//Illustrated books
  • The text attributed to Claude-Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon, dit Crébillon fils (French, 1707 – 1777) or to Anne Claude de Caylus (French, 1692 – 1765). A hardcover volume, 21 x 13.5 cm, collated in-12mo, bound by H. Blanchetière in full crushed brown morocco, spine with raised bands, gilt lettering “VICOMTE | DE NANTEL | – | MA VIE | DE | GARÇON” and “BRUXELLES | 1882” in the bottom compartment; gilt double-fillet to cover margins, six gilt fillets inside, woven silk endpapers, marbled flyleaves, original publisher’s wrappers preserved; the bookplate of Henri Bosc to f.e.p. verso (monogrammed by Martin Van Maële), bookplate of J.-P. Dutel to flyleaf, 18 x 9 cm manuscript list of illustrations tipped in (lettered “12 aquarelles originales | de Martin Van Maële” on top), all margins gilt; printed on tinted paper. Collation: [1] front wrapper lettered in red and black, [1] half-title with limitation to verso, frontispiece by Amédée Lynen, verso inscribed by Van Maële to Bosc, meaning “A jewel for a most sympathetic and sensitive connoisseur Mr H. Bosc”, signed; [1] t.p. in red and black/blank, 06 (pp. [i]-xii) Avant-propos by Jean Richepin, 1-116 (pp. [5]-116) 124 (pp. 117-143, [144] colophon) [1] back wrapper w/advert (Extrait de Gil Blas), spine w/price 10 Fr.; 12 watercolours by Van Maële extraneous to collation, all signed “with his full name in a flowery script”, as per S. A. Perry. Title-page / Cover (red and black): LES FAITS ET GESTES DU VICOMTE DE NANTEL | ~ | MA | Vie de Garçon | AVEC UN AVANT-PROPOS | DE | JEAN RICHEPIN | {publisher’s device} | A BRUXELLES | Chez Henry KISTEMAECKERS, éditeur | – | 1882 || Worldcat : xii, 143 pages frontispiece 20 cm; OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: 5887998. Limitation: 300 copies on papier teinté, 10 copies on papeir du Japon. This is a unique copy enriched with 12 original watercolours by Martin Van Maële. Colophon: ACHEVÉ D’IMPIMER | le 30 mai 1882. | par A. LEFÈVRE, a BRUXELLES | {printer’s device} | POUR | Henry Kistemaeckers, Editeur | à Bruxelles. || Catalogue raisonné: S. A. Perry (2015) № 89 / [LIB-2920.2022] Sheryl A. Perry. Martin van Maële: An illustrated bibliographical checklist. — Las Vegas, 2021. Ref: The Erotica Bibliophile. Contributors: Jean Richepin (French, 1849 – 1926) – author (avant-propos). Maurice François Alfred Martin van Maële [Martin van Maële] (French, 1863 – 1926) – artist. Amédée Ernest Lynen (French, 1852 – 1938) – artist (frontispiece). Henry Kistemaeckers (Belgian, 1851–1934) – publisher. Henri Bosc [Henri Marie Joseph Danviolet] (French, 1884 – 1967) – provenance. J.-P. Dutel description: [Claude-Prosper Jolyot de CRÉBILLON ?]. LES FAITS ET GESTES DU VICOMTE DE NANTEL. MA VIE DE GARÇON. Avec un avant-propos de Jean Richepin. Bruxelles, Henry Kistemaeckers. 1882. In-8 (202 x 120 mm) de XII, 143 pp. et [1] p. Maroquin brun, dos à 5 nerfs, filets dorés sur les coupes et les bordures intérieures, tranches dorées, gardes en moire, double-gardes en papier, couverture et dos conservés. (H. Blanchetière). Le texte est attribué à Claude-Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon, dit Crébillon fils, (1707-1777). Cette édition fut publiée en 1882 à Bruxelles par Kistemaeckers et est ornée d’unfrontispice d’A. Lynen. TIRAGE : 10 ex. sur japon. 500 ex. sur papier teinté. UN DES 500 EXEMPLAIRES SUR PAPIER TEINTÉ ORNÉ DE 12 AQUARELLES ORIGINALES HORSTEXTE SIGNÉES PAR MARTIN VAN MAELE.
  • Title-page: MARCEL AYMÉ | IMAGES DE L'AMOUR | Lithographies | originales | de | Vertès (fac-simile ms) | ÉDITIONS GEORGES GUILLOT | 39 rue de Paradis à Paris || French flapped wrapper in a natural canvas double slipcase with gilt lettering to spine, 34.8 x 27.3 cm. Leaves 33 x 25.5 cm, 4 blanks at the beginning, to the second pair of leaves pasted two autograph letters signed by Marcel Aymé; [1-8] 9-119 [120] [6], last leaf blank, h.t. with inscription "En sincère hommage" signed by both Marcel Aymé and Marcel Vertès; 9 full-page chromolithographs, 6 headpieces and 2 tailpieces by Marcel Vertès, tissue-guards; in-4to, unbound. Printed on October 20, 1957. The edition is limited to 190 copies + 25 not for sale, this is copy № 1, printed on Japon Nacré paper and enriched with three additional suites of lithographs: one on  Japon Nacré, one on Japon ancien, one on Hollande, plus a set of decomposition of one chromolithograph; lacking three original drawings. Contributors: Marcel Aymé (French, 1902 – 1967) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Georges Guillot – publisher. Andrée Koch – designer. Fequet et Baudier – printers, typography. Edmond et Jacques Desjobert – lithographers. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Paperback, 23.7 x 19 cm, green pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine, glassine dust jacket, some pages uncut, signed autograph blue ink inscription to h.t. "Au dr. Manuel Bruker en souvenir d'une harmonieuse  collaboration. Vertès, 1952"; pp.[1-6] 7-489 [490] [2], profusely illustrated in b/w., Title-page: AMANDES VERTES | {vignette} | Texte et dessins | de | VERTÈS | ÉDITIONS REVUE ADAM | 4, RUE DE LA PAIX – PARIS – 2e || Limitation: Il a été tiré 200 exemplaires sur papier vélin d'arches; ceux-ci comportent un frontispice inédit en lithographie originale en 3 couleurs signée par l'auteur, tirée par Mourlot frères; ces exemplaires composent l'édition de luxe numérotée de 1 a 200. En plus, 20 exemplaires hors commence ont été réservés a des service personnels; ils sont numérotés de I a XX en chiffres romains. Ces deux éditions forment la totalité du tirage de luxe. Colophon: Achevé d'imprimer le 30 juin 1952 sur les presses de l'imprimerie Hérissey à Évreux numéro d'édition de l'éditeur : 91. Edition limited to 200 copies numbered 1 to 200 and 20 copies numbered from I to XX. This is copy № 91. No coloured frontispiece. Catalogue raisonné:  Vokaer № 53. ProvenanceManuel Bruker (French, 1891 – 1979) Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – author/artist. Imprimerie Hérissey (Évreux) – printer. Edition Adam La Revue D' Homme [Revue Adam] – publisher.
  • 1st edition, limited to 52 copies of which 7 copies on Japon paper (№ 1-7) and 45 copies on Rives paper (№ 8-52); printed by Maurice Daratiere; this copy is № 50. “Ladies only” – a pictorial album, unbound, printed by Maurice Darantiere, with 15 black and white lithographs by Edouard Duchâtel (French, 19th-20th century) after drawings by Marcel Vertès on cream wove paper 38 x 28 cm; French flapped wrappers, with the lithographed manuscript title “Dames seules” in a grey clamshell box 40 x 30 cm; printed by Maurice Darantiere,  title with vignette pasted to box cover, one image on a double sheet; all illustrations with tissue guards. Bookplate “From the Library of | Vance Gerry | The Weather Bird Press | pasted inside the box cover (see Vance Gerry and The Weather Bird Press). Provenance: Vance Bryden Gerry (American, 1929 – 2005) Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Edouard Duchâtel (French, 19th-20th century) – artist, lithographer. Maurice Darantiere (French, 1882 – 1962) – printer. Louis Godefroy (French, 1885 – 1934) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Half-title: THE CONNOISSEURS LIBRARY | GENERAL EDITOR : CYRIL DAVENPORT | […] | ENGLISH COLOURED BOOKS || Title: ENGLISH | COLOURED BOOKS | BY | MARTIN HARDIE | [device: THE CONNOISSEURS LIBRARY] | METHUEN AND CO. | 36 ESSEX STREET | LONDON || Dedication: TO MY WIFE | LOVE’S LABOUR : LOVE’S GIFT Pagination: ffl [i, ii] – h.t. / blank, [2] – blank / frontis. In colour, [iii, iv] – t.p. / First Published in 1906, [v, vi] – dedication / blank, vii-xxiv; 1-339 [340] bfl; 27 sheets of plates, colour and b/w. Collation: 8vo; a8 b4 A-X8 Y2. Binding: Hardcover, 26.3 x 19 x 5.7 cm; red cloth, blind-stamped with repeated fleuron, gilt floral designs and lettering in the frame to front cover, elaborate gilt floral design and lettering to spine; top margin gilt, other untrimmed, some pages uncut; plates w/guards. Printed on laid paper. Printed in Scotland by T. and A. Constable, at the Edinburgh university press. Contributors: Martin Hardie (British, 1875 – 1952) – Author Cyril Davenport (British, 1848 – 1941) – Editor of the series Sir Algernon Methuen (British, 1856 – 1924) – Publisher Thomas Constable (British, 1812 – 1881); Archibald Constable (British, 1774 – 1827) – Founders of the Publishing House "T. and A. Constable".  
  • Two-volume set. MÉMOIRES | DE | JACQUES | CASANOVA | DE SEINGALT | 1734 — Extraits — 1755 | COLLIGÉS PAR | RÉNE GROOS | ILLUSTRATIONS | DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D’AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD DE SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination: [6], 1-345 [346], [8]; frontispiece and 15 colour plates (collotype), b/w tail-pieces and vignettes (offset). MÉMOIRES | DE | JACQUES | CASANOVA | DE SEINGALT | 1755 — Extraits — 1772 | COLLIGÉS PAR | RÉNE GROOS | ILLUSTRATIONS | DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D’AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD DE SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination: [6] 1-337 [348] [8]; frontispiece and 15 colour plates (collotype), b/w tail-pieces and vignettes (offset). Limited edition, №2507 of 3000. Binding: original tan pictorial wrappers, in a slipcase.  
  • Description: Limited softcover edition in grey publisher’s wrappers 27 x 21 cm, lettered in a frame “MICHEL VOKAER | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | de | Marcel VERTÈS | PREFACE DE CLAUDE ROGER-MARX | Avec quatre dessins inédits de Vertès | — | EMILE RELECOM | BRUXELLES ||, lettered spine, pp. [1-4 h.t., t.p.] 5-34 [35, 36 blanks] [37 limitation] [38 blank] [39 colophon] [40 blank]; 40 pages total plus 4 photomechanical reproductions of Vertès’ unpublished drawings on glossy paper, extraneous to collation. Catalogue of 82 entries. Received uncut. Title-page: similar to front wrapper, plus «1967» in the bottom under BRUXELLES. Limitation: 7 copies (A-G) on Japon chamois + 2 suites of plates, 25 copies (1-25) on Hollande Van Gelder + 1 suite of plates, 450 copies (26-475)  on offset Arduenna, and 40 copies not hor sale (I-XL) on different papers. The total print run is 522 copies, of which this is № 206. Ref: leslibraires.fr Contributors: Michel Vokaer (Belgian, 20th century) – author. Claude Roger-Marx (Jewish-French, 1888 – 1977) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Xavier Gustave Emile Relecom (Belgian, 1900 – 1977) – publisher.
  • Description: Two volumes 23.1 x 14.9 cm each, collated in 4to, uniformly bound in French flapped wrappers with the title and an engraved vignette, coloured; wrapped in glassine; cased in a cardboard chemise (23.1 x 15 cm) with a diaper of two hearts pierced by an arrow, in pink; and both volumes cased in a slipcase (23.8 x 15.2 cm) with the same diaper. Printed on unpaginated dense wove paper watermarked ‘Arches’, engravings with clear plate marks. Illustrations are by Jean Dulac. Title-page (double-fillet frame, black and red in manuscript) Nelly et Jean | – | nous deux | simples | papiers | du|  tiroir secret | {vignette} | Première partie (Deuxième partie) | – | Gravé | et imprimé | pour les auteurs | et leurs amis || Vol. 1: 1 blank, π4 (blank, h.t., frontis., engr. t.p.), 1-84, [2 blanks]; total 39 leaves with 19 hand-coloured burin engravings, incl. wrapper, frontis., and t.p. Unpag. Vol. 2: 1 blank, π4 (blank, h.t., frontis., engr. t.p.), 1-114, [1 colophon] [2 blanks], total 52 leaves with 27 hand-coloured burin engravings, incl. wrapper, frontis., and t.p. Unpag. Limitation: total print run of 295 copies of which 12 (№№ 1-12) on Japon Impérial, 13 on Vélin d’Arches (№№ 13-25), 30 on Japon Impérial (№№ 26-55) and 240 on Vélin d’Arches (№№ 56-295); this is copy № 97 on Vélin d’Arches. Contributors: Marcel Valotaire (French, 1889 – 1979) – author. Jean Dulac (French, 1902 – 1968) – artist. Printed by Coulouma (Argenteuil) and Vernant (Paris). The same title with illustrations by Gaston de Sainte-Croix was published in 1956:  LIB-2880.2021.
  • Title-page (red and black): RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE | LES | FAIBLESSES | D'UNE | JOLIE FEMME | ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS | DE | RAOUL SERRES | {VIGNETTE} | EDMOND VAIREL, ÉDITEUR | PARIS || Description: 25.8 x 17 cm, French flapped wrappers lettered in red and black “LES | FAIBLESSES | D'UNE | JOLIE FEMME” in a 26 x 18 cm tan cloth double slipcase, [1-14] 15-175 [176] [8], collated in-8vo, with 25 colour in-text woodcut vignettes and two tailpieces at the end of each chapter, by Gérard Angiolini after watercolours by Raoul Serres. Published: April 18, 1951, in Paris. Edition: 1st thus, limited edition of 1,025 copies, of which this is № 904 of a common print run on Vélin de Rives paper (numbered 101-1,000). Contributors: Nicolas Restif de la Bretonne [Nicolas-Edme Rétif] (French, 1734 – 1806) – author. Raoul Serres [Schem] (French, 1881 – 1971) – artist. Gérard Angiolini (French, fl. 1946 – 1957) – engraver. Imprimerie Coulouma (Argenteuil), Robert Coulouma (French, 1887-1976) – printer. Edmond Vairel (French, 18… – 19...) – publisher, colourist.
  • Publisher’s original wrappers, with VIDBERGS to front (bordered) and to spine, size 25 x 18 cm. Title page: O. LIEPIŅŠ | SIGISMUNDS | VIDBERGS | MONOGRAFIJA | K. RASIŅA APGĀDS | RIGĀ 1942 || Imprint: ATTĒLI MĀKSLINIEKA IZRAUDZĪTI UN SAKĀRTOTI (pictures selected and arranged by the artist) Pagination: [1-6] (incl. 1st blank leaf), 7-149 [150] [2] blank; 44 pages of text with in-text illustrations, pp. 47-149 – plates on odd pages, titles on even pages, 51 full-page illustrations. Circulation: 4,000 copies. Contributors: Liepiņš, Olģerts (Latvian, 1906 – 1983) – author. Sigismunds Vidbergs (Latvian-American, 1890 – 1970) – artist. Kārlis Rasiņš (Latvian, 1886 – 1974) – publisher.
  • Description: two volumes, 38.3 x 25.5 cm each, uniformly bound in red morocco, boards decorated in gilt in the style of Luc-Antoine Boyet, with gilt dentelle inside out; spine with raised bands, gilt lettering, gilt in compartments; all edges gilt; marbled endpapers; printed on laid paper, text in the floral frame, engraved frontispiece (after Hyacinthe Rigaud), plates, t.p. vignette with the portrait of Desiderius Erasmus (after Quentin Metsys), head- and tailpieces (total of 40, some repeating) and 2 initials by Bernard Picart, folded portrait of dedicatee Guillelmine Charlotte Princesse de Galles &c &c &c by van Gunst after Kneller. Title-page (red and black, tall ‘s’): OEUVRES | DE | NICOLAS BOILEAU | DESPRÉAUX. | AVEC DES | ÉCLAIRCISSEMENTS | HISTORIQUES, | DONNEZ PAR LUI-MEME. | Nouvelle Edition revuë, corrigée & augmentée de diverses Remarques. | Enrichie de figures gravées par Bernard Picart le Romain. | TOME PREMIER (SECOND). | {vignette} | A AMSTERDAM, | Chez DAVID MORTIER. | — | M DCCXVIII. | AVEC PRIVILEGE. || Vol. 1. Collation: 4to; 1 ffl, a-c4 d1 A-3K4, 3L2, 1ffl; (K3 marked I3). Plates: t.p. vignette, frontispiece, 24 head- and tailpieces, f.t. in a grotesque frame and 6 full-page for ‘Le Lutrin’ in the same frame by Bernard Picart; folded portrait of Guillelmine Charlotte, Princess of Wales by van Gunst after Kneller. Pagination: [4] [i-v] vi-xviii [4] [1] 2-450 [2]. Vol. 2. Collation: 4to; 2 ffl, π2 A-3C4 3D3 2 ffl; (V3 marked T3, 2L4 marked A). Plates: t.p. vignette (same as vol.1) and 7 head- and tailpieces by Bernard Picart. Pagination: [4] [i-iii] iv-vii [viii] [1] 2-370 [2] [20]. Catalogue raisonné: Lewine 72-3; Cohen-De Ricci 165-6. Contributors: Luc-Antoine Boyet (French, fl. 1684 – 1733) – bookbinder. Claude Brossette (French, 1671 – 1743) – author, remarks. André Dacier (French, 1651 – 1722) – author, preface. Nicolas Boileau Despréaux (French, 1636 – 1711) – author. Pieter Stevens van Gunst (Dutch, 1659-1724) – engraver. Sir Godfrey Kneller (British, 1646-1723) – artist. David Mortier (Dutch-British, 1673 – 1728) – publisher. Bernard Picard (French, 1673 – 1733) – artist, engraver. Quentin Massijs [Metsys, Matsys] (Flemish, 1466 – 1530) – artist. Hyacinthe Rigaud [Jacint Rigau-Ros i Serra] (French, 1659 - 1743) – artist. Guillelmine Charlotte, Princess of Wales (Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach) (1683 – 1737) – dedicatee
  • Description: In-8vo volume, 19.4 x 14 cm, bound in red cloth with gilt lettering to front cover and spine, in a pictorial dust jacket with a photo portrait of the author by Kay Bell to the rear, DJ and in-text illustrations by Maurice Sendak; pp. [i-x] xi-xvii [xviii] [2] 3-190, total 208 pages. Dust Jacket front: You Can't | Get There | From Here | {vignette} | OGDEN NASH || Title-page: OGDEN NASH | You Can't Get There | From Here | {vignettes} | DRAWINGS BY MAURICE SENDAK | Boston • LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY • Toronto || Edition: 1957, 8th printing; (1st edition in 1953) Contributors: Ogden Nash (American, 1902 – 1971) – author. Maurice Sendak (Jewish-American, 1928 – 2012) – artist. Kay Bell Reynal (American, 1905 – 1977) – photographer.
  • Description: Hardcover, in-folio, 32 x 23.5 cm, bound in dark blue morocco, boards and spine richly decorated in gilt, front cover gilt-lettered in Chinese [幽王寵褒姒], pictorial endpapers, laid paper with unicorn watermark, margins uncut, printing performed by Joh. Enschedé (Haarlem), pp. [10] 1-210 [6], total 226 pages, collated π5 1-532 χ2, first and last leaves blank, total 113 leaves plus 7 plates after Franz von Bayros, some signed; adorned with woodcut borders, frames, head- and tailpieces throughout. The binding work was done by Hübel und Denck (Leipzig) based on designs by Paul Renner. Title-page: DAS | SCHÖNE | MÄDCHEN | VON PAO | — | EIN CHINESISCHER | ROMAN VON | OTTO JULIUS BIERBAUM | — | PRACHTAUSGABE |  MIT BILDERN VON BAYROS | — | Bei Joh. Enschedé en Zonen in | Haarlem gedruckt für Georg | Müllers Verlag in München || Catalogue raisonné: The amorous drawings of the Marquis von Bayros. — New York: Cythera Press, 1968. The Beautiful Maiden of Pao, pp. 153-8. Contributors: Otto Julius Bierbaum (German, 1865 – 1910) – author. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Johannes Enschedé (Dutch, 1708 – 1780) – printer. Joh. Enschedé (Haarlem) – printer. Hübel und Denck (Leipzig) – bookbinder. Paul Friedrich August Renner (German, 1878 – 1956) – designer.
  • Title page (in red and black): FRENCH ROCOCO | BOOK ILLUSTRATION | OWEN E. HOLLOWAY | {vignette} | LONDON/ALEC TIRANTI/1969 || Series: Pagination: [2 blanks], [i-iv] v-vi, 1-115 [116 blank], plus 65 leaves of plates (283 illustrations). Binding: 25.5 x 19 cm; publisher's navy buckram, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, unclipped.
  • Description: One volume, 25.5 x 19.8 cm, bound in ochre morocco, raised bands, gilt lettering to spine, gilt fillet inside, marbled endpapers, T.E.G., printed on wove paper watermarked “Lafuma”, original wrappers and spine bound in; in a slipcase 26 x 20 cm. Front wrapper and title-page (red and black): LE MARIAGE | DE | DON QUICHOTTE | PAR | P.-J. TOULET | {publisher’s device} | ILLUSTRATIONS DE | (CHARLES) MARTIN | | LA RENAISSANCE DU LIVRE | PARIS — 78, BOULEVARD SAINT-MICHEL || Collation: two blank leaves, front wrapper, π4 (blank, h.t./limitation, t.p., preface), 1-274, back wrapper, spine, two blank leaves, 112 leaves between the wrappers plus 9 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece – stencil-coloured photogravures after Charles Martin. Pagination: [8] 1-210 [2] [4], total 224 pages between the wrappers, ils. Limitation: Edition limited to 775 copies, of which 1 copy on Vieux Japon (№ 1), 24 on Japon Imperial (№2-25), and 750 on Vélin Lafuma (№ 26-775). This copy is № 625. Colophon: Printed on November 15, 1922 – text by Coulouma (Argeneuil), director H. Barthélemy, photogravures by Héliogravure de Schutzenberger (Paris), coloured by Charpentier. Contributors: Paul-Jean Toulet (French, 1867 – 1920) – author. Charles Martin (French, 1884 – 1934) – artist. Léon Maurice Schützenberger (French, 1863 – 1950)
  • Front wrapper (in black and blue): PAUL MORAND | L'EUROPE | GALANTE | QUINZE LITHOGRAPHES | HORS TEXTE ORIGINALES | DE VERTÈS | {vignette} | LE MIROIR DES MŒURS | LES ARTS ET LE LIVRE | =| M. CM. XXVII || Title-page (in black and blue): PAUL MORAND | L'EUROPE | GALANTE | ORNÉ DE QUINZE | LITHOGRAPHES ORIGINALES | PAR VERTÈS | {vignette} | LE MIROIR DES MŒURS | LES ARTS ET LE LIVRE | 17 Rue Froidevaux (XIVe) | =| M. CM. XXVII || Pagination: [1-9] 10-245 [7], and 2 leaves under the wrappers, ils. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-168; first and last leaves under wrappers; total 128 leaves and 17 plates extraneous to collation (two more than the declared 15). Binding: 20.5 x 14.5, French flapped tan wrappers with lettering and vignette, lettering to spine. Printed on May 30, 1927 at l'Imprimerie du Livre, Rueil (Henri Filipacchi, director); under supervision of Georges-Célestin Crès. Edition: 3rd book is the series "Le miroir des mœurs", limited to 1165 copies of which 65 on Papier d'Annam, 15 of them not for sale, numbered 1-50 and 51-65, respectively; 1100 copies on Vélin teinté de Rives (100 of them not for sale), numbered 66-1065 and 1066-1165, respectively. This copy is № 474. Contributors: Paul Morand (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Les arts et le livre; Georges-Célestin Crès (French, 1875 – 1935) – publisher. l'Imprimerie du Livre (Rueil); Henri Élie Michel Filipacchi [Flippaki] (French, 1900 – 1961) – printer. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Softcover, 258 x 166 mm, publisher’s olive French flapped wrappers in owner’s glassine dustcover, edges untrimmed, some pages uncut, printed on thick wove paper with watermark “Hollande van Gelder Zonen”, in a slipcase. Pp.: [1-10] 11-129 [5], pages in wrappers included in the count, total 67 leaves; two-tone woodcuts by Jean-Gabriel Daragnès within the pagination. Title-page (red and black, in a double-fillet frame): PAUL VERLAINE | femmes | ÉDITION ORNÉE | DE TRENTE ET UNE | GRAVURES S/ BOIS | {vignette} | (under the bottom frame) PARIS | 1917 | {red triangle} || Limitation: Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage : 11 15 Exemplaires sur vieux papier de Japon numérotés de I à XV; 15 20 Exemplaires sur papier de Chine numérotés de XVI à XXXV; auxquels on a joint une suite des fumés sur même papier. 250 Exemplaires sur papier vélin de Hollande Van Gelder Zonen numérotés de 1 à 250. Après le tirage les bois ont été détruits. № 1. Numbers “15” and “20” corrected manually by Daragnès (per Dutel). This is copy № of vélin de Hollande print run. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel II: № 295; Nordmann II № 544. Seller’s description: Un volume broché in-8° sous couverture illustrée et rempliée. Etui cartonné. Illustré de 31 gravures sur bois en camaïeu, attribuées à DARAGNES, la plupart très libres, dont 18 à pleine page. Tiré à [226 ou 285] ex. numérotés. 1 des [200 ou 250] sur Hollande Van Gelder Zonen. Le nôtre porte le n°1. (Dutel : 295. Pia : 501. Carteret : IV, 392 : Belle édition rare, très estimée ». Monod : 11086). Dorgelès commenta ainsi ces illustrations : « Dans ces nus voluptueux et tragiques, qui semblent à la fois s’aimer et se haïr, on retrouve la même frénésie amère qui tourmente les poèmes interdits de Verlaine » (in Catalogue de livres... Daragnès, Drouot 1924, n°55). Très rares rousseurs. TRES BON EXEMPLAIRE, toujours recherché. Contributors: Paul Verlaine (French, 1844 – 1896) – author. Jean-Gabriel Daragnès (French, 1886 – 1950) – artist/publisher.  
  • Title-page (in red and black): PARALLELEMENT | PAR PAUL VERLAINE | Orné d’une lithographie de Vertès | Éditions de Cluny, Paris | 35 Rue de Seine 35 || Description: 18.8 x 12.4 cm, French flapped cream wrappers lettered to front and spine, 1st blank leaf, [1-2] h.t. in red / limitation, 3-4] t.p. / blank, 5-127 [128], last blank leaf, plus frontispiece (colour lithography) by Marcel Vertès. Edition: printed on December 5, 1934, by Ducros & Colas in Paris, limited to 2 copies on Japon Nacré (A and B); 3,000 copies on Vergé de Voiron (1-3,000); and several not for sale copies on Papier d’Arches, numbered with Roman numbers. This copy is №282. Contributors: Paul Verlaine (French, 1844 – 1896) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Maitres-imprimeurs Ducros et Colas (Paris) – printer. Éditions de Cluny (Paris) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • In-folio illustrated book, unbound, with sheets 38 x 28 cm in a red double slipcase (40 x 29 cm) with gilt lettering to the spine of the folder. Pagination: [1-8] 9-154 [5] in French flapped wrappers; 30 full-page lithographs. Title-page: PAUL VERLAINE | Parallèlement (ms, in crimson) | Lithographes originales | de | VERTÈS | EDITIONS VIALETAY | 1954 || Edition limited to 99 copies of which 12 copies on Japon nacré (№ 1-12); 25 on Rives (№ 13-37) enriched; 62 on Rives; and 20 (№ I-XX) “Exempliare d’Artiste”. This copy is printed on BFK Rives paper, marked as “Exempliare d’Artiste” and pencil-signed presumably by Vertés and Jacques Vialetay, however, the number is missing. Contributors: Paul Verlaine (French, 1844 – 1896) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Jacques Vialetay (French, 20th century) – publisher Edmond & Jacques Desjobert, René Jeanne, Pierre Gaudin – printers. Henri Jonquières – mis en page. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Title page (black lettering, gold elements of design): PIERRE ARETIN | LA PUTAIN | ERRANTE | DIALOGUE DE | MADELINE ET JULIE | {woodcut vignette} | PARIS — MCMXXX || Pagination: Red and gilt faux-marbled slipcase (19.5 x 15.5 cm), similar folder (18.7 x 15.1 cm), cream wove paper wrapper (18.5 x 14.7 cm) with gilt lettering “LA PUTAIN | ERRANTE”, with loosely inserted leaves printed on Japanese "mother-of-pearl" paper (japon nacré): [4] – blanks, [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, 1-62, [2] – colophon / blank [4 blanks], gilt woodcut to p. 1; 76 pages total, plus 12 hand-coloured etchings (17.2 x 14.7 cm) by André Collot, extraneous to collation. Collation: 4to; π4, 1-84 χ2, 38 leaves total. Edition: 1st edition, limited to 150 copies, this is copy № 000009 (stamped in black ink). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): № 2275, p. 333; Honesterotica. Contributors: Pietro Aretino (Italian, 1492 – 1556) – author (attributed). André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.
  • Hardcover, 28.3 x 22.5 cm, two volumes bound in one in full navy crushed morocco by Zaehnsdorf for E. Joseph (signed), border fillet and red and gilt lettering to front, spine with raised bands outlined in gilt, red and gilt lettering in compartments, gilt dentelle, blue moire endpapers, all margins gilt; one of the original wrappers preserved, 14 tissue-guarded colour woodcuts after Alastair; text in black with red titles and initials (hand-set type), and the illustrations printed on watermarked ‘Moirans’ laid paper. Title-page (red and black): Les Liaisons Dangereuses | by | CHODERLOS DE LACLOS | With Illustrations | by | ALASTAIR | THE BLACK SUN PRESS | DEUX RUE CARDINALE | PARIS | MCMXXIX || Limitation: a print run of 1020 copies: 15 on Japon, 1000 on Moirans and 5 NFS; this is copy № 143 (vol. 1) and 303 (vol. 2) Contributors: Pierre Choderlos de Laclos (French, 1741 – 1803) – author. Ernest Christopher Dowson (British, 1867 – 1900) – translator. Alastair [Hans-Henning Baron von Voigt] (German, 1887 – 1969) – artist. Comte Ulric de Civry (French, 1853 – 1935) – dedicatee. Black Sun Press (1927 – 1970) – publishing company. Harry Crosby (American, 1898 – 1929) – publisher. Caresse Crosby [Mary Phelps Jacob] (American, 1892 – 1970) – publisher. Joseph William Zaehnsdorf (Austrian, 1853 – 1930) – bookbinder.        
  • Hardcover volume, 26.6 x 21.3 cm, ¾ blue crushed morocco over marbled boards, marbled endpapers, original wrappers preserved, raised bands; wove paper, watermarked Van Gelder Zonen, unpaginated, 2 ffl, 1 front cover, 2 blanks, 1 h.t., 1 t.p., 46 leaves of text and plates (18 full-page and 14 half-page lithographs by Marcel Vertès), 1 colophon, 1 blank, 1 back cover, 2 ffl; 52 leaves within the original covers, as per Dutel. Title-page: POÉSIES | ÉROTIQUES | D' | UN | AUTE | UR CÉ | LÈBRE, | ILLUSTRÉ | ES DE TR | ENTE-DEUX | LITHOGRAPHIES | ORIGINALES | DESSINÉES | PAR UN | ARTISTE | INCON | NU | | BARCELONE | ATARAZANAS (BARRIO CHINO) | L'AN I DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE | CATALANE || Limitation: A print run of 165 numbered copies, of which this is copy № 148, and 5 additional presentation copies. The text was printed by Massol, and plates were produced by Mme Duchatel. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2228 ; Nordmann II (Christie’s) № 321; Éros invaincu № 92, p. 222; Vokaer № 36, p. 16. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. René Bonnel (French, 1884 – 1975) – publisher.
  • Two volumes in owner’s uniform so called Jansenist binding by someone Alix (signed in gilt inside), gilt lettering to spine, each in a slipcase. Vol. 1: full crimson morocco 32.5 x 26 x 6.5 cm in a  33.3 x 27 x 7 cm slipcase, cloth endpapers, all edges gilt, publisher’s wrappers preserved, autographed drawing by Vertès to h.t. “à monsieur Willard | bien sympathiquement | Vertès | Paris 1930”. Collation: 3 blanks, front wrapper, 2 blanks, [10] h.t./limit., t.p., art., dedic., person., [2] 3-487 [488 blank], [2] coloph., 3 blanks, spine, 3 blanks; 74 dry-point illustrations by Marcel Vertès within collation; printed on thick wove paper by ‘Arches’ watermarked “Pausole & Vertès”. Title-page (red and black): LES AVENTURES | DU | ROI PAUSOLE | de | PIERRE LOUŸS | {vignette} | AUX DÉPENS D'UN AMATEUR | PARIS, MCMXXX || Limitation: CETTE ÉDITION DU ROMAN | DE |PIERRE LOUŸS | LES AVENTURES DU ROI PAUSOLEA ÉTE COMPOSE EN CARACTÈRE GARAMOND DU CORPS 18 | ET IMPRIMEE SUR VÉLIN A LA FORME DES PAPETERIES | D' ARCHES FILIGRANÉ | PAUSOLE & VERTÈS | ELLE EST ILLUSTRÉE DE SOIXANTE-QUATORZE | POINTES-SÈCHES ORIGINALES | DE | VERTÈS | SON TIRAGE A ÉTÉ STRICTEMENT LIMITÉ A | QUATRE-VINGT-DIX-NEUF EXEMPLAIRES NUMÉROTÉS | DE 1 A 99 ET CONTENANT : | 1° LA SUITE DES CUIVRES AVEC REMAROUES. | 2° UNE SUITE DES 15 PLANCHES REFUSÉES. | IL A ÉTÉ TIRÉ EN OUTRE, POUR L' ARTISTE ET LES COLLABORATEURS, | QUELQUES EXEMPLAIRES NOMINATIFS, DONT DEUX IMPRIMÉS SUR PAPIER | CHIFFE D'AUVERGNE A LA MAIN | EXEMPLAIRE | № 9 || Colophon: Cet ouvrage, établi aux dépens de m. L. Givaudan, a été achevé d'imprimer le quinze novembre mil neuf cent trente, pour le texte, sur les presses de R. Coulouma, maitre imprimeur a Argenteuil, H. Barthélemy, directeur, et pour les pointes-sèches, dans les ateliers de «La Tradition", a Paris. Limited edition of 99 copies, this is copy № 9. Vol. 2: Three-quarters crimson morocco over cloth outlined gilt, 32.7 x 27.8 x 4 cm in a  33.3 x 28.2 x 4.3 cm slipcase, cloth endpapers, all edges gilt, printed on thick wove paper by ‘Arches’ watermarked “Pausole & Vertès”. Collation: 3 blanks, 74 unpaginated leaves of plates (main suite avec remarque), blank, 15 leaves of plates (refusées), t.p./limit., blank, 30 leaves of plates (15 prints in two states each, with and without ‘remarks’) titled Au pays du Roi Pausole, 3 blanks. Title-page (red and black): AU PAYS | DU | ROI PAUSOLE | Quinze cuivres | gravés par un artiste | inconnu | de la suite | du Roi | ❦ | —| TRYPHÈME. MCMXXX. || Limitation: IL A ÉTÉ TIRÉDE CETTE SUITE | DE POINTES-SÈCHES VINGT- | CINQ EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉ- | LIN A LA FORME DES PAPETE- | RIES ARCHES AU FILIGRANE | DE PAUSOLE. CES SUITES NON | MISES DANS LE COMMERCE | SONT RÉSERVÉES A SA MAJES- | TÉ, AUX REINES PRÉFÉRÉES | PARMI LL. AA. RR. ET A QUEL- | QUES FIDÈLES SERVITEURS. | № 13 || Limited edition of 25 copies, this is copy № 13; Enriched with an original copper plate with one of the illustrations. Marcel Willard (French,  – provenance. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (III) 1057; Nordmann (II) № 307; Vokaer 26. Ref.: honesterotica.com Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Léon Givaudan (French, 1875 – 1936) – publisher. Seller's description:Les Aventures du Roi Pausole. Paris, Aux dépens d'un amateur, 1930. 2 volumes in-4, maroquin rouge janséniste, tranches dorée, couverture et dos, emboîtage. Le volume de suites est relié en demi-maroquin rouge. (Alix). Ouvrage illustré de 74 pointes-sèches de Marcel Vertès. Tirage à 99 exemplaires sur vélin d'Arches, comportant la suite des cuivres avec remarque, ainsi qu'une suite des 15 planches refusées. Exemplaire enrichi d'une plaque de cuivre ayant servi à une des illustrations, d'un dessin avec envoi autographe signé de l'artiste sur la page de faux-titre et d'une double suite des 15 pointes-sèches par un artiste inconnu intitulée Au Pays du roi Pausole. Dos légèrement passés.
  • A double slipcase ‘box set’ of five volumes, 25.2 x 19.8 x 10.7 cm, lettered to spine: ŒUVRES CHOISIES | DE | PIERRE LOUŸS |★| APHRODITE | Illustrations de | J. A. CANTE |★| LES CHANSONS | DE BILITIS | Illustrations de | LOUIS ICART |★| LA FEMME | ET LE PANTIN | Illustrations de | J. TRAYNIER |★| LES AVENTURES DU ROI PAUSOLE | Illustrations de | BEUVILLE |★| Poëmes | Illustrations de | BERTHOMMÉ SAINT-ANDRÉ |★| VÉLIN || ; all uniformly bound in French flapped wrappers with colour vignettes and lettering to front and spine, printed on wove paper (Vélin) in Paris by Imprimerie Union and hand-coloured by Établissements Bellarde. Edition limited to 20 copies on Vélin d’Arches; 60 copies on Pur Fil du Marais, 150 copies on Pur Fil Lafuma, and 1500 copies on Vélin. This set is copy № 1467 on Vélin. 1) PIERRE LOUŸS | APHRODITE | MŒURS ANTIQUES |★| ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS DE | J. A. CANTE | {vignette} | ÉDITIONS | ALBIN MICHEL | PARIS ||; pp: [i-xi] xii-xiv [xv-xviii] 19-245 [11] ; total 256 pages (128 leaves) with 5 headpieces and 8 in-text illustrations plus 8 full-page plates after J. A. Cante (French, fl. c. 1947 – 1962); partially uncut. 2) PIERRE LOUŸS | Les Chansons | de Bilitis | TRADUITES DU GREC | ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS DE | LOUIS ICART | {vignette} | ÉDITIONS | ALBIN MICHEL | PARIS ||; pp: [i-x] xi-xix [xx] [2] 3-190 [6] ; total 216 pages (108 leaves) with 13 headpieces, one tailpiece plus 8 leaves of plates incl. frontispiece after Louis Icart (French, 1888 – 1950); partially uncut. 3) PIERRE LOUŸS | LA FEMME | ET LE PANTIN | Roman Espagnol | ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS DE | J. TRAYNIER | {vignette} | ÉDITIONS | ALBIN MICHEL | PARIS ||; pp: [1-14] 15-144 [8] ; total 152 pages (76 leaves) with 5 headpieces, 6 in-text illustrations plus 8 leaves of plates incl. frontispiece after Jean Traynier (French, fl. c. 1942 – 1954); partially uncut. 4) PIERRE LOUŸS | Les Aventures | du | ROI PAUSOLE | ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS DE | BEUVILLE | {vignette} | ÉDITIONS | ALBIN MICHEL | PARIS ||; pp: [1-12] 13-252 [4]; total 256 pages (128 leaves) with 4 section vignettes, 4 headpieces plus 12 leaves of plates after Georges Beuville (French, 1902 – 1982); partially uncut. 5) PIERRE LOUŸS | POËMES | ASTARTE • IRIS • AQUARELLES PASSIONNÉERS | HIVERNALES • LA FORÊT DES NYMPHES • STANCES | DERNIERS VERS • POËMES DIVERS | FRAGMENTS | ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS DE | BERTHOMMÉ SAINT-ANDRÉ | {vignette} | ÉDITIONS | ALBIN MICHEL | PARIS ||; pp: [1-8] 9-241 [242] [6]; total 248 pages (124 leaves) with 11 headpieces plus 8 leaves of plates after Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977); partially uncut. Author: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925).  
  • Publisher’s wrappers, 21.3 x 14.8 cm, 10 four-leave gatherings, unsigned, pp.: [8] 1-70 [2]; total 40 leaves (80 pages), illustrated with 73 in-text woodcuts in sanguine after Feodor Rojankovsky drawings. [1]4 recto reproduces the author’s handwriting. Unbound. Some foxing to the wrappers, all pages clean. Title-page: Poésies Érotiques | de | Pierre Louys | {vignette} | ROME | 1937 || Print run limited to 311 copies, 230 copies (№№ 71-300) on BFK Rives wove paper (watermarked); of which this is copy № 93. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III 2230. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan, Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970).
  • Description: one volume 28.5 x 23 cm in publisher’s French flapped wrappers, with lettering to front  “Pierre Louÿs”, in glassine dust jacket, in tan cardboard double slipcase 29.7 x 24 cm with ticket “Haeusgen | 8 München 90 | Reinekestrasse 36”; 13 gatherings in-4to (52 leaves), unbound, with 20 drypoint illustrations by Louis Berthomme Saint-André, 15 of them full-page plates, with tissue guards, printed on wove paper watermarked “Lana 15‡90”, unpaginated. Title-page (black and purple): PIERRE LOUŸS | POÉSIES | ÉROTIQUES | ILLUSTRÉES DE VINGT POINTES | SÈCHES PAR ARTISTE | INCONNU | AUX DÉPENS D’UN AMATEUR | CHIHUAHUA ~ MEXIQUE | L’AN I DE LA IVe RÉPUBLIQUE || Limitation (colophon): total print run of 350 copies on Lana paper, of which 20 copies marked A-T with an original drawing, etc. enriched; 30 copies numbered I-XXX, and 300 numbered 1-300. This is copy 295. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 2231, p. 324; Nordmann-Christie’s (2): № 322, p. 157. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977) – artist.
  • Description: Hardcover, 19.3 x 15 cm, printed on thick wove paper watermarked “J. PERRIGOT MBM ARCHES (France)”, bound by Thomas Boichot (signed 'BOICHOT' on front pastedown) in silver buckram with a white floral diaper, original front wrapper preserved, top margin gilt; engraved bookplate of Roger Peyrefitte by Pierre-Yves Trémois, 1972, to front pastedown lettered “SEX | LIBRIS | ROGER | PEYREFITTE | {vignette} | Trémois | 72”; bookplate of J.-P. Dutel to binder’s flyleaf. Description by the seller: Plein papier à la Bradel, tête dorée, non rogné, premier plat de couverture conservé. (Boichot). Édition originale publiée en 1927 par René Bonnel ornée dans le titre d’une vignette gravée par Foujita. Tirage : 5 ex. sur Japon ancien. 100 ex. sur vélin d’Arches. EXEMPLAIRE UNIQUE. UN DES 100 SUR VÉLIN D’ARCHES (N°97), ENRICHI DE 8 AQUARELLES LIBRES. Provenance: Roger Peyrefitte (Ex-libris érotique gravé par Trémois). Collation: Pink front wrapper, lettered in frame “P. L. |—| PYBRAC |—| 1927”, 2 blank leaves, [1] h.t., [1] t.p. in red and black with engraved vignette by Foujita, [2] (Sur la chemise…), [2] f.t. / blank,  [5] 6-98 [2 colophon/blank], 2 blank leaves, total 52 leaves plus four blanks and a wrapper. Title-page (red and black): PIERRE LOUŸS | PYBRAC | POESIES | {vignette} | CYTHÈRE | AU COQ HARDI || Edition: Limited edition of 105 copies of which this is copy № 97 on Arches paper, enhanced with eight in-text colour drawings by an anonymous artist (unique copy). Another unique copy of the same edition illustrated by an anonymous artist in this collection LIB-3130.2023. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita (Japanese-French, 1886 – 1968) – artist (t.p. vignette). Roger Peyrefitte (French, 1907 – 2000) – provenance. Pierre-Yves Trémois (French, 1921 – 2020) – artist (bookplate) René Bonnel (French, 1884 – 1975) – publisher. Thomas Boichot – bookbinder.
  • Description: Softcover, French flapped wrappers, 19.7 x 14.5 cm, printed on thick wove paper watermarked “J. PERRIGOT ARCHES MBM”; engraved vignette by Foujita to t.p.; some pages towards the end uncut. Illustrated by ten original watercolours, unsigned. Collation: Pink wrappers, lettered to front, in frame: “P. L. |—| PYBRAC |—| 1927”, 2 blank leaves (one in wrapper), [2] h.t./blank, [2] t.p. in red and black with engraved vignette by Foujita / blank, [2] (Sur la chemise...), [2] f.t. / watercolour on reverse, [5] 6-98 [2 colophon/blank], 2 blank leaves (one in wrapper). Title-page (red and black): PIERRE LOUŸS | PYBRAC | POESIES | {vignette} | CYTHÈRE | AU COQ HARDI || Edition: Limited edition of 105 copies, of which this is copy № 28 on Arches paper, unique as enhanced with 10 colour drawings by an anonymous artist, presumably by Feodor Rojankovsky (dit Rojan), a unique copy. Cat. raisonné: Dutel III № 2278 p. 334; Dutel describes two unique copies of the edition, one with 6 and another with 24 original watercolours by Rojan. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita (Japanese-French, 1886 – 1968) – artist (t.p. vignette). Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan, Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970). René Bonnel (French, 1884 – 1975) – publisher. Another unique copy of the same edition illustrated by an anonymous artist in this collection LIB-3061.2022.
  • Description: Softcover, original blue-grey wrappers, maroon fleuron to front wrapper « P.L. {copulating couple} 1897.  », 28.5 x 23 cm, in a grey double slipcase. Pp.: [1-10] 11-192 [2] [6 blanks], total 200 pages, 50 folio leaves folded in half collated in 4to, unbound, plus 16 coloured lithographs by Jean Berque; all printed on wove paper watermarked “LANA”. This is № 207 of an undisclosed number of copies. Edition enriched with a suite of 12 hand-coloured etchings after Éduard Chimot for publication in the late 1940s (Dutel 2524) on BFK Rives paper. Title-page (maroon and black): P. L. | TROIS | FILLES | DE LEUR | MÈRE | {fleuron} | A L'ENSEIGNE DU CHAT POUR CHAT | M DCCC XCVII || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 2523, Pia 1340. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Jean Berque (French, 1896 – 1954) – artist. Édouard Chimot (French, 1880 – 1959) – artist.
  • Description: One volume in-4to, 28.7 x 23 cm, in a grey double slipcase 29.6 x 24 cm, lettered paper label to spine, in publisher’s original French flapped blue wrappers, lettered on front, unbound, printed on thick wove paper watermarked "PUR FIL MARAIS".  Illustrated with coloured two full-page plates and numerous in-text images, head- and tailpieces engraved by F. Nourisson after André Dignimont. Title-page (blue and black): PIERRE MAC ORLAN | LE QUAI | DES BRUMES | ILLUSTRATIONS DE | DIGNIMONT | ÉDITIONS ARC-EN-CIEL | M CM XLVIII || Pagination: [1-4] (h.t./frontis., t.p./copyright, 5-157 [158] [8] (plate, limit., colophon, blank); total 166 pages. Limitation: Printed in December 1948, engravings on Padovani press and text by Vibert. The edition is limited to 250 copies, № 1 unique on Japon nacré + original drawings and one suite, 28 copies (№ 2-29) on Vélin d’Arches + one drawing and one suite, 51 copies (№ 30-80) on Vélin de Lana + one suite, 170 copies (№ 81-250) on Vélin pur fil des Papeteries du Marais, 10 copies (№ I-X) on different papers for collaborators. This copy is № 115. Ref: WorldCat. Pierre Mac-Orlan (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. André Dignimont (French, 1891 – 1965) – artist.
  • Binding: Pink French flapped wrappers 38.5 x 29 cm, in a frame: LES JEUX | DU DEMI-JOUR | PAR | PIERRE MAC ORLAN | {vignette} | AVEC | DOUZE LITHOGRAPHIES DE | VERTÈS | LES ARTS ET LE LIVRE || Title-page (turquoise and black): LES JEUX | DU DEMI-JOUR | PAR | PIERRE MAC ORLAN | {vignette} | AVEC | DOUZE LITHOGRAPHIES DE | VERTÈS | LES ARTS ET LE LIVRE | 47, RUE LAFFITTE, PARIS | | 1926 || Pagination: [2] blank, [2] h.t. / limitation, [2] t.p. / blank, i-iii [iv] 1-45 [46 blank] [2] table / colophon, [2] blank; total 60 pages, plus 12 plates extraneous to collation, by Marcel Vertès. Edition: text printed by Robert Coulouma in Argenteuil (director H. Barthélemy), lithographs printed by Edouard Duchâtel in Paris, print run of 600 copies, 500 on vélin pur fil Lafuma, this copy on that paper, though unnumbered (№ blank). Contributors: Pierre Mac-Orlan (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Title: L'ART | D'AIMER, | ET | POÉSIES DIVERSES | DE M. BERNARD. Pagination: [2] – t.p. / stanza by Voltaire; engraved t. p., frontispiece, [1] 2-170; pp. 1-61 – L'art d'aimer; pp. 62-111 – Phrosine et Mélidore; pp. 112-170 – Poésies diverses; illustrations. Collation: 8vo; π1 (letterpress t.p.), A-K8 L5; + 8 plates: (1)* engraved title page facing the stanza by Ch. Baquoy; (2) plate as a frontispiece by Ponce after Ch. Eisen, inscribed Chant I above the image, dated 1772, facing p. [1], chant 1er of l’art; (3)* Ch. Baquoy after P. Martini, inscribed Chant II below the image, facing p. 22, chant 2nd of l’art; (4) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant III above the image, facing p. 44, chant 3rd of l’art; (5)* Patas after P. Martini, inscribed Chant Ier below the image, dated 1775, facing p. 62, chant 1er of Phrosine; (6) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant II above the image, facing p. 74, chant 2nd of Phrosine; (7)* C. Gaucher after P. Martini, facing p. 84, chant 3rd of Phrosine; (8) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant IV above the image, facing p. 97, chant 4th of Phrosine; * – images additional to 1772 edition by Le Jay [LIB-2706.2021] (i.e. plates 1, 3, 5, and 7 are new). A counterfeit edition by an anonymous publisher. Binding: brown pebbled morocco, triple fillet gilt-ruled boards, raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt label lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, AMG; printed on laid paper, with tall 's'. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, De Richi (1912): p. 132: describes a counterfeit edition with 170 pages and 3 additional plates plus an engraved title. This seems to be a combination of Lejan [sic] Paris 1775 edition, which normally has 134 pages, 8vo, title engraved by Baquoy and three plates after Martini by Patas, Baquoy and Gaucher. Contributors: Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) – engraver. Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721 – 1777) – engraver. Jean-Baptiste Patas (French, 1748 – 1817) – engraver. Charles-Étienne Gaucher (French, 1740 – 1804) – engraver. Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778) – artist. Pietro Antonio Martini (Italian, 1738 – 1797) – artist. Pierre-Joseph Bernard [Gentil-Bernard] (French, 1708 – 1775) – author of the text.
  • Softcover volume, 25.9 x 16.7 cm, in French flapped wrappers lettered "PIETRO ARETINO | SONNETS | LUXURIEUX | {garland}" unbound, 6 gatherings in 4to (24 leaves, incl. those in wrappers), a few sheets of guard tissue laid in, unpaginated, lower margin untrimmed; in a burgundy double slipcase 26.3 x 17.3 cm. Illustrated with title-page vignette, red initials and tailpieces and 16 half-page engravings by Jean Baptiste Tavy Notton. Text in Italian and French. Title-page (red and black): SONNETS | LUXURIEUX | de | PIETRO ARETINO | dit L'ARÉTIN | avec accompagnement | de gravures au burin | d'après la description des gravures | de GIULIO PIPPI DE GIANNUZZI dit JULES ROMAIN | {vignette} | AUX DÉPENS | DE QUELQUES AMATEURS | 1948 || Clandestine limited edition, print run of 250 copies, of which this is copy № 20, printed on thick wove paper without watermarks. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2421. Original edition: Sonetti lussuriosi by Pietro Aretino, illustrated by Giulio Romano and engraved by Marcantonio Raimondi, published clandestinely in Venice in c.1527. Contributors: Pietro Aretino (Italian, 1492 – 1556) – author. Jean Baptiste Tavy Notton (French, 1914 – 1971) – artist. Antoine-Isidore Liseux (French, 1835 – 1894) – translator/comments. Giulio Romano [Giulio Pippi, Giulio Giannuzzi] (Italian, c.1499 – 1546) – artist. Marcantonio Raimondi (Italian c. 1470/82 – c. 1534) – engraver.  
  • Illustrated sales catalogue of 23-25 September 2022, paperback, 21 x 15 cm, pictorial wrappers, white lettering on a black background to the front, back, and spine, 24 leaves, unpaginated, 109 items listed, print run of 50 copies, this copy signed by hand to Monsieur Serge Varshavsky on the last page. Title-page: POULET-MALASSIS | & ses amis | Une sélection d’ouvrages entre 1860 et 1880, | la plupart clandestins et quelques manuscrits | À monsieur Bernard Peyrat, bibliophile |{vignette} | LES LARMES D'ÉROS | 58, rue Amelot 75011 Paris | sur rendez-vous | les-larmes-d-eros@wanadoo.fr | 06 09 81 65 57 - 01 43 38 33 43 ||
  • Cover: QUELQUES MÉMOIRES | DE | CASANOVA | Aquarelles originales de Rojankowski (pasted) | {fleuron} | PARIS | — | Javal et Bourdeaux | 1932 || Title: QUELQUES | MÉMOIRES | de | CASANOVA | DE SEINGALT | ÉCRITS PAR LUI-MÊME | — | {fleuron} | PARIS | — | Javal et Bourdeaux | 44 bis, Rue de Villejust || Pagination: ffl [4] – t.p. / blank, h.t. with pasted crayon illustr. / Exemplaire № 660, [1] 2-307 [308 blank] bfl, 10 original watercolours (with glassine paper guards) by Feodor Rojankovsky, extraneous to collation. Binding: Softcover, publisher’s grey wrappers with black and red lettering to front cover and spine; in grey canvas over cardboard folder with purple cloth gilt-lettered spine; grey canvas over cardboard slipcase. Catalogue Raisonné: Not in J.-P. Dutel (his catalogue contains only clandestine editions). Comment by J.-P. Dutel: In this copy of the edition, 20 illustrations by Auguste Leroux were cancelled and replaced with 10 original watercolours by Feodor Rojankovsky. Only one such copy exists.
  • Title: Some English Books | with Coloured Plates | Their Points Collations & Values | Art Sport Caricature | Topography & Travel | First half of the Nineteenth Century | by R. V. Tooley | […] | LONDON | INGPEN & GRANT | 1935 || Pagination: [i-vi] vii-viii, [1] 2-288, Collation: 8vo, π3 A-S8. Size: 26.3 x 20.3 cm Binding: Hardcover, brown polished cloth, bevelled boards, gilt lettering to spine, TMG, other untrimmed.
  • Description: One volume in grey-blue French flapped wrapper, 24 x 16.7 cm, collated 8vo, with black and red lettering to front cover, printed on watermarked thick wove paper Alfax Navarre, margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, illustrated with 12 aquatint plates signed Le Loup. Front wrapper and title (red and black): RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE | L'ANTI-JUSTINE | OU | LES DÉLICES DE L' AMOUR | Nouvelle édition entièrement revue et corrigée, | établie pour la première fois sur le texte original de 1798. | PRÉCÉDÉE D'UNE NOTICE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE | par HELPEY | bibliographe poitevin | {device} | ILE SAINT-LOUIS | DE L’IMPRIMERIE DE Monsieur Nicolas. Limitation: Printed 350 copies, numbered 1-350, on alfax paper; this copy is № 256. Collation: 1-158 166, incl. the 1st and last leaves within the wrappers, total 126 leaves plus 12 plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [4 blank] [1-4] 5-243 [244 blank] [4 blank], total 252 pages, ils. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1025, p. 45. Ref.: Danson Erotica Collection at Trinity College, Oxford – KK.6.33. Contributors: Nicolas Edmé Restif de la Bretonne (French, 1734 – 1806) – author. Louis Perceau [Helpey] (French, 1883 – 1942) – author. Maurice Henri Hector Duflou (French, 1885 – 1951) – publisher. The artist – Le Loup – unidentified.
  • Four-volume edition with 6+4+5+5 = 20 plates. Vol. 1 : Title page, in double-border, within rules; accents as per original, with tall «s»: Les | Parisiennes, | ou | XL caractères generaux | Pris dans les Mœurs actuelles, | Propres à servir à l'instruction | des personnes-du-sexe : | Tirés des memoires du nouveau Lycée-des-mœurs. | I Volume : Les jeunes-filles, | & les filles-à-marier. | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | Chéz Guillot, libraire de Monsieur, rue | S.-Jacques, vis-à-vis celle des Mathurins. | 1787. Pagination : [1-5] 6-300, plus 6 etched/engraved plates w/guard tissue after Louis Binet (French, 1744 – about 1800). Collation: 12mo; A14 B-M12 N4; first 6 leaves in gatherings B to M signed, with exceptions: A1,2 unsigned, A3-8 signed, A9-14, D5, N3,4 unsigned. Vol. 2: Title page: Text above the first rule similar; below: II Volume : Les N.lles–mariées : | Les Mariées depuis 3 ans. | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | 1787. Pagination : [1-3] 4-388, plus 4 plates. Collation: 12mo; A8 B-Q12 R6; A1,5-8, R4-6 unsigned. Vol. 3: Title page: Text above the first rule similar; below: III Volume : Les epouses | à imiter : à— suir | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | 1787. Pagination: [1-3] 4-392, plus 5 plates. Collation: 12mo, A4 B-R12; A1,3,4, G4, N4,6, O5 unsigned. Vol 4: Title page: Text above the first rule similar; below: IV Volume : Les J.nes-Mères, | &—de grands-enfans. | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | 1787. Pagination: [1-3] 4-380 [4], plus 5 plates. Collation: A-Q12; A1 unsigned. Binding: later (c. 1875 – 1885) uniform binding of all four volumes in motley 'percaline anglaise' (buckram) with black gilt-lettered labels to spine, marbled endpapers; printed on laid paper; armorial bookplate of Masséna engraved by Stern to front pastedown. Provenance: Library of Masséna; Victor Masséna, duc de Rivoli, prince d'Essling (French, 1836 – 1910) [photo]. Catalogue Raisonné: P.-L. Jacob, 1875: № XXXII, pp. 247-250. P. L. Jacob. Bibliographie et iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Restif de la Bretonne. — Paris: A. Fontaine, 1875. [LIB-2634.2021]. Contributors: Nicolas Edmé Restif de la Bretonne (French, 1734 – 1806) – text. Louis Binet (French, 1744 – c. 1800) – illustrations. Sources: MFA: ACCESSION NUMBER 37.1667a-b lacking one plate in vol. 4. Collation: 12mo, 4 vols. in 2; [v. 1] 150 leaves, plus 6 plates; [v. 2] 194 ll., plus 4 pls.; [v. 3] 196 ll., plus 5 pls.; [v. 4] 192 ll., plus 4 [of 5] pls. BNF Identifier ark:/12148/bpt6k1050366b. Collation: 4 vol. (300; 388; 392; 380 p., XX f. de pl.) : ill. ; in-12
  • Title-page: ROBERT GANZO | DU DANCING | OU | LE DANSEUR SENTIMENTAL | avec un Frontispice et un Bandeau originaux | de | MARCEL VERTES | {publisher’s device} | Editions LEMARGET | 43, rue Madame, PARIS (VIe) | 1930.|| Description: 20.7 x 14.9 cm, French flapped cream wrappers with black and green lettering similar to title, lettering to spine “DU DANCING”; [1-13] incl. leaf in wrapper, 1st blank leaf, h.t. / limitation, frontispiece, t.p. / copyright, dedication to Gaston Guillot / blank, 14-106 [4] colophon / blank, and one leaf in wrapper; frontispiece and first chapter headpiece lithography by Vertès, plus inset of the same. Collation: 4to; [1,2]4 3-134 143; total 55 leaves. Printing: June 10, 1930, by Presses Modernes in Reims. Edition: 15 copies on Japon Impérial numbered I-XV, 20 colies on Hollande Van Gelder numbered XVI-XXXV, 250 copies on Vélin de Rives numbered 1-250, 20 of which reserved for the bookstore of H. Champion, and 25 presentation copies numbered A-Z. This copy is № XVI. Contributors: Robert Ganzo (French, 1898 – 1995) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Gaston Guillot (French, 1889 – 1960) – dedicatee. Editions Lemarget (Paris) – publisher. Presses Modernes (Reims) – printer. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Lavishly illustrated manuscript bound in brown cloth with a red cloth border, 12.3 x 7.5 x 1.6 cm, green marbled endpapers with the inscription “Mein | Kampf” to free leaf, front pastedown with a pocket; written with blue ink and drawn with colour crayons on checkered notepaper with rounded corners, unpaginated, 104 leaves total. Frontispiece: ☆ | AMOUR | {two cupids and a heart pierced with an arrow, sunbeams} | VOLUPTE | IVRESSE || Title-page: FOLIES | D'AMOUR | PAR | • Roger Cotteret • | {raising sun and sunbeams} | row of dots || A copy of the whole manuscript is presented here.
  • Two hardcover volumes 22.7 x 18.5 x 4.5 cm, uniformly bound in contemporary vellum with a blind border along the edges, handwritten title to spine, printed on laid paper with watermarks to ffls: “Leonard”, “ISRB”, and the arms of Amsterdam. Vol. 1: SPIEGEL van STAAT | des | VEREENIGDE | NEDERLANDS. | Waar in | De Macht en 't Vry Bestier, | Van yder der Zeven Verbonde PROVINCIEN en haar | byzondere Steeden, | Zo in Rechten als Regeeringen werd ontvouwd. | Aanwyzende | Aan, de In, en Uytheemschen, alle de Hooge en Lage Recht- | banken, Collegien en Ampten, dewelke in de zelve, tot | dienst van den Staat, en het Recht, zyn ingesteld. | Hoe, wanneer en waar, voor de zelve yets te verrichten is. | DOOR | Mr: ROMYN de HOOGHE. | EERSTE DEEL: | {fleuron} | t’ AMSTERDAM, | — | By JAN TEN HOORN, Boekverkooper 1706. Collation: 2ffl, *-**4, A-Z4 2A-Z4 3A-O4 4A-G4 5A-S4 6A-F4, 2ffl, (4G2 marked 3G2), total 372 leaves, plus 8 folded leaves of plates, t.p., and half-page vignette dedication by Romeyn de Hooghe. Pagination: [16], 1-267, 268-270 (marked 468-470) 271-480, [2] 3-55 [56], [2] 3-143 [144], [2] 3-44 [4], total 744 pages, ils. Vol. 2: SPIEGEL van STAAT. | VERVATTENDE | DE MACHT DER | GENERALITEYT. | De Edele Mogende Collegiën, | Hooge Rechtbaken, Steden, Schansen | en Onderhoorigheeden, | Welke van Hoog Mogende af angen. | DOOR | Mr: ROMYN de HOOGHE. | TWEEDE DEEL. | Met Figuuren. | {fleuron} | Te AMSTERDAM, | — | By JAN TEN HOORN, | Boekverkooper, 1707. Collation: 2ffl, *-**4, ***2, A-Z4 2A-T4, (A-Z)4, (2A-V)4 X2, 2ffl, total 352 leaves plus 9 folded leaves of plates, t.p., and half-page vignette dedication by Romeyn de Hooghe. Pagination: [20], 1-335 [336], 1-339 [340] [8], total 704 pages, ils. Contributors: Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) Jan ten Hoorn (Dutch, fl. 1671 – 1715)
  • Hardcover volume, 24 x 18 cm, cloth-backed pictorial paper over cardboard (possibly, owner's), pictorial endpapers, no dust jacket; pp.: [2] – pictorial t.p. / copyrignt+imprint + [26] unpaginated pages (13 leaves); in-text photomechanical b/w and coloured illustrations after Feodor Rojankovsky. Front cover (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIESRUDYARD KIPLING | HOW | THE LEOPARD | GOT HIS | SPOTS | PICTURED BY F. ROJANKOVSKY || Title-page (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIES | HOW | THE LEOPARD | GOT | HIS SPOTS | BY RUDYARD KIPLING | ILLUSTRATED BY | F. ROJANKOVSKY | GARDEN CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., GARDEN CITY, N. Y. || Contributors: Rudyard Kipling (British, 1865 – 1936) Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan; Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970)
  • Hardcover volume, 24 x 18 cm, pictorial paper over cardboard boards, pictorial endpapers, and pictorial DJ; pp.: [2] – pictorial t.p. / copyrignt+imprint + [26] unpaginated pages (13 leaves); in-text photomechanical b/w and coloured illustrations after Feodor Rojankovsky. DJ and front cover (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIESRUDYARD KIPLING | THE | ELEPHANT'S | CHILD | PICTURED BY F. ROJANKOVSKY || Title-page (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIES | THE | ELEPHANT'S | CHILD | RUDYARD KIPLING | ILLUSTRATED BY | F. ROJANKOVSKY | GARDEN CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., GARDEN CITY, N. Y. || Contributors: Rudyard Kipling (British, 1865 – 1936) Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan; Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970)
  • Title: S. ROSCOE | THOMAS BEWICK | A BIBLIOGRAPHY RAISONNÉ | OF EDITIONS OF THE | GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS | THE HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS | AND THE | FABLES OF AESOP | ISSUED IN HIS LIFETIME | GEOFFREY CUMBERLEGE | OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS | LONDON  NEW YORK  TORONTO | 1953 || Pagination: [2], [i-iv] v-xxx, 1-198 [2]; collation: 8vo, [a]-b8, B-N8, O4, all plates within collation. Binding: 25.5 x 16.5 cm, tan cloth, black babel with gilt lettering, letterpress dust jacket. Contributors: Roscoe, Sydney – author. Cumberlege, Geoffrey Fenwick Jocelyn (British, 1891 – 1979) – publisher. Batey, Charles – printer
  • Title-page (in red and black): TALES AND NOVELS | OF | J. DE LA FONTAINE | WITH 12 ORIGINAL ETCHINGS | BY | CLARA TICE | VOLUME ONE (TWO) | {arabesque} | PRIVATELY PRINTED | AT THE PRINTING HOUSE OF G. J. THIEME | NIJMEGEN ~ HOLLAND | 1929 || Collation: 8vo. Vol. 1: π8 (2 blanks, h.t. / limitation №103 of 990, frontispiece etched portrait of La Fontaine w/ tissue guard, 4 leaves uncut with table and preface), 1—138, incl. 2 final blanks, paginated: xvi, 204 [4], plus 5 etchings besides frontis., all with tissue guards, by Clara Tice, in sepia. Vol. 2: π8, 1-188, paginated: xvi, 270 [271] epitaph, [272] blank, plus 6 etchings w/ tissue guards, by Clara Tice. Binding: 25.3 x 16.8 cm, quarter faux parchment over light blue publisher's boards, gilt lettering to spine. Ticket to front pastedown in each volume: “FROM THE COLLECTION | OF PRINCETON ANTIQUES BOOKFINDERS”, etc.  Etchings printed on wove paper, text – on laid paper; untrimmed, uncut. Edition: limited, privately printed run of 990 copies of which this is №103.
  • Description: Two volumes, collated 4to, usually described as 12mo, 16.5 x 10.5 cm each, uniformly bound in full calf, bordered in gilt with a triple-fillet over blind dentelle, flat spine ornamented in gilt with two crimson labels, gilt dentelle inside, blue marbled endpapers with previous owner bookplate to front pastedown in each vol.: "W. E. A. MACDONNELL. | NEW HALL | Co. of Clare.", and a ticket in a blue border “162”. Illustrated by T. Bewick after J. Thurston with frontispiece portrait of Robert Burns, numerous woodcut endpieces and a total of 14 full-page woodcut vignettes throughout. Title-page: THE | POETICAL WORKS | OF | ROBERT BURNS; | WITH HIS LIFE | ORNAMENTED WITH | ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD BY MR. BEWICK | FROM ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY MR. THURSTON. | — | IN TWO VOLUMES. | VOL I. (VOL. II.) | — | ALNWICK: | Printed by William Davison. | SOLD BY THE BOOKSELLERS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND | AND IRELAND. | – | 1808. || Vol. 1: Collation: π3 (1st blank, engraved frontispiece portrait of R. Burns, t.p.), a2 b-e4, A-Z4, 2A-2E4 (2E)4 (last two blank); total 137 leaves, numerous endpieces and 9 woodcut plates by Thomas Bewick after John Thurston within collation. Pagination: [2 blank] [i-v] 6 (i.e. vi) xlii [43-45] 46-268 (265-268 marked 263–266, respectively, [4 blank]; total 274 pages, of which 6 blank (pagination by Hugo: xlii, 297, 26), full-page plates opposite to pp. 73, 82, 106, 127, 141, 178, 192, 213, 219. Vol. 2: Collation: π5 (1st blank, t.p., 3 leaves of contents), A-B4 (C omitted) D-Z4, 2A-2G4 (2H omitted) 2I2 2K-2M4 2N1 χ2; total 138 leaves, numerous endpieces and 6 woodcut plates by Thomas Bewick after John Thurston within collation. Pagination: [2 blank] [i-iii] iv-xi (v marked vii, viii marked ix), 12-270 (16 marked 17, 76 marked 67, 84 marked 86, 96 marked 90, 112 marked 110, 203-207 marked 205-209, 220-224 marked 222-226), [4 blank]; total 276 pages, of which 6 blank (pagination by Hugo: xii, 320), full-page plates opposite to pp. 11, 40, 70, 191, 221. Catalogue raisonné: Hugo (1866): № 230, v. 1, p. 92-93; according to Hugo, the year 1808 was not stated, the number of pages in each volume is different to my copy. Provenance: Colonel William Edward Armstrong-Macdonnell (Irish, 1858 – 1883) of New Hall, Ennis, County Clare, Ireland (presumed). Contributors: Robert Burns (Scottish, 1759 – 1796) – author. Thomas Bewick (British, 1753 – 1828) – engraver. John Thurston (British, 1774 – 1822) – artist. William Davison (British, 1781 – 1858) – printer/publisher.
  • Pagination: [2] – letterpress title / blank, t.p. with contents / to readers, [1] 2-376 + 7 b/w and 16 coloured plates (total 23); this differs to Abbey’s description of 372 pages + 4 pages index, and 41 plates (lacking 18 plates). In No 73 lacking 3 plates: Quadrant Regent st., Morning dress and Full dress. In No 74 lacking 5 plates: Charles str., Brienz, head dresses, full dress, and muslin patterns. In No 75 lacking 5 plates: 4 with bank notes and Castle of Rinkenberg. In No 76 lacking 1 plate: Cavern St. Beat. In No 77 lacking 2 plates: Wetzar and Lake Thun. In No 78 lacking 2 plates: Crescent at Portland Place and Environs of Thun. Collation: 4to; letterpress title, [A]1 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3C4 3D2. Binding: 23.5 x 15.5 cm; double fillet blind-ruled half-calf over pebbled cloth boards, raised bands ruled blind, crimson label with gilt lettering to spine. References: Martin Hardie (1906), p.310 [LIB-2623.2021]; R. V. Tooley (1935), p. 26 [LIB-2641.2021]; J. R. Abbey (1953), Cat. № 212, p. 174 [LIB-2622.2021].
  • Pagination: [2] – letterpress title / blank, [2] – t.p. contents / to readers, [1] 2-368 [4 index], + 9 b/w and 27 coloured plates. Collation: 4to; letterpress title, [A]1 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3B4 3C3. Binding: 25 x 16 cm; gilt-ruled half-calf over marbled boards, flat spine, gilt-ruled compartments, gilt lettering; front board almost detached. References: Martin Hardie (1906), p.310 [LIB-2623.2021]; R. V. Tooley (1935), p. 26 [LIB-2641.2021]; J. R. Abbey (1953), Cat. № 212, p. 166 [LIB-2622.2021].
  • Pagination: [2] – letterpress title / blank, t.p. contents / to readers, [1] 2-368 [4 index], + 6 b/w (one folding) and 28 coloured plates (total 34). Collation: 4to; letterpress title, [A]1 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3B4 3C3. Binding: 25 x 16 cm; gilt-ruled half-calf over marbled boards, flat spine, gilt-ruled compartments, gilt lettering. 5 aquatints by Thomas Rowlandson (British, 1757 – 1827): Table D'Hote; Consulting the Prophet; The Prophet discovering himself and exposing the deception; The Arrival in Paris; Liberality to infirm beggars on leaving Yrvi. References: Martin Hardie (1906), p.310 [LIB-2623.2021]; R. V. Tooley (1935), p. 26 [LIB-2641.2021]; J. R. Abbey (1953), Cat. № 212, p. 167 [LIB-2622.2021].
  • Title page (in a blue frame): The | Robert J. Wickenheiser Collection | of | John Milton | at the | University of South Carolina | A Descriptive Account | with Illustrations | Robert J. Wickenheiser | {publisher’s device} | The University of South Carolina Press | Published in Cooperation with the | Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina || Pagination: [i-ix] x-xvi, [1] 2-839 [840]; 856 pages total. Binding: 28.5 x 22 cm; full crimson faux morocco, gilt lettering to front cover in a blind-stamped frame, gilt lettering to spine. Contributor: Wickenheiser, Robert J. (American, 1942 – 2015)
  • Title page: IL | GOFFREDO | OVERO | LA | GIERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI TORQUATO TASSO. || Engraved title: On the banner: IL GOFFREDO | OVERO | LA GIERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI TORQUATO TASSO ||; under the image, within frame: IN PARIGI NELLA STAMPERIA REALE MDC XLIV. Signed: J. Stella InvenitÆgid Rousselet  Sculpsit (with tall “s”) || Collation: 2 blank leaves with donation ink inscription to recto of the 1st: “Ex Dono Patruelis Do Roberto Willughby” [i.e. Robert Willoughby]; t.p. / blank, engraved t.p. by Gilles Rousselet after Jacques Stella / blank, “Allegoria dell poema” 4 leaves, 1st two leaves signed iij and iiij, respectively; π6 A-Z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa-Rrr4, 2 blank leaves at the end; text paginated from 1 to 502 [2] (p. 503 tailpiece, p. 504 blank); a printable area marked with vertical and horizontal double lines; total: 252 leaves of text (504 pages), 6 prelims and 4 blanks. Illustrated throughout with head- and tailpieces, and historiated initials. Binding: 18th-century red crushed morocco, triple-fillet gilt border, triple-fillet gilt frame, panel with gilt lozenge centrepiece, lozenges at corners, marbled endpapers, AEG, crudely rebacked retaining original spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, crimson label with gilt lettering; The Robin Collection bookplate to front pastedown. Provenance: The Robin Collection; Robert Willoughby family. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Jacques Stella (French, 1596 – 1657) – artist. Gilles [Aegidius] Rousselet (French, 1610 – 1686) – engraver.
  • Vol. 1: Engraved t.p.: An architectural setting with flags and arms, and sitting male and female figures in armour, perhaps representing Tancredi and Clorinda, with lettering above their heads: “GIERVSA– | LEMME | LIBERATA”. Title-page: IL | GOFFREDO, | OVERO | GIERUSALEMME | Liberata , | POEMA HEROICO | del Sig. Torquato Tasso. | CON L’ ALLEGORIA | Universale dell istesso, | Et con gli Argomenti del Sig. Horatio Ario- | sti, & di belissime figure adornato. | {woodcut element} | In Amsterdam, nella Stamperia del S.D. ELZEVIER, | Et in Parigi, si vende | Appresso Thomaso Jolly. | Nel Palazzo, M. DC. LXXVIII. || Collation: 8vo; [A1] 1st blank, engraved t.p., [A2] letterpress t.p., pp. [1-4]; signatures start at A3, pagination starts at p. 37; Allegoria: A3-B1, pp. [5-18], Tavola: B2-C2, pp. [19-36]; Il Goffredo: C3-R8, pp. 37-271 [272]. Total A-R8: 136 leaves (272 pages), plus 11 plates, incl. engraved t.p., and frontispiece (sculptural bust portrait of Torquato Tasso in a laurel wreath, with a lettered plate below “TORQVATO | TASSO”). Vol. 1: Title-page: Similar but “TOMO II.” after “sti, & di belissime figure adornato.” and before the woodcut element. Collation: 8vo; 1st blank, letterpress t.p., signatures start at A3, p. 5; A-S8, pp. [4] 5-285 [3]. Total A-S8: 144 leaves (288 pages) plus 10 engraved plates. Binding: Two volumes 15 x 6 cm, uniformly bound in 19th-century green morocco, gilt triple-fillet border, bull heads at corners, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, two gilt-lettered crimson labels, blue endpapers, 2 blank laid paper leaves in the front, AEG. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Daniel Elzevir (Dutch, 1626-1680) – publisher. Thomas Jolly (French, fl. 1648 – 1694) – publisher.
  • Engraved title-page: L'AMINTA | FAVOLA BOSCHERECCIA | DI | TORQUATO TASSO | Aggiuntovi il Poemetto | Amore Fugitivo |{vignette} | IN VENEZIA | MDCCLXIX |—| PRESSO ANTONIO ZATTA | CON LICENZA DE’ SUPERIORI || in historiated frame, signed below: “Pet. Ant. Novelli in — Fambrini inci.” Pagination: [i] ii-xxiv, [1-2] 3-84, total 108 pages, ils. Collation: 12mo; a12, A-C12 D6, last blank; first 6 leaves signed in 12-leave quires, first 3 in D; total 54 leaves plus 9 plates, incl. engraved title and frontispiece, and numerous head- and tailpieces by Fambrini after Novelli. Binding: 18.6 x 11 cm, contemporary tree calf, rebacked, crimson label with gilt lettering; clipping and bookplate of The Robin Collection to front pastedown; verso front flyleaf stamped “RESTORED BY MACDONALD CO. | NORWALK. CONN.” Additional blank leaves at front and back. Provenance: Satinsky, Robin F. (American, 1919 – 2008); The Robin Collection. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1729 – 1804) – artist. Ferdinando Fambrini (Italian (1764 – c.1793) – engraver. Antonio Zatta (Italian, c. 1722 – 1804) – printer, publisher.  
  • Engraved title-page 1, as per British Museum: An architectural setting with, at upper centre, a portrait of Carlo Emanuele I, Duke of Savoy, in an ornate cartouche lettered “"Spectandus Certamine Martio"; a central title “LA | GERUSALEMME | DI | TORQUATO | TASSO | FUGURATA A | DA BERNARDO CASTELLO | A | CARLO EMANUELLO | DVCA DI SAVOIA” flanked by Tuscan columns and crests with mottos and imprese showing compasses lettered "Dvm Premor Amplior", at left, and a crossed sword and sceptre with a crown lettered "Illaesa Super Sunt", at right; in the lower register, male and female figures in armour, perhaps representing Tancredi and Clorinda, with a central crest showing an impresa of armour”. Central title: Below, within frame: "In Genova, Appresso Giuseppe Pavoni. […] Con licenza de' Superiori. MDCXVII." Engraved title-page 2, as per British Museum: Portrait of Torquato Tasso, bust, facing front, wearing a laurel crown; within an oval pendant, lettered “TOROVATO […] TASSO EF”, suspended from a pediment, beneath which a view of Genoa is flanked by two columns, and above is a tablet, lettered: “LA GERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI TORQUATO | TASSO. | Con le annotazioni | di Scipion | Gentili, e di Givlio | Guastauini , | Et li argomenti di Oratio Ariosti , | STAMPATA | Per Giuseppe Pauoni ad instanza di | Bernardo Castello,in Genova | L’Anno MDCXVII." Collation: 8vo; 2 leaves of engraved title-pages, 1 leaf signed †2, 1 leaf unsigned, 2 leaves signed †† and ††2, respectively, 1 leaf unsigned, 1 leaf with engraving to verso (frontispiece to Canto Primo) —> 8 prelims (besides FEP or a blank leaf before 1st t.p.); π8 A-Q8 (pp. 1-255 [256 blank], plated within collation), G1, I1, K1, O1, and P1 (recto to plates without text) unsigned, L3 signed as second L2; A-D8 E4 (pp. 1-71 [72]; A-B8 C4 χ1 (pp. [1] 2-36 [37-40] [2]),  in the 4-leaf quires E and C only two first leaves signed, in the 8-leaf quires four first leaves signed. Illustrations: woodcut head- and tail-pieces, woodcut initials, some historiated, and 20 plates within collation and pagination engraved by Camillo Cungio after Bernardo Castello. Binding: 30.5 x 21.4 cm overall, 30 x 20.5 cm leaves; contemporary vellum, rebacked with modern brown morocco, crimson morocco label with gilt lettering and double-fillet outline. Two bookplates to front pastedown: (1) Chippendale armorial bookplate (8.3 x 7.6 cm): Thos. Brand Esqr. Signed: W Austin — Fecit; (2) The Robin Collection bookplate. Bookseller’s ticket to back pastedown: “J. POOLE. | British & foreign | BOOKSELLER, | 39 BOOKSELLERS ROW, | STRAND |〰️| Books Bought.” All edges green. Provenance: The Robin Collection; Thomas Brand Hollis (British, 1719 – 1804). Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Scipione Gentili [Scipio Gentilis] (Italian, 1563 – 1616) – author. Giulio Guastavini (Italian, fl. 16th century) – author. Bernardo Castello [Castelli] (Italian, 1557 – 1629) – artist. Camillo Cungi (Italian, fl. 1597 – 1649) – engraver. Giuseppe Pavoni (Italian, 1551 – c. 1641) – printer, publisher. Carlo Emanuele I, Duke of Savoy (Italian, 1562 – 1630) – dedicatee.