  • Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige II (二代目 歌川広重] (Japanese, 1826 – 1869). Signed: Hiroshige ga. Publisher: Iseya Sōemon [伊勢屋惣右衛門] (Japanese, c. 1776 – 1862); seal: Hanmoto, Ue [板元 上] (Marks 19-047 | 156d). Combined date seal and kiwame censor seal: Bunkyū 2 (1862) Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e, 団扇絵), 230 x 296 mm.
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    Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige III [三代目 歌川 広重] (Japanese, 1842/3 – 1894); other names: Andō Tokubei [安藤徳兵]. Signed: Hiroshige hitsu. Publisher: Ebiya Rinnosuke [海老屋林之助] (Japanese, fl. c. 1832–1895); also known as Ueki Rinnosuke [植木林之助]; Seal name: 海老林 (Ebirin); Marks: 21-017 | 040b Date: No seal. Media: 団扇絵 (uchiwa-e, fan print), 233 × 290 mm Title: Famous Places of Tokyo: Horikiri Irises (Tōkyō Meisho Horikiri Shōbu) [東京名所 堀切菖蒲]

    Two elegantly dressed women stand on a veranda overlooking the Horikiri iris fields. The woman on the right, wearing a blue kimono decorated with ducks and waves, gestures with both hands in a manner suggesting she is describing something tall—perhaps emphasizing the impressive height of the irises below. The woman on the left, dressed in a kimono featuring a stream and blossoms at the bottom and bats at the upper part, is sitting on the veranda’s barrier, gazing at the bystanders in the field below.

    A teapot, two cups, and a red folding fan are arranged on the veranda, suggesting that the women have been enjoying a relaxing moment. Red-and-white lanterns hang from the structure while a pine tree extends nearby, framing the upper left of the scene.

    Below, the iris field is in full bloom, with enormous irises creating a vibrant display. A worker, distinguishable by his traditional blue attire and round straw hat (sugegasa, 菅笠), tends to the plants. Three men in European-style Meiji-era outfits stand on a path running along the iris field—one holds an umbrella, while all three carry swords, signalling their status. One of them gestures toward the women, possibly in admiration or conversation.

    In the background, distant hills, village rooftops, and haystacks stretch across the horizon. The sky transitions in a striking gradient from deep red to blue, a feature of Meiji-era prints. This red pigment, often called bengara (紅殻, iron oxide red) or aniline red, was commonly used in Meiji-era woodblock prints to enhance atmospheric effects and convey dusk or early evening settings.

    The house in this print could be a place of entertainment, catering to well-off visitors who enjoyed the irises, drinks, and possibly geisha company or courtesan services. While Horikiri was not as famous as Yoshiwara, its beautiful surroundings and teahouses made it an ideal place for refined leisure—sometimes with an implicit erotic element.

    Utagawa Hiroshige III. Thirty-six Views of Modern Tokyo: Irises at Horikiri.

  • Kominato in Awa province (Bōshū Kominato) [房州小淡] – one of five fan prints in the series Famous places in the Bōsō peninsula (Bōsō meisho) [房粉名所], devoted to the trip undertaken by Hiroshige in 1852 to Bōsō peninsula (present-day Chiba prefecture). “Two fashionably dressed women beside the veranda of a wayside inn gaze out over Uchiura Bay toward the Tanjō Temple on the far shore as a boat sets out to the sea from the fishing hamlet of Kominato. …Hiroshige’s viewpoint is from the lower slopes of Mount Kiyosumi” (Izzard, 2020). Reference: (1) [LIB-2398.2020] Sebastian Izzard. Important Japanese Prints 1830–1860 March 14–20, 2020 exhibition, №. 52. (2) Christophe Marquet. Hiroshige: Les éventails d'Edo / Estampes de la collection Georges Leskowicz. — Paris: In fine, 2022, № 30, p. 94. ArtistUtagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858). SignedHiroshige ga [広重 画] in a red cartouche. Publisher: Iseya Ichiemon 伊勢屋市右衛門] (Japanese, c. 1823 – 1864); seal Kaku-Tsuji 角辻 / Marks 16-023|143a. Date seal and double nanushi censor seal: Mera & Watanabe [米良 & 波邊]; Kaei 5, 12th month of the year of the Rat (1852). Dimensions: Fan print (Aiban yoko-e uchiwa-e); 225 x 292 mm.
  • The Bay of Kuroto in Kazusa province [Kazusa Kuroto no ura]  – an uncut fan print showing "Three women, wearing stylish cotton summer robes are shown in a skiff, admiring the view of Mount Fuji while looking back at the other passengers being helped into small boats". From the series: Views of famous places in the provinces [Shokoku meisho zue]. Ref: Sebastian Izzard. Important Japanese Prints 1830–1860 March 14–20, 2020 exhibition [LIB-2398.2020], №. 53. Not in Faulkner's Hiroshige Fan Prints, however, there are three other prints from the series, under № 95, 96 and 97 on p. 95. Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858). Publisher: Iseya Sōemon [伊勢屋惣右衛門] (Japanese, c. 1776 – 1862). Date seal: 2/1855 Signed: Hiroshige ga. Censor's seal: aratame (certified) and date. Publisher's seal: Iseya Sōemon. Size: Aiban yoko-e uchiwa-e; 22.9 x 29.8 cm
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画] in a red toshidama cartouche. Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869). Block carver: Yokokawa Takejirō [横川竹二郎] (Japanese, fl. 1845 – 1863); seal Hori Take [彫竹]. Double nanushi censor seals: Mera & Murata (1847-50). Title: Cool Breeze on Tenpōzan Hill in Naniwa [浪花天保山の涼] (Naniwa Tenpōzan no ryō). An uncut fan print (uchiwa-e), depicting a gentleman (most probably kabuki actor Nakamura Utaemon IV) holding a pipe with the view of Tenpōzan Hill [天保山] in Naniwa (Osaka) in the background. A distinctive structure on the left is the Sumiyoshi Lantern [住吉高灯篭] (Sumiyoshi takadōrō), which was destroyed by a typhoon in 1950. The character 翫 – moteasobu – on the gentleman’s robe means "take pleasure, play an instrument". Nakamura Utaemon IV [中村歌右衛門] (Japanese, 1796 – 1852); other names: Nakamura Shikan II, Nakamura Tsurusuke I, Nakamura Tōtarō. The character is visually similar to a gentleman drinking tea on a veranda under the shining moon from the series ‘Moon, Sun, Stars’ [月日星] (Getsu hi hoshi), see SVJP-0211-1.2016: The Moon. Utagawa Kunisada. Fan print triptych. Jitsu getsu sei no uchi. Moon. Circa 1850. As noted by Horst Graebner, the gentleman also resembles the character on another Kunisada's actor print, published in 1852 (Waseda University Cultural Resources Database № 114-0232):    
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    Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi (歌川国芳) (1797–1861) Signed: Ichiyūsai Kuniyoshi ga (一勇齋國芳画) with kiri seal Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, fl. c. 1815 – 1869); seal san (三) in a circle Censor Seal: aratame (改) Date Seal: tatsu, ni (辰 弍) — 2nd month of the Year of the Dragon, Ansei 3 (2/1856) Block Carver: Yokokawa Takejirō (横川竹二郎) (fl. 1845–1863); seal: 彫竹 (hori Take) Media: Rigid fan print (Aiban Yoko-e Uchiwa-e, 合判横絵 団扇絵), 227 × 286 mm Series: Images of Sansen (三川圖會, Sansen zue), or The Three Rivers Illustrated The print depicts a summer scene along Tatekawa, or Takegawa (竪川), a canal running east-west along the east bank of the Sumida River (隅田川) in Edo (Tokyo). In the background, boats are seen floating on the Sumida River, likely engaged in yūsuzumi (夕涼み, evening cool-off), a popular summer pastime during the Edo period. In the foreground, a woman dressed in a deep blue kimono with red underlayers and a red obi sits inside a riverside establishment. A towel rests on her arms as she reaches for a sliced watermelon. Her hair is styled with decorative hairpins, a comb, and a red ribbon. She is positioned against a bamboo railing that opens onto the river, framing the distant bridge and water traffic. Inscription in the red cartouche to the left of the woman's head: Sansen zue, Tate kawa; 三川圖會 竪川 [reformed writing: 三川図会] [furigana: さんせん づゑ] The print belongs to the series Images of Sansen (三川圖會, Sansen zue), which depicts scenes along three Edo waterways: Fukagawa (深川), Tatekawa (竪川), and Miyatogawa (宮戸川) (see Kuniyoshi Project):
    "This series of uchiwa (non-folding fan prints) is listed in Kuniyoshi by Basil William Robinson (Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1961) as number 99". On p. 45 it is listed as: Sansen dzuye (Tategawa). The Three Rivers Illustrated. Women's heads. Fan Prints. (3)

    Fukagawa (深川); 1st month of 1856

    Miyatogawa (宮戸川) ; 2nd month of 1856

    [Thanks to Horst Graebner of Kunisada Project]
  • Artist: Veronica Miller attributes the drawing to Utagawa Sadahide [歌川 貞秀] (Japanese, 1807 – 1879), also known as Gountei Sadahide [五雲亭 貞秀]. A preparatory drawing for a fan print depicts two women raking pine needles along the scenic beach at Harima. Inscription at top right "Maiko Beach in Harima" (Harima Maiko no Hama) [播磨 舞子濱], which is now located in Hyōgo Prefecture. The view must be of the Akashi Strait, looking towards Awaji Island. Drawn on thin hanshita paper, mounted lightly at the top to a backing paper, but unbacked. Size: 240 x 319 mm. Attribution to Sadahide based on his design titled "Suma Bay: Matsukaze and Murasame" (see below): See also Maiko Beach, Harima Province, from the series Views of Famous Places in the Sixty-Odd Provinces    
  • Mikhail Belomlinsky. Born 1934, Russia. Helicopter. Watercolor painting on paper from Chukotka expedition, 1975. Size: 36 x 48 cm.
  • Mikhail Belomlinsky. Born 1934, Russia. Village, dogs. Watercolor painting on paper from Chukotka expedition, 1975. Size: 36 x 48 cm.