//French literature
  • Hardcover volume, 17 x 14 cm; bound in red buckram with gilt lettering in geometrical frame, black label with gilt lettering and fillets to flat spine. Print run 150,000 copies. Collation: 18 2-1316, i.e. 200 leaves plus 8 plates incl. frontispiece portrait of the author, pp. [2] 3-397 [3]. Title-page (red and black): МОНТЕСКЬЁ | ПЕРСИДСКИЕ | ПИСЬМА | {fleuron} | — | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | МОСКВА • 1956 || Title verso: MONTESQUIEU | LETTRES PERSIANES | 1721 | Перевод с французского | под редакцией | Е. А. ГУНСТА | Вступительная статья | С. Д. АРТАМОНОВА || Contributors: Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de (French, 1689–1755) – author Артамонов, Сергей Дмитриевич (Russian, 1915 – 1989) – author preface Гунст, Евгений Анатольевич (Russian, 1901 – 1983) – translator  
  • Title (in red and black): PART I | CANDIDE | OR | ALL FOR THE BEST | ★ | TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH OF | M. DE VOLTAIRE | ★ | WITH 10 ETCHINGS BY | CLARA TICE | ★ | EXACT REPRINT OF THE EARLIEST ENGLISH TEXT | PRINTED IN HOLLAND BY | JOH. ENSCHEDÉ EN ZONEN | FOUNDED IN HAARLEM ANNO MDCCIII | FOR | THE BENNETT LIBRARIES INC. | NEW YORK | MDCCCCXXVII || Limitation: 1,000 copies of which numbers 1 t0 250 are on a special deckle-edge Pannekoek paper; and numbers 251 to 1,000 are on papier à la cuve; this is copy № 310 (stamped in pink ink). Illustrations: 10 coloured etchings, incl. frontispiece, produced by an American artist Clara Tice (1888 – 1973) on a watermarked laid paper and bound in with tissue guards, lettered in red. Binding: 23.5 x 15.3 cm, quarter black buckram over wrinkled faux-marbled paper painted with gilt, gilt design and lettering to spine, black endpapers (both flyleaves present), top margin gilt, other trimmed rough. Collation: [10] – five blank leaves, [2] – h.t. / limitation, [2] – t.p. / imprint, 7-119 [120 blank], [121-2] – part 2 d.t.p. / blank, 123-182, [183-9] – contents, [190 blank], [10] – five blank leaves, the first blank uncut from [189/90]; total number of pages 216; total number of leaves  108 plus 10 plates with tissue guards, incl. frontispiece. Contributors: François-Marie Arouet [Voltaire] (French, 1694 – 1778)– author. Tobias George Smollett (British, 1721 – 1771) – translator (translation of 1759). Clara Tice (American, 1888 – 1973) – artist. The Bennett Libraries (NY) – publisher. Johannes Enschedé en Zonen (Haarlem) – printer.
  • Description: Softcover, French flapped wrappers, lettered front, back (advert.) and spine, collated in-4to, 24.3 x 20.2 cm, printed on thick wove paper Vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre, print run limited to 335 copies from which this is copy № 219; outer margin untrimmed, some leaves uncut, glassine DJ. Limitation: 1 copy (A) on Japon Impérial + double suite of plates + suite of original drawings, 4 copies (B-E) on Japon Impérial + double suite of plates, 15 copies on on Japon Impérial + suite of plates on Vieux Japon teinté (F-T), 315 copies on Vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre, of which 15 (I-XV) not for sale. Copyright: Libraire Gallimard, 1924. Printed: March 10, 1924 – text by Coulouma (Argenteuil) under direction of H. Barthélemy, lithographs printed by Marchizet (Paris). Front wrapper (in letterpress two-colour border): Tableaux Contemporains – no 4 | . TABLEAU | de | L'AMOUR | VÉNAL | par | FRANCIS CARCO | Illustré | de douze lithographies en noir | par Luc-Albert Moreau | PARIS | ÉDITIONS DE LA NOUVELLE REVUE FRANÇAISE | 3, rue de Grenelle || Title-page: Same, without a frame, in black, L'AMOUR | VÉNAL in brown. Collation: 4to; 14 a4 2-164, total 68 leaves with wrappers included in collation plus 12 plates, incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collation. Pagination: [2 wrapper] [6] [i] ii-vii [viii blank] [9] 10-122 [2 colophon] [2 blank] [2 wrapper]; total 136 pages incl. wrappers, plus ils. Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Luc-Albert Moreau (French, 1882 – 1948) – artist. La Nouvelle Revue Française (nrf) (Paris)– publisher. Gaston Gallimard (French, 1881 – 1975) – publisher.
  • Description: Hardcover, 19 x 13 cm, contemporary binding, ¾ carrot morocco with raised bands over patterned cloth, similarly patterned endpapers, original pink wrappers preserved, gilt lettering to spine, Japanese previous owner’s stamp フィリップ (Firippu or Philippe) to verso front endpaper. Title-page: EXAMEN | DE | FLORA | à l’effet d’obtenir | son diplôme de putain | PARIS || Collation/pagination: blank flyleaf, original front wrapper with vignette, [1] blank, original watercolour 13.5 x 11 cm bound in, [2] blank, [3] h.t. / frontispiece, [4] t.p., 5-45 [46] [2] limitation / blank, back wrapper, blank flyleaf, with 14 stencil-coloured photogravures (au pochoir), two of them full-page, incl. frontispiece, after Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan]. Limitation: 15 copies on Japon and 300 copies on Vélin, this is copy № 7. Edition: 1st edition thus, illustrated with 14 coloured photogravures, 2 of them full-page after Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan], enriched with an original watercolour by the same artist. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): 1532, p. 160 (same copy); honesterotica.com Provenance: J.-P. Dutel Note: J.-P. Dutel dates the edition as “vers 1935”; however, based on the edition of Le théâtre érotique de la rue de la Santé / [illustré par Rojan]. — Paris: s.n., 1932 [LIB-2816.2021] in this collection, which contains some of the same illustrations, we attribute it to 1932. Contributors: Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan, Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970) – artist. Louis Protat (French, 1819 – 1881) – author. Illustrations:

    Le théâtre érotique / Original

    Examen de Flora / Original

    Le théâtre érotique / Original

    Le théâtre érotique / Original

    Examen de Flora / Print

    Examen de Flora / Print

    Examen de Flora / Print

    Examen de Flora / Print

  • Softcover volume, 24.7 x 19.7 cm, red felt with gilt embossing to front, pages framed in red, watermarked Arches wove paper, lower and outer margins untrimmed; matted original drawing (watercolour, India ink, graphite on Arches wove paper), signed André Collot and dated 36 laid in. Title-page (red and black): ANDREA DE NERCIAT | LE DOCTORAT | IMPROMPTU | ILLUSTRÉ | D’EAUX-FORTES ORIGINALES | PAR | ANDRÉ COLLOT | {publisher’s device} | LA TRADITION | PARIS || Pagination: [2] blank, [1, 2] h.t./limitation, [3, 4] frontis., [5, 6] t.p./blank, 7-125 [126] blank, [2] colophon/blank, [2] blank; 7 full-page (incl. frontispiece) and 9 half-page plates, 2 tailpieces and 2 initials (etching and au pochoir colouring after André Collot); total 132 pages (66 leaves, incl. plates within collation). Limitation: A print run of 500 copies; this is № 268. Colophon: Paul Durupt supervision, text at Coulouma / H. Barthélemy, plates at La Tradition (Paris); date of printing: 30-APR-1935 Contributors: André-Robert Andréa de Nerciat (French, 1739 – 1800) – author. André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.
  • Title page: THE | ADVENTURES | OF | TELEMACHUS, | THE | SON OF ULYSSES. | FROM THE FRENCH OF | SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE–FENELON, | ARCHBISHOP OF CAMBRAY. | BY THE LATE | JOHN HAWKESWORTH, LL. D. | CORRECTED AND REVISED BY | G. GREGORY, D. D. | JOINT EVENING PREACHER AT THE FOUNDLING HOSPITAL, AND AUTHOR OF | ESSAYS, HISTORICAL AND MORAL, &C. | WITH | A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, AND A COMPLETE INDEX, HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL. | EMBELLISHED WITH TWELVE ELEGANT ENGRAVINGS. | IN TWO VOLUMES. | VOL. I. [VOL. II] | | LONDON: | PRINTED FOR C. AND G. KEARSLEY, FLEET-STREET. | 1795. || Vol. 1: collation: 2 blank leaves, π6, a-d4, B-Z4 Aa-Ff4, 2 blank leaves, 7 coloured engravings; pagination: [i-v] vi-xxxv [xxxvi], [1] 2-223 [224 blank]. Vol. 2: collation: 2 blank leaves, π4, Gg-Zz4, 3A-3K4 [a]4 b2, 2 blank leaves, 5 coloured engravings; pagination: [i-iii] iv-vii [viii], [225] 226-439, [440-452]. Exterior: 2-volume set, uniformly bound in full crimson linen morocco, key fret inside, gilt-ruled with a floral pattern between fillets to boards, flat spine decorated in gilt, with gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, AEG, 4to, 28 x 22.5 cm; printed on wove paper with watermark “WS”. Blind stamp to ffl by previous owner: "B. J. WIJNVELDT". Engravings: 12 tinted stipple engravings à la poupée: one by James Neagle (British, 1760? – 1822), four by William Bromley (British, 1769 – 1842), four by William Skelton (British, 1763 – 1848), one by John Ogborne (British, 1755 – 1837), and two by James Parker (1750 – 1805) after Thomas Stothard (British, 1755 – 1834). Ref.: Lewine (1898), p. 183: "The 1795 edition, 2 vols., 4to., with 12 engravings after Stothard, has a nominal value." Not in Cohen De Ricci, 1912. Original: François Fénelon. Les Aventures de Télémaque, fils d’Ulysse. See №№ LIB-2522-2020 and LIB-2683.2021 in this collection. John Hawkesworth (British, c. 1715 – 1773). George Gregory (British, 1754 – 1808).

    George Kearsley the elder (British, 1739 – 1790) (Kearsley, Catharine and George – publishers)

  • Front wrapper (in black and blue): PAUL MORAND | L'EUROPE | GALANTE | QUINZE LITHOGRAPHES | HORS TEXTE ORIGINALES | DE VERTÈS | {vignette} | LE MIROIR DES MŒURS | LES ARTS ET LE LIVRE | =| M. CM. XXVII || Title-page (in black and blue): PAUL MORAND | L'EUROPE | GALANTE | ORNÉ DE QUINZE | LITHOGRAPHES ORIGINALES | PAR VERTÈS | {vignette} | LE MIROIR DES MŒURS | LES ARTS ET LE LIVRE | 17 Rue Froidevaux (XIVe) | =| M. CM. XXVII || Pagination: [1-9] 10-245 [7], and 2 leaves under the wrappers, ils. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-168; first and last leaves under wrappers; total 128 leaves and 17 plates extraneous to collation (two more than the declared 15). Binding: 20.5 x 14.5, French flapped tan wrappers with lettering and vignette, lettering to spine. Printed on May 30, 1927 at l'Imprimerie du Livre, Rueil (Henri Filipacchi, director); under supervision of Georges-Célestin Crès. Edition: 3rd book is the series "Le miroir des mœurs", limited to 1165 copies of which 65 on Papier d'Annam, 15 of them not for sale, numbered 1-50 and 51-65, respectively; 1100 copies on Vélin teinté de Rives (100 of them not for sale), numbered 66-1065 and 1066-1165, respectively. This copy is № 474. Contributors: Paul Morand (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Les arts et le livre; Georges-Célestin Crès (French, 1875 – 1935) – publisher. l'Imprimerie du Livre (Rueil); Henri Élie Michel Filipacchi [Flippaki] (French, 1900 – 1961) – printer. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • French flapped tan wrappers, 24.3 x 18.8 cm, lettered in red Les Vacances | de Suzon | Journal Secret | AUX DÉPENSDES AMIS DE CUPIDON ||; collation: 1 blank, 1 tp (lettering similar to front wrapper), 1 blank, 24 leaves of plates with fac-simile ms text, 2 blanks; total 29 leaves; the said 24 leaves are made by glueing together pairs of 48 individual leaves, printed on one side. Dutel (1920-1970) № 2578, p. 406, describes the edition as a photocopy of  “Il s'agit d'une copie de Suzon en Vacances” printed in the late 1940s, the print run is limited to 300 copies. For the original publication see LIB-3409.2025. The edition is attributed to Leon Courbouleix (French, 1887 – 1972).
  • Description: Two volumes, 16.5 x 11 cm, collated 8vo, uniformly bound in the mid-19th century by H. Stamper (stamp to verso free endpaper) in red Morocco, ornated with gilt fillets and dentelles to boards and turn-ins, spine with raised bands and gilt decorations and lettering in compartments, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt; printed on laid paper; bookplate to front pastedown “EX LIBRIS | DANIEL | BERDITCHEVSKY”. Title-page (red and black, tall ‘s’): LES CENT | NOUVELLES | NOUVELLES. | SUIVENT LES CENT NOUVELLES | CONTENANT | Les Cent Histoires Nouveaux, | Qui sont moult plaisans a raconter, | En toutes bonnes Compagnies, | Par MANIERE DE JOYEUSETÉ. | Avec d'excellentes Figures en Taille-douce, | Gravées sur les desseins du fameux Mr. | ROMAIN DE HOOGE | & retouchées par feu | B. PICART LE ROMAIN | TOME PREMIER (TOME SECOND) |{device} | A COLOGNE | Chez Pierre Gaillard. | M.DCCXXXVI. || Vol. 1: Collation: [1] flyleaf torn out, [1] frontispiece, [1] title-page, [3] preface (*2-4), [1] Auertissement, [10] table (2+**-**8), A-Bb8 (Bb8 blank); 45 in-text half-page copperplate etchings by various engravers after Romain de Hooge; total 215 leaves plus ffl and frontispiece by Gilliam van der Gouwen after Romain de Hooge. Pagination (starting from t.p.): [30] 1-397 [398] [2], total 430 pages. Vol. 2: Collation: ffl, [*1] t.p., [11] table (*2-8, **-4), A-Aa8 Bb4 (Bb4 blank); 55 in-text half-page copperplate etchings by various engravers after Romain de Hooge; total 208 leaves plus ffl. Pagination: [24] 1-389 [390] [2], total 416 pages. Catalogue raisonné: Landwehr (1970) № 94, p. 203; Lewine (1898) p. 326; Cohen-DeRicci (1912) p. 658. Landwehr cites two editions after the 1st of 1701: Amsterdam 1732 and Cologne 1786 [i.e. 1736]. Both Lewine and Cohen-DeRicci attribute the text to Louis XI and mention the 1736 reprint (though not 1786). The first edition of “Les cent nouvelles nouvelles” appeared in 1486 by commission of Duke of Burgundy Philippe le Bon; the text is attributed to Philippe Pot (1428 – 1493), Antoine de La Sale (c. 1385 – c. 1460) or King Louis XI (1423 – 1483). Contributors: Artists: Romain de Hooge (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) Bernard Picart (French, 1673 – 1733) Engravers: Gilliam van der Gouwen (Dutch, c. 1657 – 1716) (frontispiece) Laurens Scherm (Dutch, fl. 1689 – 1701) (nouvelles XXIX, XXX, LXXVII) Jan Van Vianen (Dutch, c.1660 – 1726?) (nouvelles L, LII, LVII-LX, LXIV-LXVII, LXX) Binder: Henry Stamper (British, 1802? – 1887) Commissioner: Philippe le Bon [Philip III] (French, 1396 – 1467) Publisher: Pierre Gaillard (French, fl. 1715 – 1737)
  • Softcover volume, 23.5 x 15 cm, in tan French flapped wrappers with red lettering to front, collated in-4to, in a tan double slipcase 24 x 15 cm with red lettered label to spine, pp.: [1-12] 13-112 [8], total 120 pages, incl. those within wrappers; printed on thick wove paper watermarked “Lafuma Frères”, 5 full-page and 6 half-page illustrations within collation, incl. frontispiece, guard tissue laid in. Title-page (red and black): LE ROMAN | DE | GODEMICHET | ÉPOPÉE | LIBERTINE | ET VÉCUE | composée par un | DESCENDANT D’HERMES | AMI DES MUSES | ÉMULE DE PRIAPE | et illustrée par un | MAITRE DU GENRE | ÉDITÉ POUR LES | AMIS DE L’AUTEUR | A PARIS EN L’AN DE GRACE | MCMXLVIII || Limited edition 200 + XX, this is copy № 175. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2336. Jean Reschofsky (French, 1905 – 1998) – artist.
  • Vol. 1: Title: MÉMOIRES | DE | MONSIEUR CLAUDE | CHEF DE LA POLICE DE SURETÉ́ SOUS LE SECOND EMPIRE | {single rule} | PREMIER VOLUME | publisher’s device «JR» in oval} | PARIS | JULES ROUFF ET Cie, ÉDITEURS | 14, CLOITRE SAINT-HONORÉ, 14 | {single rule} || Pagination: [4] – h.t., t.p., [1-3] – engraved t.p. w/portrait, 3-800 [4], in-text and full-page woodcuts; last two leaves (table) has numbered pages 1000 and 1001; the total number of pages 808. Collation: 4to; π2 [1]4 2-1004 Ω2, woodcuts by Quesnel and Ferdinandus, within collation; the total number of leaves 404. Vol. 2: Title: Same but “DEUXIEME VOLUME” Pagination: [4] – h.t., t.p., [801-2] – frontis., 803-2010, [6] – assassinats, [4] – table, in-text and full-page woodcuts; last two leaves (table) has numbered pages 2018 and 2019; the total number of pages 1224. Collation: 4to; π2 101-2524 Ω2, woodcuts by Quesnel and Ferdinandus, within collation; the total number of leaves 612. Binding: Two volumes 28 x 20.5 cm each, uniformly bound in quarter polished brown calf over marbled boards, blind-stamped florets and gilt lettering to spine, marbled endpapers. Contributors: Claude, Antoine (French, 1807 – 1880) – declared author of the text. Labourieu, Théodore (French, 1822 – 1889) – assumed author of the text. Quesnel, Désiré Mathieu (French, 1843 – 1915) – woodcut printmaker. Ferdinandus, Alexandre [Avenet, François] (French, 1850 – 1888) – illustrator. D. Bardin et Cie – printer. Jules Rouff (French, 1846 – 1927) – publisher. Jules Rouff et Cie (Paris, 1873 – 1982) – publisher. Note: Common opinion is that the text was produced by Théodore Labourieu, not by, Antoine Claude. The first edition was published by the same publisher in 10 volumes in wrappers without illustrations, between 1880 and 1883, after the death of Antoine Claude. As stated in WorldCat: “not written or sanctioned by him.” This two-volume edition was published later, with multiple woodcuts.
  • Title-page: COLETTE WILLY | — | L'ingénue libertine | EAUX-FORTES DE LOUIS ICART | ❧ | ÉDITIONS EXCELSIOR | 27, Quai de la Tournelle | Paris | 1926 || Description: French cream flapped wrappers 33.5 x 26 cm with gilt lettering to front and spine, printed on wove paper (Japon Impérial), [2] blank, [1-4] h.t. / limitation, t.p. / citations, 5-191 [3] colophon, plus 20 plates of coloured etchings and 20 plates of b/w etchings, incl. frontispiece. Edition enriched with an autograph letter signed by Colette tipped in after limitation. Edition: limited to 546 copies of which one (№ UN) is unique, printed on Papier de Chine with original colour drawings, 55 (№ 1-50 + 5 H.C.) on Japon Impérial, 65 (№ 51-100 +15 H.C.) on Hollande van Gelder, and 425 (№ 101-500 + 25 H.C.) on vergé paper BFK Rives. This copy is № 48, enriched with Colette a.l.s. and an extra suite of plates. Printed on December 3, 1926, at Arrault et Cie in Tours. Transcript of a.l.s.: "De deux romans (Minne et Les égarements de Minne) qui ne portèrent pas ma signature, j’en ai fait un seul : l’Ingénue libertine. La première partie trouve encore grâce à mes yeux ; je suis plus sévère pour la deuxième et dernière, [mot rayé] superflue et qui sent le travail. Cette libertine aurait bien dû en rester à l’ingénuité. — Colette" Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) – author. Henry Gauthier-Villars [a.k.a. Willy] (French, 1859 – 1931) – author. Louis Icart (French, 1888 – 1950) – artist.
  • Description: One volume, 27 x 21.5 cm, collated 4to, bound in full dark crimson calf with gilt floral border, raised bands with gilt filets, gilt lettering to spine, 16 colour plates, one of them loose, and numerous woodcut tailpieces. Title-page: (black and blue): VOLTAIRE | L'INGÉNU | {VIGNETTE} | ILLUSTRATIONS DE BERTHOMMÉ SAINT-ANDRÉ | ÉDITIONS DE LA BONNE ÉTOILE | PARIS || Collation: 4to; π4 (2 blanks, h.t./limitation, t.p.), 1-184, last blank; total 76 leaves plus 16 colour plates after Louis Berthommé Saint-André and two flyleaves, first and last. Pagination: [4 blanks] [1-4] 5-143 [144] [4 blanks]; total 152 pages, ils. Limitation: Edition limited to 2,500 copies, of which this is copy № 1621. Colophon: Printed under direction of Paul Cotinaud at L’Union Typographique by Henri Leduc; photogravures executed by G. Duval and coloured by E. Vairel fils. Contributors: François Marie Arouet de Voltaire (French, 1694 – 1778) – author. Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977) – artist.
  • Single volume, 18 x 12.5 cm, bound in ¾ crimson morocco over marbled boards, gilt double-fillet borders, spine with gilded raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt-lettered label, marbled endpapers, top margin gilt, text printed on dense wove paper, with 8 etchings by anonymous on thin laid paper (Chine) with tissue guards, after original lithographs by Devéria and Henri Grévedon or Octave Tassaert for the 1833 edition (1926 re-print LIB-3135.2023); the plate with the ape after 1864 edition (LIB-3087.2022) and the plate with the donkey after unknown. Title-page: GAMIANI | OU | DEUX NUITS D’EXCES | PAR | A D M | — | EN HOLLANDE | – | 1866 || Pagination: [4] (h.t., t.p.), [i] ii-xvi, [3] 4-153 [154 blank]; total 158 pages plus 8 plates (anonymous etchings), incl. frontispiece. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-470; Pia: 518/9. BNF Enfer 418. Note: This edition is conformant with Dutel, but not with Pia, who mentions [2], xvi, 148 pp. Pia writes: 'According to a bibliographic record published in 1874 by Vital Puissant, this edition was printed in Brussels by Briard on behalf of Alphonse Lécrivain, a Parisian publisher who took refuge in Belgium'. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 74. [Alfred de MUSSET] A D M. Gamiani ou deux nuits d’excès. En Hollande, 1866. In-8 de xvi, 153 pages, demi-maroquin cerise à coins, dos à nerfs orné, lets dorés sur les mors, tête dorée, tranches naturelles, couverture conservée (reliure ancienne). Illustré de 8 gravures sur Chine dont l’une en frontispice, toutes accompagnées de serpentines. Piqûres et mouillures. Dutel A-470, pas à l’Enfer de la BnF.  
  • A two-volume edition. 1st vol. Title (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | КНИГА ПЕРВАЯ | ИЗДАНИЕ ТРЕТЬЕ | ПЕРЕВОД А.С.БОБОВИЧА | СТАТЬЯ Ф.А.КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | КОММЕНТАРИИ А.С.БОБОВИЧА | И Ф.А.КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1960 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS | LIVRE PREMIER || Pagination: [1-11] 12-526 [2], errata slip. Collation: 8vo, [1]-338, 5 plates extraneous to collation (incl. frontispiece portrait). 2nd vol. Title (2) (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | КНИГА ВТОРАЯ | ИЗДАНИЕ ВТОРОЕ | ИЗДАНИЕ ПОДГОТОВИЛИ | Ф.А.КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН, | А.С.БОБОВИЧ И А.А.СМИРНОВ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1960 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS | LIVRE SECOND || Pagination: [1-7] 8-652, errata slip. Collation: 8vo, [1]-428. Binding: Uniformly bound in serial design green cloth with gilt lettering on an embossed scroll to front cover, gilt lettering to spine. 22 x 18 cm. Print run: 10,000 copies each volume. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (French, 1533 – 1592) Ананий [Анатолий] Самуилович Бобович (Russian-Jewish, 1904 – 1988) Александр Александрович Смирнов (Russian, 1883– 1962) Фаина Абрамовна Коган-Бернштейн [b. Аронгауз] (Russian-Jewish, 1899 – 1976)
  • Collation: Prelims (pp.1-6): Blank leaf, front wrapper (ornamental, gilt and colour): LA NUIT VENITIENNE | FANTASIO | LES CAPRICES DE | MARIANNE | ALFRED DE MUSSET ||, blank leaf, [2] – h.t.: LA | NUIT VENITIENNE ||, [2] – t.p. (ornamental frame, marigold and reseda green): ALFRED DE MUSSET | LA NUIT | VENITIENNE | FANTASIA | LES CAPRICES | DE MARIANNE | ILLUSTRATIONS | DE | U. BRUNELLESCHI | L’EDITION D’ART H.PIAZZA | PARIS ||, [2] – ornamental divisional title: LA NUIT VENITIENNE ||, 7-138 [139/40] – contents / list of ills., [141-2] – limitation / colophon, blank leaf, back wrapper, blank leaf; plus 20 stencil-coloured (au pochoir) plates after gouaches by Umberto Brunelleschi, incl. frontispiece with red-lettered tissue guards; two more divisional titles, three headpieces in black; text printed on heavy wove paper, in an ornamental frame. Edition: 1st; limited to 500 copies on laid paper (papier du Japon) signed by the artist; this copy on wove paper without signatures, without limitation. Printed in Paris on the 10th of November 1913. Binding: 30 x 24 cm, owner’s green bead-grain buckram with a gilt-lettered black label to spine LA NUIT | VENITIENNE, publisher’s wrappers bound in, green and gilt endpapers. Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author. Umberto Brunelleschi (Italian, 1879 – 1949) – artist. L’Edition d’art H. Piazza; Henri Jules Piazza (Italian, 1861 – 1929) – publisher, printer.
  • Description: Publisher’s tan French flapped wrappers, in glassine DJ, 25.4 x 19.4 cm, collated in-4to, lettered LA SEMAINE | SECRÈTE DE | VÉNUS | {fleuron} ||, outer margin uncut. Title-page: ≈ | LA SEMAINE | SECRÈTE | DE VÉNUS | Illustrée de huit Dessins | originaux reproduits en | lithographie et coloriés | {vignette} | LA CHRONIQUE CLANDESTINE | ≈ de 1919 à 1925 ≈ || Limitation: Unique copy on Vieux Japon enriched with original drawings and suites of plates, № 1-25 on Japon Imperial, enriched with 1 drawing and 3 suites of plates, № 26-275 on vélin d’Arches «avec les sept lithos en couleurs»; total print run – 275+1. This is copy № 70. Collation: π3 (blank, h.t./limit., t.p.), 1-154 χ1, total 64 leaves plus 7 plates, lithographs after drawings by Marcel Vertès, extraneous to collation. Note: Eight lithographs stated in the title are 7 plates AND a vignette on the title page. Vokaer attributes the printer/publisher as "Imprimerie Daragnès" and the year of publication as 1925. Pagination: [6] 2 blanks, 2 h.t. / limit., 2 t.p., [1-2] 3-115 [7] ; total 128 pages plus ils. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): № 2386; Pia (Enfer) 1317; Nordmann (1): 246; Vokaer (1967): 8, Contributors : Pierre Mac-Orlan (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Paul Cotinaud – publisher (per Dutel) Coulouma (Argenteuil) – printer (per Dutel).
  • Description: Softcover, 23 x 14.5 cm, original flapped wrappers, spine and front cover lettered in blue «WANDA DE S…. FRANÇOISE | OU | LES PLAISIRS DU MARIAGE | AUX ALLÉES DES ROSES», leaves untrimmed. Title-page: WANDA DE S…. | FRANÇOISE | OU | LES PLAISIRS DU MARIAGE | {vignette} | AUX ALLÉES DES ROSES ||  Collation: [1]8 (1 blank in wrapper, 1 blank, h.t., t.p., f.t.p., 3 leaves of text), 2-148 15(uncut), 116 leaves total plus 10 hand-coloured photogravures by anonymous, extraneous to collation. Pagination: [1-10] 11-224 [8], ils.; 232 pages total. Limitation: edition under subscription, limited to 600 copies of which 100 copies (№ 1-100) on pur fil and 500 copies (№ 101-600) on Vélin, this is № 142. Edition: 1st edition thus, printed by Maurice Darantiere, illustrated with 10 full-page coloured photogravures after an anonymous artist, attributed by some to Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan] and by some to Louis Berthomme Saint-André. According to J.-P. Dutel, the original watercolours in his collection signed Véronique. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): 1605, p. 176; honesterotica.com.