//Wove paper
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 610 x 390 mm; black ink stamp “5207” to reverse, attached to a larger sheet of thick paper with a red ink stamp: “COLLECTION JEAN-CLAUD LACHNITT | REPRODUCTION INTERDIT”. Top: Baptême de S. A. le PRINCE IMPÉRIAL. 14 Juin 1856; image of baptism of Prince-Impérial; two-column text with a small loss in the lower left corner (C'est à cinq heures du soir que le cortège impérial quitta le Palais des Tuileries. De nombreux escadrons de cavalerie, musique en tête ouvraient la marche. ...); bottom under the text: "Fabrique d'Images de GANGEL, à Metz." — "49".  
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 460 x 363 mm; black ink stamp “5054” to reverse. Four tiers with groups of people dressed in uniform, captioned: Bedeau — Suisse — Chanoines — Évêque — Porte croix — Évêque — Cardinal — Cardinal | Généraux français — Le prince Napoléon — L’Empereur et l’Impératrice — Marraine — Le Prince — Parrain | Meur l’Archevêque | Porte crosse Diacre servant | Préfet — Sénateur — Conseiller de cour — Président — Dames de la cour — Gral Piémontais — Chef arabe | Aide-de-camp de l’Empereur — Chambellan de l’Empereur — Ministre d’état — Ambassadeur de Turque | Ambassadeur d’Angleterre — Ambassadeur d’Autriche — Ambassadeur de Russie — Ambassadeur de Prusse — Gral anglaise — Lord anglais || Bottom left: Imprimerie Lith. de Pellerin, à Épinal; right: Propriété de l’Éditeur. — Déposé. Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – printer/publisher.  
  • An album 45 of 50 prints, 31 photogravures and 14 in raster chromotype after drawings and paintings by Franz von Bayros; most with tissue guards, some in passepartout; colour prints mounted on the same paper that is used for photogravures. Title-page: BAYROS | MAPPE | MIT VORWORT VON | RUDOLF HANS BARTSCH | VERLAG ED. STRACHE / WIEN • PRAG • LEIPZIG || Limited edition of 500 copies. This is copy № 286. Lacking 5 prints: (1) Abschied vom Paradies, (2) Weihnacht, and (3) Harmonie from Symphonie von der Gūte, die Schönheit ist; (4) Divina commedia from Florentiner Phantasien; and (5) Mozart from Varia. Contributors: Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) Rudolf Hans Bartsch (Austrian, 1873 – 1952)
  • Paperback reprint on demand, 28 x 22 cm, in green malachite wrappers with yellow lettering to both covers; pp. [i-ii] iii-v[vi] 1-122 [4]. Title-page: Okhrana | The Paris Operations of | the Russian Imperial Police | Ben B. Fischer | History Staff | Center for the Study | of Intelligence | Central Intelligence Agency | 1997 || ISBN-10: 1907521992 Benjamin B. Fischer Contents. Foreword. Preface. Okhrana: The Paris Operations of the Russian Imperial Police. From Paris to Palo Alto. CIA Interest in the Okhrana Files. Origins of the Okhrana and Its Paris Office. Foreign Operations. Change and Continuity Dramatis Personae Conclusions Rita T. Kronenbitter Paris Okhrana 1885-1905. The Illustrious Career of Arkadiy Harting. The Sherlock Holmes of the Revolution. Okhrana Agent Dolin. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part I: Russian Women. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part II: Indigenous Recruits. Review of Edward Ellis Smith, The Young Stalin, by Harry Gelman. Commentary by Rita T. Kronenbitter.
  • Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper, 250 x 332 mm; black ink stamp “5035” to reverse. Under the frame left: "Paris, chez Riboni, éd. r. Galande, 51"; right: "Paris, lith. Bulla, Pl. Maubert, 26". Below: "BOMBARDEMENT DE SEBASTOPOL. — THE BOMBARDMENT OF SÉBASTOPOLE". Text to bottom. Printers/publishers: Antoine Bulla (fl. 1815 – 1877), François Bulla (fl. c. 1814 – 1855).
  • A softcover volume 18.7 x 12.1 cm, in publisher’s cream wrappers, red lettering in red and green frames to front cover, in glassine dustwrapper, uncut, untrimmed, collated in 8vo: 1-98 104, pp. [1-8] 9-151 [152 blank], plus 6 illustrations reproduced in drypoint after Mario Tauzin's lithographs from the album 'Interdit aux adultes' (see SVE-0547.2024). Front cover : BONNE | A | TOUT | FAIRE Title-page : BONNE | A | TOUT | FAIRE Stated limited edition of 900, strictly for subscribers. According to J.-P. Dutel III 1108 (p.66): published by Éric Losfeld in the late 1950s. Bonne à tout faire is a French idiom = maid-of-all-work Éric Losfeld (Belgian-French, 1922 – 1979) — publisher Mario Tauzin (French, 1909 – 1979) — artist
  • A pictorial photographic album, 19.5 x 15.3 cm, hardcover, paper pictorial covers, pictorial endpapers, pp. [2] 3-39 [40]; total 20 leaves; text by Susan Jacobasch, photographs by Josef Breitenbach. Published in connection with the exhibition "Josef Breitenbach" on October, 10 – November 28, 1998, at Galerie Bodo Niemann in Berlin. Josef Breitenbach (Jewish-German-American, 1896 – 1984).
  • Square softcover, 28.5 x 28.7 cm, pictorial wrappers, pp.: [1-5] 6-208, ils. Title-page: Chikanobu | Modernity and Nostalgia in Japanese Prints | by Bruce A. Coats | with essays by | Allen Hockley, Kyoko Kurita and Joshua S. Mostow | Scripps College, Claremont, CA, USA | in association with | Hotei Publishing | Leiden, The Netherlands | {publisher’s device} || Contributors: Toyohara Chikanobu [豊原周延] (Japanese, 1838 – 1912) Bruce Arthur Coats (American, modern)
  • Title-page (in red on pictorial background): ПОДВИГ | ЭРМИТАЖА | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «АВРОРА» • ЛЕНИНГРАД || Illustrated album in hardcover, 33 x 25 cm, bound in black cloth with gilt and red to front cover and spine, brown endpapers, pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-6] 7-273 [274] [30], total 304 pages with 388 b/w and colour illustrations. Text: Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980); B. Rest [Б. Рест; Юлий Исаакович Шапиро] (Jewish-Russian, fl. 1940 – 1980). Preface: Boris Piotrovsky [Борис Борисович Пиотровский] (Russian, 1908 – 1990). Layout by Liubov Rakhmilevich [Л. Рахмилевич]. Photography by Viktor Savik [В. Савик] and Leonid Bogdanov [Л. Богданов]. Design by Valery Ivanov [В. Иванов]. Russian twin edition to [LIB-3043.2022] S. Varshavsky, B. Rest. Saved for humanity: the Hermitage during the siege of Leningrad, 1941-1944. — Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1985 and [LIB-3042.2022The ordeal of the Hermitage: The siege of Leningrad, 1941-1944 — Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1985. The text extracted from [LIB-3035.2022] С. Варшавский, Б. Рест. Подвиг Эрмитажа: Государственный Эрмитаж в годы Великой отечественной войны. — М.-Л.: Советский художник, 1965.
  • Lithography and etching on wove paper432 x 362 mm, black ink stamp “5022” to reverse, horizontal and vertical centrefolds. Depicts Diogenes (Ancient Greek, 412/404 – 323 BC) beside his barrel and extinguishing his torch when approached by Napoléon III ahorseback. Top: "1857 | HONNEUR ET PATRIE"; lettering on ribbons (top-down): SCIENCES, TRAVAIL, COMMERCE, ARTS, CHARPENTIERS, IMPRIMEURS, "MECHANICIENS, AGRICULTEURS, MAÇONS, FONDEURS, TERRASIERS, CIZELEURS, CARRIERS, ORFEVRES, BIJOUTIERS, CHAPELIERS, MENUISIERS, VERRIERS, SERRURIERS, TAILLEURS, SELLIERS, POTIERS, PORCELAINIERS, CORDONNIERS, TISSERANDS, INDUSTRIE, COMMERCE | CALENDRIER DE L'ABEILLE | EMPIRE, FRANÇAIS. Below left: "lith. Barousse Cour du Comm. 11 et 12. Paris"; right: "Dépôt rue des Cannettes, 20. Paris"; bottom: "Et, pour trouver un homme, il quitte son tonneau, | Voyant Napoléon, – il éteint son flambeau!" [And, to find a man, he leaves his barrel, | Seeing Napoleon, – he extinguishes his torch!]. Six months on the left and six months on the right-hand side of the calendar, surrounding the image.
  • One volume in-4o, 26.5 x 21 x 4 cm, bound by Durvand (signed) in tan quarter morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, top margin gilt, marbled endpapers, publisher’s wrappers preserved; enriched with 39 original prints after Félicien Rops. Collation: 2 blanks, π5 (original front wrapper ‘Canicule’/blank, 2 blanks, h.t./justification, t.p/blank), 1-294 301 (paginated 1-233 [234]) χ1 (advert.) plus frontispiece (photographic seated portrait of Félicien Rops, collotype, artist unknown) and 39 leaves of bound-in original prints by various printers on different papers, with tissue guards; back wrapper and original spine, 2 blanks; loosely inset a marriage invitation for Dr Robert Fasquelle and Mlle Suzanne Luneau with a partial list of prints, incl. page numbers. Title-page (red and black): Études sur quelques Artistes originaux | — | FÉLICIEN ROPS | par | CAMILLE LEMONNIER | {fleuron} | PARIS | H. FLOURY, ÉDITEUR1, Boulevard des Capucines, 1 | – | 1908 || Limitation: 125 copies with two original plates «Canicule» and «Seule» numbered 1-125, of which 100 copies on Japon à la forme, 25 copies on papier de Chine; plus 50 copies on papier vélin with one coloured plate «Canicule», numbered 126-175, printed by Edmond Deman in Brussels. Our copy is on dense wove paper (vélin), without a number. Photographs here represent the original prints only. Camille Lemonnier (Belgian, 1844 – 1913) – author. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist. Henri Floury (French, 1862 –1961) – publisher. Edmond Deman (Belgian, 1857–1918) – printer. Lucien Durvand (French, 1852 – 1924) – bookbinder.
  • Description: Large volume collated in 4to, 33 x 25 cm, ¾ navy morocco bordered with a gilt double-fillet over marbled boards, raised bands, floral gilt arabesque in compartments, gilt lettering to spine, gilt endpapers, T.E.G. Text printed on wave paper watermarked “Whatman Turkey Mill 1884”; etchings printed on laid paper 32.2 x 24.3 cm, 20 x 13 platemark, 17 x 11 cm image; etched head- and tailpieces, initials. Printed on November 1, 1885. Title-page: CATULLE MENDÈS | — | LES | îles d'Amour | Avec six Eaux-Fortes et trente-huit Dessins originaux | DE | G. FRAIPONT | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES DEUX MONDES | L. FRINZINE & Cie, ÉDITEURS | 1, Rue Bonaparte, 1 | – | M D CCC LXXXVI || Collation: 4to; π4, 1-114 122, total 50 leaves, two binder’s flyleaves in the front and in the back, and 6 plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [i-v] vi-vii [viii] [1-3] 4-85 [86] [6], total 100 pages, ils. Limitation (printed in red and balck): 1000 copies on vergé (№ 1-1,000), 25 copies on Whatman (№ I-XXV), 15 copies on Japon Impérial (marked A-O). This is copy № III, signed by the publisher. Contributors: Catulle Mendès (French, 1841 – 1909) – author. Gustave Fraipont (Belgian-French, 1849 – 1923) – artist. Charles Unsinger (French, 1823 – 1891) – printer.
  • Paperback, 240 x 160 mm, pp. [1-5] 6-156 [4], with black and white illustrations, pictorial front cover: PENETRATIONS SAUVAGES | {vignette} | Une pornographie extraordinaire | relatée par Cerkan de Sardan | et illustrée par Schaltès ||
  • Softcover, French flapped pictorial wrappers, 240 x 160 mm, translated title: Rape at the boarding school, pp. [1-6] 7-164 [4], 40 black and white illustrations by Garcini. Title-page: D’après un texte de | CERKAN DE SARDAN | VIOL | AU PENSIONNAT | illustrations de | GARCINI ||
  • Hardcover volume, 38.3 x 26 x 3.8 cm, pictorial boards, lettering to front cover and spine, pp.: [1-6] 7-421 [3], ils. Title-page: Cesare Leonardi Franca Stagi | THE ARCHITECTURE | OF TREES | Introduction to the new edition | ANDREA CAVANI, GIULIO ORSINI | Translated from the Italian by | NATALIE DANFORD | Princeton Architectural Press | New York || Cesare Leonardi (Italian, 1935 – 2021) Franca Stagi (Italian, 1937 – 2008) Natalie Danford (American, b. 1968)
  • Title: Chansons | de Salles de Garde | {vignette} | Internat { À l’Enseigne des Trois Orfèvres } Quartier Latin || Collation: 21 leaves folded in half (84 pages), unpaginated, unbound, plus 40 plates (two-tone lithography) for 40 songs, in a flapped paper folder, in a green cardstock folder (slipcase without top and bottom?) with gilt diaper ornament. Text, music score, and drawings printed in brick red. Size: 28 x 22.5 cm. Edition: limited to 700 copies of which 100 (№ 1-100) on Vélin Arches, 650 (№ 101-650) on Vélin Spécial, and 50 without numbering marked “Exemplaire d’interne” on Vélin Supérieur. This copy is № 27. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 1920 – 1970: 1192.
  • Description: 17.4 x 11 cm, blue publisher’s cloth, blind device to front board, gilt lettering to spine, no DJ, pink abstract diaper endpapers, owner’s ink inscription to ffep, dated June 28, 1945. Serial t.p.: Everyman, I will go with thee, and be thy guide, | In thy most need to go by the side. | — | EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY | EDITED BY ERNEST RHYS | No. 8 | FOR YOUNG PEOPLE | TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE | BY CHARLES AND MARY LAMB | ILLUSTRATIONS BY ARTHUR | RACKHAM || Title-page: TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE | {device} | CHARLES AND MARY LAMB | LONDON: J. M. DENT & SONS LTD. | NEW YORK: E. P. DUTTON & CO. INC. || T.p verso: All rights reserved | Made in Great Britain | at The Temple Press Letchworth | for | J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. | Aldine House Bedford St. London | First published 1807 | First published in this edition 1906 | Last reprint (reset) 1944 | [blank] | THIS BOOK IS PRODUCED IN COM- | PLETE CONFORMITY WITH THE | AUTHORIZED ECONOMY STANDARDS || Collation: 16mo; [A]-K16; total 160 leaves, 9 full-page illustrations after Arthur Rackham, within collation (text on the other side). Pagination: [i-iv] v-viii, 1-312, total 320 pages, ils. Contributors: William Shakespeare (English, 1564 – 1616) Mary Ann Lamb (British, 1764 – 1847) – author. Charles Lamb (British, 1775 – 1834) – author. Ernest Percival Rhys (British, 1859 – 1946) – editor. Arthur Rackham (British, 1867 – 1939) – artist.

    Temple Press, Letchworth, England – printer.

    Joseph Malaby Dent (British, 1849 – 1926) – publisher. Note: “On the writing desk were two books – identical copies of Lamb’s Tales From Shakespeare. […] — Why did you choose Lamb? — It was the only book I could find in duplicate except Uncle Tom’s Cabin…” Graham Greene. Our Man in Havana.
  • Title-page: TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE | CHARLES AND MARY LAMB | — | With an Introduction by | MARTIN ARMSTRONG | {space} | {publisher’s device} | COLLINS | LONDON AND GLASGOW || Pagination: [1-4] 5-256, frontispiece: reproduction of portrait of Charles Lamb. Edition: reprint of 1953 edition (WorldCat); in Collins Classics series. Binding: 18.5 x 11 cm, semi-soft, crimson faux morocco, blind-stamped fillet border, gilt lettering to spine, TEG, slipcase. Contributors: William Shakespeare (English, 1564 – 1616) Mary Ann Lamb (British, 1764 – 1847) – author. Charles Lamb (British, 1775 – 1834) – author. Collins Clear-Type Press & Publisher (London; Glasgow) – printer and publisher. Note: “On the writing desk were two books – identical copies of Lamb’s Tales From Shakespeare. […] — Why did you choose Lamb? — It was the only book I could find in duplicate except Uncle Tom’s Cabin…” Graham Greene. Our Man in Havana.
  • NEW
    Red cloth portfolio 313 x 250 mm, with gilt lettering in frame to front, contains an in-folio brochure (4 sheets folded in-half), unbound, pp. [2] 3-15 [1], plus 24 leaves of loose plates 300 x 239 mm; title page, full-length photo portrait of Pilotell by Charles Reutlinger (German-French, 1816 – 1881), autograph of the former, and a copy of his birth certificate. Printed by l'Imprimerie Union in Paris in 1970 (2nd edition). Portfolio title: AVANT | PENDANT ET APRÈS | LA | COMMUNE || Title-page: PILOTELL | Dessinateur et Communard | PAR | CHARLES FELD | LIVRE-CLUB DIDEROT – PARIS || Contributors: Pilotell [Pilotelle, Georges Raoul Eugène] (French, 1845 – 1918) Feld, Charles Léon Salomon (Jewish-French, 1919 – 1995) Imprimerie Union (Paris, 1910 – 1995)
  • Description: One volume in cream French flapped wrappers, collated 8vo, 22.5 x 14.8 cm, lettered to front (device in red), printed on wove paper, margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, illustrated with tail- and headpieces and 17 sets of plates (4 of each plate) with tissue guards, after Martin van Maele. Front wrapper (red and black): L'HISTOIRE | COMIQUE DE | FRANCION | COMPOSÉE PAR CHARLES SOREL | Réimprimée intégralement pour la | première fois d'après l'édition | originale de 1623 | ET DÉCORÉE | de 17 eaux-fortes et de 16 gravures | par MARTIN VAN MAELE | {device} | SE VEND | A Paris, chez Jean Fort | Libraire, rue de Chabrol, no 12 | M. CM. XXV. || Title-page (red and black): L'HISTOIRE | COMIQUE DE | FRANCION | En laquelle sont découvertes les plus subtiles | finesses et trompeuses inventions tant des hommes | que des femmes de toutes sortes de conditions et | d’âges. Non moins profitable pour s’en | garder, que plaisante à la lecture. | Nouvelle édition conforme à | l’édition princeps de 1623, et | ornée de 17 eaux-fortes et | de 16 compositions par | MARTIN VAN MAELE | {device} | A PARIS | Chez Jean Fort, libraire, | Rue de Chabrol, no 12 | M. CM. XXV. || Collation: π3 (blank, h.t., t.p.), 1-268 χ3 (colophon, 2 blanks), total 214 leaves plus 17 sets of plates (4 of each). Pagination: [6] i-v [vi], 1-411 [412] [4], total 428 pages, ils. Illustrations: 16 tail- and headpieces, and one full-page vignette etched after drawings by Martin van Maële; 17 gravures coloured à la poupée after van Maële’s watercolours, each accompanied with three b/w plates in a different state of the same, incl. frontispiece; unpaginated. Limitation: The run of 1,203 copies printed on October 2, 1925, by Maurice Darantiere in Dijon; 1 copy (№ 1) on Japon Impérial is unique with the original drawings and three additional suites of plates; 10 copies (2-11) on Japon Impérial with three additional suites of plates; 31 copies (12-42) on Hollande with two additional suites of plates; 61 copies (43-103) on Madagascar with one additional suite of plates; 1,100 copies (104-1203) on Enoshima. This copy is № 10 on Japon Impérial with three additional suites of plates. Catalogue raisonné: S. A. Perry (2015) № 28, p. 31. Contributors: Charles Sorel, sieur de Souvigny (French, c. 1602 – 1674) – author Maurice François Alfred Martin van Maële [Martin van Maële] (French, 1863 – 1926) – artist. Maurice Darantiere (French, 1882 – 1962) – printer. Jean-Marie Fort (French, 20th century) – publisher.
  • Description: Hardcover, 31.5 x 25 cm, yellow cloth adorned with stylized lettering and coloured design elements, blue endpapers, all margins red; Errata slip tipped in p.1. Lacks dust jacket. Inset: newspaper clipping titled "Facsimile of the fan distributed after the Tien-Tsin Massacre". Title-page: Fans of Japan | BY | CHARLOTTE M. SALWEY | née BIRCH | WITH INTRODUCTION BY | WILLIAM ANDERSON, F.R.C.S. | LATE OF H. M’S. LEGATION, JAPAN | AND | WITH TEN FULL-PAGE COLOURED PLATES, AND THIRTY-NINE | ILLUSTRATIONS IN BLACK AND WHITE | {publisher’s device} | LONDON | KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRÜBNER & CO. LTD | PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHARRING CROSS ROAD | 1894 || Pagination: [i-vi] vii-xix [xx] [1] 2-148 [4]; total 172 pages. Collation: 4to; π10 A-T4 (total 86 leaves) plus 10 colour plates with tissue guards and 39 b/w in-text illustrations. Plate I pasted in a kind of matt, though with red margins as all other pages. Printer: Ballantyne, Hanson and Co. Chromo-lithographer: McLagan and Cumming (Edinburgh) Publisher: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Charles Kegan Paul (British, 1828 – 1902) – publisher. Author: Charlotte Maria Salwey [née Birch] (British, b. 1847 – after 1919). Introduction: William Anderson (British, 1842 – 1900) Dedicatee: Dr. Samuel Birch (British, 1813 – 1885)
  • Hardcover volume 295 x 240 mm, pictorial front cover and purple spine with gilt embossed lettering, back cover with orange lettering, craft endpapers, pp.: [1-6] 7-255 [1], profusely illustrated. Exhibition catalogue with 123 reproductions of Japanese woodblock prints. Title-page: The Riddles of | UKIYO-E | Women and Men in Japanese Prints 1765–1865 | Chris Uhlenbeck / Jim Dwinger / Josephine Smit | {publisher’s device LUDION} || Table of contents: Preface; Introduction; Beauties; Shunga; Legends; Kabuki; INDEX; LIST OF WORKS; BIBLIOGRAPHY; AUTHORS.
  • Hardcover volume, 30 x 25.5 cm, in brown cloth with yellow lettering to front cover and spine, in pictorial dust jacket, profusely illustrated in colour; pp.: [1-5] 6-256, total 128 leaves. Title-page (red and black): Japanese | Erotic | Fantasies | Sexual | Imagery | of the | Edo Period | Chris Uhlenbeck and | Margarita Winkel | with contributions by | Ellis Tinios | Cecilia Segawa Seigle | Oikawa Shigeru | Editor Amy Reigle Newland | {publisher’s device} Hotei Publishing, Amsterdam || Contents: Preface by Chris Uhlenbeck; Acknowledgements by Chris Uhlenbeck & Margarita Winkel; Editorial Notes; Shunga: the Issues by Chris Uhlenbeck; The Setting for shunga: the Yoshiwara by Cecilia Segawa Seigle; Erotic Books in the Floating World of Urban Life by Margarita Winkel; The Catalogue ('The Primitives'; The Age of Harunobu, Kiyonaga and Utamaro; The Nineteenth Century; The Meiji Period and Beyond); Appendix: Japanese characters for book, print and series titles; Glossary; Bibliography; General Index; Artists' Index. This publication coincides with the Exhibition "Desire of Spring. Erotic Fantasies in Edo Japan" from 22 January to 17 April 2005 in the Kunsthal Rotterdam (Impressum). Literaturverzeichnis: Seiten 247-250. Contributors: Chris Uhlenbeck Margarita Winkel Ellis Tinios Cecilia Segawa Seigle Oikawa Shigeru Amy Reigle Newland In this collection:

    SVJP-0188.2015: Kitagawa Utamaro. Series of horizontal o-hosoban shunga prints, c. 1803.


    SVJP-0034.2014: Chōkyōsai Eiri. Neat version of a love letter (Fumi no kiyogaki), 1801.


    SVJP-0041.2013: Torii Kiyonaga. Handscroll for the sleeve (Sode no maki), c. 1785.

  • NEW
    The good old days of naughty postcards: Softcover, 160 x 160 mm, blue flapped wrappers, front with a keyhole openwork showing the vignette in colour on the flap; pp. [1-9] 10-272 [4], colour illustrations throughout, topics from A to Z, historical erotic postcards from the author's collection. Title-page: LA BELLE ÉPOQUE | DES CARTES COQUINES | Christian DEFLANDRE | HORAY || Annotation (back wrapper): De A comme Adam, à Z comme Zizi, de lestes galanteries aux vertes gauloiseries témoignent de 'esprit facétieux de la vie amoureuse à la Belle Époque. Qualifies de « grivoises » par les amateurs de nudités, « licencieuses » par les moralistes, ces cartes au charme désuet dévoilent la sensualité et 'érotisme de nos arrière-grands-parents. ISBN 978-2-7058-0466-4
  • Description: 24.4 x 15.9 cm, softcover in-8vo, light-green publisher's wrappers, lettered in black to both covers and and spine; bookplate pasted to verso of the front wrapper: “LE GÉNIE DE LA GRAVURE | CONSOLE LE GÉNIE DU DESSIN | {vignette} | BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE CLAUDETTE HOULD || Title-page: ÉCOLE PRATIQUE DES HAUTES ÉTUDES — IVe SECTION | Sciences historiques et philologiques | — | VI | HISTOIRE ET CIVILISATION DU LIVRE | 18 | CHRISTIAN MICHEL | CHARLES-NICOLAS COCHIN | ET LE LIVRE ILLUSTRÉ | AU XVIIIe SIÈCLE | Avec un catalogue raisonné des | livres illustrés par Cochin | 1735-1790 | Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre national | de la Recherche scientifique | {device} | GENÈVE | LIBRAIRIE DROZ | 11, rue Massot | 1987 ||; front wrapper also has in the bottom: Librairie CHAMPION, 7 quai Malaquais – Paris || Collation: 8vo; [1]-258, 26 leaves of plates (fig. 1-169) extraneous to collation, 26+[27]14 288; plates: unpaginated photo reproduction of Cochin’s 169 drawings and engravings; quire 27 unsigned, together with quire 26 makes 14 leaves. Pagination: [i-vii] viii-x, [1] 2-431 [423 colophon] [2 blank], 26 leaves of plates. Provenance: Claudette Hould, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, spécialiste d’histoire de l’art français. Ref.: British Museum. Publisher: Droz Charles-Nicolas Cochin (French, 1715 – 1790) See Cochin's illustrated books in this collection: LIB-2941.2021LIB-2766.2021LIB-2640.2021LIB-2529.2020.
  • NEW
    Softcover, pictorial wrappers, 235 x 165 mm, pp. [1-9] 10-176, 120 illustrations, incl. 109 in full colour, 3 maps, glossary, and timeline. An enveloped postcard to E. Varshavsky laid in. Text profusely marked with coloured highlighters. Title-page (pictorial): Art of Edo Japan | The Artist and the City 1615-1868 | Christine Guth | PERSPECTIVES | HARRY N. ABRAMS, INC. PUBLISHERS || Contents: NOTE TO THE READER Map: Japan during the Edo period INTRODUCTION: Mapping the Artistic Landscape
    1. The Artist and the City
    The Castle Town; Urban Culture; The Urban Artist
    1. Kyoto Artists
    Map: Kyoto; The Kano and Tosa Schools; Köetsu, Sotatsu, and Rinpa Design; Taiga, Buson, and the Literati Movement; The Maruyama-Shijo School; Individualists: Jakuchü, Shöhaku, and Rosetsu; The Yamatoe Revival
    1. Edo Artists
    Map: Edo; The Kano School and the Realm of the Official Artist; Developments in Woodblock Prints: 1660-1760; Developments in Polychrome Prints: 1765-1801; Further Developments in Woodblock Prints: 1801-68; Sakai Höitsu and Tani Buncho: Edo Ripa and Bunjinga
    1. Osaka and Nagasaki Artists
    Kimura Kenkadö and his Circle; Osaka Books and Prints; Nagasaki: Window on the World; Monk-Artists of the Öbaku Sect; Visiting Chinese Artists and their Pupils; Painters in the Western Manner
    1. Itinerant, Provincial, and Rural Artists; Itinerant Monk-Artists and Pilgrimage Art; Poet and Literati Painters; Provincial and Rural Artists
  • One volume 22.3 x 14.4 cm, green buckram, gilt lettering to spine, Brooklyn public library copy with stamps and sticker; [i-iv] v-xi [xii blank], [1-2] 3-144 [4 blank], total 160 pages, 80 leaves; 620 entries + index. Title-page (vertical double-rule, left indent): CHODERLOS de LACLOS | The Man, His Works, and His Critics | An Annotated Bibliography | Colette Verger Michael | {publisher’s device} | GARLAND PUBLISHING INC. • NEW YORK & LONDON | 1982 || Contributors: Michael, Colette Verger (American, b. 1937) Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François (French, 1741 – 1803) – author. Ref.: WorldCat.
  • Title-page: COLETTE WILLY | — | L'ingénue libertine | EAUX-FORTES DE LOUIS ICART | ❧ | ÉDITIONS EXCELSIOR | 27, Quai de la Tournelle | Paris | 1926 || Description: French cream flapped wrappers 33.5 x 26 cm with gilt lettering to front and spine, printed on wove paper (Japon Impérial), [2] blank, [1-4] h.t. / limitation, t.p. / citations, 5-191 [3] colophon, plus 20 plates of coloured etchings and 20 plates of b/w etchings, incl. frontispiece. Edition enriched with an autograph letter signed by Colette tipped in after limitation. Edition: limited to 546 copies of which one (№ UN) is unique, printed on Papier de Chine with original colour drawings, 55 (№ 1-50 + 5 H.C.) on Japon Impérial, 65 (№ 51-100 +15 H.C.) on Hollande van Gelder, and 425 (№ 101-500 + 25 H.C.) on vergé paper BFK Rives. This copy is № 48, enriched with Colette a.l.s. and an extra suite of plates. Printed on December 3, 1926, at Arrault et Cie in Tours. Transcript of a.l.s.: "De deux romans (Minne et Les égarements de Minne) qui ne portèrent pas ma signature, j’en ai fait un seul : l’Ingénue libertine. La première partie trouve encore grâce à mes yeux ; je suis plus sévère pour la deuxième et dernière, [mot rayé] superflue et qui sent le travail. Cette libertine aurait bien dû en rester à l’ingénuité. — Colette" Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) – author. Henry Gauthier-Villars [a.k.a. Willy] (French, 1859 – 1931) – author. Louis Icart (French, 1888 – 1950) – artist.
  • (1) Claudine à l'école: 1st blank and limitation leaves uncut, t.p. / blank ; [1-6] 7-206 [2], colophon "IMPRIMÉ EN BELGIQUE"; 208 pages (104 leaves) plus 12 plates. COLETTE | Claudine | {vignette} | à l'école | ILLUSTRÉE PAR | RENÉE RINGEL | « Leurs Chefs-d'œuvre » | AUX ÉDITIONS TERRES LATINES || (2) Claudine à Paris: 1st blank and limitation leaves uncut, t.p. / blank ; [1-6] 7-153 [3], colophon "IMPRIMÉ EN BELGIQUE"; 156 pages (78 leaves) plus 12 plates. COLETTE | Claudine | {vignette} | à Paris | ILLUSTRÉE PAR | RENÉE RINGEL | « Leurs Chefs-d'œuvre » | AUX ÉDITIONS TERRES LATINES || (3) Claudine en ménage: 1st blank and limitation leaves uncut, t.p. / blank ; [1-6] 7-150 [2], colophon "IMPRIMÉ EN BELGIQUE"; 152 pages (76 leaves) plus 12 plates. COLETTE | Claudine | {vignette} | en ménage | ILLUSTRÉE PAR | RENÉE RINGEL | « Leurs Chefs-d'œuvre » | AUX ÉDITIONS TERRES LATINES || (4) Claudine s'en va: 1st blank and limitation leaves uncut, t.p. / blank ; [1-6] 7-128 [4], colophon "IMPRIMÉ EN BELGIQUE"; 132 pages (66 leaves) plus 12 plates. COLETTE | Claudine | {vignette} | s'en va | ILLUSTRÉE PAR | RENÉE RINGEL | « Leurs Chefs-d'œuvre » | AUX ÉDITIONS TERRES LATINES || Illustrations: in each volume, there are 12 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece, stencil-coloured (au pochoir) collotype reproductions after drawings by Renée Ringel, and numerous in-text b/w illustrations. Binding: 4 volumes uniformly bound in French flapped pictorial wrappers, spine with lettering and vignette, each in a canvas double slipcase 22 x 17.5 cm, with lettering to spine. Edition: Limited to 1800 copies, of which this is copy № 365, printed by Jean de Clercq, plates printed by Thill, colouring by Ateliers du coloris d’art. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) Renée Ringel – nothing is known so far.
  • Title-page: COLETTE | L'INGÉNUE | LIBERTINE | EAUX-FORTES DE DIGNIMONT | PARIS | A LA CITÉ DES LIVRES | — | MDCCCCXXVIII || Cover (front wrapper): Similar to t.p. but in red and black: COLETTE | L'INGÉNUE | LIBERTINE | EAUX-FORTES DE DIGNIMONT | PARIS | A LA CITÉ DES LIVRES | — | MDCCCCXXVIII || Description: French flapped wrapper in a red marbled double slipcase with lettered paper label to spine, 29.5 x 23 x 5.5 cm, in-4to, leaves 28 x 22.5 cm. Collation: π41 in wrapper, π2 blank, π3 h.t. / limitation, π4 t.p. / blank, 1-304, χ21 blank, χ2 in wrapper), plus 15 plates extraneous to collation, with tissue-guards, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [8] [1] 2-237 [238] [6], ils. Plates: 15 etchings in sepia by André Dignimont. Enrichment: Additional full suite of 15 plates in sanguine. Limitation: Edition is limited to 215 copies, 150 of them printed on thick wove paper (Vélin de Hollande), numbered 41 – 190, with one additional suite of plates. This copy is № 168. Printed on October 14, 1928. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) André Dignimont (French, 1891 – 1965) – artist. La cité des livres – publishers. R. Coulouma (Argenteuil, director H. Barthélemy) – printer, typography. Atelier de la Roseraie – printer, etchings.
  • Title-page: COLETTE | L'INGÉNUE | LIBERTINE | ILLUSTRÉ DE VINGT POINTES SÈCHES ORIGINALES EN COULEURS | DE P.-E. BÉCAT | GEORGES GUILLOT, ÉDITEUR | 7, RUE PERRONET | PARIS (VIIe) || French flapped wrapper in a blue double slipcase with dark blue and gilt lettering to spine, 29.5 x 24 x 8 cm, in-folio, leaves 28.5 x 22.5 cm, unbound, with 20 coloured drypoint engravings, with tissue-guards, with 77 initials and tailpieces by Marie Monnier. Limited edition of 420 copies, of which this is copy № XXVII, one of 45 copies marked with Roman numbers and reserved for the artist and collaborators. Printed on November 1st, 1947. Pagination: [16] 1-215 [216] [6], 238 pages (119 leaves) total, incl. plates. Moderate foxing. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) Paul-Émile Bécat (French, 1885 – 1960) Marie Monnier (French, 1894 – 1976) Solange et Georges Guillot – publishers. Georges Girard – printer, typography. Manuel Robbe – printer, drypoint engravings.
  • Title-page: COLETTE | LA | VAGABONDE | LITHOGRAPHIES EN COULEURS | DE MARCEL VERTÈS | PARIS | A LA CITE DES LIVRES |—| M DCCCC XXVII || Binding: French flapped wrappers 28.5 x 22.5 cm, in glassine dustcover, front wrapper lettered similarly to title-page but in red and black: COLETTE | LA | VAGABONDE | LITHOGRAPHIES EN COULEURS | DE MARCEL VERTÈS | PARIS | A LA CITE DES LIVRES |—| M DCCCC XXVII ||, in a red marbled cardboard folder 29 x 23 cm with paper label to spine, slipcase missing. Pagination: [2] 1st leaf blank, [2] h.t. / limitation, [2] t.p. / blank, [2] d.t.p. /blank, [3] 4-277 [278 blank], [4 colophon], ils. Collation: π3 1-354 χ1, plus 15 leaves of plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece, chromolithographs by Marcel Vertès. Edition: Limited edition of 305 copies of which this is № 15 (out of numbers 10-24) printed on Japon Impérial paper with three additional suites of plates in black, sanguine and colour, plus 4 refused plates. Printed on the 15th of September 1927: text by Robert Coulouma (Argenteuil, director H. Barthélemy), lithographs by E. Duchatel (Paris) and published by La cité des livres. Missing black versions of LIB-2892.2021-5 and LIB-2892.2021-10 (43 out of 45 prints in place). Refused plates: Plates in black, sanguine, and colour. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Binding: Grey double-slipcase 34 x 16.5 cm, pictorial folder, French flapped pictorial wrappers, both folder and wrapper with green ms lettering and vignette in sanguine, green ms lettering to spine. Collation: folio in-4to, two leaves in wrappers at the front and back, π8, 104 [11]2, total 50 leaves, incl. plates. Pagination: [4], [2] h.t. / limitation, [2] blank, [1-3] blank, [4-6] frontis., t.p., blank. 7-86 [2] [4] colophon, 100 pages total. Title-page (sanguine and black): COMPLEXES | 40 | DESSINS DE | Vertès | PREFACE DE | PIERRE MAC ORLAN | ANDRÉ SAURET | ÉDITIONS DU LIVRE ★ MONTE-CARLO || Illustrations: One on the front covers, one on the back one headpiece vignette, 37 plates, incl. frontispiece in colour and three on a double-page (full leaf), and one original pencil drawing. Limitation: 890 copies of which 40 (№ 1-40) signed by the artist and contain one original drawing; this copy is № 27. Edition: published by André Sauret, lithographs after Vertès drawings by Georges Duval, printed by Fernand Mourlot; text printed at “La Ruche” under the direction of A. and P. Jarach. Print run completed on November 9, 1948. Contributors: Pierre Mac-Orlan (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. André Sauret (Monaco, fl. 1952 – 1976) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Hardcover volume 20 x 14 cm, bound in burgundy half faux chagrin over brown faux chagrin boards, gilt lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, all margins sprinkled blue. Convolute: 1) SPIRITOMANES ET SPIRITOPHOBES |— | ÉTUDE | SUR LE | SPIRITISME | PAR LE | DOCTEUR HUGUET | De la Faculté de Paris | {« ED » publsiher’s device} | PARIS | E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-ÉDUTEUR | Palais-Royal, 17-19, Galerie d’Orléans | – | 1875 | Tous droits réservés ||; pp. [1-7] 8-48, with Dr Huguet signature to h.t. verso. Contents: Introduction. I. Le procès du 16 juin 1875; MM. Firman, Buguet, Leymarie. II. Le Spiritisme dans ses rapports avec le dogme, l’histoire, la science. Conclusion. 2) Same, pp. [1-7] 8-48, with Dr Huguet signature to h.t. verso. 3) FÉDÉRATION SPIRITE BELGE | — | Étude critique | DU LIVRE INTITULÉ | L'Hypnotisme | et le Spiritisme | du Docteur Joseph LAPPONI | Médecin de L. L. S. S. LÉON XIII et PIE X. | * | CONFÉRENCE | PAR | J. FRAIKIN | Président de la Fédération Spirite de Liége, | Vice-Président de la Fédération Spirite Belge. | * | Imp. Emile Dumon | Rue Haute-Marexhe, 27, Herstal-Liége. ||;  pp. [1-3] 4-50 [51] errata/blank. 4) BUREAU PERMANENT D’ÉTUDE | DES | PHÉNOMÈNES SPIRITES | ANVERS | * | Cours De Doctrine Spirite | — |       Imprimerie et Publicité « LA GÉNÉRALE » (SOC. AN.) Anvers. ||; 6 leaves, pagination trimmed out with partly visible numbers 13 and 18 ; includes Deuxième leçon « Du passage de la vie… », t.p., 7 pp. of text, last three pages blank. 5) LA PSYCHOLOGIE EXPERIMENTALE || Manifeste adresse par le « Syndicat de la Presse spiritualiste de France » | au Congres spiritualiste de Londres (Juin 1898); pp. [1] 2-31 [32]. Contents: I. Prolégomènes. II. Télépathie. III. Médiumnité. Conclusion. 6) LE FLUIDE HUMAIN | Son existence/ | Ses lois * Ses propriétés | — |  CONFÉRENCE | DONNÉE PAR LE | Sous-Lieutenant DE BACKERE | — ||; pp. [1-3] 4-28. Contributors: Hilarion Huguet (French, ? – ?) Alfred-Henri Firman (American, ? – ?) Édouard Isidore Buguet (1840 – 1901) Pierre-Gaëtan Leymarie (1827 – 1901) Giuseppe Lapponi (Italian, 1851 – 1906) Jacques Fraikin (Belgian, ? – ?) Franz de Backere (Belgian, ? – ?)
  • Hardcover, 31 x 24 cm, blue cloth over cardboard, orange lettering to spine, pictorial front cover, embossed back cover, pp.: [1-6] 7-271 [1], approx. 700 colour illustrations. Monograph and catalogue raisonné. ISBN: 978-3-85415-570-6. Title-page (orange): CORNELIA CABUK | {O. R. Schatz as vignette} | MONOGRAFIE | und | WERK= | VERZEICHNIS | mit Textbeiträgen von | STELLA ROLLIG | DIETER KRAFT | CORNELIA CABUK | Belvedere Werkverzeichnisse, Band 7 | Stella Rollig, Christian Huemer (Hg.) || Contributors: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere Cornelia Cabuk Dieter Kraft Stella Rollig Ritter Verlag (Vienna)
  • Softcover volume, 33 x 26 cm, collated in folio, not bound, in publisher’s French flapped pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine; printed on thick wove Arches paper watermarked “MBM”, upper edge trimmed, owner’s blind stamp to h.t. “Ex Libris Comte Tony de Vibraye”, glassine dust jacket, in a slipcase. Collation: π2 1-262, total 54 leaves, plus 4 leaves in wrappers, plus 10 plates, incl. frontispiece; coloured aquatints after Sylvain Sauvage; coloured etched vignette to front wrapper, gilt woodcut to back wrapper, woodcut title-page and woodcut headpiece after the same. Pp.: [4] [1] 2-102 [2]. Front wrapper (gilt and black): LA NUIT & LE MOMENT | {vignette} | OU | LES MATINÉES DE CYTHÈRE | PAR | MONSIEUR DE CRÉBILLON LE FILS | || Title-page (woodcut): CRÉBILLON LE FILS | | LA NUIT ET LE MOMENT | OU | LES MATINÉES | DE CYTHÈRE | {vignette} | A PARIS | AUX DEPENS D'UN AMATEUR | | M CM XXIV || Limitation: De cette édition il a été tiré un exemplaire unique sur japon impérial comportant dix aquarelles originales, deux cents trente exemplaires sur vélin d' Arches numérotés 1 à 230, dont les dix premiers avec une suite de hors texte sur japon. N° 1 [Print run limited to 230 copies on Arches plus a unique copy on Japon with original watercolours, this is copy № 1 on wove paper]. Seller’s description: La Nuit et le moment ou Les Matinées de Cythère. Paris, Au dépens d'un amateur, 1924. In-4, en feuilles, non rogné, couverture illustrée et étui. Ouvrage illustré de 4 gravures sur bois et de 10 eaux-fortes libres en couleurs hors texte de Sylvain Sauvage. Tirage à 231 exemplaires, celui-ci le n°1 sur vélin d'Arches. Manque la suite de hors texte sur japon. De la bibliothèque du Comte Tony de Vibraye, avec cachet à froid. Dutel, n°2062. Catalogue raisonné: honesterotica.com; Dutel III 2062. Contributors: Claude-Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon [Crébillon fils] (French, 1707 – 1777) – author. Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) – artist. Provenance: Antoine Henri Gaston Hurault de Vibraye [Comte Tony de Vibraye] (French, 1893 – 1951)