Hardcover, black cloth, 175 x 135 mm, red lettering to spine, red Phrygian cap and white weapons and tools to front cover, collated 8vo: 1-508 516, i.e. 406 leaves, pp. [1-7] 8-808 [4] incl. errata and illustrations, plus photo frontispiece; cream dust jacket with a vignette, red and black lettering to front and spine, black lettering to flaps. Title-page (red and black): ПЕСНИ | ПЕРВОЙ | ФРАНЦУЗСКОЙ | РЕВОЛЮЦИИ | {vignette} | ПОДБОР ТЕКСТОВ, | ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАТЬЯ И КОММЕНТАРИИ | А•ОЛЬШЕВСКОГО | • РЕДАКЦИЯ | М•ЗЕНКЕВИЧА И АБРАМА ЭФРОСА | ВВЕДЕНИЕ | Ц. ФРИДЛЯНДА | ACADEMIA | 1934 || Contra-title (red and black): ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ | ЛИТЕРАТУРА | ПОД ОБЩЕЙ РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | А•М•ЭФРОСА | ПЕСНИ | ПЕРВОЙ ФРАНЦУЗСКОЙ | РЕВОЛЮЦИИ | {vignette} | / 1789-1799 / | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД | ACADEMIA | 1934 || Imprint: Суперобложка, переплет, | титул, шмуц-титула, | заставки и концовки | М. В. Маторина || Print run 5300 copies. Printer: Красный пролетарий (Moscow) Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): №661, p. 251-2. Contributors: Ольшевский [Овсянников], Александр Александрович [Russian, 1878 – 1951) – compiler Зенкевич, Михаил Александрович (Russian, 1886 – 1973) – editor Эфрос, Абрам Маркович (Russian-Jewish, 1888 – 1954) – editor Фридланд [Фридлянд], Цви (Russian-Israeli, 1898 – 1967) – preface Маторин, Михаил Владимирович (Russian, 1901 – 1976) – artist
Hardcover, stapled, grey cloth, 175 x 135 mm, brown lettering to spine, brown geometrical elements to front cover, collated 8vo: 1-348 356, i.e. 278 leaves, pp. [1-7] 8-555 [1], plus photo frontispiece; terracotta dust jacket with black lettering to front and spine, meander borders, black lettering to flaps, barbarically restored. Title-page (red and black): ЛИСИЙ | РЕЧИ | Перевод, статьи и комментарии С. И. Соболевского | ACADEMIA | 1933 || Contra-title (red and black): АНТИЧНАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | Под общей редакцией А. Малецкого | ЛИСИЙ | (ок. 459—380) | ACADEMIA | Москва – Ленинград || Imprint: Lysiae orationes | Заставки, | переплет и супер-обложка | В. А. Милашевского || Print run 5300 copies. Printer: Красный пролетарий (Moscow) Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): №557, p. 235. Contributors: Лисий [Λυσίας; Lysias] (Greek, c. 445 – 380 BC) – author Соболевский, Сергей Иванович (Russian, 1864 – 1963) – translator Милашевский, Владимир Алексеевич (Russian, 1893 – 1976) – artist
Hardcover, stapled, dark olive cloth, 200 x 140 mm, black lettering to spine, portrait of the author pasted to front cover, collated 8vo: 1-348 352, i.e. 274 leaves, pp. [1-7] 8-547 [1], plus errata leaf before back ffl and 12 plates incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collation; Black dust jacket with olive lettering and vignette to front and olive lettering to spine, black lettering to flaps, barbarically restored. Title-page (green and black): ВОЛЬТЕР | ОРЛЕАНСКАЯ | ДЕВСТВЕННИЦА | ПОЭМА | В ДВАДЦАТИ ОДНОЙ ПЕСНЕ | Перевод под редакцией | М. Лозинского | Вступительная статья | С. Мокульского | Комментарии | Л. Н. Галицкого | и Д. Е. Михальчи | ACADEMIA | 1935 || Contra-title (green and black): ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | Под общей редакцией А. М. Эфроса | ВОЛЬТЕР | (1694—1778) | ACADEMIA | Москва – Ленинград || Imprint: VOLTAIRE | LA PUCELLE D’ORLEANS | Иллюстрации, заставки, | концовки, переплет и супер- | обложка М. К. Соколова || Print run 5300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): №707, p. 259. Contributors: Arouet, François-Marie [Voltaire] (French, 1694 – 1778)– author. Михаил Леонидович Лозинский [Mikhail Lozinsky] (Russian, 1886 – 1955) – translator. Стефан Стефанович Мокульский (Russian, 1896 – 1960) – preface Лев Николаевич Галицкий – commentary Дмитрий Евгеньевич Михальчи (Russian, 1900 – 1973) – commentary Михаил Ксенофонтович Соколов [Mikhail Sokolov] (Russian, 1885 – 1947) – artist Абрам Маркович Эфрос (Russian-Jewish, 1888 – 1954) – series editor
スラブ社会文化論シリーズ||スラブ シャカイ ブンカロン シリーズ ; 第4号 Softcover, grey publisher’s wrappers with black lettering, in silver dust jacket with black lettering and vignette; pp. [8] [i] ii-iii [iv] [1] 2-293 [5]; 257 x 183 mm. DJ Front: Эдуард ВЛАСОВ | БЕССМЕРТНАЯ ПОЭМА | ВЕНЕДИКТА ЕРОФЕЕВА | МОСКВА ПЕТУШКИ | {vignette} | СПУТНИК ПИСАТЕЛЯ | Slavic research center | Hokkaido university || Title-page: Эдуард ВЛАСОВ | БЕССМЕРТНАЯ ПОЭМА | ВЕНЕДИКТА ЕРОФЕЕВА | МОСКВА ПЕТУШКИ | {vignette} | СПУТНИК ПИСАТЕЛЯ | ИЗДАНИЕ ПЕРВОЕ, | ИСПРАВЛЕННОЕ И СОКРАЩЕННОЕ || Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Власов, Эдуард Ю. – author/commentary
Hardcover volume, 8vo, 200 x 140 mm, bound in light blue cloth with vignette to front, cream printed label and lettering to flat spine; pictorial dust jacket, black lettering to spine, publisher’s device to back, and black lettering to flaps. Print-run 5,000 copies. Faux frontispieces, binding, and dust jacket designed by Н. В. Кузьмин. Collation: 1-388 394, i.e. 308 leaves plus 12 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece portrait of the author [1-7] 8-611 [5], errata slip tipped in. Title-page (blue and black): АЛЬФРЕД ДЕ МЮССЕ | ТЕАТР | Перевод, вступительная | статья и комментарии | А. В. Федорова | ACADEMIA | 1934 || Contre-title (blue and black): ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | Под общей редакцией | А. М. Эфроса | АЛЬФРЕД ДЕ МЮССЕ | (1810 – 1857) | СОЧИНЕНИЯ | ACADEMIA | Москва – Ленинград || Title verso: ALFRED DE MUSSET | THÉÂTRE | Фронтисписы титулов, | переплет и супер-обложка | Н. В. Кузьмина || Catalogue Raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова 653 (p. 250). Contents: Венецианская ночь, или Свадьба Лауретты; Андреа дель Сарто; Фантазио; Любовью не шутят; Лоренцаччо; Подсвечник; Не надо биться об заклад; Молча за дело; Всего не предусмотришь; Беттина (пер. Е. Геркена) Contributors: Musset, Alfred de (French, 1810–1857) – author Фёдоров, Андрей Венедиктович (Russian, 1906 – 1997) – translator Геркен, Евгений Георгиевич (Russian, 1886 – 1962) – translator Кузьмин, Николай Васильевич (Russian, 1890 – 1987) – artist Эфрос, Абрам Маркович (Russian-Jewish, 1888 – 1954) – editor
Two hardcover volumes, 8vo, 200 x 140 mm each, uniformly bound in cream cloth with gilt triple fillet frame to front, same blind to back, and blind volutes to corners, gilt lettering, fillets and blind fleurons in compartments to flat spine; cream dust jacket with red lettering and black vignette to front, black spine with cream lettering to spine, publisher’s device to back, and black lettering to flaps. Print-run 5,300 copies. Besides these two volumes, Academia later published volumes 5 (1936), 3, 4, and 8 (1937); other volumes were published in 1939-47 by ОГИЗ-Гослитиздат. Vol. 1: 1-318 324, i.e. 252 leaves plus 13 b/w plates extraneous to collation; pp.: [1-7] 8-501 [3]. Title-page (red and black): ДЕНИ ДИДРО | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | ТОМ I | ФИЛОСОФИЯ | Редакция и вступительная статья | И. К. Луппола | Перевод И. Б. Румера, | В. К. Сережникова, П. С. Юшкевича | Примечания А. Н. Лаврентьева | ACADEMIA | 1935 || Vol. 2: 1-368 374, i.e. 292 leaves plus 14 b/w plates extraneous to collation; pp.: [1-7] 8-582 [2]. Title-page (red and black): ДЕНИ ДИДРО | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | ТОМ II | ФИЛОСОФИЯ | Редакция и вступительная статья | И. К. Луппола | Перевод В. К. Сережникова и П. С. Юшкевича | Примечания М. Д. Цебенко| ACADEMIA | 1935 || In both volumes: Contre-Title: ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | ДЕНИ ДИДРО | (1713 – 1784) | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | в десяти томах | Под общей редакцией | И. К. ЛУППОЛА | ACADEMIA | Москва – Ленинград || Title verso: DENIS DIDEROT | OEUVRES CHOISIES | Супер-обложка и переплет | Б. В. Шварца || Catalogue Raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова 723, 724 (pp. 261-2). Contributors: Denis Diderot (French, 1713 – 1784) Луппол, Иван Капитонович (Russian, 1896 – 1943) – killed in GULAG Румер, Исидор Борисович (Russian-Jewish, 1884 – 1938) – killed in GULAG Серёжников, Виктор Константинович (Russian, 1873 – 1944) – killed in GULAG Юшкевич, Павел Соломонович (Ukrainian-Jewish, 1873 – 1945) Цебенко, Мария Дмитриевна (Russian, ? – 1957) Шварц, Борис Владимирович (1906 – 1967) Лаврентьев, А. Н.
Hardcover volume, 19 x 13 cm, grey cloth with gilt lettering to spine, grey/cream dust jacket lettered throughout, price “10s 6d | NET” unclipped. Covers rubbed, dust jacket has a purple ink stain on the back bottom. Black ink inscription to recto ffl. Collation: a-o8 p10, total 122 leaves; pp.: [6] 1-237 [238]. 1st edition, 1st issue / Great Britain. Title-page: THE END OF THE | AFFAIR | by | GRAHAM GREENE | {publisher’s device} | — | WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD | MELBOURNE :: LONDON :: TORONTO || Imprint: FIRST PUBLISHED 1951 | PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN | AT THE WINDMILL PRESS | KINGSWOOD, SURREY || Dedication: To C. (Catherine Walston, nee Crompton, American, 1925 – 1978) Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) William Henry Heinemann (Jewish-British, 1863 – 1920)
Hardcover, 242 x 168 mm, quarter burgundy cloth over blue paper boards, outer edge untrimmed; pp.: [6] [1-4] 5-516 [2 colophon/blank] [6 blanks]. First published in France in 2000 as “Haussmann” by Librairie Arthème Fayard. Title-page: HAUSSMANN | ~ | His Life and Times, | and the Making of Modern Paris | MICHEL CARMONA | TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY PATRICK CAMILER | {publisher’s device} | Ivan • R • Dee | Chicago 2002 || Michel Carmona (French, b. 1940) Georges-Eugène Haussmann [Baron Haussmann] (French, 1809 – 1891)
Hardcover, 333 x 247 mm, black cloth with gilt facsimile to front board and gilt lettering to spine, aubergine dust jacket with white lettering and red facsimile over black panel to front and back, crimson endpapers, laid paper, unpaginated; pp.: [4] h.t./blank, t.p./imprint, [2] text by John Hollander, 61 leaves of plates; originally published in 1969 by Rhinoceros Press, New York, as a limited-edition portfolio with slipcase. Title-page: Fornicon | (in frame) BY TOMI UNGERER | GROVE PRESS NEW YORK || Jean-Thomas [Tomi] Ungerer (French,1931 – 2019) John Hollander (American, 1929 – 2013)
Hardcover volume, 20.2 x 14.5 cm, aubergine cloth, gilt lettering and publisher’s device to spine, aubergine top edge, aubergine dust jacket with gilt lettering and black fleuron to front, gilt lettering and black fleuron and publisher’s device to spine, and a captioned photographic portrait to back, blurb text to flaps, price ”35s net | in U.K. only” unclipped; pictorial endpapers. Pp.: [1-8] 9-445 [446] [2], collation: A-O16, total 224 leaves. Title-page (in oval frame): JOHN FOWLES | THE | FRENCH | LIEUTENANT'S | WOMAN | — | Every emancipation is a restoration of the human | world and of human relationships to man himself. | MARX, Zur Judenfrage (1844) | JONATHAN CAPE | THIRTY BEDFORD SQUARE | LONDON || Contributors: John Fowles (British, 1926 – 2005) – author. Herbert Jonathan Cape (British, 1879 – 1960) – publisher. Ebenezer Baylis & Son, Ltd. (f. 1858) – printer. The Trinity Press – printer.
Cardboard box 32 x 23.7 cm with lettering and vignette to front, lettering to spine, and Loomis facsimile and Titan publisher's barcode label to back.
- Title-page: Drawing | THE HEAD AND HANDS | BY | ANDREW LOOMIS | {vignette} ||
Hardcover volume, 31 x 23.5 cm, peach cloth, with peach lettering to the green label on front board, green lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, price unclipped ($4.95); text to flaps; pp.: [1-6] 7-154 [155 plate] [5 blanks], ils. (photomechanical reproductions); magazine clipping laid in. Title-page: Drawing | THE HEAD AND HANDS | BY | ANDREW LOOMIS | {vignette} | NEW YORK • THE VIKING PRESS || Imprint: COPYRIGHT © 1956 BY ANDREW LOOMIS | FIRST PUBLISHED BY THE VIKING PRESS IN JANUARY 1956 | PUBLISHED ON THE SAME DAY IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA | BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED | SECOND PRINTING 1958 | {two paragraphs of copyright statement} | LITHOGRAPHED IN U.S.A, BY W. S. KONECKY ASSOCIATES || Edition: 1st edition, 2nd printing. Andrew Loomis (American, 1892 – 1959)
Hardcover volume, 311 x 235 mm, bound in blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine, olive endpapers, pictorial dust jacket with text to flaps, pp.: [i-xi] xii-xvi, [1] 2-245 [246 blank], plus 19 leaves of plates and 4 leaves of captions, extraneous to collation (169 leaves total). Title-page: MARBLED | PAPER | ITS HISTORY, TECHNIQUES, | AND PATTERNS | With Special Reference to the Relationship of | Marbling to Bookbinding in Europe and | the Western World | RICHARD J. WOLFE {publisher’s device} | UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS | Philadelphia || Imprint: Copyright © 1990 by the University of Pennsylvania Press | All rights reserved | Printed in Japan | Second printing 1991 || Frontispiece: A Publication of the | A. S. W. ROSENBACH FELLOWSHIP | IN BIBLIOGRAPHY || Wolfe, Richard J. (American, 1928 – 2017)
Hardcover volume, 25.3 x 19.3 cm, green cloth with gilt lettering to front and spine, pictorial dust jacket, pp.: [1 blank] [i-viii] ix-xxiii [xxiv blank] [2] 3-297 [298 blank] [8 blanks], 26 plates, unpaginated. MS inscription in black ink to ffl “David Tatham 1969”. Title-page: The World of | HOGARTH | Lichtenberg's Commentaries | on Hogarth's Engravings | TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN | AND WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY | INNES AND GUSTAV HERDAN | HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY BOSTON | The Riverside Press Cambridge | 1966 || Illustrations: A Harlot's Progress; Marriage-à-la-Mode; Strolling Actresses Dressing in a Barn; A Midnight Modern Conversation or The Bacchanalians; A Rake's Progress; The Four Times of the Day: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night. Edition: First printing w; Printed in the United States of America. Provenance (possibly): David Tatham (American, 1932 – 2023) Contributors: George Christoph Lichtenberg (German, 1743 – 1799) Innes Herdan (British, 1911 – ?) Gustav Herdan (German, 1897 – 1968) William Hogarth (British, 1697 – 1764)
Hardcover volume, 28.6 x 22.4 cm, tan cloth over brown cloth boards, black lettering to spine, blind-stamped lettering in frame to front, in a black pictorial dust jacket, price unclipped; pp.: [1-ix] x-xi [xii blank], [1-4] 5-36 [4], 64 pages with 109 b/w plates, 12 pages with chronology, bibliography, credits; total 128 pp. Title-page: EDWARD HOPPER (in frame)| THE COMPLETE PRINTS | GAIL LEVIN | W • W • NORTON & COMPANY • NEW YORK • LONDON | IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE | WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART || Contributors: Gail Levin (American, b. 1948) – author. Edward Hopper (American, 1882 – 1967) – artist. W. W. Norton & Company (f. 1923) – publisher. Whitney Museum of American Art (NY) – publisher.
Hardcover volume 28.5 x 22.2 cm, bound in grey cloth with gilt lettering to front and spine, olive endpapers, pictorial dust jacket [Washington square vista] with text and portrait of the authors to flaps, pp.: [i-viii] ix-xxi [xxii], [2] 3-208 [2], total 117 leaves, 205 photomechanical illustrations, limitation to last page: 1200 copies regular edition, 100 copies deluxe edition. Title-page: Armin Landeck | The Catalogue Raisonné of His Prints | Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged | June Kysilko Kraeft and Norman Kraeft | Southern Illinois University Press / Carbondale and Edwardsville || Contributors: Armin Landeck (American, 1905 – 1984) June Kysilko Kraeft Norman Kraeft
Hardcover volume 28.5 x 19 cm, bound in brown wrinkled buckram with framed gilt lettering and fleurons to front and framed gilt lettering to spine, in a pictorial dust jacket, green and yellow floral diaper endpapers, printed on laid paper, bottom and outer margins untrimmed. Collation: Eight unnumbered pages of text in English, incl. bibliography, plus 45 unnumbered leaves of plates (photomechanical) with captions in French. Facsimile reproduction of the published in ca. 1907-1908 ‘La grande danse macabre des vifs’, which can be loosely translated as ‘The great strange dance of life’ or ‘The great dance of death by the living’. Title-page: THE | SATYRICAL | DRAWINGS OF | MARTIN VAN MAELE | {vignette} | THE CYTHERA PRESS NEW YORK || SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MAURICE FRANÇOIS ALFRED MARTIN VAN MAËLE [MARTIN VAN MAËLE] (FRENCH, 1863 – 1926) (ANONYMOUS). Sweet Seventeen. — Paris: Charles Carrington, 1910. ANSON, MARGUERITE. Une Société de flagellantes. — Paris: Charles Carrington. 1902. 31 illustrations by Van Maele and A. Lambrecht. Translation of The Merry Order of St. Bridget. APULEUS, LUCIUS. Les Métamorphoses, ou l’âne d'or. — Paris: Charles Carrington, 1905. Translation of The Golden Ass. The same Van Maele plates were probably used by the publisher for his English translation of the same work (Paris, 1904). ARETINO, PIETRO. Les Dialogues. 2 volumes. — Paris: Au Cabinet du Livre. 1927. Only the textual illustrations are by Van Maele. The other plates are by Viset. This is believed to be the Iast book that Van Maele illustrated. DESROIX, JACQUES. La Gynécocratte. — Paris: Charles Carrington, 1902. Translation of Gynecocracy. FRANCE, ANATOLE. Thaïs. — Paris: Charles Carrington, 1901. English translation. JUSANGE. PIERRE DE. La Comtesse au foulet. — Paris: Collection des Orties Blanches, s.d. SACHER-MASOCH. La Vénus a la fourrure. — Paris: Charles Carrington, 1902. VAN MAELE, MARTIN. La Grande Danse macabre des vifs. — Paris: Charles Carrington, ca. 1907-8. VERLAINE, PAUL. La Trilogie érotique. — Paris: Charles Carrington, 1907. Reprinted, Brussels, 1931. The original edition is rare. VILLIOT, JEAN DE. Camille et moi. — Paris: Charles Carrington, 1904. Translation of Frank and I. VILLIOT, JEAN DE. Dix-sept ans. — Paris: Librairie des Bibliophiles Parisiens, Charles Carrington, 1905. Translation of Sweet Seventeen. VILLIOT, JEAN DE. La Flagellation amoureuse. — Paris: Charles Carrington. 1904. VILLIOT, JEAN DE. La Flagellation des femmes en Allemagne. — Paris: Charles Carrington. 1901. Translation of Nell in Bridewell. VILLIOT, JEAN DE. Volées de bois vert. — Paris: Librairie des Bibliophiles Parisiens, Charles Carrington, 1905. (ANONYMOUS): Flèches de plomb. BAUDELAIRE, CHARLES. Les Fleurs du mal. BERANGER. Chansons érotiques. CHODER LOS DE LACLOS. Les Liaisons dangereuses. — Paris: 1908. GAUTIER, THEOPHILE. Lettre au Président. HARAUCOURT. Légende des sexes. — Paris, 1908. MICHELET, JULES. La Sorcière. — Paris, 1911.
Hardcover volume, 25.3 x 19.6 cm, bound in blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, crimson endpapers, pp.: [1-4] 5-160, ils. Title-page: THE MAN WHO MADE PARIS | PARIS | THE ILLUSTRATED BIOGRAPHY OF | GEORGES-EUGENE HAUSSMANN | WILLET WEEKS | Photographer of | scenes of Paris today | JEAN-CLAUDE MARTIN | (in frame) LONDON / HOUSE || Contributors: Willet Weeks (American)– author. Jean-Claude Martin (French-American) – photographer. Georges Eugène Haussmann (French, 1809 – 1891) – character.