NEWSoftcover, 193 x 252 mm, pictorial wrappers, lettered, 24 leaves numbered on recto 2-23 with 23 photogravures after Charles Castellani and advertisement to verso. Front wrapper: (ribbon) EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE 1889 | ESPLANADE • DES • INVALIDES • | — | PANORAMA | LE | ”TOVT – PARIS” | peint par | Ch. Castellani | — || Title-page: (in frame) PANORAMA | LE | “TOUT – PARIS” | PEINT PAR | CH. CASTELLANI || Ref: BNF, département Estampes et photographie, 4-NA-62; Getty Research Institute Accession Number 2623-796. Contributors: Charles Castellani (French, 1838 – 1913) Arents, Pierre-Marie (Belgian, 1842 – 1916) Characters: Fouquier, Henry (French, 1838 – 1901) Bernhardt, Sarah [Bernard, Henriette-Rosine] (French, 1844 – 1923) Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie, Comte de (French, 1805 – 1894) Clemenceau, Georges (French, 1841 – 1929) Troubetzkoy, Pyotr Petrovich, Prince (French, 1822 – 1892) Shah Qajar, Naser al-Din (Persian, 1831 – 1896) Floquet, Charles (French, 1828 – 1896) Marinoni, Hippolyte Auguste (French, 1823 – 1904) Charcot, Jean-Martin (French, 1825 – 1893) Poupart-Davyl Louis (French, 1835 – 1890) Eiffel, Gustave (French, 1832 – 1923) Grévy, Jules (French, 1807 – 1891) Zola, Émile (French, 1840 – 1902) Granier de Cassagnac, Paul (French, 1843 – 1904) Claretie, Jules Arsène Arnaud (French, 1840 – 1913) Rochefort, Victor Henri, Marquis de Rochefort-Luçay (French, 1831 – 1913) Pasteur, Louis (French, 1822 – 1895) Broglie, Albert, duc de (French, 1821 – 1901) Gounod, Charles (French, 1818 – 1893) Dumas fils, Alexandre (French, 1824 – 1895) Ferry, Jules (French, 1932 – 1893) Pyat, Félix (French, 1810 – 1889) Loti, Pierre (French, 1850 – 1923) Michel, Louise (French, 1830 – 1905) Péan, Jules-Émile (French, 1830 – 1898) among others.
NEWSoftcover, 228 x 155 mm, embossed geometrical diaper pink French flapped wrappers with black and orange lettering to front; collated 8vo: 1-108, i.e. 80 leaves, pp.: [4] [1-4] 5-152 [4], plus 12 colour plates; woodcut t.p. vignette, head- and tailpieces in sanguine. Text printed on wove paper watermarked Marais, untrimmed, some leaves uncut; colour illustrations produced by half-tone relief photo reproduction technique and printed on thinner paper without a watermark. Colouring is most probably made by hand. Besides the presence of the platemarks, micro-photo reveals clear signs of the half-tone relief photomechanical reproduction method: Title-page (red and black): SPADDY | COLETTE | OU | LES AMUSEMENTS DE BON TON | ROMAN | {vignette} | A SAINT – CLOUD | AU TEMPLE DE CYTHÈRE || Limitation: CE ROMAN, EDITÉ POUR DES AMATEURS ET | NON MIS DANS LE COMMERCE, A ETÉ TIRÉ | A 250 EXEMPLAIRES, SUR VELIN PUR FIL | DU MARAIS, NUMÉROTÉS A LA PRESSE. | Cet exemplaire porte le No 49 Catalogue Raisonné: Dutel III № 1254: second edition with reproduction plates, published in 1939. The 1st edition with the original plates after Bécat was published in c. 1938. Honesterotica.com:
Colette, ou les amusements de bon ton (Colette, Good Time Amusements) was an important early commission from Bécat by the master clandestine publisher Maurice Duflou, to complement a text bordering on the outrageous by Johannès Gros…
Contributors: Spaddy [Johannès Gros] (French, 18.. – 1937) – author Maurice Duflou (French, 1885 – 1947) – publisher Paul-Émile Bécat (French, 1885 – 1960) – artist -
Hardcover, 20.8 x 13.2 cm; publisher's original green cloth with black and gilt lettering to front and spine; pictorial endpapers. Gift ms inscription from Irina Komarova to Yury and Elvina Varshavsky to front free endpaper's verso: "Прослышав, что теперь для Юры / Нет ничего милей гравюры, / Литературу я отныне / Дарю из принципа Эльвине! / И. / Февраль 86". Pp.: [2] 3-477 [3], collation 16mo: 1-1516 (total 240 leaves) plus portrait frontispiece. Title-page: Джон Фаулз | ПОДРУГА | ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО | ЛЕЙТЕНАНТА | РОМАН | Перевод с английского | М. Беккер и И. Комаровой | под редакцией Н. Рахмановой | {vignette} | {publisher’s device} | ЛЕНИНГРАД | «ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА» | ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ• 1985 || T.p. verso: […] | JOHN FOWLES | THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN | Вступительная статья А. ДОЛИНИНА | Примечания М. БЕККЕР | Оформление художников | Н. ВАСИЛЬЕВА и Э. КАПЕЛЮША | […] || Contributors: Беккер, Мэри Иосифовна (Russian, 1920 – 2010) Комарова, Ирина Бенедиктовна (Russian, b. 1933) Рахманова, Наталия Леонидовна (Russian, b. 1930)
Hardcover volume, 20.2 x 14.5 cm, aubergine cloth, gilt lettering and publisher’s device to spine, aubergine top edge, aubergine dust jacket with gilt lettering and black fleuron to front, gilt lettering and black fleuron and publisher’s device to spine, and a captioned photographic portrait to back, blurb text to flaps, price ”35s net | in U.K. only” unclipped; pictorial endpapers. Pp.: [1-8] 9-445 [446] [2], collation: A-O16, total 224 leaves. Title-page (in oval frame): JOHN FOWLES | THE | FRENCH | LIEUTENANT'S | WOMAN | — | Every emancipation is a restoration of the human | world and of human relationships to man himself. | MARX, Zur Judenfrage (1844) | JONATHAN CAPE | THIRTY BEDFORD SQUARE | LONDON || Contributors: John Fowles (British, 1926 – 2005) – author. Herbert Jonathan Cape (British, 1879 – 1960) – publisher. Ebenezer Baylis & Son, Ltd. (f. 1858) – printer. The Trinity Press – printer.
Publisher’s olive French flapped wrappers, in-4to, 33 x 25.3 x 6 cm, green and black lettering to front and spine, in a glassine dust jacket, in a marbled double slipcase 34.5 x 25.5 cm, unbound; pp.: [8] 1-436 [4], plus 30 colour plates with guard tissue, extraneous to collation; edition enriched with a set of 30 uncoloured etchings with guard tissue in a lettered paper folder. Title-page: ÉMILE ZOLA | NANA | ILLUSTRÉ DE | TRENTE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | DE | VERTÈS |◾| PARIS | JAVAL ET BOURDEAUX | 44 bis, rue de Villejust | 1933 || Justification du tirage: il a été tiré de «Nana » d'Émile Zola. Soixante exemplaires sur japon impérial, numérotés de 1 a 60, avec un état en couleurs colorié a la main et un état en noir des trente gravures originales de Vertès. [Edition limited to 60 copies, this is copy № 54]. Colophon: « NANA », D'ÉMILE ZOLA, ÉTÉ ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER LE TRENTE AVRIL MIL NEUF CENT TRENTE-TROIS, EN CARACTÈRES ROMAIN ANGLAIS DU CORPS 16, SUR LES PRESSES DU MAITRE IMPRIMEUR COULOUMA, À ARGENTEUIL, H. BARTHÉLEMY, DIRECTEUR. LES COMPOSITIONS DE VERTÈS ONT ÉTÉ REPRODUITES EN FAC-SIMILÉ PAR D. JACOMET & Cie. Printed on April 30, 1933 by Coulouma in Argenteuil, H. Barthélemy, director; illustrations reproduced in facsimile by D. Jacomet & Co. Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer 30. Contributors: Émile Zola (French, 1840 – 1902) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Javal et Bourdeaux – publisher. Daniel Jacomet (French, 1894 – 1966) – printer. Seller's description: Nana. Paris, Javal et Bourdeaux, 1933. 2 volumes in-4, en feuilles, non coupé, non rogné, chemise et étui. Ouvrage illustré de 30 gravures originales en couleurs de Marcel Vertès. Tirage à 60 exemplaires sur japon impérial contenant un état des illustrations coloriées à la main en couleurs et un état en noir. Chemise et emboîtage insolés.
Hardcover volume, 18.2 x 11.8 cm, bound in quarter black polished calf with gilt lettering “cartonnage romantique” design to spine, marbled boards, matching marbled endpapers, blue margins. Title-page: SCÈNES | DE LA BOHÊME | PAR | HENRY MURGER | {publisher’s device ML} | PARIS | MICHEL LÉVY FRÈRES, LIBRAIRES-ÉDITEURS | RUE VIVIENNE, 2 bis. | 1851 || Half-title: ŒUVRES | D’HENRY MURGER || Advertisement: Chez le même Éditeurs. | BIBLIOTHEQUE CONTEMPORAINE | (page of text) || Collation: π2 (h.t/advert., t.p. / blank), 1-33 (17)12, χ6; total 212 leaves without ffls (3 front, 2 back). Pagination: [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-xiii [xiv blank], [1] 2-406; total 424 pages. Scènes de la bohême, in later editions Scènes de la vie de bohème. Translations: Into English: LIB-2719.2021. Henri Murger. The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. (Scènes de la vie de Bohême) / Translated from the French. — London: Vizetelly & Co., 1883. Into German: LIB-2686.2021. Henri Murger. Die Bohème : Szenen aus dem Pariser Künstlerleben. — Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1906. Into Russian: LIB-3182.2023. А. Мюрже. Сцены из жизни богемы / Пер. с франц. и прим. Е. А. Гунста; вст. ст. С. И. Великовского; художник Н. А. Кравченко. — М.: Художественная литература, 1963. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – author.
Hardcover volume, 17.2 x 13.6 cm, bound in grey cloth with colour design elements and black and gilt lettering to front cover and spine, pp: [1-4] 5-455 [456]; collated 8vo: 1-228, 23-2410, 25-288; total 228 leaves. Frontispiece and headpieces – woodcuts by Н. А. Кравченко. Bookplate “EX LIBRIS | Д. И. Ривкиной” to front pastedown. Half-title: ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЙ | ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | Москва 1963 || Title-page: А. МЮРЖЕ | СЦЕНЫ | ИЗ | ЖИЗНИ | БОГЕМЫ | {lyre} | Перевод с французского | Е. А. ГУНСТА || Title-page verso: HENRY MURGER | SCÈNES | de la | VIE DE BOHÈME | 1851 | Редактор перевода | Е. Н. БИРУКОВА | Вступительная статья | С. И. ВЕЛИКОВСКОГО | Примечания | Е. А. ГУНСТА | Художник | Н. А. КРАВЧЕНКО || Print run: 50,000 copies. Сцены из жизни богемы [Scènes de la vie de bohème]; First edition: Henry Murger. Scènes de la bohême. — Paris: M. Lévy frères, 1851 [LIB-2732.2021]. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – original text (French). Евгений Анатольевич Гунст (Russian, 1901 – 1983) – translation, commentary. Самарий Израилевич Великовский (Russian, 1931 – 1990) – foreword. Наталья Алексеевна Кравченко (Russian, 1916 – 2017) – atrist. Д. И. Ривкина – provenance.
Small softcover volume, ‘édition minuscule’ in-32, 13 x 8 cm, publisher’s wrappers, pp.: [1-6] (h.t., t.p., advert.), [7] 8-160 [2 table/blank], included in pagination 8 pasted etchings on India paper after Félicien Rops and one blank leaf next to plate 1; laid paper with watermarks, some pages uncut. Title-page: DOCUMENTS | POUR SERVIR A L’HISTOIRE DE NOS MŒURS | – | LES | BAS-FONDS | DE LA SOCIÉTÉ | PAR | HENRY MONNIER | AVEC | 8 dessins à la plume | de F. R. | {fleuron} | ÉDITION MINUSCULE | tirée | à 64 exemplaires. || Pencil handwriting on top: 8 gravures de Felicien Rops | 250 –, in the bottom: [1879]. Print run: 64 copies; clandestine edition. Catalogue raisonné: Vicaire V, 1019; Bory p. 100 (though here is the frontispiece for Les Bas-fonds de la société par Joseph Prudhomme [Henry Monnier], 1864, with all the sheets together; Dutel I, A-134. Ref: (1) Poulet-Malassis & ses amis № 90 [LIB-3118.2022] ; (2) Félicien Rops: L'oeuvre graphique complète. / Ouvrage établi et présenté par Jean-François Bory. Avec un texte contemporain de l'artiste par J. K. Huysmans. — Arthur Hubschmidt, 1977. [LIB-2241.2019] Contributors: Henry Monnier (French, 1799 – 1877) – author. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist. Henry Kistemaeckers (Belgian, 1851 – 1934) – publisher. Auguste Poulet-Malassis (French, 1825 – 1878)
Two volumes 23.2 x 15.6 cm, uniformly bound in full polished calf by Riviere and Son (signed on fep verso), boards with triple gilt fillet border, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt-lettered labels; dark blue endpapers, armorial bookplate of William Jennings with the motto “Honor Virtutis Premium” to front pastedown. Vol. 1: THE | ENGLISH SPY: | An Original Work | CHARACTERISTIC, SATIRICAL, AND | HUMOROUS. | COMPRISING | SCENES AND SKETCHES IN EVERY RANK OF SOCIETY, | BEING | PORTRAITS | OF THE | Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious. | DRAWN FROM THE LIFE | BY BERNARD BLACKMANTLE. | THE ILLUSTRATIONS | DESIGNED BY | ROBERT CRUIKSHANK. | {vignette w/inscription: ‘By Frolic, Mirth, and Fancy gay, | Old Father Time is borne away.’ | — | LONDON : | PUBLISHED BY SHERWOOD, JONES, AND CO. | PATERNOSTER-ROW. | – | 1825. || Collation: [a]8 b4 B-H8 I4 K2 L-Z8 2A-2E8 2F3; total 221 leaves Pagination: [i-iii] iv-xxiii [xxiv] [1-3] 4-417 [418]; total 442 pages. Illustrations: 35 coloured plates, 1 uncoloured plate, and 29 woodcuts in text, incl vignette on title, all but four by Robert Cruikshank, 1 by G. M.B rightly (p. 335), 1 by T. Wageman (p. 413), and 2 by T. Rowlandson (pp. 411 and 416) Vol. 2: THE | ENGLISH SPY: | An Original Work | CHARACTERISTIC, SATIRICAL, AND | HUMOROUS. | COMPRISING | SCENES AND SKETCHES IN EVERY RANK OF SOCIETY, | BEING | PORTRAITS | OF THE | Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious. | DRAWN FROM THE LIFE | BY BERNARD BLACKMANTLE. | THE ILLUSTRATIONS | DESIGNED BY | ROBERT CRUIKSHANK. | — | VOL. II. | — | {vignette w/inscription: ‘By Frolic, Mirth, and Fancy gay, | Old Father Time is borne away.’ | — | LONDON : | PUBLISHED BY SHERWOOD, GILBERT, AND PIPER, | PATERNOSTER-ROW. | – | 1826. || Collation: [A]-Z8 2A-2C8; total 208 leaves. [i-iii] iv-xv [xvi] [1-3] 4-399 [400]; total 416 pages. Illustrations: 36 coloured plates and 25 woodcuts in text. Catalogue raisonné: Martin-Hardie pp. 191-2; Tooley pp. 266-9; Abbey 325, pp.272-4 (see reflections regarding the ‘first issue’). Contributors: Charles Molloy Westmacott (British, c. 1788 – 1868) – author. Isaac Robert Cruikshank (British, 1789 – 1856) – artist, engraver. G. M. Brightly (British, fl. 1809 – 1827) – artist, engraver. Thomas Charles Wageman (British, 1787-1868) – artist, engraver Thomas Rowlandson (British, 1757 – 1827) – artist. Thomas Davison (British, 1794 – 1826) – printer. Sherwood, Jones, and Co. (London) – publisher. Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper (London) – publisher. William Jennings – provenance
Album in-folio of 13 lithographs by Marcel Vertès, incl. title-page, each in a passe-partout 41.5 x 31.7 cm with 33.0 x 23.0 cm window, printed on wove paper sheets 38.0 x 28.0 cm and crayon-coloured by the artist; graphite pencil drawings by Marcel Vertès on the lower-right corner of each passe-partout; all in a buckram-backed flapped folder, signed ‘AT BOICHOT’, with an uncoloured title-page lithograph on front cover. Edition limited to 100 copies on Chine (№№ 1-100) and 900 on Vélin (№№ 1 to 900); this is a copy № 22 (Vélin), unique as enhanced by the artist. Double-folio leaf 41 x 31 cm with text by Pierre Mac-Orlan. These lithographs, uncoloured, were used in Pierre Mac-Orlan. Les jeux du demi-jour / avec douze lithographies de Vertès. — Paris: Les arts et le livre, 1926 [LIB-2893.2021]. Lithographed title-page: MAISONS.... | {vignette} | DOUZE LITHOGRAPHIES ORIGINALES | PAR | VERTÈS | ÉDITIONS PELLET ~ PARIS || Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer: № 5, p. 7; Nordmann (1): 423, p. 267. Contributors: Pierre Mac-Orlan (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Gustave Pellet (1859 – 1919) – publisher. Thomas Boichot – bookbinder. Description by J.-P. Dutel: MAC ORLAN Pierre. VERTES Marcel. MAISONS... Douze lithographies originales. Paris, Editions Pellet, [1925]. In-folio (410 x 310 mm) de [4] ff. et 13 lithographies sous passe-partout dont un titre. Chemise en demi-soienoire, premier plat illustré de la même lithographie que celle utilisée pour le titre (AT Boichot). TIRAGE : 100 albums sur chine avant la signature gravée, chaque planche signée. 900 albums sur vélin. :Un des 900 albums sur vélin (n° 22). EXEMPLAIRE UNIQUE DANS LEQUEL LES 13 LITHOGRAPHIES ONT ÉTÉCOLORIÉES AUX CRAYONS DE COULEURS PAR VERTÈS. DE PLUS, CHAQUE PASSE-PARTOUT COMPORTE EN BAS À DROITE UN CROQUIS ORIGINAL À LA MINE DE PLOMB CORRESPONDANT À UNE VERSION PLUS LIBRE DELA LITHO.
One volume collated 8vo, 19 x 14 cm, bound in black alligator leather. Front wrapper (green) / title-page (white): A female figure smoking a pipe next to a beer mug, reclining over an arch ring lettered “…VERSITÉ” (UNI… not shown), her dress ribbon lettered “MUSA STUDIORUM”, holding a book lettered “SCIENTIA”; within the arch « ALMANACH | CROCODILIEN | DÉDIÉ | AUX ÉTUDIANTS BELGES. | BIBLIOTHÈQUE | DE LA JEUNESSE MUSULMANE. »; below lies a book lettered “1856.”, next to it is a smoking skull; three male figures embracing the arch columns. Half-title: ALMANACH CROCODILIEN | POUR | L’ANNÉE BISSEXTILE, MAIS NÉANMOINS DE GRACE | 1856. || Pagination: [1-5] 6-14 [15-41] 42-134 [137] 138, total 136 pages within the wrappers, original publisher's green wrappers preserved, carte de visite ‘Félicien Rops, Étudiant’ and pink invitation card № 129 for ‘Bal des femmes’ on March 19, 1892 at ‘Fête annuelle du Courier Français’ bound in; in-text woodcuts, initials, head- and tail-pieces after Félicien Rops. Bookplate “Ex Libris Marcellus Schlimovich” with motto “Ars naturam adiuvat” on front pastedown. Stamp of the "Sociedad Hebraica Argentina / Coleccion M. Schlimovich / Varios / No. 2-492” to half-title. Pencil inscription to half-title: "Ex. Félicien Rops" – possibly an own copy of the artist. Collation: π2 1-88 92, total 68 leaves within wrappers. Printer: Typ. de J. Vanbuggenhoudt (Bruxelles). Sociedad Hebraica Argentina; Marcelo Schlimovich (Argentine-Jewish, ca. 1880 – 1960) – provenance. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist.
Russian translation of Louis-Sébastien Mercier. Tableau de Paris (1781). First edition, thus. Two volumes, 19.5 x 14 cm, uniformly bound in blue cloth with dark blue vignette to front cover and lettering to spine, in pictorial dust jacket; pp. vol. I: [I-VI] VII-LIII [LIV] [2] [2] 3-565 [566] [2]; collated 8vo: [I]-III8, IV4, [1]-358 364; total 312 leaves (624 pages) plus repro engraved frontispiece and 21 plates; vol 2: [1-10] 11-492 [4], collated 8vo: [1]-318; total 248 leaves (496 pages) plus 29 plates. Design by Н. В. Кузьмин. Title-page (black and red): ЛУИ-СЕБАСТЬЯН МЕРСЬЕ | КАРТИНЫ ПАРИЖА | Перевод В. А. Барбашевой | Редакция и комментарии | Е. А. Гунста | Статья Ц. Фридлянда | ТОМ ПЕРВЫЙ (ВТОРОЙ) | ACADEMIA | 1935(6) || Opposite t.p. (black and red): ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | ЛУИ-СЕБАСТЬЯН МЕРСЬЕ | 1740—1814 | ACADEMIA | Москва—Ленинград || T.p. verso: LOUIS-SÉBASTIEN MERCIER | TABLEAU DE PARIS | 1781 | Супер-обложка и переплет | Н. В. Кузьмина || Print run: 5,300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова 747 (vol. 1), 838 (vol. 2). Contributors: Louis-Sébastien Mercier (French, 1740 – 1814) – author. Барбашева, Вера Александровна (Russian, 1875 – 1943) – translator. Гунст, Евгений Анатольевич (Russian, 1901 – 1983) – editor, comments. Фридлянд, Цви [Григорий Самойлович] (Russian-Jewish, 1897 – 1937) – author (preface). Kuzmin, Nikolai Vasilievich [Кузьмин, Николай Васильевич] (Russian, 1890 – 1987) – artist.
Artist: Utagawa Yoshitsuya [歌川 芳艶] (Japanese, 1822 – 1866). Publisher: Kojimaya Jūbei [小島屋重兵衛] (Japanese, c. 1797 – 1869). Date seal and double nanushi censor seals: Kunigasa & Yoshimura, Kōka 5 (1849). Signed: Ichieisai Yoshitsuya ga [英斎芳艶画] in a red double gourd cartouche. Two men are fishing with a net off the coast of Shinagawa, in the Edo Bay.
Description: one volume, 31.3 x 23.8 cm, bound in crimson cloth with gilt lettering to spine, in a pictorial dust jacket, lettered to front: GEISHA | {image} | Beyond | the | Painted | Smile | {image} || Title-page: GEISHA | Beyond | the | Painted | Smile | edited by the | Peabody Essex | Museum | published by | George Braziller, Inc. | in association with the | Peabody Essex Museum || Pagination: 1-159 [160], ils. Contributors: Lisa Dalby, Lesley Downer, Arthur Golden, Peter M. Grilli, Money L. Hickman, Allen Hockley, Andrew L. Maske, Yoko Yamamoto.
Description: One volume in grey-blue French flapped wrapper, 24 x 16.7 cm, collated 8vo, with black and red lettering to front cover, printed on watermarked thick wove paper Alfax Navarre, margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, illustrated with 12 aquatint plates signed Le Loup. Front wrapper and title (red and black): RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE | L'ANTI-JUSTINE | OU | LES DÉLICES DE L' AMOUR | Nouvelle édition entièrement revue et corrigée, | établie pour la première fois sur le texte original de 1798. | PRÉCÉDÉE D'UNE NOTICE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE | par HELPEY | bibliographe poitevin | {device} | ILE SAINT-LOUIS | DE L’IMPRIMERIE DE Monsieur Nicolas. Limitation: Printed 350 copies, numbered 1-350, on alfax paper; this copy is № 256. Collation: 1-158 166, incl. the 1st and last leaves within the wrappers, total 126 leaves plus 12 plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [4 blank] [1-4] 5-243 [244 blank] [4 blank], total 252 pages, ils. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1025, p. 45. Ref.: Danson Erotica Collection at Trinity College, Oxford – KK.6.33. Contributors: Nicolas Edmé Restif de la Bretonne (French, 1734 – 1806) – author. Louis Perceau [Helpey] (French, 1883 – 1942) – author. Maurice Henri Hector Duflou (French, 1885 – 1951) – publisher. The artist – Le Loup – unidentified.
Description: Six softcover volumes, collated in-4to, 14.3 x 10 cm in publisher’s lettered wrappers; printed on laid paper; series "Les petits mémoires de Paris" illustrated with 23 out of 24 etchings by Henri Boutet: (I) Les coulisses de l’amour; (II) Rues et Intérieurs; (III) Le carnet d’un suiveur; (IV) Le petits métiers; (V) Les nuits de Paris; (VI) Toutes les bohêmes. Vol. I: Cream cover, lettered black and red in a black frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | I | Les Coulisses de l’Amour | {vignette brown Notre-Dame de Paris} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON l’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCCCVIII» in the bottom. Edition not stated. [1-8] ( 7 marked 1) 9-125 [3] contents, colophon; h.t. uncut from 1st blank, three original etchings instead of four (one missing?), incl. frontispiece. Colophon: IMPRIMÉ PAR SOINS | DE LA | SOCIÉTÉ TYPOGRAPHIQUE | DE | CHATEAUDUN || Back wrapper blank. Vol. II: Mint-green cover, lettered black and red in a black frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | II | Rues et Intérieurs | {vignette brown Notre-Dame de Paris} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON l’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCCCIX» in the bottom. Edition not stated. [1-6] 7-125 [2] contents, colophon (same as in Vol. I); h.t. uncut from 1st blank, four original etchings, incl. frontispiece. Back wrapper blank. Vol. III: Cream cover, lettered blue in a blue frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | III | Le Carnet d’un Suiveur | 4e Edition | {vignette smoking gentleman in a top hat} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON L’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCCCIX» in the bottom. 4th edition. [1-6] 7-124 [4] contents, colophon (uncut); h.t. uncut from 1st blank, four original etchings, incl. frontispiece. Colophon: Imprimé par soins de | l’Imprimerie de Paris | Têtes de chapitre, lettrines et culs de lampe de | M. Paul Guignebault | Eaux-fortes tirées sous la direction de | M. Henri Boutet || Back wrapper with a frame and a ribbon at center, in blue. Vol. IV: Tan cover, lettered red and black in a black frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | IV | Le Petits Métiers | {vignette worker with a ladder} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON L’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCCCIX» in the bottom. Edition not stated. [1-6] 7-119 [120 colophon, uncut] [8 advert., uncut]; four original etchings, incl. frontispiece. Colophon: IMPRIMERIE DE PARIS | 22, RUE DES VOLONTAIRES PROLONGÉE | – PARIS - XVe – || Back wrapper with a black frame and a red ribbon at center. Vol. V: Olive-green cover, lettered red and blue in a blue frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | V | Les nuits de Paris | Deuxième Édition | {vignette woman on a street} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON L’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCDIX» in the bottom. 2nd edition. [1-8] 9-118 [2 colophon, uncut] [8 advert., uncut]; four original etchings, incl. frontispiece. Colophon: IMPRIMERIE DE PARIS | 22, RUE DES VOLONTAIRES PROLONGÉE | – PARIS - XVe – || Back wrapper with a blue frame and a red ribbon at center. Vol. VI: Cream cover, lettered red and blue in a blue frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | VI | Toutes les bohêmes | Cinquième Édition | {vignette windmill} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON L’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCDIX» in the bottom and “Deuxième Édition”. 5th or 2nd edition. [1-7] 8-120 [2 colophon] [4 advert.] [2 blank]; four original etchings, incl. frontispiece. Colophon: IMPRIMERIE DE PARIS | 22, RUE DES VOLONTAIRES PROLONGÉE | – PARIS - XVe – || Back wrapper with a blue frame and a red ribbon at center. Contributors: Henri Boutet [La Mésangère] (French, 1851 – 1919) – author, artist, etcher. François Louis Dorbon [Dorbon Aîné] (French, 1878 – 1956) – publisher.
Etching on laid paper, backed. Massar (1971): 59-61. View of the Pont Neuf in Paris, with the statue of Henry IV at centre in front of the Seine, the church of St.-Germaine l'Auxerrois and the Louvre to the right, and the Hôtel de Nevers and Tour de Nesle to the left (MET). in the banner below: LUDOVICO XIIII GALLIARUM ET NAV REGI; below image: PONS LVTETIÆ STRVCTVS, DICTVS NOVVS, ET QVÆ EX EO PROSPICI POSSVNT.; bellow: En pulcherrimus toto ... caufatus, vifere; along the bottom: Ste. Della Bella Florentinus In. e Fecit DD. 1646. Cum Privilegio Regis; additional lettering a lower left and right identifying places depicted.
State: 2nd, with the weathercock on the belltower of Église Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois (under 8). Size: 35.5 x 67.6 cm. Condition: Three vertical folds, these partly cracked and backed at the bottom, dusty or slightly stained, partly slightly rubbed, a small diagonal crease on the upper left, tiny marginal blemishes.Quotation from Phyllis D. Massar. Presenting Stefano della Bella. — NY: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, [1971]: "For size and complexity, one of Della Bella's most impressive achievements is his view of Paris across the Pont Neuf from a point between the buildings bounding the Place Dauphine. Besides the well-known landmarks-the Hộtel de Nevers, the Tour de Nesle, the church of Saint Germain l'Auxerrois, and, at the centre, the bronze equestrian statue of Henri IV by the Florentines Giovanni Bologna and Pietro Tacca – the print provides a microcosm of Paris in transit across the Seine. With a glass, one can compile a census of 451 people, thirty-eight horses, nineteen dogs, three donkeys, and one lamb. All but lost in the vast scene, nevertheless, all contributing to it, are duelists, men fighting with staffs, brawlers routing passers-by, a tooth-puller making an extraction, sellers of sweetmeats and fruits, falconers, hunters with a pack of dogs, a legless cripple, many begging gypsies (one of them telling a fortune), and a hurdy-gurdy player with an audience. Moving among the splendid carriages is a humble water cart, and back among the market stands at the right is an early Seine-side bookstall."
Catalogue raisonné: Massar (1971): pp. 58-61; De Vesme p. 132, № 850ii/ii. Contributor: Stefano della Bella (Italian, 1610 – 1664) – artist and engraver. -
Engraved title: The | Costume | of the | Empire of Russia | {copper horseman vignette} | signed under: Printed for E. Harding at the Crown and Mitre Pall Mall || English title: COSTUME | OF THE | RUSSIAN EMPIRE, | ILLUSTRATED BY UPWARDS OF | SEVENTY RICHLY COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. | DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO | HER ROYAL HIGHNESS | THE | PRINCESS ELIZABETH. | LONDON: | PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET; | FOR JOHN STOCKDALE, PICCADILLY. | 1811. || Paper: thick wove paper, the leaf with “Copper Horseman” watermarked J. Whatman 1808; the French title – Edmeads & Co 1809, E2 – E & P 1807, plates are not watermarked [NYPL: An “1803” copy of The Costumes of the Russian Empire has watermarks from 1796 (W Elgar), 1809 (Edmeads & Co), 1811, 1813 (J. Whatman), 1818, and 1829]. Collation: 4to; (1) engraved title by E. Harding (“Copper Horseman” monument of Peter the Great), (2) English title, (3) French title, (4) Dedication to her Royal Highness the Princess Elizabeth by E. Harding (1803), (5) Contents —> π5 a2 B-S4 T2, all second leaves in all quires but C and T signed “2”, 77 leaves total, unpaginated, plus 72 plates (34.5 x 25.5 cm), stipple and line engravings, hand-coloured, by John Dadley after William Alexander. Binding: 36 x 27 cm, straight-grain green morocco, blind-stamped palmette border withing gilt-stamped palmette border to boards, raised bands decorated in gilt, gilt in compartments, two brown morocco labels with gilt lettering, brown endpapers, 2 additional flyleaves at front and back, AEG. Authorship and artistic work are attributed to Alexander and Dadley, but not signed. 1st edition in 1803 was published by William Richard Beckford Miller (British, 1769 – 1844). Catalogue raisonné: Tooley (1906): p. 151. Contributors: William Alexander (British, 1767 – 1816) – artist, author. John Dadley (British, 1767 – 1817) – engraver. Thomas Bensley (British, 1759 – 1835) – printer. John Stockdale (British, 1750 – 1814) – publisher. Edward Harding (British, 1755 – 1840) – publisher of 1803 edition (author of dedication) Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom (British, 1770 – 1840) – dedicatee.
Seventeen drypoint prints in purple plus one original ink sketch by Marcel Vertés (French, 1895 – 1961) – illustrations to the book by Pierre Louÿs Trois filles de leur mère, in a paper folder. Front : DIX-SEPT POINTES SÈCHES | D'UN ARTISTE INCONNU | POUR | TROIS FILLES | DE | LEUR MÈRE | {space} | AUX DÉPENS D'UN AMATEUR | NON MIS DANS LE COMMERCE || Pencil manuscript Vertés under “ARTISTE”, autograph vignette above “AMATEUR”, erased dedication inscription above “DÉPENS” À L’AMI [erased] X. Back: JUSTIFICATION DU TIRAGE | 17 EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN D’ARCHES CONTENANT | UNE SUITE DES DIX-SEPT POINTES SÈCHES EN | NOIR : UNE SUITE EN COULEURS COLORIÉE PAR | L’ARTISTE ; UN DESSIN ORIGINAL ET SA PLANCHE | DE CUIVRE ; DIX-SEPT CROQUIS ORIGINAUX | MARQUÉS A à Q. | 50 EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN D’ARCHES CONTE- | NANT UNE SUITE DES DIX-SEPT POINTES | SÈCHES ET TROIS CROQUIS ORIGINAUX | NUMÉROTÉS DE 1 à 50. | {space} | EXEMPLAIRE № {by hand} H. C. || Size : folder 28 x 17.5 cm; sketch 26.6 x 17.6 cm; prints 27.5 x 19 cm. Printed on wove paper with MBM watermark (Arches MBM Paper). Bookplate pasted to the makeshift extra folder with title: “EX-LIBRIS | Jacques | Crepineau”. Provenance: Jacques Crepineau (French, 1932 – 2017). Description by seller: [CURIOSA - VERTÈS (Marcel)]. Dix-sept pointes sèches d'un artiste inconnu pour Trois filles de leur mère. S.l. : Aux dépens d'un amateur, [1927]. — In-8, en feuilles. Dutel 2517*. Rare suite de 17 pointes-sèches libres réalisées par Marcel VERTÈS, probablement publiée par Marcel Cotinaud. Elle était destinée à accompagner l'édition originale de Trois filles de leur mère de Pierre Louÿs publiée un an plus tôt. Tirage à 67 exemplaires sur vélin d'Arches. Les épreuves sont tirées en violet. Exemplaire sans le feuillet de titre, ni celui de la justification. Il comprend un croquis original de l'artiste, non signé, ayant servi d'étude pour l'une des planches. Selon les tirages, chaque exemplaire devrait comprendre 17 croquis pour les 17 premiers, ou 3 pour les 50 autres, non n'en avons ici qu'un seul. Envoi de Vertès sur la couverture, accompagné d'un dessin original. Le nom du destinataire a été effacé. Manque la chemise et l'étui. Description by DUTEL v.3, p. 389, № 2517: In-4 (28 x 19) de 2 ff., 17 pointes sèches, étui, chemise. … publiée en 1927 probablement par Marcel Cotinaud (SV : publisher of Vertés was Paul Cotinaud)… Les planches sont tirées en violet (SV : like this one). Tirage : 17 ex. …avec une suite coloriée par l’artiste, un dessin, un cuivre et 17 croquis. 50 ex. … avec 3 croquis. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
Pictorial title (coloured): Collection Artistique Guillaume et Cie |—| ALPHONSE DAUDET | Trente ans | de Paris | PARIS | C. MARPON ET E. FLAMMARION | 26, RUE RACINE, 26 | 1888 || Title page: Collection Artistique Guillaume et Cie |—| ALPHONSE DAUDET | Trente ans de Paris | À TRAVERS MA VIE ET MES LIVRES | Illustré | PAR BIELER, MONTÉGUT, MYRBACH, PICARD ET ROSSI | Gravure de Guillaume Frères et Cie | PARIS | C. MARPON ET E. FLAMMARION | 26, RUE RACINE, 26 | 1888 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination: [12] [1] 2-344 [6], total 362 pp., in-text illustration, head- and tailpieces, photomechanical reproductions. Collation: 12mo; π6, 1-2812 +1; total 181 leaves. Binding: 19 x 12.5 cm; red cloth, gilt lettering to spine, gilt lettering and vignette to front board and gilt device to back board; bookplate to front pastedown: Ex Libris Dr. Vodoz = Egg; Gift inscription to flyleaf in German, dated 30/12/87. Contributors: Alphonse Daudet (French, 1840 – 1897) – author. Ernest Biéler (Swiss, 1863 – 1948) – artist. Louis Montégut (French, 1855 – 1906) – artist. Felician Myrbach (Austrian, 1853 – 1940) – artist. Georges Picard (French, 1857 – 1943) – artist. Luigi Rossi (Swiss, 1853 – 1923) – artist. Ernest Flammarion (French, 1846 – 1936) – publisher. Charles Marpon (French, 1838 – 1890) – publisher. Alexis Lahure (French, 1849 – 1928) – printer. Guillaume Frères et Cie – engravers.
Russian translation of: Alphonse Daudet. Trente ans de Paris à travers ma vie et mes livres; (Collection artistique Guillaume et Cie). — Paris: C. Marpon et E. Flammarion, 1888. Series: Книжки Недели, №2-4, 1888. Title: ТРИДЦАТЬ ЛѢТ ВЪ ПАРИЖѢ. | Альфонса Додэ. | Переводъ съ французскаго. | {in waving rules} Изъ "Книжекъ недѣли". | {waving rule} | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ. | Типографiя Н. А. Лебедева. Невскiй просп., д. № 8. | 1888. || Pagination:[2] [1] 2-108 [2] – back wrapper; total number of pages 112. Collation: 8vo; π7 1-28 7-88 98 78 (six 8vo gatherings) ω1; total number of leaves 56. Binding: 24 x 16.5 cm quarter brown morocco over marbled boards, blind lettering to spine; personal library stamp to a number of pages: “БИБЛИОТЕКА | АЛЕКСАНДРА ПЕТРОВИЧА | МАРТЫНЕНКО | №»; handwritten inscription to front flyleaf: «А. Мартыненко, г. Ленинград, 1943 г.» Contributors: Alphonse Daudet (French, 1840 – 1897) – author of the text. Лебедев, Николай Афанасьевич (Russian, 1813 – 1896) – printer. Гайдебуров, Павел Александрович (Russian, 1841 – 1893/4) – publisher.
Vol. 1: Title: MÉMOIRES | DE | MONSIEUR CLAUDE | CHEF DE LA POLICE DE SURETÉ́ SOUS LE SECOND EMPIRE | {single rule} | PREMIER VOLUME | publisher’s device «JR» in oval} | PARIS | JULES ROUFF ET Cie, ÉDITEURS | 14, CLOITRE SAINT-HONORÉ, 14 | {single rule} || Pagination: [4] – h.t., t.p., [1-3] – engraved t.p. w/portrait, 3-800 [4], in-text and full-page woodcuts; last two leaves (table) has numbered pages 1000 and 1001; the total number of pages 808. Collation: 4to; π2 [1]4 2-1004 Ω2, woodcuts by Quesnel and Ferdinandus, within collation; the total number of leaves 404. Vol. 2: Title: Same but “DEUXIEME VOLUME” Pagination: [4] – h.t., t.p., [801-2] – frontis., 803-2010, [6] – assassinats, [4] – table, in-text and full-page woodcuts; last two leaves (table) has numbered pages 2018 and 2019; the total number of pages 1224. Collation: 4to; π2 101-2524 Ω2, woodcuts by Quesnel and Ferdinandus, within collation; the total number of leaves 612. Binding: Two volumes 28 x 20.5 cm each, uniformly bound in quarter polished brown calf over marbled boards, blind-stamped florets and gilt lettering to spine, marbled endpapers. Contributors: Claude, Antoine (French, 1807 – 1880) – declared author of the text. Labourieu, Théodore (French, 1822 – 1889) – assumed author of the text. Quesnel, Désiré Mathieu (French, 1843 – 1915) – woodcut printmaker. Ferdinandus, Alexandre [Avenet, François] (French, 1850 – 1888) – illustrator. D. Bardin et Cie – printer. Jules Rouff (French, 1846 – 1927) – publisher. Jules Rouff et Cie (Paris, 1873 – 1982) – publisher. Note: Common opinion is that the text was produced by Théodore Labourieu, not by, Antoine Claude. The first edition was published by the same publisher in 10 volumes in wrappers without illustrations, between 1880 and 1883, after the death of Antoine Claude. As stated in WorldCat: “not written or sanctioned by him.” This two-volume edition was published later, with multiple woodcuts.
A woodcut illustration after drawing by Leo von Elliot, published at Illustrirte Zeitung, 17 January 1863. English translation: Student bar "The Hole" in Brussels.
The official name of this bar, located at Rue des Sols in Bussels, was "À la vue de l'Université" (In sight of the University). This was the place where the students of the Université libre de Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels), and especially the members of Société, ou Cercle, des Crocodiles (The Crocodile Society, or Circle), gathered in the 1860s. -
Description: single volume 24.5 x 19 cm, collated 4to, bound by a previous owner in quarter red morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, with gilt lettering in compartments: "SPADDY | DÉVERGONDAGES", red marbled endpapers. Printed on wove paper with watermark “RIVES”. Title-page: SPADDY | DÉVERGONDAGES | BRUXELLES | Aux Dépens d'un Amateur | 1948 || Pagination: [4] – blank, [1, 2] – h.t. / limitation, [3, 4] – t.p. / blank, 5-151 [152] – blank, [4] – blank; uncut, illustrated with 16 hand-coloured lithographs extraneous to collation after watercolours by Féodor Rojankowski [Rojan]. Table of contents on p. 151. Limitation: 250 copies of which №№ I – XVI with original watercolour and b/w suite of plates and №№ 17-250 on Rives paper with coloured lithography; this copy is № 100 of 234 Rives paper copies. Catalogue Raisonné: J.-P. Dutel (1920–1970) № 1389 / p. 128.
Title page: PARIS | À TABLE | PAR | EUGÈNE BRIFFAULT. | Illustré par Bertall. | {vignette} | PARIS | PUBLIÉ PAR J. HETZEL, | RUE DE RICHELIEU, 76 — RUE DE MÉNARS, 10 | 1846 || Pagination : ffl, [2] – h.t. / imprim., [2] – wood-engraved pictorial t.p. bt Bertall, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-iv, 2] – f.t. / imprim., [1] 2-184, ffl; in-text woodcuts by Betrall. Collation: π6 1-462; size 8vo. Binding: brown quarter morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt device in compartments and gilt lettering to spine. Matching marbled endpapers, previous owner’s bookplate to front pastedown. Bookplate: Motto: “LITTERÆ SCIENTIA & ARTES / AR (monogram), 7738 BELIURE TOFFIER – TOURS / L. D.” Contributors: Eugène Briffault (French, 1799 – 1854) – author of the text. Bertall [ Bertal; Charles Albert d'Arnoux (French, 1820 – 1882) – illustrator. Pierre-Jules Hetzel (French, 1814 – 1886) – publisher. Printer: Imprimerie Schneider et Langrand, rue d'Erfurth, 1 (Paris). Paper: La papeterie d’Essonne.
Title: LES | CURIOSITÉS DE PARIS | PAR | CH. VIRMAITRE | PRÉFACE DE M. XAVIER EYMA | PARIS | P. LEBIGRE-DUQUESNE, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE, 16 | 1868 || Collation: 18mo, π6; 1-1918. Pagination: [2] – pictorial title by A. Gill, engr. Marchandeau / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] dedication to Émile de Girardin / blank, [vii] viii-xii – préface; [1] 2-360, bfl. Note: pp. 223/224 and XIX chapter’s f.t. unpaginated and loose, but collation is not interrupted. Other chapters f.t. paginated. Binding: hardcover, quarter brown buckram over marbled boards, flat spine, gilt fillets, gilt lettering over the black label. Contributors: Charles Virmaître (1835 – 1903) – text. Xavier Eyma (1816 – 1876) – text / preface. André Gill (French, 1840 – 1885) – artist / pictorial title. Marchandeau (French, fl. c. 1867) – engraver / pictorial title.
Four-volume edition with 6+4+5+5 = 20 plates. Vol. 1 : Title page, in double-border, within rules; accents as per original, with tall «s»: Les | Parisiennes, | ou | XL caractères generaux | Pris dans les Mœurs actuelles, | Propres à servir à l'instruction | des personnes-du-sexe : | Tirés des memoires du nouveau Lycée-des-mœurs. | I Volume : Les jeunes-filles, | & les filles-à-marier. | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | Chéz Guillot, libraire de Monsieur, rue | S.-Jacques, vis-à-vis celle des Mathurins. | 1787. Pagination : [1-5] 6-300, plus 6 etched/engraved plates w/guard tissue after Louis Binet (French, 1744 – about 1800). Collation: 12mo; A14 B-M12 N4; first 6 leaves in gatherings B to M signed, with exceptions: A1,2 unsigned, A3-8 signed, A9-14, D5, N3,4 unsigned. Vol. 2: Title page: Text above the first rule similar; below: II Volume : Les N.lles–mariées : | Les Mariées depuis 3 ans. | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | 1787. Pagination : [1-3] 4-388, plus 4 plates. Collation: 12mo; A8 B-Q12 R6; A1,5-8, R4-6 unsigned. Vol. 3: Title page: Text above the first rule similar; below: III Volume : Les epouses | à imiter : à— suir | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | 1787. Pagination: [1-3] 4-392, plus 5 plates. Collation: 12mo, A4 B-R12; A1,3,4, G4, N4,6, O5 unsigned. Vol 4: Title page: Text above the first rule similar; below: IV Volume : Les J.nes-Mères, | &—de grands-enfans. | A Neufchâtel , | Et se trouve à Paris. | 1787. Pagination: [1-3] 4-380 [4], plus 5 plates. Collation: A-Q12; A1 unsigned. Binding: later (c. 1875 – 1885) uniform binding of all four volumes in motley 'percaline anglaise' (buckram) with black gilt-lettered labels to spine, marbled endpapers; printed on laid paper; armorial bookplate of Masséna engraved by Stern to front pastedown. Provenance: Library of Masséna; Victor Masséna, duc de Rivoli, prince d'Essling (French, 1836 – 1910) [photo]. Catalogue Raisonné: P.-L. Jacob, 1875: № XXXII, pp. 247-250. P. L. Jacob. Bibliographie et iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Restif de la Bretonne. — Paris: A. Fontaine, 1875. [LIB-2634.2021]. Contributors: Nicolas Edmé Restif de la Bretonne (French, 1734 – 1806) – text. Louis Binet (French, 1744 – c. 1800) – illustrations. Sources: MFA: ACCESSION NUMBER 37.1667a-b lacking one plate in vol. 4. Collation: 12mo, 4 vols. in 2; [v. 1] 150 leaves, plus 6 plates; [v. 2] 194 ll., plus 4 pls.; [v. 3] 196 ll., plus 5 pls.; [v. 4] 192 ll., plus 4 [of 5] pls. BNF Identifier ark:/12148/bpt6k1050366b. Collation: 4 vol. (300; 388; 392; 380 p., XX f. de pl.) : ill. ; in-12
Coloured etching by E. Charreyre (French, fl. 1880 – ?) after a watercolour by Juan Antonio González, (Spanish, 1842 – 1914). A book illustration for 'Son Altesse La Femme' by Octave Uzanne (1851 – 1931), chapter: 'La Caillette' (Le lever d’une petite-maitresse au XVIIIe siècle). Published by Albert Quantin (French, 1850 – 1930) in 1885.
Size: print 17.5 x 12 cm, pasted to leaf 27.7 x 19.5 cm.
Title: IDYLLE | PRINTANIÈRE || Verso: {Headpiece} | Justification du tirage | {7 lines of text} | Exemplaire № 56 (digits by hand) | HP (monogram by hand) | {tailpiece} || Album of 30 hand-coloured lithographs and frontispiece in a cardboard folder; each sheet mounted in a 32.5 x 25 cm passepartout with 19 x 13 cm window; published in Paris in 1938 by Henri Pasquinelli (attributed). No artist, no publisher name indicated. According to Justification du tirage, the print run of 516 copies on Arches laid tinted paper (vergé), copy A – control artist’s uncoloured, 15 copies B–P reserved for collaborators and friends, copies 1–500 – for bibliophiles. This copy № 56, autographed by the publisher's monogram: "HP". Catalogue Raisonné: J.-P. Dutel, vol 2 (1920–1970), #1726, p. 207-8. Provenance: J.-P. Dutel.
Cover: Ch. Virmaitre | LES | VIRTUOSES | DU | TROTTOIR | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | P. LEBIGRE-DUQUESNE, ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE, 16 | 1868 || Title: Similar. Imprint: De Rouge Frères, Dunon et Fresné (Paris). Pagination: [1-7] 8-161 [162], [2] – table, [2] – advert., [14]; 90 leaves total; publisher’s cream wrappers with red lettering in double frame. Collation: 12mo in 6th; [1]-136, 1412. Charles Virmaître (French, 1835 – 1903).
Title: THE BOHEMIANS | OF | THE LATIN QUARTER. | (SCÈNES DE LA VIE DE BOHÊME.) | By HENRI MURGER. | ILLUSTRATED WITH 10 ETCHINGS FROM DESIGNS BY MONTADER. |{publisher’s device}| LONDON: | VIZETELLY & CO., 16, HENRIETTA STREET, | COVENT GARDEN. | 1888. || Pagination: [i-v] vi-xxxiv, [1] 2-317 [318 blank]; collation: 8vo, π1 (h.t.), [a]-b8, B-U8 X7 + 10 etchings by Charles Courtry after Alfred Montader (incl. frontispiece and portrait of Henri Murger). Binding: 23 x 14.5 cm, olive cloth, black lettering to cover and gilt lettering to spine. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – original text (French). Montader, Pierre Marie Alfred (French, fl. c. 1881 – 1925) – artist. Courtry, Charles Jean Louis (French, 1846 – 1897) – engraver. Vizetelly, Henry Richard (British, 1820 – 1894) – publisher.
Title: LA | BELLE ASSEMBLÉE | OR, | BELL'S | COURT AND FASHIONABLE | MAGAZINE, | ADDRESSED PARTICULARLY TO | THE LADIES. | VOL. XI.—NEW SERIES. | FROM JANUARY 1, TO JUNE 30, 1815. | LONDON: | Printed for J. BELL, GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, | Clare-Court, Drury-Lane. | 1815. || Pagination: [2] – 11th volume wood-engraved pictorial title page, [1, 2] – January faux-title and table of content, [3] 4-284 [2] – index to 11th vol. Notes: February f.t. not paginated, but within the collation; the last page of the index at the very end paginated [iii]/iv, so pages i/ii missing (the gathering Nn lacking one sheet) Collation: 4to; π1 A-Mm4 Nn3, 28 plates extraneous to collation (lacking 2 plates). Binding: Half brown morocco over marbled boards, flat spine, compartments gilt-ruled with double-fillet and gilt-lettered. Contents: Jan: pp. 1-48, 5 plates. Feb: pp. 51-96, 5 plates. Mar: pp. 97-144, 5 plates. Apr: pp. 145-192, 5 plates. May: pp. 193-240, 5 plates. Jun: pp. 241-284, 3 plates (lacking 2 colour prints). Fashion plates, two per issue, are hand-coloured copperplate engravings, unsigned. Stipple engraved portraits, one per issue as frontispiece: (1) Actress Catherine Stephens, Countess of Essex (British, 1794 – 1882) by James Hopwood the Elder [James Hopwood Senior] (British, c. 1740s/50s – 1819) after Sir George Hayter (British, 1792 – 1871); (2) Madame de Talleyrand, Princesse De Bénévent (Danish-French, 1761– 1834), unsigned, but can be attributed to François Gérard (French, 1770 – 1837); (3) Actress Miss Sarah Booth (1793 – 30 December 1867), unsigned; (4) Group portrait of the French Royal family (Louis XVI, Louis XVII, Marie Antoinette, Madam Elizabeth, Louis Antoine de Bourbon, Duke d'Enghien, and Marie Thérèse Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe), unsigned, (5) Actress, Miss Sarah Blanche Matthews (b.1794) by Thomas Burke (Irish, 1749 – 1815) after George Hayter. The sixth print, in the March issue, is a lithographic portrait of Napoléon Bonaparte (French, 1769 – 1821), unsigned.
Pictorial title by von Bayros: Die | Bohème. | Scenen aus dem Pariser | Künstlerleben | von | Henri Murger | Leipzig im | InselVerlag | 1906. | F. Bayros || Pagination: [2] – pictorial frontispiece, [2] – pictorial t.p., 1-280 [2] – inhalt, [2] – colophon, [2] – blank, + 4 plates drawn by Franz von Bayros and reproduced as photogravure, with guards. Binding: 23.5 x 15.5 cm, cream parchment, raised bands, gilt-lettered orange morocco label to spine; text printed on laid paper (Linden Paper watermark), untrimmed, illustrations on wove paper as photogravure. Bookplate: “Ex libris Walter Schniewind” engraved by C. L. Becker. Original title: Henry Murger. Scenes De La Vie De Boheme. — Paris: Michel Lévy frères, 1851. Tirage: 50 copies on laid paper, of which this is № 14 (per Sarkowski: 50 numerierte Ex. auf Bütten. Pergament mit Goldschnitt). Author: Murger, Henri [Murger, Louis-Henri, Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861). Translator: Grove, Frederick Philip [Greve, Felix Paul] (German-Canadian, 1879 – 1948). Illustrator: Bayros, Franz von (Austrian, 1866 – 1924). Printer: Drugulin, Wilhelm Eduard (German, 1822 – 1879); Offizin W. Drugulin (Leipzig). Provenance: Schniewind, Walter (German, 1870 – 1927). Catalogue raisonné: Heinz Sarkowski (1999): № 1175 VA, p. 195; Bayros Zeichnungen, pp. 43-46.
Cover: LES | RÉUNIONS PUBLIQUES | A PARIS | 1868 — 1869 | PAR | AUGUSTE VITU | TROISIÈME ÉDITION | Augmentée d’un Appendice contenant les Jugements et Arrêts | rendus à Paris en matière de réunions publiques | PARIS | E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PALAIS-ROYAL, 17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | MAI 1869 || ; t.p. similar with no dash between 17 and 19 in the bottom. Pagination: [1-5] 6-151 [1]; collation: 8vo, [1]8 2-98 103; 23 x 14 cm, publisher’s lettered blue paper wrappers. Printer: Dubuisson et Cie (Paris). Vitu, Auguste-Charles-Joseph (French, 1823 – 1891)
Pagination: [2] – letterpress title / blank, t.p. with contents / to readers, [1] 2-376 + 7 b/w and 16 coloured plates (total 23); this differs to Abbey’s description of 372 pages + 4 pages index, and 41 plates (lacking 18 plates). In No 73 lacking 3 plates: Quadrant Regent st., Morning dress and Full dress. In No 74 lacking 5 plates: Charles str., Brienz, head dresses, full dress, and muslin patterns. In No 75 lacking 5 plates: 4 with bank notes and Castle of Rinkenberg. In No 76 lacking 1 plate: Cavern St. Beat. In No 77 lacking 2 plates: Wetzar and Lake Thun. In No 78 lacking 2 plates: Crescent at Portland Place and Environs of Thun. Collation: 4to; letterpress title, [A]1 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3C4 3D2. Binding: 23.5 x 15.5 cm; double fillet blind-ruled half-calf over pebbled cloth boards, raised bands ruled blind, crimson label with gilt lettering to spine. References: Martin Hardie (1906), p.310 [LIB-2623.2021]; R. V. Tooley (1935), p. 26 [LIB-2641.2021]; J. R. Abbey (1953), Cat. № 212, p. 174 [LIB-2622.2021].
Pagination: [2] – letterpress title / blank, t.p. contents / to readers, [1] 2-368 [4 index], + 6 b/w (one folding) and 28 coloured plates (total 34). Collation: 4to; letterpress title, [A]1 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3B4 3C3. Binding: 25 x 16 cm; gilt-ruled half-calf over marbled boards, flat spine, gilt-ruled compartments, gilt lettering. 5 aquatints by Thomas Rowlandson (British, 1757 – 1827): Table D'Hote; Consulting the Prophet; The Prophet discovering himself and exposing the deception; The Arrival in Paris; Liberality to infirm beggars on leaving Yrvi. References: Martin Hardie (1906), p.310 [LIB-2623.2021]; R. V. Tooley (1935), p. 26 [LIB-2641.2021]; J. R. Abbey (1953), Cat. № 212, p. 167 [LIB-2622.2021].
Pagination: [2] – letterpress title / blank, [2] – t.p. contents / to readers, [1] 2-368 [4 index], + 9 b/w and 27 coloured plates. Collation: 4to; letterpress title, [A]1 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3B4 3C3. Binding: 25 x 16 cm; gilt-ruled half-calf over marbled boards, flat spine, gilt-ruled compartments, gilt lettering; front board almost detached. References: Martin Hardie (1906), p.310 [LIB-2623.2021]; R. V. Tooley (1935), p. 26 [LIB-2641.2021]; J. R. Abbey (1953), Cat. № 212, p. 166 [LIB-2622.2021].
Front wrapper: PARIS SOUS NAPOLÉON III | Mémoires d'un homme du monde | DE 1857 À 1870 | PAR LE COMTE DE ARTHUR GRANDEFFE | {publisher’s device} | PARIS: IMPRIMERIE ET LIBRAIRIE CENTRALES DES CHEMINS DE FER | A. CHAIX ET Cie | RUE BERGÈRE 20, PRÈS DU BOULEVARD MONTMARTRE | 1879 || Similar lettering to t.p. Softcover 18.5 x 12 cm, publisher’s original blue wrappers, first and last leaves glued to wrappers, unevenly trimmed, some uncut, pagination [4] [i] ii-vi, [1] 2-413 [414], authors advert to back wrapper; mispaginated pp. 136-141; collation: 18mo, π6, 1-2218 236. Sticker with gilt lettering to front wrapper “LIBRAIRIE CENTRALE | BERTRAND & QUEYROT | MENTON”; sticker to spine "577".
Cover: Publisher's wrappers, to front cover with black and red lettering: DEUXIÈME ÉDITION |—| AUGUSTE LEPAGE | Les Diners | ARTISTIQUES ET LITTÉRAIRES | de Paris | {publisher's device} | PARIS | BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES DEAUX MONDES| FRINZINE, KLEIN et Cie, ÉDIREURS | 1, RUE BONAPARTE, 1 | 1884 | Tous droits réservés || Title page: Similar lettering t.p. in black only, with "DEUXIÈME ÉDITION" below "de Paris". Pagination: front wrapper with a pasted leaf, [iii-vii] viii-xi [xii] [1-3] 4-360, back wrapper with a pasted 3/4 leaf, black lattering to spine. Collation: 18mo; π5, 1-1918-206.
Cover: (original wrapper) PARIS-CANARD| PAR | CH. VIRMAITRE | A. SAVINE, Édeiteur, rue Drouot, 18, PARIS || Wood engraving to cover signed LeNatur — Michelet, sc. Title page: CHARLES VIRMAITRE | PARIS–CANARD | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | NOUVELLE LIBRAIRIE PARISIENNE | ALBERT SAVINE, ÉDITEUR | 18, RUE DROUOT, 18 | 1888 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination: 2 blank leaves, original pictorial wrapper, [4], [1] 2-319 [320 blank], original back wrapper with publisher’s advertisement, 2 blank leaves. Collation: 12mo; π2, 1-1712 184. Binding: 18 x 12 cm, hardcover; quarter blue percaline, marbled boards, red title label ruled gilt with gilt lettering, gilt double tail ruler, fleuron to spine; original paper wrappers preserved. Bookplate to front pastedown: "EX LIBRIS EUGENE SELIGMANN" written on a ribbon; ink inscription to half-title in french: "To my good friends Paul Vogler and Maurice Radiguet, former – for a new acquaintance, latter – to become great." Signed: Ch. Virmaitre. Paul Vogler (French, 1853 – 1904) – painter in the Impressionist style. Jules Maurice Radiguet (French, 1866 – 1941) – illustrator , caricaturist and cartoonist. Father of Raymond Radiguet (French, 1903 – 1923).
Cover: (black and red in red frame) PARIS POLICE | par | Ch. Virmaitre | PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR | LIBRAIRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES GENTES DE LETTRES | Palais-Royal, 15-17-19, Galerie d’Orléans | 1886 || Title page: CH. VIRMAITRE | PARIS–POLICE | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR | LIBRAIRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES GENTES DE LETTRES | PALAIS-ROYAL, 15-17-19, GALERIE D’ORLEANS | 1886 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination : 3 blank leaves, original pictorial wrapper, [4], [1] 2-359 [360 blank], original back wrapper with publisher's advertisement, 3 blank leaves. Collation: 12mo; π2, 1-1912 206. Binding: owner's hardcover, quarter burgundy percaline, marbled boards, brown title label with gilt lettering, gilt double tail ruler, year, and fleuron to spine; original paper wrappers preserved.
Title page: CHARLES VIRMAITRE | PARIS | qui s'efface | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | NOUVELLE LIBRAIRIE PARISIENNE | ALBERT SAVINE, ÉDITEUR | 18, RUE DROUOT, 18 | 1887 | Tous droits réservés. || Collation: Front pictorial wrapper, ffl, π3 1-1712 181, bfl, back wrapper w/publ. advert. Pagination: [6] [1-3] 4-314.
Cover: CH. VIRMAÎTRE | PARIS OUBLIÉ — PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR || Title page: CHARLES VIRMAÎTRE | PARIS OUBLIÉ | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR | LIBRAIRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES GENTES DE LETTRES | PALAIS-ROYAL, 15-17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | 1886 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination: publisher’s pictorial wrapper, ffl, [2] – t.p. / blank, 1-327 [328 blank], bfl, publisher’s advert. to back wrapper.
Front wrapper: Quatrième mille | Paris Documentaire | NOUVELLE ÉDITION | TROTTOIRS | ET | LUPANARS | PAR | Ch. VIRMAITRE | A. CHARLES | LIBRAIRE | 8, Rue Monsieur-le-Prince, 8 | PARIS || Title page: Ch. VIRMAITRE | PARIS DOCUMENTAIRE | (Mœurs) | TROTTOIRS | ET | LUPANARS | {fleuron} | A. CHARLES | LIBRAIRE | 8, Rue Monsieur-le-Prince, 8 | PARIS | 1897 || Collation: 18mo; Front pictorial wrapper, 2 ffls, π4, 118, 318, 518, 718, 918, 1118, 1318, 1514, back pictorial wrapper (portrait) Pagination: [1-7] 8-282 [6]. Binding: Publisher’s pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine. Charles Virmaître (French, 1835 – 1903).
Hardcover, publisher's white cloth with a black imprint to cover, red and black lettering to spine, pictorial DJ, pp.: [1-4] 5-398 [2]. Послесловие В. Столбова, художник В. Юрлов. Russian translation of Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez.
Title page: MAURICE JOLY | LES | AFFAMÉS | ÉTUDES | DE MŒURS CONTEMPORAINES |{publisher’s device «ED»}| PARIS | E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PALAIS-ROYAL, 15-17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | 1876 | Tous droits réservés.|| Pagination: short ffl, [2] h.t. / colophon [2] t.p. / blank] [i] ii-xvi, 1-340. Collation: 12mo ; π10 1-1812 198. Binding: 19 x 12 cm; softcover; original wrappers with lettering to front and spine in black and red in a frame, untrimmed lateral edge.
ERNEST HEMINGWAY | A Moveable Feast | {Citation} | CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, | New York || Pagination: [12] – incl: advert., h.t., t.p., colophon, contents, preface, and note, [1, 2] - f.t. / blank, 3-211 [212]. Publisher’s cloth-backed stamped boards, original dust jacket. Ref.: Hanneman A31a.
Title: NOUVELLE | LISTE | DES JOLIES FEMMES | DE PARIS ; | LEURS NOMS ET LEUR DEMEURE. | PRIX TROIS FRANCS. | Se trouve A Paris , au Palais des plaisirs. | — | An 1808. || Pagination : [1-6] 7-70 [2 blank] Collation : 9vo, [A]9 B-D9. Binding: Original blue wrappers, 15 x 9 cm. Ref: OCLC finds only one copy, at the British Library. The BnF has a work of the same title, with the same pagination, dated 1803. The stated publisher seems to be fictitious. Quaritch description: 12mo, pp. 70; a little dusty, a few spots and marks; a very good uncut copy in original blue/grey wrappers; somewhat worn and stained. Very rare guide to Parisian prostitutes providing an extraordinary snapshot of the state of prostitution in the city during the First French Empire. The anonymous compiler begins with a brief history of prostitution in the capital, and its regulation, under Charlemagne and Louis VIII, describes a brothel established by Joanna I of Naples at Avignon and discusses Pierre-Jean Grosley’s estimate of the number of prostitutes in London. He then provides his liste, divided into categories including ‘houses of the first order’, ‘bawdy houses’, ‘actresses’, ‘washerwomen’, and ‘procuresses’, giving the name of each prostitute, an indication of their age, and their physical attributes, character, and particular talents. Rosanne, for example, chez Madame l’Évêque at the Palais du Tribunat, offers ‘unspeakably voluptuous pleasures to the nether regions’; Honorine prefers women; Scholastique likes wine with her lovemaking; Nanette has a penchant for soldiers; Genevieve favours the priapic; Dorsay enjoys S&M, and Madame Laperriere promises rejuvenation to the elderly. One Ducroisy is poetically described as possessing ‘a tuft as black as a crow above two alabaster columns’, while Félicité has skin ‘soft and white, sprinkled with golden freckles, like gold in Maraschino liqueur’. The author hopes that his listed will bring business to the ladies and pleasure to their clients, beseeching both to look after their health so that his guide might ‘serve Love, not Asclepius’.
Title in black and red: LIFE IN ENGLAND | in Aquatint and Lithography | 1770—1860 | ARCHITECTURE • DRAWING BOOKS | ART COLLECTIONS • MAGAZINES | NAVY AND ARMY • PANORAMAS ETC. | FROM THE LIBRARY OF J. R. ABBEY | — | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL | CATALOGUE | — | LONDON | PRIVATELY PRINTED | AT THE CURWEN PRESS | 1953 || Pagination: 2 blank leaves, [2] – limited edition 114 of 400 / blank, [i, ii] – h.t. / blank, [2] blank / frontis., [iii, iv] – t.p. / printer, v – contents, [vi] –blank, vii-ix – list of plates, [x] – blank, xi-xiii – list of ill., [xiv] – blank, xv-xxi – preface, xxii – blank; [1, 2] f.t. / blank, 3-427 [428], 2 blank leaves. Binding: Hardcover, 32 x 25.5 x 6.5 cm; brown cloth, red label with gilt lettering to spine, tan DJ with lettering to front and spine.
An album of the "Le Bon-Bock" dinners for the year 1884. Author, designer and publisher – Emile Bellot (French, 1831 – 1886), a Parisian artist and engraver. "Le Bon-Bock" was a monthly dinner of artists and men of letters, who gathered in Paris for good food, good company, and artistic performances, from 1875 to at least 1925. The story behind these gatherings as told by Emile Bellot, the founder, is this:
In February 1875, Pierre Cottin1 came to me and said: 'I discovered a poet and tragedian of immense talent and who interprets the poems of the Great Victor Hugo in an astonishing way. Monsieur Gambini. I promised him that I would make it heard by an audience of artists and men of letters. I am counting on you who have many connections to keep my promise to him'. I gathered about 25 of my friends and acquaintances in a picnic dinner which took place at a restaurant 'Krauteimer' on the rue Rochechouart in Montmartre. They heard from Mr Gambini first, then my friends Étienne Carjat2, J. Gros3, Adrien Dézamy4, etc. performed. These gentlemen completed the evening so brilliantly that it was unanimously decided that we would start a similar dinner every month. Poets, musicians, men of letters, singers would be invited to this dinner. I was in charge of the organization of this little party and as it was the dream of my life to bring together old comrades, I was careful not to refuse and I pursued this good idea. Cottin and René Tener5 were kind enough to help me in this joyous task and especially my old friend Carjat. The following March began our 1st monthly dinner.
The name "Le Bon-Bock" means "The Good Bock", whilst Bock is a kind of beer, a dark, malty, lightly hopped ale. The dinner was named "Le Bon-Bock" in honour of the Éduard Manet painting (1873), a famous portrait of Emile Bellot, called "Le Bon-Bock". The invitations to the dinner were also produced by the artists and looked like this one by Alexandre Ferdinandus (October 3, 1883). Besides this sketch of the Parisian social and artistic life at the end of the 19th century, the provenance of the album in our collection generates additional interest. The ink stamp to the front flyleaf reads: "Docteur Henry Uzan, 29 Avenue Perrichont, Paris XVI". Doctor Henry Uzan was Jewish. He was arrested by the Pétain police on October 1, 1941, and interned in Drancy. With the few means at his disposal, he undertook to treat the sick whom he then saw leaving, week after week, towards their terrible destiny in the extermination camps. In October 1943 doctor Uzan was deported to the island of Alderney. After the Normandy Landing of June 6, 1944, Nazis evacuated the island detainees and transfer them to the Neuengamme camp, via northern France and Belgium. During the transfer, doctor Uzan managed to escape from the train on the night of September 3 to 4 around Dixmude in Flanders. He was taken in by the Belgian Resistance, which he joined before being repatriated to France. In France, he continued working as a physician and was one of the founders of Association des internés et déportés politiques (AIDP). In 1945, together with his friends, the doctor designed the symbol for the Fédération nationale des déportés et internés résistants et patriotes: The story behind the number on the emblem (178284) is fascinating but it is out of the scope of this material.
1. Pierre Cottin (French, 1823 – c. 1887) – Engraver, mezzotinter, genre and landscape painter; born in Chappelle-Saint-Denis (near Paris), a pupil of Jazet. Exhibited at the Salon from 1845, also in London from 1876 to 1879.↩ 2. Étienne Carjat (French, 1828 – 1906) – Journalist, caricaturist and photographer. ↩ 3. Jean Baptiste Louis Gros (French, 1793 – 1870) – Painter. ↩ 4. Adrien Dézamy (French, 1844 – 1891) – Writer, poet, general secretary of the Théâtre des Bouffes in Paris. ↩ 5. Rene Tener (French, 1846 – 1925) – Painter. ↩ Sources:Auguste Lepage. Les dîners artistiques et littéraires de Paris / Bibliothèque des Deux mondes (2e éd.) – Paris: Frinzine, Klein et Cie., 1884. [Accession № LIB-2606.2021 in this collection]