//Illustrated books
  • Title in black and red: LIFE IN ENGLAND | in Aquatint and Lithography | 1770—1860 | ARCHITECTURE • DRAWING BOOKS | ART COLLECTIONS • MAGAZINES | NAVY AND ARMY • PANORAMAS ETC. | FROM THE LIBRARY OF J. R. ABBEY | — | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL | CATALOGUE | — | LONDON | PRIVATELY PRINTED | AT THE CURWEN PRESS | 1953 || Pagination: 2 blank leaves, [2] – limited edition 114 of 400 / blank, [i, ii] – h.t. / blank, [2] blank / frontis., [iii, iv] – t.p. / printer, v – contents, [vi] –blank, vii-ix – list of plates, [x] – blank, xi-xiii – list of ill., [xiv] – blank, xv-xxi – preface, xxii – blank; [1, 2] f.t. / blank, 3-427 [428], 2 blank leaves. Binding: Hardcover, 32 x 25.5 x 6.5 cm; brown cloth, red label with gilt lettering to spine, tan DJ with lettering to front and spine.
  • Description: Hardcover, 24.5 x 16.5 cm, collated 8vo, bound in quarter green marbled sheepskin over buckram boards, publisher’s wrappers preserved. Front wrapper and title-page (red and black): LIANE DELORYS | JOUJOU | OU | LES LIBERTINAGES DU TRAVESTI | Orné de 16 héliogravures | PARIS | AUX GALANTS PASSE-TEMPS | 79, Rue de Vaugirard, 79 || Collation: [1]8 (2 blanks, h.t./advert., t.p./limit., text), 2-178 on laid paper (total 136 leaves) plus 16 photomechanical b/w plates, incl. frontispiece on thick wove paper. Pagination: [1-9] 10-269 [3], total 272 pages, ils. Limitation: a print run of 2,050 copies on vergé antique Hollande reserved for subscribers, of which this is copy № 379. Contributors: Author: Liane Delorys – pen name; the real name is unknown; according to various sources other pseudonyms of this author are: Liane Lauré, Liane de Lorys, Liane de Lauris, Lucette de Chata, and G. Donville. The latter may be a real name, though there is no information even about the gender of this person. Publisher: Aux Galants Passe-temps, i.e. Jean Fort or Jean-Marie Fort (French, fl. c. 1907 – 1839), also published under the name of ‘Collection des Orties Blanches’, ‘Bon Vieux temps’, ‘Au Cabinet du Livre’. Artist: Chéri Hérouard (French, 1881 – 1961). Printer: Darantiere (Dijon), i.e. Maurice Darantiere (French, 1882 – 1962).
  • Hardcover, 165 x 105 mm, full tree sheepskin, flat spine with gilt bands, black calf label with gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, all margins marbled; collation: 2ffl, a4 ([i] engraved t.p., [ii] letterpress t.p., iii-vi frontis.), A-F8 a8 (i.e. G8), i.e. 60 leaves, pp.: [8] 1-79/90-106, 1-16, plus one plate (p. 106); iron gall ink ms to first rear ffl. Two parts in one volume, 1st illustrated edition, engraved t.p. and five plates, only one extraneous to collation with blank verso. Engraved title (tall ‘s’): LES | QVATRAINS | DV SIEUR | PIBRAC. Enrichis de figures. | Dedie a Monseigneur | le DAVPHIN. | A PARIS, |Chez ANTOINE ROBINOT, | en la place Dauphine au | Soleil d’Or. | 1640. || Title-page (tall ‘s’): LES | QVATRAINS | DES SIEVRS | PYBPRAC, FAVRE, | ET MATHIEV : Ensemble les Plaisirs de la Vie Rustique. | Enrichis de Figures en Taille-douce. | Dediez | A MONSEIGNEVR LE DAVPHIN | {fleuron} | A PARIS, | Chez ANTOINE ROBINOT, en l'Isle du | Palais, au Soleil d'Or, & en la Boutique | sur le Pont-neuf. | — | M. DC. XL | AVEC PRIVILEGE DV ROY. || Contributors: Guy du Faur de Pibrac (French, 1529 – 1584) – author Pierre Matthieu (French, 1563 – 1621) – author Antoine Favre (French, 1557 – 1624) – author Pierre Brébiette (French, 1598? – 1642) – engraver
  • Description: Two parts in one volume, collated 4to, 26.3 x 18 cm, bound in quarter green pebbled morocco over green percaline panelled boards, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, lettered in gilt, signed in the bottom “L. Curmer”; marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. Part 1 is illustrated with a hand-coloured wood-engraved title-page by Porret and Blanadet and 28 hand-coloured steel engravings by Charles Geoffroy after J.-J. Grandville; part 2 is illustrated with a hand-coloured wood-engraved title-page by Quichon and 22 steel engravings by Charles Geoffroy after J.-J. Grandville, and two uncoloured botanical plates, unsigned. Title-page: LES | FLEURS ANIMÉES | PAR | J.-J. GRANDVILLE | INTRODUCTIONS | Par ALPH. KARR | TEXTE | Par TAXILE DELORD | — | PREMIÈRE (DEUXIÈME) PARTIE | — | PARIS | GABRIEL DE GONET, ÉDITEUR | 6, RUE DES BEAUX-ARTS, 6 || Collation: part 1: blank, [1] h.t./imprint (PARIS WALDER), hand-coloured engraved t.p., [1] t.p./blank, 1-324, [1] contents/blank, 28 hand-coloured plates; part 2: [1] h.t./imprint (PARIS WALDER), hand-coloured engraved t.p., [1] t.p./blank, [2] intro., [1]-294, 302, blank, 22 hand-coloured plates and 2 uncoloured plates. Pagination: part 1: [1-5] 6-260 [2] (total 262 pages), ils; part 2: [4] [i] ii-iv [1] 2-102, [2] [i] ii-iv, [105] 106-234 [2] (total 248 pages), ils. Coloured steel-engraved plates: Part 1: Bleuet et Coquelicot. Lis. Pensée. Tabac. Tulipe. Rose. Narcisse. Violette. Nenuphar. Laurier. Myrte. Marguerite. Camelia. Immortelle. Chèvre-feuille. Belle-de-nuit. Oeillet. Ciguë. Soleil. Fleur de grenadier. Lin. Eglantine. Pavot. Chardon. Fleur d'oranger. Capucine. Guimauve. Primevère – Perce-neige. Part 2: Pois de senteur. Cactus. Dahlia. Sensitive. Fleur de pêcher. Aubépine. Vigne. Myosotis. Jasmin. Scabieuse & Souci. Traite des fleurs. Flèche-d'eau. Hortensia, couronne impériale. Verveine. Giroflée. Thé et Café. Lilas. Tubéreuse Jonquille. Bal. Retour des fleurs. Erratum. Pervenche desséchée. Plates signed "Grandville del. – Ch. Geoffroy sc. – G. de Gonet, editeur" but some signed "Imp. Delamain et Sarazin rue Git le Cœur 8 Paris." Plates accompanied by tissue guards. Gordon N. Ray: "Most of the plates show an elegant lady in a garden, her dress covered with an extraordinary pattern of flowers. She is sometimes accompanied by respectful creatures, animals and insects, even fish and reptiles". Edition: 2nd edition of 1847, each part has separate pagination; imprint: "Paris. — Typographie Walder, rue Bonaparte, 44". Second "tirage", the volumes being paged separately; the first "tirage", issued also in 1847, is paged continuously. Point of issue: Table des Matières has "Imprimerte Walder." Originally appeared in 83 separate parts in pictorial yellow wrappers. Contributors: J.-J. Grandville [Gèrard, Isidore-Adolphe] (French, 1803 – 1847) – artist. Taxile Delord (French, 1815 – 1877) – author. Comte Foelix [Louis-François Raban] (French, 1795 – 1870) – author. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr (French, 1808 – 1890) – author. Charles Michel Geoffroy (French, 1819 – 1882) – engraver (on steel). Gabriel de Gonet (French, fl. 1847 – 1862) – publisher. Typographie Walder (Paris) – printer. Plon Freres (Paris) – printer. Delamain et Sarrazin (Paris) – printer. Henri Désiré Porret (French, 1800 – 1867) – engraver (on wood). Jules Blanadet (French, 1824 – ?) – engraver (on wood). Quichon (French, fl. c. 1850s) – engraver (on wood). Catalogue raisonné: L. Carteret (Le trésor): p. 286; Ray (French): 198, pp. 278-9; Vicaire (Manuel): D III, p. 133-4; Brivois (Guide): pp. 147-150. In collections: MET 1970.565.423.1–.2Vanderbilt University; V&A L.755-1943. Provenance: Léon Curmer (French, ).
  • Pictorial album of 20 hand-coloured wood engravings by Firmin Gillot after Alfred Grévin; numbered 1 to 20, bound with tissue guards in half-brown cloth over marbled boards, publisher's gilt-lettered blue wrappers preserved, purple-blueish endpapers. Front wrapper (gilt on blue): LES FILLES D'EVE | ALBUM | DE TRAVESTISSEMENTS | PLUS OU MOINS | HISTORIQUES | Par A. GRÉVIN | — | PARIS | AUX BUREAUX : DU JOURNAL AMUSANT, DES MODES PARISIENNES | DE LA TOILETTE DE PARIS ET DU PETIT JOURNAL POUR RIRE | 20. Rue Bergère. || ; Henri Plon's imprint to back wrapper. Contributors: Grevin, Alfred (French, 1827 – 1892) Gillot, Firmin (French, 1820 – 1872) Plon, Henri (French, 1806 – 1872) Ref.: Metropoliten Museum.
  • Description: Two volumes, 16.5 x 11 cm, collated 8vo, uniformly bound in the mid-19th century by H. Stamper (stamp to verso free endpaper) in red Morocco, ornated with gilt fillets and dentelles to boards and turn-ins, spine with raised bands and gilt decorations and lettering in compartments, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt; printed on laid paper; bookplate to front pastedown “EX LIBRIS | DANIEL | BERDITCHEVSKY”. Title-page (red and black, tall ‘s’): LES CENT | NOUVELLES | NOUVELLES. | SUIVENT LES CENT NOUVELLES | CONTENANT | Les Cent Histoires Nouveaux, | Qui sont moult plaisans a raconter, | En toutes bonnes Compagnies, | Par MANIERE DE JOYEUSETÉ. | Avec d'excellentes Figures en Taille-douce, | Gravées sur les desseins du fameux Mr. | ROMAIN DE HOOGE | & retouchées par feu | B. PICART LE ROMAIN | TOME PREMIER (TOME SECOND) |{device} | A COLOGNE | Chez Pierre Gaillard. | M.DCCXXXVI. || Vol. 1: Collation: [1] flyleaf torn out, [1] frontispiece, [1] title-page, [3] preface (*2-4), [1] Auertissement, [10] table (2+**-**8), A-Bb8 (Bb8 blank); 45 in-text half-page copperplate etchings by various engravers after Romain de Hooge; total 215 leaves plus ffl and frontispiece by Gilliam van der Gouwen after Romain de Hooge. Pagination (starting from t.p.): [30] 1-397 [398] [2], total 430 pages. Vol. 2: Collation: ffl, [*1] t.p., [11] table (*2-8, **-4), A-Aa8 Bb4 (Bb4 blank); 55 in-text half-page copperplate etchings by various engravers after Romain de Hooge; total 208 leaves plus ffl. Pagination: [24] 1-389 [390] [2], total 416 pages. Catalogue raisonné: Landwehr (1970) № 94, p. 203; Lewine (1898) p. 326; Cohen-DeRicci (1912) p. 658. Landwehr cites two editions after the 1st of 1701: Amsterdam 1732 and Cologne 1786 [i.e. 1736]. Both Lewine and Cohen-DeRicci attribute the text to Louis XI and mention the 1736 reprint (though not 1786). The first edition of “Les cent nouvelles nouvelles” appeared in 1486 by commission of Duke of Burgundy Philippe le Bon; the text is attributed to Philippe Pot (1428 – 1493), Antoine de La Sale (c. 1385 – c. 1460) or King Louis XI (1423 – 1483). Contributors: Artists: Romain de Hooge (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) Bernard Picart (French, 1673 – 1733) Engravers: Gilliam van der Gouwen (Dutch, c. 1657 – 1716) (frontispiece) Laurens Scherm (Dutch, fl. 1689 – 1701) (nouvelles XXIX, XXX, LXXVII) Jan Van Vianen (Dutch, c.1660 – 1726?) (nouvelles L, LII, LVII-LX, LXIV-LXVII, LXX) Binder: Henry Stamper (British, 1802? – 1887) Commissioner: Philippe le Bon [Philip III] (French, 1396 – 1467) Publisher: Pierre Gaillard (French, fl. 1715 – 1737)
  • Title-page: LES ARTISTES DU LIVRE | MARCEL | VERTÈS | ÉTUDE PAR | ANDRÉ SALMON | LETTRE-PRÉFACE PAR | PAUL MORAND | PORTRAIT PAR | JEAN OBERLÉ | { publisher’s device} | HENRY BABOU, ÉDITEUR | 1, RUE VERNIQUET, PARIS | 1930 || Description: 26.3 x 20.5 cm, French flapped brown wrappers with black and blue lettering, lettering to spine, unbound, [1-2] 1st blank leaf, [3-4] h.t. / limitation, two plates (fac-simile letter and portrait of Vertès), [5-6] t.p. /”Cette monographie…”, 7-39 [40-48], incl. Bibliographie des ouvrages, Table des planches, and colophon – all with in-text illustrations; plus 22 leaves of plates, one on a double-page, all with foxing and marginal browning. Printing: December 1930 by Durcos & Colas in Paris. Edition: the 17th edition in the series “Les artistes du livre’, published under the direction of Marcel Valotaire; print run limited to 700 copies of which 50 on Japon (numbered 1-50) enriched with one original unpublished drypoint, 650 copies on Vélin Blanc from Arches (50-650), and 50 “non-commercial” copies (I-L). This copy is numbered № 473. Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. André Salmon (French, 1881 – 1969) – author. Paul Morand (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Jean Oberlé (French, 1900 – 1961) – artist. Maitres-imprimeurs Ducros et Colas (Paris) – printer. Henry Babou (Paris) – publisher. Marcel Valotaire (French, 1889 – 1979) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Front wrapper (black and crimson): LES ARTISTES | DU LIVRE | SYLVAIN | SAUVAGE | {device} | HENRY BABOU | ÉDITEUR A PARIS || Title-page: LES ARTISTES DU LIVRE | SYLVAIN | SAUVAGE | ÉTUDE PAR | MARCEL VALOTAIRE | LETTRE-PRÉFACE PAR | ÉMILE HENRIOT | PORTRAIT PAR | E. DUFOUR | {fleuron} | HENRY BABOU, ÉDITEUR | 1, RUE VERNIQUET, PARIS | 1929 || Description: 26.5 x 21 cm, French flapped tan wrappers with black and crimson lettering, lettering to spine, unbound; [2] 1st blank, [2] h.t./limit., [4] fac-simile a.l.s. by Émile Henriot, [2] t.p./blank, 7-43 [4], total 27 leaves of text with in-text illustrations b/w and colour, plus 10 plates: 9 plates by Sauvage and 1 collotype reproduction portrait of Sauvage by Émilien Dufour, incl. Bibliographie des ouvrages, Table des hors-texte, and Colophon. Printing: November 1929 by Durcos & Colas in Paris. Edition: the 8th edition in the series “Les artistes du livre’, published under the direction of Marcel Valotaire; print run limited to 700 copies of which 50 on Japon enriched with one original etching, 650 copies on Vélin Blanc from Johannot, and 50 “non-commercial” copies (I-L). This copy is № 167. Contributors: Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) – artist. Émile Henriot (French, 1889 – 1961) – author. Émilien Dufour (French, 1894 – 1975) – artist. Maitres-imprimeurs Ducros et Colas (Paris) – printer. Henry Babou (Paris) – publisher. Marcel Valotaire (French, 1889 – 1979) – author.
  • Description: One volume, collated 4to, 26.2 x 18.5 x 8 cm, ¾ calf over marbled boards, gilt decorated flat spine with gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, publisher’s wrappers preserved. Title-page (red and black): LE TRÉSOR | DU | BIBLIOPHILE | ÉPOQUE ROMANTIQUE | 1801–1875 | PAR | L. CARTERET | Libraire de plusieurs Sociétés de Bibliophiles | LIVRES ILLUSTRÉS DU XIXe SIÈCLE | PARIS | L. CARTERET, ÉDITEUR | ANCIENNE LIBRAIRIE CONQUET | 5, RUE DROUOT, 5 | Novembre 1927 || Publisher's wrapper similar, in a frame Collation: front wrapper, π4 (2 blanks, h.t./limit., t.p./copyright], [1] – 894, χ2 (colophon, 1 blank), back wrapper, orig. spine, ils. within collation; total 362 leaves within wrappers; 2 leaves of modern inset bound-in between pp. 106 and 107. Pagination: [8][1-3] 4-712 [4], total 724 pages plus 4 pp inset, ils. Content: pp. 1-25 – propos; 29-600 – bibliographie; 601-603 – table ills; 605-639 – table des ouvrages cités; 641-712 – table des artistes. Printed by Imp. Lahure on November 30, 1927. Contributors: Léopold Carteret (French, 1873 – 1948) Imprimerie Générale de A. Lahure (Paris) Alexis Lahure (French, 1849 – 1928)
  • NEW
    Hardcover volume 343 x 268 mm, binding by Grimm et Bleicher (Munich) in red cloth with author’s gilt fac-simile to front and gilt lettering to spine, in matching red cloth slipcase, pink endpapers, pp. [1-6] 7-13 [14] [82] (i.e. 48 leaves) with 84 photomechanically reproduced drawings after Leonor Fini. A copy of an unlimited print run. Title-page: Léonor Fini | Les Merveilles de | la Nature || Colophon: JEAN-JACQUES PAUVERT, 8, rue de Nesle, PARIS-VI. © 1971 Editions Kurt Desch GmbH, Munich. Tous droits réservés, y compris ceux de reproductions partielles et de reproductions photomécaniques. Papier des Papeteries Scheufelen, Oberlenningen. Mise en page et impression des entreprises graphiques R. Oldenbourg, Munich. Reliure conçue par Christel Aumann, Munich, et réalisée par Grimm et Bleicher, Munich. Imprimé en Allemagne, 1971. Il a été tiré, spécialement pour Jean-Jacques Pauvert et la Librairie du Palimugre, cent exemplaires numérotés de 1 à 100 contenant une gravure originale de Léonor Fini. Reference: www.honesterotica.com Contributors: Leonor Fini (French, 1907 – 1996) – artist. Severo Sarduy (Cuban, 1937 – 1993) – author/poetry. Jean-Jacques Pauvert (French, 1926 – 2014) – publisher. Kurt Desch (German, 1903 – 1984) – publisher.
  • Softcover, 328 x 250 mm, green French flapped wrappers, lettered; 22 leaves plus 2 in wrappers, unpaginated, incl. frontispiece (etching), headpiece (lithography), 4 in-text illustrations (1 lithography + 3 etchings), and 5 plates (3 dry points + 1 etching = 1 lithography) by Albert Marquet. Limited edition of 200 copies on Arches Vellum, watermarked, of which this is copy № 144; published by Manuel Bruker on May 16, 1948; lithographs printed by André Clot. Title-page (olive and black): ÉLOGE | DE | ALBERT MARQUET | PAR | LÉON WERTH | ORNÉ | DE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | {publisher’s device} | MANUEL BRUKER ÉDITEUR || Colophon: J'AI ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | CET OUVRAGE LE JOUR DE | LA PENTECOTE 1948 A 200 | EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN | D'ARCHES A LA FORME NU | MÉROTES DE 1 A 200. ON | A JOINT AUX 20 PREMIERS | EXEMPLAIRES UNE SUITE | SUR PAPIER JAPON ANCIEN | ET UNE SUITE DES PLAN | CHES NON UTILISEES. LES | LITHOGRAPHIES ONT ÉTÉ | TIRÉES PAR ANDRÉ CLOT. The day of Pentecost in 1948 was Sunday, May 16. Contributors: Werth, Léon (French, 1878 – 1955) – author Marquet, Albert (French, 1875 – 1947) – artist Bruker, Manuel [Mendel] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1891 – 1979) – publisher Clot, André (French, 1909 – 2002) – printer
  • Description: owner’s quarter green morocco over marbled boards, 21.5 x 16.5 cm, collated 8vo, illustrated with numerous in-text and 5 full-page coloured etchings after drawings by Chas Laborde. Original publisher’s wrappers preserved, enriched with a set of 17 plates in black and white (bound in). Front wrapper (black and red): LÉO LARGUIER | LA POUPÉE | DESSINS DE CHAS LABORDE | {vignette} | COLLECTION | “LA ROSE ET LE LAURIER” | G. BRIFFAUT, Éditeur | 4, RUE DE FURSTENBERG, PARIS || Title-page: LÉO LARGUIER | — | LA POUPÉE | DESSINS DE | CHAS LABORDE | {vignette} | COLLECTION DE | “LA ROSE ET LE LAURIER” | G. BRIFFAUT, Éditeur | 4, RUE DE FURSTENBERG, PARIS (VIe) | M CM XXV || Collation: Three binder’s blanks, 1 front wrapper, 1 blank, 1 h.t./limit., 1 t.p., 1 epigraph, 1-68 74 (last blank), plates within collation, 1 back wrapper, three binder’s blanks, plus 17 leaves of b/w plates. Pagination: not counting wrappers, [6] (h.t., t.p., epigraph) 1-99 [100] [4], ils. Limitation: A print run of 770 copies on April 25, 1925, by Coulouma (Argenteuil) under the direction of H. Barthélemy , of which 10 copies on Japon Impérial (№ 1-10) + one drawing + one b/w suite, 10 copies on Japon Impérial (№ 11-20) + one drawing, 750 copies on Vélin (№ 21-770). This is copy № 1 (on Japon Impérial with b/w suite of plates but without the drawing). Contributors: Léo Larguier (French, 1878 – 1950) – author. Chas Laborde [Charles Laborde] (French, 1886 – 1941) – artist. Georges Briffaut (French, 1886 – 1973) – publisher.
  • Description: Hardcover, 20.5 x 16 cm, contemporary binding, ¾ calf with raised bands over marbled boards in a marbled slipcase, marbled endpapers, original wrappers preserved, t.e.g., gilt lettering to spine. Content: Scapin Maquereau, drame en un acte par M. Albert Glatigny; La grisette et l’étudiant, pièce en un acte par M. Henry Monnier; Le bout de l’an de la noce, parodie du bout de l’an de l’amour de M. Théodore Barrière par MM. Lemercier de Neuville et J. du Boys; Un caprice par Lemercier de Neuville; Les jeux de l’amour et du bazar, comédie de mœurs en un acte par Lemercier de Neuville. Title-page: LE THÉATRE ÉROTIQUE | DE LA RUE DE LA SANTE | {vignette} | PARIS | — | 1932 || Collation: 2 blanks, original front wrapper with blue lettering «LE THÉATRE ÉROTIQUE | DE LA RUE DE LA SANTE», [1]4 (2 blanks, frontis., h.t. / limitation), [2]4 (t.p., f.t.p., 2 leaves of text), 3-184 (incl. 2 blanks), original back wrapper, original spine, 2 blanks; 5 full-page illustrations within collation, 5 original drawings extraneous to collation. Pagination: [4] [1-8] 9-135 [136] [4], ils. Limitation: 20 copies on Japon and 250 copies on Vélin, this is copy № 12. Edition: 1st edition thus, illustrated with 20 stencil-coloured (au pochoir) photogravures, 5 of them full-page after Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan], enriched with 5 full-page original crayon drawings by the same artist. Provenance: Stamp with J.-P. Dutel device to 1st blank leaf. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): 2498, p. 385; Nordmann/Christie’s (2) 515, p. 251 Contributors: Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan, Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970) – artist. Joseph Albert Alexandre Glatigny (French, 1839 – 1873) – author. Henry-Bonaventure Monnier (French, 1799 – 1877) – author. Théodore Barrière (French, 1823 – 1877) – author. Louis Lemercier de Neuville [La Haudussière, Louis Lemercier] (French, 1830 – 1918) – author. Jean Charles Duboys [Du Boys] (French, 1836 – 1873) – author. Original crayon drawings by Rojan:
      Colour prints after Rojan's drawings:
  • Description: Hardcover small 4to, 20.3 x 15.8 cm, contemporary binding, quarter carrot morocco with raised bands over marbled boards, marbled endpapers, original wrappers preserved, gilt lettering to spine. Content: Scapin Maquereau, drame en un acte par M. Albert Glatigny; La grisette et l’étudiant, pièce en un acte par M. Henry Monnier; Le bout de l’an de la noce, parodie du bout de l’an de l’amour de M. Théodore Barrière par MM. Lemercier de Neuville et J. du Boys; Un caprice par Lemercier de Neuville; Les jeux de l’amour et du bazar, comédie de mœurs en un acte par Lemercier de Neuville. Title-page: LE THÉATRE ÉROTIQUE | DE LA RUE DE LA SANTE | {vignette} | PARIS | — | 1932 || Collation: 3 blanks, original front wrapper with black lettering «LE THÉATRE ÉROTIQUE | DE LA RUE DE LA SANTE», [1]4 (2 blanks, frontis., h.t. / limitation), [2]4 (t.p., f.t.p., 2 leaves of text), 3-184 (incl. 2 blanks), original back wrapper, original spine, 3 blanks; 5 full-page illustrations within collation, 3 original watercolours extraneous to collation bound in between 11 and 12 blank leaves. Pagination: [4] [1-8] 9-135 [136] [4], ils. Limitation: 20 copies on Japon and 250 copies on Vélin, this is copy № 201. Edition: 1st edition thus, illustrated with 20 coloured photogravures, 5 of them full-page after Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan], enriched with 3 full-page original watercolours by him. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): 2498, p. 385; Nordmann/Christie’s (2) 515, p. 251 Contributors: Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan, Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970) – artist. Joseph Albert Alexandre Glatigny (French, 1839 – 1873) – author. Henry-Bonaventure Monnier (French, 1799 – 1877) – author. Théodore Barrière (French, 1823 – 1877) – author. Louis Lemercier de Neuville [La Haudussière, Louis Lemercier] (French, 1830 – 1918) – author. Jean Charles Duboys [Du Boys] (French, 1836 – 1873) – author. Original watercolours:
  • Softcover volume, 23.5 x 15 cm, in tan French flapped wrappers with red lettering to front, collated in-4to, in a tan double slipcase 24 x 15 cm with red lettered label to spine, pp.: [1-12] 13-112 [8], total 120 pages, incl. those within wrappers; printed on thick wove paper watermarked “Lafuma Frères”, 5 full-page and 6 half-page illustrations within collation, incl. frontispiece, guard tissue laid in. Title-page (red and black): LE ROMAN | DE | GODEMICHET | ÉPOPÉE | LIBERTINE | ET VÉCUE | composée par un | DESCENDANT D’HERMES | AMI DES MUSES | ÉMULE DE PRIAPE | et illustrée par un | MAITRE DU GENRE | ÉDITÉ POUR LES | AMIS DE L’AUTEUR | A PARIS EN L’AN DE GRACE | MCMXLVIII || Limited edition 200 + XX, this is copy № 175. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2336. Jean Reschofsky (French, 1905 – 1998) – artist.
  • Two volumes in-12, 16.8 x 11.5 cm each, uniformly bound in ¾ red crushed morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, text printed on laid paper, 6 plates (3 in each vol.) on India paper pasted in on thick laid paper leaves. This edition seems similar to Nordmann I 203 but without Félicien Rops' frontispiece and plates, replaced by unsigned etchings attributed to Gustave Staal. Title-page (red and black): LE RICHE DE LA POPELINIÈRE | – | TABLEAUX | DES | MŒURS DU TEMPS | DANS LES DIFFÉRENTS AGES DE LA VIE | – | NOTICE DE | CHARLES MONSELET | – | TOME PREMIER (SECOND) | {fleuron} | PARIS | IMPRIMERIE DES CI-DEVANT FERMIERS GÉNÉRAUX | – | M D CCC L XVII || Vol. 1: π2 (h.t., t.p.) a4 (Notice), 1-1312 151 (Table); total 91 leaves plus three leaves of plates. Pagination: [4] [i] ii-vii [viii] [3] 4-168 [2]; total 182 pp, ils. facing pp. 59, 78, and 94. Vol. 2: π2 (h.t., t.p.), 1-1312, 152; total 88 leaves plus three leaves of plates. Pagination: [4] [1] 2-170 [2]; total 176 pp, ils. facing pp. 74, 78, and 145. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-1044 — without Félicien Rops ‘ornementations’, but with ‘6 gravures de 1865’. Dutel suggests that the edition was performed by A. Poulet-Malassis, Briard or Lécrivain. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 43. LE RICHE DE LA POPELINIÈRE. Tableaux des mœurs du temps dans les diérents âges de la vie, tome premier (— second). Notice de M. Charles Monselet. Imprimerie des ci-devant fermiers généraux, Paris, M D CCC LXVII [A. Poulet-Malassis, 1867]. Exemplaire sans le frontispice de Félicien Rops mais bien complet des 6 figures de Staal, justification qui illustre les aléas de la confection des publications clandestines. D’une part, c’est une autre édition qui est décrite par Launay. L’exemplaire vendu chez Maître Loudmer avait 6 figures, comme ici. Cluzel a vu un “front. et 4 vignettes de Rops plus cinq figures libres (par Staal)”, Simonson a vu 5 figures de Rops, etc., etc. Il y a 3 bandeaux et 3 culs-de-lampe de Rops qui ont été fréquemment utilisés par d’autres éditeurs pour d’autres titres pendant toute la seconde moitié du xixe siècle. La Léonina présente une fiche détaillée sur 4 pages. 3 bandeaux et 3 culs-de-lampe gravés sur bois de Rops. Bibliographie : Pia 1389, Launay 327, Gay 6-308, Pey 122 (1800 frs avec 5 figures), PC 503 et 504, Lemonnyer 3-1173, LL 66, Leonina 81, Nordmann 1-203, Dutel A-1043. Contributors: Alexandre Jean Joseph Le Riche de La Popelinière (French, 1693 – 1762) – author. Charles Monselet (French, 1825 – 1888) – author (foreword). Pierre-Gustave-Eugène Staal (French, 1817 – 1882) – artist. Auguste Poulet-Malassis (French, 1825 – 1878) – publisher.
  • Two volumes in one, 131 x 89 mm, bound in full burgundy morocco, panels ruled with triple gilt fillet, gilt filleted edges, interior gilt dentelle, flat spine with double gilt fillet bands, gilt fleurons in compartments, gilt title label and date at the foot to spine (modern pastiche binding); all edges gilt, marbled endpapers, two bookplates to front pastedown: “MK” and “Ex-libris Yves Refoulé”, the latter drawn by Georges Leone and engraved by Picard. Laid paper with a hardly legible watermark resembles Van Gelder’s beehive. Letterpress head- and tailpieces. Collation 6to: (24mo) t. 1: π3 A-L6 M5; t. 2: χ3 N-Z6 2A6, 2B5, 2 blanks, 100 plates (pl. 32 and 33 is one) within collation, but extraneous to pagination, thus uncounted — pp.: t. 1: [4] 1-48, t. 2: [4] 49-100, total 155 leaves or 310 pages, incl. plates and everything but two binder’s flyleaves at the front and two at the rear. Vigesimo-quarto, 24mo (13 x 9 cm) – typical Cazin’s book format. Title-page: LE | CABINET | DE | LAMPSAQUE, | OU | Choix d'Épigrammes érotiques des plus célebres | Poëtes François. | (in rules) TOME PREMIER/SECOND). | {fleuron putto 1/2} | A PAPHOS. | | 1784. || One hundred figures are executed by burin on a copper plate and attributed to Claude Louis Desrais (French, 1746 – 1816) or some Leclerc, who is unlikely to be Sébastien Leclerc (1637 – 1714), living 100 years earlier. The author of the text is unknown. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen p.197 – provides for 16mo; Dutel № A-171 – provides for 12mo, pagination as 1-50 and 51-100, and mentions the 1st edition in 1744, but does not provide a description of the latter. “Lampsacus was also notable for its worship of Priapus, who was said to have been born there”.
  • Two pieces in one hardcover volume, 200 x 129 boards, 196 x 121 block, bound in full marble calf outlined with triple gilt fillet, gilt filleted edges, dentelle inside, flat spine tooled in gilt with fleurons in compartments, burgundy morocco label lettered in gilt “POT | POURRI”, marbled endpapers, bookplate “MK” to front pastedown, all edges gilt, one flyleaf in the front and one in the rear, 18 engraved plates, incl. two frontispieces by François-Rolland Elluin after Antoine Borel, letterpress tailpieces and frames, printed on laid paper with illegible watermark. Collation: Part 1 (Tentation): h.t.π, t.p.1, + 9 leaves of framed text printed on one side of the leaf – pp. 2-9 on verso, p. 10 on recto, followed by 4 leaves of musical notation printed on both sides (numbered 1-8), i.e. 15 leaves, plus engraved frontispiece and 8 plates, unsigned. Text attributed to Michel-Jean Sedaine. Part 2 (Pot-pourri): h.t.π, t.p.1, + 9 leaves of framed text printed on one side of the leaf – p. 2 on recto, pp. 3-10 on verso, 1 leaf “FIN”  followed by 6 leaves of musical notation printed on both sides (pp. 1-12, number 11 upside down), i.e. 18 leaves, plus engraved frontispiece (t.p.) and 8 plates, unsigned. Text attributed to Antoine-Alexandre-Henri Poinsinet (1735-1769) Seller’s note: In-8, veau porphyre, encadrement de triple filet dorée sur les plats, dos lisse orné, pièce de titre en maroquin bordeaux, coupes filetées, tranches dorées (Reliure de l’époque). Faux-titre, titre-frontispice, 10 ff., 8 gravures, 8 pp. de musique gravée ; Faux-titre, titre- frontispice, 10 ff., [1 f.], 8 gravures, 12 pp. de musique gravée. Même édition que la précédente, imprimée sur vergé. Menus frottements à la reliure, taches éparses. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen de Ricci p. 948; Dutel A № A-1049. Contributors : Michel-Jean Sedaine (French, 1719 – 1797) Antoine-Alexandre-Henri Poinsinet [le jeune] (French, 1735 – 1769) François-Rolland Elluin (French, 1745 – 1810) Antoine Borel (French, 1743 – 1810)