• Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 22 cm, 67 items, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 14-20, 2020 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-120 [8], ils. 6 fan prints. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
  • Description: one volume, 31.3 x 23.8 cm, bound in crimson cloth with gilt lettering to spine, in a pictorial dust jacket, lettered to front: GEISHA | {image} | Beyond | the | Painted | Smile | {image} || Title-page: GEISHA | Beyond | the | Painted | Smile | edited by the | Peabody Essex | Museum | published by | George Braziller, Inc. | in association with the | Peabody Essex Museum || Pagination: 1-159 [160], ils. Contributors: Lisa Dalby, Lesley Downer, Arthur Golden, Peter M. Grilli, Money L. Hickman, Allen Hockley, Andrew L. Maske, Yoko Yamamoto.
  • Description: 25.1 x 19.2 cm, collated 4to, quarter cream faux-parchment over blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine, in a slipcase with pasted pictorial titles, with different vignettes to front and back. Title-page: The pastoral loves of | Daphnis & Chloe | Done into English by George Moore | With Etchings by Marcel Vertès | Folio Society ✶ London ✶ 1954 | {vignette} || Collation: [A]4 B-M4, total 48 leaves, incl. frontispiece plus 6 leaves of plates reproduced by collotype after etchings by Marcel Vertès, extraneous to collation. Pagination: [1-6] (h.t., frontis., t.p./imprint) 7-95 [96]; total 96 pages, ils. Ref.: WorldCat. Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer (1967): № 61, p. 21. Print run: according to Vokaer – 3750 copies. Longus [Λόγγος] (Greek, 2nd century AD) – author. George Moore (Irish, 1852 – 1933)– translator. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Charles Batey (British, 1893 – ?) – printer. James Burn – binder
  • Description: Two volumes, collated 4to, usually described as 12mo, 16.5 x 10.5 cm each, uniformly bound in full calf, bordered in gilt with a triple-fillet over blind dentelle, flat spine ornamented in gilt with two crimson labels, gilt dentelle inside, blue marbled endpapers with previous owner bookplate to front pastedown in each vol.: "W. E. A. MACDONNELL. | NEW HALL | Co. of Clare.", and a ticket in a blue border “162”. Illustrated by T. Bewick after J. Thurston with frontispiece portrait of Robert Burns, numerous woodcut endpieces and a total of 14 full-page woodcut vignettes throughout. Title-page: THE | POETICAL WORKS | OF | ROBERT BURNS; | WITH HIS LIFE | ORNAMENTED WITH | ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD BY MR. BEWICK | FROM ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY MR. THURSTON. | — | IN TWO VOLUMES. | VOL I. (VOL. II.) | — | ALNWICK: | Printed by William Davison. | SOLD BY THE BOOKSELLERS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND | AND IRELAND. | – | 1808. || Vol. 1: Collation: π3 (1st blank, engraved frontispiece portrait of R. Burns, t.p.), a2 b-e4, A-Z4, 2A-2E4 (2E)4 (last two blank); total 137 leaves, numerous endpieces and 9 woodcut plates by Thomas Bewick after John Thurston within collation. Pagination: [2 blank] [i-v] 6 (i.e. vi) xlii [43-45] 46-268 (265-268 marked 263–266, respectively, [4 blank]; total 274 pages, of which 6 blank (pagination by Hugo: xlii, 297, 26), full-page plates opposite to pp. 73, 82, 106, 127, 141, 178, 192, 213, 219. Vol. 2: Collation: π5 (1st blank, t.p., 3 leaves of contents), A-B4 (C omitted) D-Z4, 2A-2G4 (2H omitted) 2I2 2K-2M4 2N1 χ2; total 138 leaves, numerous endpieces and 6 woodcut plates by Thomas Bewick after John Thurston within collation. Pagination: [2 blank] [i-iii] iv-xi (v marked vii, viii marked ix), 12-270 (16 marked 17, 76 marked 67, 84 marked 86, 96 marked 90, 112 marked 110, 203-207 marked 205-209, 220-224 marked 222-226), [4 blank]; total 276 pages, of which 6 blank (pagination by Hugo: xii, 320), full-page plates opposite to pp. 11, 40, 70, 191, 221. Catalogue raisonné: Hugo (1866): № 230, v. 1, p. 92-93; according to Hugo, the year 1808 was not stated, the number of pages in each volume is different to my copy. Provenance: Colonel William Edward Armstrong-Macdonnell (Irish, 1858 – 1883) of New Hall, Ennis, County Clare, Ireland (presumed). Contributors: Robert Burns (Scottish, 1759 – 1796) – author. Thomas Bewick (British, 1753 – 1828) – engraver. John Thurston (British, 1774 – 1822) – artist. William Davison (British, 1781 – 1858) – printer/publisher.
  • Description: 12mo, full calf, 12.9 x 7.4 cm, boards chain-bordered in gilt, front board gilt-lettered with the name of the owner “T. D. TOWNSEND”, flat spine, adorned in gilt, black label with gilt lettering, red endpapers, bookstore ticket to front pastedown: SOLD BY | ASH & MASON, | 139 Chesnut st.; ink ms inscription to ffep: Presented to | T. D. Townsend by | Mrs. Rebecca Cole of Burlington, N. Y. | Septr 29th 1827. Note: Ash & Mason bookstore and printing house in Philadelphia, PA. Engraved title-page: THE | LIFE & ADVENTURES | OF | Robinson Crusoe | Written | BY HIMSELF. | {vignette by C. Warren after T. Uwins, inscribed “Robinson on his periagua, making the circuit of his island”} | LONDON. | J. Walker & the other Proprietors | 1818. || Frontispiece: seated portrait of Robinson Crusoe in his bungalow with a dog and a cat by C. Warren after T. Uwins, inscribed below: ROBINSON CRUSOE | surrounded by his domestics || under the frame: T. Uwins del — C. Warren sculp.; beneath: London. Pub. by Walker & the other Proprietors || Title-page: THE | LIFE & ADVENTURES | OF | ROBINSON CRUSOE; | WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. | — | LONDON: | Printed for J. Walker; | 8 lines of names… and B. Reynolds. | 1818. || Collation: A6 (A1 torn out, A2 blank), B-Z12, 2A-2D12, 2E10 (2E8-10 blank); total 328 leaves plus two plates (engraved frontispiece and engraved title). Pagination: [2 torn out] [2 blank], [i-iii] iv-vi [2 blank] [1] 2-638 [6 blank]; total 656 pages, ill. Contributors: Daniel Defoe [Daniel De Foe] (British, 1660 – 1731) – author. Thomas Uwins (British, 1782 – 1857) – artist. Charles Warren (British, 1762 – 1823) – engraver. J Walker & Co. [Walker & Edwards] (London) – publisher. Ellerton and Henderson, Printers (London) – printer.
  • Description: 17.4 x 11 cm, blue publisher’s cloth, blind device to front board, gilt lettering to spine, no DJ, pink abstract diaper endpapers, owner’s ink inscription to ffep, dated June 28, 1945. Serial t.p.: Everyman, I will go with thee, and be thy guide, | In thy most need to go by the side. | — | EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY | EDITED BY ERNEST RHYS | No. 8 | FOR YOUNG PEOPLE | TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE | BY CHARLES AND MARY LAMB | ILLUSTRATIONS BY ARTHUR | RACKHAM || Title-page: TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE | {device} | CHARLES AND MARY LAMB | LONDON: J. M. DENT & SONS LTD. | NEW YORK: E. P. DUTTON & CO. INC. || T.p verso: All rights reserved | Made in Great Britain | at The Temple Press Letchworth | for | J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. | Aldine House Bedford St. London | First published 1807 | First published in this edition 1906 | Last reprint (reset) 1944 | [blank] | THIS BOOK IS PRODUCED IN COM- | PLETE CONFORMITY WITH THE | AUTHORIZED ECONOMY STANDARDS || Collation: 16mo; [A]-K16; total 160 leaves, 9 full-page illustrations after Arthur Rackham, within collation (text on the other side). Pagination: [i-iv] v-viii, 1-312, total 320 pages, ils. Contributors: William Shakespeare (English, 1564 – 1616) Mary Ann Lamb (British, 1764 – 1847) – author. Charles Lamb (British, 1775 – 1834) – author. Ernest Percival Rhys (British, 1859 – 1946) – editor. Arthur Rackham (British, 1867 – 1939) – artist.

    Temple Press, Letchworth, England – printer.

    Joseph Malaby Dent (British, 1849 – 1926) – publisher. Note: “On the writing desk were two books – identical copies of Lamb’s Tales From Shakespeare. […] — Why did you choose Lamb? — It was the only book I could find in duplicate except Uncle Tom’s Cabin…” Graham Greene. Our Man in Havana.
  • Description: Quarter red buckram over paper boards with fleur-de-lis diaper, 25.9 x 17.2 cm, gilt lettering to spine, in a cardboard slipcase, bookplate to front pastedown “EX LIBRIS | William Farrell Smith || Title-page: FRANÇOIS MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE | Candide | OR | OPTIMISM | — | Translated from the French by Richard Aldington | With an Introduction by Paul Morand | and twenty illustrations in colour | by Sylvain Sauvage | — | LONDON 1939 | The Nonesuch Press || Pagination: [i-vi] (h.t., frontis., t.p.) vii-xix [xx] [1-2] 3-147 [148], ils. within colation, total 168 pages. Colophon: "This edition of Candide has been composed in Monotype Cochin at the Fanfare Press London to the design of Francis Meynell. It was printed by the Imprimerie Prolat Frères at Mâcon in France on paper especially made at the Rives mills, and the illustrations by Sylvain Sauvage were reproduced by G. Duval and the Imprimerie Beaufumé in Paris". Illustrations: 10 full-page plates and 10 in-text stencil-coloured collotype reproductions by Georges Duval after drawings by Sylvain Sauvage. Contributors: François-Marie Arouet [Voltaire] (French, 1694 – 1778) – author. Richard Aldington (British, 1892 – 1962) – translator. Paul Morand (French, 1888 – 1976) – author (introduction). Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) – artist. Fanfare Press (London) – printer. Francis Meynell (British, 1891 – 1975) – book designer. Imprimerie Protat Frères (Mâcon) – printer. Imprimerie Beaufumé (Paris) – printer (ils.) Georges Duval (active mid-20th century) – printer (ils.) Nonesuch Press – publisher. Provenance: William Farrell Smith (American, 1932 – 2009)
  • Two volumes, one with text, another with plates, 31.9 x 24.2 cm each, uniformly bound in bead-grain grey cloth, silver lettering to spine, black label with gilt lettering. Title-page: STEFANO DELLA BELLA | Catalogue Raisonné | Alexandre De Vesme | with | Introduction and Additions | by | Phyllis Dearborn Massar | — | TEXT (PLATES) | — | {publisher’s device} |Collectors Editions || Text: [i-vi] vii-viii [1-2] 3-230 [2], ils. Plates: [6] [1-3] 4-241 [242]. Contributors: Stefano Della Bella (Italian, 1610 – 1664) Alessandro Baudi di Vesme [Alexandre de Vesme] (Italian, 1854 – 1923) Phyllis Dearborn Massar (American, 1916 – 2011)
  • Printed on-demand, pictorial softcover, 22.9 x 15.2 cm, front: MARTIN | VAN MAELE |{fac-simile il.}| AN ILLUSTRATED | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CHECKLIST | S. A. PERRY ||, blurb to back, lettering to spine, pp.: [12] [1] 2-207 [3] (total 222 pages), 107 reproductions of van Maele illustrations, 94 items bibliographical description. Title-page: S. A. PERRY. | Martin Van Maele | An Illustrated Bibliographical Checklist | 2015 || in a double-fillet frame. Colophon: Made in the USA | Las Vegas, NV | 26 December 2021. Maurice François Alfred Martin van Maële [Martin van Maële] (French, 1863 – 1926).
  • London: Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge; Charles Knight & Co., no. 22 Ludgate Street. Dimensions: Sheet: 34 x 41.8 cm: Image: 28.7 x 38.3 cm. J. & C. Walker, Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge Charles Knight & Co.; Charles Knight (British, 1791 – 1873) – publisher. J & C Walker (British firm, fl. 1820 – 1895) Walker, John (British, 1787 – 1873) Walker, Alexander (British, 1797? – 1870) Walker, Charles (British, 1799? – 1872) Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846)
  • Oval cartouche in the upper-left corner, with tall “s”: Plan | OF | PARIS | and | SUBURBS | With all the Cross Streets | Before | THE REVOLUTION. || No indication of the makers. Dimensions: Sheet: 32.5 x 44.3 cm; Image: 28.5 x 41.3 cm.
  • Upper right: Galignani's | PLAN OF PARIS | 1827 || in oval frame: Sauve sculpt. Bottom, under the frame: le Plan écrit par Lallemand. […] Gravé par E. Collin. Rue de la Harpe 45. Dimensions: 36.5 x 46.5 cm. Armand Joseph Lallemand (French, c. 1810 - 1871) – cartographer. Charles-Étienne Collin (French, 1770 – 1840) – engraver. Étienne Collin II (French,1790 – 1852) – engraver. John Anthony Galignani (Italian, 1796 – 1873) – publisher. William Galignani (Italian, 1798 – 1882) – publisher.
  • Top right: EASTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {5 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Bottom left:  WESTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {4 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || The map is framed, but there is no lettering beneath the frame to identify the cartographer, engraver, and publisher. However, we can attribute it to William Barnard Clarke (British, 1806 – 1865) and John Shury (fl. c. 1814-1844). The publisher is either Baldwin & Cradock or Chapman and Hall. Dimensions: Sheet: 40 x 60.8 cm; Image: 40 x 53.5 cm.
  • Top right: EASTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {5 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Bottom left:  WESTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {4 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Under the frame: Drawn by W. B. Clarke, Archt. […] Published by Baldwin & Cradock, 47 Paternoster Row, A April 1st, 1834. [...] Engraved by J. Shury || Dimensions: Sheet: 40.8 x 57 cm; Image: 38.7 x 52.5 cm. Contributors: William Barnard Clarke (British, 1806 – 1865) – artist. John Shury (fl. c. 1814-1844) – engraver. Baldwin & Cradock (London) – publisher. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846).
  • Top right: EASTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {5 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Bottom left:  WESTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {4 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Under the frame: Drawn by W. B. Clarke, Archt. […] London: Published by Chapman and Hall, 186, Strand. April 1st, 1834. [...] Engraved by J. Shury || Dimensions: Sheet: 40.8 x 57 cm; Image: 38.7 x 52.5 cm. Contributors: William Barnard Clarke (British, 1806 – 1865) – artist. John Shury (fl. c. 1814-1844) – engraver. Chapman and Hall (London) – publisher. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846).
  • WESTERN DIVISION OF | PARIS. | Containing the Quartiers | {4 lines in italic} | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the | Diffusion of Useful Knowledge || Under the frame: Drawn by W. B. Clarke, Archt. […] Published by Baldwin & Cradock, 47 Paternoster Row, April 1st. 1834. Dimensions: Sheet: 40.5 x 34.5 cm; Image: 39 x 28.8 cm. Contributors: William Barnard Clarke (British, 1806 – 1865) – artist. John Shury (fl. c. 1814-1844) – engraver. Baldwin & Cradock (London) – publisher. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846).
  • EASTERN DIVISION | OF | PARIS. | The Arrondissements are defined by colour | and numbered. || London, Edward Stanford 6 Charing Cross. | Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. || Dimensions: Sheet: 43.5 x 35.5 cm; Image: 39.5 x 30 cm. Contributors: Edward Stanford (British, 1827 – 1904) – cartographer, engraver, publisher. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846).
  • In pictorial frame: A PLAN of | the CITY of PARIS. || Under the border: Published by I. Stockdale Piccadilly 1800 || Dimensions: Sheet: 29 x 34.5 cm; Image: 22.7 x 25.9 cm.
  • Top: THE ENVIRONS OF PARIS. || Bottom centre: Published by Baldwin & Cradock, Paternoster Row, | Under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. | March 1st. 1832. || Bottom right: J. & C. Walker sculpt. || Dimensions: Sheet: 34.7 x 40.5 cm; Image: 30 x 37 cm. Contributors: J & C Walker (British firm, fl. 1820 – 1895) Walker, John (British, 1787 – 1873) Walker, Alexander (British, 1797? – 1870) Walker, Charles (British, 1799? – 1872) Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846)

  • Title: PARIS | Tel qu'il est Aujourd'hui | OR | PLAN OF PARIS | At the Present day. 1800 | From a Drawing deposited in the Archieves of the National Library at Paris | Menzies sculpt. || Contributor: Menzies, John (British, fl. c. 1792 – 1851) – engraver. Ref: Gallica.

  • PLAN OF PARIS & THE SURROUNDING COMMUNES | SHEWING THE FORTIFICATIONS & ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. || Lettered above the image with title, and below with production detail: "Day & Son, Lithrs to the Queen"; and production detail above: "Drawn & Engraved by B.R. Davies: / 16 George Str Euston Squ London", and on top right: "Weekly Dispatch Atlas, 138 Fleet Str". Dimensions: 47.5 x 65.4 cm. Contributors: Day & Son; William Day (British, 1797 – 1845) – lithographer, printer. Davies, Benjamin Rees (British, 1789 – 1872) – artist, engraver.

  • Four maps 34 x 47.5 cm each. Include insets of Versailles, Fontainebleau, Saint Cloud and St. Germain en Laye. Lithograph by Edward Weller after a map drawn and engraved by John Dower. "These maps originally appeared in the Weekly Dispatch newspaper from 1856 to 1862. They were reissued between 1863 and 1867 by Cassell, Petter and Galpin and then published collectively as Cassell's Atlas. The plates were acquired by G.W. Bacon & Co., and reissued in 1876 under the title Bacon's New Quarto Atlas ... of the Counties of England, and many times since under various titles." [WorldCat]

    Dimensions: 34 x 47.5 cm each.

    Contributors: Weller, Edward (British, 1819 – 1884) – lithographer. Dower, John Crane (British, 1791 – 1847) – artist, engraver. Dower, John James (British, 1825 – 1901) – artist, engraver (son of John Crane Dower).

  • Mons the Capital City of Hainault in y Low Countries, taken by y French in 1691, Restor'd to y Spaniards by y Peace of Ryswick in 1697, retaken by y Allies in 1709, and left to y Emperor by y Treaty of Utrecht. attribution to publication source has been trimmed.

    Dimensions: Sheet: 40.7 x 52.5 cm; Image: 37.5 x 48 cm. Published between 1744 and 1747. Attribution to publication source has been trimmed. Reference: Royal Academy 03/2919. Source: Maps for Mr. Tindal's Continuation of Mr. Rapin's History of England. London: John and Paul Knapton. Nicolas Tindal (British, 1687 – 1774) – the translator and continuer of the History of England by Paul de Rapin. Paul de Rapin (French, 1661 – 1725) – a Huguenot historian, author of the History of England.
  • Lithography on paper by Charles Fichot (French, 1817 – 1903), published in a supplement to the Illustrated London News of July 6, 1867.

    The construction on the foreground is the International Exposition of 1867 (Exposition universelle d'art et d'industrie de 1867). Dimensions: Sheet: 130 x 58 cm; Image: 118 x 43 cm.
  • Description by British Museum (1865,1111.2128): "Two designs, side by side. [1] A dandy (probably a portrait), florid, whiskered, and bearded, steps jauntily from the pavement, hand extended, saying: Ah! my dear fellow — How are you? Devilish glad to see ye!— He holds a closed umbrella, ferrule erect, and wears a long tight-waisted coat to the heels, unbuttoned, tight pantaloons and spurred boots. In the middle distance, another dandy grasps the hand of a friend on horseback. Behind are houses with shop-fronts. A man raises his hat to a lady who curtseys. [2] The same dandy steps from the roadway onto the pavement, his handkerchief to his nose; he stoops, trying to conceal himself from a dandy cantering past in a cloud of dust, his eye-glass to his eye. He is without gloves, extraordinary for a dandy, and his trousers are strapped over pumps; he says: Con-found it! — Didn't expect to meet Him!! The street is otherwise empty; against the (large) houses are scaffolding and a tall ladder." Lettered with title, text within image including production details: 'Ego. delt / Etched by G. Ck / Pubby J Fairburn Broadway Ludgate Hill August 18 1826'. Dimensions: Sheet: 25.5 x 36 cm, Image: 21.7 x 33.8 cm. Catalogue raisonné: A. M. Cohn (1924): № 1001, p. 262.: "A wretched plate. Difficult to believe G. C. had anything to do with it." — Bruton. Value.— £1.
  • Hand-coloured etching by Thomas Rowlandson, printed on May 30, 1810, in London; № 20 from the series The Caricature Magazine or Hudibrastic Mirror Vol. 2. Description by Metropolitan Museum (59.533.978): "Guests of a dinner sit at a long narrow table in a magnificent room with an ornate ceiling. Two men and a young woman serve wine, one drawing a cork, the others spilling wine over the guests. Another waiter spills soup in an elderly guest's face. A woman and a little girl with a begging dog play tambourine and triangle at left." Inscribed in plate lower left: "Rowlandson Del."; bottom centre: "A TABLE DHOTE, OR FRENCH ORDINARY IN PARIS." Our copy is lacking the publication details: "Pub.d May 30. 1810 by Tho.s Tegg 111 Cheapside, London." and similar to the copy in Boston Public Library (18_03_000394). Dimensions: Sheet 27 x 40.5 cm; Image: 23.5 x 35 cm. Contributors: Thomas Rowlandson (British, 1756 – 1827) – artist. Thomas Tegg (British, 1776 – 1846) – publisher.
  • Ink drawing on watermarked paper by an anonymous artist, British or American. Original pen and ink with manuscript text. About 7 x 10-1/2 inches, Vander Ley type watermark (Churchill 321), mounted to old laid paper; several corners chipped, some creasing, soiling, etc. Np, Late 18th-century.
  • Hand-coloured etching by an anonymous British artist, printed on May 26, 1829, in London. Description by British Museum (1868,0808.8988): "O'Connell, in wig and gown, walks to the left from the massive door of a small stone building, stooping, and holding his handkerchief to his right eye. He wails: 'O, my poor Seat! my poor Seat! my poor Seat! I'd have given any thing for a seat.' In the doorway (right) stands Peel, saying with wary blandness: 'What good can weeping do you Dan.—I'm sure I did as much as I could!!' Above the large knocker on the plank door is 'Knock & Ring'. There is a projecting bell, above a placard: 'NB. Jews or Proselytes desirous of Obtaining Seats in the House may Knock and Ring at this Door.' One corner of "the House", a small stone shed, is depicted. O'Connell is walking towards a strip of water, across which is a mountain, with a board pointing 'To — Clare'. Comment by BM: "Catholic Emancipation raised high hopes among Jews; the first Bill, after a petition from Jews in Liverpool, was introduced 15 Apr. 1830, but Jewish Emancipation did not become law till 1858." Inscription under the frame with title, "A. Sharpshooter fec", text within image and publication line: "Pub. by G. Humphrey, 24 St. James's Street May 26 1829". Size: 37.5 x 26 cm.
  • Title-page (in red and black): Keramic art of Japan, | BY | GEORGE A. AUDSLEY | AND | JAMES L. BOWES. | LONDON: HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., | 36 PICADILLY; 136, STRAND; 77 & 78, QUEEN STREET, CITY. | MANCHESTER: 49, CROSS STREET. | MDCCCLXXXI. || Description: 28.5 x 19.5 cm, publisher’s red cloth, bevelled boards, gilt lettering and tooling on front cover and spine, AEG, disbound. 304 p., 10 pl., 32 chromo-lithographed plates. This is the 2nd edition of the 1875 folio edition by the same publisher.. Contents: Introductory essay on Japanese art: p. 1-107; Keramic art of Japan: p. 108-260; Marks and monograms: p. 261-287, Index: p. 288-304. Contributors: George Ashdown Audsley (American, 1838 – 1925) – author. James Lord Bowes (British, 1834 – 1899) – author.
  • Title-page (in red and black): TALES AND NOVELS | OF | J. DE LA FONTAINE | WITH 12 ORIGINAL ETCHINGS | BY | CLARA TICE | VOLUME ONE (TWO) | {arabesque} | PRIVATELY PRINTED | AT THE PRINTING HOUSE OF G. J. THIEME | NIJMEGEN ~ HOLLAND | 1929 || Collation: 8vo. Vol. 1: π8 (2 blanks, h.t. / limitation №103 of 990, frontispiece etched portrait of La Fontaine w/ tissue guard, 4 leaves uncut with table and preface), 1—138, incl. 2 final blanks, paginated: xvi, 204 [4], plus 5 etchings besides frontis., all with tissue guards, by Clara Tice, in sepia. Vol. 2: π8, 1-188, paginated: xvi, 270 [271] epitaph, [272] blank, plus 6 etchings w/ tissue guards, by Clara Tice. Binding: 25.3 x 16.8 cm, quarter faux parchment over light blue publisher's boards, gilt lettering to spine. Ticket to front pastedown in each volume: “FROM THE COLLECTION | OF PRINCETON ANTIQUES BOOKFINDERS”, etc.  Etchings printed on wove paper, text – on laid paper; untrimmed, uncut. Edition: limited, privately printed run of 990 copies of which this is №103.
  • Title-page: A SORT OF LIFE | — | Graham Greene | — | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with silver lettering to spine, aubergine dust jacket, lettered on front and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£1.80 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-215 [216] + 2 blank leaves. © Graham Greene 1971. Printed by: William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Title-page: Graham Greene | Monsignor Quixote | {citation from Shakespeare, 3 lines} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY || Green publisher’s cloth with silver lettering to spine, purple glossy dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£9.95 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-10] 11-220 [221 text /2 blank] + 1 blank leaf. © Graham Greene 1982. Printed by: William Clowes Ltd. (Beccles) Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Title-page: THE HUMAN | FACTOR | Graham Greene | {citation from Joseph Conrad, 3 lines} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cream dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£4.50 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-338 [339] [340 blank]. Previous owners' inscriptions to FFEP. Printed by William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). © Graham Greene 1978. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Title-page: GRAHAM GREENE | DOCTOR FISCHER | OF GENEVA | or | THE BOMB | PARTY | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cream dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, unclipped (£4.50 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-139 [140] + 2 blank leaves. Printed by Clowes Ltd. (Beccles). © Graham Greene 1980. Dust jacket design by Michael Harvey. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Title-page: GRAHAM GREENE | — | A Burnt Out Case | {publisher's device} | HEINEMANN | LONDON MELBURNE TORONTO || Black buckram with silver lettering to spine, green pictorial dust jacket, unclipped (16s | NET), [2] h.t. / books by GG, [2] t.p. / copyright, [2] quotations / blank, [2] dedication to Doctor Michel Lechat; [1, 2] d.t.p. Part I / blank, 3-256. Total 264 pages. Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd. Printer: Windmill Press Ltd., Kingswood, Surrey. Copyright: © Graham Greene 1960, 1961. Wrapper design: Lacey Everett. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) William Henry Heinemann (Jewish-British, 1863 – 1920) Michel Lechat (Belgian, 1927 – 2014)
  • Title: PROCESSES OF | GRAPHIC REPRODUCTION | IN PRINTING | BY | HAROLD CURWEN | [space] | LONDON | FABER AND FABER | 24 RUSSELL SQUARE || Pagination: [i-vii] viii-xvi [6] [1-3] 4-142 [2], ills. Collation: 8vo; π3 [A]8 B-K8, 14 plates extraneous to collation, in-text illustrations; (quire K – 'Binding'). Binding: 22.8 x 15 cm, black cloth, gilt lettering to spine; calligraphic MS bookplate to fep "Dorothy Mahoney | 1942." Edition: 1st edition, printed by The Curwen Press in Plaistow. Contributors: Harold Curwen (British, 1885 – 1949), grandson of John Curwen (British, 1816 – 1880) – author. The Curwen Press (Plaistow, London) – printer. Faber and Faber Limited (London) – publisher. Dorothy Mahoney – provenance; author of the book The Craft Of Calligraphy, first published on October 12th, 1981 by Pelham Books. The 1st American edition was published the same year in New York by Oxford University Press [LIB-2835.2021].