edition (Paris, 1853) of Harriet Beecher Stowe's book Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly, with 27 illustrations on wood by George Cruikshank (British, 1792 – 1878), translated into French by Paul-Émile Daurand-Forgues [pseudonym Old Nick] (French, 1813 – 1883) and Adolphe Joanne (French, 1813 – 1881). Title: LA CASE | DE | L'ONCLE TOM | OU | TABLE AUX DE L'ESCLAVAGE DANS LES ÉTATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE ; | PAR MISTRESS HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. | TRADUCTION NOUVELLE | PAR OLD NICK & ADOLPHE JOANNE, | Collaboarteurs de la Revue britannique, | PRÉCÉDÉE D'UN PORTRAIT ET DE LA BIOGRAPHIE DE L'AUTEUR; | ORNÉE D'IU GRAND NOMBRE DE GRAVURES D'APRES LES DESSINS DE GEORGE CRUIKSHANK ; | SUIVIE DE POÉSIES COMPOSÉES PAR DES NÈGRES ET D'UNE NOTICE SUR LA | COLONIE DE LIBERIA. | [vignette] | PARIS. | AUX BUREAUX DU MAGASIN PITTORESQUE, | RUE JACOB, 30. | 1853. Pagination:  ffl blank; [i-ii]: h.t. with stamped letters D. W. in the upper centre / imprim. to verso; [iii-iv] t.p. / blank; [v-vi] blank / frontispiece: portrait of Harriet Beecher Stowe, half-length to left, with hair in ringlets, and a shawl over shoulders, landscape behind, Henry Linton (British, 1815 – 1899) after Henry Anelay (British,1817 – 1883), wood-engraving with letterpress; [vij] Viij-xij; [1] 2-563 [564]; bfl blank; illustrations: 27 woodcuts by George Cruikshank. Collation: 8vo, π7 (1)–(35)8 363 Binding:  Quarter brown calf, spine with raised bands, gilt-ruled compartments, title lettering, "D. W." in the bottom, marbled boards and endpapers. Dimensions: 24.1 x 16.4 cm. Catalogue raisonné: Albert M. Cohen (1924), №777, p. 221. "An edition was published in French with the woodcuts direct from the blocks, not, as in the English, merely from the stereotypes. The illustrations are far more impressive than those of Cassell's edition".
  • Dust jacket (black lettering, sanguine vignettes over light blue) : {vignette} | P. M. HANDOVER | PRINTING | IN LONDON | from Caxton to | Modern Times | {vignette} || Title page: PRINTING IN LONDON | FROM 1476 TO MODERN TIMES | COMPETITIVE PRACTICE AND | TECHNICAL INVENTION | IN THE TRADE OF | BOOK AND BIBLE PRINTING | PERIODICAL PRODUCTION | JOBBING &C |—| P. M. HANDOVER | M.A. F.R.HIST.S. | HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS | CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS | 1960 || Pagination: [1, 2] – h.t. / blank ; frontispiece; [3, 4] – t.p. / imprint; [5, 6] – dedication / blank; [7] 8-224, inset: 7 sheets of plates between pp. 112-113 extraneous to collation, other illustrations in text; insert: invitation card "Publication date JUL 11 1960 Handover". Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-O8. Binding: publisher’s blue cloth, red label to spine, silver lettering, DJ.
  • Front wrapper (in black and blue): PAUL MORAND | L'EUROPE | GALANTE | QUINZE LITHOGRAPHES | HORS TEXTE ORIGINALES | DE VERTÈS | {vignette} | LE MIROIR DES MŒURS | LES ARTS ET LE LIVRE | =| M. CM. XXVII || Title-page (in black and blue): PAUL MORAND | L'EUROPE | GALANTE | ORNÉ DE QUINZE | LITHOGRAPHES ORIGINALES | PAR VERTÈS | {vignette} | LE MIROIR DES MŒURS | LES ARTS ET LE LIVRE | 17 Rue Froidevaux (XIVe) | =| M. CM. XXVII || Pagination: [1-9] 10-245 [7], and 2 leaves under the wrappers, ils. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-168; first and last leaves under wrappers; total 128 leaves and 17 plates extraneous to collation (two more than the declared 15). Binding: 20.5 x 14.5, French flapped tan wrappers with lettering and vignette, lettering to spine. Printed on May 30, 1927 at l'Imprimerie du Livre, Rueil (Henri Filipacchi, director); under supervision of Georges-Célestin Crès. Edition: 3rd book is the series "Le miroir des mœurs", limited to 1165 copies of which 65 on Papier d'Annam, 15 of them not for sale, numbered 1-50 and 51-65, respectively; 1100 copies on Vélin teinté de Rives (100 of them not for sale), numbered 66-1065 and 1066-1165, respectively. This copy is № 474. Contributors: Paul Morand (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Les arts et le livre; Georges-Célestin Crès (French, 1875 – 1935) – publisher. l'Imprimerie du Livre (Rueil); Henri Élie Michel Filipacchi [Flippaki] (French, 1900 – 1961) – printer. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Softcover volume, 24.0 x 17.7 cm, publisher’s tan wrappers, lettered to front and spine in brown and black, publisher’s device and imprint to back, upper margin trimmed, all printed on laid paper, pp: [i-viii] [1-3] 4-496 [4], last page blank (total 508 pages); collated 8vo: π4 1-318 χ2 (total 254 leaves). Book-label with publisher’s device to fep (χ1 recto). Title-page and front wrapper (in brown and black): С. Ф. ЛИБРОВИЧЪ | НА КНИЖНОМЪ ПОСТУ | ВОСПОМИНАНIЯ | : : ЗАПИСКИ : : | ДОКУМЕНТЫ | {two-headed eagle} | ИЗДАНIЕ | Т-ВА М. О. ВОЛЬФЪ | ПЕТРОГРАДЪ И МОСКВА | (1916 on front wrapper) || Provenance: Publisher Contributors: Сигизмунд Феликсович Либрович [Zygmunt Librowicz] (Polish-Russian, 1855 – 1918) – author. Товарищество М. О. Вольф (Петроград-Москва) – publisher. Типография товарищества М. О. Вольф (Петроград) – printer. Маврикий Осипович Вольф [Maurycy Bolesław Wolff] (Polish-Russian, 1825 – 1883) – dedicatee.
  • Hardcover volume, 8vo, 24.3 x 16.5 cm, bound in contemporary full marbled calf, spine with raised bands, gilt floral tools in compartments, gilt title lettering, marbled end-papers and all edges, printed on laid paper 23.9 x 5.5 cm with a watermark, entirely engraved (frontispiece, title, nine plates, and text), gatherings not indicated. Title-page (engraved, vignette, tall 's') LE | TEMPLE | DE | GNIDE | Nouvelle Edition, | Avec Figures | Gravées par N. LE MIRE, | des Acad. De Vienne en Autriche et de Rouen, | D’apres les Dessins de Ch. Eisen. | Le Texte Gravé par Droüet. | — | {3 lines quotation from Gallien} | A PARIS | Chez le Mire Graveur | Rue St. Etienne des Gres. | AVEC PRIVELEGE DU ROI. | 1772. || Frontispiece (engraved, vignette): Portrait medallion inscribed "CHARLES SECONDAT DE MONTESQUIEU — N. Le Mire del et sc", signed beneath "N. le Mire sculp 1771"; under the plate: "Dessiné par Ch. Eisen, et Gravé par N. le Mire." Pagination: frontispiece, t.p. / explication, dedication, [i] ii-vii [viii blank] 1-104 [105-6 blanks]; engraved throughout, plus 9 plates by Le Mire after Eisen.
    Catalogue Raisonné: Cohen-de Ricci 726-27; Ray, French Illustrated Book, №32/p. 61-2.
    Ref.: MFA (Boston): Accession Number 37.1726.
    Charles Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778) – artist. Noël Le Mire (French, 1724 – 1801) – engraver, publisher. Droüet (French, 18th century) – text engraver. Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (French, 1689 – 1755) – author.
  • Half-title: АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК СССР | Литературные памятники | {serial device} || Title page: ФЕОФРАСТ | ХАРАКТЕРЫ | ПЕРЕВОД, СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Г. А. CТРАТАНОВСКОГО | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | Ленинградское отделение | Ленинград | 1974 || Frontispiece: ΘΕΟΦΡΑΣΤΟΥ | ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΕΣ Pagination: [1-5] 6- 123 [124]. Collation: 8vo; [1]-68, 76, 88 (total 62 leaves); signed ¼7, ½7. Binding: publisher’s serial green wrappers, lettering on a scroll. Contributors: Theophrastus [Θεόφραστος, Theόphrastos, Теофраст, Феофраст] (Greek, c. 371 – c. 287 BC) – author. Стратановский, Георгий Андреевич (Russian, 1901 – 1986) – translator.
  • A book about the history and collections of The Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg; hardcover, 22 x 17 cm, collated 8vo, cream buckram blind stamped and lettered in gilt to front cover and design elements and lettering to spine, profusely illustrated. Title-page (in brown rules): С. ВАРШАВСКИЙ • Б. РЕСТ | ЭРМИТАЖ | 1764 – 1939 | ОЧЕРКИ ИЗ ИСТОРИИ | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО ЭРМИТАЖА | под редакцией | академика | И. А. Орбели | {fleuron} || Collation: π2 [1]-158 166; total 128 leaves. Pagination: [2] [2] i-ii [1-4] 5-250 [2], total 256 pages, in-text b/w illustrations. Print run: 5,000 copies. Joseph Orbeli [Иосиф Абгарович Орбели] (Russian-Armenian, 1887 – 1961) – editor. Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980). B. Rest [Б. Рест; Юлий Исаакович Шапиро] (Jewish-Russian, fl. 1940 – 1980).
  • Hardcover volume, collated in-8o, 21.9 c 14.6 cm, bound in half red morocco over red buckram by Palmer, Hove & Co. (Manchester), ruled in gilt, marbled end-papers, top edge gilt, spine with raised bands, ruled in gilt, gilt lettering; bookplate "Ex libris William John Robertson" with black ink ms dated 1922 to front pastedown. Insert paper clipping “In Memoriam” marked “D.W. 25.1.61.” Graphite ms to t.p.: “[assisted by Karl Marx]”. Pp.: [i-v] vi-xv [xvi blank], [1] 2-500; collation: ffl blank first and last, π8 A-2H8 2I2. Title-page: HISTORY | OF | THE COMMUNE OF 1871. | Translated from the French of | LISSAGARAY, | BY | ELEANOR MARX AVELING. | LONDON: | REEVES AND TURNER, 196 STRAND. | 1886.|| Contributors: Hippolyte Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray (French, 1838 – 1901) – author. Eleanor Marx [Aveling] (British, 1855 – 1898) – translator. William John Robertson (Canadian, 1846 – 1894) – provenance. The Russian translation of the same title: [LIB-1158.2016] Э. Лиссагарэ. История Парижской Коммуны в 1871 г. (Дешевая библиотека, № 274) / Пер. под ред. В. Базарова. — С.-Петербург: Знание, 1906.
  • Title: OXFORD EDITION | POPULAR STORIES | COLLECTED BY | THE BROTHERS GRIMM | A REPRINT OF THE FIRST ENGLISH EDITION | WITH TWENTY-TWO ILLUSTRATIONS | BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK | {publisher’s device} | HENRY FROWDE | LONDON, EDINBURGH, GLASGOW | NEW YORK AND TORONTO | 1905 || Pagination: [i, ii] – frontis., [iii-iv]– t.p. / imprint. [v] – preface, vi-xvii [xviii blank], [2] [1] 2-403 [404], plates included in pagination, pp. 379-403 – notes. Collation: a8 b2 B-Z8 Aa-Cc8 Dd2. Binding:1 9 x 13 cm, olive green cloth blind-stamped in art nouveau style and lettered in gilt to cover and spine: GRIMMS’ POPULAR STORIES. Aubergine pencil inscription to front pastedown: C. Grant Robertson | All Souls | 1905: Provenance: Sir Charles Grant Robertson CVO (British, 1869 – 1948) who was a British academic historian, a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and Vice-chancellor of the University of Birmingham.
  • Title page (in Gothic script): Peter Schlemihl's | wundersame Geschichte | mitgetheilt | von | Adelbert von Chamisso. | {vignette} | Nach des Dichters Tode neu herausgegeben | von Julius Eduard Hitzig. | Stereotypausgabe mit Holzschnitten. | Nürnberg, | Johann Leonhard Schrag. || Pagination: [i-iii] iv-xvi, [1] 2-82 [2], 15 woodcut vignettes by Unzelmann after Menzel. Collation: 8vo; π8 1-58 62. Binding: 21.5 x 13.5 cm, blind olive wrappers. Year of publication inferred from the foreword. This is the first posthumous edition of Chamisso's novel. Personae: Chamisso, Adelbert von (German, 1781 – 1838). — Author of the text. Hitzig, Julius Eduard [Itzig, Isaac Elias] (German-Jewish, 1780 – 1849). — Author of the foreword. Menzel, Adolph Friedrich Erdmann von (German, 1815 – 1905). — Artist of the vignettes. Unzelmann, Friedrich Ludwig (German, 1797 – 1854). — Engraver of the woodcuts. Schrag, Johann Leonhard (Germany, 1783 – 1858). — Publisher.
  • Serial title: THE | LIBRARY OF ROMANCE. | EDITED | BY LEITCH RITCHIE. | VOL. II. | — | SCHINDERHANNES, | THE ROBBER OF THE RHINE. | BY THE EDITOR. | — | LONDON: | SMITH, ELDER, AND CO., 65, CORNHILL. | — | 1833. || Title page: SCHINDERHANNES, | THE ROBBER OF THE RHINE. | BY | LEITCH RITCHIE, | AUTHOR OF “HEATH’S PICTURESQUE ANNUAL,” “ROMANCE OF FRENCH | HISTORY,” “TURNER’S ANNUAL TOUR,” &c. | — | LONDON: | SMITH, ELDER, AND CO., 65, CORNHILL. | — | 1833. || Pagination: [1] 2 – prospectus, [i, ii] – serial title / imprint, [iii-iv] – t.p. / blank, [v] vi (mispaged iv) – advert. [vii] viii – contents, [2] f.t. / blank; [1] 2-314 – text, [2] – advert. vol. I and III; total number of pages 12+314+2=328 Collation: 8vo; π6 B-U8 X4 Y2, total number of leaves 164. Binding: 18 x 11.5 cm, dark green buckram (faux morocco), gilt lettering and design elements to spine, printer’s imprint to π4: Bradbury and Evans, moiré endpapers. Cat. raisonné: Sadleir (v.2) 3760a, p. 171. Contributors: Leitch Ritchie (British-Scottish, 1800 – 1865) – author. Schinderhannes [Johannes Bückler] (German, c.1778 – 1803) – character. Bradbury & Evans (est.1830) – printer. Smith, Elder, and Company (1816 - 1917) – publisher. George Smith (British-Scottish, 1789 – 1846) – publisher. George Murray Smith (British, 1824 – 1901) – publisher. Alexander Elder (British, 1790 – 1876) – publisher.
  • Hardcover volume in 8vo, 20.4 x 13.7 cm, blue cloth with black pictorial stamping and white embossed lettering to front cover and spine, spine sunned, head and tail frayed. Title-page: ❦❦❦ THE MEMOIRS AND | TRAVELS OF MAURITIUS | AUGUSTUS COUNT DE | BENYOWSKY ❦❦❦ | IN SIBERIA, KAMCHATKA, JAPAN, | THE LIUKIU ISLANDS AND FORMOSA | FROM THE TRANSLATION OF HIS | ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT (1741–1771), | BY WILLIAM NICHOLSON, F.R.S., 1790 | EDITED BY CAPTAIN | PASFIELD OLIVER | ILLUSTRATED | LONDON: T. FISHER UNWIN, | PATERNOSTER SQUARE. MDCCCXCVIII || Collation/Pagination: [1]7 2-258; blue advertisement sheet laid in. [1, 2] – serial h.t. "The Adventure Series" / advert. THE ADVENTURE SERIES. Illustrated. Popular Re-issue, large cr. 8vo, 3s. 6d. 8 titles, [3, 4] – t.p. / blank, [5] 6-9 contents, [10] blank, [11, 12] missing, [13] 14-52 introduction, 53-399, [400] colophon: THE GRESHAM PRESS, | URWIN BROTHERS, | WORKING IN LONDON. Total number of leaves 199; 398 pages; one leaf of the first gathering missing (pp. 11/12 list of illustrations. No illustrations in this volume. Compared to another copy of the same edition, LIB-2701.2021, besides the binding: no list of illustrations, no illustrations, different colophon, different advertisement, slightly different h.t. Contributors: Publisher: T. Fisher Unwin (London); Thomas Fisher Unwin (British, 1848 – 1935). Author: Maurice Auguste count de Benyowsky [Мориц Август Бенёвский] (Polish-Slovak-Hungarian, 1746 –1786). Editor: Samuel Pasfield Oliver (British, 1838 – 1907). Translator: William Nicholson (British, 1753 – 1815). Originally published in 1790, in London (I have not seen it anywhere) and in Dublin by P. Wogan [etc.], and in 1791 in French, in Paris by Buisson; see LIB-2742.2021. For the 1904 edition, see LIB-2703.2021.