Cardboard folder with title label to front, 23.5 x 26.3 cm, containing 12 hand-coloured soft-ground etchings by André Collot, unbound, in a paper folder with pink lettering and vignette engraved on wood, with a title-page in black: JEUNESSE | 12 VERNIS MOUS COLORIÉS | tires à exemplaires | réservés aux Amis de l’Artiste | 1933 || in a frame. First edition, limited to 60 copies. Dutel 1920-70: 1786. There is another copy of the same without the cardboard folder SVE-0469.2021.
Hardcover, 330 x 255 mm, marble paper, two labels of black calf with gilt lettering to spine, 2 blank leaves at front and 2 at back (laid paper), two leaves of lithographic vignettes (t.p. and limitation), plus 20 lithographic plates signed “am”, unpaginated. Limited edition of 25 copies on Japon Impérial paper №№ 1-25, 300 copies on Vélin d’Arches №№ 26-325, of which this is copy № 206. Stones sanded. A poem by Verlaine at p. 2 recto. Title-page: L'Académie | DES | Dames | VINGT ATTITUDES PAR | ALBERT MARQUET | {vignette} | NEW YORK | SIXTY-NINTH AVENUE || Imprint: ÉDITION PRIVÉE | EXEMPLAIRE NUMERO 206 Limitation: JUSTIFICATION DU TIRAGE | IL A ÉTÉ TIRÉ DE CET OUVRAGE | VINGT-CINQ EXEMPLAIRES SUR JAPON IMPÉRIAL | NUMÉROTÉS DE 1 à 25 | ET TROIS CENTS EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN D'ARCHES | NUMÉROTÉS DE 26 à 325 | PIERRES BIFFÉES || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 949; Nordmann I № 255. Provenance: From the collection of Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Frankfurt. Contributors: Albert Marquet (French, 1875 – 1947) Verlaine, Paul (French, 1844 – 1896) One additional lithographic plate by Marquet from a different source but on a similar subject is laid in.
Twelve etchings printed in black on laid paper, uncoloured, sheet 236 x 140 mm, platemark 155 x 100 mm, red ink stamp “ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp” to verso; image title in pencil to recto of some sheets. Pale ‘remarque’ on the lower margin of plate 2 ‘L’Eden’. Traces of original binding along the right edge. No folder. Catalogue raisonné: Luc Binet 2017: 100-B, pp. 639-51 ; S. A. Perry 2015: 80, p. 70-1.
List of images:
- Le Coït des Atomes
- L’Éden
- La Flûte
- Portes d’enfer
- Danaë
- L’obsession
- Europe
- Le crâne
- Mélancolie blennorhagique [sic]
- Parisienne
- La chanson du vieux moine
- Reine du monde
Hardcover, 231 x 165 mm, half brown cloth over cardboard, lettering in a frame to front, similar to t.p., pp.: [4] [1] 2-151 [152], collated 4to: π2 1-194, i.e. 78 leaves. Entries are in alphabetic order by name. Title-page (and front cover): Bibliotheca Germanorum | erotica. | Verzeichniss der gesammten | deutschen erotischen Literatur | mit Einschluss der Uebersetzungen. | Nachschlagebuch für Literaturhistoriker, | Antiquare und Bibliothekare. | Nach den zuverlässigsten Quellen | bearbeitet von | H. Nay. | — •— | Leipzig, 1875. || [Bibliotheca Germanorum erotica. List of all German erotic literature, including translations. Reference book for literary historians, antiquarians and librarians. Based on the most reliable sources edited by H. Nay]. Imprint: Druck von E. Rupfer in Stuttgart. Ref: Worldcat. Author: Hugo Hayn [Nay, H.] (German, 1843 – 1923)
A cardboard file 298 x 225 mm made of quarter red cloth over marbled paper, with laces, contains 18 loose chromolithographs approx.190 x 130 mm, 8 vertical and 10 horizontal) in a passepartout 275 x 220 mm (matted) of laid paper with an armorial watermark, with lewd humorous captions on glassine guard tissue attached to each sheet, upper and outer margins uncut. Images signed “–Santippa–36”.Label to front cover lettered Variations Amoureuses | avec 18 gravures en couleurs ||. No title page. It is quite likely that the set exists in only one copy. Description by seller: Album in-folio, 272 x 218 cm. En feuilles, sous chemise cartonnée à lacets de l'éditeur. Les lithographies sont respectivement intitulées : Branlade; Plaisir Champêtre; Justice; Entre Marins ; Cocher; Suce-moi bien ; Encore; Les Joies; Un Marin; On raconte ; Plaisir Divin ; Le Marin; Quand un Gendarme ; soixante et Neuf; Tous les Moyens ; Le Plus Cochon; Le Fantassin; Coup Double. Le peintre Gaston Hoffmann (1883-1977), consacra la majeure partie de son œuvre à l'érotisme et la caricature, en signant ses sujets trop libres sous le pseudonyme de Santippa. Contributor: Gaston Hoffmann [Santippa] (French, 1883 – 1977). Ref: Honesterotica.com provides only 8 images of 18. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III: № 2581:
Hardcover, 169 x 100 mm, quarter brown sheepskin over speckled paper, flat spine, gilt double fillet bands, crimson morocco label with gilt lettering, printed on French paper watermarked “FIN 1787”; two volumes in one, collated in 12mo. Tome premier: π1 h.t., A8 (A1 t.p., A2,3 Lettre de Sophie au chevalier d'Olzan), B4 C8 D4 E8 F4 G8, H4, I4; pp.: [2] [i-iii] iv-vi, [7] 8-104, plus three plates, p. 24 printed on cream wove paper, pp. 66, 67 on blue laid paper (or pasted on such). Tome second: A8 (incl. h.t. and t.p.) B4 C8 D4 E8 F4 G8 H4 I8 K4, L4; pp.: [1-5] 6-127 [1 blank]; all three plates printed on cream wove paper; plate marked as p.68 is after p. 64, plate marked p.64 is after p. 68, plate p. 79 is on its place. Plates attributed to Louis Binet. Text is attributed mainly to Comte de Mirabeau; however, Guillaume Apollinaire, in his L’Enfer de la Bibliothèque Nationale (1913), believes that Marquis de Sentilly wrote it. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-de Ricci 709; Dutel I A-988, p. 294. Contributors: Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de (French, 1749 – 1791) Binet, Louis (French, 1744 – 1800) Seller's description: Deux parties en un volume in-12. 165 x 97 mm. Tome premier: I f. n. ch. faux-titre, 104 pp. y compris le titre avec une vignette gravée, la "Lettre de Sophie au chevalier d'Olzan" qui débute l'ouvrage est paginée en chiffres romains. Tome second: 127 pp. tout compris et 1 p. bl. 6 gravures libres non signées qui sont de Binet. Reliure de l'époque. Demi-basane brune, plats de papier coquille moucheté, dos lisse omé de deux filets dorés répétés, pièce de titre de maroquin rouge, lettres dorées, tranches jaspées. Reliure un peu frottée, coins émoussés. Quelques rousseurs. Rarissime deuxième édition de cet Émile de l'éducation sexuelle enrichie de gravures libres attribuables à Binet.
Two volumes, 135 x 85 mm each, uniformly bound in full brown morocco with triple fillet border, flat spine with gilt fleurons and double fillet bands, gilt lettered label, interior dentelle, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt; four volumes in two, collated in 12mo. Vol. 1: pp.: [1-5] 6-100, coll.: 1-86 92;(i.e. 50 leaves); [1-5] 6-130; coll.: 1-106 115 (i.e. 65 leaves); plus two blanks in the front and at the rear, and nine plates, incl. frontispiece. Vol. 2: pp.: [1-5] 6-111 [112 blank], coll.: 14 2-96 104 (i.e. 56 leaves); [4 ht, tp] [1] 2-99 [100 blank], coll.: π2 1-86 92 (i.e. 52 leaves); plus two blanks in the front and at rear, and four plates. Title-page: FÉLICIA, | OU | MES FREDAINES. | {in rules} La faute en est aux Dieux qui me firent si folle.| TOME PREMIER/ SECOND/ TROISIÉME/ QUATRIÈME. | —•— | A LONDRES | M. DCC. LXXVI. || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel, A-399, p. 132. Contributors: André-Robert Andréa de Nerciat (French, 1739 – 1800) – author.
Artist: Utagawa Kunisada, a.k.a. Toyokuni III (Japanese, 1786 – 1865) [歌川 国貞]. Publisher: Unidentified, Marks 01-033|U335a To-Chū [ト忠] Date-aratame seal: Bunka 14 (1817). Signed: Kunisada ga [国貞画]. Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e), 230 x 270 mm. Kabuki play Chūkō shōbu-gatana [忠孝菖蒲刀] performed at the Nakamura Theater in Tokyo (Edo) in 5/1817. Actor Seki Sanjūrō II [関三十郎], a.k.a. Seki Utasuke I; Nakamura Utasuke; Arashi Sôtarô; Meijin Seki; Sekisan (Japanese, 1786 – 1839) as Nakano Tōbei [中野藤兵衛] – top. Actor Bandō Mitsugorō III [坂東三津五郎], a.k.a. Bandô Minosuke I, Morita Kanjirô II, Bandô Mitahachi I, Bandô Minosuke I, Bandô Mitahachi (Japanese, 1775 – 1831) I as Miki Jūzaemon [三木十左衛門] – left. Actor Matsumoto Kōshirō V [松本幸四郎], a.k.a. Ichikawa Komazô III; Ichikawa Sumizô I (Japanese, 1764 – 1838) as Akabori Mizuemon [あかぼり水右衛門] – right. Reference images:
Artist: Kawanabe Kyōsai [河鍋 暁斎] (Japanese, 1831 – 1889) Signed: Seisei Kyosai [惺々暁斎], and sealed. Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e, 団扇絵), 215 x 233 mm. Publisher: Unknown / No seal Date: Unknown / No seal Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e, 団扇絵), 215 x 233 mm. Possibly, a private order. Wind chimes (fûrin, 風鈴) are associated with a Wind Chimes Festival [風鈴祭り], held in summer all over Japan. Seller's description: wo swallows streak by with seeming joy past a fûrin, a wind bell. These Japanese wind chimes were introduced to Japan in the Heian era, and in the Edo period, they began to be constructed out of glass. We see the hanging length of paper twisting in the breeze as it creates a delightful chime; these tones are a characteristic sound of summer in Japan. A layer of deluxe mica covers the entire design, lending sparkle. This work was meant to be pasted onto an uchiwa, or fan, for summer use.
Hardcover volume 129 x 84 mm boards, 123 x 76 mm block, full contemporary lavalier-glazed calf, signed DUCASTIN at spine tail, panels framed with a gold fillet and a blind frieze, flat spine decorated with gilt fillets and fleurons, roulettes at the head and tail, garnet red calf title label with gilt lettering, gilt dotted lines on the edges, interior dentelle, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, “GERARD NORDMANN EX-LIBRIS” bookplate to front pastedown. Collation 18mo: A-O6 P5 (i.e. 89 leaves); pp.: [i-v] vi-viii [9] 10-178, plus 5 plates with tissue guards, incl. frontispiece, and one flyleaf at the front and one at the rear. Plates: It is believed the edition had only 3 plates, including the frontispiece, and two plates were added, one signed “C. p. Marillier, inv. — E. De Ghendt sculp.” Title-page: ELÉONORE, | OU | L'HEUREUSE PERSONNE. | Deuxième Édition. | — | A PARIS, | Chez les Marchands de nouveautés. |— | AN VIII. || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel № A-314, p. 109 ; Nordmann II №188, p. 93. Provenance: Gustave Lehec (French, 1841 – 1922); Gérard Nordmann (Swiss, 1930 – 1992). Contributors: Clément Pierre Marillier (French, 1740–1808) – artist Emmanuel Jean Nepomucène de Ghendt (Flemish, worked in France, 1738–1815) – engraver Alexis Pierre Ducastin [Ducastaing] (French, 1785 – 1860) – binder Nordmann's description: In-18 écu (124 x 78 mm). 178 pp. A frontispiece and 2 free figures. 2 added figures, one signed after Marillier and engraved by de Ghendt. Contemporary binding signed by Ducastin. Glazed lavallière calf, double frame of the covers with a gold fillet and a blind frieze, spine decorated with gilt fillets and fleurons, roulettes at the head and tail, garnet calf title piece, gilt title, dotted lines on the edges, interior lace, marbled guards, gilt edges (some minor foxing). The second edition (very likely a fictitious mention) is of great rarity. It is decorated with a frontispiece and has engraved figures, to which two additional plates have been added. The story is the reverse of that of Tiresias: a woman is endowed by a sylph with the power to be alternately a man and a woman and to taste the pleasures of each of the two sexes. "This results in numerous and very piquant adventures; easy and graceful style" (Galitzin). MAGNIFICENT COPY, RARE IN ITS FULL STRICTLY CONTEMPORARY BINDING and signed on the back by one of the great bookbinders of the time, Pierre Alexis Ducastin (1785-1860), member of a dynasty of printers and bookbinders dating back to Henri IV. Lehec cites this copy in his Galitzin catalogue (no. 546): "...charming copy; lavalier calf stamped very rare, admirable conservation". Pia Enfer, 412; B.N. Enfer, 634.
Hardcover, 130 x 87 mm boards, 124 x 79 mm block, full mottled sheepskin, gilt-tooled flat spine, gilt fleurons in compartments, crimson morocco label lettered in gilt, board edges tooled gilt; marbled endpapers, bookseller ticket and bookplate “ GERARD NORDMANN EX-LIBRIS”; text and plates printed on laid paper. Collated 18mo: A-M6 (i.e. 72 leaves); pp.:[1-3] 4-143 [144], plus 8 engraved plates, incl. frontispiece, plus one flyleaf in the front and one in the rear. Title-page: BIBLIOTHÈQUE | DES | PAILLARDS, | CHOIX DE POÉSIES | EROTIQUES. | — | A PARIS, | Chez Madame BELLE MOTTE; | rue des Déchargeurs. | AU TEMPLE DE LA VOLUPTÉ. || Title-page: ELÉONORE, | OU | L'HEUREUSE PERSONNE. | Deuxième Édition. | — | A PARIS, | Chez les Marchands de nouveautés. |— | AN VIII. || Faux-t.p.: LA | COMTESSE | D'OLONNE, | COMEDIE | DE M. DE BUSSI RABUTIN. || Table des matières. Épitre dédicatoire La Foutro-Manie Ode à Priape Quatrain du comte de Guiche à M. d'Olonne La Comtesse d'Olonne, comédie Mon testament Le Chapitre général des Cordeliers Le débauché converti La gageure, conte Étymologie de l'Aze-te-foute, conte. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I № A-146, p. 63; Nordmann II № 90. Provenance: Gérard Nordmann (Swiss, 1930 – 1992).
NEWSoftcover volume 245 x 192 mm in a slipcase 153 x 192 mm, cream parchment flapped wrappers with lettering to front and spine, unbound, margins untrimmed, printed on wove paper, collated in 16 unbound gatherings, unsigned, text in pink arabesque frame with a round vignette in the bottom; the contents is similar to previously published Douze douzains de dialogues ou petites scènes amoureuses by Pierre Louÿs (see LIB-3144.2023 and LIB-2819.2021 in this collection. Pagination: [1-8] 9-124 [125 colophon] [3 blanks], .i.e. 64 leaves plus 12 lithographic plates, extraneous to collation. Plates are attributed to Jean Berque. Print run of 153 copies, of which this is copy № 45. A typical case of a clandestine reproduction of erotic text with quickly made salacious illustrations during the occupation of France by the Nazis. Title-page: Pierre Louys | — | DIALOGUES | ou | Petites Scènes Amoureuses | 1943 | LES ÉDITIONS SOUS LE MANTEAU | LORIENT || Colophon: CET OUVRAGE, NON DESTINÉ A ÊTRE MIS DANS LE | COMMERCE, A ÉTÉ TIRÉ A CENT-CINQUANTE-TROIS | EXEMPLAIRES, SAVOIR : 3 EXEMPLAIRES SUR ARCHES A LA FORME, Nos 1 A 3. | 150 EXEMPLAIRES SUR RIVES PUR FIL, Nos 4 A 153. | Exemplaire N 00,045 || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 1397, p. 130. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Jean Berque (French, 1896 – 1954) – atrist.
NEWSeries: The taste of the new type of woman (Shingata bijin konomi) [志んかた美人好]. Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞], a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代 歌川 豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Kōchōrō Kunisada ga [香朝楼國貞画] in a red double-gourd cartouche. No publisher seal. No censor/date seal. Media: Untrimmed fan print (Aiban yoko-e uchiwa-e), 228 x 302 mm.
NEWHalf-length portrait of a beautiful young woman wearing a chrysanthemum-patterned green kimono, face directed 3/4 to the right, holding her hands together and fingers spread, arranging the hairpins in her elaborate hairdo; garments of different colours and pattern designs on the background. Series: The taste of the new type of woman (Shingata bijin konomi) [新形美人好]. Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞], a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代 歌川 豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Kōchōrō Kunisada ga [香朝楼國貞画] in a yellow double-gourd cartouche. No publisher seal. No censor/date seal. Media: Untrimmed fan print (Aiban yoko-e uchiwa-e), 228 x 305 mm.
Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貴] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豐国] (Japanese, 1786–1865)
Publisher: unknown (Ichi-To, 未詳); Marks 05-012 | U085a; seal (一、ト). Date-aratame seal: Bunsei 5 (文政五年, 1822). Media: Fan print (Aiban yoko-e uchiwa-e, 合別横絵団扇絵); 234 × 264 mm. Actor: Matsumoto Kōshirō V [五代相本幸四郎] (Japanese, 1764–1838); other names: Ichikawa Komazō III [市川高麻蔵], Ichikawa Sumizō I [市川寿美蔵]. Role: Hanakawado no Sukeroku [花川戸の助六]. Play: Sukeroku sakura no futae obi [助六桜の二重帯].
The History of Sukeroku in Kabuki Theater
The play Sukeroku (English title Sukeroku: Flower of Edo), originally titled Hana Yakata Aigo Zakura (花館愛護櫻), premiered in the 3rd lunar month of 1713 at Yamamuraza in Edo. The script was written by Tsuuchi Han'emon (津打半右衛門) under the guidance of Tsuuchi Jihē II (津打治兵衛, 1679–1760). The inaugural performance featured Ichikawa Danjūrō II as Sukeroku, Tamazawa Rin'ya as Agemaki, Ikushima Shingorô as the shirozake seller (白酒売り) Shinbē, and Yamanaka Heikurô I as Ikyū. Three years later, in 1716, Tsuuchi Jihē II revised the play, integrating it into the well-known Soga brothers' revenge tale. In this adaptation, Sukeroku, Agemaki, and Shinbē were revealed to be Soga Gorō Tokimune, the courtesan Kewaizaka no Shōshō, and Soga Jūrō Sukenari, respectively. This revised version was staged at Nakamuraza in the 2nd lunar month of 1716, with Ichikawa Danjūrō II reprising the role of Sukeroku, joined by Nakamura Takesaburô I (Agemaki), Mimasuya Sukejûrô I (Shinbē), Sodeoka Masanosuke II (Soga’s mother Mankō), and Ôtani Hiroemon I (Ikyū). Over time, Sukeroku became closely associated with the Ichikawa Danjūrō acting lineage, captivating Edo audiences and securing its place in the kabuki repertoire. Though traditionally performed by members of the Naritaya guild, the role of Sukeroku was occasionally played by actors from outside the Ichikawa family. The play was later staged under the title Sukeroku Yukari no Edo Zakura for the first time in the 4th lunar month of 1782 at Ichimuraza, with Ichimura Uzaemon IX portraying the titular role. Comparison to Toyokuni I’s 1816 Print Kunisada’s portrait can be viewed as a homage to his mentor, Utagawa Toyokuni I [初代歌川豊国] (1769–1825), whose earlier 1816 bust-length portrait of Iwai Hanshirō V [岩井半四郎] as Sukeroku (published by Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎]) shares a similar composition and dramatic pose. While Matsumoto Kōshirō V’s portrayal (Kunisada, 1822) emphasizes power and masculinity through the peony motif, Iwai Hanshirō V’s 1816 version (Toyokuni I) reflects grace and refinement, featuring a kimono adorned with irises (菖蒲, shōbu)—a flower symbolizing purity and elegance. Additionally, the word shōbu (iris) is a homophone for 尚武, meaning "martial spirit", subtly reinforcing Sukeroku’s strength beneath his stylish exterior. These contrasts highlight the differences in kabuki acting styles—with Kōshirō V specializing in strong, heroic roles and Hanshirō V excelling in onnagata (female-role) performances. -
NEWArtist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi (歌川国芳) (1797–1861) Signed: 一勇斎 (Ichiyūsai) in a yellow cartouche, 國芳画 (Kuniyoshi ga) in a red cartouche Publisher: 未詳 (Yama-Ta), seal [板元, 太] – Hanmoto, Ta; Marks 19-044 | U421b Censor Seal: Aratame + Ansei 3 (3rd lunar month, 1856) Block Carver: 彫竹 (Hori Take), identified as Yokokawa Takejirō (横川竹二郎) (fl. 1845–1863) Media: Rigid fan print (Aiban Yoko-e Uchiwa-e, 合判横絵 団扇絵), 227 × 286 mm Half-length portrait of a high-ranking courtesan (oiran, 花魁) seated in a three-quarter view, holding a porcelain sake cup decorated with a blue mon of stylized oak leaves (kashiwa, 柏). She gazes downward at a partially unrolled letter resting on her lap. Her elaborate hairstyle, adorned with multiple kogai (ornamental hairpins) featuring golden floral motifs, signifies her elevated status within her profession. Her layered kimono displays a combination of red, blue, and black geometric patterns, emphasizing the luxurious textiles associated with courtesans of her rank. The stylized oak leaves on the sake cup may allude to the family mon of Onoe family of kabuki actors, evoking the overlap between theatre and the pleasure quarters. The background portrays a night scene in the Yoshiwara Pleasure District (吉原), where figures move beneath lantern-lit buildings, showing the vibrant nightlife of Edo.
NEWArtist: Utagawa Toyokuni II [歌川豊国二代] a.k.a. Toyoshige [豊重] (Japanese, (1777 – 1835) Signed: 豊国狂筆 (Toyokuni kyō-hitsu, "mad brush of Toyokuni") Publisher: Maru-Jū (丸重), seal Jū (重), Marks reference 08-079 | U190a (1826–1829, only on fan prints) Censor Seal: Kiwame + Bunsei 12 (Year of the Ox [丑], 1829) Media: Uchiwa-e (fan print), color woodblock print, 230 × 293 mm
A fantastical kabuki-themed scene depicting three anthropomorphic bats, dressed in Edo-period costumes. The central figure, likely Ichikawa Danjūrō VII (市川團十郎七, 1791–1859), is distinguished by his costume featuring a gourd motif (瓢箪, hyōtan)—a symbol closely linked to the Ichikawa family. He wears two swords, further identifying him as a kabuki hero, and carries a sake flask marked with what appears to be the publisher's emblem. His raised arm (or wing?) suggests a dramatic action, possibly striking or threatening the bat figure on the left, who recoils in response.
The two side bats, also dressed in patterned kimono, display expressions contrasting with the central figure—one appearing startled, while the other remains cheerful. The oxidized lead-orange pigment used in the lower portions of their wings suggests depth and texture.
This print reflects Danjūrō VII’s association with both the bat (蝙蝠, kōmori) and the double gourd. Bats were considered lucky symbols due to their resemblance to the character of "good fortune" (福, fuku), and Danjūrō VII often incorporated bat motifs into his stage costumes. The Ichikawa family's crest, the mimasu (三升, "three squares"), was more commonly used, but the double gourd and bat imagery appeared in promotional materials, reinforcing his theatrical identity. -
NEWArtist: Attributed to Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎) (1760–1849) – unsigned. Publisher: Unknown, seal Hei (平); Marks 05-004 | U377a (1848) Censor Seal: Double nanushi Hama (濱) & Kunigasa (衣笠) Date: Kōka 4–5 / Kaei 1 (1847–1848) Media: Rigid fan print (Aiban Yoko-e Uchiwa-e, 合判横絵 団扇絵), 239 × 301 mm The legendary elderly couple Jō and Uba (尉と姥), spirits of the paired pines of Takasago (高砂) and Sumiyoshi (住吉), are known as the Aioi-no-Matsu (相生の松). They symbolize marital harmony, longevity, and the enduring bond of love. The Takasago legend is one of the oldest in Japanese mythology, famously portrayed in the Noh play Takasago no Uta (高砂の歌).
Aioi-no-Matsu – The Paired Pines of Takasago and Sumiyoshi
The Aioi-no-Matsu refers to two pine trees growing separately but intertwined at the roots, representing an unbreakable union.- The Takasago pine (高砂の松) grows in Harima Province, while the Sumiyoshi pine (住吉の松) stands in Settsu Province.
- Though physically distant, these trees are spiritually connected, like Jō and Uba, the aged couple who embody their spirits.
- The phrase "The wind that blows through Takasago reaches Sumiyoshi" symbolizes the continuity of love and harmony across time and space.
Aioi-no-Matsu in the Noh Play Takasago
The Noh play Takasago, attributed to Zeami, popularized this imagery.- Jō and Uba appear as an elderly couple raking pine needles, revealing themselves as the spirits of the Aioi-no-Matsu.
- The play conveys the theme of eternal harmony between husband and wife, making Aioi-no-Matsu a symbol of auspicious blessings for weddings and longevity celebrations.
Symbolism in the Print
This print incorporates traditional symbols of longevity and prosperity:- A minogame (蓑亀, "straw-cloaked turtle"), representing immortality, rests near the shore.
- A crane (鶴, tsuru), a symbol of marital fidelity.
- The rising sun over the ocean represents renewal and hope for the coming year.
- Jō and Uba’s presence under the Aioi-no-Matsu (Paired Pines) evokes the traditional New Year’s wish for long life and unity.
- The minogame and crane further reinforce New Year’s themes of prosperity and fortune.
Comparison to MFA Boston Prints
This print shares strong visual and thematic connections with two works attributed to Hokusai in the MFA Boston collection:- Accession No. 21.10269 – "Jō and Uba, the Spirits of the Pine Trees of Takasago and Sumiyoshi"
- Depicts the couple sweeping pine needles, reinforcing themes of domestic harmony and renewal.
- Includes a minogame and a flying crane, similar to this print.
- Accession No. 21.7869 – Another version of "Jō and Uba"
- Shows Jō and Uba standing, gazing at the sea, in a more expansive composition.
- Features a large pine tree, crashing waves, and a red sun, mirroring the background elements in this print.
MFA-B № 21.10269
MFA-B № 21.7869