//1st edition
  • Front cover: ЦЕНТРАРХИВ | [—] | ЦАРСКАЯ ДИПЛОМАТИЯ | И | ПАРИЖСКАЯ КОММУНА | 1871 года | [blank space] [publisher's device] | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | МОСКВА 1933 ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title: ЦЕНТРАРХИВ | [—] | ЦАРСКАЯ ДИПЛОМАТИЯ | И | ПАРИЖСКАЯ КОММУНА | 1871 года | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ И С ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕМ | Ц. ФРИДЛЯНДА | [blank space] [publisher's device] | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | МОСКВА 1933 ЛЕНИНГРАД || [Центральное архивное управление при ВЦИК РСФСР]. Pagination: [2] 3-238 [2]. Softcover, editor's wrappers, lettering to covers and spine. 23 x 15 cm; Printrun (Тираж): 2000 экз.
  • Title: Издательство Путеводителей "Русскiй Бедекеръ" сущ. съ 1888 г. | Григорiй Москвичъ. | ИЛЛЮСТРИРОВАННЫЙ | Практический Путеводитель | по Одессѣ | с приложенiемъ: | очерка одесской выставки, плана Одессы, исполненнаго | в краскахъ, плановъ — порта, Куяльницкаго лимана, | расписанiя рейсовъ пароходовъ и тарифовъ, алфавита | и проч. | ИЗДАНИIЕ ШЕСТОЕ. | Цѣна 1 руб. (в переплетѣ) | ПРОДАЕТСЯ | во всѣх лучшихъ книжныхъ магазинахъ столицъ | и провинцiи. | ОДЕССА. | Типографiя и стереотипия И. Копельмана, Пушк. 34. | 1910. || Binding: Red cloth with gilt lettering to the front board: XXII-й ГОДЪ ИЗДАНIЯ XXII-й | ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ | ПО | ОДЕССѢ | Г. МОСКВИЧА. | 6 изд. Цѣна 1 руб. | 1910. [Pictorial advert.], to the back board: Text. advert. in gilt; to spine: ОДЕССА. Pink end-papers with advertisement. Pagination: [i-ii - t.p. /advert.] [iii]-iv - preface to 6th edition; [v]-viii - content; [ix]-xvi - index; 11 leaves advert., unpag; [i]-xii - Odessa exhibition; [1] 2-240; [1] 2-8 - schedules; photo plates, 2 folding maps; in-16mo (numerical). Size: 16.5 x 10.5 cm.
  • Title: PROBLÈMES ET DOCUMENTS | HENRI ROLLIN | L'APOCALYPSE | DE | NOTRE TEMPS | Les dessous de la propagande allemande | d'après des documents inédits | nrf | S. P. | GALLIMARD | Paris — 43, rue de Beaune Pagination: [1-9] 10-567 [9]. Size: 22.6 x 14.2 cm Binding: original publisher's wrappers. Ex libris Lorenzo Grazzini of Librairie Scritti (book store in Paris). Publishing Year: 1939; Publisher: Gallimard; Acheve d'impremier - Le 23 Septembre 1939 par l'Impremierie Orleanaise 68, rue Royale, Orleans.
  • Title: THE LIFE OF LOUIS ADOLPHE THIERS | BY | FRANCOIS Le GOFF | DOCTEUR-ÈS-LETTRES | TRANSLATED FROM THE UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT | BY | THEODORE STANTON, A. M. | {motto: Patriam dilexit, veritatem coluit.} | NEW YORK | G. P Putnam's Sons, 1879 | 182 FIFTH AVENUE | 1879 || Pagination: 2 blank leaves, frontis.: portrait of A. Thiers engraved on wood by J.I. Pease w/ tissue guard, [2] fac-simile of Thiers’s handwriting / blank, [2] - t.p. / copyright, [2] – dedication / blank, [2] – translators note / blank, [2] contents / blank, [vii] viii-xi [xii], [1] 2-353 [354 blank], [4] advert., 2 blank leaves; ill.: frontis., 1 woodcut plate, 1 folding manuscript fac-simile. Binding: dark-green cloth with bevelled margins, a gilt fac-simile of Thiers’s handwriting to front board, gilt lettering to spine. Note: The motto on the title page (Patriam dilexit, veritatem coluit) is taken from A. Thiers tomb on Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris: "He cherished his homeland and worshipped the truth".  
  • Title: MEMOIRS OF M. THIERS | 1870—1873 | Translated by | F. M. ATKINSON | {publisher’s device} | LONDON: GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD. | RUSKIN HOUSE 40 MUSEUM STREET, W.C. Pagination: [6] 7-384. Collation: 8vo; [1]-248. Size: 23 x 15 cm Binding: Blue cloth, top and bottom ruled in blind, gilt lettering to front cover and spine. Original: Adolphe Thiers. Notes et souvenirs de M. Thiers, 1870-1873: voyage diplomatique, proposition d'un armistice, préliminaires de la paix, présidence de la République. — Paris : [s.n.], 1901. — 465 p. The preface and editing signed "F. D." [Félicie Dosne]. Félicie Dosne (French, 1823 – 1906) was Thiers's sister-in-law.  
  • 2 volume set. Vol. 1. Title: Typographia, | OR THE | Printers' Instructor : | INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT | of the | ORIGIN OF PRINTING, | with | Biographical Notices of the Printers of | England, from Caxton to the close | of the Sixteenth Century : | A Series of | Ancient and Modern Alphabets, | and | DOMESDAY CHARACTERS : | Together with | An Elucidation of every Subject con- | nected with the Art. | By J. JOHNSON, Printer. |{stanza}| Vol. I. | In frame: Published by Messrs. Longman, Hurst, | Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, Pater- | noster Row, London | Under the frame: 1824. || Typographical frame with the names of distinguished printers; on the cornerstone: William Caxton, 1474. Pagination: ffl / blank, blank / engraved frontis., engraved t.p. / blank, engraved dedication / list of club members, engraved arms vignette / blank, [4] pedigree, [i] ii-xii – preface, [1] 2-610, [10] – index, bfl. Text printed in the frame. To ffl : previous owner’s inscription: Herbert Heath | from | William Blades. | Xmas 1886; Frontispiece: Portrait of John Johnson at age 46, engraved on wood by W. Hughes; t.p.: TYPOGRAPHIA, | OR THE | PRINTERS INSTRUCTOR | BY | J.JOHNSON | PRINTER. VOL. 2. | 1824 | frame with lettering, top: GUTTnbg – FAUST – ELZEVIR – ALDUS, bottom: MENTZ – STRASbg –HARLAEM | below: BIBLIOTHECA • BODLEIANA. | below the frame: G.W.BONNER SC ||; Dedication to Earl Spenser, K. G., and the members of The Roxburghe Club, dated 1824, engraved on wood by W. Hughes; Arms vignette: Roxburghe Club | Instituted | June XVII | M D CCCXII || engraved on wood by William Harvey. Provenance: Admiral Sir Herbert Leopold Heath, KCB MVO (1861 – 1954); William Blades (1824 – 1890) – English printer and bibliographies. Inscription to ffl in both vols:D. Bateman. Vol. 2. Pagination: ffl, t.p. (similar lettering, but Vol. II.) / blank, [2] advert., [i] ii-iv contents, [1, 2] 3-663 [664] [16]. Points: Vol. 1.: Frontispiece portrait of Caxton replaced by a portrait of J. Johnson from Vol. 2, engraved t.p. of Vol. 1. replaced by t.p. of Vol. 2; Vol. 2 without engraved t.p., and without frontispiece. Edition: First Edition. Size: 16mo. 12.5 x 8.5 cm Binding: Mid-nineteenth century polished calf, the covers with a border of a gilt double fillet and blind roll. Spine divided into six panels with raised bands flanked with gilt fillets, lettered on new red goatskin labels, marbled endleaves and edges. Seller's description:
    John Johnson (1777-1848) operated Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges's Lee Priory Press before a falling-out. Typographia was printed at his Apollo Press, in Brook Street, Holborn, with the financial support of Edward Walmsley, and came out in four sizes. "Of the few standard works on the art of printing in the English language, this is perhaps the most familiar. [The first volume contains] a table of the introduction of the art into the different countries, after which comes the "introduction and art in Great Britain", with a list of the productions of the first printers up to 1599. The second volume may be described as practical, in contradistinction to the first, which is historical. It gives a description of types, directions for composing, for press, and warehouse work, &c. It is particularly rich in foreign alphabets, a feature which has gained of it great estimation. It has long since become, and deservedly, a printer's classic" - Bigmore & Wyman, I, pp.371-2.
    Note: This is the book that served as a source of plagiarism for  Adams's Typographia: a brief sketch of the origin, rise, and progress of the typographic art published in Philadelphia by himself in 1837. The copy returned to the seller for the reason stated in section Points above and replaced with the unaltered copy LIB-2693.2021.
  • Title page: MAURICE JOLY | LES | AFFAMÉS | ÉTUDES | DE MŒURS CONTEMPORAINES |{publisher’s device «ED»}| PARIS | E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PALAIS-ROYAL, 15-17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | 1876 | Tous droits réservés.|| Pagination: short ffl, [2] h.t. / colophon [2] t.p. /  blank] [i] ii-xvi, 1-340. Collation: 12mo ; π10 1-1812 198. Binding: 19 x 12 cm; softcover; original wrappers with lettering to front and spine in black and red in a frame, untrimmed lateral edge.
  • A CATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION | OF | The Philip Hofer Bequest | IN THE DEPARTMENT OF | PRINTING AND GRAPHIC ARTS | {white in crimson cartouche The | Philip Hofer | Collection | in the | Houghton | Library} | HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY | CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS | 1988 || Printed by Meriden-Stinehour Press; Roderick Douglas [Rocky] Stinehour (American, 1925 – 2016) and his son Stephen Stinehour, The Stinehour Press in Lunenburg, Vermont. The Meriden Gravure Company in Meriden, Connecticut, was founded in 1888 by Charles Parker and James F. Allen. In 1977, the Meriden merged with the Stinehour Press, and in 1989, the Meriden operations were closed and the Meriden Gravure presses moved to the Vermont location. Pagination: [i-vi] – incl. h.t., t.p., f.t., vii-xiv, [1] 2-218, 100 plates, within pagination, incl. bibliography, index. Binding: Original grey paper wrappers with title printed in red and white.  
  • Convolute with three editions, dedicated to the Commune of Paris, 1871. (1) LES | Publications de la Rue | pendant | LE SIEGE ET LA COMMUNE | SATIRES — CANARDS — COMPLAINTES — CHANSONS | PLACARDS ET PAMPHLETS | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | PITTORESQUE ET ANECDOTIQUE | Par Firmin MAILLARD |{publisher’s device}| PARIS | AUGUSTE AUBRY, ÉDITEUR | 18, RUE SÉGUIER, 18 | 1874 || Pagination: ffl, original pictorial wrapper, [2] – blank / advert., [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – h.t. / colophon imprim. PILLET FILS AINÉ, frontis. similar to front wrapper without '1874', [2] – t.p. / blank, [v] vi-xii, [1] 2-198, three blank leaves, back wrapper. (2) VILLE DE SAINT-DENIS | EXPOSITION D'ART & D'HISTOIRE | La Commune de Paris |18 Mars 1871 28 Mai | AVANT-PROPOS DE Lucien DESCAVES | de l’Académie Goncourt | PREFACE DE Jacques DORIOT | Député de la Seine, Maire de Saint-Denis | Du 17 Mars au 26 Mai 1935 | au Musée Municipal | 4, place de la Légion d’Honneur – Saint-Denis || Pagination: original pictorial wrapper in black and red, frontis., [2] - t.p. / blank, [2] – commité, v-xiii [xiv] 1-113 [114], 26 plates (13 leaves), blank back wrapper, spine tipped-in. (3) J. LEMONNYER | LES | JOURNAUX DE PARIS | PENDANT | LA COMMUNE | REVUE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE COMPLETE | DE LA PRESSE PARISIENNE | du 19 Mars au 27 Mai | AVEC |{7 lines of text}| ET | UNE TABLE ALPHABÉTIQUE | DONNANT LE PRIX-COURANT DE CHAQUE COLLECTION | PARIS : J. LEMONNYER, Librarire | 73, Rue de Provence, 73 || Pagination: [2] - t.p. / blank, [2] – preface, [7] 8-94, green back wrapper w/advert., bfl. (lacks original front wrapper). Binding: Modern (20th century) red cloth, black label with gilt lettering to spine, matching marbled endpapers. Size: 18.5 x 13 cm; 12mo.
  • Vol. 1: A | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL | Antiquarian and Picturesque | TOUR | IN THE | NORTHERN COUNTIES OF ENGLAND | AND IN | SCOTLAND. | BY THE REVEREND | THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN, D.D. | CHAPLAIN IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. | VOL. I. |{device} motto: DEI OMNIA PLENA | LONDON: | PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY C. RICHARDS, ST. MARTIN’S LANE : | AND SOLD BY JAMES BOHN, 12 KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND, LONDON : | LAING AND FORBES, EDINBURGH : JOHN SMITH AND SON, | GLASGOW : AND E. CHARNLEY, NEWCASTLE. | MDCCCXXXVIII.|| Pagination: ffl, frontispiece by W. Douglas after T. M. Richardson, [i-ii] t.p. / blank; [iii-iv] - dedication to Frances Mary Richardson Currer (British, 1785 – 1861) / blank, [v] vi-xv – preface, [i] ii-xxx – supplement & index, [2] – corrections / colophon, [2] list of plates, [2] – contents, [1] 2-436, bfl; 11 plates extraneous to collation (incl. frontis.), lacking one plate (facing p. 213. “Thos. Bridges…”), in-text woodcut vignettes, head- and tailpieces. Collation: 8vo; π8 a-b8 [c2] B-Z8 2A-2E8 2F2. Vol. 2: Similar title but "VOL. II." Pagination: ffl, frontispiece portrait of Hugh Stewart, Aged 84 by Robert Bell after Alison (nothing known); [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] – contents / cont., [437-8] f.t. / blank [439] 440-1090, bfl; 453/4 misprinted 449/50; lacking list of subscribers. Collation: 8vo; π2 [2F3-2F6] 2G-2Z8 3A-3Z8. Binding: By J. Leighton, Brewer Street. Later half dark brown morocco over marbled boards, raised bands with gilt fillets, gilt titling and fillets in compartments, all edges gilt, marbled endpapers. Edition: 1st edition of Dibdin’s last major work and the only edition of this title. Size: 24.5 x 15.5 cm Provenance: Lord Ronald Gower (British, 1845 – 1916); Frank Hird (British, 1873 – 1937). Catalogue raisonné: Jackson 89; Windle & Pippin A65, pp. 179–188 [LIB-2669.2021]. Artists:  Abraham, [I.] Frederic Henry (British, 1790 – 1845) Carmichael, James John Wilson (British, 1800 – 1868) Geikie, Walter (British, 1795 – 1837) Harraden, Richard Bankes (British, 1778 – 1862) Hill, David Octavius (British, 1802 –1870) McLea, John Watson (British, fl.1832-1861) Nixon, James Henry (British, b. c. 1808) Reynolds, Sir Joshua (British, 1723 – 1792) Richardson, Thomas Miles (British, 1784 – 1848) Scott, J. (British, fl. 19th c.) Wilkinson, T. M. (British, fl. 19th c.) Engravers: Aikman, Alison [spouse of George Aikman?] (British, 1788 – 1865) Bell, Robert Charles (British, 1806 – 1872) Byfield, Mary (British, 1794/5 – 1871) Douglas, William (British, 1780 – 1832) Harraden, F. (British, fl. 1838) Horsburgh, John (British, 1791 –1869) Johnstone, John (British, fl. 1835 – ) Leith & Smith, Lithogrs (Edinburgh) Lizars, William Home (British, 1788 – 1859) Miller, William (British, 1796 – 1882) Penny, William (British, fl. 19th c.) Prior, Thomas Abiel (British, 1809 – 1886) Robinson, H. (British, fl. 19th c.) Smith, Charles John (British, 1803 – 1838) Thomson, James (British, 1788 – 1850)
  • Title: THE COMPLETE ETCHINGS OF | Goya | With a Foreword by Aldous Huxley | CROWN PUBLISHERS. NEW YORK|| Pagination: [2 blank] [1-6] 7-16 [6], 234 plates on 118 leaves [2 blank] Contents: The capriccios [Los caprichos]. The disasters of the war [Los desastres de la guerra]. The art of bullfighting [La Tauromaquia]. The proverbs [Los disparates, Proverbios]. Miscellany. Binding: Hardcover, grey cloth, black lettering to cover and spine, pictorial DJ.
  • Title: РУССКIЕ ГРАВЕРЫ | И | ИХЪ ПРОИЗВЕДЕНIЯ | СЪ 1564 ГОДА | ДО ОСНОВАНIЯ АКАДЕМIИ ХУДОЖЕСТВЪ. | Изследованiе Д. Ровинскаго. | Изданiе графа Уварова. | МОСКВА. | Въ Сѵнодальной типографiи, на Никольской улицѣ. | 1870. || Pagination: [2] orig. wrapper / advert., [2] t.p. / imp.[i] ii-x, [1] 2-403 [404], [2] orig. wrapper / advert. Collation: 8vo; π6 (incl. t.p.), 1-258 χ2 Binding: Owner’s ½ black morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt-ruled, florets and lettering in compartments, blue endpapers, uncut, untrimmed, original wrappers preserved. Size: 29.5 x 19 cm
  • УКАЗАТЕЛЬ | ИМЕНЪ И ПРЕДМЕТОВЪ | УПОМЯНУТЫХЪ ВЪ | ПОДРОБНОМЪ СЛОВАРЕѢ РУССКИХЪ ГРАВЕРОВЪ  Д. А. РОВИНСКАГО. | СОСТАВИЛЪ | ЕВГ. НИК. ТЕВЯШОВЪ. | (Доложено въ заседанiи Историко-филологическаго отделенiя 13 января 1899 г.) |  САНКТЪ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ, 1899. | ПРОДАЕТСЯ У КОМИССIОНЕРОВЪ ИМПЕРАТОРСКОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУКЪ: | И. И. Глазунова, М. Эггерса и Комп., К. Л. Риккера въ Санктъ-Петербургѣ‎; Н. П. Карбасникова въ Санктъ-Пе- | тербургѣ‎, Москвѣ и Варшавѣ; | М. В. Клюкина въ Москве; Н. Киммеля въ Ригѣ; Н. Я. Оглоблина въ Санктъ- | Петербургѣ и Кiевѣ; у Фоссъ (Г. Гэссель) въ Лейпцигѣ, а также въ Книжномъ складѣ Императорской | академiи наукъ. | Цена: 1 р. 20 к. = 3 Mark. Pagination: original wrapper bound in, [2] t.p. / colophon, [1, 2] 3-208 (numbered half-pages, 52 leaves). Collation: 4to; 1-134. Binding: Owner's later 3/4 grey cloth over buckram boards. original front wrapper preserved, upper-right corner cut out.
  • Title: ПОДРОБНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ | РУССКИХЪ ГРАВЕРОВЪ | XVI-XIX ВВ. | СОСТАВИЛЪ Д. А. РОВИНСКIЙ. | (ПОСМЕРТНОЕ ИЗДАНIЕ). | СО МНОГИМИ ЦИНКОГРАФIЯМИ ВЪ ТЕКСТѢ. | САНКТПЕТЕРБУРГЪ, 1895. | ПРОДАЕТСЯ У КОМИССIОНЕРОВЪ ИМПЕРАТОРСКОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУКЪ: | И. И. Глазунова, М. Эггерса и Комп. и К. Л. Риккера въ С.-Петербургѣ‎, Н. П. Карбасникова въ | С.-Петербургѣ‎, Москвѣ и Варшавѣ, | Н. Киммеля въ Ригѣ. Фоссъ (Г. Гэссель) въ Лейпцигѣ. | Цена 4 руб. Pagination: [2] t.p./colophon, [2] dedication/blank, [2] f.t. ИСТОРИЧЕСКIЙ ОБЗОРЪ | ГРАВИРОВАНIЯ / blank; 1-344 (numbered half-pages, 86 leaves); [2] f.t. СЛОВАРЬ ГРАВЕРОВЪ. / blank, 1-806 [808 blank] (numbered half-pages, 202 leaves) Collation: 8vo; π3 1-258 262. Книга состоит из двух разделов с раздельной пагинацией. Первая часть "Исторический обзор гравирования", вторая – собственно "Словарь граверов". В обеих частях пронумерованы половины страниц.  
  • Title: TYPOGRAPHIA : | A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE | ORIGIN, RISE, AND PROGRESS | OF THE | TYPOGRAPHIC ART; | WITH | PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS FOR CONDUCTING | EVERY DEPARTMENT IN AN OFFICE. | BY THOMAS F. ADAMS, TYPOGRAPHER. | {vignette} | PHILADELPHIA: | PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE COMPILER, | N. W. CORNER OF THIRD AND CHESNUT STS. | 1837. || Pagination: Engraved frontispiece w/guard, t.p. / blank, [1-3] 4-372 [8], incl. Index and Directions to binder. Collation: 12mo; 1-31(6). Binding: contemporary full brown speckled calf, flat spine bands with gilt double-fillets, dark brown lettering label. Note: Plagiarism of John Johnson's (British, 1777 – 1848) book Typographia, or, The printers' instructor published in London by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green in 1824. .
  • Title: В. Я. АДАРЮКОВЪ. | ДОБАВЛЕНIЯ И ИСПРАВЛЕНIЯ КЪ ПОДРОБНОМУ СЛОВАРЮ | РУССКИХЪ | ГРАВИРОВАННЫХЪ ПОРТРЕТОВЪ Д. А. РОВИНСКАГО | СПБ. 1889 г. | ИЗДАНИЕ ЖУРНАЛА «СТАРЫЕ ГОДЫ» | 1911. Pagination: [1-4] – incl. orig. wrappers with engraved vignette, 5-89 [90 blank], illustr. Size: 27 x 18.7 cm. Binding: Hardcover; owner's half brown buckram over cloth, original wrappers bound in. Printed on laid paper. Edition: 1st edition, limited: №91 of 150. Inscription to t.p.: Крамарев, 27.5.39. Errata inserts on p. 29 and 77
  • Engraved title:

    Upper frame: ALMANACH | ICONOLOGIQUE, | OU | DES ARTS | pour l'année | 1764. | Orné de Figures | avec leurs explications | par | M. GRAVELOT. | avec Priv. du Roy | A PARIS

    Lower frame: Chez Lattré Graveur rue S. Jacq. | à la Ville de Bordeaux.

    Under the frame: H. Gravelot del. — L. Legrand sc.

    28 leaves, of them: engraved t.p., engraved frontis., and 12 plates, text engraved. Pages numbered 1-12, and I-XII (incorrectly marked XVI), other unpaginated, unbound tissue guards. Size: 10.6 x 7.2 cm, full polished crimson calf w/veins, triple-ruled in gilt with florets in corners, flat spine, double-ruled in gilt, all edges gilt. Florets in compartments, black title label with gilt lettering “ALM | ICON ||”, peacock marbled endpapers, blue silk ribbon. Approbation dated 15 November 1763, as some plates.

    Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, De Ricci 454.