Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28.1 x 21.7 cm, 63 entries, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 17-29, 2018 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-133 [134] [2 blank], ils.; insert: printed invitation. Contributors: Sebastian Izzard; Henry Steiner (Austrian-Jewish, b. 1934) – art collector.
Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.6 cm, 30 entries, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on November 1-5, 2019 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-72 [2] [2 blank], ils. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
Paperback, 23 x 15.5 cm, pictorial wrappers, pp. [i-xxi] [3] [1] 2-311 [312 blank], total 336 pages. Title-page: Japan | and the | Culture | of the | Four Seasons | Nature, Literature, and the Arts | HARUO SHIRANE | Columbia University Press New York ||
Hardcover volume, 31 x 23.5 cm, bound in full crimson canvas, reproduction colour print with black border pasted to embossed panel, ivory paper label with black lettering to spine, pp.: ffl, [1-4] (t.p./imprint, dedication/blank, 5-337 [338] colophon, 146 b/w woodblock prints by Sharaku photomechanically reproduced, within the pagination. Title-page: THE SURVIVING WORKS OF | SHARAKU | By HAROLD G. HENDERSON | and LOUIS V. LEDOUX | {device} | {blank} | PUBLISHED BY E. WEYNE • NEW YORK | ON BEHALF OF THE | SOCIETY OF THE JAPANESE STUDIES | 1939 || Colophon: PRINTED BY PETER BEILENSON AT THE WALPOLE PRINTING OFFICE | MOUNT VERNON • NEW YORK || Contributors: Harold Gould Henderson (American, 1889 – 1974)– author. Louis Vernon Ledoux (American, 1880 – 1948) – author. Tōshūsai Sharaku [東洲斎 写楽] (Japanese, fl. 1794 – 1795) – artist. Peter Beilenson (American, 1905 – 1962) – printer. Society for Japanese Studies – publisher. Walpole Printing Office (Mount Vernon, NY) – printer
Title page: The | Illustrator | and the Book | in England | from | 1790 to 1914 | Gordon N. Ray | The Pierpont Morgan Library | Oxford University Press || Pagination: [i-viii] ix-xxxiii [xxxiv], [1-2] 3-336 [4], illustr. Binding: 30.5 x 23.5 cm; publisher’s blue cloth, gilt lettering in a figural frame to front, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers. Ex-lib (University of Virginia). Contributors: Ray, Gordon Norton (American, 1915 – 1986) – author. Lange, Thomas V. – formal bibliographical description. Passela, Charles V. – photography. The Pierpont Morgan Library – Copyright © 1976
Title page: The Art of the | French Illustrated Book | 1700 to 1914 | VOLUME I (II) | Gordon N. Ray | The Pierpont Morgan Library | Cornell University Press || Pagination: vol.1: [8] ix-xxxii, [2] 3-245 [3], illustr.; vol.2: [8] 247-557 [5], illustr. Both volumes paginater through out. Binding: 30.5 x 23.5 cm, two volumes uniformly bound in red cloth, gilt vignette to front cover, gilt lettering to spine; bookplate to front pastedown, ex-lib (Sweet Briar College Library) Contributors: Ray, Gordon Norton (American, 1915 – 1986) – author. Lange, Thomas V. – formal bibliographical description. Passela, Charles V. – photography. The Pierpont Morgan Library – Copyright © 1982
NEWFrench weekly periodical, full set for the year 1896 (52 issues), 4 leaves (8 pages) each issue, bound in green half sheepskin over green shagreen, ruled with blind dentelle, raised bands, gilt floral diamonds and gilt lettering in compartments, marbled endpapers, blank flyleaves; size 405 x 280 mm. Illustrated mainly by Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (French, 1859 – 1923), Paul Balluriau [Jean-Baptiste Balluriau] (French, 1860 – 1917) and Albert Guillaume (French, 1873 – 1942).
NEWFrench weekly periodical, full set for the year 1893 (53 issues), 4 leaves (8 pages) each issue, bound in green half sheepskin over green shagreen, ruled with blind dentelle, raised bands, gilt floral diamonds and gilt lettering in compartments, marbled endpapers, blank flyleaves; size 405 x 280 mm. Illustrated mainly by Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (French, 1859 – 1923), Paul Balluriau [Jean-Baptiste Balluriau] (French, 1860 – 1917) and Albert Guillaume (French, 1873 – 1942).
A pictorial album with almost no information (coffee-table book), hardcover, 28 x 21 x 4.8 cm, in pictorial paper boards, lettered all over, in transparent plastic dust jacket; pp.: [1-5] 6-463 [464 colophon], total 232 leaves, illustrated in colour throughout. Title-page: Poem of the Pillow and other stories | by Utamaro, Hokusai, Kuniyoshi | and other artists of the Floating World | Gian Carlo Calza | In collaboration with Stefania Piotti | {publisher’s device “Φ” in the bottom} || Contributors: Gian Carlo Calza (Italian, b. 1940); Stefania Piotti (Italian)."Poem of the Pillow and Other Stories examines the artistic developments of Japanese erotic art from the ukiyo-e period, dating from the mid-seventeenth century to the end of the nineteenth century. Known by the delicate euphemism of Shunga or 'spring images', these pictures were hugely popular and admired, and are today highly collectable works of art. This book illustrates major Shunga works from important ukiyo-e masters such as Utamaro, Hokusai, Harunobu, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi and many others. World-renowned scholar Gian Carlo Calza defines these fascinating erotic works in their social, historical and artistic context, providing a broad overview of a subject that is extremely nuanced and intriguing. Beautifully illustrated with over 300 images, including woodblock prints, scrolls and paintings, this book is a perfect introduction to ukiyo-e erotic art."
Title-page (in red and black): Keramic art of Japan, | BY | GEORGE A. AUDSLEY | AND | JAMES L. BOWES. | LONDON: HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., | 36 PICADILLY; 136, STRAND; 77 & 78, QUEEN STREET, CITY. | MANCHESTER: 49, CROSS STREET. | MDCCCLXXXI. || Description: 28.5 x 19.5 cm, publisher’s red cloth, bevelled boards, gilt lettering and tooling on front cover and spine, AEG, disbound. 304 p., 10 pl., 32 chromo-lithographed plates. This is the 2nd edition of the 1875 folio edition by the same publisher.. Contents: Introductory essay on Japanese art: p. 1-107; Keramic art of Japan: p. 108-260; Marks and monograms: p. 261-287, Index: p. 288-304. Contributors: George Ashdown Audsley (American, 1838 – 1925) – author. James Lord Bowes (British, 1834 – 1899) – author.
Hardcover in blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, 25.5 x 19.5 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-452, +12 colour plates; 576 b/w plates within the pagination.
Hardcover volume, 28.6 x 22.4 cm, tan cloth over brown cloth boards, black lettering to spine, blind-stamped lettering in frame to front, in a black pictorial dust jacket, price unclipped; pp.: [1-ix] x-xi [xii blank], [1-4] 5-36 [4], 64 pages with 109 b/w plates, 12 pages with chronology, bibliography, credits; total 128 pp. Title-page: EDWARD HOPPER (in frame)| THE COMPLETE PRINTS | GAIL LEVIN | W • W • NORTON & COMPANY • NEW YORK • LONDON | IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE | WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART || Contributors: Gail Levin (American, b. 1948) – author. Edward Hopper (American, 1882 – 1967) – artist. W. W. Norton & Company (f. 1923) – publisher. Whitney Museum of American Art (NY) – publisher.
Hardcover volume, 28.5 x 25.5 cm, green lettered boards, pictorial dust jacket, pp.: [1-13] 14-143 [144], ils., inset: double-sheet 29.7 x 21 cm, “Exposition du 4 novembre 2006 au 4 février 2007”. Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Gabriel Laurin d'Aix (1901-1973)" held at the Musée Ziem, Martigues, Nov. 3, 2006 — Feb. 4, 2007. Title-page: GABRIEL LAURIN | un monde en couleurs | 1901-1973 | Sous la direction de Gérard Fabre | Texte de Jeanine Warnod | {publishers devices} || Contributors: Gabriel Laurin (French, 1901 – 1973) Jeanine Warnod (French, b. 1921) Gérard Fabre (French, b. 1963)
Title page: THE ART OF | MAHLON BLAINE | A Reminiscence | by G. Legman | with a Mahlon Blaine bibliography | compiled by Roland Trenary | {Blaine’s fac-simile} | Peregrine Books | 1982 || Pagination: [1-4] 5-26 + 84 pp. of illustrations, unpaginated. Collation: 13 leaves of text, 40 leaves of b/w plates, and 2 leaves of colour plates, 55 leaves total. Binding: 29 x 22.5 cm; publisher’s black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers, pictorial dust jacket. Edition: Limited edition of 100 copies (this is №100), signed by Gelman, Trenary, and Arrington. Contributors: Blaine, Mahlon (American, 1894 – 1969) – illustrator. Legman, Gershon (American, 1917 – 1999) – author. Arrington, Robert L. (American, 1984 – 2015) – author, introduction. Trenary, Roland (American) – author, compiler. Peregrine Books (East Lansing, MI) – publisher.
NEWHardcover, 240 x 192 mm, glossy pictorial boards, lettering to front and spine, pp.: [1-5] 6-171 [172], with 308 plates in colour and b/w. Catalogue of the exhibition held on March 26 – June 1, 1980, at Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg. Title-page: DOKUMENTE DER PHOTOGRAPHIE 1 | FRITZ KEMPE | NICOLA PERSCHEID | ARTHUR BENDA | MADAME D'ORA | Katalog bearbeitet | von Odette M. Appel-Heyne | MUSEUM FUR KUNST UND GEWERBE HAMBURG 1980 || Contributors: Kempe, Fritz (German, 1909 –1988) – author Appel-Heyne, Odette M. – editor Kallmus, Dora [Madame d’Ora] (Austrian-Jewish, 1881 – 1963) – photographer Perscheid, Nicola (German, 1864 – 1930) – photographer Benda, Arthur (German, 1885 – 1969) – photographer
NEWHardcover 470 x 305 mm, bound in 20th century by a previous owner in quarter vellum over marbled boards, 2 blank fly leaves as endpapers, in-folio, 15 laid paper leaves 450 x 290 mm, i-iv t.p., preface, 8 unpag. leaves incl. f.t. “Première partie / la myologie”, incl. 7 plates, and 5 leaves under f.t. “Deuxieme partie / l’osteologie”, incl 3 plates. A ms signed letter from a previous seller laid in: Librars & Antiquaria s.r.l., Roma, dated 17/7/83; their ticket at rear pastedown. Title-page: ABRÉGÉ | D'ANATOMIE, | ACCOMMODÉ AUX ARTS | DE PEINTURE | ET | DE SCULPTURE, | Par FRANÇOIS TORTEBAT, Peintre de l'Académie de Peinture & de Sculpture, | Et mis dans un ordre nouveau, dont la méthode est très-facile & débarrassée de toutes les | difficultés & choses inutiles, qui ont toujours eté un grand obstacle aux Peintres pour | arriver à la perfection de leur Art. | PAR DE PILES. | OUVRAGE très-utile & très-nécessaire à tous ceux | qui font profession du Dessin. | — | A PARIS, | Du Fonds de CHARLES-ANTOINE JOMBERT, | Chez {BARRIOS, l’aîné, Libraire, rue de Savoie, № 23; | MAGIMEL, Libraire, quai das Augustins, près le Pont-neuf. | — | 8. || Faux-title (1): ABRÉGÉ | D'ANATOMIE, | ACCOMMODE AUX ARTS | DE PEINTURE | ET | DE SCULPTURE | LA PREMIÈRE PARTIE (in double-rules) | CONTENANT | LA MYOLOGIE | OU DESCRIPTION DES MUSCLES, | ET LA CONNOISSANCE DE LEURS PRINCIPALS FONCTIONS. || Faux-title (2): […] DEUXIEME PARTIE (in double-rules) | CONTENANT | L'OSTÉOLOGIE | OU | LA CONNOISSANCE DES OS. || Contributors: François Tortebat (French, 1616 – 1690) – artist/engraver Roger de Piles (French, 1635 – 1709) – author Charles-Antoine Jombert (French, 1712 – 1784) – publisher
Hardcover volume, 24.5 x 17.5 cm, pictorial boards and endpapers, pp. [2] 3-167 [168]; 2 t.p., 129 pp. of plates, 33 pp. of text, 4 pp. of thumbnails, 1 colophon. Front cover (grey vignette, blue lettering): Das Leningrader Album | We are on | our way to school | singing songs | hip and cool | Вместе в школу | мы идём | песни модные | поём. | von | Evgenij | Kozlov | konkursbuch Verlag | Claudia Gehrke || ISBN: 3-88769-315-9. Evgenij Kozlov (Russian-German, b. 1955) – artist.
Description: Oblong volume, 19.3 x 24.2 cm, hardcover in velvet with pasted image, in a pictorial slipcase; printed on glossy paper, unpaginated. Title-page (in frame): ERATO | GRAPHIKEN VON MIHÁLY ZICHY || Collation: (2) h.t., t.p., (30) leaves of plates (4) text by Éva Bros, bibliography, colophon; total 36 leaves. The plates are photomechanical offset copies made from the photogravures of 1911 Leipzig private press edition [SVE-0501.2021], which photogravures made from the original watercolours and crayon drawings produced by Zichy in 1874-1879; the original album of 51 compositions was sold at Christie’s sale of Gérard Nordmann collection on December 14-15, 2006 in Paris. See a copy of the Leipzig album № 285 in this collection [SVE-0501.2021].