//Illustrated books
  • Publisher’s grey pictorial wrappers with lettering in red: PARIS | Bibliothèque érotique | Gérard Nordmann | Seconde partie | Jeudy 14 et vendredi 15 décembre 2006 | CHRISTIE'S || Red spine with white lettering from top to bottom, multiple illustrations in colour, 27 x 21 cm. Pagination: [1-3] 4-305, 567 lots. The 2nd part of the auction of the library of Gérard Nordmann (Swiss, 1930 – 1992), held by Christie's in Paris on the 14th and 15th of December 2006. The 1st part took place on the 27th of April 2006, see [LIB-2828.2021].
  • Description: French flapped wrappers, 27 x 20.5 cm, 134 gatherings, plus two leaves (blank, h.t. / limitation) at the beginning (54 leaves total), the first and the last two leaves blank, two pages in each of 12 gatherings (24 total) are hand-painted photogravures after etchings by an anonymous artist, attributed to Santippa, pseudonym of Georges or Gaston Hoffmann, or, possibly, of André Collot; the gatherings are unbound, pp. [1-10] 11-99 [100] [8] (108 pages total). Title-page: ÉPICES | REFLEXIONS | sur quelques à-côtés de l'amour | destinées à des personnes | expérimentées | ILLUSTREES | DE | VINGT-QUATRE PLANCHES | HORS-TEXTE | COLORIÉES A LA MAIN | {vignette} | ÉDITÉ | POUR UN GROUPE DE BIBLIOPHILES || Edition: limited to 500 copies numbered from 1 to 480 + 20 hand-numbered with Roman numbers. This is copy № 273. Enrichment: one original sketch (for Coucou… ou l’erreur de porte), one etching before letters and the same after letters and coloured (Le petit coin tranquille.. 19/20), and a full suite of 24 original etchings in sepia on cream paper, 20 of them on Arches and 4 on BFK Rives) printed for the first 17 copies of the 1950 edition (55 copies were printed then). In addition: one graphite pencil sketch which is not part of the suite. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 1920 – 1970: № 1490 (for 1950), № 1491 (for 1955).  
  • Description: One volume bound in green morocco, sunned spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, collated 8vo, 28.3 x 23 cm, original wrappers and spine preserved, top margin gilt; numerous in-text woodcuts, 30 full-page plates and one plate tipped-in. Front wrapper (red and black): RABELAIS | GARGANTUA | LITHOGRAPHIES DE SCHEM | {publisher’s device lettered in red “ÉDITIONS DU MANOIR”} | HENRI PASQUINELLY | DIJON || Half-title: LA VIE TRESHORRIFIQUE | DU | GRAND GARGANTUA | PERE DE PANTAGRUEL | JADIS COMPOSÉE | PAR MAISTRE ALCOFRIBAS | ABSTRACTEUR DE QUINTE ESSENCE | — | LIVRE PLEIN DE PANTAGRUELISME || Title-page (red and black): RABELAIS | GARGANTUA | LITHOGRAPHIES DE SCHEM | AVEC UNE PRÉFACE ET DES RÉSUMÉS EXPLICATIFS PAR | PIERRE HUGUENIN | UN GLOSSAIRE ET DES NOTES DE | LOUIS PERCEAU | {publisher’s device lettered in red “ÉDITIONS DU MANOIR”} | HENRI PASQUINELLY | DIJON || Collation: 2 blanks, front wrapper, [1] 2-118, spine, back wrapper, 2 blanks, total 88 leaves between the wrappers plus 30 plates incl. frontispiece, two of which are double-page, extraneous to collation with lettered tissue guards, and one cancelled plate with lettered tissue guard tipped-in. Pagination: [1-7] 8-171 [172] [2 colophon] [2 blank], total 176 pages, ils. Printed on February 20, 1937, at Imprimerie Darantière (Dijon), lithographs were printed by Desjobert (Paris). Limitation: The print run of 3,335 copies, of which 10 (№ I-X) on Japon Impérial, 300 copies (№ 1-300) on Vélin de Rives, 3000 copies (№ 301-3,300) on Bouffant Dauphinois, and 25 copies (A-Z ) on Vélin de Rives for collaborators. This is copy № 45 on Vélin de Rives, enriched with one cancelled plate (see image below).

    Ce petit paillard tousjours tastonnoyt ses gouvernantes cen dessus dessous, cen devant darriere.

      Collaborators: François Rabelais [Alcofribas Nasier] (French, c. 1494 – 1553) – author. Pierre Huguenin (French, 1874 – 1937) – author. Louis Perceau (French, 1883 – 1942) – author. Raoul Serres [Schem] (French, 1881– 1971) – artist. Éditions du manoir; Henri Pasquinelly [Pasquinelli] (French, 20th century) – publisher. Imprimerie Darantière (Dijon) – printer. Edmond Desjobert (French, 1888 – 1963); Edmond et Jacques Desjobert – lithography printer.
  • Title-page: KUNIYOSHI | The Warrior-Prints | B. W. Robinson | [space] | PHAIDON | OXFORD || Description: hardcover, 31.7 x 25 cm, bound in olive green cloth with gilt lettering to spine, white endpapers, pictorial olive dust jacket; pp.: [1-6] 7-208 incl. frontispiece, 64 plates, and 30 figs. in the text (total 104 leaves, 205 illustrations, including 32 in colour); catalogue with the list of illustrations, and index of characters portrayed. Inset: A.L.s. on Phaidon letterhead by Sue Moulton; ISBN 0714822272. Edition: 1st edition,1st printing (a review copy). Contributor: Robinson, Basil William (British, 1912 – 2005).
  • Softcover, collated 8vo, 19.5 x 14.2 cm, French flapped wrappers, lettering to front: MANUEL | DE | CIVILITÉ | POUR LES | PETITES FILLES | À L’USAGE DES | MAISONS D’ÉDUCATION | {checks} ||; printed on BFK Rives wove paper with watermark, with blue vertical and horizontal lines to imitate notebook checkered paper; pp.: [8] [1-15] 16-177 [7]; π4 1-118 124; total 96 leaves (192 pages), incl. those in wrappers. Cardboard double slipcase with vellum spine lettered in black: MANUEL | DE | CIVILITÉ | POUR | LES PETITES | FILLES ||. Title-page: similar to cover, within the frame: MANUEL | DE | CIVILITÉ | POUR LES | PETITES FILLES | À L’USAGE DES | MAISONS D’ÉDUCATION | {checks} || Edition: 1st clandestine limited edition of 600 copies of which 1 copy on papier de chine (№ 1), 15 copies on japon impérial (№№ 2-16), 20 copies on papier de Hollande (№№ 17-36), and 564 copies on vélin de Rives (№№ 37-600) ; this is copy № 473. Enrichment: Accompanied by 5 loose sheets of thin paper blind stamped in the upper-left corner “WHATMAN” with pencil and watercolour drawings, one on both sides, unsigned. Insert two printouts from the previous sellers. Catalogue raisonné: Pia 800/801; Dutel (III) 1916 (indicates 180 pp.). Nordmann II 315 describes copy № 246 illustrated with 86 compositions by Rojankovsky, all signed by Rojan. Later edition, see: LIB-2972.2022. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan, Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970).
  • Hardcover volume, 24 x 18 cm, cloth-backed pictorial paper over cardboard (possibly, owner's), pictorial endpapers, no dust jacket; pp.: [2] – pictorial t.p. / copyrignt+imprint + [26] unpaginated pages (13 leaves); in-text photomechanical b/w and coloured illustrations after Feodor Rojankovsky. Front cover (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIESRUDYARD KIPLING | HOW | THE LEOPARD | GOT HIS | SPOTS | PICTURED BY F. ROJANKOVSKY || Title-page (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIES | HOW | THE LEOPARD | GOT | HIS SPOTS | BY RUDYARD KIPLING | ILLUSTRATED BY | F. ROJANKOVSKY | GARDEN CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., GARDEN CITY, N. Y. || Contributors: Rudyard Kipling (British, 1865 – 1936) Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan; Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970)
  • Title: ACADEMIE | DES | SCIENCES | ET DES | ARTS, | Contenant les Vies & les Eloges Historiques des | Hommes Illustres, | Qui ont excellé en ces Professions depuis environ quatre Siécles | parmy diverses Nations de l’Europe : |Avec leurs Pourtraits tirez sur des Originaux au Naturel, & plusieurs Inscriptions | funebres, exactement recueïlies de leurs Tombeaux | Par Isaac Bullart , Chevalier de l’Ordre de Saint Michel. | TOME PREMIER | {allegorical vignette, signed Abr. A Diepenbeke delineavit – Pet. Clouwet sculp.} | Imprimé par les soins de l’Autheur. | A AMSTERDAM, | Se vendent chez les Heritiers de Daniel Elzevier, 1682. || Vol. 1: Pagination: 2 blank end-leaves, [2] – Two-volumes h.t. / blank ; [2] – 1st vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette engraved by Pieter Clouwet (Flemish, 1629–1670) after Abraham van Diepenbeeck (Dutch, 1596 - 1675), book-label 'I. A. Aubert' pasted / blank; [7] – dedication to Jacques Theodore de Brias {Jacques-Théodore de Bryas (Dutch, 1630 – 1694)}, [9] – preface, [2] – table demonstrative / stanza by Guilielmus Riverius, [2] – vignette “Tardius sed grandius” with an elephant in ornamental frame / text; [2] – Advis au lecteur; [1, 2] – noms politiques / blank (A1), 3(A2)-416, 2 blank end-leaves; laking 8 last pages 417-424 if compared to Paris 2 in 1 vol. edition LIB-2676.2021, and lacking 4 last pages if compared with another Amsterdam edition LIB-2239.2019. These last 4 pages contain portraits and eulogies of François Primatici and Jacques Barozzi de Vignole. Collation: 4to; [*]6, **8, A6 B-Fff4, lacking Ggg4, 118 plates (instead of 120) within a collation. Vol. 2: Pagination: 2 blank end-leaves, [2] – tome second h.t. / blank ; [2] – 2nd vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette similar to vol. 1, with book-label 'I. A. Aubert' / blank; [4] – advertissement; [2] – f.t. Theologiens / blank; [2] – noms theologiens / blank 1-501 [3] – table eloges, 1 blank end-leaf. Collation: 4to; [*]4, **2, A-Sss4, 159 plates within a collation. Binding: both volumes uniformly bound in full contemporary cream vellum with blind double fillet over boards, raised bands, compartments tooled in black, brown calf labels with gilt lettering to spine. Printed on laid paper, with tall "s", all margins sprinkled red; the size of each vol.: 32.2 x 20.5 x 4.7 cm. A full description of plates, as well as their images, presented in LIB-2676.2021.
  • Engraved title: The | Costume | of the | Empire of Russia | {copper horseman vignette} | signed under: Printed for E. Harding at the Crown and Mitre Pall Mall || English title: COSTUME | OF THE | RUSSIAN EMPIRE, | ILLUSTRATED BY UPWARDS OF | SEVENTY RICHLY COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. | DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO | HER ROYAL HIGHNESS | THE | PRINCESS ELIZABETH. | LONDON: | PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET; | FOR JOHN STOCKDALE, PICCADILLY. | 1811. || Paper: thick wove paper, the leaf with “Copper Horseman” watermarked J. Whatman 1808; the French title – Edmeads & Co 1809, E2 – E & P 1807, plates are not watermarked [NYPL: An “1803” copy of The Costumes of the Russian Empire has watermarks from 1796 (W Elgar), 1809 (Edmeads & Co), 1811, 1813 (J. Whatman), 1818, and 1829]. Collation: 4to; (1) engraved title by E. Harding (“Copper Horseman” monument of Peter the Great), (2) English title, (3) French title, (4) Dedication to her Royal Highness the Princess Elizabeth by E. Harding (1803), (5) Contents —> π5 a2 B-S4 T2, all second leaves in all quires but C and T signed “2”, 77 leaves total, unpaginated, plus 72 plates (34.5 x 25.5 cm), stipple and line engravings, hand-coloured, by John Dadley after William Alexander. Binding: 36 x 27 cm, straight-grain green morocco, blind-stamped palmette border withing gilt-stamped palmette border to boards, raised bands decorated in gilt, gilt in compartments, two brown morocco labels with gilt lettering, brown endpapers, 2 additional flyleaves at front and back, AEG. Authorship and artistic work are attributed to Alexander and Dadley, but not signed. 1st edition in 1803 was published by William Richard Beckford Miller (British, 1769 – 1844). Catalogue raisonné: Tooley (1906): p. 151. Contributors: William Alexander (British, 1767 – 1816) – artist, author. John Dadley (British, 1767 – 1817) – engraver. Thomas Bensley (British, 1759 – 1835) – printer. John Stockdale (British, 1750 – 1814) – publisher. Edward Harding (British, 1755 – 1840) – publisher of 1803 edition (author of dedication) Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom (British, 1770 – 1840) – dedicatee.
  • Front wrapper and title-page (in red and black): LE COFFRET DU BIBLIOPHILE ILLUSTRE | Pamphlets et Tableaux de mœurs intimes | CORRESPONDANCE | DE | Madame Gourdan | dite La Comtesse | INTRODUCTION ET NOTES PAR J. HERVEZ. | POINTES SÈCHES DE | P.-E. BECAT | {device} | PARIS | BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES CURIEUX | 4, rue de Furstenberg, 4 | Édition réservée aux souscripteurs || Limitation: L'édition illustrée du "Coffret | du bibliophile" est tirée à 750 | exemplaires, sur vergé de Rives, | numérotés de 1 à 750 | № 353 || Limited edition of 750 copies on Rives laid paper, of which this is copy № 353. Collation: fep, 3 blanks, front wrapper, 3 blanks vergé, [2] h.t. / limit., [2] t.p., [5] 6-188, blank, back wrapper, 3 blanks, fep., plus 12 plates, dry-points by P.-É. Bécat, extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece. Binding: 16 x 10.3 cm, red crushed morocco, gilt lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, printed on laid paper, original wrappers preserved. Contributors: Marguerite Gourdan [Marguerite Alexandrine Ernestine Stock] (French, c. 1730 –1783) – fictional author. Jean Hervez (French, 1864 – ?) – author (preface). Charles Théveneau de Morande (French, 1741 – 1805) – presumable author of the text. Paul-Émile Bécat (French, 1885 – 1960) – artist. Bibliothèque des curieux [Georges & Robert Briffaut], Georges Briffaut (French, 1886 – 1973) – publisher. Previous editions: First published 1783, under the title: "Le portefeuille de Madame Gourdan" in London by Jean Nourse. Bibliothèque des curieux, 1910. Bibliothèque des curieux, 1924.  
  • Description: Publisher’s French flapped wrappers 28.2 x 19.2 cm, lettering to front cover “SCÈNES | DE | PÉRIPATÉTICIENNES | Εις το αφρωδιαζειν αγει | MCMIII”, pp. [1-6] 7-132 [4]. 10 laid-in (unbound) colour plates after André Collot, including the title-page vignette. Text printed on laid paper, plates on wove paper. According to J.-P. Dutel (1920-1970) № 2366, p. 356, this is a pirated reprint with 11 plates of the 1927 or 1935 edition of “Douze douzains de dialogues”, illustrated with 12 hand-coloured etchings after André Collot (№ 1427, 1428, p. 137, ibid.). Limitation of 200 copies seems fake as per Pia, the copy in BNF bears number 262 (Pia № 1213, p. 635; № 359, p. 200). Title-page: SCÈNES DE | PÉRIPATÉTICIENNES (arch) | Εις το αφρωδιαζειν αγει | MCMIII || Pictorial t.p.: {vignette in colour} | Douze douzains de Dialogues | ou | Petites scènes amoureuses | * || (text in fac-simile ms). Limitation: edition is limited to 200 copies of which this is copy № 44. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist. See: LIB-2819.2021 in this collection.
  • Description: Hardcover, 24.5 x 16.5 cm, collated 8vo, bound in quarter green marbled sheepskin over buckram boards, publisher’s wrappers preserved. Front wrapper and title-page (red and black): LIANE DELORYS | JOUJOU | OU | LES LIBERTINAGES DU TRAVESTI | Orné de 16 héliogravures | PARIS | AUX GALANTS PASSE-TEMPS | 79, Rue de Vaugirard, 79 || Collation: [1]8 (2 blanks, h.t./advert., t.p./limit., text), 2-178 on laid paper (total 136 leaves) plus 16 photomechanical b/w plates, incl. frontispiece on thick wove paper. Pagination: [1-9] 10-269 [3], total 272 pages, ils. Limitation: a print run of 2,050 copies on vergé antique Hollande reserved for subscribers, of which this is copy № 379. Contributors: Author: Liane Delorys – pen name; the real name is unknown; according to various sources other pseudonyms of this author are: Liane Lauré, Liane de Lorys, Liane de Lauris, Lucette de Chata, and G. Donville. The latter may be a real name, though there is no information even about the gender of this person. Publisher: Aux Galants Passe-temps, i.e. Jean Fort or Jean-Marie Fort (French, fl. c. 1907 – 1839), also published under the name of ‘Collection des Orties Blanches’, ‘Bon Vieux temps’, ‘Au Cabinet du Livre’. Artist: Chéri Hérouard (French, 1881 – 1961). Printer: Darantiere (Dijon), i.e. Maurice Darantiere (French, 1882 – 1962).
  • Single volume, 17.1 x 11.2 cm, quarter black sheepskin over faux chagrin, gilt lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, bottom and outer margin untrimmed, pp.: [i-v] vi- xxxvi, [1] 2-218 [2], collated 4to: π2, a-d4, 1-274 282, total 256 pages or 128 leaves, plus 20 engraved plates by Paul Sellier, including frontispiece portrait of Alexis Piron after bust by Caffieri. Vol. 8 of Bibliothèque Libre, Œuvres badines de Piron, printed on February 15, 1872. Text printed on dense wove paper watermarked P or M, plates printed on India wove paper. A reprint of an edition published in 1796 plus illustrations. Title-page: ŒUVRES | BADINES | D’ALEXIS PIRON | PRÉCÉDÉES | D’UNE NOTICE SUR SA VIE | Nouvelle édition, ornée de 20 figures en taille-douce | {vignette} | IMPRIMÉ PAR LES PRESSES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ | A NEUCHATEL | – | 1872 || Limitation: 100 numbered copies, of which this is № 75. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-788; Pia: 953-6; Kearney 377 (Patrick J. Kearney. A Catalogue of the publications of Jules Gay, Jean-Jules Gay & Gay et Doucé, revised & expanded. — Santa Rosa, CA Scissors & Paste Bibliographies, 2019) Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 81. Alexis PIRON. Œuvres badines précédées d’une notice sur sa vie. Nouvelle édition ornée de 20 figures en taille-douce. [ Jules Gay] Imprimé par les presses de la société, à Neufchatel, 1872. In-8, xxxvi, 218 pages et un feuillet d’achevé d’imprimer de table, demi-basane noire, dos à faux nerfs, tête et tranches naturelles. Illustré d’un portrait et de 20 figures par Paul Sellier. Tirage limité à 100 ex. numérotés. De la « Bibliothèque libre ou collection choisie d’ouvrages du genre libre, imprimés ou réimprimés par les soins de la Société des Bibliophiles Cosmopolites et pour les membres de cette société, à cent exemplaires numérotés ». Bibliographie : Pia 1030, Enfer 1274, Lem 3-454, Gay 5-339, PC 353, G* 38, Pey 203, Dutel A-788." Contributors: Alexis Piron (French, 1689 – 1773) – author. Paul Sellier (French, 1842 – 19..?) – artist. Jules Léopold Gay (French, 1807 – 1887) – publisher.
  • Owner’s wrappers, 28 x 21 cm, printed on laid paper, unpaginated, collated ffl, [A, B]4 C-G4, 2 ffl; total 28 leaves plus 5 engraved plates by Allegrini after Mariotti; engraved title-page (Vercruys after Soderini), head- and tailpieces (Gregori after del Moro) and initials. Owner's label to front pastedown: Marc Burdinprêtre.  Title-page (engraved, red and black): IOANNIS BAPTISTAE PASSERI | PISAUREN. NOB. EUGUBINI | DE TRIBUS VASCULIS ETRUSCIS | ENCAUSTICE PICTIS | A CLEMENTE XIIII. | P.O.M. | IN MUSEUM VATICANUM INLATIS | DISSERTATIO. | {VIGNETTE} | FLORENTIAE. MDCCLXXII. | ~ | in Typographia Moückiana. Cum adprobat. || Dedication: ANTIQVARIAE. ERVDITIONIS. PROPAGATORI EXIMIO ABSOLVTISSIMAM . HANC. DISSERTATIONEM CLARISS. PASSERII DE . IMAGINIBVS . ET . SYMBOLIS TRIVM . VASORVM . ETRVSCI . OPERIS QVAE PRINCIPIS. NOSTRI.SANCTISS. ET. SAPIENTISS. LARGITATE IN . VATICANVM . MVSEVM A. SE. CVMVLATISSIME . DITATVM INVE CTA . FVERVNT REGINALDVS.COMES.ANSIDAEVS.PATR.PERVS. M. A. CARD. PRONEPOS DEVOTVS. NOMINI . MAIESTATIQVE . EIVS DEMISSISSIME. Translation: "To the most excellent promoter of antiquities, the most accomplished: This most complete dissertation concerning the images and symbols of three Etruscan vases, which were most abundantly bestowed by our most holy and wise Prince onto the Vatican museum, was composed by the illustrious Passerius. Reginald, Count of Ansidius, true ancestral father, grandson by blood of the Cardinal, devoted most humbly and devoutly to his name and majesty." NoteP.O.M. stands for "Papa Optimo Maximo", which translates to "Father Most Excellent." For a similar vase in this collection, see VO-0098. This vase is attributed to Apulia, ca. 330 BCE. Passeri was probably wrong to attribute this type of vessel to Etruscan vase painting, produced from the 7th through the 4th centuries BC. Contributors: Giovanni Battista Passeri (Italian, 1694 – 1780) – author. Francesco Moücke (Italian, fl. 1729 – 1787) – publisher. Pope Clement XIV [Ganganelli, Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio] (Italian, 1705 – 1774) – dedicatee. Artists:  Mauro Soderini (Italian, 1704 – after 1751) Carlo Spiridione Mariotti (Italian, 1726 – 1790) Lorenzo del Moro (Italian, 1677 – 1735) Engravers: Theodor Vercruys [Teodoro Vercruysse] (Dutch, 1678 – 1739) Francesco Allegrini da Gubbio (Italian, 1587 – 1663) Carlo Bartolomeo Gregori (Italian, 1702 – 1759)
  • Erasmus. The praise of folly / Translated by White Kennett. — London: Stephen Austen, 1726. Title page in black and red: MORIÆ ENCOMIUM: | OR, THE | PRAISE | OF | FOLLY. |—| Written in Latin by | ERASMUS. |—| Translated into English by | WHITE KENNETT, | Lord Bishop of Peterborough; | With a PREFACE by his Lordship. |—| Adorn’d with | A great Number of COPPER PLATES | neatly engraven: To which is added, the Effigies of | ERASMUS, and Sir THOMAS MORE, from | theDesigns of the celebrated HANS HOLBEINE. |—| (in gothic letters) The Fourth Edition. |—| LONDON: | Printed for Stephen Austen, at the Angel in | St. Pauls’ Church-yard. 1726. || Pagination: modern endpapers and flyleaves, [2] – blank / frontis. (engraved portrait of Erasmus, [2] – t.p. in black and red with George Cruikshank’s signature in the bottom, dated 1876 / blank, [14] – to the reader, i-xiv – commendatory verses, [2] – John Wilford advert., folding portrait of Thomas More, i-v, [vi] - epistle, 1-168 – panegyrick, [4] – index.; 46 copper-engraved illustrations after Hans Holbein the Younger; pp. 17-20 detached. Collation: 12mo; π2 A6, a-b6, B-P6 Q2 (B3 unsigned), 13 in-text engravings + 26 plates + 7 folding plates; total 106 leaves and 33 plates, extraneous to collation. Edition: 4th, thus. Binding: 16.5 x 10.5 cm; rebacked with a modern spine, modern endpapers and flyleaves, contemporary boards sprinkled and tooled in a style of Cambridge panel. Provenance: Cruikshank, George (British, 1792 – 1878) [1876]; Stephen Whitehead (Oakland, CA) [2021]. Catalogue raisonné: J. Lewine (1898) p. 171 — 1st edition thus of 1709, in-8vo, with portrait and 46 plates after Holbein. Contributors: Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (Dutch, c. 1469 – 1536) – author of the original text in Latin.

    White Kennett (British, 1660 – 1728) – translator from Latin into English.

    Hans Holbein the Younger (German, 1497/8 – 1543) – artist.

    Stephen Austen (fl. c. 1727 – 1746) – publisher. Linked items: Engraved portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam in an octagonal frame, 1757 by Flipart after Holbein.

    Эразм Роттердамский. Похвальное слово глупости. — М.-Л.: Academia, 1932.

  • Title-page: LES ARTISTES DU LIVRE | MARCEL | VERTÈS | ÉTUDE PAR | ANDRÉ SALMON | LETTRE-PRÉFACE PAR | PAUL MORAND | PORTRAIT PAR | JEAN OBERLÉ | { publisher’s device} | HENRY BABOU, ÉDITEUR | 1, RUE VERNIQUET, PARIS | 1930 || Description: 26.3 x 20.5 cm, French flapped brown wrappers with black and blue lettering, lettering to spine, unbound, [1-2] 1st blank leaf, [3-4] h.t. / limitation, two plates (fac-simile letter and portrait of Vertès), [5-6] t.p. /”Cette monographie…”, 7-39 [40-48], incl. Bibliographie des ouvrages, Table des planches, and colophon – all with in-text illustrations; plus 22 leaves of plates, one on a double-page, all with foxing and marginal browning. Printing: December 1930 by Durcos & Colas in Paris. Edition: the 17th edition in the series “Les artistes du livre’, published under the direction of Marcel Valotaire; print run limited to 700 copies of which 50 on Japon (numbered 1-50) enriched with one original unpublished drypoint, 650 copies on Vélin Blanc from Arches (50-650), and 50 “non-commercial” copies (I-L). This copy is numbered № 473. Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. André Salmon (French, 1881 – 1969) – author. Paul Morand (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Jean Oberlé (French, 1900 – 1961) – artist. Maitres-imprimeurs Ducros et Colas (Paris) – printer. Henry Babou (Paris) – publisher. Marcel Valotaire (French, 1889 – 1979) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Description: One volume, publisher’s original tan French flapped wrappers with engraved vignette, in glassine DJ, unbound, 25.5 x 19.5 cm, collated in-4to, bottom and outer margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, printed on laid watermarked Van Gelder Zonen paper, illustrated with 15 full-page drypoint plates, some with tissue guard; front wrapper, t.p. and table vignettes, numerous head- and tailpieces by R. Lacourière after drawings by Marcel Vertès, enriched with two cancelled images printed on different laid papers in different states, three of each image. Printed on June 10, 1926 by Coulouma (Argenteuil) under the direction of H. Barthélemy, drypoints by Roger Lacourière (Paris). Limitation: 95 copies of which № 1 on Japon Ancien, № №  2-26 on Japon Impérial, and №№ 27-95 on Hollande. This is copy № 78. Front wrapper: FRANCIS CARCO | L'AMOUR | VÉNAL | {vignette with inscription in oval tablet «POINTES | SÈCHES | DE» } | VERTÈS | PARIS | MCMXXVI || Title-page: FRANCIS CARCO | L'AMOUR | VÉNAL | {vignette} | POINTES SÈCHES DE | VERTÈS | PARIS | MCMXXVI || Collation: 2 leaves in wrapper, π4 (fac-simile of Carco a.l.s., h.t., t.p., authorship) a4 (preface), 1-164 [17]4, 2 leaves in wrapper; total without the wrapper 76 leaves plus 15 plates, plus 6 plates of enrichment plates. Pagination: [8] [i] [ii-viii] [1] 2-128 [8], total 152 pages, ils. Note: The edition is not in Dutel, not in Pia (Enfer); Fekete (2014): № 215, p. 117; Vokaer (1967): № 15, p.10. According to both sources, it is a 2-volume edition, with text in vol. 1 and plates in vol. 2. Vokaer attributes publishing to La Roseraie (Paris) and provides for 45 drypoints of which 18 full-page plates in the second volume. Fekete (Christie’s) provides for 15 full-page plates and 25 illustrations in text. Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Roger Lacourière (French, 1892 – 1966) – engraver, printer.
  • Description: Hardcover small 4to, 20.3 x 15.8 cm, contemporary binding, quarter carrot morocco with raised bands over marbled boards, marbled endpapers, original wrappers preserved, gilt lettering to spine. Content: Scapin Maquereau, drame en un acte par M. Albert Glatigny; La grisette et l’étudiant, pièce en un acte par M. Henry Monnier; Le bout de l’an de la noce, parodie du bout de l’an de l’amour de M. Théodore Barrière par MM. Lemercier de Neuville et J. du Boys; Un caprice par Lemercier de Neuville; Les jeux de l’amour et du bazar, comédie de mœurs en un acte par Lemercier de Neuville. Title-page: LE THÉATRE ÉROTIQUE | DE LA RUE DE LA SANTE | {vignette} | PARIS | — | 1932 || Collation: 3 blanks, original front wrapper with black lettering «LE THÉATRE ÉROTIQUE | DE LA RUE DE LA SANTE», [1]4 (2 blanks, frontis., h.t. / limitation), [2]4 (t.p., f.t.p., 2 leaves of text), 3-184 (incl. 2 blanks), original back wrapper, original spine, 3 blanks; 5 full-page illustrations within collation, 3 original watercolours extraneous to collation bound in between 11 and 12 blank leaves. Pagination: [4] [1-8] 9-135 [136] [4], ils. Limitation: 20 copies on Japon and 250 copies on Vélin, this is copy № 201. Edition: 1st edition thus, illustrated with 20 coloured photogravures, 5 of them full-page after Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan], enriched with 3 full-page original watercolours by him. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): 2498, p. 385; Nordmann/Christie’s (2) 515, p. 251 Contributors: Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan, Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970) – artist. Joseph Albert Alexandre Glatigny (French, 1839 – 1873) – author. Henry-Bonaventure Monnier (French, 1799 – 1877) – author. Théodore Barrière (French, 1823 – 1877) – author. Louis Lemercier de Neuville [La Haudussière, Louis Lemercier] (French, 1830 – 1918) – author. Jean Charles Duboys [Du Boys] (French, 1836 – 1873) – author. Original watercolours:
  • Description: Hardcover, 19.3 x 15 cm, printed on thick wove paper watermarked “J. PERRIGOT MBM ARCHES (France)”, bound by Thomas Boichot (signed 'BOICHOT' on front pastedown) in silver buckram with a white floral diaper, original front wrapper preserved, top margin gilt; engraved bookplate of Roger Peyrefitte by Pierre-Yves Trémois, 1972, to front pastedown lettered “SEX | LIBRIS | ROGER | PEYREFITTE | {vignette} | Trémois | 72”; bookplate of J.-P. Dutel to binder’s flyleaf. Description by the seller: Plein papier à la Bradel, tête dorée, non rogné, premier plat de couverture conservé. (Boichot). Édition originale publiée en 1927 par René Bonnel ornée dans le titre d’une vignette gravée par Foujita. Tirage : 5 ex. sur Japon ancien. 100 ex. sur vélin d’Arches. EXEMPLAIRE UNIQUE. UN DES 100 SUR VÉLIN D’ARCHES (N°97), ENRICHI DE 8 AQUARELLES LIBRES. Provenance: Roger Peyrefitte (Ex-libris érotique gravé par Trémois). Collation: Pink front wrapper, lettered in frame “P. L. |—| PYBRAC |—| 1927”, 2 blank leaves, [1] h.t., [1] t.p. in red and black with engraved vignette by Foujita, [2] (Sur la chemise…), [2] f.t. / blank,  [5] 6-98 [2 colophon/blank], 2 blank leaves, total 52 leaves plus four blanks and a wrapper. Title-page (red and black): PIERRE LOUŸS | PYBRAC | POESIES | {vignette} | CYTHÈRE | AU COQ HARDI || Edition: Limited edition of 105 copies of which this is copy № 97 on Arches paper, enhanced with eight in-text colour drawings by an anonymous artist (unique copy). Another unique copy of the same edition illustrated by an anonymous artist in this collection LIB-3130.2023. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita (Japanese-French, 1886 – 1968) – artist (t.p. vignette). Roger Peyrefitte (French, 1907 – 2000) – provenance. Pierre-Yves Trémois (French, 1921 – 2020) – artist (bookplate) René Bonnel (French, 1884 – 1975) – publisher. Thomas Boichot – bookbinder.