  • Colour (tone) lithography, image 396 x 508 mm, sheet 532 x 654 mm; before signature, undated; pencil ms inscription: Föhrenhain — E. Pelikan / 200M to the lower-right corner of the sheet. Contributor: Emilie Mediz-Pelikan (Austrian, 1861 – 1908) – artist. Seller's description: Austrian-German painter and graphic artist. Emilie Mediz-Pelikan was born in Vöcklabruck in 1861. She studied at the Vienna Academy and followed her teacher Albert Zimmermann to Salzburg and in 1885 to Munich. In 1891 she married the painter and graphic artist Karl Mediz (1868 - 1945), with whom she lived in Vienna and from 1894 in Dresden. She was in contact with the Dachau Artists' Colony and went on study trips to Paris, Belgium, Hungary and Italy. In the Dachau artists' colony she was friends with Adolf Hölzel and Fritz von Uhde. In 1889 and 1890 she spent time in Paris and in the Belgian artists' colony Knokke. In 1898 she was represented at the first art exhibition of the Vienna Secession, and in 1901 at the International Art Exhibition in Dresden. In 1903 she and her husband had a group exhibition, at the Hagenbund in Vienna. In 1904, she showed graphic works at the Dresden royal court art dealer Richter, and in 1905 and 1906 she exhibited at the Berlin Künstlerhaus. It was not until around 1900 that she achieved her artistic breakthrough with her landscape paintings. Since the estate of the artist, who died prematurely in Dresden in 1908, was lost in the former GDR until the 1980s, it was quite late that the artist was rediscovered and revalued both in Austrian art history and on the art market. In 1986, the first major exhibitions took place at the Upper Austrian State Museum and the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, followed by numerous smaller exhibitions in private galleries in Vienna, Linz and Munich. The artist received recognition during her lifetime from numerous prominent fellow painters as well as from the art critic Ludwig Hevesi. Together with Tina Blau, Herbert Boeckl, Marie Egner, Theodor von Hörmann, Franz Jaschke, Eugen Jettel, Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel, Rudolf Junk, Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka, Johann Victor Krämer, Heinrich Kühn, Carl Moll, Rudolf Quittner, Rudolf Ribarz, Emil Jakob Schindler, Max Suppantschitsch, Max Weiler, Olga Wisinger-Florian and Alfred Zoff, she was a protagonist of the reception of Impressionism in Austria. This style went down in Austrian art history under the term "Stimmungsimpressionismus".
  • Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper 423 x 332 mm; On reverse: black ink stamp “4956”, ms “A”, ms pencil “428” and “Ernest”. Under the image, centre: "NAPOLEON III | Kaiser der Franzosen." Velow: | NAPOLEON III | Czaar of the French — NAPOLEON III | Czaar van Frankrijk — NAPOLÉON III | Empereur des Francais. — NAPOLEONE III | El emperador delos Franceses; bottom left: "Verlag u. Eigenthum | von. Fried. G. Schulz in Stuttgart.", right: "No 146." The artist's and printer's names in stone are not legible. Published in Stuttgart by Friederich Gustav Schulz (German, 1786 – 1859) during the time of the Second French Empire (1852-1870).
  • Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper, 395 x 280 mm; black ink stamp “5309” to reverse. On image: artist's initials "L. H."; on stone: "Lith. de Fr. Wentzel a Wissembourg. — Déposé — DÉPÔT, Fr. Wentzel Editeur rue St. Jacques 65, PARIS"; below centre: "239"; bottom : La famille Impériale. Die Kaizerliche Familie. Napoleon III [Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873) Eugénie de Montijo [L'impératrice Eugénie] (Spanish-French, 1826 – 1920) Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte] (French, 1856 – 1879) Jean Frédéric Wentzel (French, 1807 – 1869) – publisher/printer.
  • Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper, 250 x 332 mm; black ink stamp “5035” to reverse. Under the frame left: "Paris, chez Riboni, éd. r. Galande, 51"; right: "Paris, lith. Bulla, Pl. Maubert, 26". Below: "BOMBARDEMENT DE SEBASTOPOL. — THE BOMBARDMENT OF SÉBASTOPOLE". Text to bottom. Printers/publishers: Antoine Bulla (fl. 1815 – 1877), François Bulla (fl. c. 1814 – 1855).
  • Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper, 380 x 298 mm; black ink stamp “4912” to reverse. On stone left: "A, Paris Miné Éditeur, imp.;" right: "Lith. R. St. Jacques. 41." Bottom center: "Napoléon III"; below: "EMPEREUR DES FRANÇAIS", under: "Élu les 21 el 22 novembre par 8,000,000 de voix et proclamé Empereur le 2 Xbre 1852." Printer/publisher: Miné, éditeur, imprimeur en lithographie, Rue Saint-Jacques, 41. Napoleon III [Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873)
  • Chromolithography on thick wove paper, 473 x 315 mm sheet, 372 x 260 mm image, black ink stamp “5050” to reverse. Signed on stone "Jules Gaildrau"; below centre: "GÉNERAL DE DIVISION, GRANDE TENUE DE SERVICE"; Bottom left: "Paris, J. Gaildrau, rue de Seine, 16"; right: "Imp. Lemercier, Paris." Joseph Lemercier (French, 1803 – 1887) – printer. Jules Gaildrau (French, 1816 – 1898) – artist.
  • Lithography and etching on wove paper432 x 362 mm, black ink stamp “5022” to reverse, horizontal and vertical centrefolds. Depicts Diogenes (Ancient Greek, 412/404 – 323 BC) beside his barrel and extinguishing his torch when approached by Napoléon III ahorseback. Top: "1857 | HONNEUR ET PATRIE"; lettering on ribbons (top-down): SCIENCES, TRAVAIL, COMMERCE, ARTS, CHARPENTIERS, IMPRIMEURS, "MECHANICIENS, AGRICULTEURS, MAÇONS, FONDEURS, TERRASIERS, CIZELEURS, CARRIERS, ORFEVRES, BIJOUTIERS, CHAPELIERS, MENUISIERS, VERRIERS, SERRURIERS, TAILLEURS, SELLIERS, POTIERS, PORCELAINIERS, CORDONNIERS, TISSERANDS, INDUSTRIE, COMMERCE | CALENDRIER DE L'ABEILLE | EMPIRE, FRANÇAIS. Below left: "lith. Barousse Cour du Comm. 11 et 12. Paris"; right: "Dépôt rue des Cannettes, 20. Paris"; bottom: "Et, pour trouver un homme, il quitte son tonneau, | Voyant Napoléon, – il éteint son flambeau!" [And, to find a man, he leaves his barrel, | Seeing Napoleon, – he extinguishes his torch!]. Six months on the left and six months on the right-hand side of the calendar, surrounding the image.
  • Lithography poster on wove paper, 492 x 614 mm; black ink stamp “5036” to reverse, vertical centerfold. Image in frame; under the frame left: "J. B. Gadola, éditeur. Cours de Brosses 1, à LYON."; right: "Lith LAURANT & Cie r. de Bernardins 34, Paris." Title and text below the image. Jean-Baptiste Gadola (French, 1818 – 1870) – publisher.  
  • Hand-coloured chromolithography on wove paper, 600 x 470 mm; black ink stamp “4921” to reverse, horizontal and vertical centrefolds. Image of Napoléon III on horseback, in a frame; lettering under the frame: 34 — Déposé  | NAPOLÉON III | EMPEREUR DES FRANÇAIS. | Lith. de Gangel frères et P. Didion, à Metz. || Gangel frères et P. Didion (Metz) – printer/publisher. Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879)  
  • Softcover, 228 x 180 mm, tan French flapped wrappers with red lettering to front[1-4, owner’s glassine dustcover, top edge trimmed, printed on thick wove paper without a watermark; pp.: ffl [1-4 h.t., t.p.] 5-154 [2 blanks] colophon to back ffl recto, plus 12 plates with hand-coloured lithographs, extraneous to collation. Pencil and pigment drawing to h.t. signed “J. D’A” with gift manual inscription “A Monsieur et Madame Chalamel [sic] ce tardif mais sincère souvenir de sympathie”, signed “J et Y D’A.” Etching bookplate to front ffl recto: “EX LIBRIS PIERRE CHALLAMEL | JE FONCE DANS LE BROUILLARD”, signed “J A M” (Jean-Adrien Mercier). The signature J. D’A stands for Jean d’Angers, while Y D’A stands for Jean-Adrien’s wife Yvonne (1902—1999), nicknamed Zizi; they married in 1927. According to J.-P. Dutel, the stated illustrator of this edition, Jean d’Angers is indeed Jean-Adrien Mercier. The text belongs to Gustav Droz and, possibly, Auguste Poulet-Malassis. Limitation: the book was printed for subscribers in 30 copies on Japon Impériale paper (№№ 1-30) and 250 copies on vélin du Marais paper (№№ 31-280). This copy bears № 123 and was presented as a gift by the artist and his wife to Pierre Challamel. Title-page (red and black): POUR SERVIR | A L'HISTOIRE | DE NOS MŒURS | UN ÉTÉ | A LA CAMPAGNE | CORRESPONDANCE DE DEUX JEUNES PARISIENNES | RECUEILLIE PAR UN AUTEUR A LA MODE | MDCCCLXVIII || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2546; honesterotica. Provenance: Pierre Challamel (French, 20th century) Contributors: Gustave Droz (French, 1832 – 1895) – author (presumable). Auguste Poulet-Malassis (French, 1825 – 1878) – author (presumable). Jean-Adrien Mercier (French, 1899 – 1995) – artist. Micro photo of the lithography:
    Micro photo of the original drawing:
  • NEW
    Set of 30 lithographic plates printed on watermarked Van Gelder Simili Japon wove paper, loose in two rexine-backed stiff paper wrappers, 15 in each, together in rexine portfolio with gilt lettering and keyhole on front cover. According to the seller, these are facsimiles of prints/ drawings by Mario Tauzin. Scenes from the series 'Interdit aux adultes'. No publisher indicated; printed in about 1950—a limited edition. Six of these designs used to illustrate 'Bonne à tout faire' were published by Éric Losfeld in the late 1950s (LIB-3293.2024). Dimensions: sheet 320 x 420 mm; album 330 x 430 mm. Contributor: Mario Tauzin (French, 1909 – 1979) — artist