• Title page: ЛОНГ | ДАФНИС И ХЛОЯ | Вступительная статья, | перевод и комментарии | С. П. Кондратьева | ACADEMIA | 1935 || Opposite title: АНТИЧНАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | под общей редакцией | Д. А. Горбова, В. О. Нилендера | и П. Ф. Преображенского | ЛОНГ | (III—IV век н. э.) | ACADEMIA | Москва—Ленинград || Title verso: ΛΌΓΓΟΥ | Ποιμενικών των κατά Δάφνιν και Χλόην | Λόγοι τέτταρες | LONGI | Pastoralium de Daphnide et Chloë | libri quattuor | Рисунки, заставки, концовки, переплет и супер-обложка В. Г. Бехтеева || Pagination: [i-vi] vii-xx [2], [1, 2] 3-196 [2], 220 pages total, plus frontispiece in colour extra to collation; and 13 b/w plates within collation, headpieces after Бехтеев, Владимир Георгиевич (Russian, 1878 – 1971). Collation: i8 ii3, 1-128 133 = 110 leaves plus 1 plate. Binding: 17.5 x 13 cm, grey cloth, vignette to front board, lettering to spine, pictorial dust-jacket. Print run: 5,300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: В. В. Крылов, Е. В. Кичатова (2004): № 744, p. 265. Contributors: Longus [Лонг, Λόγγος] (Greek, 2nd century AD) – author. Кондратьев, Сергей Петрович (Russian, 1872 – 1964) – translator. Бехтеев, Владимир Георгиевич (Russian, 1878 – 1971) – artist. Other titles: Daphnis and Chloe (en), Daphnis et Chloé (fr), Daphnis und Chloe (de), Dafnis y Cloe (es),  Gli amori pastorali di Dafni e Cloe (it).    
  • Title (historiated border, three-compartment): CAMEO CLASSICS | {rule} | CANDIDE | BY | Voltaire | WITH ILLUSTRATIONS | BY | Mahlon Blaine | {rule} | GROSSET AND DUNLAP | NEW YORK || Pagination: [1-6] 7-144, total 144 pages; frontispiece plus 4 plates within collation, head- and tailpieces – reproductions of Mahlon Blaine’s pen drawings. Binding: 21 x 14 cm, cream cloth with the cameo of Johann Gutenberg to front cover, gilt lettering to front cover and spine, in acetate dust jacket, in a pictorial slipcase. Arouet, François-Marie [Voltaire] (French, 1694 – 1778)– author. Woolf, Herman Irwell [Chambers, Dorset] (British, 1890 – 1958) – translator. Blaine, Mahlon [Hudson, G. Christopher] (American, 1894 – 1969) – illustrator. Grosset and Dunlap (NY) – publisher. J. J. Little & Ives Company (NY) – printer. Cameo Classics series was published by Grosset & Dunlap (New York) in 1935 – 1948 as a cheap reprint of illustrated classic editions, in this case – of Williams, Belasco and Meyers publication of Candide in 1930 (see LIB-2792.2021). The Cameo Classics books had a clear, acetate dust jacket and were boxed in a buckram alligator skin patterned slipcase with an illustrated cover. The price per volume started at 69 cents and was gradually lowered to 59 and 50 cents per volume by the late 1930s. Candide was translated into English quite a few times, starting from Tobias George Smollett (British-Scottish, 1721 – 1771) and up to today's translators. For some reason, the translator's name is almost never indicated. This translation, published by Williams, Belasco and Meyers in 1930 and reprinted by Grosset and Dunlap in c. 1935, was performed by Herman Irwell Woolf under the pseudonym of Dorset Chambers and first published in London by F.B. Neumayer in 1919. This edition was mentioned in the letter from Joseph Conrad to his son Borys in 1922, May 10.
  • Convolute with three editions, dedicated to the Commune of Paris, 1871. (1) LES | Publications de la Rue | pendant | LE SIEGE ET LA COMMUNE | SATIRES — CANARDS — COMPLAINTES — CHANSONS | PLACARDS ET PAMPHLETS | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | PITTORESQUE ET ANECDOTIQUE | Par Firmin MAILLARD |{publisher’s device}| PARIS | AUGUSTE AUBRY, ÉDITEUR | 18, RUE SÉGUIER, 18 | 1874 || Pagination: ffl, original pictorial wrapper, [2] – blank / advert., [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – h.t. / colophon imprim. PILLET FILS AINÉ, frontis. similar to front wrapper without '1874', [2] – t.p. / blank, [v] vi-xii, [1] 2-198, three blank leaves, back wrapper. (2) VILLE DE SAINT-DENIS | EXPOSITION D'ART & D'HISTOIRE | La Commune de Paris |18 Mars 1871 28 Mai | AVANT-PROPOS DE Lucien DESCAVES | de l’Académie Goncourt | PREFACE DE Jacques DORIOT | Député de la Seine, Maire de Saint-Denis | Du 17 Mars au 26 Mai 1935 | au Musée Municipal | 4, place de la Légion d’Honneur – Saint-Denis || Pagination: original pictorial wrapper in black and red, frontis., [2] - t.p. / blank, [2] – commité, v-xiii [xiv] 1-113 [114], 26 plates (13 leaves), blank back wrapper, spine tipped-in. (3) J. LEMONNYER | LES | JOURNAUX DE PARIS | PENDANT | LA COMMUNE | REVUE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE COMPLETE | DE LA PRESSE PARISIENNE | du 19 Mars au 27 Mai | AVEC |{7 lines of text}| ET | UNE TABLE ALPHABÉTIQUE | DONNANT LE PRIX-COURANT DE CHAQUE COLLECTION | PARIS : J. LEMONNYER, Librarire | 73, Rue de Provence, 73 || Pagination: [2] - t.p. / blank, [2] – preface, [7] 8-94, green back wrapper w/advert., bfl. (lacks original front wrapper). Binding: Modern (20th century) red cloth, black label with gilt lettering to spine, matching marbled endpapers. Size: 18.5 x 13 cm; 12mo.
  • Title: Some English Books | with Coloured Plates | Their Points Collations & Values | Art Sport Caricature | Topography & Travel | First half of the Nineteenth Century | by R. V. Tooley | […] | LONDON | INGPEN & GRANT | 1935 || Pagination: [i-vi] vii-viii, [1] 2-288, Collation: 8vo, π3 A-S8. Size: 26.3 x 20.3 cm Binding: Hardcover, brown polished cloth, bevelled boards, gilt lettering to spine, TMG, other untrimmed.