Compton Collection, vol. 2, p. 26-27, №52.
Compton Collection, vol. 2, p. 26-27, №52.
Butterfield & Butterfield, 1979. Sale # 3063, lot № 66.
Size: 71.4 x 70.2 x 5.2 mm.
An association with the Star of David is doubtful if not impossible.References:
Jacob Pins #547 [p.217] - Ebisu drawing wakamizu, the first water drawn from a well on the New Year. TNM II (Tokyo National Museum Catalogue vol. 2) #1373.
Circular tsuba (marugata ) with design of futatsu-domoe (twofold tomoe) in negative openwork (kage-sukashi), folded-over rim (uchikaeshi-mimi ). The ‘head’ of the left tomoe altered to form an opening for scabbard accessory (kata-hitsu-ana), adorned with gold ategane fitting with file marks (tate-yasurime). The hammer-blow finish of the surface (tsuchime-ji). Signed to the left of nakaga-ana: Yamakichibei (山吉兵). Attributed by Steve Waszak a the Second Generation (Nidai) master.
NBTHK paper [translated by Markus Sesko]:Tomoe-sukashi-tsuba (巴透し鐔).
KANTEI-SHO (鑑定書) - APPRAISAL No 451718
Futatsu-domoe sukashi-tsuba (二巴透鐔) ‒ Tsuba with two tomoe comma openwork design
Signed: Yamakichibei (山吉兵)
Round shape (marugata ), iron, hammerblow finish (tsuchime-ji ), negative openwork design (kage-sukashi ), folded-over rim (uchikaeshi-mimi ), one opening for scabbard accessory
(kata-hitsu-ana) (with gold ategane fitting)
According to the result of the shinsa committee of our society, we judge this work as authentic
and rank it as Hozon Tōsōgu.
February 20, 2007
[Foundation] Nihon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyōkai, NBTHK (日本美術刀劍保存協會)
Diameter: 76 mm, thickness at center 3.9 mm, thickness at rim: 5.1 mm; weight: 102.5 g
Tomoe (Comma): The character 巴 (Chinese pronunciation bā). A pattern resembling the two-comma tomoe (futatsu-domoe) has been found in ancient cultures on all inhabited continents. ...aside from their military function, a ritual or fetish value, perhaps related to their testicular shape. It also has yin-yang connotation. The gold sekigane confirms the high value of the piece to the owner.
Yukari no Edo-zakura | The tatami night robe of Iwao | Tangled Hair and the Evening Braided Hat |
A Kamakura-bori tsuba of octagonal form, Momoyama period
Tsuba Kanshoki, 1975, p. 61: Heianjō tsuba, Momoyama Period.
Tsuba of oval form decorated with vines, tendrils, and leaves on trellis in brass inlay with details carved in kebori, and pierced with six family crests (mon) with two, three and four pointing stars in openwork, each outlined with brass wire and carved in kebori. Original hitsu-ana outlined with brass wire was probably enlarged later. Copper sekigane.
Momoyama to early Edo period (end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century). Dimensions: 68.3 x 64.5 x 3.4 mm.Varshavsky Collection: TSU-0345.2018
Compton Collection, part II, pp. 14-15, №17: Kamakura-bori tsuba, ca. 1450.