French flapped tan wrappers, 24.3 x 18.8 cm, lettered in red Les Vacances | de Suzon | Journal Secret | AUX DÉPENS | DES AMIS DE CUPIDON ||; collation: 1 blank, 1 tp (lettering similar to front wrapper), 1 blank, 24 leaves of plates with fac-simile ms text, 2 blanks; total 29 leaves; the said 24 leaves are made by glueing together pairs of 48 individual leaves, printed on one side. Dutel (1920-1970) № 2578, p. 406, describes the edition as a photocopy of “Il s'agit d'une copie de Suzon en Vacances” printed in the late 1940s, the print run is limited to 300 copies. For the original publication see LIB-3409.2025. The edition is attributed to Leon Courbouleix (French, 1887 – 1972).
Description: Original tan French flapped wrappers with black lettering to front, 22.7 x 14.5 cm, unbound, printed in b/w on thick wove unmarked paper with no plate mark (lithography?), collated in-4to, 1-94 102, total 38 leaves (2 leaves under front wrapper, 1 blank/limit., 1 h.t./blank, 1 t.p./blank, 31 leaves of illustrations printed on one side, 1 last blank, 1 under back wrapper); in a green marbled cardboard folder with lettered paper label to spine. Limitation: Edition limited to 200 copies on vélin de Rives, copies №№ 1-30 enriched with one original drawing, another 15 copies marked H. C. and numbered I-XV. This copy lacks the number, marked (handwritten) d’artiste A. C. (or H. C.) Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 2512, p. 388. Contributor: André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.
Cover with title: Im Garten der Aphrodite | 18 Bildgaben | von | Franz von Bayros | {vignette} | Privatdruck || in a frame; table of contents and limitation to verso; 18 plates with the drawings of Bayros in collotype reproduction, each mounted on cardboard and protected with the remnants of tissue guards, some lacking. Of the publisher’s folder, only the front board with an oval title label is present. Some images signed “Choisy le Conin” – von Bayros’s pseudonym. Two prints are missing: (1) Das Füßchen and (2) Die Liebesschaukel, the other 16 prints present. The vignette on the cover is a photomechanical reproduction. Edition: limited to 350 copies of which this is № 253. According to Christie’s: a collotype reprint, about twenty years after their first publication. English equivalent: The Garden of Aphrodite. Portfolio with 18 photogravures. Catalogue raisonné: The amorous drawings of the Marquis von Bayros (1968): pp. 177-1877; Bayros Zeichningen (1987): pp. 143-152.
Title page (black lettering, gold elements of design): PIERRE ARETIN | LA PUTAIN | ERRANTE | DIALOGUE DE | MADELINE ET JULIE | {woodcut vignette} | PARIS — MCMXXX || Pagination: Red and gilt faux-marbled slipcase (19.5 x 15.5 cm), similar folder (18.7 x 15.1 cm), cream wove paper wrapper (18.5 x 14.7 cm) with gilt lettering “LA PUTAIN | ERRANTE”, with loosely inserted leaves printed on Japanese "mother-of-pearl" paper (japon nacré): [4] – blanks, [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, 1-62, [2] – colophon / blank [4 blanks], gilt woodcut to p. 1; 76 pages total, plus 12 hand-coloured etchings (17.2 x 14.7 cm) by André Collot, extraneous to collation. Collation: 4to; π4, 1-84 χ2, 38 leaves total. Edition: 1st edition, limited to 150 copies, this is copy № 000009 (stamped in black ink). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): № 2275, p. 333; Honesterotica. Contributors: Pietro Aretino (Italian, 1492 – 1556) – author (attributed). André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.
12 hand-coloured soft-ground etchings by André Collot, unbound, in a paper folder with pink lettering and vignette engraved on wood, with a title-page in black: JEUNESSE | 12 VERNIS MOUS COLORIÉS | tires à exemplaires | réservés aux Amis de l’Artiste | 1933 ||, in a frame. Edition: 1st edition, limited to 60 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 1920-70: 1786. There is another copy of the same with the cardboard folder SVE-0528.2023.
Unbound, unpaginated album (28.4 x 19.5 cm) with 24 leaves (12 folded sheets 28 x 38 cm each), printed on thick wove paper, watermarked Vidalon, with text and 31 vignettes, some pages foxed. Publisher’s original flapped cream wrappers, lettering to front: Raymond Radiguet | Vers Libres | {vignette} || Half-title: “Vers Libres” on a ribbon covering a stick, garland, and flute. Title: Raymond Radiguet | Vers Libres | {vignette} | NOGENT | AU PANIER FLEURI || Illustrations: Cover vignette, frontispiece, tail- and a headpiece for introduction, and vignettes (total 31 illustrations) undoubtedly attributed Rojan (Feodor Rojankovsky). Poems: Chat perché; Champigny, Les fiancés de treize ans, Saison, Le petit journal, Ébauches, Usée, Jeux innocents, Bains publics, L’autre bouche, Cinématographe. In 1937, the «Jeux innocents» piece was added to the 1935 edition, together with 4 illustrations on top of 27 vignettes in 1935, making it 31. Edition: 1st thus; however, the 1935 edition may be considered the 'real' 1st. Limitation on the last page: the total print run on 250 copies by subscription only, this copy is № 181 from 243 on Vélin de Vidalon (as per Dutel). Illustrations printed in black and stencil-coloured (au pochoir). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 2593; Nordmann (2): 451. Contributors: Raymond Radiguet (French, 1903 – 1923) – author. Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan; Рожанковский, Фёдор Степанович] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970) – artist.
Title: L'ELOGE | DE | LA FOLIE, | TRADUIT | DU LATIN D'ERASME | Par M. Gueudeville. | NOUVELLE EDITION REVÛE & CORRIGÉE | sur le Texte de l'Edition de Basle. | ORNÉE DE NOUVELLES FIGURES. | AVEC DES NOTES. | {vignette Eisen / Le Mire} | — | M. DCC LI. || Pagination: [2 blank] [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / {citation*} | [4] – explication des figures; [i] ii-xxiv, [1] 2-222, [2] – table, [2 blank], plus frontispiece and 13 plates by various engravers after Charles Eisen, total number of pages 10+24+222+4=260, ils. Collation: 4to; [1 blank], π4 a-c4 A-Ee4 [1 blank], total number of leaves 130 plus frontispiece and 13 plates. Plates printed in black, paper 24 x 17.8 cm (grand papeir, 9.5 x 7 inches). Binding: Contemporary mottled calf, triple fillet gilt border with pomegranate corner pieces to boards, spine with raised bands, gilt foliage and pomegranates in compartments, red morocco spine label, all edges gilt, rebacked preserving the original spine and peacock marbled endpapers. Size: 24.8 x 18.8 cm; leaves 24 x 17.8 cm; text printed area: 10 x 6 cm. * Citattion: Admonere voluimus, non lædere: | Consulere moribus Hominum, | non officere. | Erasm. Epist. ad Mart. Dorpium Theolog. Usually, the citation is "Admonere voluimus, non mordere; prodesse, non laedere…", etc. Rococo-framed frontispiece engraved by Martinasie under the supervision of Le Bas. Contributors: Erasmus, Desiderius [Roterodamus] (Dutch, 1466 – 1536) – author. Gueudeville, Nicolas (French, 1652 – 1721) – translator. Meusnier de Querlon, Anne-Gabriel (French, 1702 – 1780) – notes. Eisen, Charles (French, 1720 – 1778) – artist. Engravers: Aliamet, Jacques (French, 1726 – 1788) Flipart, Charles Joseph (French, 1721 – 1797) Beauvais, Nicolas Dauphin de (French, 1687 – 1736) Pinssio [Pincio], Sébastien (French, 1721 – after 1744) Martenasie, Pierre François (French-Flemish, 1729 – 1789) Le Bas [Lebas], Jacques-Philippe (French, 1707 – 1783) Provenance: Bishop, Cortlandt Field (American, 1870 – 1935) – bookplate. Mary S. Collins – bookplate by J. H. Fincken. Robin F. Satinsky (American, 1919 – 2008) – Robin Collection bookplate. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen–deRichi 348-349; Lewine, p. 170; Ray (French) № 24, pp. 52-54.
Title: L'ART | D'AIMER, | ET | POÉSIES DIVERSES | DE M. BERNARD. Pagination: [2] – t.p. / stanza by Voltaire; engraved t. p., frontispiece, [1] 2-170; pp. 1-61 – L'art d'aimer; pp. 62-111 – Phrosine et Mélidore; pp. 112-170 – Poésies diverses; illustrations. Collation: 8vo; π1 (letterpress t.p.), A-K8 L5; + 8 plates: (1)* engraved title page facing the stanza by Ch. Baquoy; (2) plate as a frontispiece by Ponce after Ch. Eisen, inscribed Chant I above the image, dated 1772, facing p. [1], chant 1er of l’art; (3)* Ch. Baquoy after P. Martini, inscribed Chant II below the image, facing p. 22, chant 2nd of l’art; (4) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant III above the image, facing p. 44, chant 3rd of l’art; (5)* Patas after P. Martini, inscribed Chant Ier below the image, dated 1775, facing p. 62, chant 1er of Phrosine; (6) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant II above the image, facing p. 74, chant 2nd of Phrosine; (7)* C. Gaucher after P. Martini, facing p. 84, chant 3rd of Phrosine; (8) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant IV above the image, facing p. 97, chant 4th of Phrosine; * – images additional to 1772 edition by Le Jay [LIB-2706.2021] (i.e. plates 1, 3, 5, and 7 are new). A counterfeit edition by an anonymous publisher. Binding: brown pebbled morocco, triple fillet gilt-ruled boards, raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt label lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, AMG; printed on laid paper, with tall 's'. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, De Richi (1912): p. 132: describes a counterfeit edition with 170 pages and 3 additional plates plus an engraved title. This seems to be a combination of Lejan [sic] Paris 1775 edition, which normally has 134 pages, 8vo, title engraved by Baquoy and three plates after Martini by Patas, Baquoy and Gaucher. Contributors: Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) – engraver. Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721 – 1777) – engraver. Jean-Baptiste Patas (French, 1748 – 1817) – engraver. Charles-Étienne Gaucher (French, 1740 – 1804) – engraver. Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778) – artist. Pietro Antonio Martini (Italian, 1738 – 1797) – artist. Pierre-Joseph Bernard [Gentil-Bernard] (French, 1708 – 1775) – author of the text.
Title page: L'AN DEUX MILLE QUATRE CENT QUARANTE. | Rêve s'il en fût jamais. | Le temps présent est gros de l'avenir... | Leibnitz. | {letterpress device} | A LONDRES. | MD CCLXXII. || Pagination: [i-iv] v-xii, 1-402 [2]; Collation: 8vo; π6 A-Z8 Aa-Bb8 Cc2. Binding: 19 x 12 cm, full mottled calf, rebacked, spine with gilt-lettered red label, compartments ruled gilt, with gilt fleuron ornament, marbled endpapers and all edges; printed on laid paper, with tall “s”. Probably published in Paris, anonymously. Handwritten nut-ink inscription to the title "Par Mercier". See also: LIB-0979.2016
Title-page in black and red: LE | SOPHA, | CONTE MORAL. | NOUVELLE EDITION. | PREMIERE PARTIE. | {vignette} | A PEKIN, | Chez l'imprimeur de l'Empereur, | 1749. || Pagination: Two volumes in one. [2] – blanks, [2] – blank / frontis., [i, ii] – t.p. / blank, [iii] iv-xxi [xxii] ; [1] 2-253, [254-256] – table / blank, [2] – blanks; [i, ii] f.t. (seconde partie). [iii] 4-237 [238-240] – table / blank, [2] – blanks ; ills. 1 frontispiece, 4 plates and 2 vignettes by Pelletier after Clavereau, 2 fleurons by Fessard after Cochin. Collation: 12mo; a12, A8B4–T8V4, X8 [*1]; A8B4–T8V4. Binding: Full mottled calf, flat spine, compartments double-ruled in gilt, gilt flowers and foliage in compartments, crimson title label; marbled endpapers. Printed on laid paper, watermarked. Size: 14.8 x 8.8 cm Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, de Ricci (266); J. Lewine (124-5).
Half title: LA PUCELLE | D’ORLEANS.|| Title: LA PUCELLE | D’ORLEANS , | POEME , | DIVISÉ EN VINGT-UN CHANTS , AVEC | LES NOTES DE M. DE MORZA. | Nouvelle édition, corrigée, augmentée d'un Chant | entier, & de plusieurs morceaux répandus dans | le corps de l'ouvrage, avec les Variantes que | l'on a jointes à la fin de chaque Chant. | [ornament] | A LONDRES. |—| M. DCC. LXXV. || Pagination : [4] – two blank unnumbered fly leaves, [i,ii] – h.t. / double-ruled blank leaf, [2] – blank / frontispiece on verso, [iii, iv] – t.p. ruled and bordered / double-ruled blank leaf, [v]vi-viii – table, ix-xv – preface, [xvi] – double-ruled blank leaf, [1]2-447 [448] – double-ruled blank leaf, [2] – two blank unnumbered fly leaves; page 14 misnumbered 18; title within ornamental border; text within double-ruled borders; head- and tail-pieces; 22 leaves of plates (frontis. + one before each chant.) Collation: 8vo; a8 A-Z8 Aa-Ee8 Binding: 19.9 x 13.2 cm; full contemporary brown calf, blind ruled plates, spine with raised bands, gilt-ruled and tooled in compartments, red label with gilt lettering, all edges red; plate for chant 6, H4, H5 - separated from the block. De Morza is Voltaire (Cf. Quérard, v. 10, p. 306). Engravings unsigned; attributed to Desrais, Claude-Louis (French, 1746 – 1816). False imprint; possibly printed in Paris.
Title page: Text engraved within a vignette with two naked female torses in garlands: Plãs et profilz | des principales villes de | la prouince de L'ISLE DE | FRANCE, auec la carte gene~ | rale & les particulieres de chaf~ | cun gouuernement d'icelles. Below handwritten pencil inscription by a previous owner: "par ... Tassin ... 1634". Size: 17.6 x 23.7 cm, Binding: Italian style, green half-vellum, burgundy morocco title label with vertical gilt lettering to spine, peacock marbled boards. Pagination: Two blank flyleaves in the front and two in the back; 18 numbered engraved plates, including:
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Normandie
- Environs de Paris
- Folding map of Paris – a simplified copy of Mathieu Merian's 1615 perspective plan, with minor updates, notably on the current housing estate of Ile Saint-Louis.
- Paris
- Gouvernment de Soissons
- Soissons
- Gouvernment de Beauvais
- Beauvais
- Gouvernment de Compiègne
- Compiègne
- Gouvernment de Noyon
- Noyon
- Gouvernment de Coussi
- Coussi
- Gouvernment de Senlis
- Senlis
[François Marie Arouet de Voltaire]. La Pucelle d'Orléans, poëme, divisé en vingt chants, avec des notes. Nouvelle édition, corrigée, augmentée & collationnée sur le manuscript de l'auteur. – [Geneva: Gabriel Cramer], 1762.Illustrated book with 20 etchings and numerous woodcut vignettes.Illustrated by: Hubert-François Bourguignon, a.k.a. Gravelot (French, 1699–1773) Author: François Marie Arouet de Voltaire (French, 1694–1778) Printer: Gabriel Cramer (Swiss, 1723–1793)Pagination: [2 blanks, "Ex libris JCP" to recto] [2 - h.t., blank] [2 - t.p., blank], [i] ii-viii, [1] 2-358 [2 blanks]; 20 engraved plates, unsigned, one before every chant, by Gravelot (Hubert-François Bourguignon).Year of Publication: 1762Place of Publication: Geneva, SwitzerlandSize: 8vo, 19.8 x 12.6 x 3.7 cm.Binding: Full mottled calf, restored, flat spine, decorated in gilt, red labels with gilt lettering "Oeuvres de Voltaire; La Pucelle, tom XXII"; marbled endpapers and all margins.CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ: Cohen-de Ricci 1029.Mentions: MFA: ACCESSION NUMBER 25.701.Another copy in this collection: LIB-2580.2020.
Album of 20 hand-coloured lithographs with a title page and a 'justification du tirage' page in an original snakeskin-clothed cardboard binder. Drawn on stone by Anonymous, attributed to Santippa. The theme of these pictures can be described as erotic humour.
Edition: 200 copies printed in Bruxelles, c. 1938; this copy without a number.
Watermarked wove paper: Word "Marais" and a flower.
Dimensions: 24.3 x 29.3 cm According to J.-P. Dutel, the author of these images is Georges Hoffmann under the pseudonym Santippa. Honesterotica provides a different name: Gaston Hoffmann [Santippa] (French, 1883 – 1977), which seems adequate. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-70) № 2496. -
Katsukawa Shun'ei. Signed: Shun'ei ga (春英画). Vertical Ōban. No reference whatsoever. Unidentified play, actors, roles, year, theatre. SOLD
Evening Snow on Mount Hira (Hira no bosetsu), from the series Eight Views of Ōmi in Modern Guise (Ryaku Ōmi hakkei, (略近江八景). About 1773–75 (An'ei 2–4). Artist: Isoda Koryūsai (Japanese, 1735–1790) CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ: Hockley 2003, p. 202, #F-21-1 DIMENSIONS: Vertical chûban; 26 x 19.3 cm (10 1/4 x 7 5/8 in.)Signed: Koryû ga [湖竜画]
Katsukawa Shun'ei. The Sumo Bout between Yotsuguruma (right) and Yamaoroshi (left). Date: 1800 or 1805/06. Similar sheet can be found at Edo Tokyo Museum. Size: Vertical Ōban. Sumo wrestler Yotsuguruma Daihachi (1772 - 1809) first appeared in the records of national tournaments in winter of 1794. Then he lost 3 matches and won zero. He first won in the spring tournament of 1797 in a match against maegashira (the fifth-highest rank of sumo wrestlers) named Kougamine. Yamaoroshi Gengo (born 1762) came in at the winter tournament of 1799 . He was much more successful in his career than Yotsuguruma, but he had never won a tournament. It was the time of great Raiden, who won most of them. In the spring tournament of 1800 Yotsuguruma and Yamaoroshi fought against each other for the first time. Yotsuguruma lost. The next time they met on the ring was at the winter tournament of 1805, and again in 1806. Both matches were won by Yamaoroshi. Yamaoroshi retired in 1809; Yotsuguruma died in 1809.
Kitagawa Utamaro. Illustration from book Ehon koi no Onamaki, published in 1799. Reference found by Chris Uhlenbeck: he found one of the designs in Hayashi Yoshikazu's 20-volume set Edo makura-e shi shusei: Kitagawa Utamaro. Size: Chuban (25.5 x 18.5 cm), two book pages glued together.