• Title page (in red and black): LA | GERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI TORQUATO TASSO | Con la Vita del medesimo , Allegoria del Poema , Argomenti incisi | ne’Rami del Tempesta , ed Indice di tutti i Nomi proprj , | e Materie principali contenute nell’Opera ; | e con le Annotazioni | DI SCIPIONE GENTILI | E DI | GIULIO GUASTAVINI. | A Sua Eccellenza il SIGNOR | D. ORAZIO ALBANI | Principe di Soriano, &c. | {printer’s device} | URBINO, MDCCXXXV. | — | Nella Stamperia della Venerabile Cappella del SS. SAGRAMENTO per Girolamo Mainardi | Stampator Camerale a sue proprie spese . Si vendono dal medesimo in Roma | nella sua Libraria all’insegna di S. Crescentino, e nella Stamperia Camerale  | CON LICENZA DE SUPERIORI. || Half-title: Title page: IL | GOFFREDO | OVVERO | LA GERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI | TORQUATO TASSO. || Collation: 4to; [2] blank leaves, [1] – h.t. / blank, [1] – t.p. / blank, [1] – dedication signed *2, [2] – vita, 1st signed *3, [2] – allegoria, [3] – indice, first two signed ** and **2, respectively, [1] – frontispiece to Canto Primo —> total 13 prelims; π13 (incl. 2 blanks), A-Z4 Aa-Bb4 Cc6 Dd-Qq4, χ1 (blank); 20 engraved frontispieces, one headpiece and initials, some historiated. Frontis. to Cantos II-XX incl. in collation and pagination; the number of leaves from A1 to Qq4 = 158; pagination: 1-316. The total number of leaves incl. prelims and blanks = 172. Note: three first leaves in the Cc quire of six leaves are signed; all other four-leaf quires only have the first two first leaves signed. Frontispiece to Canto Quarto cut down and laid down on D2v (as in Christie’s copy sold on  6 Jun 2010 – Live Auction 5475 – Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts, lot 168, price realized GBP 600). Illustrations: Frontispiece to Canto Primo signed “Arnoldo van Westerhout formis Roma”. Headpiece to Canto Primo signed “Eq. Petrus Leo Ghezius Inu. et. delin. — Frãn. Aquila incid.” Other plates unsigned but all attributed to Westerhout after Antonio Tempesta; Numeration of frontispieces in roman numbers, IIII for VI, VIIII for IX, XIIII for XIV, inverted numbers XVII, XVIII, and XIX, respectively: IIVX, IIIVX, and IIIIVX. Binding: 35 x 24 cm, 34 x 23 cm leaves, contemporary calf, rebacked retaining original spine, verso front flyleaf stamped “RESTORED BY MACDONALD CO. | NORWALK. CONN. Marbled endpapers, all edges red. Speckled calf, gilt triple-fillet borders, with remnants of blind-stamped and gilt design to an upper inside corner, spine with raised bands, gilt acorn tooling in compartments, later crimson label with gilt lettering. Damp staining to inside edges affecting all leaves. The Robin Collection bookplate to front pastedown. Provenance: The Robin Collection. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Scipione Gentili [Scipio Gentilis] (Italian, 1563 – 1616) Giulio Guastavini (Italian, fl. 16th century) Antonio Tempesta [Tempestino] (Italian, 1555 – 1630) – artist. Arnold [Arnoldo] van Westerhout (Flemish, 1651 – 1725) – artist, engraver. Pier Leone Ghezzi (Italian, 1674 – 1755) – artist. Francesco Faraone Aquila (Italian, c. 1676 – c. 1740) – engraver. Girolamo Mainardi (Italian, c. 1679 circa – 1763) – printer, publisher. Orazio Albani (Italian, 1576 – 1653) – dedicatee.
  • Softcover volume, 33 x 26 cm, collated in folio, not bound, in publisher’s French flapped pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine; printed on thick wove Arches paper watermarked “MBM”, upper edge trimmed, owner’s blind stamp to h.t. “Ex Libris Comte Tony de Vibraye”, glassine dust jacket, in a slipcase. Collation: π2 1-262, total 54 leaves, plus 4 leaves in wrappers, plus 10 plates, incl. frontispiece; coloured aquatints after Sylvain Sauvage; coloured etched vignette to front wrapper, gilt woodcut to back wrapper, woodcut title-page and woodcut headpiece after the same. Pp.: [4] [1] 2-102 [2]. Front wrapper (gilt and black): LA NUIT & LE MOMENT | {vignette} | OU | LES MATINÉES DE CYTHÈRE | PAR | MONSIEUR DE CRÉBILLON LE FILS | || Title-page (woodcut): CRÉBILLON LE FILS | | LA NUIT ET LE MOMENT | OU | LES MATINÉES | DE CYTHÈRE | {vignette} | A PARIS | AUX DEPENS D'UN AMATEUR | | M CM XXIV || Limitation: De cette édition il a été tiré un exemplaire unique sur japon impérial comportant dix aquarelles originales, deux cents trente exemplaires sur vélin d' Arches numérotés 1 à 230, dont les dix premiers avec une suite de hors texte sur japon. N° 1 [Print run limited to 230 copies on Arches plus a unique copy on Japon with original watercolours, this is copy № 1 on wove paper]. Seller’s description: La Nuit et le moment ou Les Matinées de Cythère. Paris, Au dépens d'un amateur, 1924. In-4, en feuilles, non rogné, couverture illustrée et étui. Ouvrage illustré de 4 gravures sur bois et de 10 eaux-fortes libres en couleurs hors texte de Sylvain Sauvage. Tirage à 231 exemplaires, celui-ci le n°1 sur vélin d'Arches. Manque la suite de hors texte sur japon. De la bibliothèque du Comte Tony de Vibraye, avec cachet à froid. Dutel, n°2062. Catalogue raisonné: honesterotica.com; Dutel III 2062. Contributors: Claude-Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon [Crébillon fils] (French, 1707 – 1777) – author. Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) – artist. Provenance: Antoine Henri Gaston Hurault de Vibraye [Comte Tony de Vibraye] (French, 1893 – 1951)
  • Description: Three volumes, 17 x 14 cm each, uniformly bound in quarter crimson morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands tooled gilt with gilt lettering and fleuron, marbled endpapers, publisher’s wrappers preserved (moire-waffle in light pink (vol. 1), cream (vol. 2) and blue (vol. 3), engraved), printed on wove paper, outer and bottom margin untrimmed, illustrated with etched/aquatint front wrapper, frontispiece, tail- and headpieces, and full-page plates in sepia, presumably after Zyg Brunner. Title-page (red and black): LE DIABLE | AU | CORPS | ŒUVRE POSTHUME | DU TRÈS RECOMMANDABLE DOCTEUR | CAZZONÉ | (ANDRÉA DE NERCIAT) | Membre extraordinaire de la joyeuse Faculté | phallo-coîro-pygo-glottonomique | TOME PREMIER (DEUXIÈME; TROISIÈME) | ALENÇON | 1930 || Vol. 1: front wrapper, blank leaf, h.t./limitation, t.p., [1] 2-180, 2 blank leaves, back wrapper; frontispiece, 7 full-page plates (incl. frontispiece), and 13 tail- and headpieces. Vol. 2: front wrapper, blank leaf, h.t./limitation, t.p., [1] 2-193 [194 blank], blank leaf, back wrapper; 8 full-page plates (incl. frontispiece), and 12 tail- and headpieces. Vol. 3: front wrapper, blank leaf, h.t./limitation, t.p., [1] 2-180 [181 colophon], [182 blank], blank leaf, back wrapper; frontispiece, 8 full-page plates (incl. frontispiece), and 13 tail- and headpieces. Limitation: 30 copies (№ 1-30) on Japon Impérial, 300 copies (№ 31-331) on Vélin d’Arches. This copy is № 109. Colophon: Printed on May 25, 1930, 350 copies on Vélin d’Arches with numbers from 31 to 380 [sic!] Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1394, p. 129. Contributors: André-Robert Andréa de Nerciat (French, 1739 – 1800) – author. Zyg [Zygismund; Sigismond Leopold] Brunner (Polish, 1878 – 1961) – artist.
  • Single volume, 16.8 x 11.3 cm, bound in full dark olive crushed morocco by Brany (signed), gilt triple-fillet border to boards, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt-lettered label, gilt dentelle inside, marbled endpapers, all margins gilt, gilt double fillet to boards margin; text printed on laid paper. Bookplate of Maurice Lebarbier de Tinan to fep 45 x 35 mm representing standing satyr with erected penis holding monogram ‘MT’ in his hands with a motto below on a ribbon ‘FAIRE SANS DIRE’. Maurice Lebarbier de Tinan book collection was dispersed via l’hôtel Drouot (Paris) on a sale from March 9 to 12, 1885; a catalogue was published: Catalogue d’un joli choix de livres anciens et modernes, en très belle condition de reliure, composant la bibliothèque de M. L. de T*** [Lebarbier de Tinan] (Paris, Ch. Porquet, 1885, in-8, VIII-140 p., 481 lots).  Collation: π2 (h.t., t.p.) a6 b2 1-1112, total 82 leaves plus 18 engraved plates on wove paper; illustrations include engraved frontispiece and six etchings printed in two versions each, black and red, and one etching (at p. 103) in two states, two colour versions for each state, frontispiece and 3 or 4 plates after Félicien Rops, the others after original lithographs by Devéria and Henri Grévedon or Octave Tassaert for the 1833 edition (re-print of 1926 LIB-3135.2023). Pagination: [4] [i] ii-xvi, [3] 4-141 [3], total 164 pages, ils. Title-page (red and black): GAMIANI | OU | DEUX NUITS D’EXCES | PAR | A D M | AVEC UN EPISODE DE LA VIE DE L’AUTEUR | Extrait des mémoires de la | COMTESSE DE C******** | – | « Hippolyte, cher cœur, que dis-tu ces choses ? » | Femmes damnées, Fleurs du Mal. | — | LESBOS | INSTITUTION MERY — PAVILLON BAUDELAIRE. || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-464; Bory: 596-605; Pia: 516/7. According to Pia, the print run is limited to 150 copies on laid paper. Ref.: BNF Enfer 419. Fekete (Christie's): 135. Provenance: Maurice Lebarbier de Tinan (French, 1842 – 1918). Contributors: Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist. Auguste Poulet-Malassis (French, 1825 – 1878) – publisher. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 5. [Alfred de MUSSET] A D M. Gamiani ou Deux nuits d’excès, avec un épisode de la vie de l’auteur, extrait des mémoires de la comtesse de C********. Lesbos, Institution Méry, Pavillon Baudelaire [A. Poulet-Malassis, 1864]. Illustré de 8 gravures, dont l’une en frontispice, en double état (et quatre états pour la gravure « au singe » de la page 103) de Félicien Rops. Là où Baudelaire soutient Poulet-Malassis quand l’éditeur soutient l’attribution à Musset. Perfectionniste ? Trop cher ? Trop sollicité ? Pas toujours inspiré ? Rops réalisera rarement des suites complètes, ne répondant le plus souvent à la demande de ses commanditaires que par la conception de frontispices. Au verso du faux-titre, Launay voit une justification de 150 exemplaires sur papier vergé, paraphés et numérotés, qui ne figure pas ici. Très bel exemplaire relié par Brany. Provenance : Bibliothèque de Lebarbier de Tinan de Lebarbier de Tinan dont la collection fut dispersée en 1885, justifié par son ex-libris représentant un satyre en érection, portant la devise “Faire sans dire”. Bibliographie : Pia 558, Per 16-8, PC 1299, Lau 285, Enfer 419, Dutel A-464." [LIB-3118.2022]
  • Engraved title-page 1, as per British Museum: An architectural setting with, at upper centre, a portrait of Carlo Emanuele I, Duke of Savoy, in an ornate cartouche lettered “"Spectandus Certamine Martio"; a central title “LA | GERUSALEMME | DI | TORQUATO | TASSO | FUGURATA A | DA BERNARDO CASTELLO | A | CARLO EMANUELLO | DVCA DI SAVOIA” flanked by Tuscan columns and crests with mottos and imprese showing compasses lettered "Dvm Premor Amplior", at left, and a crossed sword and sceptre with a crown lettered "Illaesa Super Sunt", at right; in the lower register, male and female figures in armour, perhaps representing Tancredi and Clorinda, with a central crest showing an impresa of armour”. Central title: Below, within frame: "In Genova, Appresso Giuseppe Pavoni. […] Con licenza de' Superiori. MDCXVII." Engraved title-page 2, as per British Museum: Portrait of Torquato Tasso, bust, facing front, wearing a laurel crown; within an oval pendant, lettered “TOROVATO […] TASSO EF”, suspended from a pediment, beneath which a view of Genoa is flanked by two columns, and above is a tablet, lettered: “LA GERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI TORQUATO | TASSO. | Con le annotazioni | di Scipion | Gentili, e di Givlio | Guastauini , | Et li argomenti di Oratio Ariosti , | STAMPATA | Per Giuseppe Pauoni ad instanza di | Bernardo Castello,in Genova | L’Anno MDCXVII." Collation: 8vo; 2 leaves of engraved title-pages, 1 leaf signed †2, 1 leaf unsigned, 2 leaves signed †† and ††2, respectively, 1 leaf unsigned, 1 leaf with engraving to verso (frontispiece to Canto Primo) —> 8 prelims (besides FEP or a blank leaf before 1st t.p.); π8 A-Q8 (pp. 1-255 [256 blank], plated within collation), G1, I1, K1, O1, and P1 (recto to plates without text) unsigned, L3 signed as second L2; A-D8 E4 (pp. 1-71 [72]; A-B8 C4 χ1 (pp. [1] 2-36 [37-40] [2]),  in the 4-leaf quires E and C only two first leaves signed, in the 8-leaf quires four first leaves signed. Illustrations: woodcut head- and tail-pieces, woodcut initials, some historiated, and 20 plates within collation and pagination engraved by Camillo Cungio after Bernardo Castello. Binding: 30.5 x 21.4 cm overall, 30 x 20.5 cm leaves; contemporary vellum, rebacked with modern brown morocco, crimson morocco label with gilt lettering and double-fillet outline. Two bookplates to front pastedown: (1) Chippendale armorial bookplate (8.3 x 7.6 cm): Thos. Brand Esqr. Signed: W Austin — Fecit; (2) The Robin Collection bookplate. Bookseller’s ticket to back pastedown: “J. POOLE. | British & foreign | BOOKSELLER, | 39 BOOKSELLERS ROW, | STRAND |〰️| Books Bought.” All edges green. Provenance: The Robin Collection; Thomas Brand Hollis (British, 1719 – 1804). Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Scipione Gentili [Scipio Gentilis] (Italian, 1563 – 1616) – author. Giulio Guastavini (Italian, fl. 16th century) – author. Bernardo Castello [Castelli] (Italian, 1557 – 1629) – artist. Camillo Cungi (Italian, fl. 1597 – 1649) – engraver. Giuseppe Pavoni (Italian, 1551 – c. 1641) – printer, publisher. Carlo Emanuele I, Duke of Savoy (Italian, 1562 – 1630) – dedicatee.
  • Thirteen unnumbered loose leaves 323 x 249 mm, watermarked BFK Rives, with manuscript text and vignettes produced by etching or, more likely, drypoint (see microphoto), incl. title-page, one full-page illustration and two leaves of text only; versos blank. Some leaves have registration marks. The set is housed in a cream French flapped folder (chemise) without lettering; the seller’s description is pasted to the front cover verso, glassine dust cover. Seller’s description: Cette édition in-folio du recueil de poèmes de Louis de Gonzague Frick, inconnue de Jean-Pierre Dutel, qui « a été tirée à 50 exemplaires (...) est certainement la plus rare (et a été) publiée après 1940 sur vélin (BFK) Rives » (cf. Ader, 3 mars 2020, n°155). Exemplaire «  de passe », sans justificatif, complet des 13 planches avec 11 eaux-fortes, dont une à pleine page, d'Auguste Brouet. Ref.: According to honesterotica, the first edition was published in 1938 in 65 copies: "The pink Ingres paper and the loose-leaf format tied with a red ribbon". Another source states: "Le tirage a été effectué avec marges, sur papier vélin BFK Rives au format in-4 (32,5 × 25), les planches mesurant 26,5 × 22 cm. Certains exemplaires sont sur papier blanc - Je remercie le libraire qui a pris la peine de me communiquer ces dernières informations. Pour moi, c'est bien l'édition à 65 qui est l'originale, les deux autres étant des retirages légèrement postérieurs, mais dans le détail desquels le principe de l’œuvre - un manuscrit destiné à quelques amis de l'auteur - a été quelque peu trahi." Contributors: Louis de Gonzague Frick (French, 1883 – 1958) Auguste Brouet (French, 1872 – 1941)
  • Description: 19th-century binding, 8vo,18.9 x 11.7 cm, in patterned quarter green shagreen over marbled boards, gilt elements and lettering to spine (reliure romantique), printed on laid paper, with tall "s", margins sprinkled blue. Title-page (red and black): L'ART | D'AIMER, | NOUVEAU POËME | EN SIX CHANTS, | Par Monsieur ***** Gouge de Cessières. | Edition fidéle & complette, enrichie de | Figures. | {vignette} | A LONDRES. | Aux dépens de la Compagnie. | = | M. DCC. L. || Includes: La Mort de Zulnï (pp.  175-190 ), Idée de l'Art d'aimer d'Ovide (pp. 191-244), and Lettre écrite à Monsieur *** de ******de l'Académie... (pp. 245-261). Collation: 8vo; a-b8, A-Q8 R3, lacking K2 (pp. 147/8); total 146 leaves (of 147) plus 8 engraved plates, unsigned, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [i, ii] iii-xxxii, [1, 2] 3-261 [262 blank], lacking pp. 147/8 (K2), possibly containing Argument du chant VI; total 292 pages (of 294), ils. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-DeRicci (under Ovid) 775, Lewine (under Ovid) 398. The artist and engravers of this edition are unknown. "Another edition, Londres (Paris), 1760, with frontispiece after Eisen by Martinet, and 6 plates after Martinet". Contributors: François-Étienne Gouge de Cessières (French, 1724 – 1782) – author. Ovid [Publius Ovidius Naso] (Roman, 43 B.C. – A.D. 17) – author. Aux dépens de la Compagnie (1685 – 1780) (Amsterdam) – publisher.
  • Title: THE COMPLETE ETCHINGS OF | Goya | With a Foreword by Aldous Huxley | CROWN PUBLISHERS. NEW YORK|| Pagination: [2 blank] [1-6] 7-16 [6], 234 plates on 118 leaves [2 blank] Contents: The capriccios [Los caprichos]. The disasters of the war [Los desastres de la guerra]. The art of bullfighting [La Tauromaquia]. The proverbs [Los disparates, Proverbios]. Miscellany. Binding: Hardcover, grey cloth, black lettering to cover and spine, pictorial DJ.
  • Single volume, 19.2 x 14.2 cm, bound in ¾ dark blue morocco over peacock marbled boards, gilt double-fillet border, spine with gilded raised bands, gilt fleurons and lettering, marbled endpapers, top margin gilt, outer margin uncut; text printed on watermarked laid paper; frontispiece by Félicien Rops, plates by Félix Lukkow after original lithographs by Devéria and Henri Grévedon or Octave Tassaert for the 1833 edition (1926 re-print LIB-3135.2023); the plate with the ape may be considered 'after edition of 1864' (LIB-3087.2022). Collation: π2 (h.t., t.p.) [a]8 1-712 96, total 64 leaves plus etched frontispiece in sanguine after page 8 and 12 engraved plates on India paper; illustrations include six burin engravings printed in two versions each, black and red, all six by Félix Lukkow after Devéria and Grévedon. Pagination: [4] [i] ii-viii, [1] 2-116, total 128 pages, ils. Title-page: GAMIANI | OU | DEUX NUITS D’EXCES | PAR | ALCIDE, Baron de M******. | {publisher's device} | — | BRUXELLES | MDCCCXXXIII—1871. || Limitation: Print run of 150 copies of which one unique on peau de vélin, 130 on laid paper (papier vergé), 5 on papier album jaune, 4 on papier de Chine, 10 on papier fort de Hollande. This is copy № 3, on Van Gelder laid paper, watermarked (possibly this is what they call ‘papier fort de Hollande’). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-472; Pia 520. Ref.: BNF Enfer 66. Contributors: Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist. Félix Lukkow (French, fl. c. 1870 – 1875) – engraver. Vital Puissant (Belgian, 1835 – 1878) – publisher. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 58. [Alfred de MUSSET - Félix LUKKOV] Alcide, baron de M******. Gamiani ou Deux nuits d’excès. Bruxelles, M DCCC XXXIII - 1871 [Vital Puissant]. In-8 de 2 .n.ch, viii, 116 pages, demi-chagrin bleu à coins, dos à nerfs orné, lets dorés et à froid sur les mors, tête dorée, tranches naturelles, non rogné (reliure de l’époque). Illustré de 7 gravures sur Chine, dont une en frontispice, en double état (sauf le frontispice) par Félix Lukkov, d’après les gravures de Félicien Rops. Tirage à 150 ex. L’un des 10 ex. tirés in-8, sur grand papier fort de Hollande (n° 3). Bibliographie : Pia 561, Per 16-14, Enfer 66, Dutel A-472.
  • Engraved title-page: L'AMINTA | FAVOLA BOSCHERECCIA | DI | TORQUATO TASSO | Aggiuntovi il Poemetto | Amore Fugitivo |{vignette} | IN VENEZIA | MDCCLXIX |—| PRESSO ANTONIO ZATTA | CON LICENZA DE’ SUPERIORI || in historiated frame, signed below: “Pet. Ant. Novelli in — Fambrini inci.” Pagination: [i] ii-xxiv, [1-2] 3-84, total 108 pages, ils. Collation: 12mo; a12, A-C12 D6, last blank; first 6 leaves signed in 12-leave quires, first 3 in D; total 54 leaves plus 9 plates, incl. engraved title and frontispiece, and numerous head- and tailpieces by Fambrini after Novelli. Binding: 18.6 x 11 cm, contemporary tree calf, rebacked, crimson label with gilt lettering; clipping and bookplate of The Robin Collection to front pastedown; verso front flyleaf stamped “RESTORED BY MACDONALD CO. | NORWALK. CONN.” Additional blank leaves at front and back. Provenance: Satinsky, Robin F. (American, 1919 – 2008); The Robin Collection. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1729 – 1804) – artist. Ferdinando Fambrini (Italian (1764 – c.1793) – engraver. Antonio Zatta (Italian, c. 1722 – 1804) – printer, publisher.  
  • Set of 21 etchings by Martin van Maele for the English edition of ‘Thais’ by Anatole France published in London by Charles Carrington in 1901. Printed on vowe paper without a watermark in two colours with the black image and sepia historiated border. All etchings are inscribed with the artist's monogram; one of the etchings bears inscriptions ORGUEIL, LUXURE, DOUTE (mirror image). Dimensions: sheet: 317 x 250 mm; plate: 170 x 115 mm; image: 155 x 100 mm. Catalogue raisonné: S. A. Perry: № 64. Per Perry, the edition was printed in 500 copies on 'handmade paper watermarked 'Van Gelder'. Contributor: Martin van Maële [Martin, Maurice François Alfred] (French, 1863 – 1926)
  • Half calf binding 33.5 x 25 cm, gilt lettering within rules “GODAL | JO”, engraved title-page and 9 etchings printed in sepia on sheets 32.5 x 24 cm of thick wove paper, pencil signed, presumably, by the artist; a newspaper clipping tipped-in. The number of copies is unknown. Ticket to front pastedown: "Haeusgen |8 München 90 | Reinekestrasse 36" According to seller: “Extraordinarily rare series of erotic original etchings. - Cf. Bilderlexikon II, 451 u. Vollmer II, 261 - According to KVK not in any library”. Contributors: Erich Godal [Erich Goldbaum] (German-Jewish, 1899 – 1969) – artist.  
  • Title: Joseph Burke and Colin Caldwell | Hogarth | The Complete Engravings | Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York || Pagination: [1-4] 5-30 (text), unpaginated: 128 leaves of illustrations (267 plates), 16 leaves of descriptions, folding list of plates: total number of leaves 160, incl. one folding. Exterior: 34 x 24.5 cm, hardbound; original brown cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ. Harry N. Abrams (British-American, 1905 – 1979). Joseph Terence Burke (British, 1913 – 1992). Colin Caldwell (British, 1913 – 1989).
  • Single volume, 18 x 12.5 cm, bound in ¾ crimson morocco over marbled boards, gilt double-fillet borders, spine with gilded raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt-lettered label, marbled endpapers, top margin gilt, text printed on dense wove paper, with 8 etchings by anonymous on thin laid paper (Chine) with tissue guards, after original lithographs by Devéria and Henri Grévedon or Octave Tassaert for the 1833 edition (1926 re-print LIB-3135.2023); the plate with the ape after 1864 edition (LIB-3087.2022) and the plate with the donkey after unknown. Title-page: GAMIANI | OU | DEUX NUITS D’EXCES | PAR | A D M | — | EN HOLLANDE | – | 1866 || Pagination: [4] (h.t., t.p.), [i] ii-xvi, [3] 4-153 [154 blank]; total 158 pages plus 8 plates (anonymous etchings), incl. frontispiece. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-470; Pia: 518/9. BNF Enfer 418. Note: This edition is conformant with Dutel, but not with Pia, who mentions [2], xvi, 148 pp. Pia writes: 'According to a bibliographic record published in 1874 by Vital Puissant, this edition was printed in Brussels by Briard on behalf of Alphonse Lécrivain, a Parisian publisher who took refuge in Belgium'. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 74. [Alfred de MUSSET] A D M. Gamiani ou deux nuits d’excès. En Hollande, 1866. In-8 de xvi, 153 pages, demi-maroquin cerise à coins, dos à nerfs orné, lets dorés sur les mors, tête dorée, tranches naturelles, couverture conservée (reliure ancienne). Illustré de 8 gravures sur Chine dont l’une en frontispice, toutes accompagnées de serpentines. Piqûres et mouillures. Dutel A-470, pas à l’Enfer de la BnF.  
  • Vol. 1: Engraved t.p.: An architectural setting with flags and arms, and sitting male and female figures in armour, perhaps representing Tancredi and Clorinda, with lettering above their heads: “GIERVSA– | LEMME | LIBERATA”. Title-page: IL | GOFFREDO, | OVERO | GIERUSALEMME | Liberata , | POEMA HEROICO | del Sig. Torquato Tasso. | CON L’ ALLEGORIA | Universale dell istesso, | Et con gli Argomenti del Sig. Horatio Ario- | sti, & di belissime figure adornato. | {woodcut element} | In Amsterdam, nella Stamperia del S.D. ELZEVIER, | Et in Parigi, si vende | Appresso Thomaso Jolly. | Nel Palazzo, M. DC. LXXVIII. || Collation: 8vo; [A1] 1st blank, engraved t.p., [A2] letterpress t.p., pp. [1-4]; signatures start at A3, pagination starts at p. 37; Allegoria: A3-B1, pp. [5-18], Tavola: B2-C2, pp. [19-36]; Il Goffredo: C3-R8, pp. 37-271 [272]. Total A-R8: 136 leaves (272 pages), plus 11 plates, incl. engraved t.p., and frontispiece (sculptural bust portrait of Torquato Tasso in a laurel wreath, with a lettered plate below “TORQVATO | TASSO”). Vol. 1: Title-page: Similar but “TOMO II.” after “sti, & di belissime figure adornato.” and before the woodcut element. Collation: 8vo; 1st blank, letterpress t.p., signatures start at A3, p. 5; A-S8, pp. [4] 5-285 [3]. Total A-S8: 144 leaves (288 pages) plus 10 engraved plates. Binding: Two volumes 15 x 6 cm, uniformly bound in 19th-century green morocco, gilt triple-fillet border, bull heads at corners, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, two gilt-lettered crimson labels, blue endpapers, 2 blank laid paper leaves in the front, AEG. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Daniel Elzevir (Dutch, 1626-1680) – publisher. Thomas Jolly (French, fl. 1648 – 1694) – publisher.
  • Set of 10 etchings (9 in passe-partout) printed in sanguine on the mother of pearl paper (japon nacre) from the album of 12 prints titled “Jeunesse”, presented by Gérard D'Houville (pen name of Marie de Régnier, née de Heredia) and published by La Tradition in 1945. It was a limited edition of 532 copies, some coloured on Arches paper and some as these set. Plates signed by the artist in pencil below the plate mark. The album cover is missing. Title-page: JEUNESSE | 12 EAUX-FORTES ORIGINALES | DE | MARIANNE CLOUZOT | PRÉSENTÉES | PAR | GÉRARD D'HOUVILLE | {publisher’s device} | LA TRADITION | 1945 || Dimensions: mat 330 x 255 mm; window 225 x 180 mm; sheet 280 x 220 mm; plate 220 x 170 mm. Contributors: Marianne Clouzot (French, 1908 – 2007) – artist Marie de Régnier [Marie de Heredia, Gérard d'Houville] (French, 1875 – 1963) – editor
  • Description: Softcover volume in publisher’s pictorial wrappers, with a b/w medallion portrait and lettering in a frame over geometrical pattern in blue to front; 23 x 16.3 cm, collated 8vo. Title-page: РУССКАЯ ЖЕНЩИНА | ВЪ | ГРАВЮРАХЪ И ЛИТОГРАФIЯХЪ | – | ВЫСТАВКА ПОРТРЕТОВЪ | – | КРУЖОКЪ ЛЮБИТЕЛЕЙ | РУССКИХЪ ИЗЯЩНЫХЪ ИЗДАНIЙ | 1911 || Collation: 1-48, last blank, total 32 leaves plus 15 plates (collotype reproductions) with tissue guards, incl. frontispiece, and a few headpieces; catalogue with 180 entries. Pagination: [1-6] 7-63 [64] [2], total 64 pages, ils. Incl. article "Русская женщина в искусстве" барона Н. Н. Врангеля. Барон Николай Николаевич Врангель (Russian, 1880 – 1915)
  • Title page: JOHN LANDWEHR | ROMEYN DE HOOGHE | (1645-1708) | AS BOOK ILLUSTRATOR | A BIBLIOGRAPHY | {space} | 1970 | AMSTERDAM: VANGENDT & CO | NEW YORK: ABNER SCHRAM || Pagination: [1-6] 7-247 [248 blank], ils. Content:109 entries, concordance table and 12 pp. of indices. Binding: 27.3 x 19.7 cm, green cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket. ISBN: 90 6300 467 2. Contributors: Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) John Landwehr – author.

    Van Gendt & Co. (Amsterdam) – publisher.

    Abner Schram Ltd. (NY) – publisher.