Description: Softcover volume in publisher’s pictorial wrappers, with a b/w medallion portrait and lettering in a frame over geometrical pattern in blue to front; 23 x 16.3 cm, collated 8vo. Title-page: РУССКАЯ ЖЕНЩИНА | ВЪ | ГРАВЮРАХЪ И ЛИТОГРАФIЯХЪ | – | ВЫСТАВКА ПОРТРЕТОВЪ | – | КРУЖОКЪ ЛЮБИТЕЛЕЙ | РУССКИХЪ ИЗЯЩНЫХЪ ИЗДАНIЙ | 1911 || Collation: 1-48, last blank, total 32 leaves plus 15 plates (collotype reproductions) with tissue guards, incl. frontispiece, and a few headpieces; catalogue with 180 entries. Pagination: [1-6] 7-63 [64] [2], total 64 pages, ils. Incl. article "Русская женщина в искусстве" барона Н. Н. Врангеля. Барон Николай Николаевич Врангель (Russian, 1880 – 1915)
Small volume, 14 x 10 cm, in tan cloth with vignette and lettering to front, lettering to spine, pp.: [1-4] 5-123 [5], total 64 leaves, 10 full-page and 7 double-page two-colour woodcuts within pagination, and numerous b/w in-text vignettes by Serhiy Adamovych; translated from the Ukrainian into English by Oles Kovalenko. Print run: 11,000 copies. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Other variants: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok. Олесь Iванович Коваленко (Ukrainian, 1945 – 2012) – translator from the Ukrainian into English. Сергiй Тадейович Адамович [Serhiy Adamovych] (Ukrainian, 1922 – 1998) – artist.
Set of 10 etchings (9 in passe-partout) printed in sanguine on the mother of pearl paper (japon nacre) from the album of 12 prints titled “Jeunesse”, presented by Gérard D'Houville (pen name of Marie de Régnier, née de Heredia) and published by La Tradition in 1945. It was a limited edition of 532 copies, some coloured on Arches paper and some as these set. Plates signed by the artist in pencil below the plate mark. The album cover is missing. Title-page: JEUNESSE | 12 EAUX-FORTES ORIGINALES | DE | MARIANNE CLOUZOT | PRÉSENTÉES | PAR | GÉRARD D'HOUVILLE | {publisher’s device} | LA TRADITION | 1945 || Dimensions: mat 330 x 255 mm; window 225 x 180 mm; sheet 280 x 220 mm; plate 220 x 170 mm. Contributors: Marianne Clouzot (French, 1908 – 2007) – artist Marie de Régnier [Marie de Heredia, Gérard d'Houville] (French, 1875 – 1963) – editor
A suite of 12 etchings 160 x 118 mm each, in the first state, pasted on paper, 2 per sheet, with a cover (250 x 210 mm).0. Cover. Les femmes de Paris pendant le siège./R.Martial/1871.1. Lorsqu'à l'approche de l'ennemi on demandait l'éloignement des bouches inutiles [...] 2. L'Ennemi ! 3. No inscription 4. Quête pour les veuves. 5. Concert et quête pour les enfants blessés, malades, infirmes. 6. Au bastion/Et celles non moins précieuses qui dirigeaient ces ventes [...] 7. Vente pour les orphelins de la guerre. 8. No inscription 9. Une ration, bouillie romaine et Vin/Cantine municipale[...] 10. No inscription 11. No inscription 12. Les effets de cette union patriotique des femmes sont connus.[...]